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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 28, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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hen a female chicken? i think so. i'm not a queer farmer. and from montana, helm -- how come johnny gets to have all the fun? you think that's fun? gene from new hampshire, jesse my date just cancelled on me so i guess i'm stuck with you. what you have cooking for me? billy ray cyrus is on the show. it's going to be a big show and the alpha male boot camp is here should we put johnny and that? probably. that's all for tonight. dvr the show and always or member this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] >> welcome to this special edition of hannity. tonight a tale of two candidates
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both donald trump and joe biden travelled to new york today but for very different reasons. about an hour ago, biden shuffled into radio city music hall in midtown manhattan for a glitzy, star-studded, high dollar fundraiser. the event featured... and queen latifah. and a panel moderated by stephen colbert between barack obama, bill clinton and joe biden himself. a picture with the three presidents could be arranged for a mere $100,000. some tickets were priced as high as $500,000. all told, the event raised a record $25 million for the biden campaign. meanwhile, a couple of miles away, former president trump was not a funeral home. he accepted an invitation to
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attend a wake for nypd officer jonathan diller who was shot and killed by a violent, career criminal roaming the streets of new york city. take a look. >> i want to thank bruce and all of the people that have worked so hard to make this area beautiful and safe. this is what happened, it's such a sad event. a horrible thing. it's happening all too often and we're not going to let it happen. twenty-one times arrested, and the person in the car with him was arrested many times.
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>> we have to get back to law & order, we have to do other things differently because this is not working. it's happening too often. it's an honour to be here and again i want to just thank all of you for allowing this. bruce has been a friend of mine for a long time. he's done an incredible job out here. this is such a sad occasion. the only thing we can say is maybe something's going to be learned. we have to toughen it up and strengthen it up. that should never be allowed. things like this shouldn't take place and to take place so often. thank you for being here, it's an honour for me to be here. this is a great family. the friends and i've met everyone of them inside.
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just incredible people that are devastated. they have a tough road speed to our own brian has been reporting live on the scene and he joins us now with more. >> judge good evening, visitation hours just ended here at the funeral home at 9:00 pm and will continue tomorrow. today, thousands of police officers and members of this community stood in torrential rain for a chance to pay their respects to fallen officer and hero, jonathan diller who was shot and killed on monday night during a traffic stop. the accused killer with 21 prior arrests including nine felonies and yet he was out free on the streets. the 31-year-old officer leaves behind his wife stephanie and 1-year-old sun brian. former president trump reportedly spent more than ten minutes privately meeting with the wife before joining her to say a prayer over the casket.
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the former president than met with other family members including diller's mother. mr trump was invited to the... by bruce blakeman who says he now has thousands of dads, law enforcement members, who will now help raise and. so far more than $2 million have been raised for the family, a memorial grows outside the precinct that he worked at in queens. american flags, blue ribbons and a thin blue line have been painted on the street to honour their hero. officer diller's funeral is set for saturday. >> judge jeanine: thank you so much. outside of biden's body fundraiser, this was a very sombre day and much of new york. nothing will ever bring back officer diller, but thanks to the tunnel to towers foundation and frank seller, the entire
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mortgage on jonathan diller's family's home will be paid off in full. meanwhile, barstool sports founder david portnoy raised $750,000 and then matched that donation in total. so $1.5 million will go directly to the officer's family. but again, jonathan diller should be alive today. this was a senseless murder committed by a violent felon who should have been in prison. this is the horrific results of the d. fund, dismantle, social justice movement in america. the president of the sergeants ... is speaking out. watch. >> i am happy to be in... that represents men and women like that. they are heroes. there's no other way to describe them.
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>> and that's why the cover of the new york post, it's your words. it says this is your fault, unions message to anti- police politicians. you are not welcome at the funeral. those are your words and the words of your union. who are you directing that at and what you mean? >> it's directed at the city council who seems to believe that criminals in today's day and age should be considered to be the victims of crimes and that the police department and officers, that come and give their lives day in and day out, they are the ones who are the villains in the story. >> judge jeanine: unfortunately we don't see the same level of concern from the white house. yesterday, at biden's press secretary blamed officer diller's death on so-called nonviolence. take a look. >> as it relates to the death of the officer, our hearts go out to the officer who lost his life
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in the line of duty. we are also praying for his family during this difficult time. who now has an empty seat at their dinner table. president biden is deeply grateful for the sacrifices police officers make to keep our communities safe. this shooting is yet another painful reminder of the toll of gun violence, what is doing to inflate families and our communities and our nation. >> judge jeanine: here now with reactions are two men who attended today. bruce blakeman, former nypd inspector, fox news contributor paul i will first direct my question to bruce blakeman. bruce you were there today inside the funeral home when the president trump was there. can you tell us what it was like inside? >> i have to tell you that president trump was the source
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of comfort for the family. he spent over ten minutes with stephanie, the widow in private. then he went out into the main hall where the casket was laid and where police officers body was laid. he and stephanie prayed together they talked about what a great guy jonathan was and then president trump went to each member of the family and offered his condolences. the family asked him to sign a mass card. he signed the card and then he got up and then police officer diller's grandmother asked the president for a hug and he embraced her and held her very tightly. as he left, with over 200 friends and family and police officer -- of police officer diller, with their little boy ryan, with his mother frannie,'s
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brother and sister and son-in-law, they did something i've never seen before at awake. they gave him a rousing ovation. they clapped their hands and showed their gratitude for president trump's kindness and for his compassion. it was a very, very beautiful and warm moments. it's one that i will never forget and i think it was very comforting for the family. >> judge jeanine: that is very touching. i will go to you paul moreau, i have stood in many of those lines outside of funeral homes to honour fallen police officers killed in the line of duty. what was the mood there? >> it was obviously very songbird. we all feel like we've been to too many of these. let me emphasize what he just said. everybody was very appreciative of president trump's attendance
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and they were also very appreciative for bruce blakeman's attendance. it means a lot to police who these days don't really feel like they are part of a system that supports them, that appreciates them and when the chips are down, you learn who your friends are. i have to say that the sergeant got this exactly right. i don't think people quite realize how antithetical to the mission of the police the actions of the new york city council and the new york state legislature, who gets a pass. it's all the way up in albany. they do more damage to the mission of the men and women in blue they past new measures and their tactic is to bury the police in bureaucracy and paperwork. they know that a lot of this stuff can't even be met my -- by police because of personal reasons. they know what they are doing and they're doing it cognizant eat. >> judge jeanine: officer larkin, what you think of the optics today? you had three presidents going
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to one particular location to raise money, it's a very festive affair for a president, to stop the one president of the united states from running and regaining that presidency, who is attending the funeral of a slain police officer who stands there and talks about the law and order which has totally been destroyed i'm many of the democrats. >> as we talked about earlier, the president here mentioned we
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>> judge jeanine: he chose to do a podcast. with some celebrity as opposed to taking a trip to that funeral home. what do you think his priorities are? >> you know, every -- 80 percent of life is showing up. if that's the case, and i believe that is, president trump gets an a+ and president biden gets an f. president trump flew up to new york just to go to the wake.
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he had an event tonight back in florida and he came just for the purposes of paying his respects and comforting police officer diller's family. i think that speaks volumes and it's a stark contrast to the glitzy fundraiser tonight that president biden couldn't take an hour and a half out of his schedule to commute to there, pay his respects to the family of a hero. i find that incredibly disappointing and distasteful. >> judge jeanine: i will go to you lieutenant moreau. the truth is that when the union president talked about the politicians, of these new york politicians are the ones who have created the lawlessness where the criminals are not afraid of us and we are afraid of them. when the union president said to the politicians, the new york
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city once, don't show up do you think they will show up? >> i would doubt it. i suspect that they are not going to like the reception that they are going to get. it's the typical cowardice. you have to say to yourself, it is such an own goal, a self-inflicted error. even the phone call from the president would've gone a long way. it seems to be -- he couldn't say laken riley's name until he was shamed into it and then he got it wrong. they wonder why they are losing the rank and file of this country. the workers who keep the country in one peace and moving forward, keep us all safe. they wonder why they are losing those people across all races. now you are seeing why. >> judge jeanine: last question to officer larkin, the truth is that they said the gun was responsible and she couldn't even say the police officer's
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name. on -- officer jonathan diller. she said the president sends his condolences to the police officer. typical. >> it is typical. i worked in the gang unit for 13 years and this is the problem. you are catching violent offenders. career felons with firearms. one of the two suspects that was in the car was caught with a gun just last year and he is out on bail right now. he is convicted, he has a violent passed. he should be held in jail, in prison. he should not be out here walking amongst the citizens of new york city. that's the problem right there is holding these guys accountable that are committing the crimes. it's not the gun, it's our lack of prosecution and holding these people accountable. >> judge jeanine: thank you so much for being with us tonight. violent crime is now just one major issue that americans are facing. in fact according to a fox news
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poll, more than half of all voters say they are worse off under biden. just one in five voters saved their lives are better. 73 percent view the economy negatively. 73 percent. and only 30 percent approve of biden's immigration policies. a new low. it is overall -- his overall job rating continues to hover near a record low at just 41 percent. it shows that per all of the of voters, 38 percent, believe that biden's top accomplishment is nothing. they believe he's accomplished nothing that made their lives better. trump meanwhile continues to lead in the fox poll. and the politics pulling average, trump is up in almost every single battleground state. now biden has attempted -- is attempting to come from behind and get reelected all while
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avoiding accountability. in order to achieve this arduous task, he has allegedly attempting to hide behind a few local print and tv interviews to avoid nationwide scrutiny. while pretending to be out in the public eye. but there are some days where the president has nothing. it literally nothing on his public calendar. clearly hiding joe biden is really the only plausible strategy for democrats and for good reason. here now with more fox news contributor charlie hurt, former arkansas governor mike huckabee and the host... welcome to all of you. i will start with you governor. it's bad news all over. those polls that i read indicate that joe biden is in big trouble , what say you?
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>> i say that's not bad news, that's great news. i think we're going to see donald trump get reelected. that's wonderful news. and the bad news is that the best thing the people can say about joe biden is that he is done nothing. the reason they are keeping him hidden and he's not going out is because those are the best days of his presidency when nobody hears him blunder through a speech. when he doesn't fall of the stage or down the steps. and when he doesn't mispronounce the names of victims of crime. so it probably makes sense to lock him up and throw the key away and pray and hope that somewhere along the way they can get enough mailing votes to take him to the finish line. i think americans are smarter than that and i really want to believe that the selection is no longer about democrats and republicans. it's about whether this country is going to be a country of law, order, safety, controlling the border, economic reality or we will be living in lala land for the next four years.
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>> judge jeanine: that would be very dangerous. what's interesting is as the democrats raise money, they talk about how wonderful it is and how it's a reflection of how people love joe biden. and yet they don't really admit that they are doing everything they can to take away donald trump's... in every which way. >> i think today and you talked about it beautifully earlier about the contrast between joe biden's day and former president donald trump's day. let's keep in mind that donald trump has had to spend a lot of the time that he could be out on the campaign trail sitting in court, battling these political prosecutions and persecutions. even though he's had to spend a lot of time doing that and he could be out raising money in a few hours that he has and between legal battles, instead he chose to show up for fallen nypd officer. this man is a billionaire but he acts more like an average american then obama, then biden
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and clinton who spent the night rubbing elbows with celebrities and taking photos. i don't know how tone deaf you have to be to spend your day doing that, especially in this city where i just came in and i saw officers having to block off streets standing in the rain for these three clowns to be in town eric meanwhile donald trump is standing shoulder to shoulder with the nypd because he cares about law enforcement officers. americans, that is your choice come november. somebody who cares about the people and somebody who cares about the elites. make your pick. >> judge jeanine: that's why i love her. she talks about the clowns. i called them the three stooges. bubba, barry and clueless joe. the truth is that clueless joe has made a decision to do local news and local media instead of national. why would he do that? >> if joe biden has lost the national media than he's lost the only thing that got him in
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the white house in the first place. he is in deep trouble if he can't rely on the national... they feel like they can't rely on the national media to carry for him. they can, but the problem is as the governor pointed out, every day he opens his mouth is so bad for them. so bad for the campaign that even the new york times and the washington post has a hard time covering up at this point for all of his -- everything that he screws up. but i think the real issue is actually way more serious than all of that. the problem for them is that all of these things that are causing real, personal pain in people's lives, whether it's the open border or crime or the economy and inflation, all of these things can be tied directly to the policies of the biden administration and the democrat party that joe biden is the head of. you can draw a direct line to it
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, even down to the case of officer diller being murdered on the street. these are policies you can tied directly to these people. i do pray -- i do think most people see it -- sea through it all and the election we are heading into that republicans take this very seriously, that we get a hold of this because the mass mail-in ballots is not the way to go. >> judge jeanine: many countries have outlawed them. very quickly, the fact that immigration, he is raiding so poorly as it relates to that. it indicates that every state is recognizing now that immigration is a problem. >> everybody sees it. it's not just a border issue for the states. every state has a fentanyl problem, every state has an issue with people coming. people look at the crime and say this is nuts.
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this is where donald trump has a distinct advantage. >> judge jeanine: thank you so much. straightahead, a live update from the ground where protests are gathering outside of biden's fundraiser. plus more courtroom drama for the democrats. we will tell you why that's good for trump and bad for hunter when we come back. stay with us.
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>> judge jeanine: welcome back to the special edition of hannity. anti- israel protesters flooded outside radio said it -- radio city music hall. the latest, nate.
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>> good evening, earlier there were about 500 pro- palestinian protesters, many of them have cleared out in the past half hour. some are still chanting free palestine just across the street from where we are right now. about 45 minutes ago at this point within the past hour, we saw an arrest where afterwards protesters chanted at police officers, after the nypd and quit your jobs. people were quite upset right across the street of course, it's a totally different scene where there is a $25 million fundraiser happening. tickets range from $225 all the way up to $500,000. the funding boost for president joe biden's reelection campaign certainly did not come without drama and without protesters. take a look, there were to go separate groups met starting at 4:00 today. one group met at four, another minute five. they marched to -- marched to where we are right now.
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they blocked up the streets while protesters flanked radio city music hall. president joe biden of course has dealt with pushback on his support for israel over the past months including this week in north carolina when he was cut off while making a speech i'm not sure if we have it judge, if we could, let's show you some of the sound that we witnessed just across the street from this fundraiser. >> reporter: the main event at the fundraiser, which is still happening right now just in this to block stretch, we can see visibly at least 100 nypd officers. the fundraiser continues. the main event is a discussion between the three presidents moderated by stephen colbert. there's musical guests performing tonight including liz oh and queen latifah.
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it's going to cost you $100,000 to get your picture taken with the three presidents and than there is a 250,000-dollar entrance fee to a private reception. the most exclusive reception after the main event would cost you $500,000. half a million dollars. >> judge jeanine: half a million dollars, that's kind of interesting. i have a question, if i'm a police officer and i am covering that event, covering president biden and knowing that a fellow officer, fallen officer is... and none of those presidents bothered to go to that funeral home, that my father me. >> reporter: yeah. it certainly would. and it's devastating what happened a few days ago. of course seeing former president trump attend the wake of officer diller today and than
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with this happening, there have been many... the optics don't look great. when you see the protesters coming after the police officers like we saw tonight, needs even more disheartening. they handled it as best as they could judge. >> judge jeanine: thank god for the police. thank you so much. there have been many developments this week from the law fair being waged against donald trump, starting with the fulton county case or trump's attorney were back in court were arguing for dismissal on the grounds of free-speech. a motion the judge will rule on at a later date. earlier today, one democrat strategist had a message for fannie willis, take a look at this. >> they have already made herself a character in this saga. she's got to bring it down and stay focused on doing the job of prosecuting this case.
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i wish she would stop doing interviews and really focus on just prosecute the case. be very serious in the courtroom >> judge jeanine: meanwhile, hunter biden's attorneys are asking for his tax charges to be dropped. a move that has sparked backlash from prosecutors. and was reportedly met with scepticism from the judge. here with reaction, a trump legal spokesperson... welcome. it has been a very interesting week. the argument this week, actually today in fulton county before the judge regarding the claim by the presidents attorney and some of the codefendants attorneys that the essence of the indictment has to do more with the first amendment and free-speech then a crime... what say you? >> number 1, you and i both know that we have only one of those
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situations and that's what's happening with... let's be honest about it, we've seen the white house logs and the proof. what they argue today was very simple. president has a right to speak, a human being, and american. this country is based on the constitutional first amendment rights to speech. he had that right and he did so. he has also all right as the executive branch to question and provide election integrity. god knows our country needs that right now. i know you know it, i know it. the american people know it. that's why we are looking at this from a serious standpoint of constitutional violations. not to mention all the nonsense and the noise that might be the only time i agree with cnn is when they say that she has become a character in this. it's insane. >> judge jeanine: when you think about it, the judge makes a decision to have her decide whether or not her boyfriend
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should go. she is the one who brought the boyfriend in. she is the one who paid the boyfriend. she's the one who took the stand and said no i didn't have any relations until well into... which was contrary to the testimony of others. do you think that this judge is afraid of fannie willis? >> i think that's a good point honestly. i think a lot of judges are afraid. if you are a republican elected judge, you are afraid to look like you are too biased to republicans. if you are elected by democrat, you seem to not have a problem sanctioning us for bringing a case about... or hearing the case for five minutes. it's unbelievable. we play so safe, they play dirty. that is what i've seen over and over again. i know you see it, i see it. the american people are starting to see it. a look at the poll numbers.
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that's why he's doing so well. >> what do you think of hunter biden claiming that his indictment should be dismissed when they literally with the statute of limitations got rid of the most incriminating years for taxes and he says this is just a special prosecution that is unfair and unjust. >> that's called a witchhunt. i'm sorry hunter, you are not the victim of a witch hunt. president trump is an we've seen that. you didn't file tax returns for three years. you tried to get a sweetheart deal passed under the judge's nose and we got caught. we know what's going on here, but don't you dare use our lines on us because the only people that are treated differently are the democrats. they are protected, clearly not treated the same and i want to see their line be used against them. no one is above the law. show me that. you don't pay her taxes, three years he didn't file tax returns, no one is above the law hunter. >> judge jeanine: that's for
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sure. thank you so much for being with us this evening. coming up, here's a head. the illinois supreme court, the highest court, has agreed to hear an appeal in the jesse smollett case.
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out. here with reaction are former florida attorney general and a criminal defence attorney... both of them are with us. i will start with you, smollett, what's his complaint? >> he is saying the double jeopardy applied because we know he had that liberal da once again, kim fox, who dropped the charges against him. she dropped the charges against him, deferred prosecution. then she had to recuse herself because she was out there talking to his family. this is crazy. she gets off the case and he gets convicted by a special prosecutor, by a jury and now the appellant court upheld it and then supreme court is going to hear it, saying that deal with a compromised da should still be in effect and he should not be prosecuted. it's ridiculous. >> judge jeanine: you are going to argue for the defence on this one. are you going to agree that's
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just dumb? >> you're going to get mad here. i represented him in the first case and it got dismissed. so the second time around, it's right. it was a special prosecutor. do you know who the special prosecutor was the second time around? it was dan webb the same guy who represented fox in the dominion case. talk about a small world. so let me just tell you, it's actually a pretty good issue. tell me what you think. the first time around, he did get a dismissal. however,, he forfeited $10,000 as part of the agreement to dismiss the case. then he gets a woman, and interloper comes in and she files a request of another judge to have him appoint a special counsel which was dan webb who
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then retries this case. the argument was on the second time around, i didn't represent him, my partner did. the argument was that forfeit of $10,000 did not constitute if you will a jeopardy under the expansive definition of illinois law. i think that's why the supreme court took it. to me it's a double jeopardy. >> judge jeanine: there is certainly an argument about the $10,000. did he do community service as well under that original agreement? >> he did. >> he did community service but she had to get off the case because she was compromised and he forfeited that money. remember, there were multiple, multiple police officers who had to investigate this case.
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it cost the police department tens of thousands of dollars. that helped reimburse them. >> judge jeanine: it's gotta be directed as part of that reimbursement or part of forfeiting his bail or something. you don't take the money and to say whatever it. all right i want to move on. let's talk about some fox nation content. marcus featured in the melendez brothers victims or villains. i am featured in the menendez brothers, monsters or misunderstood. here's the thing. you recall that they were convicted in the early nineties of murder with no possibility of parole and let's take a clip of me and mark and show it to everyone. >> i think that there is support that has developed. people tell me it's the tiktok culture. i'm not on tiktok or if i am i don't know it.
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i will tell you that there are people who understand... and by the way, let me tell you this is the first client i've ever had on a postconviction. i have corrections officers who deal with these guys on a daily basis, riding relators -- letters saying we have never seen people like this. they have life without parole, they've exhausted all appeals from the last ten years and these guys are model prisoners. >> judge jeanine: that's just ... but i will put the question to you pam. the issue here is that in the second trial, his first trial was for both brothers, the judge refused to allow in the aftermath of o.j. simpson's acquittal, the judge refused to allow any evidence that would -- that the boys claimed that they were sexually abused by their father. they were convicted. do you want to add to that market very quickly and hit -- let's hear what pam has to say.
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>> basically what they did the second time around, eight days after the acquittal of o.j. simpson, the judge basically did not give what's called the imperfect self defence instructions. all of the evidence that the jury heard the first time or the two juries heard the first time, most of it was truncated. and they didn't get the instruction and then the da argued they were basically just whiners who wanted a rich lifestyle. so they kind of engineered a conviction here. i think now in retrospect, i told this to janine when we were talking about it, if they had been the sisters, i don't think they would still be in custody. >> judge jeanine: back to the attorney general pam. there was testimony from both brothers, family members saw that they were abused and there was an agreement with the father -- the father was in the bedroom
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with the kids. nobody could go down the hall where the bedroom is. rule on this. >> i'm glad you are sitting down for this because as a former homicide prosecutor, i think it could have been a defence. it definitely could have been... so the jury could have come back with manslaughter, knowing they had been sexually abused. >> judge jeanine: no question about it. you've got to watch it on fox nation. both brothers... thank you. coming up next, stephen miller tells us why the biden administration isn't ready for the next border surge when we come back on this special edition of hannity. who will do your taxes from start to finish? try turbotax live full service. your full service expert, will do your taxes for you, as soon as today. plus, they'll only sign and file when they know it's 100% correct, and you're getting the best outcome possible.
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>> judge jeanine: welcome back to the special edition of hannity. according to the new york post, a new caravan of illegals are making their way to el paso. they are expected to arrive at the border this week. meanwhile mike johnson will send articles of impeachment against ... to the senate next month. and it's about time, every day we witness the disturbing consequences of biden's open border agenda. here now with reaction, former senior adviser to president trump and my friend stephen miller. now why do you think they keep coming and why is there a new caravan of 2000 showing up next? >> it's quite simple. the trump policy was deter, detain, deport. joe biden eradicated that policy and democrats have implement it a new policy. release, resettle, reward. reward with cash, work permits,
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free hotels. reward with free flights, for you lawyers free health care, free education. free everything. even prepaid debit cards. they aren't merely smuggling illegal aliens into this country but joe biden and the democrat party are subsidizing illegal immigration with millions, indeed billions of taxpayer dollars. >> judge jeanine: the amazing part of it stephen is the fact that even the illegals are laughing at us. you've got them, or memory the venezuelans who beat up the police officers, kick them and then gave them the middle finger to america. then you got this other guy who is telling -- and other venezuelan i believe is telling people how to squat and you are an idiot if you work and how much cash he is making an fact ice is looking for him. they can't find him. the whole thing is absurd. >> this is the ultimate indignity. not only do you have illegal aliens trespassing in our
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country, they are now being coached to trespass in our physical homes and steal them from their rightful and legitimate homeowners. this is the dispossession of the american people. and every senate democrat is complicit. just one week ago, many people may not realize this, there were three votes on the senate floor and they came -- came down to a partyline vote. every democrat voted to kill the lincoln -- laken riley act, kill an amendment ending centuries cities and to kill an amendment ending joe biden's secret... that's where they are flown hot over the border and then resettled in towns or cities across america. they are sponsoring the invasion. they are financing the invasion. because their objective is to have as much immigration as humanly possible.
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>> judge jeanine: we are paying for it. thank you so much for being with us tonight. more of this special edition of hannity right after the break.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jeanine: we'll come back to the special edition of hannity but unfortunately that's all the time that we have for this evening, don't forget to check out my new special on fox nation the menendez monitors monsters misunderstood streaming now it is great i will be back on the five tomorrow at 5:00 pm eastern and we hope you tune in, my friend greg gutfeld is on next have a great night and thank you for watching