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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 29, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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walking through this world not knowing if you matter, not knowing if this world has any purpose to it. imagine not knowing if there is a god or if there is one or multiple ones whether they care about you. yet what we're celebrating today on good friday is the truth that not only is there a god, not only does that god know your name and care about you, that god loves you so much and you are so important to the true and living god, jesus christ, that he was willing to become one of us, suffer the worst possible death for love of you and for me. and so that sense to be able to realize wait, i'm not alone in this universe. my life does mean something. and not only that, but i matter to god? that brings happiness and even joy. >> bill: embrace that message. the devil is all around us. we sit here every day and report on it. it is in every home, every city, every state, every story that we find.
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father, my best to you and good luck with your easter message on sunday. thank you. >> thank you very much. god bless. >> bill: you, too. >> really a lack of respect for law and order. we have to have law and order back in our country and we are going to. it can't happen. it is getting worse and worse for police because we are not taking care of them. we're not allowing them to do their job properly. >> dana: former president trump giving voice to what so many americans are thinking after attending the wake for nypd officer jonathan diller fatally shot in the line of duty. a sad reminder as surging crime and devastating violence are transforming the nation's once vibrant city into fearful danger zones. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning. happy good friday. i like that father. >> dana: he has a great voice. >> bill: he does. hang onto your job. >> dana: good microphone.
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>> bill: good morning on this good friday. new york city mayor eric adams a former cop says the city is not out of control despite vicious crime and deadly violence on city streets and subway system as well. making national headlines every day. national guard troops and hundreds of additional officers surging into the subway to try to do something. >> dana: the mayor announcing plans to install body scanners in city subway stations to look for weapons. >> this is a sputnik moment when president kennedy said we would put a man on the moon and everyone responded. today we said we are going to bring technology to identify guns and other dangerous weapons. >> dana: we have more on that. bryan, what's going on now? >> good morning. new york city transit crime continues to rise and the crime headlines are more shocking week-to-week despite the fact that the city has flooded the subway system with more law
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enforcement officers and are adding these new technologies. you can see the numbers. overall crime is down in the city compared to last year but robberies, assaults and transit crime are all up. this time the city launched a pilot program for the subway body scanners like are outside stadiums and detect where a person is carrying a weapon. there is no facial recognition or bio metrics. you can add the scanners to the list of ways they are trying to use tech to help people feel safe. a subway crime bot was tested out and retired. new turnstile evaders have failed to impress. headlines continue this week. a man died after pushed into an oncoming train with a man with a reported history of mental illness and women are randomly being punched in the face
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walking around the city and documented an tiktok. to that end mayor adams expects to help take mentally ill people off the streets, dana. >> dana: bryan llenas. your audio was taking some hints but we get the point. i take the subway every day and see it myself. thank you so much. >> bill: reflecting on the death of the new york city police officer jonathan diller who was an outstanding cop and father. father dolan reflecting on the need to come together as a society. here is what he said earlier. >> yesterday on the way into st. patrick's last night for the last supper holy thursday, two cops in the back and i just went over and i said i'm sorry for your loss and they both started crying. this is what we've got. sometimes it becomes a bit of a
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cliche when we talk about we are all family. in a moment like this, that loss, you feel that way, don't you? it is not a cliche, not some empty hallmark greeting card. we really mean it. >> dana: he is such an important leader for the city and for the country. we thank him for that. >> bill: lucky to have him, we really are. if you ever get the opportunity to go to mass at st. patrick's on christmas, easter or any other weekend, get a chance to have him there, it is an awesome moment. >> dana: this news, former president trump is ahead in the polls but falling behind when it comes to another important number that's fundraising. trump advisors say he won't be able to match the biden fundraiser totals. billionaires are shoveling money into biden's war chest. a lot of them were in new york city yesterday. james freeman is a fox news contributors. large donations for biden really
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coming in pretty hot, $73 million to trump's $61 million. even for small contributions 60 to 34. that is a significant difference. i do think -- i love your take, james, why you are here. there is plenty of money that will be spent and a lot of earned media that president trump brings to this which is sometimes more valuable. the reason raised, is it a concern for republicans? >> it should be a concern. there have been concerns within the party about their get out the vote effort and do they have enough machinery at the grassroots to get people to turn out to persuade them to vote by mail ballot or otherwise or in person? so they are doing a rebuild at the republican national committee now. money helps in that effort and in advertising. unlike in 2016, when you had a lot of people in our industry, cnn, msnbc promoting trump because they thought he would be beatable, he will get a rougher
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media reception this time around. >> bill: see how it goes. he has rallies next week in grand rapids, michigan and green bay, wisconsin. hitting the swing states like the president did. meanwhile you have all the news about r.f.k. this week. a lot of points to be made here. give you your shot. last night on prime time. >> the democratic party is doing everything it can to disenfranchise people and make sure people can't vote for who they want to using litigation against me and i'm not a fan of president trump's but i want to beat him in a fair fight. the democratic party for voting rights and encouraging as many people as possible and give them choices. that's democracy. it's not the -- in the soviet union the political party will choose the candidates. >> bill: mark penn was with us yesterday. democratic strategist saying
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that the democrats going after kennedy is over the top. some of the language. robert garcia is a congressman out of california called it tin foil hack conspiracy theorist. horrific campaign on the day he announced. a lot more democrats will pile onto this commentary than what kennedy is talking about. >> i think team biden is worried about r.f.k. because he has gotten a lot of attention from i would say people on the right side of the political spectrum from his free speech stance and good for him. he is an outlier in the democratic party these days. as voters look at him they are going to see as a former president trump is noting this is basically a leftist in terms of his policy positions and so that's where team biden really thinks he could cut into that people who art satisfied with
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biden and won't vote for trump and they are looking for an option for their left wing views. you receive the same thing that people who tried to challenge president biden in the primaries. dean phillips a tough time getting on ballots. they didn't want competition. the same strategy. you'll see more legal challenges as far as ballot access for kennedy. >> dana: how do you think r.f.k.'s announcement for vice president this week, he says there is no one more qualified to be vice president in the united states than this woman. how do you think that went this week? >> it may be true. it is also true that we were talking about getting on ballots. if you aren't creating a new party, if you aren't trying to get a no labels or libertarian, if it's just you in some states you need to name a vice presidential candidate with you. so she brings that. he kind of needed someone at
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this point to run alongside with. she also brings money. i think related to what we were talking about, this makes him a tougher sale for people in the middle. she is a democratic donor, mega donor on the left side. so this is probably heightening the anxiety at the white house. this is left wing. >> bill: the trump team was doing cart wheels with that announcement frnlt >> dana: i would like to see shanahan debate kamala harris, though. >> there will be any debates this time? nobody seems to like them anymore. >> bill: the efforts to rebuild the francis scott key bridge. they are starting to clear the debris from the collapsed bridge. we have 60 million in aid. that request was granted. a lot more going that way soon. griff jenkins in baltimore again
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today. good morning. >> good morning, bill. you are right. that $60 million is a drop in the bucket. an active scene. we know the army core of engineers is in charge. the ship, governor moore called it the size of the eiffel tower, the key bridge is now on top of that. the coast guard rear admiral says that it will be three steps, bill. the first one is clear the channel. the second one is to move the ship. the third step is, of course, to remove the debris from the waterways and also the recovery of those four presumed dead bodies in the river. he talked about the difficulty because they will have to cut this into pieces, the bridge debris, before they can move it. >> before we can actually engage in lifting we have to complete
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the assessment process of the bridge and the pieces of the bridge are in the water so that we can figure out how to cut the bridge into the right size pieces so that we can actually lift them with a crane. >> you mentioned that giant crane. look here, we have a shot of it. it is sitting across from us in the river. the chesapeake 1,000, the largest crane barge on the east coast. it will have to come over here. if you see the blue building, that's the motor house that powers that. the screen -- crane on the right is land based. the bigger one the barge that will do it and it will be here. there is potential for gale-force winds. if that happens they won't be able to operate today. >> bill: that is something else. terrific work this week, griff. we'll see where we are next week on that story. thanks. >> that amazing of a person.
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it is hard for an older sister to admit that about a younger brother. >> dana: the sister of evan gershkovitch, now his voice to the world. one year after the "wall street journal" reporter was arrested in russia they hear from her. >> bill: the biden administration hitting a pause on new rules on transgender athletes. does his team find the issue too politically radioactive. >> dana: scotty hastings wore the uniform before becoming a country music star and now paying tribute to the veterans who served in vietnam. he joins us live to announce the release of his brand-new song. ♪
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>> bill: now the biden white house is reportedly delaying title ix regulations on transgender athletes until after the election. it would outlaw state bans on transgender athletes but allow for targeted restrictions for biden's camp thinks its too much of a hot topic ahead of 2024 reports we're picking up. 24 states have laws banning trans kids from competing in sports consistent with gender identity. it has gone under the radar lately but wanted to bring that story to you. >> dana: wow. so if you thought -- remember when biden ran in 2020 saying i'm so reasonable. then a lot of people said okay, well, you have governed far left. now because it's controversial you don't want to do it. if he wins what do you think will happen? even more liberal if he wins again, i think, on that topic. >> bill: predictable. >> dana: the growing trend in
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squatting impacting homeowners coast to coast. lawmakers and homeowners themselves are taking action. nate foye is live in new york city with the latest. >> the dallas area woman says in a tiktok video she went to florida to care for her sick mother and when she came back, her home was destroyed and she blames a squatter for it. again this is something that is impacting homeowners across the entire country. terri is this woman's name. she claims the squatter sold a lot of her things at a garage sale. she says in the online video the squatter turned him home into a drug den. crack pipes and needles. when she traveled out of town a painter she previously hired broke into her home. by the time she alerted police he had been there ten days. she needed to go through the eviction process. her home is now unrecognizable.
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squatting has gotten the attention of lebron james. squatters moved into his neighborhood throwing parties resulting in fires and arrests, in florida governor desantis signed a bill that increases penalties for squatters and allows florida law enforcement to remove them at the request of homeowners. >> you are not going to be able to commandeer somebody's private property and expect to get away with it. we are in the state of florida ending the squatters' scam once and for all. >> the issue of squatting has gotten a lot of attention in recent days after an illegal immigrant from venezuela posted on social media urging his followers to take advantage of squatter laws in the united states. dana. >> dana: nate foye, thank you. >> bill: nip that in the bud, don't you? today marks one year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovitch was arrested in russia. he was arrested on charges of
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spying. the u.s. calls those allegations a farce. they are demanding his release. i spoke with evan's only sister, danielle, about the current ordeal for her and her family. thank you for being here, danielle, especially on this day. it's been a year. how do you get through the days? >> i still go to work, i write evan letters, and i just know that whatever i'm experiencing, it is tougher for evan. >> bill: that's a very interesting perspective. there have been these reports that putin was willing to do a deal. what have you heard about that? is any of that true, do you think? >> unfortunately, i can't speculate but i really hope that there is a path forward. >> bill: when you see him on
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your television, what do you and your parents look for? >> we look for signs that he h have -- evan is okay. we notice his smiles he is incredible and so strong. >> bill: interesting you mentioned his smile. i see kind of a sly smile when he is in court, you know, almost as if he is saying to the world this is all a joke. it is not true. how do you read that knowing that he is your younger brother? >> well, evan is innocent so i think that might be part of it. he was an accredited journalist on assignment from the "wall street journal." he is an innocent man behind bars and i
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just see my little brother there, too, just -- he has always been miss silly and dosh >> does it help to talk about him? >> it does. i love my brother so much and miss him so much. when i get to talk about him it is nice. sometimes i'm smiling just because i miss him so much. >> bill: good memories, i'm sure it is, of your younger brother. in our building is the "wall street journal" and you know what they have done to keep his cause out there publicly and there is a subway in the basement of our building and in the very first week that your brother was taken, a poster went up and there are thousands of new yorkers who see that to this day every day.
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i wanted to share that with you because i hope to give you and the rest of your family hope and strength through this process. >> thank you so much. we have no other choice but to keep going and we are just going to stay positive and believe that we will get him home. >> bill: thanks for talking. i know you want to keep the word out there and we shall as well. danielle gershkovitch, one year, let's bring him home. thank you. >> thank you. >> bill: i go by that povertyer every day and the reason why i wanted to tell her that. >> dana: sometimes we -- in a situation like this the moms and dads we talk to them a lot. the siblings. how much you love your sisters and brothers to know what she is going through. she was very brave and you were compassionate. the "wall street journal" cover saying his story should be here, the missing part of this "wall street journal." this blank space represents a commitment to making sure his name is in the
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news and keep the pressure on the biden administration and putin himself. he could release him right now if he wanted to. >> the journal did something amazing this week. took all his pieces and recruited folks and we sat there and read for 15 minutes. they did it for 24 hours and streamed it live. i was really quite a mom interest and an honor for us to be involved in that. there were pictures of the journal staff that they were shooting out on social media and the room was packed. they are all wearing the bring evan home buttons and the bring he evan home t-shirts. someday there will be a huge party when he comes back. >> dana: new details in the federal raids at diddy's mansion. what it means for the rapper's mounting legal issues. chicago's mayor covering up the cost of the city's migrant crisis? now they are pushing for
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[shouting] >> bill: this was part of the scene just up the block last evening. protestors gathering outside biden's massive fundraiser. is the pressure working? the pentagon is said to be in early talks to pay for a peacekeeping force that would work in gaza when the war is over. now for its part the state department is saying only that many options remain on the table. we'll see whether or not that report goes through in time. >> dana: also this, bill. windy city is set to begin moving hundreds of migrants into temporary shelters. alexis mcadams has more in chicago. >> good morning from chicago where we are expected to see the migrants moved out of the park district field houses because the city wants kids and families to be able to use them for the summer. migrants now have to go.
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we asked the city this week is it just going to lead to more migrants living on the streets? >> as the evictions continue across chicago are you expecting to see migrants camping out all over the city? >> that's a question. if you grow that you have a couple more thousand people on the street, that makes a larger problem. >> so sounds like things could get worse. this weekend the city will start moving hundreds of migrants out of five park district field houses. the plan is then to transition them to other shelters across chicago. part of the more than 10,000 migrants living in 23 city shelters as of now. this all comes as the city is now enforcing a 60 day shelter limit on top of it. dozens of migrants will be evicted from city shelters and don't know where they will even go next. the crisis is costing the city big money, which is the major headline here. the city's public cost dashboard
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shows it spent $3 hundred million dollars since august of 2022 on the crisis. brandon johnson won't reveal exactly where the funds are going. a new report shows the city is spending a million dollars on hotels for migrants every week. when mayor johnson was asked if he would show transparency here is his sponsor lack there of >> we're meeting you right where you are. thank you. >> you don't have to look far to see the migrant crisis in the windy city. i talked to this mom from ecuador sitting on the cold ground outside of city hall asking for monday trying to sell candy. she has been in chicago for four months and counting. the other day mayor johnson said nobody welcomed migrants better than chicago. now hitting them with evictions and could be sitting on the streets. >> dana: thank you for bringing us that story. it comes there a new a.p. poll. americans who say there is a
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risk of illegal migrants committing crimes at 32%. in 2017 that number was 19%. part of the reason is that they've seen it with their own eyes and ears. >> bill: right about that. new york has, i think, 200 different migrant locations. we want to share some of the aerials out at bennett field in brooklyn east of jfk right off the water and if you look at the aerials are online. it is tent after tent after tent and on and on it goes. this is where thousands of people now are getting shelter. where it ends, hard to say. >> dana: it is incredible. >> bill: 35 minutes past the hour now. we're learning more about the sex trafficking raids on mansions belonging to sean diddy combs. agents seized hard drives and electronics and what else?
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derrick parker is a retired nypd detective. nice to see you. thank you for being here. the reason why we know about this is because at least four civil suits have been filed against him. in the suits what were the allegations they were making? >> sex trafficking, gun possession and narcotics. >> bill: police made a move this week. if you look at some aerials, they went in with a ton of fire power. why was that necessary? >> once they had information there were probably weapons in the house and the drugs, they had to be careful. they mounted a team of a swat team to take care of that safely. >> dana: here is from the "l. a. times" saying inside the sean diddy combs raid emptied safe, dismantled electronics, it appears investigators searching the home emptied saves, dismantled electronics and papers strewn in some rooms. disabled his security system and
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seized the hard drive. that's a source according to the times. on the hard drive that's where i assume they would have they needed it for evidence? >> the feds had a warrant to go in. when they search his locations they go in and search everything in the house from floors to cabinets to saves. all specified in the warrant. >> bill: i mentioned the lawsuits. put those up here. goes back to november of last year, right? cassie, former girlfriend. next monday a jane doe. said she was gang raped at age 17. a suit in february, another suit in march. if they go forward with this, this trial, where the rapes happened in l.a. and miami. it comes to new york? >> the southern district. everything that comes in this case comes from new york even
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though it's in miami or l.a. they'll take over. the southern district initiated the case and will take the case. >> dana: do you have any insight into his state of mind right now? >> not really. i knew diddy when i arrested him for the club new york shooting and the assault with steve stallion. we know each other pretty well professionally. but i haven't seen him in years. it has to be bothering him. he is at this height in his life where he is a billionaire and well liked by some people, not by others. he is very famous. i notice this has to be bothering him all the allegations against him and people coming against him. >> bill: you followed his career then? >> sort of, yes. >> bill: you have that relationship. >> i've been following him from the time i knew him. >> living a clean life? >> yes and maybe no. some people will say he has
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lived different lives. >> dana: i ought to keep you on speed dial. i wonder how you get to be the hip-hop cop. >> we had a problem back in the day with rap music. >> dana: you are welcome any time. republicans are demanding accountability for the border crisis. now they are moving forward with efforts to impeach homeland security secretary mayorkas. more on that plus a judge handing crypto crook sam bankman-fried 25 years in prison. what his life will be like behind bars. if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. somebody would ask her something...
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♪ >> dana: here we go. food fight breaking out in washington. a group of senators standing against a reported proposal to reclassify the potato as a
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grain. they say it would lead to mass confusion and disrupt the supply chain and the backlash comes as the biden administration works on new dietary guidelines for americans. a spokesperson for the department of agriculture denies it is considering the change but i worked there. somebody has proposed a change. and they might say no, we're not doing that. but somebody proposed it. might have been an underling. one of the nameless bureaucrats. do you think a potato is a grain? grain -- mashed grain and gravy? >> bill: leave the potatoes alone. what happens to the money and crypto crook sam bankman-fried. he will serve a lengthy 25 year prison sentence for orchestrating one of the largest financial frauds in history. all the investors will be made home. kelly o'grady is watching the story like a hawk all week.
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good morning. >> good morning. we're expecting his legal team to mount an appeal next. sbf will find out why he serves the sentence. a low or medium security. dorm-style beds. white collar criminals. medium sleep on a steal bed and share a cell with violent criminals. inmates can enjoy racquetball and learn to crochet. victorville another medium option. he can paint a mural. he is vegan and look to keep that diet. i checked out the bureau of prisons everything from tofu and soy taco saaliad. those activities might sound fun. not a walk in the park. inmate deaths, epa violations.
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not as bad as a jail he spent a few days in in another country. >> dana: i go to the pilates place. i don't like this idea of the soy taco bowl but pilates was very interesting. i don't play foose ball or croquet. thanks, kelly. house republicans must be thinking about spring cleaning as they finally set a date to move the impeachment articles they passed last month against secretary alejandro mayorkas and send them to the senate. waiting to see if it would actually happen. lucas tomlinson is live in washington with more. >> house speaker mike johnson preparing an easter basket for the senate. it is expected to take place next month. >> does it need to get on the floor as soon as possible? >> yes, i would love to see him gone. 100,000 dead americans.
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he needs to go. >> ahead of good friday mike johnson went to texas to show his support to governor abbott posting on x it was great to see you, governor abbott as biden's department of justice uses the judicial system to go after the state of texas for trying to safeguard the citizens. we stand behind you to protect texas from criminals, cartels and traffickers. james comer invited president biden to testify in the republican impeachment inquiry over his alleged corruption last month. a spokesman for the white house laughed off the invitation. when it comes to the impeachment trial of mayorkas senate majority leader blew off the charges. >> look, as i've said, the impeachment of mayorkas is absurd. there is not one drop of evidence that leads to any kind of charge of impeachment and we will handle it in the best way possible. >> which means the democrat-controlled senate is likely to move quickly to
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dismiss the charges against secretary mayorkas. >> dana: we'll follow that bouncing ball as well. thank you. >> bill: now the real housewives of beverly hills are leaving their mark. season 13 producers shared this video on instagram. the cast left the white couches covered in spray tan and makeup stains. that's right. there is the evidence, right? producers gave a shout out to stanley steamer for cleaning up the mess. well done. >> dana: this is a problem. somebody out there should make a spray tan that doesn't transfer. that's the solution we need here. >> bill: can we engineer that? >> dana: we need it. you know we need that. >> bill: it is -- >> dana: hemmer definitely needs that. kidding everybody. get this. before he was a country musician our next guest served in the army and he is out with a new
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song honoring the heroes of vietnam. scotty on what drove him to write welcome home and how music brings him peace. >> bill: welcome. ♪ rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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lakesha: childhood cancer is-- it's a long road. it's hard. but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope that you have a chance at life. and it goes such a long way for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it's awesome. [music playing]
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there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add a new footlong sidekick. except when you add a new footlong sidekick. like the all american club. with the new footlong pretzel. they're the perfect team. are you and that sidekick having a moment? don't judge us. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. -so, what's the code? -it says 547. 5-well, that's not working. dad, she really needs to pee. [baby crying] we're gonna get in in a minute, okay? -it's not opening. -well, i'll call. representative. [baby crying] speak with a person. [cs line] you are a valued customer. representative! we can go in the window. (♪) daddy!
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just a moment darling. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals leave you hanging, try one where you can reach a human in about a minute. ♪ >> dana: today is national vietnam war veterans day and country music artist scotty hasteing knows what it is like to risk your life for your country. he served in the army and wounded in afghanistan. now the purple heart recipient is raising awareness of those who wore the uniform in vietnam. paired up with a group to release his new song "welcome home." you always have a home here. thank you for being here.
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we got connected through doug johnson and carl jennings. you are a veteran yourself. how has creative vets helped you in your journey? >> they have truly become family. from richard to everyone who is a part of it have become family. they support me and i support them. i love what they are doing. what they are doing aligns with what i'm trying to do with my music. i want to use it to help people and creative using music and arts to help veterans also. naturally it fits perfectly. >> bill: your story is remarkable. shot ten times in 2011, 13 years removed from that. you still carry the scars to a degree and took to music during covid. how did it help you? >> i did. when covid happened, the world shut down and it got really quiet. when it is quiet is when the demons knock the loudest. music was an escape. learning how to play the guitar
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was an escape from the quiet and gave me the opportunity to basically just get rid of all that, really focus on one thing and -- >> bill: how to shut it out. >> it was a godsend. >> dana: who knew you had the talent, right? sometimes -- i don't think that i could do it but never tried. tell me about len ericsson. >> this son was written by creative. this was his life story. his life was changed by someone saying welcome home. for vietnam veterans who came on to not the support i came back to it was so important for me to be a part of this song because it is not only a vet, it is important for veterans to support other veterans but so incredibly important for people to realize that just two words,
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welcome home is so incredibly significant to someone. >> bill: this guy has trouble even sleeping. it was remarkable to learn about him. he wakes up every 45 minutes because he doesn't want to fall into that level of sleep where the nightmares come back. a real thing for him. >> it really is and so many others. ptsd and depression, anxiety is a real thing and a real issue that where we're actively fighting as veterans every day. >> dana: what do you think about the choice that you made to join the military? we are in a situation right now where military recruiting is down but you found a path there for you that has led you to a different place. would you do it again? >> 100%, yeah. it is crazy. i talk to my friends and you got shot ten times and you would do it again? what are you doing? one of the greatest things i ever got to be a part of. some of the greatest people i've ever known were part of it with me. >> bill: the first song you learned by toby keith "should
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have been a cowboy." most popular at the time? >> a super easy song to play on the guitar. with the nerve damage that i have in my hand, it was a very challenging process to learn how to play the guitar. so i had to pick a song that was easy for the first time. not only that but such a fun song and such a great song. >> dana: do you love performing in front of groups? >> absolutely. >> bill: you were on stage in nashville last night. the message you have is very important. >> dana: absolutely. >> bill: especially on days like today. >> dana: absolutely. you know, i want all the vietnam vets out there to realize that we -- number one, thank you for paving the way for us moving forward. i was in afghanistan and all the -- i look up to that -- to the vietnam vets. to me those were soldiers and yeah, just thank you for everything that you've done
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vietnam vets and welcome home. >> dana: you have an album coming out may three. >> i do. >> dana: what's it called? >> i'm america. the song that's on it. >> dana: i look forward to hearing that. thank you for being here. >> bill: thank you for having me. are you a basketball fan at all? >> yeah, i like sports. >> bill: we got this for you, scotty. caitlin clark put a message out thanked everybody in iowa for goodbye to my favorite arena. the memories i have will be cherished forever and she goes into the wnba and play in the olympics, too. >> dana: you are super cool. thank you for being here. "the faulkner focus" is up next. happy easter, everyone. >> fox news alert. a tale of two presidential candidates. both president biden and former president trump in new york


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