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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 27, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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better than that. that's good. >> so a georgia cyclist has a creative solution for all the flat tires he's setting. alex bongino calls himself the atlanta magnet man and attached $1,000 worth of magnets to his bikes trailer to gather nail screws and other metal debris as he rides around. he has a huge online presence where residents alert him to parts of the city where he could use his help. he's collected £410 of metal off the streets, even giving some to local scrap metal artists to repurpose. he thinks it's an invention. wow. that's an invention. that is a beautiful, you know, that makes us miss. >> that's how i know. oh, yeah. please. you go, girl.e fine. i had any you go girl idea today. all right. i've got to go. >> have a great nigh in
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t. >> fox news alert. in just a few moments, federal officials will hold a press conference on the cargo ship that destroyecargd the frat scott key bridge in baltimore. we expect them to reveal the contents of the ship's black box, which should telle sp us exactly how this disaster happened. earlier today, divers recoveredr the bodies of two construction workerucs found 25 feet deep in the water, trapped inside of a red pickup truck. >> we're also finding out there are 56 containers full of hazardous materials on the ship. senior national correspondent kevin cork e joins me now. >> kevin, what do we expect? g o >> jesse, we're going to get ane update from the ntsb and any moment now, of course, we'll bring you that as soon as we can. as wn.e, we do knownight tonight that data captured moments beforeth the container ship struck the francis scott key bridge has in fact, thenee secured by the national transportation safety board.
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and it is, in fact, being analyzed by federal labs tonight. >> now, you may know this large ships, jesse, are required by international relations or regulationsre requ that is to carry voyage data recorders. >> you know, similar to what voe would talk about on an aircraft, what we would describe as a black bot, x, what what they're supposed to do is help investigators piece togethersupposed key decisions and actions taken. now, if the equipment works properly, obviously we hope that's the case, that the datawp itself, jesse, can then be verified and it can provide information that sort of serves as a, i guess you'd say, a road ma gp. l it will talk about what the crew was doing leading up to a casualt about wcrewy evente the one that happened overnight tuesday morning. and don't forgetppened, data its captured by recorders can include a numberured by of difo elements. we're talking about the ship's position. ituts speed, its direction, the audio and workstations, di communications, audio, you know, radar, the depth
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of the water r beneath the vessels and so on. it will also tell us whait willt a alarms may or may not have gone off. we'll also learn a lot more about we w the wind speed, evenook. the electronic logbook. now, this is important in this case, this box could provide cod details about conversations between the pilot and the crew members, the ship's movement, and even potentially that mayday signal. you probably heard this, in fact, i know you did yesterdai kny that officials say really helped prevent even offis on the key bridge itself. apparently, that gave police appa a little bit of time t to close the bridge to drivers, although the video i saw certainly looked like there were more vehicles on that bridge than just the sixtruction construction workers that we've been hearing a great deal abou tkeep . >> we'll keep an eye on that a part of the story. and do keep this in mind, jesse, the local pilot, again, a local pilot, was on board haro to guide the ship through the harbor, which is why there,
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frankly, are so many questions tonight about whatwhat happened and why jesse. >> and so we'r.e also learningdi they did find two construction workers trapped in a pickup whuck at the bottom of this bay here. what do we know about that? laat is correco wet. >> we actually heard a report late last night, actually justes about before midnight, that perhaps one person had . en found o now, that initial report was backed off almost immediately. and i can understand why, because there are notifications ard to go out.e but we do understand that today. and we'll likely hear more about wil this in the conversation. jesse, that could be happening any moment from now that, yes, we're talking about at least two individuals that were apparently inside of a pickup truck found some 25 feet below the water. by the way, if you've ever been on tha you'vt waterway and i many ti have been over it many, many times, we're talking about massive this span. west to give you an idea, this
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man is humongous. we're talkin talkig about 700 f, jesse, from the pylon to the shore on either side and a spans in between those two big pylons of about 1300 feet. now, for perspective, a cargo ship is only about 182 feet wide. so you would imagine ifg you were taking the most direct nautical pathway, whicech t is beneath the highest point of the bridge out into open watebackr. the it begs the question, why were you listing, if you will, or or fading to the right by several hundred feet? that will be among the many questions that people will ask. i can also tell you this, this,s cargo vessel, you mentioned it, may have had a number h of hazardous materials on boara . a lot of people see a cargo ship like this, jesse, and they immediately go td theyo cars. they go to autos, autos that are going overseas, autos that are coming back domestically. we see this sort of transpor.t often in waterways like this.
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but when you're talkings mate about potentially hazardous hazardous materialri and you'reu talking about pieces of a bridge in that waterway as at massive amount of work that has to happen before we can even thinwork thapek about not just , but also rebuilding. ifs, we don't have any idea how long that's going to take. and if you add an environmental catastrophe on top of this, i mean, i'm just thinkinig it's -- it's just such an economic disaster for a busy port like this on the east coast. please. kevin, stick around. we're going to be right backpolp with you, possibly after this press conference. now let's bring in former fema coordinato s bring r mark navarro,a litt who joins us now. mark, tell me a little bit bit about the details. we should expect. >> well, we're hoping to findar out a lot of the informatione ht that kevin just talked about. >> but what i'm anxious to see, whato is what how theyw they compare the findings of this blas findingt black box, if you, voice data recorder to what
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they had in june when the same ship had problemmes. is there a is it a recurring problem? and where were they in particular? was it malfunction in terms was l or is theren here something else going on here that we just don't know about? >> so we could have anything fail mechanical failure to human error? are you ruling out sabotagrrore i think based on what we've seen of recent and we can talkan about those recent events if you want, jesse, but i it raises some alarm for me reg with regards to cyber hacking and cyber securityardsin. or and the reason for that is because of what's taken place within the last probably four months. the different events, e last pbly fourthe notificatioe intelligence chiefs from the five countries, the fbfs fi director raising some alarm. we know that the cyber infrastructure, security and the female heads were in long beach harbor, what,monts four months ago talking about port security. so i'm hopin talg that this is l
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mechanical or human error. there isn't somethin g else more sinister. but i think they've got to rule that out in this processbut i tf given what we have seen of recent. >> yeah, we'd like to hearrece some definitive answers about that. >> and we were just speculatin g how long as a fema guy do guy you expect this to take to clean up? >> well, this is going to beto years in terms of recovery and and it's going to be broken in stages. >> you know, the coast guard's got the legap ast guarl authority to really start driving this. and they've certainly the presidennd ct has said theye going to pay for the rebuilding of the bridge. the challenge is going to bef te you've got to get in there and certainly want to take care of the folks who, you knowo takt haven't been able to find yet. that's very, very important in terms of closure fo.anr the family. >> but once they do that, they've got to get underneatt th that water, break all that debris up, whether it's the theel structure from the bridge or the concrete or the containers that are down there. they'vners tt are got to raise e >> they've got to be able to salvage and they have to do
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that without damaging those fish. yeah, i mean, that is a very delicateking ] cargo excavatione of all of this. >> and thank you so much: te ext now. going to get to the ntsb, about what reporthe happened. >> yes. as i mentioned, we arrivedse on scene yesterday at about 6 a.m., but the team came in from across the country throughout the day. it was really a day to get the y our bearings. we set up our family assistance program and also began to develop our investigative plan and request documentse that we need in order to conduct our investigation. today is really the first fold investigative day on scene. we were able to board the vessel. i boarded the vessel around noon alongvessele vess with oure safety team and our highway safetyteam a team. about
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and i can talk about that in just a bit. but i want to take a moment before i discuss our some of the factual information we've been able to identiffacty and speak to the families on behalf of the national transportation safety boar.d. i just want to extendou our deepest, deepestr deep condolences. you are in our thought s the and prayers as the days, months and years ahead go forward. >> certainly, we are focusedsion on you. our entire mission is to save lives and our aim is to prevent this from reoccurring.we and we are so, so very sorry for all that you are going you through. it's unimaginable. >> and truly, we thinkut about you throughout this investigation. >> so as i mentioned yesterday r
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,for those who may not be familiar, the national transportation safety board i is an independent federal agency. we are chargedndependent by cons with investigating every civil aviation accident in theiation a united states and significant events in all mode the unis of transportation. that includes bridge collapses and it includes marines ma accidents and incidentri is our mission is to determine why something happened, how it happened, and to prevent it from reoccurringppened a again,e lives. >> i want to talk a little bit about how we conduct an investigation, but i thinkor fos it's really important for folks to understanderstandd that we wi analyze any of the information we are collecting. we will not provide any sort o of findings, conclusions or any safety recommendation whiletiref on scene. our entire focus on seeing evidc
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is to collect the perishable evidence that's documented in the scene. it's taking photographs, it's taking any sort of electronics or components, whatever goes away. once the scenece the s is clean, we need to collect that information fort co our investigation. when it comes to digging througs h inspections, we ltenance records that can be done when we leave. >> right now, it's focused riedf. scene itsel so to conduct our investigation ,we work with parties to the investigation parties to the investigation, provide us technical information partiet this is factual information that we use as part of our fac t finding. so if we need a bridge inspection data, we would ask,, say, the federal highway we wou sayadministration in or information about coast guardth inspections. we would ask the coast guard.
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so partiese to the investigatios or the united states coast guar tvestigatd, maryland transn authy, the association of maryland pilots. te >> and we've invited grace ocean, private, limited and synergy, marine, private, limited. grace ocean is the owner of the operel and cinergy is the operator of the vessel. again, these parties are partt d of the fact finding. they do not conduct analysis with the ntsb. ththat independentwi way on its own. o and then we dour our own findins ,our own probable causeob and our own safety recommendationable c our tions.e >> now, in order to effectively carry out an investigation, we have experts throughout the ntsb in different areas. and so we break up our investigation into groups. those groups focus on theiigatie
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particular areas of expertise in this safety investigation. >> we have a nautical operations group. this group gathers evidence t the actions taken by the vessel and the procedures for the safe operation of the vessel. >> company oversight, waterway management, safety management and regulatory oversight. that group would and has collected and has asked fory reo information on, say, duty recordrds, licensing, training. they requested the crew list, so we were able to confirmew mee that there were 21 crew members onboard the vessel at the time d of this accidenten. plus two pilots.. that's 21 crew members, plus two pilots for a total of 23 individuals onboard the vessel
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at the time of the accident. >> they also were ablee carg to obtain the cargo manifest. now, the cargoo the ca manifest, we did bring in one of ntsb senior hazmat investigators today to begin to look at thed h cargo in the cargo manifest. >> he was able to identifyners o 56 containers of hazardous materialf s, that 700 and 64 toa of hazardousrd materials, mostlv corrosive, flammablees oils and some miscellaneous hazardous materialellaneous, cls nine hazardous materials, which would include lithiu classm ion batteries, some of the hazmat containers were breached. we have seen sheer on our sheen sorry, sheen on the waterway. the federal, state and local authorities are aware of that and they wil will be in chargese
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of addressing those issues. >> but the ntsb, as part of ouro safety work and our safety investigation and documents, that type of release documentsts ,the damage and documents, the type of materials involved as part of our investigation. >> we also have an engineering group which gathers evidence to document the design and operation of engineering systems, including the vessel propulsion steering and power. the operations and engineering group was able to board the vessel last night and they did a walkthrough of the vessel, including the bridge. and the engine room. they were looking for other electronicey wer components, any sort of downloadable recorders, any y sort of cameras, any sort of cct v. y of they did not find any of those
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things, but that search continues. >> they've also requested document a number of documents, including maintenance and inspection num history, ande as we speak, conducting interviews on board the vessel. those interviews began at 1m ths p.m. this afternoon, and those are with a the crew members cre on board the vessel. >> and then again, i mentioned we did i board again today at 1:00. that was the in pretty much the entire team. >> m plue plus office of highway safety, office of marine safety of membeghwar brown and looked at the damage. we were able to take a look at pier protection. we looked at some of the damagea to the containers and certainly
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the bridge structure. >> now we have a recorders group which is responsible for locating, retrieving and downloading ang,y record or or recorded information that may relate to the accident. we do have the voyage data t recorderhe. they worked on that all day to validate that information. s they also have a printout of the alarmntous. that's the the log. they still have to go backto and look at that and validate that information at a later time. in addition at an to that, we are survival factors group interviewed or discussed with the maryland transportation authority police. the timeline of events that occurreelind around the tie of the bridge strike, though, that two sets of information we'rs e together in a timeline that we will release throughal
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our social media channels. but for right no w, i'm going to ask marcel to go through the voyage data recorder information that we have to inare with you as well we have e of the information that we gathered from the policee gath.a thank you, chair. ion from >> information from the italian voyage data recordera, or what we call a vtr, was successfully recovered on the morning of the accident by the u.s. coast guard. >> it was provided to the ntsb upon our arrival. approximatelb y 6 hours of vtr data was provided to the ntsb. the recording included the timem period from midnight to 6 a.m.. by regulation, the video was required a record 30 days of history. >> and the ntsb is continuing to obtain more datrd 30 y a, ths expressed below. timeas recorded by the vtrrecord and convert to local eastern daylight tim cone, all informato is preliminary and subject to finaln is validation.
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the vtr is comprised of audio from the ship's bridge, as well as recordings from the ship's vhf or very high frequency radios. quality the quality of that audio varies wildly because of the high levels of background noise and alarms. >> additional analysis will be performed at the ntsb la. blter o to filter out the audio and improve its qualitut improyt like the vtr recorded. limited sensor data. an example of that data recorded includes the ship speed as your rpm ships headingp and rotor angle, as well as some alarm information.e ntsb engineers are working to identify and validate all of that data. >> vtr recorded the ship'sth departurat date from sea girt mi terminal at approximately 1230na nine. it recorded the ship's transit outbound in the fort mchenry channel in the striking of thesg
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french scott key bridge. by 107, the ship had enteredd be the channel, and by 124 the ship was underway on a true heading of approximately 141 in the fort mchenry channel at a speed of overground of approximately eight knots or 9.2 miles per hour at zero one, 24 and 59 seconds. numerous numerou audible alarmse recorded on the ship's audio bridge. >> audiowere recorded about th, vtr sensor data ceased recording, the vtr audio continuethe d to record usingndn the redundant power source at around zero 126 and 2 seconds, vtr resumed recording sensor data and during this time the roster of commandsg com and rudder orders recorded on the audioan at around zero one, 26 and 39 seconds,
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the ship's pilot made a general vhf radio call for tugs in the vicinity to assist a call to sign the pilot association dispatcherabout phoned the mdty officer regarding the blackoutau around zero 127 in 4 seconds. the pilot or the to drop the port anchor an additionalro ordereppedd additional steering commands around 127 and 25pilo seconds. >> the pilot issued a radio call over the vht issuedf radio reporting that the dolly had lost all power and wasaround t approaching the bridge around this time. >> and mdt data shows the following also occurred their duty officer radioed to their units that were already on scene due to constructiorn on the bridge, one on each side of thbre bridge and ordered them to close traffic on the bridge.
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>> all all lanes were shut down by mta around zero 129. the ship speed overground was recorded at just 1:29 th under seven nights or eight miles pere hour from this moment until approximately 129 and 33 seconds. the vtr audio recorded sounds consistent with the collision of the bridge. ra >> additionally, around this time, mta dash cameras show the bridge lights extinguishing additional analysis of the vtr audio and comparison with other timesis ofs will be neededneeded to determine the exact time of contact betweeno the dolly and the bridge. that's at 129 and 39 seconds,ons the pilot reported the bridge down over the vhf radio to thed. coast guard. th the ntsb will later convene a group of technical experts to review the entire video recording and develop a detailed transcript of the dialog and events in the event
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alarms as recorded a few areas a of that. i just want to clarify the data wem coasteceived fro guard, which was they were able to obtain on the bridgeo ob by downloading the informationta stom the vtr from midnight to 6 a.m.. that's a standard time frameand they provide that immediately wee timen see that tim frame around when the accident or incident occurred. knowing that we can go bac k and get the rest, that there0 dt should be 30 days there. t so this is the immediatehi information that thes istey giv, but it's not i don't want anyone to think anyone or anything was being held back. that's very standard information. coast i do want to thank the coast guard for that, because that was pretty immediatfor thee was done right away. and then they provided us with a thumb drive that we were able to evaluate back at our lab
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headquarters. and i'm sure you will you have questions on that. t to >> i do want to also say i've i've seen a lot of comparison between the vtr and cvr and fdr or black boxes on commercial airliners. >> this is really a basicthis i system. and fdr would give you a thousand parameters. that'sand woul not this. vtr is basic. it is a snapshot of the major systems on a vessel and we have long wanted more recording more parameters to be recorded on a vtr. i so that's hopefully something that we can provide. and i'm happy to answer more questions about that
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timelinenswe. with but before i do, i want to continue with what our team has done as done.. our survival factors group, their whole role is to examine the response and so they were able to obtain dispatch logs from the maryland transportation authority, the baltimore countyhe fire department, the baltimore city fire department, to begin to putltimore together a timel. and they will be conducting interviews tomorrogw, includingn with a few people in the bridge area. >> now, we also have from. our office of highway safety of bridge structures group. mann >> many know that the bridge was built in 1976. has t ithr has three spans. the main span is 1200 feet. the entire bridge is 9000 90 feet in length. the average annual daily traffic on the bridge is 30,767
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vehicles per day, 30,767 the cles per day. the bridge is fracture critical. it's a fracture criticalis i bridge. what that means is if a a a member fails, that would likely cause a portion of or the entire bridge to collapse. >> there's no redundancy in ther preferred method for building bridges todaefy is that there is redundancy build builtthat i in that's transmitting loads to another member ors sort of structural redundancy. this bridge did not have redundancy. cr there are 17,468 fracture critical bridges in the united states out of 615,000 bridges total. and that comes from the federal highway administration.
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>> this bridge was in satisfactory condition. >> the last fracture fracture, critical inspection was in may 20, 23. we have not been able to goo through that inspection and all the documents that butugh that that occur after we leave the on scene portion. >> but we've also requested criti all fracture criticacal and routine and other underwater inspectionsl, of the bridge over the last decade. >> once we receive that, we will begin to go through all of those documents. >> we've also requested information on peer protection on all mdt. ma that's maryland transportation authority owned bridge s. bridg they have four bridges where weu would have they would have information on pier protection on. d we >> and we are looking at that. a
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our family assistance team continues to do their workss and outreach to the familiesde they provide them with assistance immediately on scene, connecm witht them wio resources that they need. but then we continueurce to work with the families throughout the course of the investigatioen and leading up to the board meeting. and many times u for many years thereafter where many work to get safetyations recommendations implemented to improveente safety. so with that, again, when it comes to analysis of any of the inspection o records of the records that we are requesting, that's going to take place later. right now we are focusedwe on obtaining information, getting the perishable evidence, conducting wil the interviews. so i will take questionsuestioni will call on you. questionand one question at a te
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please provide your name and affiliate action. >> i'm scott peterson from abc news in washington, d.c.. yu question about your work hereanh and the efforts you have to make for the recovery that you're trying to get regarding information, things that are perishable and all the challenges on top of thaes r with the girders, metal in the water, the difficults,n thy. >> so that was the ntsb giving n us a press conference describing that theyts boarded the ship today with all of the interested parties collectede en and processed the evidence and have determine d that about over 700 tons of hazardous materials is now in that water. >> we're talking explosives, flammable lithium batteries. and it's a huge problem. you can even see a sheen on the top of the water. esome those hazardous containers have been pierced some of them are in the water. >> some of them are above water. and that's a hug re aboe environmentalnmen concern in terms of the in tx that they recovered.
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the analysis was almost as what we saw. they depart from the port at about nine miles an hour. immediately alarms start going off. then they lose power. when the power the los back on,h they make a call out through the radio to describe what happene describd. again, we have another little power blip. they come back on. ge they tell the people on the bridge, get everybody off, stop.o mo no more people entering the bridge. that was done. ebut they continue to just bar barrel through into this bridge wainto ts as she said, was veryn vulnerable. >> and they hit it at abouerabl eight miles an hour. and that's what we know. and we're going to continu e a to bring you more bring you more as we learn iearn it.t >> billionaire hip-hop mogul cos sean diddy combs had his miami and la homes turned upside dowin in an alleged trafficking raid conducted by homeland securityau . >> a producers lawsuit accusing
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diddy of being worse tha.lawsuis jeffrey epstein. >> tmz has footage of diddy's l.a.e house after the feds ripped it apart. >> jurors on the floor safe's cracked into documents, rifled through electronic electros, se. >> tmz reporting that agents zeroed in on diddy's hardrd dri drives. >> tonight, did his whereabouts still unknowves.night din? egedd >> his alleged drug mule, a former syracuse basketballru, was arrested at miami airport and he's been accused of acquirerested at and and distributing diddy's drugs and guns. >> but how was this allowed to get so big and so bad. diddy, one of the biggest names in the music business. tht three grammys, a long listf of billboard hits and side venturesard hi making him a billionaire. for two decades, diddy was the democrat's biggest di. k celebrity influencer in 24, diddy spearheaded the voter die movement at the dnc with spreading a simple, urgent message simple,.
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voter die. yes, it's that serious. they used to joks.e around about us, about say we were disenfranchized we were too lazy to voteul on november 3rd. they won't be laughing no more. the youth of america will have. the last laugh. >> and black america listene>> >> people said, vote it down. people voted because punk said voting that voted die. you know, if he affected me, then he must have affected millionsd millio of black, youn, young, black people. i voted for kerry, obviously. i voted kerry.. i'm for john kerry. and john mccain was for john kerry because somebody, know, sampled by john kerry. thi >> back then, diddy was slobbering all over hillary. you're one of the few politicians that young >> onepeople relate. d and we wanted to just hear a message on why you feel it's important for theatm to voe this year. i really think that this year, more than any othe>> i reas r ye people have, their entire future is at stake. believand i believe your slogan
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of our guy is accurate. diddy says young people relate to hillary. >>se: diddhow much did that cos here he isis with barack. >> when you want to be the president of the united states, you call you may call mtv. thank you. your ma call mtv bean-mand i jh i appreciate their effort for doing the kinds of work that he's doing because he doesn'ts of w d have to do to >> and i want to apologize for not sweating. but i but i do not this so much. i'm so cool. i just want to see everybody i'm interviewing is sweating. i'm not even touching my ground. m not evi'm cool.ologiz and i want to apologize. i ain't trying to make you looka baked. i'm like that. but i'm just so cool. and we we we were got a t shirt. i tell you, if he was wearing one of those fancy designer clothes, his designer, he'd be sweating just like me. >>e ofancy dess he'sy went fromw vote or die to obama or die. my name is sarah. no, my name is not the redt yo
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ball. my name is sarah. very dedicated. but you do not believe the polls. the polls? my mother, the rapper obama is leading in the polls by think they need that? the other three. this is what was all we start believing in. and we get to be ready to stan.d around. but let's get it. and then in 2020 did he went on a media tour for biden.trump >>ne white men like trump need to be banished that way of thinking this. it's real dangerous. this man literally threatened the lives of us and our families about going to vote. when you look at it, we don't have no choice. you know, you can say what you want about biden. n, say i can't say i love the pick either. but hey, we got to get himn we in office and then we got to hold him accountable. >>e hol democrats use diddy's charisma, star power and street cred in black community.
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every single election for diddy ,this was a business opportunity. >> he was blessed by the professionality. classized. and commercialized. he was in the back pocket het l and that made him powerful with a free pass. r he was so loved that new york city mayor eric adamor eric s hd him the key to the city of new york. we >> we did it harlem. >> we did it for them. did it the world we did it. >> let's go. the kid in the city. yeah. you're going to be in brooklynio this sunday. i'm not playing with you in new york. i know. it's a long >> still, he didn't just have the key to th>>e city. he had the key to the country.ry he endorsed the democratss politics for them and got soulsa to the polls, as they say. >> but there is more to it than that. he was a political enforcer. bae
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>> i was banished. i was exiled. i was cast. so multiple times.he all of the usual suspects, the handlers, dave chappelle,ha meek, mills, diddy, all thesndea aren't in position of power as celebrities. they got celebr a call and put a leash on him. what are we going to do? we gave him mccall. tell him. tell him we like the t-shirt. tell him, like, right now the agenda is this is this is a voting agenda fors this the celebrities, the black.o. make them do exactly what lebron would do. make them do exactly what drake would do. >> diddy knows the celebrity agenda for voting a specially for black celebrities. it's democrapeciallyt. get and if you get out of line, you get a call from diddy. what did he get in exchange forl all this political influenceue?l according to the bombshell lawsuit filed by his former producer, rodneylawsuiis little rock jones, diddy was allowed to wreak havoc, the legal complaint alleges. did he bragged about getting ddy bragaway with shooting peopd that his head of security had the power to makf see problems and people disappear. >> did he was never charged for
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the nightclub shooting involving his ex-girlfriend, j-lo, his prodigtclub sh involve fall. >> there was also a shooting insides also one of his studios. again, no charges. the complaint, diddy's head of security paid off law enforcement. the lawsui off lt claims diddy n affiliation with local gangs and gang leadersaffiliat who wod frequent his homes. >> little rod allege s he witnessed diddy distributing guns from his bedroom closet in miamiese and l.a.a two questionable individuals dressed in all nig last night, we describedht t the allegations surrounding freahe k off parties at his songsre where sex workers and underage ses given laced drinks. >> these parties were attended by celebrities, politicians, poc athletes and music label m executivesusic l. his former producer claims every room and diddy's homes wired with hidden cameras. and these parties were sponsored by universal music.s. motown records. the complaint says there was
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blackmail, piles of narcotics and of young and aspiring talent. >> this lifestyle's been simmering under the surface for years. >> i call them and say, i have e a family member who i wantwant you to hire them as an intern. >> and i have never talked about this publicly. and i and he said, yes. intethey were flying around. one of the interns, atlanta, miami, whatever,whatever on thet in the house, whatever. and then the internship stopped abruptlyjet, three or four monts into it. >> why did it? and he wouldn't say. and yearhe woulds later, they fy came out and email and said that puff had said, come home, m stay the night with me, or the internship is over. and they said, absolutely not. >> he said, absolutely not. and the internship endedutely n >> now did. he's found guilty. he's a combination of harvey weinstein and jeffrey epstein., >> remember, both of those wei men also moved to the highest levels of the democratic party.
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how prevalent is blackmail in american industry and democrat politic ameris? it's more than we think. and the powerful nott, only tolerate it, they participate in it because m it makes some of them more rich and more powerfuml. if they play the game, whether they have a choice or not. tonight, the new york post is reporting that alleged victims of diddyw os have been talking a lot and we're hearing a lot people in diddy's orbit. names, you know, are ver, ary worried. derrick parker is a former member of the nypd rap intel unit and he joins me now.y ba you had dealings with diddy back in the day. he day? hhat like well, i dealt with him whenms, he had problems with assault and he had the shooting at club new york back in those days.s so i was probably the detective that was assigned to go out and investigate what happened at those particular locationtios with a season out with mtv
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and with the shooting at the new york club. no-w, the word is that he had his girlfriend at the time, j-lo smuggle the gun inside the club. he never caught any charges for ithe nevy ch, but his body wenti now you see him at the top.. i mean, billionaire, all the, bl hits he's mentoring everybody in the business. >> but there are some sinister things happening under the surface, according to this lawsuit. >> did you seerface accordin thp >> yes. when i saw the pay off with cassie and i saw that comey out and how that was quickly ta thingst ther i knew were going to come after this. i knew that there were going to be other people that were going to follo ple whw in line or people that he had past relationships with that were goin hadtg to probably come ford and bring up allegations of his conduct and things that he's done. when you hear about the >> jesseg, the hidden hidde cameras in every room, ene narcotics paying off law enforcement, the affiliation with gangsffiliati, how do you interpret that? >> well, that's some that's anee
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allegation that someone else made about what happened to the guns e and the narcoticsat and things like that. these things happe, thesn in ths business. it's out there in the hip-hop world. i mean, i've come along a lot world.across where i've had rape involved in drugs and guns and things like that. sorsolve i'm not surprised by that. but the government took a big step in waiting on this to come out and do this. they had this planneed, believe. it or not. this is planned. i think even tonight, diddy'en s girlfriend, young mommy, wast caught distributing drugs or she's been labeled as indicated in the federal report, as supplying drugs and payingly off. tart so this is only the start of this investigation. ouvestigyour search warrant. now, this comes outt,r th that there's going to be other things that's going to come out. why do you think the fedsinl waited this long? >> because thiut. feds wais has been goingrding to on, according to these complaints, for a long tim comp what triggered this? did someone did he cross someone? . >> he yes. what happens is that the feds have developedat cooperators,t e
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people that were affected by him or had by hd some ties with him where they had some criminal activity and they came forward and them where y ge information. so the feds wanted to go in and they wanted to gathehe fed irigt everything they could so they can present a tight case. and that's what they're doinand right now. it's going to be a tough case, we're hearing. yeah. okay. thank you very much, derek. and thanks for all of your expertise. >> you're welcome. kayleigh mcenany aheadae on pr. >> y for you. f people >> the that causes shingles is sleeping in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting and could reactivate shingles strikes as a painful, it for weeks. think you are not at risk foryo shingles? it's to wake up because shingles could wake up. you if you're over 50. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. >> i am embarrassed to say this, but i've been using
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somebody else. join the mission at travis manor's morgue. >> terrified democratss are fracturing and exposing joe biden's weakness. >> trump'sarturing a trouncing d national and battleground polls . ahe latest fox poll has trump ahead. democ five to democrats are bringing in the heavy hitters tomorroraw night at radio city music hall here in manhattan. >> former presidents a barack obama and bill clinton and celebrity allies like stephen colbert and lizzo will participate in a $10,000 a seat fundraiser to save the biden the new york times reportingti that obama hasng begun taking over the campaign and constantly calling the whitaign andye house quote. >> this level of engagement
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illustrates mr. obama's support for mr. biden, but also what one of his senior aides characterized as mr. obama's grave concern that mr. biden could lose to former president donald j. >> trump, the aide who was notdo authorized to speak publicly, said that mr. obama has alwaysob been worriedama ha about a biden loss. >> you see signs of worry yo. ywhere jill biden is being forced to destroy the first ladyunit of the united states. distinguished branedtes distd bi the germany card. history cardy teaches us thatt democracies don't disappear overnighmocraciet. a ban a court decision. i don't say law before world war ii, i'm told. berlin was the center of lgbtq youth culture in europe. one group of people loses their rights and then another.d
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and then anotherth. u wa until one morning, you wake up and you no longer live in a democracy. >> when you're making the firstu lady compare your rival to hitler. you're desperate riva. t >> now we've laiofd out a list. of the hawks as dictator on day one, bloodbath one,, death and jack bleach. fine people. inje. sign of confidence, and neither is censorship. and we saw this at nbc. >> former rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel fired after one day on the job because hosts revolted a trumpt be republican cannot be given a seat at the table. there cannotgiven be debate. there cannot be choice. . >> rfk jr. facing a legal onslaught tonight from an army of biden attorneys determined to block his ballot access, the independent's polling in double digitsth in some swing states and his vp pick gives him the money to play nationally v. >> democrats have now
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attempted to strip trump and rfk jr to. off the ballot whileth saying they're saving democracy. the media is using language about rfk that last week they told us was dangerous third parties. >> they're like cockroaches in the kitchen. it's not what they carry off the upset. it's what they fall into and foul up. t ff butwhbobby kennedy could fo every swing state and foul it >> for joe biden. i mean, they never mind the biden administration has created an alternative universe where any criticison hasm of thr dear leader is a hate crime. the campaign aimin ime.g to flip north carolina sent binder hu do a local radio hit and she hung up the phone on them. >>ngphon they all said, would you please just ask her? >> does the presiden doeti mo have dementia? so before i move on from that,ve does o he cut mark?believ mark, i can't even believe you're asking me this question. it is incredibly insulting. and so we can you know, we can move on to the next question. >> gas prices and grocery prices.
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that big topics here in north carolina. >> how does mr. biden win votess when people don't have as much disposable incomisposable as mik seafood products? all the important groceries, those costs have gone down because of what this president has been able to do and say. and with that, thank you sd wito much more. >> have an amazing, amazing day. woy.w wow. >> wow. former white house press secretary and co-host of outnumbered kayleig>> jes whp mcenany kayleigh, what happened herepe? i mean, look, this is crazyy to mtoe. >> when i stood at the podium, a i would have loved to hang up on jim acostdiuma as he howled g a hyena shouting at me. kaitlan collins and others do not that option must be nice. karine jean-pierre you do the radio interviews, you justni hang up. i mean, what's crazy to me moset of all about, that she clearly didn't like the questions she's clearly bristling was the headlineke the q, sh out ofa if i would have given an answer like that, the headline would
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have been white house presse secretary does not deny the president has dementiay doe it'd be cycles of news coverage. but yocyf newsu see it today. ai >> do you? not even a blip. so she hangs up on north carolina. they're trying to strip rfk and trump ofnocarolinaf ballot. >> and then jill's calling republicans. e >> how do you describe the campaign that looks like that? thatks like kelly a campaign in a campaign that that looked at the quinnipiac poll today, the one that disproportionat e always favors democrats. and you throw in rfk, the guy, they write i off as crazy,y and all of a sudden biden loses our fox poll. you see biden losing a s by five points. they don't know what to do. they're throwing spaghetti at the wall. they just assumed when it became a head to head race i, they would prevail. it's not working. the spaghetti is not sticking, but they're goin l. workingaghettg to throwo city harder at radio city tomorrow. >> so radio cities tomorrow, are you going to havtomorrebillc bill clinton? you're going to barack obama. you have joe bidenon andama,. is that enough firepower
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to save joe biden? >> no, it wasn't enough to save hillary clinton. >> look, barack obama's a talented politician. very barack o is orator, skilled. know, i don't disagree with his decision making as president,t u but he's skilled. >> he couldn't save hillary clinton. he's could nhe tried that chicago r. >> you can't save hillary. cau can't save joe., n'all right. be well, johnny will be there on his best behavior, of course. >> his bes, yeah. tune in for that. i'll be watching that. all right, kelly, thank you so much. thanks>> jes, jesse.time ahe >> more prime time ahead. you're being watched, the new show that's changing crime tv is back with a new season only on fox nation. hey, criminals. we're still watching sean sticks. larkin returns the show where every shot tells a different story. whatever your friend uncovers the truth. buckle up, america.
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