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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  March 27, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> that does it for us, we do find out where the israelis are, sending the delegation. prime minister decided to do a 180 on negotiating day so we will have that today. >> president biden: turning the tables on the biden administration very quick there without one. i'm off for the rest of the afternoon soon it's been great being with you. >> gillian: thank you so much. here is martha. >> martha: thank you very much without it, i martha maccallum and this is the story. right now the search continues at the key bridge in baltimore.
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officials now say they believe the six construction workers lost did not survive. the ntsb is now analysing the ships data recorded trying to figure out what happened that caused this crash, national gross water to grow for jenkins rewarding live near the boat collapsing, hello brett. >> hello martha, we are getting a closer look for the patapsco river, and you can really begin to take it in. all will get out of the way and let the viewer see the magnitude of the wreckage. rbc the dolly with nearly 5000 containers sitting there in the water. we have been watching a martha all day long as divers have gone in and out of this frigid temperature trying to recover the bodies of those workers to bring closure to these families. and it is just rest taking to get this close to see the wreckage, not only to rebuild the bridge but also to simply remove the debris, the massive wreckage that we have here.
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i do want to play a soundbite here, i found it very informative, when the vice admiral was talking to the white house briefing about of the hazard is containers that are on of this trip that you're looking at. listen here... >> we have a very specialized hazmat team on board called the atlantic strike team, we have three of those around the country and we of air monitoring there to detect of there is anything coming off of those containers. the majority of those containers are closer to the pilothouse and they are completely unaffected by the damage to the ship. we have not determined officially any kind release at this time. >> with that in mind martha," it's a look here. you can see the front of the ship that is where such a large steel span of the bridge has collapsed at the front. the hazardous containers about 56 i believe of them, none in the front. back to the pilothouse, if you go to the rear of this trip up
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topic and see the blue structure that is going to be the back of the ship and the pilothouse and the other controls there in the middle. that is an interesting bit of information to get here. one of the things that we are hoping to learn more, and we hope to anticipate ntsb will deal a briefing to this afternoon or this evening, what is on that data recorded, what will it tell us about the power loss because we have all watched this video. we know that it at 7:00 am this ship collided with one of the main pillars -- 1:27 am. a few minutes before we saw the lights flicker on and off, maybe we will learn more about what caused a power outage and how it affected the outcome you see behind us. >> martha: all right chris, thank you very much. preparations are underway here in new york new york to honour fallen nypd officer jonathan deller, his fellow officers paying their respects last night in this tragic scene,
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very moving, zumper moment for all of them as it played out last night here in new york city be! officer diller was shot and killed during a traffic stop of this week, here is a picture of the officer. the person who is a suspect in this case, this is a story we say, he has at lengthy rap seat raising questions why he was even out on the street. diller was that 31 years old, he left behind his wife, is 1-year-old son ryan, crime obviously impacting all walks of life in the city, to this woman who said she was just walking down the street when this happened. >> i was little you just walking and a man would -- came up and pushed me in the face. >> martha: incredible. people on the subway waiting for the train, one commuter was shoved to his death by a man on the platform. the suspect's family no surprise here, they say they told new
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york times it has a history of mental health issues. here's new york city mayor eric adams. >> when you're dealing with mental health, severe mental health crises or if you want to produce pironkova no behaviour, we have now reached a point where there are those that are so involved in by that is they can keep doing their actions, the uniform no longer means anything. their guys no longer fear the police. >> martha: sorry state of affairs, rate? was anna scotto is here, use was to bring in brian yanez,. >> hello martha, the brooklyn da office tell me the 24th old was charged with murder for randomly shoving a man in front of a moving train on monday was arrested in october for allegedly trying to hit somebody with a walking cane but he was released without bail. carlton mcpherson was rearrested in january, but was released
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again on just a $2000 bail. mcpherson's brother reportedly says the family tried to keep mcpherson hospitalized for his mental illness and off the streets but the city failed him. 41-year-old lindy jones, one of two suspects in the killing of nypd officer jonathan diller was charged today with criminal possession of a weapon. he was arrested for the same charge last april but was out of free on bail. jones reportedly has 14 prior arrests including attempted murder. the alleged shooter, guy rivero reportedly has 21 fire arete -- prior arrests. new york spill reform law has allowed judges to be far too lenient with criminals. >> it's a bigger picture because it's bail reform. it's letting the prisoners opened! the revolving door of the eighties is back. we have lost support for the men and women of law enforcement and we lost support when it comes to the tools that used to be in the toolbox. they are no longer there for us.
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>> yesterday in a subway system and nypd officer was randomly punched in the face by a woman who just jumped that turnstile, the nypd says. the mayor said of the city is improving, jobs are up and cramp -- crime is generally down. >> i can only do what is in my span of control, educate the public, continue to visit and engage in conversations, speak with city council members. speak with my district atto attorneys. >> we are told president trump will appear at officer diller's awake tomorrow, martha? >> martha: brian, thank you. moving in with rosanna scotto, covering city crime, she is the anchor of "good day new york" and a host of the "sanctuary travel mike where she reasoning set for exclusive interview with mayor eric adams, great to have you with us. >> thank you. >> thank you for joining is. when you hear the mayor who just recent -- into butte recently,
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he does not do a lot of sitdown interviews which one with you was extensive and excellent. you hear him say that the city is getting better, more jobs, less crime, what goes through your mind? >> i think they are trying to reclassify the crime. the mayor will say it is not a crime, it is at risk of it as i'm, it is the roof -- repeat offenders. no matter how you slice it is crime. people are getting attacked? today it is ironic, the nta voted for congestive pricing gimmick and gesture prices as they are going to charge new yorkers are people who live right across the bridge to come into new york city, $15, these are people that may be afraid to take the subway. and for a good reason, right? they are afraid to take the subway. there is lashings going on, random pushing is going on. yet they approved congestive pricing into new york city today. >> martha: forget it. we all know how many stores are
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boarded up, how many great institutions and restaurants are no longer in new york city. this will be another way to swayed people from coming into the city. i will imagine it will leave more space for the people, a lot of them are mentally ill on the streets, the mayor said he will pull them off the streets. we asked them for the update on those numbers, somewhere around a hundred or so have been pulled off the street. >> they may have been pulled off the street but they are back on its within 42 hours. >> martha: the thing about the numbers, it's the same people committing the same crimes over and over but who cares? the crime is still going up. >> a friend of mine works at a psychiatric hospital, she said they keep them there for usually 36 hours and on the way out they give them a metro card. that is where they go. my daughter uses the subway all the time. what we consider "normal" anna "known eventful day" is abnormal. varsity next to people that are mentally challenged and defecating in a seat next to
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you, fighting, asking for money, you are on guard when you're on the subway new york city. >> martha: people, meeting on the bus not because it is they feel safer than the subway, they have to leave an hour and a half to get to work when the usually could get the subway or just 20 minutes. let's watch this tiktok video, this is stunning. he said he talked to your daughter, i talked to my kids by watch this example of something happening here... >> it you guys, i was literally just walking and a man just came up and punched me in the face. oh, my god. it hurts so bad. i can even talk. literally i fell to the ground. >> i have fallen victim to the man in new york city, trying to punch innocent girls. >> a martha, it takes your breath away. they are targeting young women who are engaged with their phone. they're not paying attention to their surroundings. and they are giving them a big punch. some of them are being knocked
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to the ground. one woman was knocked unconscious. >> martha: maybe this is funny? >> i don't know what they think it is, we are dealing with a lot of gangs. some of those gangs came in from the border. we have -- >> martha: venezuelan gains shoplifting, grabbing people's legs, the wrapped a lady around a parking metre. it's not these young woman's fault that they're on their phone but they have to be aware because people are looking to take them out. the gang situation i think sometimes they get challenged can go punch, how many girls can you go punch today? >> in this is not the new york city that we were under may of bloomberg or, we are in a different time. you have to be on guard all the time. >> martha: and you have to get all the folks on board to make these changes which they are very reluctant to do. as you all know. rosanna, thank you. pleasure to have you with us, good to see you. nbc's decision to cave to the place of their talent and
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silence a conservative voice from reaching their audience, we have a great line up here to talk to about this, coming up next. >> we also said of the election denies, it's not just that they can do that on our airways, by they can do one of us, the badge carrying employees. nbc news. hit contributors to our sacred airways ow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa. i'm aline and i live in castle valley, california. my husband, barney, and i have been married for 32 years. i think the most important thing in life is to stay healthy. i noticed i was having some memory losses.
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>> martha: after an on air meltdown over at nbc from chuck todd, jim sacchi and others, ronna mcdaniel is out as a network contributor. nbc's because apologizing to anybody he led down for hiring the former chair, he said they remain committed to having to diverse viewpoints, which is obviously broadening the
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question here. here's some of the on-air celebration, relief, what everyone a call it, last night. >> when sony does the right thing, i feel it should be acknowledged as publicly as a knowledge of her outraged. it's not about -- >> hiring a republican. >> hiring some of that has traumatized, it was the specific case he won she aided and abetted in the biggest attack to destroy it and mike in democracies and is the civil war. >> of a company listen to us, to you and did what was right. >> martha: oh boy. let's bring into the host of it media buys, fox news contributor, and radio host john my great. great to have all of you with as. you can hear the happiness, you played nicole wallace out on a break. she was very emotional, she said we almost had an election denier carrying a badge here at what is sacred airways? what is going on here? >> we now know who is in charge at ms -- and bc. it is the msnbc host who felt
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free to trash their bosses on the air and wound up getting this apology you mentioned from an mike and bc. he made a spectacular miscalculation in hiring ronna mcdaniel because she did play a role in trying to help donald trump overturned the election. but at the same time, and he now says he wants to have a more cohesive translation, everybody has to get in line with portraying donald trump as a threat to democracy. there's a couple of different kinds of on-air players at ms and busy, democrats and republicans or former republicans were fiercely anti- trump b3 that may go to you on this, they said no newsroom can succeed unless it is cohesive and aligned. they do have some republican contributors there. but apparently she was not in line with how they want those people to sound. >> i am a former manager see
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employer and i'm a friend of ronna, and i know how tricky contracts are. i think she was dealt with a very bad set of circumstances but they did do very bad. she's a fine republican, she's not an election denier, she has never denied the election. she was up and down, msnbc will not find one pro donald trump voice, or any pro donald trump analyst, no pro trump anywhere and anywhere in context and an nbc anymore. and it will stay that way. thing brian roberts cast to be asking god to really want to sell -- tell half of the country we don't want their business? >> martha: here, exactly. that is exactly right. they are telling half the country that they made their voices are not allowed at this table and i agree with what you said about ronna there. here is her interview on meet the press which i think could have been interpreted as sort of part of this vetting and welcoming her voice to nbc,
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watch this... >> on november 17th, you and donald trump were recorded pushing, to republican michigan officials, election officials, not to certify the results of the election. and on the call you were recorded sing "if you can go home tonight, do not sign it. we will get you attorneys ". do you have regrets about that phone call? >> i'm so glad he asked me because it never had a chance to respond to this. if you know the course of what happened that night, these two individuals went into a hearing, they voted no, they did not vote to not certify this. we want an audit. >> martha: which she felt was there right at that point in the process. that is her take on a. joel, heidi see it? be one i see it as that was the first and last interview that ronna mcdaniel did as an nbc employee. isn't that a remarkable what happened in the last 96 hours. overall this brings longer-term it damage to their division. this was once the home of,
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chancellor, tim russell, long way away from that credibility. as it stands now, why should nbc a lot of conservatives are asking, host another major debate anytime soon after seemingly every host as he played, wants to death on one claiming on a mcdonald according to rachel, part of an ongoing project to get rid of our system of government? this is ernie's were talking about, not some far right extremist. why would any republican who supports the gop nominee appear on meet the press for example? if this is the kind of unhinged view they have on any republican who is anti- trump, opening routes for democrats to when, how could anybody outside of st-onge are liberals ever trust a news division like this? let's put it this way in contrast, both brett and do you, for example,, host many town halls and have conducted many interviews featuring democrats. they know that they will get tough about affair germane questions. your credibility is why they
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keep coming back. what republican could say that about anybody at nbc news especially msnbc news? especially after this performance arc was over the last few days on their cable networks calling out of their own bosses? >> martha: as usual, i agree with everything you said. [ laughter ] thank you. you know, how we, i want to take you back. that has been plenty of untruth that has been spoken at nbc they did not seem to ruffle anybody's fathers at the time or even after they were proven wrong. let's take a look at some of these -- feathers. >> president right now has been a president of the russians? >> yes, i think there's more evidence. >> we were also starting to see what may be signs of continuing influence in our country. not just during the campaign but during the administration, signs of what could be a continuing operation. >> i would not be surprised if this week on friday, not knowing anything about it but fridays
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the date the grand jury indictment is coming down. >> martha: a lot going on in there with the russian collusion story. >> or russia, russia, russia. never really held accountable. i have to think what packet whatever mcdaniels baggage is, without -- whatever the harm would be for her to express pro trump views gimmick why does msnbc protect its audience? remember this is a network that boasts about not taking the many trump speeches on caucus night, courthouse appearances, because he is only going to start lying. and the advanced republican nominee, all day long, trump gets a few minutes of airtime and one of his supporters who they were going to pay $600,000 to over two years, obviously she wants to collect that money, gone in just 55 days after she was hired. that is not journalism. >> martha: final thought from hugh hewitt, remember nights of watching election coverage,
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looking at what was going on across networks. if trump were to win, look sick and we really close election in 2024, i can imagine once again there will be very shocked faces across the board. to which i would only say, maybe if he had some people on there we talked about what is actually going on in the country and the 5050 split and what they are saying and talking about, you might not be so caught on your heels on this reality? >> i don't know who will be informed of what normal people are saying because ronna mcdaniel, as formal as it comes. she's been an edge over seven years, represents a republican party. nbc is not the viewership. period. >> martha: yes. it is so important to give people an opportunity to listen to a lot of different voices, especially in this time when there is so much division in the country. we have to understand each
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other, and we tried to do that. spee thank very much, great to see you as always. thank you gentleman. >> thank you. >> martha: still ahead, jesse watters joins us and robert sean diddy combs declares his innocence as the investigation into alleged sex trafficking at his properties heats up. behavior diddy
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usher home be home.
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>> martha: we are getting a look inside sean diddy homes --
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sean diddy combs home in la, look at this mess after the feds rated it. this is a video obtained by tmz, the also searched his home in miami. pernal as part of a sex trafficking investigation, tmz also reporting that at this photo shows combs with fellow agents at the miami airport on monday,'s lawyer accusing the feds of an excessive show of force and a witch hunt. he said combs was not detained, did cooperate and will keep fighting to clear his name. international corresponded william a responding life for us in los angeles. >> market when you see the allegations contained in this civil lawsuit, you would see why a prosecutor was sought and a judge approved the surgeon warns of diddy's homes in la and miami, and home end secured he was a giver evidence, photos, videos, that could substantiate charges of sex trafficking, sexual abuse of a minor, taping people without consent, and
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forcing people to have sex as a condition of employment. >> i think clearly the feds have taken notice of the kind of raft of lawsuits that have been filed. they have used it as a roadmap. >> combs' lawyer called the rate at an unprecedented ambush, with an advanced cord and aided media presence leading to a premature rush to judgement of mr. combs and is nothing more than a witchhunt based on meritless accusations made in the civil suits. four woman and one man music producer robbie jones have accused combs of sexual assault. jones also claims mr. combs had hidden cameras in every room of his home? has recordings of celebrities, artists, music's -- music execs and athletes engaging in illegal activity. these individuals were recorded without their knowledge or consent, giving it combs possession of comprising footage of every person who ever attended his parties.
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>> is being framed like the mona lisa, he also could be obsolete guilty. >> also named in the suit, brandon policyamended these documents and described as combs personal drug meal. monday, police arrested and later released paul for cocaine possession at the same airport where tmz found combs as you mentioned, before he is believed to have delayed a trip to the caribbean with his daughters. the u.s. attorney in new york is repeatedly -- reportedly spearheading the case, combs set on instagram that he is innocent of "the awful things being alleged". martha? >> martha: brandon paul 25 years old, i believe they went to -- a. >> yes. >> martha: coming out of breaking bad. we will see where it goes, as you point out. thank you very much u with that we will bring our criminal defense attorney, bryant, good to have you with us. these are always a very serious accusations that have been made. in this sooqmac -- soot.
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the question is, did they find what they're looking for and it was of the kind of rate that you saw which is very extensive and destructive in the home, was it merited do you think? >> hello martha, great to see you again. this is crazy, and was breaking news in la all day yesterday. a couple of feelings i have about it. a look like it was a little excessive in terms of the use of force going in to diddy's holmby hills home, handcuffing his kids in the yard. i don't think that was necessary. ransacking his house as he showed. i don't think that was necessary. look at the end of the day, i worked on a lot of sexual abuse cases, and usually martha, its he said she said unless you have some corroborating evidence. what i mean by that? william mann should have. is there any videos, pictures, any for example airline ticket vouchers or receipts for
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transporting somebody from one state to another or one country to another because one of the alleged victims is from canada. this is what investigators need to get, and they also need to possibly get, for example,, the arrested one of the -- one of combs' workers, that could lead to attention-getting some information from that worker, prompting a plea deal and testifying against combs. what these are completed cases, you will not walk into a home and find a gun and say oh, this is the gun that was used in the murder. it's not that simple. >> martha: a way interesting to see what comes out in terms of why they handcuffed his sons, which i agree look like an unusual situation. unless they resisted entrance to the house, or they would not cooperate. i don't know. i'm sure that is a part of the story we will learn it, have you heard anything about whether they were cooperative or had to be handcuffed? >> i did learn that the reason
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why federal authorities used to so much force put on notice that combs had armed guards at his house. that is why they showed up with the amount of four is that they did. >> martha: one more quick question, this brandon paul then went to diversity to play basketball for that apparently, i think you are probably on to something that they see somebody who can possibly flip against combs, right? >> yes. martha, where the feds did is not atypical. they arrested him on a drug charge. they did that on persons they can detain him and then started questioning him about the alleged human sex trafficking. that is really what they will have to do to get something out of another witness. her memory jeffrey epstein, had just lain maxwell. there's usually another player. i think he will be an interesting suspect in this case as well. >> martha: it looks like there is a lot of analogous activity
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in the epstein case but too early to say whether or not they have anything solid on these charges. brine, thank you very much. great to see you. >> thank you martha. >> martha: turning to hunter biden now is out of the los angeles court has where they will attempt to toss federal tax charges against the president's son who is accused of dodging 1.4 million in taxes while spinning a lot of money on other things. -- spending. >> like every single person i have ever known, i have fallen and i have got no. i have done things in my life that i regret. every single one of those things has brought me exactly to where i am right now, is probably the best place ever been in my life. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards
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>> martha: new video just in a hunter biden's attorney robbie at the courthouse in los
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angeles, that is abby wall turning a tax charges against the president son, thrown out of court. he called it selective and vindictive prosecution, the feds accused hunter of ff i years scheme spending millions while living the high life, instead of paying on time that 1.4 million in taxes, including almost $100,000 that was spent "on a various woman" and close to 200 grant on "adult entertainment" that is a lot of money. david spike joins us live at the courthouse in los angeles, what's happening there david? >> martha this will all begin in about 20 minutes, and abbe lowell steam and hunter biden's team's goal is to get this entire case thrown out. right now as we speak, hunter biden will go to trial and walk through the front doors of this building begetting june 20th right in the middle of the election. will the judge decides to move this back or throughout all the charges depending on how much
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hunter biden's legal team persuades him. as he mentioned, abbe lowell in the building now, also in the building who will be in the courtroom, david weiss keg demand and charging the president son. it is notable he has not been here for past court appearances but he is today! abbe lowell said that hunter officially moved to california in 2019 and the indictment focuses on years before therefore this case should not be brought here in california by david weiss' special counsel can charge anywhere he wants in the country. he did so in this case because that's right hunter lives now. speaking of david weiss, abbe lowell also questions the legitimacy of his special counsel arguing he caved to republican pressure and public pressure to charge hunter after that infamous plea deal fell apart in a very public way last july. david weiss and his team are moving this full steam ahead with these charges. according to the indictment, the government said instead of paying his taxes, hunter spent his money on woman! clothing, health and beauty products to the tune of hundreds
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of thousands on -- of dollars, also adult and your team to. the president's son also charged with firearms violations and is set to go to trial in early june in delaware. we will keep you posted. >> martha: david spike xp thank. with me now, criminal defense attorney and former federal prosecutor, andrew, great to have you with as. i just want to quote from the motion by abbe lowell, here is what the argument he will make here. mr. biden, one-party stroke -- strike today with the prosecution got to the other party through the diversion agreement as part of that agreement he sacrificed valuable rights in exchange for the prosecution agreement not to prosecute the sort of indictment it has brought here, to say that the court should require that prosecution honor the agreement and dismiss this indictment. this goes back to the "sweetheart deal" we have reported on so much of the time, really would have exonerated him from pretty much anything over a multiyear period. he said that she had to be at
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half -- upheld, equity thing will happen? >> the evidence against hunter biden is overwhelming of his commonality, the question is did david weiss diligently make this case or did he make errors that will sacrifice this case and he had made significant areas. abbe lowell is a force to be reckoned with, and outstanding defense attorney and he has brought a handful of very strong emotions. i think all of them will be ultimately defeated but we have to look at what of the plea agreement complaint is, essentially that hunter biden entered with an agreement with the united states but you did not fail to fulfill his side of the agreement, he fulfilled his contract, so to speak, so you should still get the benefit of that ideal even though there were clauses in there, so to speak. >> martha: we all remembered the federal judge threw it out and says this makes no sense, of never seen anything like this. this sweetheart deal is done. and so does that judge you have that authority and jurisdiction to dissolve that agreement? >> he has authority to dissolve that agreement and that he does not have to -- it she doesn't have to accept that portion of the agreement but there is
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debate in the law as to whether you can essentially take out just that portion of the agreement and leave the rest of it as is. the main complaint was how it would be enforced, whether the judge would have the authority to effectively be the ongoing authority to the -- decided whether that agreement had been violated. that is what they are arguing today. i don't know if that is ultimate going to be successful, i would bet against it. but is also a handful of other motions or being abroad that are all challenging to the idea that david weiss was even illegitimate special prosecutor brought in on this. >> martha: so ironic, we all remember the david weiss story which was those taught what was the blower's claim they brought a case to him as a felonious tax behavior and other behavior that is they said should be prosecuted -- and they claimed he said my hands are tied, i can go forward with this. talk to the guys upstairs. and now david weiss is a person who is trying to you know, find
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it criminal behavior on these tax charges but actually that taxes were paid. what do you make of it? >> also dare electing and prosecuting got to the statures of limitations run on it some of the charges from of the early 2000 teens per! we have issues that, we have them ask you prosecuting in terms of the strength of the overseas activity but never going after joe biden. so all of that is a concern in terms of his legitimacy along and whether he's compromised. i think both sides criticize him. >> martha: big day in court in june, we will see how these motions go with the judge, thank you. always good to have you with us. coming to al qaeda jesse watters on the democratic panic over president biden's third-party threat, next. it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> martha: all right folks, democrats calling [ inaudible ] a conspiracy theories, a spoiler and an obstacle to president biden winning a second term, all of that after kennedy introduced his running mate, nicole shanahan, a movie that could help him get on more state of zeballos, many of them he needs svp on the ticket to get on the ballots. but the head of the democratic committee insisting they are not worried. >> she has written what, four, $5 billion afford to support his efforts through third-party efforts? if you are wanted to be on a vp ticket, when a four or $5 million to go over. in the internet day, we have to understand what this guy is. he's an extremist, he is not in the mainstream of this country sweeter jesse watters is here,
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host of jesse watters prime time and the cohost of the five and the also knew what, get it together, i love the title. i need to say get it together more often. hello jesse. >> jesse: hello martha. >> martha: great to see you. >> jesse: you as all. >> martha: how nervous do you think they are? >> jesse: they are nervous when they because of what he an extremist, it means the democrats are nervous. trumps campaign is also going after rfk, jr. calling him an environmental wacko so now they are calling him an extremist, they are hitting him from both sides. he is more of a threat to the left. if you look at the polling whenever you add his name, it pulls a little bit more from joe than it does from trump. and as a vp take -- vp pick, she has deep pockets, she will sell farms, shall get him on the ballot. should they are terrified so they are throwing a bunch of savage lawyers at of these two and they will probably try to get them kicked off. >> martha: talked a number of times, i have interviewed him as
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all. let's talk about of this swing polling, they still claim that kennedy folks will get on all 50 ballots, admiral how they will do it. the libertarian path back and if they want as it libertarian, apparently labels are talking to them. it'll be interesting to see how this works out. but you can see 7-10 percent back in those as eventual areas won't get him a win, but he said all he has to do is get to 31 percent. a combination of them. >> jesse: he does tell me martha, if it joe biden guess 33, trunk is 33 and he gets 34, he will be president. i don't think that will happen. but if you look at michigan key is that 18 percent. that is a killer shot at joe biden. he is down if you does not win at michigan. a couple of these other battlegrounds, 10 percent, 12 percent. he is not on a lot of these other ballots. they tell me that it they will be on ballots on all 50 states
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and i will believe it when i see it. >> martha: the out fighting so hard against him, coming after him before breaking electoral rules to get on ballots, fundraising, the whole bit. i think we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg about how they will go after him. listening to joe rogan, he had a couple of podcasts i think extensive podcast with joe rogan and he reaches millions and millions of people, watch this. >> we want to know, why couldn't rfk get in the primaries? this is real. of democracy is real. you guys don't just get to decide who runs your party against the will of the entire -- entire united states. >> what they are experts. >> isn't it insane nobody has a problem but if trump gets into office he will become a dictator? >> jesse: is a kicked them out of the democratic party and then they did not give him a secret service protection, now they're trying to neutralize him off of every single ballad as an
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independent. this is politics, it's dirty. they're playing to win and they will do everything they can to make sure it's only a choice joe biden and donald trump. and they don't care what they have to do to destroy rfk junior. >> martha: i think you are right. nicole shanahan, she describes herself as progressive, liberal. he could have picked somebody more in the middle if you could find that person, thing he had some trouble. i am glad to -- hopefully he would be back on the football field in the fall, but she think she helped to fund the -- against the recall effort for gas cars in california. >> jesse: she has a good arm as well, let's not take anything away from a shanahan. >> martha: he said she wanted an athlete. [ laughter ] college softball start. >> jesse: she is a political athlete let's put it that way. she is not your independent minded woman. like rogers or rogan, or jesse
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ventura. i think it is because of the money. and that's it. >> martha: get it together! i think this book is a fun, interesting, you interview to some real characters in this book. >> martha: i think you are fun and interesting to martha. we did interview a lot of characters, two a dozen of the crazies characters we could find. they told me their life stories, it's obsolete whole areas and you understand why people want to topple statures. why they want to legalize drugs. what happened to this people in their childhood that make them want to just project all of their problems onto the rest of society. i'm a very patient man and i listened, for the first time cat get it together. >> martha: we wondered what happened in your childhood, i like the fact that you dedicated to your mom and dad, get it together is a direct quote from your mother and one of my favorite things that you do is share that. >> jesse: she only said that to me a couple of times.
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>> martha: get it together! great to see. congratulations on the book, get it together, awesome story. great tales in there. funny as well you seein he will be right back with more
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(vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. >> martha: thank you for sharing this in the story goes on. we will see back here tomorrow and also the new story of the untold podcast, a great new book that every parent should read, is called "about therapy" now available on foxnews check that out and another couple of big podcasts are dropping this week as a. we will see you back here tomorrow, and "your world with neil cavuto" gets ready to get underway. big day for the dow jones! we will seeback you tomorrow night, have a good one. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> neil: all right, we have a lot of more on that market


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