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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 29, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> spring is now competing with fall. spring football. the arlington renegades and birmingham stallions kick it off tomorrow and i'll do a brian kilmeade. walk through the couch. it threw me off. i have to read my instructions. >> brian: you did a good rodeo walk. >> lawrence: i tried to make a way for you. >> sandra: this was fun. thank you for having me. >> lawrence: happy good friday. have a happy easter. >> brian: follow me to the radio. >> bill: good morning, everybody. here we go for a tale of two presidents here in new york. biden and trump both in the cities and the optics were stark previewing what could be a stark choice come november. good morning, good friday, bill hemmer live in new york city.
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hello partner. >> dana: it is a friday. always a good friday with you but in particular day. this is "america's newsroom" great to be here with you. former president trump was in town for the wake of murdered nypd officer jonathan diller. >> the new york spoofed. while biden was joking with the emcee, the former president was mourning with police several miles away. >> stephanie was just incredible. their child, brand-new beautiful babysitting there innocent as can be. doesn't know how his life has been changed. >> can voters trust a presidential candidate who has not won a single trump international golf club trophy? >> president biden: i told him when he was -- before he got sworn in. i will give you three strokes if
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you carry your own bag. >> bill: jokes. biden campaign said the event raised $25 million. >> dana: pro-palestinian protestors repeatedly heckled the president like this. >> president biden: there was an insurrection. >> shame on you, joe biden. >> dana: team fox coverage next. jessica tarlov and paul mauro are here. let's go to peter doocy. >> the first time we can remember people paying with donations to get kicked out of a biden event. we just got more quotes from the stage. a lot more jokes. at one point president biden said one thing i can tell you about air force one, we're not changing the color. trump wants to change the color to which barack obama said yeah,
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we're not doing that. later stephen colbert said what would you say to the people who think you are too seasoned for the jobs. i don't know about seasons but i hope there is not too old or old ideas. when it comes to those ideas a new fox new polls that finds trump is leading biden on the two that may decide the election. voters are giving trump an 18 point advantage on immigration and 15 point edge on the economy. biden's advantages are climate change and abortion. democrats are hoping for a boost by reminding liberals and left leaning independents about the good old days by getting the band back together. something that trump is not exactly doing like this. >> one thing you don't see is donald trump raising money with his vice president. during the insurrection had people he called to the capitol calling for the death of his vice president and he never came to the aid of him. >> president biden is waking up
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in new york city this morning. he has another campaign fundraiser and then it's off to camp david for the rest of easter weekend. >> dana: peter doocy, happy easter to you. >> bill: jessica tarlov and paul mauro in studio. good morning to you both. what trump told -- first here is with brian. this is from kilmeade from yesterday afternoon. >> i wanted to be there and i came in from florida and what a family, the diller family, and they lost a hero, really. just a hero. the family is devastated. police force is devastated, the whole country feels this way. it is happening more and more and it is really a lack of respect for law and order and we have to have law and order back in our country. >> bill: two thoughts. what he told the "new york post" is the relevant comment here.
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he said something has got to come from it. this man can't die for nothing. and if you look at the record of this criminal, he has been in jail 21 times, paul. 21 times and on the side of the street in a bus lane and when this cop thought these guys are up to no good or i have to take action now. >> in fact the driver has a former attempted murder arrest on him. he did time for that and he was out on bail for a loaded gun charge. that's really all you need to know. the number of prior arrests in that car is well into double figures. here is a cop who would take ten years to make the amount of one of the tickets that radio city last night for this gala, okay? he will never see $5 hundred thousand in his life. approaches this car in the dark, three years on. he knows there is something going on. instincts are popping. of course these guys should be in jail. you know who gets a pass?
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talk about city council. sergeant's union said we don't want the city council at this event. constant putting in anti-police legislation. bureaucratic legislation. not sexy and people don't pay attention. it buries cops in paperwork. the real villains are in albany. the legislature in albany put through all those reforms that have completely undermined our system and just to put an ex claymation point it's baked into the cake. we're closing ryker's. we're going down 50% from where we are now. how many more jonathan dillers can we expect to hold the line when everybody, including hardened felons will be coming out of that revolving door. >> bill: well stated. rickers is the prison that will close in a couple of years. >> dana: you agree with a lot of law enforcement because of our time together on "the five." trump and biden in a national
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poll biden at 45, trump 50. we know the electoral college, etc. how do you feel the race is shaping up now that we are past super tuesday, past the state of the union address and well into the general election? >> it has been a good few weeks for president biden and we have seen that across the board. something like 12 national polls where he is gaining or is ahead of him and you do see swing states getting tighter. if the election were held today probably a toss-up and in trump's favor. we have eight months to go. nice to see the beginnings of the what the biden campaign will look like. a lot of democrats were complaining saying we don't know what this is going to be. what is your strategy? will you be out there or mostly from the white house and surrogates? he will be out there crisscrossing the country and raising a lot of money, which we know is very important to win an
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election. >> bill: last night across the street from us here. paul, i will ask you about it. more of the chanting and protesting with the gaza war ongoing. [shouting and chanting] >> bill: i think all things considered last night came off fairly well. he can credit the nypd for that. this place was on lockdown for block after block. >> they had good intelligence and knew what was coming. the nuance. because so many cops had to cover this gala at radio city, they couldn't go to the wake, okay? so you had an enormous detail got two different details running to try to cover the subways because those are popping off. we know everybody is afraid to go into the subway and asking them to cover this that happens every weekend now and this big event. look, of course president biden is allowed to hold a pep rally,
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part of campaigning. everybody gets that. the optic you talked about is so stark. while that was going on at radio city he couldn't even make a phone call. to me it's such an unforced error. call the family. take away the talking point. never mind go visit. you can't escape the idea he is afraid of that base who will just revolt if he shows any feeling towards law enforcement but the idea it is not a choreographed situation, a fluctuating situations. thousands of cops and people from the neighborhood and i don't know they think he will be able to handle that event. >> bill: the political aspect, too. how does this unfold over the coming months and how much of a problem is it? >> the pro-palestinian issue? i think it will be sizeable until the war is over. hope that it is over soon and we get those hostages back, whoever god willing is still alive. and then we see what comes next for that.
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it is something the president is concerned about. but to the point about the contrast, you know, these moments happen and i don't think it's fair to judge an entire presidency or man. we have joe biden waiting for the bodies of the fallen soldiers from jordan calling their families to give promotions. you have donald trump talking about january 6th while there are hostages and heroes, 140 police officers physically attacked on january 6th. moments that you can point to. i wish yesterday would have been left alone. it was beautiful what happened at jonathan diller's wake. i'm glad trump went but it doesn't mean joe biden doesn't care about law enforcement because he was somewhere else. >> bill: thank you both. >> are we going after the child rapist today or after the two-times deported fentanyl dealer? >> ice tracking down some of the most dangerous illegal migrants. fox news a there riding along with this elite team of agents.
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we'll take you there. >> dana: one year and counting for evan gershkovitch. his ordeal drags on. we talk to his sister and hear from a friend. >> bill: a man in a wheelchair faces thousands of dollars in fines unless he moves graph anothery from his own homes. the perps are let off the hook. >> the paint was covered up and we haven't heard a thing from the city. for now that's all you really expect. are we expecting an apology? no. he deserves better. d me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie.
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and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> bill: a grim milestone we're marking today for an american behind bars in putin's president. today marks one year since the "wall street journal" reporter
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evan gershkovitch was arrested in moscow. the u.s. calling the allegations total bogus demanding his release. friends say his spirit will not be broken. >> he puts on a really brave face, as you can see in all the photos that are taken of him when he does have court appearance he always smiles. when they occasionally let friends and family and colleagues into the courtroom. he is upbeat and jokes with them. you know he is hiding a lot of pain there. >> bill: tough guy, too. watch him. watch his facial expressions, too. i talked to his sister about that the other day. this is danielle gershkovitch, two years older than evan and here is how some of that went. >> bill: it has been a year. how do you get through the days? >> i still go to work, i write evan letters, and i just know that whatever i'm experiencing,
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it is tougher for evan. >> bill: one thing is obvious to me talking to danielle and her parents talk. these people don't want the spotlight or want to be out there but there is a need to keep their brother and son's name out there. >> dana: the "wall street journal," his employer, making sure that's the case, too. look here, the front cover of the "wall street journal" today and it says this is where his story should have been as a reporter. and it's very stark and it makes a point very well. >> bill: applaud the journal. our colleagues at the "wall street journal" thank them for doing their best to keep his issue front and center and see it on a daily basis on its page there. >> dana: all across the company indeed. we'll continue to follow that. a grim milestone indeed. also president xi showing a softer side in a meeting with top u.s. executives in beijing playing the role of salesmen in
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chief trying to ease anxieties about the economy. republican congressman from michigan is the incoming house china committee chairman replacing mike gallagher, who is resigning from congress. here is the ceos at the meeting. black stone founder, bloomberg president and many others. how do you feel about business going over to work with china and find maybe new markets, cooperation while our government is at odds with china? how do you deal with that? >> well, i can certainly understand their desire to sell products in china. that's what businesses do. however, as you pointed out in your earlier section, we have an american being detained in russia. right now state department is warning americans not to travel to china. xi talks a good game but he is actually committing an act of genocide against uighur muslims.
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they are becoming increasingly aggressive in taiwan. they steal american technology and often businesses get a foot hold in the chinese market and then are kicked out once the chinese have acquired their technology and no longer are necessary. >> dana: so what do you think is -- moving forward, how will you as the chairman of the committee interact with them? there is a market issue, but the real dangers, especially like our military is over there trying to figure out what to do in order to help taiwan if and when that were to happen. >> well, you are absolutely right. we need to reset the conditions of the relationship with china and the chinese communist party. we need to deter aggression. their aggression against taiwan and others and we need to continue to build alliances with countries throughout the region.
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many businesses are derisking, moving investments to other coming on shore in america, the ideal but partnering with allies. it is important to note that some of the investments that go into china from these investment companies actually benefit the people's liberation army, which strategically is our adversary and we should not be funding their rise and their technological advances. >> dana: these are your objectives and you talk about investigating and exposing the threats but deterring aggression. want to ask you about this because the house of representatives of which you are a member had a bipartisan overwhelming bipartisan result in a desire to figure out a way to deal with tiktok and to see if bytedance can be sold off. the fox new poll says it's split. favor 47%. opposed 46%. i know congress is in recess now. when it gets back will the
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senate take this up? >> i hope they do. i think this is important to note that tiktok is wholly owned by bytedance, a chinese company affiliated with the ccp. when we were passing our legislation in the house, subscribers to tiktok got lobbying messages from tiktok to call their congressmen. they misrepresented the legislation and said it was an outright ban on tiktok. the reality is it's simply a requirement for bytedance and tiktok to choose. do they want to work with the chinese communist party or work in the american market? if so, they have to be independent either through an american company or a company that is at least not an adversary. >> dana: so everybody knows, mike gallagher came on our show a lot to talk about these issues and welcome you to come on as well. thank you for being here today and have a happy easter. >> thank you. happy easter. >> bill: important stuff there.
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meanwhile from oakland, california, the city of oakland is threatening to fine a mine who is 102 years old, fine him thousands of dollars because criminals won't stop vandalizing his fence. his name is victor silva. plagued by graffiti for years. he is wheelchair bond and struggling to paint over it each and every time. matt finn has the upside down story from los angeles. what's up, matt? good morning. >> that family in oakland, california says you can drive all over and see graffiti not cleaned up. the city is repeatedly making their 102-year-old wheelchair bound father paint over graffiti on a wall in his backyard that he didn't even deface. victor silva says he is constantly painting over the graffiti for years and now about to turn 103 years old and it is getting increasingly difficult. >> i'll be 103 in two months. that slowed me up a little bit.
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>> hard to keep up with it. as soon as we paint it there will be graffiti on it again. it won't last. >> victor and his 70-year-old son once again hand-painted over the wall by a march 19th deadline or he faced an $1,100 fine plus an additional $1200 if the fence did not pass inspection. victor's family points out there is even a utility box a few yards away covered in graffiti that the city does not clean up. he says he manages a nearby commercial building broken into three times in the past year coming face-to-face with a vague rant inside. he calls 911 but nothing has changed. >> it's hard to understand where our tax dollars are going. they can't answer 911 but they come out and hassle you about a fence? >> our affiliate reports oakland is aware of victor's issue and inspect his fence and consider canceling the 102-year-old's
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citation. >> bill: that would be a smart idea. start with that. thank you from los angeles. >> dana: i can't believe we did this story on "the five" that we're still doing the story this morning and it hasn't been solved by the city. come on, guys. >> bill: nobody works on fridays, don't expect any action until tuesday afternoon. >> dana: the 103-year-old guy had to paint his fence. migrant crisis expected to have homelessness in chicago. where is that money going for the asylum seekers? a house is ransacked by squatters. >> today i finally got my eviction done only to find that everything i own has been stolen. like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do
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with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. >> dana: violent migrants crossing the southern border and bringing crime to cities across americans. ice agents in boston are doing their best to keep the streets
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safe. bill melugin was along for the bust yesterday. let's get to casey stegall in el paso, questions where smugglers are helping dangerous gang members sneak into the country. what have you learned? >> a busy week for texas dps out here along the southern border. over in kinney county, 450 miles to the southeast of where we are here in el paso, a trooper tried initiating a traffic stop and discovered a migrant from mexico inside who had her 2-year-old daughter in tow. they were turned over to border patrol. the driver and passenger, both texas residents, were arrested for smuggling. in eagle pass dps located 11 unaccompanied minors from honduras who had illegally crossed the rio grande river. 15 and 16 years old traveling alone.
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in the el paso sector, border patrol agents busted a stash house containing ten migrants, one of whom the feds say was a dangerous gang member who had been in the u.s. before because he is being prosecuted for felony reentry into the country. >> so the human smuggling organizations make it known with the drug cartels and the cartel leadership depending on where the drugs are and what drugs they need to cross. >> also this week over in new mexico, agents found four migrants tucked away in a trackor trailer attempting to be smuggled into the homeland. in one sector alone seven trailers containing non-u.s. citizens have been busted since the start of this fiscal year >> bill: immigration team making a major bust taking down five alleged migrant criminals. they did it while working around
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sanctuary city policies. bill melugin embedded with the team in boston and has the story now. what did you learn? >> good morning to you. ice because of sanctuary policies in massachusetts, illegal aliens charged with heinous crimes are able to roam the streets after release without any notice. we were with ice as they took down four alleged child rapists and an ms-13 gang members in a single morning. >> any questions? >> it's the pre-dawn hours in boston. this elite team of ice deportation officers is briefing on the target list for the day. illegal aliens charged with crimes. >> all the targets today, every one of them, is an aggravated felony in the commonwealth. the cases that are the worst of the worst here in massachusetts. >> ice quickly takes down its
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first target. illegal alien from guatemala charged with aggravated child rape. minutes later, ice arrests a columbian national charged with the rape of a child above age 14. >> i don't have enough officers or resources to tackle every one of these public safety threats. are we going after the child rapists today or after that two times deported fentanyl dealer because we can't get both. >> ice's next arrest a combative ms-13 gang member from el salvador charged with a lot of violent crimes. officers then arrested this brazilian man charged with five counts of aggravated rape of a child. >> how are you guys not notified about a child rapist being released? >> in massachusetts that's how it is with most of these sanctuary jurisdictions. >> then a brazilian gang member
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also charged with child rape. just this morning today four accused child rapists and one ms-13 gang members. >> that's every day in boston. those are the public safety threats we want to get off the street. five public safety threats not in the community and can't victimize anyone else. >> ice says all of those arrests you saw happened because local authorities ignored their detainer request to keep these guys in custody due to sanctuary policies. ice says all of those suspects will remain in federal custody until local charges are resolved and ice will seek to deport every single one of them. send it back to you. >> bill: make it a point of doing it in a city like boston with sanctuary policies in place. intriguing stuff. we'll see what comes of it next. what have you got? >> dana reads sports. >> dana: yesterday was opening day of baseball. yankees beat the astros in a thrilling opening day thanks to
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some defensive heroics. watch. >> base hit to right field. here is the throw from soto. the play and he is out. they got him. they got him. >> dana: right fielder juan soto throwing out the potential tying run at the plate in the bottom of the ninth inning. i have to get used to reading baseball again. a 5-four victory in houston. soto hit a based loaded single. >> dana: a while since i read about baseball. wow, none of those words seem to make sense in the sentence. >> bill: we'll loosen it up and get back in shape. a good opening game. houston and yankees, pretty good. reds won, too, at home. >> dana: how was the parade? >> bill: it was really good. thousands of people turned out. they didn't have enough animals. a thing of the past what i was talking about yesterday. not that they don't do it. it was very popular under
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previous owner. by the way, north carolina got beat bracket buster across america. >> dana: they have a baseball team? >> bill: we'll work on it. unc went down. >> dana: you changed subjects on me quickly there in my defense. >> bill: california now, watch this. >> we used to get it for a dollar. they used to be a dollar. now the meal was ten bucks. >> nobody wants to pay $20 a meal for a single person. the family of four spends $80 eating out? realistically not doable. >> bill: you feel it. every state fast food prices on the rise. a new law in california expected to make the costs jump higher. don't do it. speaking of high prices the easter bunny is feeling the pinch of the inflation and the reason why chocolate costs so much more this year in your baskets. ♪
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>> bill: high inflation sparing no one, even the easter bunny. cocoa prices surging to record levels. the chocolate in your basket will be more expensive. we're in morristown, new jersey. >> sad news for chocolate lovers before easter. prices have been soaring since last year but particularly bad from january to today. in just this one year chocolate prices are up 133%. so you will feel that when you go shopping. the bad news is that means chocolate per metric ton around
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$10,000. that's more expensive than most metals including copper. that chocolate in your easter basket costing a pretty penny. it's worth it. no one knows it better than this owner. you put in an order recently with your supplier and what are you hearing? it sounds like things are getting worse, not better. >> the prices have gone up and they are not allowing us to purchase more than an allocated amount because they are seeing a lot of run on the product because everybody is panicking that there will be shortages. >> they're rationing how much chocolate you can buy. how flexible is the pricing? what are you seeing from the wholesale >> the last time we purchased it's up almost 25% just over a couple of months. >> all of this is happening it seems because of weather conditions in west africa. what is it doing to the crop and how is it impacting? >> all the excess rain is
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causing a fungus to grow on the cocoa pods that makes them not usable. the supply of cocoa beans is down about a third world wide, which in a tight market, creates this skyrocketing price situation. >> thank you, i guess. the good news is the prices are going up now. all the chocolate that went into making bunnies like these was slightly cheaper. get your chocolate now. it will be better tomorrow and no better excuse than easter. >> dana: what happened to the bunny's ear? look at that bunny's ear? >> it's a floppy bunny. >> bill: oh, cute. >> dana: got it. >> bill: madison in nj. >> dana: california's mandatory minimum wage for fast workers will jump to $20 an hour on monday. businesses are scrambling to off set the labor costs. customers will end up eating the
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difference. l.a. restaurant owner has got a lot of concerns about this and about her friends and their businesses. she joins us now. angela, when i was reading some of your thoughts about this, i have to say i felt heartbroken by it because i know what it takes to be a small business owner. although i have only had a small business on my own for a little while. it is a lot. all that responsibility, all of that worry. this feels to me like you are on a knife's edge now whether you can continue. >> dana, those of us still here are lucky to be alive from covid. we are the ones that were strong enough to be a mom and pop shops that survived covid and now hit with this. it directly impacts the small businesses and for people to think it doesn't, it is crazy. we have massive layoffs that are going to happen. i have a friend, his receive friend has seven mcdonalds. she is closing four of them.
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massive layoffs and job losses. a mom and pop shot if you can get $20 dropping fries at mcdonalds what do you want me to pay to make a nice meal or hamburger? my hamburger currently is going up to 20 some dollars an hour. reddit is $25 for a hamburgers, fries and soft drink. your hamburger and fries is costing you $26. gavin newsom, i hope the united states is watching. i hope he never becomes president. this man is destroying california. i don't understand why people can't see that he is the biggest trickster of all time. he literally is saying i'm going to help everybody. i'm going to give them $20 an hour. now they are getting laid off, losing their jobs and by the way, who is paying for it? it is a silent tax on the public. the public will pay for the
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unemployment of the people that are let go. the public will pay the $26 now for the hamburger. lower and middle class and upper class has been completely shut out. they can't afford to go to mcdonalds let alone come to my place. businesses are collapsing. small mom and pop shops, i don't even know if i will be here at the end of the year. i'm working hard with my staff. i am doing everything i can to increase revenue because it is either increase revenue or i shut my kitchen down. my kitchen, who has been here since 1978. and i've cut my bookkeeper, my house. i have a girlfriend that doesn't have food. she just has straight liquor trying to sell. she is not even making money. she is looking for a job while trying to sell her business. it is literally making a way for corporations and big conglomerates, people with a lot of money will be able to have a business. your mom and pop shops won't
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exist. dana, that board i'm being told he put to oversee is planning on getting the minimum wage up to $25 an hour in two years. people need to wake up. this is like when you go out to the circus and the guy has a big fancy trick he is showing you and meanwhile somebody is stealing money out of your pocket. this tax is being passed on to the consumer. it is a silent hefty tax. and it is creating a wealthy and poor. we have no middle class left. i don't know what la is going to look like a year from now or two years from now even. all the mom and pops, will we still be here? most of them i talk to aren't making sba payments. by the way, taxpayers, now the sba loans will go on default and on the taxpayers, too. i don't know the endgame here, dana, i don't understand. >> dana: angela, your passion comes through, tenacity
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certainly comes through and i think that the people of california are lucky to have people like you brave enough to come on our air and explain to people what is going on in your state. >> dana, i hone isly think -- i've thought about this and put it out there. i think newsom is trying to usher in a.i. he is basically going to get rid of the franchise owners. they cannot afford this. so now the corporations are going to justify having all a.i. fast food. >> dana: you can imagine that's where things are going. angela, let's stay in touch. we appreciate you coming on "america's newsroom." thank you. >> thank you, dana. >> bill: good luck, angela. >> people assaulted, transit employees and committing over 1100 crimes in the city. >> bill: where does it stop?
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a lack of law and order turning cities into danger zones. new york city back in the spotlight. women punched in the face, people being pushed onto subway platforms. is the mayor really in control? plus father mike schmidt is here on good friday. a new poll suggests americans "today" show religious service attendance in decline. what does that mean for congregants during this holy week? ♪ changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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>> bill: now as christians around the world observe good friday on easter weekend. a gallup show shows church attendance in decline. only a third of americans attend religious services every week down from 42% two decades ago. the host of the bible in a year podcast is with me now. happy easter on this good
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friday. i will give you a little bit. these are the religious groups and their attendance. mormons, 67%. protestants and cuss trines 44, muslims. and catholics 33%. what is going on out there and what explains it? i was home in ohio last weekend and palm sunday mass was packed. i got to tell you, it was a very rare moment that i've seen recently. >> i know. it is interesting especially we're coming in lowest as catholics. not a good thing. so we have to acknowledge this, i think. one of the things relies the relationship with god is not inherited. basically we're invited to a relationship with god. many people are either not hearing about that, not being
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invited, or they've said no. i think one of the things we have to realize is that to rely upon just oh, custom, draw upon habit and even kind of societal structures to just say people are going to get and stay on the ship, that ship has sailed. where we're at is a place now okay, what do we do? again, you don't inherit a relationship with god. you have to be invited into that. i think there are many people who do a great job of getting out there and saying okay, what will you do? what do you believe? and i think that as catholics particularly specifically myself, what we'll do is we do it more and more. you mentioned palm sunday service last sunday packed. my experience is every single sunday there are hundreds -- we have 700 or 800 students every sunday coming to mass. this experience of a decrease wow, i don't know, we have 70
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bible studies happening every week. 70800 people to coming to every sunday mass. i believe the numbers but at the same time i have a lot of hope. >> bill: i hope so. because the future is not positive. they talk about a lot of younger people not going to church. as we get more and more younger people growing to adulthood the numbers will continue to decline unless something changes. i mention the silver lining. here is part of it. among those who attend religious service, they find that happiness by religious attendance there is a correlation there. and you probably see it yourself, father. >> it makes sense. chesterton had spent the early part of his life as an atheist and became a catholic christian. he said joy is the gigantic secret of the christian. what he meant by that, imagine
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walking through this world not knowing if you matter, not knowing if this world has any purpose to it. imagine not knowing if there is a god or if there is one or multiple ones whether they care about you. yet what we're celebrating today on good friday is the truth that not only is there a god, not only does that god know your name and care about you, that god loves you so much and you are so important to the true and living god, jesus christ, that he was willing to become one of us, suffer the worst possible death for love of you and for me. and so that sense to be able to realize wait, i'm not alone in this universe. my life does mean something. and not only that, but i matter to god? that brings happiness and even joy. >> bill: embrace that message. the devil is all around us. we sit here every day and report on it. it is in every home, every city, every state, every


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