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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 29, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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constant near calls to the white house. panic seems to be setting in. a joe biden will lose the election. tbut it doesn't stop with phone calls. in minutes right across the street from where i am right now, biden will be flanked not only by barack obama but bill clinton for a star-studded fund-raiser here at, let's go live to radio station where nate foy is standing by with the details. natehe.t >> welcome of the energy is rising right now. this fund-raiser 30 minutes away from startingform radio city music hall where president joe biden is there alongside former president barack obama and bill clinton pure tons of money being raised as a result of this fund-raiser periods the biden campaign said $20 million, tickets to the event as little as $225 and as much as half a million dollars just to get inside up here there are different tiers, different things how much you pay. i will get into that momentarily
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to take look at the live camera where this funding proposed for the biden reelection campaign is not coming without some drama.dh hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters have linked the musie city hall. where are you are looking at sixth avenue where hundreds of protesters are out right now chanting, "you are not welcome, joe biden." i signed that says defend the palestinians, defend the gods appear to defeat, genocidal w war." we had this of the protesters chanting. ♪ ♪t ob will, president biden landed int new york city withsure president obama.ael. tonight's fund-raiser comes afte er pressure on biden for hs
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pressureco of the war. a conversation between president, biden, clintondera moderated by late night a talk show host stephen colbert. the pressure with all three presidents will cost $100,000 and i mentioned those tears ofts entrance, $250,000.500000 tickets will get you two separate, private receptions after thnde event. a lot of celebrities here and musical performances from queen latifah as well as liz li, starting again 7:30, but right now outside, a lot of people are singing very different chance motivated by a very different opinion of president joe biden. we will sendill: t it back to y, will. vid >> will: you know they say a picture speaks a thousand words buelebt that video million word. $500,000 a ticket inside, outside, the images on your screen. thank you so much, nate foy.
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ari fleischer, press secretary and both are fox news contributor. what do yoyou u make of this question what do you seeg whati happening inside this star-studded event and you see t what is taking place outside tht biden/obama/clinton fund-raiser? speak with the first thing isll get ready, republicans, yo fu wl get out fund all year long. the democrats have becom re the party of the wretch. the democrats actually defeat republicans now for thos e who u earn $100,000 sea year. are those are now democratic voters andemod they used to be republin but now overwhelmingly democratic voters. a when you look at all theic p different labor unions from the service employee unions, theross infrastructure of the democratic party, the superplex and not to mention tonight comes across the board the democrats because of their rich contribute republicans.
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republicans have to work real hard and it's a wake up and shot him a warning for anyone who want the republicans to win, they have to contribute and they have to work hard because the a democrats hold the cards andnaiv they have the advantage. >> will: i appreciate thats analysis but i hope not to be naive of the role of donors and politicse sc. but what we see on the screen is a problem left point of the democratic party and we know joe biden has little hope of persuading and i would suggest the center right of the country, and that leaves independence ans that leaves this poll. take a look, what is joe biden's biggest accomplishment for thetn first four years of the presidency and then number one issue, nothing. and they will try to make an argument that it is the economy but if everyone is sitting here, what has he done, nothing? that has to play as big of afo role as money and donors. >> it is athe huge problem fora and ari is right, the
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republicans are facing a daunting task which they wille get out fund raised and see theh big money going to the democrats and the fact that bill clinton and barack obama are linking arms to save joe and potentially save obama's legachingy with his something of significance but i think it inings desperate for tm to bindye turning to ste stephen colbert. if they had gone to radio city a couple of weeks ago and sellingi else, they would hear some good comedy, but i think in thisul instance, it is a sign how much they are going to pull out all the stops to preventd, president trump from coming toae power we shouldn't underestimate it appeared that progressiveer point that you mentioned, thatua is a problem for them and when they are scared of your car you can see it in the images you see in the streets. b these are not people that will be one back easily and the white house tying itself over the israel issue and over the past several weekspu in ways tht
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put them in impossiblee situations really because they arthhee saying one thing public, one thing behind the john kirby trying to spin on their behalf. i don't think it is actually working. i think they are putting- le themselves in a bad position. >> will: ari, let' s talk about what that money and how that money could be used. so, the bideasn administration might think has three years of e convincing the american public that reality is not reality. if they want to control perception thabut t is the fight against ms. perception. but they need an. alternative reality and we hear them talking about the economy. it seems to be landing on deaf ears because look atif this pol, asking people if they feelrs t better all four years ago. overwhelming answer is no. people do not feel better off your temp fact 52% of the microsoft than four years ago. but that money will be designed to try to control people's minds and control perception, >> it will be used in a
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billion-dollar campaign which president biden will do. and that was what they feel a measure at the dinner table t rising rent, rising food and all those things they touch tangibly are wrong here that the economyd is actually really good work with at the economy is getting better and costs are coming down here they will try to fool just enough people to win their vote for joe biden to win you foronvi that is what any campaign has come a political campaign and spend money to get the voterosts you need to get pure they will get a huge post from the media loves to run up theth stories about the economy is much better than people and if people are better off no than they were four years ago,nk even though the polling shows that most people think they are not. between the money they raise into media boost they get, this heart of joe biden trying to claw his way back to the white house. hopefully, he will try toney wir donald trump. that is where the money will go. >> will: i think what we are
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seeing with this marshaling of celebrities and inclusion of obama and clinton is an attempt to make this election about something other than joe biden. ari, ben, thank you for being ot the "the ingraham angle."pres the three musketeers with only presidents in new york today, president trump also drop by.or but this time, it wasn't for a celebrity filled fund-raiser. he came to pay his respects to nypd officer john diller shot and killed during a traffic sto> earlier this week. >> they should never happen. .i just visited with a veryha beautiful wife that now doesn't have her stephanid,e was just incrediblea child from a brand-new beautiful baby sitting there as innocent as can be and doesn't know how his life has been changed.e but the family will never be the same, they can never be the same and we have to stop l
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it. we have to stop it andaw get bae to the l law and order.this >> will: it probably comes as no surprise to you since thiss happen in a democrat led city that the suspects in this crime are career criminals. guy rivera, the accused gunman has 21 prior arrests, nine of them his buddy was in the car withth him also has a lengthy rap sheet including attempted murder in 2002. joining me now, minority leader of the new york city council, joe gamaldi, national vice president of the fraternal order of police. joe, you were, by the way, an officer, at the time officerr diller in this killing waspp happening in this wake was taking place. we have celebrity filled event with joe biden and barack obama. what do you think let messages to new yorkers tonight as you see the different choices by the two candidates for president? >> well, i have got to tell you, i don't think the chasm between
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trump and biden could be any bigger than it is right now in this issue. dwells president trump is loudly and proudly supporting law enforcement condemningan violence and calling for law and order anowd showining up at the officers wait to pay his respects to officer diller. president biden is on the othe r side of town leaving forpu fund-raisers? he can't put out a statementt e condition violence against law enforcement? to make it worse, he has hissmen press secretary who is an embarrassment, by the way, won't have the common decency to say officer diller's name at theey d press conference. they don't intend violence against law enforcement. they talk quickly about gun laws, but they failed to mention the suspect, this monster, just picked up on a gun charge monthc prior and released thanks to new york's revolving door criminal justice this officer should be alive and with us today because the systey failed him.ent that press conference was a>> w smack in the face to every law enforcement officer in this
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country. >> will: you brought up kjp, karine jean-pierre, ans tod youw she had some things to say ine a addition to neglecting to mention the officer's name. a she had an mention why thisci happen and it was not about reset was nor t about recidivism or policies in new york city. she blamed this for crime inragi new york, watch. >> look from our hearts go out to this officer who tragically lost his life in the line of duty. we are prayingficu for his famiy during this difficult time who now has an empty seat at the dinner table.s president biden is deeply grateful for the sacrifices police officers make ts sao keer communities safe. they shooting is yet another painful reminder of the toll of gun violence and what it is doing to inflict on families anw their communities and our nation. that is why the president signeb more than two dozen executive that is why we are able to passy bipartisan agreement to deal with the gun violence that we are seeing in this country, obviously, more work needs to bl done. we need congress to act. o
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>> will: well yesterday job, she mentioned to mike neglected to mention the name jonathang in diller but she laid the blameie for what is happening in new york and other cities across the country on guns. doi should say, joe, she alsomp .blamed it on donald trump. >> i don't know what donald trump has to do with anything, certainly no one e rywatching doesn't leave thate cares very much for law enforcement officers but going back to what she said, you can pass every gun law in new york is pretty much tried but people like the driver that already rusted for crimes including weapons possessione op including attempted murder and 2 not prosecuting those people but it doesn't matter if joe biden signed 20, 30 or 300 executive orders on illegal guns limitth does noter matter. thone truth of the matter is, well, there was one institution at this country at the state, local, national level that is done everything it can to
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pressure itself against law enforcement and to empower k criminals here with thebe institution is the democratic party. people need to wake up going in november 2024 and be cognizant that their choice really doesble matter whether we are going to stand and backed the blue or whether we aren th going to embn democrats areinal another four years. >> will: you know, jokhee withhe the choiceir today is whether th chose to spend their time also makes that clear for the voter. you are both named joe so i have to reference both of your names but i will go back to you joe, here at the en d to make that choice so clear.aid joe biden today to that videorei comparing himself what donald trump said thffere follo, i will tel in l you this, they e the difference betweenalki the o good candidates in the selection and that is what we are talkings about. ers i would hope that differencs not just noticeable to new yorkers but to america. >> yocum i think it is clear we are at a fork in the road up yot are down one fork is law and order and the other is chaos and disorder. to make ahave
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decision. we want to continue war on cups with 378 police officer shotcord last year? do we want to see record homicide numbers to the tune ofb over 20,000 for three years street question equipment seeing those numbers since the mid-1990s. there is a clear choice on thist ballot and we have to choose what kind of mature we want in america, do we want prosperity g in urban areas to thrive? the exact opposite is happening. we will use for a generation and thanks to criminal system policies, woke the a's and activist judges and itours is te to get back on track. >> will: joe, thank you so much. one thing joe biden will bring up tonight the fund-raiser 2,000 strong caravan heading to the border. those details next. of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
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♪ ♪manh >> will: well, biden is palling around in gnomic with stephen colbert, the threats of inpatient continue to grow at the southern border. new warnings that 2,000 illegal immigrants marching toward the united states. their destination, reportedly el paso. th "e same place wnee saw a vido
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from new york both showing a mob of illegal immigrants rushingeat our border. joining me with reaction, independent journalist, brendan judge, president of the national border patrol council. want to start with you, you cover the crisis in the caravan and travef back and forth from thes united states to mexico. one of the things that strikesrh me out and i love yourti perspectivtle covering firsthand is the entitlement board illegat immigrants towards the united states of america. looking at a video that we n share you but i ca you what was said by one of thet activist, caravan activist who said because the united states l their border we as the activists are persecuted. and then let me think about the mexican president. ,i don't know if you saw this, but the mexican presidenty looking at the tragedy in baltimore, the collapse of the bridge said, "migrants to risky jobs at night," that is true, but they do not deserve to be treated asn they are by certain
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political or politicians and the states. the entitlement of that hard work in the end tyra tf entry into the united states to get to the united states. >> i want to say this about the migrants, there is two activist leaders that have organized these caravans, both currently under investigation by the mexican government. u in this case, this caravan which ballooned up to 3,000 does not have a tha leader command that because he has been under investigation. the judge ordered them to leave. so this caravan is slowlyot disintegrating because they don't have a leader and they are not joined by any agency's, ngos from of the cross or any activist leaders. y so now what is happening they arbee targeting in one of the reasons could be because of a
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breach last week. they are avoiding equal pass for now because even though theey state with state elections, buts going on where they are not boarding the freight train with. the border town to eagle pass. but then you have governor abbott at shelby park making it harder for the illegal immigrants to pass into d eagle pass. and also, i have documented on t the other hand how secretary blinken and alejandro mayorkas traveled to mexicosinc and met with offician december. since then mother has been operations irthen northern mexi. bringing migrants to the u.s. which many have questions and that agreement,or alejandro mayorkas feels empowered to demand u.s. certain rights for mexican illegal benefits for the u.s. and alsoo
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for those that are wanting toll comeeg into the united states lt illegally work with so, all is into there is a lot happening on the mexican side, and we are monitoring the situation as it happens. >> will: one of the two leaders and fascinating perspective about the role if you leaders play in organizing the caravans. that was from a leader who you referenced. great to have you tonight and you heard talk about this being pushed towards el paso, the funnel. it is hard to escape that is where we saw the video of a bum-rush at the border. you know, from your perspective, how do you control, by the way, we will see if this arrives as 3,000 and biden said dispersing to some extent reduce all the effect of a couple hundred from you see on the screen,ndon thousands, and how do you control that, brandon? >> sometimes we are overwhelmede and this happens on a regular basis we are looking this was actually caught on camera so th
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american public can see it.. but this is not unusual. we are regularly overwhelmed by the number of people that crossh the border.o is when they bomb rush like that, what you have to do is consider a riot situation. you have to deploy pepper ball guns and less than lethal. thatxa is what dps is gearing uh to do right now your koi spoke with governor officials in texas today, and they said they are preparing for this caravan car to come but will come of the truth is we deal with the caravan every single day. we deal with 5,000 illegal boarw gnomic border crossers every single day. we are regularly overwhelmed but we don't have the resources to deal with it. it doesn't matter if you give us resources, it is not a -- issue but policy issue. >> will: i haven't seen you in o a while. f ththis story incredibly broadr when it bothers me with patrol officers deepening by joe biden in the white house officials as men who whipped haitian migrants
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and use the word strapped. i want to use the follow-upth becomeey aware of those men tod? are they employed or deployed iy the field? today?re they >> they are. we were able to exonerate two of them completely, but was they ho undergo that investigation. that was a shame investigation. they found that they were wrong in certain our attorney show they did nothing wrong.rbit and we have a third that we will take to arbitration because,hey unfortunately, that person was, in fact, disciplined. >> will: they were accused ofthy being inhumane races through imagery like plantationst slave owners and defamed and i don't want that story to betaf weightju in the background. some semblance of justice foryed having your character destroyed by the white house. brandon judd, thank you both for tonight. does trump's team have a good chance of an election interference case talk gnomic
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tossed? legal experts weigh in after this.
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♪ ♪ >> will: a disgraced crypto borough, sam freeman with his biggest financial frauscd schems in history. fo x correspondent kelly grady with the details, kelly. >> that is right, will commit 25 years, that is the penalty for the former crypto king.m thbae defense tried to argueskil sam bankman-fried meant his lack of social skills with prison time that fell on deaf ears. so he will serve out that sentence with medium security prison is the recommendation but u.s. attorney damian williams on the news today today said, delie and ongoing lies demonstrated brazen disregard for customer's
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expectations and disrespect for the rule of law that he could secretly use his customers moneh to expand his own power andnd influence. p the judge zeroed in on power or influence hammering home how used customer money on political donations and pointed to a reason he didn't believe thatn crypto act. there is a lot of focus on harmr the defense argued there is note giving customers to get theirhr money backou through the bankruptcy process, the judgebl completely rejected that. he held spf responsible for $3 billion in lenders. i will note it's all about content and not actual loss. surprisingly, we heard from spf and he said he was sorry he madr a lot of bad decisions but nevem admitted fold. ther e was such a lack of his legal team will appeal and that will likely be up next but1 25 years when the max could have been 110 seems like not a lot but i will tell you from legal experts i'm speaking to, when
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someone is starting to like sbfe is, that is basically throwing the book at him pure a lot of people believe that crypto act y and the end and i will send it bback to you. >> will: what does it say about american a vegan diet and lack of social skills would suggest a hard time in prisontof but you can become a billionair and the crypto finance world with that same set of quirks. i don't know what that says about the elite, but it sounds worse than crypto. kelly, thank you so much. georgia and the trump team bac ghting tt elk with inner election interferencl by a fani willis dropped. it is unconstitutional to accuso the president of theri united states, former president or anyone else to stand trial on protected speecher a. >> it is not that he just laid over and over and over again but each of those was employed as part of criminal activity with j criminal intentions.oi >> will: joining me
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sol wisenberg former deputy independent counselor and fox news contributor and localoa clerk for justice for search and article 3 project.rgum so mike, we heard the argumentsn to date in front of the judgent hear the defense made the argument as protected first amendmenargut political speech. the prosecution is making the argument that it is part of conspiracy, criminal conspiracy. it seems to me that came down to the ability to prove knowing or intent that whatever was said, the speaker in this casese f donald trump and fellow defendants knew what they were saying was full's. >> yo, this open county d.a. fani willis charged trump and others with rico conspiracy,l butot the problem is it is not illegal to object to an. presidential election. it is allowed by the electoral count acts of 1887. democrats rejected two republican wins in 1968, 2,000,
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2004, 2016.rry we don't see al gore, john kerry and hillary clinton in jail.n. it is protected by the first amendment to object to presidential election. the only place in the world where it is illegal to object to presidential election is a place china and north korea and nowre washington, d.c., and atlanta and atlanta.e litisp >> will: but free speech, political speech, the first amendment, sol, that is what the court saw in these gicases, not the dash insurrectn case in washington, d.c.what >> that is what i find disturbing about these cases. you know, basically it is cleari they must have looked and i'm talking about particularly insei d.c., they must have looked atte the seditious conspiracy statute. they must have looked atisel incitement statue and realized preciseln y because of strong, 70 year tradition of
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first amendment law, free speech law it would have been virtually impossible to convict former president trump. and so, they have gone on these other theories that come perilously close to convicting somebody and indicting them based on a thought crime sayingm in essence, you claim you won the we know you knew that you lostto the i think it i'ss a flimsy theory, but i think it will be very difficult to knock these motions out at this stage in the proceedings, even though i thought steve saito, trump's did a phenomenal job there job today. >> will: it will probably go to a fact-finding in a trial. but real quick, sol, to your point, it all feels flimsy. it is flimsy if we presume it's supposed to be just as in a courtroom. the but the process is thea punishment, driving him into af courtroom brawl various cases in and of itself becomes the
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punishment. absolutely, absolutely, the prosecutors want to say even when they lose a case, you didn't do the time but you took the ride yuriko >> will: right. ittrials is also that weight inl trials as well. some people say courts, they don't want to do with the court that is the process of the justice system pur case it might a quick left hand turn, but the justice department, yeah, they asked google to turn overpo the viewers ofrt a video. ord reports from ford said feds ordered identity of certain viewers to trackn down some suspects were buying bit coin for here iris the description undercover agent links to userth and asked google for the information who viewed the videos and watched 30,000 timesl
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names, address, phone numbers i and google account activity, the address of the google account. it sounds like entrapment, butt b, it's noyot what you say anym. but about what you hear and what you see? >> this is troubling. it sounds like illegal andnfor unconstitutional general war.pep if you want to have the government get information from people, you go to a court with particular latest informationha and particular allegations of a crime comm probable cause and it see this in this particular incidence. >> will: forget the judicialt system for a moment, the cultural climate antagonist to free speech seems to me a. watermark here in a moment in american history.rn sol and might think is so much. instead of locking up bad guys, california is going 102-year-old man in a wheelchair but find out why next.
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♪ ♪ >> will: congratulations, california, you made history, in-n-out burger just closed its first location ever. and it is due to current. >> it really is unfortunate that it has to close. and there really isn't much they can do about it, but like, a lot
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of people want to eat in-n-out burger. >> in-n-out quote comes with car break-ins, carusto thefts both affecting customers and employees.s.t pi >> one last piece of evidence nationwide debate whataburger,nn in an outcome a shake shack. but instead of worrying about the debate or the closure ofiffe in-n-out, california has cracking down different crime. oakland is going after this man, victor silva sr., 102 years old and wheelchair-bound. >> earlier this month, he got a violation salutation from the city of oakland to remove by tuesday, the 19th or face $1100 fine, plus an additional $1277 c for field because this is crazy. >> in his younger years before the wheelchair, he often painted over the graffiti himself. >> it is hard to keep up with because as soon as we get a
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payment commit will be graffiti again. it won't f >> will: that man is facing fines, 102-year-old soon to bet 103-year-olds. instead, crime plaguing the statcloc oe quote bill forcing e on popular joining me victor davis hanson, hoover institute senior fellow. what do you think about the state where you live,>> california? >> well, we have x essential problems, will, we either cannov or will not address.dmin so, the government, the per your autocracy, the united states compensates by going afteraddr law-abiding citizens for minor offenses because they can't addres caus the felonies and the real causes destroying the statt and they feel psychologically redemption while doing their job. but whats g is happening is thy are picking on the middle class and the upper middle-class. remember, 1% pays 50% of the income tax and 5% pay 80% and
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are leading at a rate 400,000 people a year yuriko given 13.2t income tax and what you described. we knoow, aw what the problem . it is a classical dilemma when the medicine is worse than the disease of civilization's decline. know what we have to do what we have to put the homeless in facilities. we have to go after gangs locke people up if they have thre strikes, we have to incarcerate ithem for a long, long time ang we have to produce more energy. veryl know that but the idea that we would trywe to dot that or close the border and not give $500 million to illegal aliens when we are $76 billion in debt, w.e are afraid to do i. we feel that would be contrary we would be racists, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, whatever the particular slur or smear is. so we are in paralysis, and that
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is what paralysis does. we go after innocent people and we think they have resources. we will go attack them and tell everybody we enforce law, even though gangs are running wild in oakland and people are beinge a shot, killed, and they don't have a clud.e how they would address that. >> will: if i'm understanding impotence when it comes to law enforcement if i can't forcn the big crime i will have to exercise my power and small crimes. there was ora lot of us out thee in your perspective is less impotent and warm and warm benevolence and it's not hard to come away with that conclusion because criminals described as criminals, it doesn't simply seem impotent.m it seems malevolent. >> it is, it is a form of >> they go after those who are scaf the largest black market economy
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in the world. we have in every corner vendors and mobile restaurants. we have swap meets. we havwille huge county where thousands of people will not do work, plumbing and less paid in cash. f and we don't want toee address t because we feel it will be ata liberal so we go after evenlaw-abiding taxpayer and kep increasing taxes. and we can go across thepi spectrum, but the theme isck th same. we always pick on the law-abiding person who plays by the rules and we consider him a chomp or a pool or an idiot foro doing so. but we pick on him and either we don't want to pick on the person breaking the law thata were afraid to come up it it creates a cynicism that people, we are doomed the more people leave, the worsc the problem gets and they attaca law-abiding citizens to get revenue or psychological
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satisfaction that they are not impotent.ways >> will: fascinating as always, thank you so much,ns victor davis hanson. the latest allegations against music blog goal, sean diddy combs, next. ♪ ♪ i will bless those who bless you. it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union. but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor.
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>> will: there has been quitede a few developments since the rate of sean diddy combs. fox senior national correspondent, kevin couric with the latest, >> sometimes you hear the expression, the walls are closing in and basically talks but as icat relates to this cas, p diddy, it is increasingly thay that might be the case for themt latest development involving a 25-year-old man who has alleged to have been his so-called,br drug dealer. he was arrested on monday at thn airport near miami after the feds intercepted a private plane hehe was about to board withjuan p diddy. and suspected of cocaine and
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suspected marijuana edibles appear that her, and this is important, comes as the feds closely examined the cordlessfo phone that will help investigate a spade of putrid allegation ofl sexual misconduct, coercion, sex trafficking, rape and exploitation according to a civil lawsuit. and tonight, he denies. theadlines include one which diddy's ex-girlfriend accused of transporting so-called pink cocaine for him. another the wrapper allegedlyse playedx instagram model for sex work and another billionaire producer to oscar when qb andto. junior alleged assault claim. keep this in mind and this will be relevant to you and to entraining sitting right here, this is run out of the fdny, seventh district of new york. as you know, they have the
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resources with homeland security investigations to fashion an extensive, intensive and there i say exhaustive technological examination of all of there materials they have already collected. it could get l a lot worse for mr. combs before it gets better. >> will: no doubt, thank you, kevin here that's if we can make sense of this, brian claymore, a terminal defense attorney. brian, this story feels a littlo bit like constellation of stars it's hard to know how the the various allegations are from thm civil suit against him to alleged sexual harassment or sexual assault to the new paper reports that kevin couric has shared with us.ha do you think i'm it wouldn't be hard for the course these various civil suits would prompt a federal raid here they are als kinds of civil suits out there. what is going on with the federal raid? do you think it is connected toi the rumors, anond allegations ae
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raids? >>lywe absolutely, good to see u again. we are seeing a trade where the civil justice system intersecting with the criminal system here at it happen in the bill cosby case, deposition led to that criminal trial. ghislaine maxwell had her deposition taken in a case. and now you have four civil lawsuits by cassie ventura, former girlfriend, salaciousm allegations and rod johnson with horrible that is leading to these pro investigations. founthat is a new profound effet that has come to us, but look at the end of the day, will, worked on a lot o casf cases, it is usy he said/she said, unit cooperating, tangible, reliable evidence to indict somebody and get an indictment beyond amess reasonable doubt. you need videos, text messages,
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flight itinerary, may be financial record showing thaty diddy paid for somebody toat travel one state to another. that is the evidence you need se here at what you are seeing ourm allegations bu gt not evidence. >> will: real quickly and want to play a real quip of usher on howard stern. let's talk about this on the other side. >> it was curious and i got ai chance to see some things. >> what were using?ngs. >> i went there to see the lifestyle. >> and i saw it. >> i don't know if i can indulge and understand what i was looking at. >> you are dead now, would you send your kid to puffy camp? >> no! >> will: you know who went to puppy camelot, justin bieber.fes and so they are looking for - essentially videotapes. >> not only that i evi was on a howard stern show and i say, gu guess what, who will be interviewed? usher, right?
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and possibly justin bieber appear they are potential are victims. i asked usher, what did you see at the camp? so look, all of these allegations are leading investigators to potential victims. and we will see what unfoldswe from this but make no mistake,s the feds need actual evidence, eyewitnesses. >> videotapes. brian, thank you so much tonight. that wil forl do it for us. i'm will cain filling in for laura ingraham. and it streams on fox news facebook page 12:00 easternmond every monday 3:30. you will see jesse watters, tomi lahren debating the rules for men and always catches saturday and >> carley: a fox news alert, today marks one year since evan gershkovich was detained in russia while working on assignment. it is an


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