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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 28, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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[ ♪♪ ] >> hello everyone. i'm with... and this is the five.
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>> 22024 presidential candidates touching down in new york for a dip -- different reasons. truck the 31-year-old was killed in the line of duty by a career criminal who has been arrested more than 20 times. he leaves behind a wife and a 1-year-old sun. president trump spending time with his wife today and says this tragedy should never have happened. >> such a sad, and sad event. a horrible thing it's happening all too often and we are not going to let it happen. twenty-one times arrested this thug. of the person in the car with him was arrested many times. they don't learn because they don't respect. they are not given the respect that the police are the greatest people we have. theirs nothing and nobody like them. this should never happen, we have to stop it.
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we have to get back to law & order. we have to do a lot of things differently because this is not working. >> he is also a new york -- president biden is in new york. he spent the afternoon taping a podcast with some celebrities and also obama and clinton. liberals soft on crime policies have been under the microscope. that men in the car during that traffic stop had 35 charges between them. the white house is shifting the blame, saying this yesterday. >> president biden is deeply grateful for the sacrifices police officers make to keep our community safe. this shooting is yet another painful reminder of the toll of gun violence, what is doing to inflate on families and our communities and our nation. that's why the president signed more than two dozen executive actions. that's what we were able to pass a bipartisan agreement to deal with the gun violence that we are seeing in this country. >> today they are pointing fingers at republicans.
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>> under the previous administration which repeatedly attempted to cut the cops program, all of their budgets targeted that key funding for the police and congressional republicans proposed to doing it again. this is a president, and administration that halved on the polar opposite, taking decisive action from the very beginning to fund the police and achieving a historic rejection in crime under his leadership. >> we were able to talk with former president trump today. that full interview were -- will air tomorrow. for a little sneak peek watch this. >> they wanted me to be there and i wanted to be there. i came in from florida. what a family, the dealer family they lost a hero really. they are devastated. the family is devastated, the police forces devastated. the whole country feels this way it's happening more and more and
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it's really a lack of respect for law & order. >> i think in years passed we might have been shocked that suspects had 35 priors between them and that they were out on the streets. now it's routine. we expect that is to be the case >> they all have priors and are all being allowed to come out and pray on people. this guy has got attempted murder charges, he has gun charges, assault, drug distribution. there's no way this guy should have been out but he was and now the family is in shock. it's such a travesty because it doesn't need to happen. today you have the framing. you have joe biden making it rain over there. donald trump is at a funeral for a slain copy. we've seen this before at the border. i don't know if it's locked, timing, instincts. joe biden sent -- biden is at
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the border, can't get his footing and donald trump is there at the wall doing his thing. this is happening couple time... he's at ufc college fights football,'s memes are pretty slick. when you compare these to people it gives the country a choice. one man is paying respects, the other man is asking for money. i know the timing is strange but it's not even about politics for trump be -- because if you know him you know how much he cares for law enforcement. he wants to be there. so this isn't even really political for him. biden's their elect because if i were the president, i would get on the phone with... and i would say are you kidding me? twenty-one priors? what are you doing? i'd call the city council chief. what you doing? whatever you are doing, racism,
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equity, forget about it. fix the problem, get it together and you are costing lives. and you are costing joe biden reelection. that's the way they need to hear that, find. but this isn't destroying this country right now and people have had it. >> there was a report that president biden did call mayor adams but it was described as offering condolences, not necessarily saying what's happening up there in terms of can you get them to do what he should be doing which is prosecuting crime. >> i'm not sure exactly what happened on the phone or what the conversations are. none of us can be. this does feel like a missed opportunity not only in expressing the level of condolences that this family deserves for something like this , but also that you have a plan to rectify the problem so that it won't happen again. the judge pointed out the other day that traffic stops are the most dangerous time for a police
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officer because they don't know what they are walking into. if you are going to have people on the street who should be in jail, something bad is going to happen within that car. especially if you have 35 priors between them. i think it's deeply depressing, i think that there is a moment to talk about your record and this was knot it. theirs lots of evidence that you could point to end say i invested this or i did that. it's just a sad day. >> the support for law enforcement used to break fairly evenly between the parties. in 2016, the average donations was 57 percent. in 2020 it was 77 percent. so what happened in between was had the defund the police movement and to think that hat -- that that hasn't had an effect is not true. >> we had for copresidents a new york city today. three of them were here for a
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political race. three of them were here to raise money. three of them were here to make sure that the fourth president didn't become president again. and one president, one president alone was here to pay respect to a fallen police officer who should never have died in the line of duty. you see that front line in front of that funeral home, i've been in that line many times. what you have are the law enforcement community who know who supports them. they know who doesn't support them. today when joe biden landed at 1:30, he could have gone to that wake. he did a podcast with some celebrity. that's more important to him. raising money is more important. joe biden is about america last. donald trump is about america first. joe biden is about opening the border and century city's and recidivist crimes. donald trump is about supporting
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the police. i am so fed up with... we're going to blame the gone. that gun walked out of that car and... no. dirt bags had those guns. both of them had illegal guns. stop telling me about all your gun legislation because i want to hear about it. i've got 32 years in this business. they don't give a damn what legislation you pass. and how many clips... that's a bunch of nonsense. both of them had illegal loaded guns in that car and were ready, willing and able to use it in the city where they are knocking to be held. one was in prison for attempted murder. he's out on bail for gun possession. are you kidding me? this is the fall of the civilized society. when we don't respect police and law enforcement, when we don't recognize it's time to take it to the democrats. it's time to put it to them. they are responsible for this
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nonsense social justice, bail reform which is nonsense and all of these progressive das, they should be getting rid of the das that are not prosecuting crimes. they should be moving from legislation to protect new yorkers. i'm sick of century city's. i'm sick of illegals protected in sanctuary cities where they can make crimes. a least americans when they commit crimes they go to jail. not the illegals. enough of this. if you don't want to lose this country is only one man who's going to save it. >> it does seem to be the default position. >> it's also not about the number of murders. it really is about the number of preventable ones. both police and civilians. we are seeing people getting killed by people who should have been put away whether they should have been in jail or mental institutions, and gun violence as kg p. states it's not like this generic category like car accidents or accidental overdoses.
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there's a criminal force directly involved. there is something bad happening and intentionally done. is not about the gun. the gun did not push that innocent man in front of the subway. that was all law -- a no bail law that allow that guy out and then he pushed that innocent person in front of the subway. there was no gun. all of this goes back, this recidivism. it all goes back. it's the fruits of the george floyd mythology which allow this radical ideology that deems any attempt at trying to preserve a civil society as racist. we are experiencing our system and watching it for placement which is chaos that is disguised as social justice. in this war on society, the officer was a casualty. it's pushed by elites got him killed. they are far removed from those consequences. meanwhile these murderous thugs in the filter of the oppressed versus the oppressor are seeing it more important that the
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people who protect our streets, i young men who had a wife and a baby. i know that there are people who will say trump is politicizing the -- the death. he essentially noticing it. that's all he's doing. he has noticed law enforcement before he was in politics. people have stories about that. it is weird how joe biden only recognizes the dead if they are part of a trendy movement. only then he can be bothered. i think what you can call that is politics. >> this program... don't miss an exclusive interview. about tomorrow on fox and friends at 6:00 am eastern. while donald trump paid respects as he was invited to, joe biden, right across the street from us are getting ready for a star-studded fundraiser with barack obama and bill clinton. ]
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[ sniffs ] yep, that's mold. well, then, let's see if we can save you some money with progressive. guess how much i originally paid for this fireplace? 23 bucks. materials and labor. just ignore him. you got bamboozled!
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>> joe bynum was in the big apple for a fundraising extravaganza. he is right across the street at radio city music hall for a star-studded event. of course,, biden can be counted on to raise money by himself. his campaign is calling and bill clinton and barack obama. they will cozy up to celebrities and participate in a hard-hitting interview with stephen colbert. they will also enjoy musical performances by queen latifah and liz owe. tickets cost up to $500,000 each.
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making it the most lucrative political fundraiser in u.s. history. obama's major show of support coming after reports that he has been frantically calling biden's staff, fearing a trump rematch. they tell the times, obama has always worried about a biden loss and that obama is prepared to eke it out alongside biden on the campaign trail. i will start with you, you got the three stooges. bubba, barry and clueless joe. they have to come in to raise money because clueless joe can't do it himself, can he? >> joe needs help and they are there to save the campaign. he is the established -- establishment candidate. he is not very smart, you can tell joe biden what to do. he opens the borders and he keeps the national security state paid. but donald trump is just
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pivoting off of this primary so there's going to be a little low fundraising flow now. it'll ramp back up. they have a big event next week so that will be fine. it does help when you have $3.5 billion coming in out of the middle of nowhere. i'm not worried and he has... what i am concerned about is where republicans invest the money. they have now six weeks of voting in some of these states? the democrats will be out there harvesting at the nursing homes and high-rises and just cobbling up all of these male in balance. that's the game now. it's not about persuasion, it's about mobilization. they need to get an early, figure it out and execute because we know how important early voting is now. >> it's interesting. obama jumping in to make sure that biden gets the money that he needs in spite of the tension
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between the campaigns. in spite of the fact that biden was saying as recently as a couple of weeks ago that obama is jealous and all of that stuff. is obama jumping in more about getting biden elected or about defeating trump? >> defeating trump and also trying to resurrect his own legacy. president trump does mental a lot of things. he doesn't want that to happen and he takes it personally. i also think that he thinks it's his responsibility to try to help because joe is not doing as well as he needs to do. i think that you will always see this. the democrats have new york and hollywood entertainment that will come and do this for them. at trump events, trump is the entertainment. you don't have to rely on that. people actually show up to see him. tonight they are coming to see obama, maybe some of the others. obama to me is still the draw for the democrats.
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i imagine that even in joe's head, tell you what, let's go to long island and visit the diller family instead. i also understand this, that biden really wants to have a great fundraising corner in that first quarter. the federal election campaign report is due soon and he is going to get a big number. it will be bigger than trump's and he will get all of the headlines that come with it. it will probably come along with the bloomberg poll that says biden is doing great. that's a call back from yesterday. i think the truth remains that a lot of the accomplishments biden will talk about are actually his largest vulnerabilities. >> speaking of those accomplishments, a recent poll showed that joe biden and his most popular number is for doing nothing. 38 percent. for the economy and inflation, 19 percent.
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student debt, 6 percent, infrastructure six and nothing is 38 percent. that's pretty good. >> got work to do. good thing we have eight months to get it done and he's been out crisscrossing the country, talking about what he has done. on awkward to pretend that everything is calm and beautiful. i think if the election was held today it would be a landslide. this is a dead heat race and it's going to be a dead heat race on november 5th as well. these elections are decided by tens of thousands of people in a few key states and that's it. the idea that joe biden is struggling to raise money is ludicrous and the man had a 10 million-dollar hall in the 24 hours after the state of of the union. he had the largest fundraising month on record in february. the rnc is in complete tatters. the dnc is cruising and anyone in their right mind would give almost anything to be able to
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raise a $25 million in one night. it's custom for previous presidents to campaign with the new presidents of their own party. no one made fun of barack obama when he said bill clinton is my explainer in chief. i can't connect with people in a folksy way so i need bill clinton to come with me and explain my policies this way. then obama obviously campaigned for hillary clinton who did not win the race. for joe biden and bill clinton was out there for him to, this is what you do. there is a common enemy. it's whoever is at the top of the republican ticket and that is a shared mission. donald trump will get his money out of this for sure. you have this contrast of someone who is selling out events like this. they have tickets like over $200, $500,000. $60 bibles, he's siphoning off donor money to pay for his legal
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fees. it's a pretty stark contrast of what's going on here and to return to where i started, that doesn't mean that joe biden is definitely going to win this race. you look at the money. >> you arrested him, he does need to pay the lawyers. >> we didn't arrest him. >> yes, you did. >> you say the monk shot is the most powerful piece of campaign. >> do you think the americans people are more pressed with the money that jessica is talking about or more impressed with the president who goes to honour and respect a fallen police officer. >> i look at the fundraiser and it reminds me of live aid. instead of trying to save a starving nation, trying to save a starving presidency. they've got clinton and obama. one guy is a dog, the other eight a dog. i don't think you've ever seen a more perfect example of the sparkling, obscenely aloof
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elites in one spot in her life. these people are so far removed from the price of things at a supermarket or what it's like to ride a subway. they are a collection of overrated elites who have done really well in this country as they jet from... you see in jessica has laid out in stark contrast, look at the money. so you see the game here. it's about them raising money while draining trump of all his money. then boasting about it, see? he's got to pay for his lawyers. you know they are not going to elect a felon. that was the strategy. it's not about policies or people, it's about a financial advantage in winning at any way possible. meanwhile you've got colbert who has morphed into a full on shill. he was dancing for pharmaceuticals, now he's dancing for a leader who is on pharmaceuticals. i don't think fox would allow me
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to do that. i don't think they would say -- i don't think you should be holding a fundraiser for the republican candidate in ten minutes, i'd be doing a podcast with don lemon. >> the freeloading migrant going viral on tiktok just got a new follower, ice. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪
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>> r >> remember the venezuelan national tiktoker telling migrants to invade u.s. homes? thanks to that stupid video, he blew his cover and they are now looking for him. he's a fugitive on the run after fleeing custody in 2022 and his tiktok video bragging about all
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the free stuff he gets being an illegal, it led officials to believe he is living in ohio. he's not the only immigrant coming to the u.s.... new york city getting to handout prepaid debit cards with up to $350 a week to migrants. eric adams insists the cash isn't learning anybody here. >> it sends a mixed message when it's distorted. i'm not hearing from my colleagues down in ecuador, columbia, mexico that everybody is running to new york because they are going to get a full card. i'm not hearing that. >> is he saying that no one south of the border has any idea what happens the minute you cross? >> this is ludicrous because we know that it's not true. we know all about the facebook post. they show down at the border.
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how did you find out? the cartel sent me this facebook post or i found it on snapchat p. or chi founded on tiktok, that's why figured it out. i've been sceptical about this guy because i feel like he's just straight out of central... is this an actor? because it seems like he would find him in a south park episode. a conservative fever dream. you have this guy coming across the border, then he's crying because he's going to get kicked out because they found him. we saw it the other day win the bridge collapsed in baltimore that many of the people that were working on the bridge that died were immigrants and they are working hard, working in the middle of the night. we are for legal immigration. i don't know what all of their status was. clearly they were willing to do the work. what we are asking for is help us all figure out, get a process in place where it's legal, you can deal with the fact that
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there are people who have already been in line for many years and they are furious that all of this has corrupted into chaos and instead of it being the land of the free, they think it's a land of the free housing and lunch. >> guys like this that brag about getting freebies, it ruins it for every immigrant waiting in line. >> it raises an interesting point. how is this behaviour not viewed as xena phobic? i would burst into a country and i mocked their laws and customs, i'd be called the ugly american. would be called just another xena phobic. the illegals get a hall pass here and if we complain about it we are still xena phobic. but xena phobia right now is coming from outside the house. the refusal by so many people to integrate in hashmak and a simile and they are encouraged not to assimilate. that's not only xena phobic, it's also an attack on the basis for our survival. america is -- we are successful
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because we put aside the differences. we did not celebrate the differences. we achieved success through the reciprocity of something called capitalism and what we're doing doing is bringing people in and then saying you don't have to assimilate. modern migration is coordinated. people are told where to enter, given assistance and money and how to exploit this... when they get here they get cards and they are being told by this fella how to get into a house. of course the house is not a superrich house because you don't want to pass off the libs. as houses that the middle class might live in. you look at south america, the middle east, eastern europe, why is america the places that anybody is coming to? we have stamped out conflict between lineage. we've replaced it with collaboration, what we used to call a melting pot. now we have a movement galvanizing an invasion in order to undo this collaboration,
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right? they want us to go after each other peer we are just like the rest of the world. the people that are coming here are being told, on not saying that's what they want to do. there's a movement here that's telling them. you don't have to be like us or learn the language, just come here and get free stuff. >> jessica would you like to respond? >> sure. obviously people know that if you go to some of these big cities that you will be sheltered and you will be fed and clothed and have opportunity. but these cards for instance are being completely distorted this pilot program which starts with only ten families. you have to have kids in order to qualify for this. they are hope that he gets to 115 families in total by the end. it can only be used for food and baby supplies. the card gets rejected if you are trying to buy something else. you can't go shopping, the mayor was trying out this and the press conference. you also have to sign an
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affidavit that you are not going to improperly use the funds. these kinds of pilot programs, their hope is that they can save the city $600,000 a year because they know that they can go to churches and get a room at the roosevelt hotel. >> i signed those affidavits because they follow the law. >> these are people who are in the system. because they have to have children, it's different than what you are talking about. usually the complaint is all i see is single men streaming across the border. these are the people who might be working on the bridge when god forbid it crashes -- ship crashes. >> they shouldn't have been working on that bridge. if we had a working border, some of those people might have been alive. >> i just heard about this now and it makes me think. >> we don't know if they were undocumented anyway. >> they were all the central american countries. >> does not mean that they don't have status? >> they were willing to work and there is a legal process and we
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would all be able to support that because it would make sense for all of us. >> what we're talking about is this guy who says i did not cross the rio grande to work like a slave. i came to the u.s. to mark my territory and i join in this, they signed an affidavit. we were told they came here illegally. now they will sign an affidavit. what just happened at the border when they rushed the border and nine people have been arrested for assaulting and one stopping on the knee of a border patrol officer. they had all kinds of weapons to cut the border. a lot of these people are coming here so that they can access what they consider, you are seeing it right there, the american dream. new york city just spent $53 million to give them cards. don't tell me it's like ten families. 45 million, in louisville kentucky. two and a half million for just
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three months, that's 12 weeks. 300 million in chicago. these are numbers we don't have to pay. we don't have this money. they know it. this guy is so sophisticated, he knows about squatting. he is telling other illegals how to squat and how not to get arrested. you don't think they know the ins and outs about how to take advantage? the reason he gave up canada and -- was because he didn't get the freebies and he did not want to work. if the borders about this guy then they let him in, they can't find him. they don't know where he is. >> you take a hornets nest if they squat and then you drop it down the chimney. just one of my many ways to get rid of them. i have been thinking, i have so many more of those. ahead, crime ravaged city so
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backwards they are battling a 102-year-old man after vandals keep destroying his property. [ ♪♪ ] fox news is proud to bring you this she■s a hero moment. i knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. part of my journey is responding to looks. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women do it. if you can see her, you can be her. ♪ when you donate we notice. we live it. ah! we appreciate it. when you donate, we keep playing.
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♪ ♪ >> tha >> that's beautiful greg. california getting called out for having mixed up priorities. the city that has been dealing with a crime crisis drawing outrage over going off -- after going after a 102-year-old man. officials ordering him to remove the paint or face a $1000 fine. he says covering up the vandalism has been getting harder for him. >> had roller and a paintbrush and painted it. i was a contractor...
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>> it was one of those stories i did not think it was possible that this was true. they are forcing him. >> the city manager or mayor if he hears about this, he should get over there and paint it himself and say i'm so sorry, what would you like for your birthday. you know what sir, we will have a parade for you. in and out burger, we talked about that they had to close down there and then all the taco bell's. they all went cashless. oakland is a mass. graffiti is a huge problem for a lot of cities and i was talking to a police officer who said it's hard to get ahead of it because -- you need to to have some deterrent, you have to figure out a way to... in terms of prosecuting them it's a difficult thing to do. i talked about how there's this effort in california to try to overturn prop 47.
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the group working on that got more than 600,000 signatures for the ballot. it will be there on the ballot. i think that all the city managers and all the mayors and a lot of the prosecutors are saying they want to change the law so it looks like it could happen by the fall. >> why is the law so funky on this? >> you've got the police who can't respond to a 911. the department that controls within the city hall is looking to make sure that you don't have graffiti at your property. i pay taxes for 80 years and he kept his place clean. apparently there is a something in front of his house. some kind of utility thing that is covered in graffiti that the town won't clean. they are going to him and saying you have to clean your house. what i would do is if i worked for the city in the department
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... i would put a camera out would find out who was doing it. i would make sure that they could get cars if there were cars and focus on the house. then you file charges against them and you make those people clean up the graffiti in this house and every house on the street. you paint the house and paint the house next door or you go to jail. you see there are no consequences anymore. that's what i would do in the situation. >> the graffiti always comes back. i learned that on my street. it gets clean and than within 12 hours it's covered. this is where the false compassion leads... they are benefiting their egos by going after schools or policies about pronouns. the actual real government help doesn't show up for people who need it. republicans may not care about the windowdressing of a statue or the names on a school.
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they sure as hell care about people like that. this is where the real compassion and the false compassion are easily comparable republicans care about this. law and order, policing the street, making sure the community is taken care of. right now you have a left-wing leadership that basically all they care about our symbols. things that do no good for somebody like that. the only people left in oakland are the people that can't leave sadly. >> with these city agencies, it's like a bureaucratic apple ranch. you had a bunch of people, you've seen them at their desks all day, nameless, faceless people and they need to feed. you get the momentum and it just comes down and it crushes anything in its path. 102-year-old vet, cats, flowers.
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it doesn't matter how beautiful or innocent it is, this government when sheen will just assault anything. and you know what? the people behind the computers don't care who they hurt. they have a job to do, they punch the clock and then they go home and they do it day after day after day. i've had it jessica. i have had it. >> i love the word wicked. we should use that more than evil. wicked is good. the fastest is up next. [ ♪♪ ]
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♪ ♪ >> welcome >> time for the fastest. we all make mistakes right? an animal lover rescued what she thought was a sick baby... after spending all night nursing the creature back to health she noticed it wasn't moving. that's when she rested to the vet and the staff informed her that it was not a hedgehog what up pom-pom from the top of a winter hat. i think the doctor just missed an opportunity to completely mess with her. he should have told her it was sleeping and it needs to be petted constantly.
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in a public place and she has to sing taylor swift to him. >> don't get me started. >> i want to know what she did to nurse it back to health. that's what i'm wondering. should -- did she try to breast-feed it? did she notice that none of the food was missing. >> or that it weighed 4 ounces? >> if it were pink she would have fit right in at the protest in 2016. >> you remember the good old days? >> i don't have the hat. i did the new york one. >> they invented the new pet rock. >> my vet would've told me that it was sick, a needed surgery and charged me thousands of dollars and then told me that it died and that they have permission... >> you can never get out of a vet without a common in the
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number. >> according to the dr, they said they realized it was... >> so mean. [ laughter ] >> you are so bad. >> i was thinking the vet should have said killed it. >> yes exactly. >> that'll teach you. >> i'm hope you're happy. one more thing is up next. ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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. . >> scalp label does any more. he has something called ly injel arthritis pain. >> it's joint pain that hurts him all the timefessiona. now there's labella, the first and only once monthly injection and only once monthly injection reast fecare veterinary professionals administering the brother who are pregnant phylaxis, tryg to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self injections, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. this is the best day of my life brand tax season is hunting season for identity thieves and they can use your personal info to commit tax fraud, which increased by 30% last year. lifelock alerted to a wide volume of threats others could miss if your identity is stolen. a dedicated restoration agent will help fix it. backed by our million dollar protection package. lifelock identity theft protection starts here. >> before i came into the picture and not only had
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her two children to care for, but her father as well. i love being a visiting angel's caregiver and ensuring that david can live independently and continue to do what he loves now and can stop being a caregiver and return to being her daughter. join all of us who love helping families get back to being families again. join us in celebrating 25 years of personal home care when we ever have spring football kicks off saturday. the u.s.a. chamber versus the xfl champs. the heavyweight matchup that the fans deserve. spring just got stronger. nfl kickoff weekend begins saturday at one on fox and continue sunday on espn. >> who are you?
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you wanted me to find out about her. she's got a sick kid, a dead husband. she's desperate. i'm just the cleaning lady. she's clearly much more than that. everything i've done, i think, to myself. i never wanted anything bad to happen to you. the cleaning lady. >> all new tuesdays on fox. we were always concerned as friends about the work that he was doing. did i think it would rise this level? >> absolutely not. streaming now on fox nation. >> time now for one more thing. i want to talk to you about this. tomorrow marks one year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was detained by russia on an espionage charge, which he and the u.s. government absolutely deny. a russian court just extended evan's attention by another three months to mark the anniversary.
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i participated in the journal's radiothon along with other reporters and colleagues in a public reading of his reporting for a 24 hour period. bill hemmer and many others were there and participated. it was a really good event and smart to do that tomorrow across all platforms, fox news media will have special coverage about evan. be sure to watch and share his story on social media with the hashtag i stand with evan. and now we shall go to the judge. oh, okay. i'll be hosting the hannity show tonight at 9 p.m.. and among the guests are elina harbor and mike griego, mark geragos, stephen miller. and we're going to talk about the menendez special that we've got on fox nation along with jussie smollett. >> you remember oh, yeah. greg's face. well, he is back in the news in the highest court in illinois is hearing his appeal. so something's cooking there. >> all right, great. all right. tonight, we got a great show. sage steel, kurt metzger, kat timpf titus.
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that's tonight. let's do this real quick, huh? greg's repulsive news this is so disgusting. >> i don't even want a show to be. here goes. take a look at these disgusting little red pandas enjoying a nice, nutritious snack at a milwaukee zoo. they're eating bamboo fruit, acorns, roots in eggs. it's enough to make you sick to your stomach, jeff. they are right. there is a math teacher in dallas who changed his name to literally anybody else and announced he's running for president. so he expects his name to be right under the name of trump. and biden. >> so if you're interested in literally anybody else, vote for this guy tonight. jesse watters, primetime rfk jr at 800. all right. well, jessica, next time right. all right. that's it for us. everyone. have a great night. welcome to jesse waters, primeth time tonight. >> police are the greatestt. people w e's a there's nothing and there's nobody like him. it's an honor for me to be here. this is a greae to here, itt family. ump hono >> trump honors a slain police


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