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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 28, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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get somebody at that border. stop this invasion. i'm like a free safety in football. you get past me, you are in my homeowner's homes. and this is not tenable. >> todd: that's not good at all sheriff william snyder best of you can endorsing this new law. what does it say about the immigration in people feel so emboldened. not citizen tell noncitizens to invade citizen's homtion hossments. >> carley: made a video now how to take over other people's homes. toddy have a happy birthday. have great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> lawrence: buckle up. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. thursday, march the 28th. this is "fox & friends." >> brian: fox news alert. crime and punishment. nine of the migrants seen storming the el paso border and attacking national guard troops last week charged with assault and inciting a riot, just 9.
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>> rachel: plus, trump's georgia case continued today after prosecutor nathan wade resigned. ashleigh merchant blew the lid off his relationship with fani willis and she standing by. >> joey: take me out to the ballgame and out to the crowd. mlb's opening day. will is getting the sights and sounds at the stadium. there he is. >> lawrence: he is happy. all right. "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better because you're with friends. ♪ >> brian: fox news alert. nine members of that migrant mob caught on camera rush an el paso border that happened last week. reportedly hit with criminal charges. >> they include inciting a riot, assault and damage of property. >> lawrence: so sources also telling the "new york post" that doesens of others are expected to be charged as well. five members of the texas national guard were treated for minor injuries so they're hurting our people after being bound over, one migrant accused of stopping a trooper knee is
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already facing an assaulted charge. >> joey: former acting ice director tom homan join us in 15 minutes to discuss the growing border crisis. >> rachel: president biden turning to his democratic predecessors to help him fill up his campaign war chest. >> joey: in just a few hours he will head to new york city for a fundraiser featuring former presidents barack obama and bill clinton. >> brian: kind of interesting time to go to new york and only go to new york city. got a number of hollywood stars be on hand and pro-palestinian protester groups certainly be there. also sending an rsvp for tonight's event. >> lawrence: lucas here with the details. >> most about the future president biden looking to the past joining forces with barack obama and bill clinton at a fundraiser tonight at radio city music hall just down the street from you guys. if you want a photo with the three men, it will cost you 100 grand. tickets to the event range from 225 bucks to a cool half a million. the two former presidents are not the only headliners.
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also attending the fund raiser the following celebrities. mendy kay ling, lizzo, queen latifah, ben plat, steven coal baler and sean hannity -- just kidding. expected to be pretty noisy outside of new york city. anti-israel protesters are expected to flood sixth avenue outside the venue on social media organizers want people to start showing up at 5:00 p.m. just in time for rush hour. the hashtag abandon biden, genocide joe accompanies many of the post. new gallup poll shows a majority of americans now disapprove of the military action israel has taken in gaza against hamas where over 100 hostages remain including as many as 6 americans. if anybody on the couch is wondering if biden was going to throw out the first pitch today for the mets citi field that game has been postponed as we just heard from janice dean. his good friend david rubenstein just bottom the baltimore orioles. head out to the game especially in the wake of the tragedy at the key bridge.
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>> brian: that would be interesting for him to do it. thanks, lucas. kind of interesting, we had an officer killed prime of his life, 1-year-old in home. killed in queens. the president of the united states is making his way to new york, but he is not going to the wake. could have gone to the memorial service last night or the funeral. the former president is. the former president called the family when they were at the funeral home on wednesday and he talked to then for a long time. and he is going to be there today. is he going to land out on long island. is he going to go there in the afternoon. he a going to meet with the family. and is he going to go back. it is really important to him. think about it. he grew up in queens. his dad built so many of those buildings in queens. lived in new york for the longest time. he has now pulled out. if anyone sees eye to eye with the nypd it's the former president of the united states. >> lawrence: brian, what you are talking about is the opportunity for the current president of the united states to lead. >> brian: lead early. >> brian: lead on this. he doesn't have to got wake.
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he can meet with the family privately. here is the problem for the current president of the united states. his party is responsible for the death. and the reason why i say that is because you have got a repeat offender. the other person that was in the passenger seat was a repeat offender. and when you look at new york city, when you look at new york state, that's on the ballot right now. when it documents their criminal justice policy, you got an attorney general that is going after donald trump right now. there has been no mention about this cop and the death of this cop or a mention to the family. yesterday she was at the supreme court. when you got issues right here in your own backyard. and it's the same for the president of the united states right now. he fundraisers instead of handle the issues of this country. i have got to tell you this: it may not be some big event in new york. but, when it came to the last governor race here in new york city, it was within 4 to 5 points because of crime. >> rachel: that's a great point. we have had several really interesting moments that i think
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are going to be impactful in the election to come. so, you talked earlier, brian, in your read about the storming of the border. that image will be an image that will stay with people into the next election. i think laken riley is another one. and i think this juxtaposition. they are both in the city. who do they stand with when they come to the city? and, by the way, it's going to be interesting. it's going to be right here at radio city music hall. there is going to be a free gaza huge protest here, so he is dealing with so many things that he can't go to the funeral because he is having trouble just keeping democrats happy. >> joey: you really have to look at this as really a juxtaposition of priorities and leadership. you mentioned laken riley. president biden's words on laken riley, what he is known for on that issue is to mess up her name in the state of the union and really botch any attempt to acknowledge or pay any type of respect to her. the contrast to that was a few
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days before, few days after president trump met with her family and met with them privately. you have that. now you fast-forward a couple weeks and now you have this fallen officer. i guess the biden's team response would be hey, this is a big fundraiser. logistics behind it. president of the united states. i can't help but think president trump didn't have this on his agenda a week ago because this wasn't something that was planned a week ago: president trump so the only one whether you believe valid or not court cases in three different states. they are big news going to talk about happening today and this week. and there is a two day wake with a funeral on saturday and president trump is finding time in his schedule raising money, meeting at more than president biden right now. raising money, running as president. defending himself from court cases. he has time to come up here to a place that has treated terribly in the last year and come up here and do this because he knows it matters to that family and he knows it matters to voters. >> brian: important points and just to build on what you said, lawrence, about the anti-cop
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attitude. you saw the police sergeant's president come out and say i don't want to see anti-cop legislators showing up at the funeral. adrian adams guy wants to get his seat back. embarrassment always speaks out against the cops. bowman always speaking out against the cops when he not speaking out against israel. stay home. the mayor will be there. >> rachel: they are morally responsible for this officer's death. and said stay home, you've caused enough heart break and destruction. >> lawrence: they should be ashamed. how do you look at a family when your policies led to this moment. i have got to say this. there is such an effort to reform the system without reforming the criminal. why does the system keeps changing when the criminals keep committing acts on a day-to-day basis. the whole point of criminal justice reform -- and i was a big supporter of. it is that people changed their life and then the system says okay, you get another 1409. these people aren't changing their lives at all.
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and we're giving them another shot. >> brian: paul hasting put together this bail reform most powerful legislator in all bean said there is no proof that hard sentences effect the crime rate. so, excuse me, if you give someone a sentence, you keep a criminal off the street. let's start there. and then maybe we will work out a better rehab program once in prisoner. first off it should be the safety people not committing crimes. go over the polls and talk about what the fox news poll revealed where this race is right now. when you talk about the biden administration and their diminishments. rook at the last one. the thing that stands out for most americans 38% nothing joe biden has done three and a half years. economy rates the highest as the 19%. >> lawrence: what does the president rachel run on? when you have no. >> brian: is he not trump. >> lawrence: no issue to run on in the next election. >> rachel: it's a great question. 52% of the people say they are worse off. there have been stories all this week on the dollar store now
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their new customer are people who earn $125,000 because they can't handle inflation but this is mostly hurting people on fixed incomes. the poor, the working class. and then it goes back to the border. everything that's happening at the border all that influx of people that's a war on the working class. those are the replacements in terms of labor for the working class. so the working class is not stupid. they get it. they're telling the pollsters only 38% approve of joe biden's performance on the economy. they can look back four years to donald trump when we had the most -- the best economy in our lifetime. >> brian: i will just say on the poll to your point, rachel a fox news poll asks who do you trust better on these policies? on foreign policies it is trump by 11. on the economy, trump by 15. on immigration, trump by 18. overall, it's basically a flat-footed tie and some polls trump is up 2 nationally. most battleground states outside of wisconsin he is leading.
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lawrence lawrence go ahead, joey. >> joey: on the economy i live in a very rural agricultural i won't say poor but certainly most modest than most places that's the community i live. in i love the fact that the biden administration thinks because what's the mark twain ostensibly attributed stats, stats and more lies. the biden administration thinks they can pull a stat out of a stock market and pull a percentage of unemployed in any given week or two week span and one month span and say look, the he economy is doing better. you i you would think the party that calls itself the party of blue collar people, the big tent party, the rec american would understand the feeling and antidote from her blue collar american true gauge where the economy is the nuances of this economy's problems is if you wanted a truck and want to go buy a truck there is only two to choose from. buy the really expensive one or really cheap one. that one in the middle doesn't even exist anymore. if you need a tractor you go buy a tractor. you don't buy the one you know you need when the condition
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offers 30 different versions you buy one of the five they have available because importing things is so much more difficult. so much of our economy not just how much things cost but the options in front of us which is a very american culture to have options, they are slowly disappearing in some different places and piggyback on top of that by the way we will get rid of all the cars you can afford that run off gas. it's more than just the price of things. it is what is available to you and how it's available and people feel that and they are scared of it. >> lawrence: this is what happens whether you have a white house full of academics people don't have real job. >> joey: that's exactly right. >> lawrence: they don't have real life earns examine. to say a fox news alert. today in georgia donald trump's election interference cases will be back in court to hear motions from both sides. >> rachel: meanwhile d.a. fani willis firing back at republicans seeking info about her use of federal funds saying, quote: nothing you do will derail the efforts of my staff and i to bring election interference, prosecution to trial, so that a jury of fulton county citizens can determine the guilt or innocence of the
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defendants. >> joey: remove willis from this case against co-defendants in one of whom she represents. >> brian: turning us back-back with us again attorney ash lee merchant. great to see you. >> great to see you. luckily our judge embraced zoom. it helps things a lot. i'm not primarily arguing so i will be on zoom. >> brian: arguing for what? what are you looking to do today? >> yeah. so there are two motions going to be heard today. the first one is a motion to dismiss based on first amendment grounds. and that motion really, so donald trump's lawyer is arguing that. he is going to be arguing that the first amendment should prohibit this prosecution. and it's really a couple different first amendment issues that we have got. we have got the freedom to associate. the freedom to petition the government and freedom to speak. all of this conduct that's part of this indictment is really covered by the first amendment. and if you think about it, it makes sense that a judge should be the one that protects that
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right because you shouldn't have to go in front of a jury to protect your constitutional rights. so that's the first one we are going to hear. the second one is called a demuir. and in georgia a demuir is really a motion to dismiss and what we are trying to do is argue that is mr. shaffer's motion. is he primarily arguing that he was the georgia g.o.p. leader at the time and also one of the alternate electors. when you look at the indictment you see a lot of language that says fake electors. duly elected. fraudulent. those are legal conclusions. so we're trying to have those dismissed saying that the state can't just put those legal conclusions in there. that's something that a jury has to decide. >> lawrence: you know, counselor, i'm curious, and obviously, i mean, we saw it for our screen and our viewers saw what happened in the courtroom of fani willis, the case was laid out. they lied under oath. my question is why not keep them on the case? they have been very sloppy with their filings, out of control. from a legal standpoint, it
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would seem like they are easy to beat that was one of the discussions when you are talking about filing one of these motions. we truly don't believe someone else if we had a knew tralg and detached person someone who didn't have a financial interest that they would bring these charges particularly against my client. the thing that's important that's important to remember my client was not recommended for indictment by the special purpose grand jury. so, you know, this indictment was unnecessarily expanded i think if we had someone that was neutral and looked at it they may not bring this indictment. >> rachel: that's interesting. >> joey: the country got to know you and fulton county's finest on display with having fani willis on the stand and all of the attitude that came from it and get this decision as people have said split the baby. but the judge did grant the opportunity to appeal. and so does the appeal look like? is there something specific that you all feel like you can appeal and get her off the case?
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>> oh y.,strong issues on the appeal factual findings. if you look at that order he made findings that support a conflict. we will be arguing his decision should have gone farther and actually disqualified her. he gave us all the factual findings we need. we just now need a court to say that's too much. that's enough, she has got to be disqualified. if that happens, then we will get a neutral prosecutor to review this and decide whether or not they are even going to bring these charges again. >> rachel: asheville lee, let me ask you about the human side of this. your client, donald trump, the former president, he is on trial. this is, of course, part of greater coordinated effort to not let people vote for him in the coming election. but this is very high stakes. and we were just talking earlier. he is taking time out of his schedule to come to the funeral, the wake for this police officer
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he has campaign obligations and other cases in other states. what's his mental state he? seems to be handling this so well. how does he compare to other clients who are under this kind of pressure? >> i represent michael roman. part of the team they represent donald trump. this is immensely stressful for everyone. as can you imagine being charged with a crime where you could potentially go to prison. i can't imagine much greater stress. it's one of the most stressful situations in the entire world. and you know having to think about going in front of a jury and putting your fate in the hands of 12 people, that's extremely stressful. having to deal with all these different court hearings is extremely stressful. for president trump that's even, you know, confounded by the fact that he has got all these different jurisdictions that he has got to answer. to say i mean, you could see it in the conflict letters. there were conflict letters filed earlier this week he is telling one judge i have got to be here and another judge i have got to be here. that's stressful. any time you are supposed to be more than one place and you are one human being that's
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stressful. then coupled these have serious legal ramifications that's a full-time job for someone. >> rachel: impossible. >> joey: probably part of the plan of all of this. >> brian: keep in mind too. >> rachel: election interference plan. >> brian: jim jordan looking it at fani willis to find out what she was up to and give all this information. she swears she is cooperating. ashleigh, going to be a busy day we will be watching you. >> it is. good to see you all. >> lawrence: carley has got some headlines for us. >> brian: can you sound more unenthusiastic. you haven't seen her and you are very mechanical. >> lawrence: brian, can you redo it for me? >> brian: carley shimkus is here, ladies and gentlemen with the news. car cancer and the crowd goes wild. >> carley: actually crickets. hi, brian, hi, rachel. i love seeing you. joey, hugs, lawrence as well. >> brian: see, that's how you do it. >> carley: that's the enthusiasm we are talking about. lawrence, you are pecket perfect. >> don't worry about it.
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news to get to starting with attribute here. tributes pouring in for former connecticut senator joe lieberman who died yesterday after complications from a fall. he served in the u.s. senate from 1989 to 2013. and he ran for the vice presidency in 2,000. his former running mate al gore paying his respects calling lieberman a truly gifted leader whose apropos personality and strong will made him a force to be reckoned with. the democrat turned independent went on to found the no partisan group no labels here is he on "fox & friends" talking about the need for political parties to come together. >> steve: what do you make of your party shifting apparently in such a public way so far to the left? >> if the democratic party becomes a far left party or a revolutionary party it's not going to win. left right, democrats, republicans come to the center and solve some problems for america and keep america strong. >> carley: lieberman's funeral
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is tomorrow in his hometown of stanford, connecticut. is he survived by his wife and three children. joe lieberman was 82 years old. a fox news alert, the u.s. army corps of engineers is sending more than 1100 personnel to baltimore to assist in the clean-up process after tuesday's deadly bridge collapse. and now officials say containers carrying hazardous materials were breached during the collision. data from the cargo ship's black box multiple alarms went off before the ship lost power. the crew called for assistance for a tug boat before the crash. hunter biden will have to wait a few weeks to find out if his push to toss out his tax evasion case is successful. his attorneys filed motions yesterday in los angeles claiming the charges brought by special counsel david weiss are politically motivated the district judge who expressed skepticism says he will make a decision by april 17th. and in kentucky, investigators are looking into what sparked
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this massive fire at a fuel depot in bowling green yesterday. you can see that huge fireball and thick black smoke rising in the sky over the city's downtown. thankfully, dozens of workers made it out safely. and this just in. pope francis leading holy thursday mass at st. peters basilica. features the blessing of the oil that's used for the sick you, members of the church and baptisms. the mass observes the washing of the feet and jesus' last supper with the apawntles. tomorrow on good friday the pope will be present in services in st. peters and the coliseum in rome. finally today is opening day across major league baseball. here's a live look at cincinnati's great american ballpark, which is one of several stadiums getting ready to ring in the new season this afternoon on one debut everyone will be keeping a eye on shohei ohtani set to play in first
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dodgers home game since signing. it ongoing gambling controversial surrounding him and now former interpreter and there are a lot of questions remaining in that situation, guys. >> brian: right. if we have him we just ask the interpreter he just sits there great to be in the middle of a scandal. i don't know. ask him. beats me. >> carley: the interpreter's job to i guess translate and also he is in the hot seat as well? >> brian: i would like a crisis manager. >> carley: on the other side of the interpreter. >> brian: answer correctly. >> lawrence: i'm not buying any of it. i don't care what language you say, okay? you can read numbers and you know the numbers. you know your bank account. so they got some explaining to do. >> rachel: you know who has been following this story and maybe can interpret it for us is will cain this opening day. he is at globe life field, arlington, texas where last year's champ the texas rangers are playing the cubs tonight. will, good morning.
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>> lawrence: yes. >> will: the home of the, brian, listen to me, carefully, kilmeade, the home of the world series champion texas rangers. >> lawrence: that's right. >> will: as for the ohtani scandal you will have to tune in to the will cain show but today it's not about ohtani, it's about the texas rangers. it's opening day. but we have to, before we look forward, take a moment and celebrate what happened just in the recent past. the rangers will be unfurling a banner in right field, world series champ your honor i don't know. wearing uniforms with gold trim, world series champion. i will tell you i have the trophy transport team with me who happens to be despite -- right? despite kilmeade, big "fox & friends" fans, look what i got first dibs on. >> brian: wow. that is nice. >> will: the trophy. world series champion. >> brian: look. they earned it. this is a great moment. and how great are you?
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will is acting like you go anywhere. whoever won the world series you would go. only reason you are there it's a home game for you. all right? it's not like you are dedicated would have traveled the country if the brewers had won. >> will: no, that's all very true. this is about the rangers. and the way i have earned this over a lifetime. i earned this trophy. >> joey: have yourself a day. enjoy it. we will check in with you all morning long, brother. >> lawrence: best assignment of the day. >> rachel: sure did. more problems for diddy combs. drug mule suspected of alleged trafficking victims. ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals. billy: one second, grandma. this guy is going to buy my car. okay? grandma: you need carvana... entering plate number... grandma: no accidents, right? billy: no.
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>> brian: 28 minutes after the hour now a former syracuse basketball player accused of being sean "diddy" combs drug mule facing felony charges after being arrested out of a miami airport. people say victimized by the rapper giving concrete details of alleged sex trafficking. here with the details. >> good morning. that's right. police say they found brendan paul in possession of cocaine and suspected marijuana laced candy. the 25-year-old is described as the rap mogul drug and gun mule in a civil lawsuit accuse of sex trafficking. comes has denied those
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allegations but an official with miami based dhs says the federal agents are responding to concrete detailed explicit allegations this is not random. victims may be reluctant to speak at first but once they start speaking they talk a lot. also speaking out is former backup dancer for comes tamika ray, she claims to thee knew to avoid diddy at all cost and nothing that is happening is surprising. and, yet, with all that is happening, the whereabouts of the rapper is still unknown. this week here's video of his private jet though returning to south florida wednesday after only about 4 # hours in the caribbean. it flew there monday after comes mansions in both los angeles and miami were raided by federal agents and diddy, of course, remains free. he can go wherever he pleases. as of right now he is not charged with any crime or any wrongdoing at this stage. so i'm going to send it now to carley though for headlines. hey, carley. >> carley: thank you so much. what a wild story thrsmght we do
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have more headlines america's crime crisis more than 100 nypd officers packing a queens courtroom for the raymont for one of the suspects involved in the killing of nypd officer jonathan diller. the driver of the car something charged with criminal possession of a weapon and possession of a defaced firearm. he currently is being held without bail. both suspects involved in the case have previous lengthy rap sheets. riley strain's family has ordered a second autopsy in an effort to obtain more information after it was revealed that he did not have his wallet with him. the 22-year-old university of missouri student was not wearing his boots or pants when his body was found in the cumberland river last week. a family friend claims riley did not have water in his lungs either. police say his death appears accidental and they do not think there was any foul play. those are your headlines. rachel, lawrence, over to you guys. >> lawrence: thanks, carley.
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>> rachel: here to a fox news alert this morning. nine migrants who were part of that massive mob that was storming the border and pummeled national guard troops in el paso reportedly now in custody, at least nine of them, charged with assault and inciting a riot. >> lawrence: tom homan joins us now. this is my home state of texas why aren't all of them that came across the border and assaulted our officers, that contributed to this invasion all of them not charged? >> well, it's being investigated, lawrence. they are taking a lot of film and trying to identify these people whether in border patrol custody or ice custody or in the custody of the d psz. they are trying to identify all of them. i think the state of texas is doing a great thing here. they are enforcing the law. they are adding a consequence. when you put hands on on one of our officers you are need to be held accountable and be in prison. thank god the state of texas is doing it because i think if it came to the administration, the biden administration, wouldn't be prosecuting this. when there is a show -- when
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there is a show of force on the border, they are quick to engage and vilify the men and women of the border patrol like they did the horse patrol, right? when it comes to use of force they will attack the men and women wearing the uniform not so much the illegal alien. thank god the state of texas is stepping up in this. i don't think the biden administration would be doing it. >> rachel: what really strikes me when i see that footage is the lack of respect. they wouldn't try this with mexican police, you know. they know what they would get if they did. and, again, and it speaks to the kind of people that we're allowing. in i mean, my mother was an immigrant to this country. and she was so proud and so happy and so grateful. these people don't have enough respect even for the people at our border, the border patrol. >> you know, rachel, you are exactly right. these people feel empowered. >> rachel: yes. >> emboldened by this administration. not just the biden administration. but the mexican president. the mexican administration. these people think they have got
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a right. they have the god-given right to enter this country illegally and flown to the city of their choice, get a free hotel room and free meals and work authorization because they see that this administration has done that for millions of people. released them into the united states. bracket in my day when i was a border patrol agent you never saw this kind of respect to agents. i mean, i think every illegal alien ever arrested respected the uniform. respected what we were doing. we always had a few people gave us a problem. but, the respect for our border patrol agents has been lost because this administration itself has disrespected the men wearing the uniform. men and women wearing the uniform why shouldn't illegal aliens. >> rachel: that looks like a disrespect to our country. >> lawrence: 100 percent if you look at the video you see texas dps. you see texas national guard. but you see no border patrol. and the border patrol wants to be there but the biden administration has all of these border patrol agents that go out of there and risk their life that are supposed to be -- process. if it weren't for texas dps.
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texas national guard, all of these people would be in the country right now. tom homan, thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> rachel: thank you, tom. >> lawrence: so high praises from hamas. >> the terrorist group alluding biden's clear change on israeli policy. >> rachel: former secretary of state mike pompeo on the dangers of turning against our greatest mideasast ally. rash could also disrupt your work and time with family. shingles could also lead to long—term, debilitating nerve pain that can last for months or even years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. (♪) and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. (♪) don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today. if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment.
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>> joey: welcome back. this morning high praise from hamas. the terrorist reportedly pleased with the biden administration's recent treatment of israel. a senior hamas official saying, quote: regarding the american administration, there's no doubt that there are clear changes in its policy towards israel. america has found that israel is putting it in an walk ward position before the world. those policy changes he's referring to coming as a strong amount of democrats voted uncommitted in recent primaries as revolt against biden's israel
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stance. fox news contributor and former secretary of state mike pompeo joins us now. good morning, mr. secretary. so,. >> good morning. >> joey: the u.s. abstained from a vote condemning israel or at least pushing for israel to do a cease-fire in the u.n. abstention just means you are not taking a position on it basically. really it sends shock waves around the world. explain to us why this one vote matters so much. >> so, it matters because the united states historically, for decades, has never put israel in a position to lose votes at the u.n. security council on things that truly mattered. we have done it once before. president obama did it in december before he left office it. messaged the whole world. this particular resolution called for a cease-fire without even releasing the hostages it. made zero demands on hamas and put enormous burden on israel to stop its offensive to secure its own country. and you see it. it doesn't surprise me at all. i said the other day not only
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will hamas will happy with the abstention. the iranian terrorist also be happy. the folks who underyet the people who committed the barbarians of october 7th, the russians and chinese communist party and all our friends around the world will see that an ally walked away from its friends in its time of struggle. >> joey: it's not just this vote. it's also the words coming from the president's mouth. take a listen here as president biden is hackled by pro-palestinian protesters. >> because the insurance company considered those pro-existing condition. allowed them to deny conch. [shouting] >> what about the healthcare of gaza? >> everybody deserves healthcare. [shouting] >> be patient with them. [shouting] >> they have a point. we need to get a lot more care into gaza. [cheers and applause] >> joey: the most generous interpretation got to get more aid to gaza. a lot of pro-israel folks that point out a lot of that aid just
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goes to supporting hamas. is the president really hurting israel by saying something as they have a point? >> yeah. this is by the way your point is well-taken. it wasn't just the abstention. it wasn't just saying they have a point. it's the entire way they have handled the last four months. they were good the first two weeks and last four months they have done everything they can to put the shackles on israel from preventing doing what it needs to do. we would never allow an invader into our country to hide just across our border. we would go get them. that's what the israelis need to do. the united states should be supporting them in that in every way. sadly, what president biden has done, is he has played for votes in michigan and he is playing for votes in minnesota. that's not how you conduct national security. it's not how you keep the american people safe. we will be less secure. we will be less prosperous if israel is unsuccessful at crushing hamas. on the cusp of winning, they need to go into rafah and get it done. they need to do it as quickly as possible. we should do everything we can to help them do that not put constraints on them and
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embarrass them on the world stage. >> joey: you know, you were in an administration that famously didn't start a war but took out a lot of bad guys. you were part of the abraham accords in that administration. looking at what is happening with the hostages specifically, should the u.s. have acted sooner? should we have had our own commandos there to save our people? >> we could have done a lot more. i don't want to get into tic tac particulars but it's true. we still have americans being held in israel. i think -- or in gaza. i think of that as being held by the iranians, so, remember, joey, we paid $6 billion for six hostages just a few months ago, and what did the iranians turn around and do but take another dozen hostages. when you have pay ransom, this is what you get. the united states has refused to take its own action to get those americans home. >> joe: former secretary of state mike pompeo, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, sir. have a good morning. happy easer. >> joey: all right, carley toss it over to you. >> carley: ho car more news to
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get here. new law putting an end to squatters' rights in florida. >> what new york does, what california does, florida will do the opposite and so the squatter scam ends today with our legislation. you call up, you fill out a form. sheriff comes, and the sheriff kicks them out of your property. if we don't have private property rights we will not have a free society. >> carley: as simple as that. the new law immediate eviction and squatters who do significant dang to a property could also face felony charges. well, congratulations are in order here. punxsutawney phil welcomes an early spring last month and now he is welcoming two new editions to his family the punxsutawney groundhog club announcing phil's wife phyllis has given birth to two baby groundhogs. i think you see them right there. i don't really know what i'm looking at there the healthy babies are mom and dad with them at the zoo. not far from g gobbler's knob.
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first children for anti-fungals phil who isn't exactly a young dad since he is officially 138 years old. janice, our groundhog expert. how do you feel about this? >> janice: i had no idea. i didn't get invite to the baby shower, the chuckling shower. i think they are called chucklings or pups. now we know what phil and fill blisz doing. >> carley: good news. what else could do you with your time? >> janice: excellent news. i can't wait to meet the babies. very exciting. >> carley: hopefully they have the powers of prediction as well. >> carley: you never know. we will follow their path and trajectory. a lot of people didn't know phil was married to phyllis but it's true. he has been married to her for over 100 years. i think she takes that special elixir as well. current temperatures in new york 39. cold air moving across the great lakes and upper midwest. and cold front pushing over the east coast and that is what is
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bringing us the yucky weather today. but the good news is the wet wheweather today friday throughe weekend. really great weather for easter weekend. awesome. here in the northeast it's usually not that great. at least the last couple years it's been nasty. here is our future radar as we get through saturday. quick burst of rain. sunday looks better. here is the forecast today. we will watch that east coast rain move offshore and then the west coast that begins to get active unfortunately as we go through easter weekend inclemment for the west coast and much better for parts of the south and the east. all right, joey, my friend, so nice to see you. >> janice: see you soon. >> joey: dramatic video the moment two texas officers raced to save a boy who was choking. thanks to our next guest's invention that young man and thousands more have survived. ♪
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>> brian: listen up, choking is the fourth leading cause of unintentional deaths in america. but, thanks to our next guest and his inventions thousands of lives have been saved.
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>> hey, buddy. >> is he choking on candy, correct? >> yes. >> okay. [crying] >> he has asthma. he has asthma. >> brian: no actors, that happened. cop pulled up, is he a hero. joining us now national choking awareness day. lifevac inventor. >> the cool thing after that kid got saved he fist bumped the one cop and hugged another. hug a cop who just saved your life is a beautiful thing. if you watch the parents behind they are all. you could see he is gone. >> brian: who is the person if you gave someone they were choking on they have that guilt as we have choking awareness day what does it mean to you at lifevac. >> what it means choking.
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8,000 a year. parents can save their children, their spouse, themselves. it doesn't have to happen anymore. yesterday a kid died in minnesota, 4-year-old choked to death. doesn't have to happen. and i had a person yesterday come up look me in the eye and say thank you for saving my life. you, me all the lifevacers did that. >> brian: you talk about too cops have these now. there are police forces that don't have it. like why would you not want that in your trunk? that officer had that in his truck. >> another last week go viral another officer saved a 90-year-old very difficult, injure them. there is no reason not to have it in the trunk. we have to support our heroes in blue and give them lifevacs if they don't have it. >> brian: right. you also said, too. someone tried the heimlich broke a few ribs. still choking out comes the lifevac. >> a woman told me yesterday thank you for saving my life. >> brian: if you are looking for a baby shower gift and a lot of
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times happen over the weekend anything better? and get a call lifevac saved somebody's life. >> what a gift. >> show me how it's done. simple place push pull that suction pops it right out. >> brian: takes no skill. >> that's why did i it. i would be a terrified father. my daughter 7-year-old in my arms. >> brian: next to the fire extinguisher in your kitchen. just put lifevac. >> simple, simple, simple. >> choking awareness, one stop shopping. arthur lih. congratulations, arthur. >> please, think about it. >> brian: schools free one and hopefully your police force will have one. nassau county out in force today. and they have it in everybody's trunk. all right, thanks. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: president biden is coming to new york city today for a fundraiser. will not be attending the wake for nypd officer jonathan diller of massapequa. interesting decision. when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great
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>> brian: 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. thursday, march 28th. this is "fox & friends." now this. president biden is set to join barack obama and bill clinton for a star-studded fundraiser in new york city today with stephen colbert. pinch me. but the event he is not attending, the wake for fallen nypd officer jonathan diller. that's happening not too far away on long island.


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