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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  March 28, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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lions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> we are out of time period thanks to... i love you america. good evening. it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles and this is america's late news, fox news at night breaking tonight, former president trump in new york to mourn and slam the killing of a call president
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biden also new york to raise money at radio city. at the tail of two campaign trails converging on the very place where nypd officer jonathan diller lost his life three nights ago. a murder that is once again putting america's crime crisis back at the forefront because the accused killer has a long criminal history. in chicago, a man serving 16 years somehow got out of prison early. twenty-four hours later he was back in jail accused of killing an 11-year-old boy trying to protect his pregnant mom. live in new york with the very latest on an officer and an 11-year-old boy. good evening. >> reporter: good evening trace. while there are four u.s. presidents here in new york today, only one attended the wake of murdered new york police officer jonathan diller who was gunned down monday during a traffic stop. >> we have to get back to law & order. we have to do a lot of things tepidly because this is not
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working. it's happening too often. it's an honour to be here. >> reporter: trump told the new york post tonight that president biden should have also been there but it was too late. now to reach out to diller's family. meanwhile mr biden attended the campaign fundraiser at radio city -- radio city music hall, his secretary address the tragedy. >> the president has stood with law enforcement his entire career and continues to stand with them as they put their lives on the line for their communities. >> reporter: the shooter had 21 prior arrests. none of them felonies and he had just recently gone on parole. a theme is echoed in chicago where this time an 11-year-old boy was stabbed to death by a suspect. authorities say they are a violent repeat offender -- and had only been out of prison less than 24 hours. the governor also admits this deadly decision by his prison
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review board was a mistake, conceding that the case was not given the careful consideration needed. jayden perkins died while trying to protect his pregnant mother from her ex-boyfriend, his family and friends continue to mourn his loss, in saying that his infectious laughter and his kind heart touched everyone that he met. >> it's an awful story. thank you. former president trump attended the wake for officer diller, president biden was at a big-money fundraiser alongside former presidents obama and clinton. plenty as you see there, plenty of pro pelleting and protesters. live with more on that. >> reporter: good evening trace. the presidential monarchy just departed about ten minutes ago. you just misted the fundraiser is now over. not without some drama. you mentioned those pro- palestinian protesters earlier tonight. there were about 500, several hundred protesters here right
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across the street. we saw at least one of them be arrested and after that we saw other protesters crowd around nypd officers chanting at the nypd and quit your jobs. all the while at 25 million-dollar fundraiser happened right across the street with president joe biden and former presidents barack obama and bill clinton. we have a new picture of all three of them together. the main event of this fundraiser inside radio city was a discussion between the three presidents, moderated by stephen colbert that's not all. liz oh and queen latifah performed their music while the people outside made their voices heard about president biden's support of israel. listen to this...
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>> reporter: hundreds of protesters spent their night chanting in the rain. they surrounded radio city music hall on both sixth and fifth avenues in manhattan and they arrived shortly after president biden landed in new york with president obama. they then met with president clinton and came here, a picture with all three of them at this fundraiser cost $100,000. the cheapest ticket was 225 bucks. there were several different tiers. you could pay 225 grand or even $500,000 to get into separate exclusive receptions after the main event. right now the nypd is cleaning up and removing the barricades that they've had in place all day. >> live for us in new york. thank you. let's bring in the founder of...
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>> this is former president trump at today's wake. >> the police are the greatest people we have. theirs nothing and nobody like them. this should never happen. we have to stop it. we have to get back to law & order aircraft to do a lot of things differently because this is not working, it's happening too often. >> trace: nobody knows as much about diplomacy and optics than you do. when you look at what happened today, by did not going to the funeral, trump going to the funeral. how does it look? what's your take from this? >> it looks exactly as it should and that is that three former democratic presidents are spending their time hobnobbing with celebrities, everybody raises money for a campaign. what the juxtaposition to see president trump with the fallen, with the family, really being
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for the people, i think it's obviously the biden team has got to be kicking themselves seeing this just a -- juxtaposition tonight. i don't think he did it for campaign reasons. i think he did it for the right reasons. he's been pro- back the blue. he's for law enforcement and first responders around this country. if this is the kind of campaign that biden is going to run, meeting with celebrities instead of honouring the fallen, it might not end well for him in november. >> trace: the question is is he going to raise his numbers? the white house did not say officer diller's name today. they did blame republicans for the spike in crime, watch. >> violent crime, surged under the previous administration which repeatedly attempted to cut the cops program, all of their budgets and they targeted the key funding... biden harris
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administration have done the polar opposite, taking decisive action from the very beginning to fund the police and achieving a historic rejection in crime under his leadership. >> trace: is laughable. the border is secure, afghanistan with smooth and then defund the police. nobody believes it. >> it's a twist of the narrative it they've done this with the border. they said they've been the one securing the border all along, it's republicans who haven't. now they're saying they are the ones who are tough on crime when we all know that -- where the defund the police movement started. i wanted to go back to the optics of this. you had former president trump in this press conference, he had some of new york's finest standing behind him in solidarity with the message that we have a big problem. this is a huge issue for president biden, he can say whatever he wants about what he's done as president but democrats... people see through the truth and i think trump standing with cops says it all. >> you're exactly right. biden as we said raising a ton of money. i want to put up this,'s
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approval numbers on the economy at 38 percent. on inflation, 34 percent. it is hard to buy a better approval number. >> when you don't have anything good to run on, you start running on other things like they have clearly talked about in the state of the union how they are going to run on abortion and on january 6th and all of these other issues. you start running on those issues when you don't have good policies. people aren't stupid, they know how much it cost to go to the grocery store and fell at the grocery cart. they know how much it cost to go get gas. it's not a surprise that his poll numbers are as bad as they were for jimmy carter when he was up for reelection. some things you can't fake. i feel bad for the white house press secretary in the clip that you showed because she is having to defend the indefensible. >> fifteen seconds to wrap us up here. >> i completely agree. president biden has a long road
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ahead of him. there's a reason why he's pulling out the big guns. he has a long way to go and we will see if he will debate. >> trace: thank you both. whether it's hillary's deplorable's, obama attacking those he says cling to guns and religion, or president biden villain icing half the country with his extremist label, conservatives and rural voters are under fire and constantly being accused of threatening democracy. the senior national correspondent kevin corke's live in washington with a closer look at this. >> as he just pointed out whether it's hillary's deplorable's or obama's god guns and gays, this is been part of democratic politics for some time, this linkage about the virtuous versus the villainous. but never forget, democrats played the long game very well. which is why critics say the biden campaign's attempt to simultaneously vilify and yet court rural american voters is
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so important to study. by now you have seen the headlines. and less attacks by the mainstream press calling white rural trump supporters a threat to democracy, calling rural white people the problem. even books out there claiming there is this rural white rage. now critics suggest it's actually meant to further bifurcate the electorate. so then it stands to reason that when the white house and the president in particular slammed republicans, it's been argued by the pundits that what he is really doing is using code to describe those very same rural white voters. however, biden's campaign is also planning an aggressive outreach to the very same voters in the rural parts of our country who account for a sizable portion of a lot of the ... 30 percent in north carolina and in georgia and wisconsin. 22 percent in pennsylvania.
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61 percent in maine. it's a strategy that makes sense especially when you consider former president trump actually widened his lead among rural voters to 65 percent in 2020, up from 59 and 2016. for context in 2022, the midterms, gop candidates got 69 percent of the rural vote. now there are three important areas of fertile ground, the biden campaign is hoping to tell this fall. pushing the enormous infrastructure bill, boosting the spending and rural communities, pushing for student lone forgiveness and boosting internet access by way of broadband availability. critics are warning tonight that rural voters and you know this, they can smell a fake and they are wary of political carnival blockers who come around once every four years selling their blend of's cashback brand of snake oil. we will see if that works or if the vilification of those voters
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and the rural parts of our country really pushes them away. >> trace: we know it's going to keep on going. thank you very much. let's bring in former republican presidential candidate... governor it's great to have you on the show. here's a quote from the author of white rural rage, they are the most racist, is enough a bike, anti-immigrant,... in the country so if you don't live in one of those big blue cities in the country, you live in your neck of the woods, you are bad? you're thoughts. >> is not only completely wrong trace, it's entirely offensive to anybody who has ever lived or worked in a rural area. americans have lived in rural areas where we are feeding and feeling the rest of america and the world and these kinds of danger is stereotypes that divide, this is obama, it's clinton, it's biden. the old trouble trying to divide the country. >> trace: here is our president who ran as a uniter,
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here's what he had to say. >> the extreme republicans voted clear at present danger to our democracy. donald trump and the republicans represent and extremism that threatens the very foundation of our republic. >> trace: if that doesn't warm your heart as a uniter, nothing will. >> when i hear it come out of go biden's mouth, it's really alarming because one of their tropes and themes of this election is that somehow president trump and republicans are going to be a threat to democracy and yet here we are leading the rural status governor. we are facing 27 different rule-making efforts that the biden administration is trying to jam down on energy and agriculture in rural states. that's the threat to democracy. these aren't laws coming out of congress, it's a one-size-fits-all view that we should -- they are going to
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decide just about everything. that's the real threat to democracy. the states graded the federal government, not the other way around. biden and his crew thank the federal government and the elites have every answer. >> trace: those are great points. great to have you on the show is always sir, thank you. hope that leg is feeling better. >> thank you trace, it is. >> trace: brand-new video. a group of illegal immigrants triggered lockdown at a middle school before being taken into custody. authorities say it happens all the time. more on how the crisis on our southern border is now affecting schools. >> reporter: migrants are illegally crossing into the u.s. where razor wire stops at the texas border... six migrants were arrested near middle school on wednesday. it was the second incident of this kind this week. the search for the migrants prompted a school lockdown. >> it is concerning and it does
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disrupt our educational process when we do things of this nature >> they will hide in backyards, tool sheds, trash cans, up against buildings. the majority i'm sure are good people and looking for a better life. we've seen the statistics. we know that there are bad actors in those groups. >> reporter: a new poll shows 82 percent of registered voters plain -- blame congress' lack of action for the situation at the border. and 74 percent of registered voters blame president joe biden's lack of enforcement. >> this had ministration continue to not do anything. they are catering to what the people are coming across. they are putting americans last. not even putting them second, it's last. >> reporter: despite mounting criticism, the biden administration defends it's handling of the southern border. >> we should be aware where the majority of americans are. they want us to deal with what's happening at the border and want us to fix this immigration system.
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>> reporter: new pulling also shows 57 percent of registered voters trust former president donald trump to do a better job on immigration as opposed to the 39 percent you think president biden would handle it better. >> trace: numbers are fascinating. thank you. the common sense department is sceptical about the latest campaign strategy where biden repeatedly talks about the early days of covid appeared to the goal of course is to paint former president trump in a negative light by saying that he quote didn't care much about science and reason during the pandemic, then went on to claim 1 million lives. has nobody reminded biden that 750,000 of those lives were lost on his watch. as were following the science, should in that phrase be packaged up and placed in an old call many museum right next to the silent movies of keystone cops only to be brought out during public displays of satire and screw ups.
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remember, it was the science that had us all wearing a mask, putting useless pieces of paper on her face to signal how deeply we care. it was the science that shut down the schools for two years, propagating a learning loss that could take decades to restore. it was the science that had president biden calling it the pandemic of the unvaccinated even though vaccines did not stop you from getting or spreading covid to. was the science that gave us 6 feet of separation that found she now says was a distance pulled out of thin air. if you disagree with the science you were censored, meaning it was never science, it was always dogma. they think president biden should keep an eye on his dogma, lessee hashmak lest he step and something unpleasant. >> trace: great to have you both on here. we will get back to common sense in a minute. i want to bring this up because the border crisis talking about
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schools is kind of interesting here because the border protection said this about the schools and the story we just did. >> it's one of many areas that these migrants jump into without thinking of where they're going going because they are trying to evade arrest. >> trace: this is one of those things where you have illegal immigrants going into schools, you have no idea what they are doing. and to be around kids is a very bad... >> this is not just happening in border counties. i've request across the country because we are seeing migrants end up in places like martha's vineyard in colorado and denver. we're watching districts make choices that de- prioritize our students. the redirecting and putting students, housing them in jim's, using facilities that are supposed to be used for children to learn and our children are the ones being shortchanged. that's a really underreported element of this problem that the
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biden administration created. >> trace: parents in action now fed up. they say parents are fed up with administrative dysfunction, low test scores, strikes and other people. they are organizing to refocus funding and political priorities on academic spirit this can be the healthiest thing we've seen in a long time and it's happening in oakland. >> i think places like oakland have the straw that broke the camels back has broken. at this point people are fed up and even in places where they supported policies that were destructive and lead to where we are now, we are realizing those policies impacted them so negatively. it took a while but i think people are waking up. many have woken up and we are seeing action. i hope we see much more of this happening, not just in places like oakland but throughout the nation. >> trace: you look at families in action. this is fascinating. one out of every ten black students can do math at grade level. one of every ten latin students method grade level. five of every ten asian students
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, six of every ten white students. that's an astounding number. >> it's astounding. lets a member the same people who -- who have been pushing this nonsense at our schools. these equity warriors. they are the ones who are actively shortchanging disadvantaged students. they are hypocrites, they need to be thrown out with the trash because they don't care about our children. it's only the parents who care about... >> trace: stick to the science >> i wish they would. as you said in the commonsense segment that the science now doesn't have the meaning that it used to. used to mean open debate, discussion, people disagreeing and actually settling on what is factual based on a careful, equal examination of all the evidence. that doesn't happen anymore. now the science means whatever the people in charge have to say and if you don't believe it, too bad. >> a used to be conformity is the enemy of science and now if you don't buy it we just censor you. thank you both. coming up, california
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businessmen had a fugitive run into his shop and attack him. then the swat team came in and during a 13 hour standoff, you are looking at it. the shop was destroyed. now a judge says the business owner is responsible to pay for the damage. that business owner will join us live on sat next. later, the french bulldog still america's favourite dog, two years in a row peer do you agree? which breed do you think should be considered top dog and why? let us know. the french bulldog two years in a row? come on. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common.
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>> trace: first up into nights real news roundup you.
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here's to election integrity and pennsylvania. they upheld the state law that mandates voters fill out date and sign their ballot. hell of a concept. they argued that ballots with missing or incorrect dates should still count. the ruling overturns a lower court decision allowing election workers to count undated ballots last presidential election. nah disgraced crypto king sentenced to 25 years in prison after being found guilty for his role in the collapse of ftx after the -- his rambling attempt at an apology today in court, a judge ripped the fallen mogul as a remorseless scammer obsessed with power, saying he knew it was criminal, he regrets that he made a very bad bet about the likelihood of being caught. the biden administration says it stopping the release of a title ix rule allowed... until after the election. source telling the washington post the white house is holding up because it seems to be too
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much of a hot topic. former president trump has vowed to ban athletes who identify as transgender from competing outside of their biological sex. small businesses in california are facing twin threats of crime and the state government that is consistently making it harder for them to stay in business. let's bring in a restaurant owner... along with the owner of no hope of printing and graphics. a 30-year-old business destroyed by crime and a swat raid. it is carlos pain you, thank you for coming on, we appreciate it. we have two thanks for you. this is a list of big-name businesses going out of business in california recently and i think it's worth scrolling on the screen there as we go through this and everything from whole foods to nordstrom or starbucks are all going out. the freedom economies index survey found that 13 percent of small businesses were happy with
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being located in california. 40 percent lower than the national average. it's unbelievable win you look at the regulations, when you read through these things and you wonder why would anybody do business in california? they are constantly pouncing on you. >> if you ever wondered if it was intentional the destruction of the small businesses, i think we now know that it probably is because it's part of a much grander strategy. we talk about how horrible this is and everybody agrees. source the worker and especially the entry-level worker. they are losing their jobs and if all of these small businesses get replaced, it's going to get automated. so this is hurting the worker. >> trace: have you explain this? have you said you are not helping us at all. >> the thing is that they don't care. the bureaucracy gets so big there's that fusion responsibility where it's somebody else's problem. we have to do this because we are projecting you will me know that's not the case. >> trace: fugitive storms or
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shop and he attacks you and then you make it out of the store, is that right? >> he hit me on my shoulder. i fell off the outside of the shop and he went inside and barricaded himself in there and that's where the whole chaotic thing happened. >> trace: we're looking at the video here. then the swat team comes in and marshall's come in and there is a standoff. a 13 hour standoff and you can see they threw in teargas and all kinds of stuff. destroyed or store, is that fair? >> yes. about 23 rounds of teargas were shot at and destroyed practically everything. they kicked indoors, punching machines, breaking the glasses on my copiers. it was so chaotic and i didn't really know exactly what was going on because i thought that
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i was out of it. i never thought that something like that could have happened to me. >> trace: now you have to pay for it. >> the judge said that he was going to rule it without presence and in fact we thought it was a good sign. then he ruled that the swat team is immune to it. >> trace: it's a crazy thing. california fast food restaurants have to pay $20. we knew this was coming. president of the international franchise association says local restaurants will face hundreds of thousands of dollars in increased operating cost, customers will face higher food prices, restaurant owners will have to cut cost to keep their doors open which means jobs. >> inside this bill there is a whole another list of regulations or restrictions that will affect these businesses which means they are going to automate the workers, lose their jobs, there's going to be layoffs and it hurts the worker.
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i keep saying that because it's true. this is not for the worker, it's for the government and corporations that are getting exempted by way of this bill. >> i was telling you -- a cheeseburger at five guys in san diego is $12.89 for the burger. >> i don't want to trash five guys. i enjoy it. this is an index for inflation. when they want to talk about all these statistics, look at the price of the burger. it's absurd. that's probably just an isolated incident. i've heard stories were you go out and it's 60 or $70. >> trace: you are a small business owners so you know this. you know when you hear that a burger is $12... i'm just saying it's in california and that same burger and wherever is going to be lower. >> of course. it's the same thing with my business with the paper and materials. they went up about 65 percent in
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the last couple of years. 69 percent. it just creates problems for everybody. >> now you are doing business out of your garage. >> i lost about 80 percent of my clientele. it's very bad. >> trace: we wish you the best of luck, thank you for coming on. great to have you on is always. coming up, easter is this sunday and there is revival breaking out again on college campuses. hundred of students baptized in this fountain at the university of alabama. roll tide. what is driving young people to find their faith? we talked to two students who were on hand for the mass baptism next. still ahead, eight iconic proper from the movie titanic just sold for a whole bunch of money. a 62-year-old cowgirl blazing the way for other women in the world of competitive roping.
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viral videos are next. 830 4:00 on the west coast. first alive look at san francisco california where you know the blue jeans were invented back in 1873. it too bad they can't keep the stores open to sell them. next, nashville tennessee where cotton candy was invented. finally alive look, providence, rhode island. the small estate in america and if you cannot join us live, don't forget to set your dvr to watch us any time. stay tuned, the revival, university of alabama students next.
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not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! >> trace: the spiritual awakening on college campuses that first captured headline more than a year ago still spreading nationwide. in estimated 6000 students showed up for an uplifting revival of the campus of the university of alabama. let's bring in campus reform
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correspondent and the author of one generation away... thank you both for coming in. before we talk i want to play some of this video and listen very quickly so we can all get a feel for what was happening at the university of alabama. [ cheering ] >> trace: what was it like to see thousands of students come together in this fashion? it. >> it was truly inspiring trays. i saw thousands of students from my own campus coming together to praise our lord and saviour and ultimately about 250 of them were baptized last night. college campuses across the country have been trying to stamp out christianity from universities. it's clear now more than ever that our generation is hungry
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for jesus and the hope, love and joy that he brings. >> trace: you said it was the greatest thing that you have ever seen. care to explain that for us? >> absolutely. happy easter, thanks for having us on. 6000 students filled up to worship god and just like they said, around 250 students were baptized. i announced my debut book... the second section of this book is called the modern day... everyone is asking why did you come up with that? in modern -- modern day america things are under attack. it's gone by the wayside in our country but there's hope and that's what we are here to show the audience. last night was the third mass batted -- baptism. we are in the midst of a modern-day revival that couldn't be coming out a more necessary
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time for america. >> trace: it's one of those things where you hear a lot of people say this is a lost generation. you look at these pictures, it does not look like a lost generation to me. >> it does not. you got it right there. people say we are the lost generation or the generation of mental health disorders. i think it's clear now more than ever, last night proved that we are hungry for our saviour and we are running away from those labels and running towards him. >> it really is crazy. college is harder to. everybody knows college is hard. students get depressed. this is, it seems to me, uplifting. what do you think? >> i completely agree. we're all going to be faced with a twisted that is far more important than what we are good to be faced with in november. we are all urging our peers to lean in, get off the sidelines, stand up for american freedom. there and will not be a free
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america... lean in, get off the sidelines and worship god. >> we are looking at the pictures. i want to know what was your favourite part. what was your big take away from this revival? was at the music, the gathering, was it the faith? what'd you take away from this and what will you tell your friends and family for years to come? >> without a shadow of a doubt, it was ultimately dancing to the great worship music to praise our lord and saviour and secondly i would say watching the hundreds of students at the end of the event walk up to the front of the stage and say i want to be saved by jesus today. i want to live in his freedom. >> trace: what was your take away brian can't what would you tell peoples down the road. >> it's been 24 hours since it happened. i have not stopped talking about it.
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celebrating with friends and even strangers, brothers and sisters in christ is something that i will never forget and i hope we can multiply this across every campus and every community in america. spread the word of god and the good news of the gospel. >> trace: merry happy easter to both of you. it was great stopping by. great pictures and thank you, roll tide and we will see you very soon. thank you. mack pope francis delivered lengthy mass. he blessed of the oils for easter church services and later travelled to rome's main women's prison to watch the feet of inmates. he appeared in good health after recent health issues. first into nights viral videos, a nashville resident caught this bolt of lightning on camera. the video is slowed down to show the branches of electricity. you can see it right there. the storm also brought high winds and again, lots of
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lightning. one of the most iconic props from the movie titanic, the wooden plank that held rose before the rescue just sold for $700,000 plus. it gained attention in the ongoing debate about whether jack could have fit on it as well. this is 62-year-old brenda, she is a world-class cattle roper who has made it her mission to inspire other women in the sport. last year she and her son-in-law took home a 97,000-dollar prize at the world series of team roping. now she is teaching her granddaughter the sport. more than 100 eggs laid by endangered turtles now hatching at a conservatory in australia. three rare species are among the hatchlings. they will care for them until they fully mature and then release them into the wild. if you have a viral video to share, why don't you share with us? coming up, should the french
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bulldog still be considered the top dog or is it time for the popular pup to roll over and make room for another favourite breed. and what type of dog do you like best? the responses are flowing in. get us yours, we will read it later. first, tomorrow on fox and friends, meet one-on-one with donald trump and the good friday message. dvr the show if you cannot catch it live. we're coming coming right back with favourite dog next. of str heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you... to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death.
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>> trace: we're back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic, every dog has its day and it seems like the french bulldog has seen a lot of good days lately because it's been america's favourite dog two years in a row. do you think the frenchy should have a top spot as america's favourite or is there another breed that you think might be better? let us have it. what do you think. >> i love all dogs. i would say silver lobby, it's a great dog and i love their spunk once again, all dogs good dogs. even hot dogs.
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>> trace: he's always a chef. nicole what do you think? >> i'm personal to shiba inu... they are good-looking but they also give up don't tread on me vibes which i think is very american. >> trace: what do you think about this? >> i've never owned a dog but if i did i would have a my hair hair to pointer it's not a common breed i met a couple of them in san francisco and fell in love with them. they are gorgeous. they just have this regal nature to them and you just want to stare at them. >> trace: did my picture get in there? this is our dog. this is handsome boo. we lost him a couple of years ago but that's my favourite dog is a big white sweet lab. they are great. chad lee painter, what's your favourite dog? >> a rescue dog is my favourite dog. >> trace: any rescue dog. >> any sort of mixed rescue dog
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is fine with me. growing up we had... so rescue is always the best way to go. theirs so many animals that need a home. >> trace: kevin corke, your favourite dog. >> i like the corgis. their fun, lovable and if not that, somewhat adds are really pretty. i think that would be kind of fun. >> trace: look at this kevin. this is murphy. one of our producers dogs and i think this is becoming one of her favourites. by the way, used to own a french bulldog and love them both equally. this is where... our poll should the french bulldog be america's favourite? yes. 15 percent. on instagram 10 percent. craig says beagle naturally. who doesn't love snoopy? they say basset hounds as they are so affectionate but very
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stubborn. kj, a chocolate lab, great companion and so loyal. patrick conroy says irish wolfhound. very smart and easy to train. definitely multis should be number 1. philip gilbert says rhodesian ridge back. those are great dogs. the most loving and docile dog there is. lori says the corgi. i remember the old corgi. they say boston terrier, small, smart, loyal and great with children but it's tough to be mr murphy. thank you all for joining tonight. thank you for joining america's late news, fox news at night. we will see you back here for friday night werful cold and flu symptom relief with a honey-licious taste. dayquil honey, the honey-licious, daytime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, power through your day, medicine. fox news is proud to bring you this she■s a hero moment. i knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded.
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