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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  March 30, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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goes. take a look at these disgusting little red pandas enjoying a nice nutritious snack at a milwaukee zoo. they're eating bamboo, fruit and exits enough to make you sick to your >>, jessie. >> jesse. >> is a math teacher in dallas who changed his name to literally anybody else that it else is running for president. he expects his name to be right under the names of trump and biden. if you're interested and literally anybody else but for this guy. tonight jesse water primetime rfk junior at 8:00 p.m. >> just got next time but that's it for us everyone. have a great night. ♪. jon: brothers and sisters and a blue mourning the loss of one of their own. while an nypd officer jonathan diller laid to rest this morning in long island, new york 31 you're a police officer shot and killed during a routine traffic stop in queens this week. the suspect, a career criminal
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with a long rap sheet. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪ hundreds of people poured into a long island church this morning to pay the final respects to officer jonathan diller is hailed a hero but today services after today wake attended by former president donald trump who said we need to get back to quote law and order. diller was on patrol in the new york city neighborhood known as afar rockaway queens on monday pulled up to in illegally parked car. the suspect with 21 prior arrests refused to get out and pulled a gun and fired hitting diller just below his protective vest. cb cotton live in new york with more. >> good evening, jon. between inside the church and outside it there were thousands.
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officers, troopers and community members all who gather to say their final goodbyes to follow nypd officer jonathan diller his widow stephanie said the father looked gorgeous infants done reach milestones and his siblings build their lives. she said her husband did not sugarcoat anything so she would not either. describing his death as a devastating and senseless. >> jonathan tommy truelove has no limit. our lives were pretty much perfect until five days ago everything changed forever. he was called into duty in a typical jonathan fashion he did not run away. he did what was right and he did what he loved it's a shame someone who brought so much positivity to the world was given such a negative ending. how many more police officers and how many families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? >> followed officer was born and raised on long island. the priest who officiated his
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funeral also officiated his wedding to stephanie. the widow says she and jonathan were set up by a mutual friend and their first date was at the movies. she says at one point jonathan had a job that would take them away from home for a month at a time they would exchange e-mails. she said she has hundreds of messages she will forever cherish. the widow says she hopes to see jonathan standing in heaven looking at her like he did on their wedding day. diller during the appeal 83 years ago his wife says he loved the job . going in early and staying in late when a cobra today at new york city mayor eric adam says diller it never at the tough realities of police work hard in his heart. >> the team of young men who are part of the team, they went out every night to assist and remove thousands of guns off our streets. and just three years on the force he was decorated three times for excellent police duty.
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despite all of those interactions with bad people doing bad things to good people, he adorn that uniform to go out and continue to fight on behalf of the people of the city. so today we mourn his life. the reflect on his bravery. we remember his sacrifice. >> today the fallen officer was posthumously promoted to detective first rate with the new shield number 110. which is his son's birthday. jon, back to you. jon: it had to be joseph so terribly sad and that service today. >> absolutely. i can tell you there is a live street out there so we could see a stream of the funeral service happening inside. during the remarks from stephanie again officer diller widow there is not a dry eye
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among here among the crowd everyone is wiping away tears it was such a moving eulogy that she delivered. she really left so many people with something to think about what can be done to better protect those who put their lives on the line every single day so we can be safe, back to you. jon: he is to be promoted posthumously by the new york police department. but that is little comfort to his family i am sure. cb cotton work, thanks. our next guest attended the funeral too late let's bring in joe retired nypd lieutenant. job, the funeral first. always a sad when a death is as unnecessary, as undeserved as this one it tears your heart out. >> you are right it rips your heart out from every angle. just to listen to stephanie give that eulogy for him was the most
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heart wrenching thing everybody could hear today. and like you said it was unnecessary. there could be things in place right now that we could be doing within the city. within city council but they don't they fight the police department on every single angle. and i don't understand when it's going to come to that realization to them the police need the backing they cannot exist without the backing of the community. for someone who represents the community they are fighting the police department every angle they take the indemnification away they make more work for the more stress police officers do not need any more stress. this is the stress we go through. take the stress off of them but let's get back to community policing or the police police department and the community worked together and let them do the job they are trained to do without fear of losing that job or losing their life. jon: i'm not sure if i was
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stephanie diller if i would have the strength to get up there and say the words that she said today. but here is part of what she told the mourners at her late husband's funeral. >> and know my son will grow up without his father. i will grow old without my husband. and his parents have to say goodbye to their child. how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? jon: start protecting them? this guy had at least 21 prior arrests that we know of and had done time in prison. and yet he was out on the streets. >> you can think of and are hopeful and you can thank everybody who put in the bail reform. that was slipped in as far as we are concerned from any law enforcement. built reform is responsible for this but had it not been in place to the degree it is right now that person would be behind bars right now. and that is the problem but we
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have too many walking the streets today. we can boast about how crime is down in certain areas but this is still the most dangerous job. no matter how you look at it. it is inherently dangerous. the city council and governor hochul compound 10 times over. it's time to get back enough is enough. we have to start taking the back of that women and law enforcement across this country. but especially here in new york city everybody looks up to the city to see was going on. they see the disaster happening here with the likes of d.a. bragg and everybody else that fights the legal department every angle, it is ridiculous. jon: the mayor recently struck funds from the police department because he wanted to give more money to incoming illegal migrants. >> that is another thing the mayor and the governor the
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government marked money for illegal migrants. so think about that our veterans are on the street with no place to go. with no benefits. our police department are defunded for the schools cannot get funded. it's enough that people are saying enough. this is lit a fuse across the country people have had enough and they want answers they want results. those results come at the polls. jon: he did everything right. he was directed toward this car. he asked the guy to get out. he did everything by the book but the guy had a gun in the bullet hit him in such a way that it hit eight major argent artery and he bled to death it is so unbelievable a good guy like that loses his life to this 21 times arrested dirt bag. >> that is the keyword at dirt bag that came to do business
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that day. both of them were armed they were looking to do something you can't say they were parked there people said maybe they're just park there, no they were not just p parked there. you go and hide your body cavity you are not there to do busineso business he had every intention of taking these officers out to accomplish the deeds he had to do. jon: he was shot he was in the hospital that is going to face trial. we will see what happens after that. it is just unbelievable that time after time these kinds of crimes keep happening in new york city and no one changes the bail laws. real quick final thought, joe? >> jon is not just the bail laws it's everything that is against law enforcement right now. they have been demonized. they have been put down. they have been spent on drink rights and everything. it is a complete failure within
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the criminal justice system. and as i've said time and time again this is to misjudge for the criminals are for the cops not for the citizens everything seemed to change. at what point do people who have to vote they constantly boat party lines, vote common sense this is not working. that needs to change. >> little political leadership would be helpful it seems. joe cardinale thank you. jon: present but is at camp david after glitzy new york city campaign fundraiser thursday with former president barack obama and bill clinton. lucas tomlinson's life at the white house with the more on all of that, lucas. >> jon, earlier today president biden's deputy campaign manager boasting about that big hall in new york. taking swipes at former president donald trump. >> it takes resources to run a campaign and set up infrastructure you need time and donald trump does not have either he is running out of time, he is not consolidating his base.
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he is strapped for cash. the rnc is in shambles we are pulling off fundraisers. >> hundreds of protesters short outside radio city music hall where the fundraiser was held. some made inside. >> shame on you joe biden. shame on you. shame on you. >> allays fundraising numbers went from for our february show a sizable advantage for president biden $53 million to 20 million. of course trump was also behind hilary clinton in the fundraising department in 2016 that did not stop him from winning of course he lost four years ago we are now set for our first presidential rematch since eisenhower and stevenson in 1956. despite telling voters they are better off in a fox news poll says otherwise. over 50% of people say they are worse off today. only 22% they are doing better. 26% say they're doing about the same financially. biden perhaps hoping to appear on stage and his appearance of former presidents of barack
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obama obama and bill clinton a reminder better times. biden's poll numbers offer different reality. a reality check. only 30% approve of his handling of immigration majority disapprove of his inflation and economy prices are up about 20% since biden took office. in new york biden kept it lighted times with hosts steven colbert. >> can voters trust a presidential candidate who is not one a single trump international golf club trophy? at long last us or have you no chip shot? >> i will be happy to play i told him once before when -- before he got sworn in. i said i give you three strokes if you carry your own bag. >> trump campaign since it's going to hold a fundraiser of its own and hope to take in more money than the biting campaign of course palm beach is a pretty good place to do that. jon: dueling campaigns and fundraisers. lucas tomlinson at the white house lucas thank you.
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to the border crisis now and another migrant caravan numbering estimated 2000 people is headed for the u.s. right now it is reportedly in southern mexico multiple groups of migrants are already camped out along the texas border. senior correspondent is live in el paso, texas with more. >> jon, good evening organizers of that caravan tell fox news they are still deep in southern mexico britain not far from the border of guatemala. they say their next stop will be mexico city with their final destination being the united states of america. video shows the group of about 2000 marching through the streets there. at times chanting in spanish we are not criminals we are international workers. it is not clear when they will reach our southern border or where they will go specifically but sources say they will not all head to the same spot. rather it will be broken up into smaller groups strategically by the cartels and sent to several
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different locations. for context this is how far away they still are in the southern states that is about 18 hours by car to mcallen about 926 miles roughly. remember they are on foot as you can see. it is even further to reach places like eagle pass and here where we are in el paso. >> this administration is not done a single thing to stop the flow. when the caravan get to the board it will send more resources to the border to process quicker and release quicker. if there is no overcrowding they can keep saying the border is secure. >> and meantime new texas dps video from a web county shows a high-speed pursuit earlier this week. watch this video the driver stops, bails out, jumps over the center concrete median. two migrants follow on to oncoming traffic they found five migrants total inside to were
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hidden in the trunk. all mexican nationals the smuggler, the driver of the car did get away and successfully evaded law enforcement at least for now. jon: r8 casey stegall on the border in eagle pass, texas. thank you. for more on this right texas congressman pat fallon. you heard what casey said the caravan that is headed this way is full of people chanting they are international workers, your thoughts? >> chart quite frankly we don't know who they are this is joe biden he is been doing this for the last three plus years in texas we are fed up. over the last 13 years just in texas alone with that 428,000 criminal aliens arrested and charged with 513,000 crimes. that resulted in get this 187,000 convictions. we are talking about felonies hard to fill his murder, rape,
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kidnapping, sexual assault, this kind of thing with joe biden's son and his policies has made every state a border state. jon: nobody at the white house seems terribly interested in getting a handle on the problem. the president said it is the fault of you and congress. >> the president is lying through his teeth. he could stem the flow by 70% aimmediate without congressional approval or action or consent. all three has to do is reinstitute weight mexico policy that president trump had it would reduce the flow every expert says by 70%. we are seeing now is migrants come over they know they're going to be coddled not even this administration, this regime. the proof is in the numbers. the obama administration the trump administration at this point in the president said that about 1.7 million illegal crossings. joe biden has seen eight and half million. the fault plays at his feet and his feet alone. jon: the american people are apparently starting to notice for the first time in years the
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gallup poll is showing people find illegal immigration to be the most pressing national issue here are the numbers from this gallup poll. in january of 202420% of americans said immigration was a number one issue. now it's up to 28% as of february just a month later. it appears americans are getting fed up. >> of seeing as i said in texas for years. we were nabbing about three people a year that were on the terrorist watch list. we cut 16 169 the last fiscal y. chinese and nationals there were four and a 50 mostly military aged men by the way under the trump administration. last year it was nearly 50000170
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countries have been represented by folks crossing the border illegally under the biden administration. so, something happened in january 20, 2021. we got a leader in the white house now we have a panderer and you are seeing the results. jon: how do we fix this problem, congressman? >> number one we fire joe biden. i know we cannot do that until november but we continue to talk about and educate the american people as you are doing it as you've done so jointly on your program. at the american people knew the facts if they knew the mexican drug cartels were controlling our southern border not from federal government they would demand action. the main stream media the democrats i'm sorry for being redundant do not want the american people to know the truth because they want it broken for who knows what their nefarious reasons. it is ridiculous. jon: congressman pat fallon of texas we appreciate your time. >> thank you happy easter and god bless. jon: up next on the fox support the monumental task of removing
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the tons of debris begins at the sight of the francis scott key bridge disaster in baltimore. >> crews are working around the clock in baltimore in this clean up operation. today they marked a significant first step. i am in baltimore i will tell you how come next. active ten eighty nine. the threat says, “the bombs will blow up tonight. jews will die. they deserve to die.” get everybody and just come to our church. thank you for welcoming us in. and now, we call elliot to the torah as a bar mitzvah.
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>> we still have four individuals unaccounted for and for families who are still looking for a measure of closure we are committed to getting that to them. this is a huge economic impact. not just to baltimore, not just to the state of maryland but the economic impact this is having on the american economy is staggering when were the busiest ports were the most effective ports in this country has essentially been shut down but we are going to be real rebuild the francis scott key bridge it's incredibly important. it's iconic come it is necessary with me charlie's operations are happening simultaneously. jon: maryland governor westmore providing an update on the baltimore bridge collapsed cleanup and recovery effort for construction workers remained missing and are presumed dead. four days after the cargo ship crashed into of the structures bain supports. madeleine rivera is light at the scene at that disaster. >> hey jon, operations are
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ramping up a couple hours ago we saw another barge with an aerial boom lift arrived to the site crews are focusing on the north section of the key bridge that's right around where the two cranes are. we have seen them cutting pieces of metal. what they want to do is clear-cut enough debris to open up some sort of channel allowed small vessels to come through. >> it is not going to take ho hours. it is not going to take days. but once we complete this phase of the work, we can move more tugs, and more barges, and were both into the area to accelerate our recovery. >> as you heard mort say the main parties to clear debris enough divers go back into the water and try to recover the four people still missing. and then reopen the port you've got 8000 workers on the docks whose jobs have been impacted. millions of dollars worth of goods that cannot pass through. the goodness we are today small
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businesses can now apply for disaster loan assistance from the federal government. the work here though is far from easy engineers are studying this piece-by-piece to try to figure out how to move the wreckage including a 3,004,000 tons of steel sitting on top of the boat right now. with every movement that got to reassess and see if the situation is built safe the last thing they're asking for is people, folks should cooperate should not lie drones in an area that has flight restrictions that causes them to cease operation and delays the whole thing. >> zero-tolerance policy regarding any drone anywhere within the note drone zone no de established by the faa. anyone who attempts to fly a drone in any prohibited manner in the area subject to arrest, prosecution and/or fines. >> we hear today as well the whole of the ship's damage but it is still intact. jon back to you. jon: what a tragedy.
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thank you. stilts, the fox report the state of the economy is on the top issues in the 2024 presidential election. there is some new economic data just out economist peter is here to tell us how it can affect the biden and trump campaigns, next. i will bless those who bless you. it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union. but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help.
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jon: i am drawn scott this is a fox reporter is the bottom of the f you're just joining us here's a look at some of your headlines. united airlines flight from tel aviv, israel to newark, new jersey was diverted to upstate new york yesterday for a medical emergency. seven passengers were hospitalized for motion sickness after extreme turbulence hit the plane. rapper 50 cents that he believes
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donald trump will win the presidency once again. he encouraged his followers to relax about the upcoming election because it is quote almost over. and a slot player at caesars palace in las vegas won the jackpot three times in a row. the lucky guest one more than $667,000 in prizes. for more on these and other stories daily fox news app you can scan the qr code on your screen or go to president biden's economic policy the commerce department says personal consumption expenditures up to a half% over the last calendar year. let's bring in a f former u.s. international trade commission chief peter morici he's a business professor at the university of maryland. so two and half% that means is costing you that much more to
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fund the lifestyle you had come is that right? >> i think it is it's probably even worse. if you are in new york city used to walk 10 blocks and night and you take a cab because the streets are dangerous. the best campaign and that donald trump has is the price of gasoline right now. as it goes up people will remember how much it costs to get around. how much a quart of milk costs and so forth. these price tags are heard and joe biden and it is reflected in his approval ratings. he is really blame for inflation and there's some justification for that because he canceled the keystone pipeline on his first day in office. that had something to do with all this, doesn't it? >> absolutely and his approach to russia has not worked out very well. they have all the money they need to pursue the worry of high-priced gasoline. the thing is they do not learn the keep wanting to pursue the same policies over and over again. with regard to electricity, shutting down a natural gas generating plants now it leads to brownouts and blackouts.
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it also raises the cost of doing business for utilities which gets passed on to consumers thrwhenthey open their electricl they think about joe biden. joe biden is in a lot of trouble for it every time americans open up the credit card bill see what they are spending to live it hurts them. jon: americans apparently are noticing when asked if they are better off financially than they were four years ago it's the famous line that ronald reagan asked during his campaign against jimmy carter. these are the numbers only one and five, 22% say they are better off. more than half say they are worse off than they were four years ago in about one in four say it's about the same. that's not a winning formula for winning reelection. >> know it is not. there's only seven states are going to determine a selection let's look at michigan. he went in there very prounion stance. he basically approved and promoted the uaw getting huge
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pay increases. so those guys and probably will pull the lever for joe biden. but everyone else in michigan has to pay a lot more for a car. they may not be in a situation where they can use an electric vehicle and he's pushing them to give up their internal combustion engines and so forth. joe biden trails donald trump badly, why? a lot of biden's policies benefit one in five americans so they are happy. the rest of us, not so good. jon: hurts a corporation bet big on electric vehicles and they are getting rid of them all it appears americans did do not wao rent and that is for sure. the condition of the economy again another question in her latest fox news poll asked whether it is excellent or good. 26% say it yes it is excellent or good now. 73% say it is only fair or poor. and again the economy is generally the number one issue
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people go to the voting booth. >> absolutely. the economy right now is growing at about the same pace approximately that it did for donald trump before covid. the principal differences in donald trump did not have all this inflation and people were becoming better off. with the joe biden about 20% of the population is getting better off the other 80% is getting worse off. after all do you really care when a chunk at like me has to say about unemployment and gdp? do you care more about what your paycheck buys today versus gasoline, groceries, paying your property taxes and all of this. i wouldn't pay for 2019? the budget deficit has swelled dramatically. the federal reserve has printed money to finance that. bought the bonds the treasury prince that has created inflation. joe was warm even by democratic economists like larry summers it's irresponsible to send spend
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the money plan to spend he said i would rather do too much than too little. he sure is done too much to the american people. they are unhappy and justifiably so. jon: the fed is not indicated is going be dropping interest rates anytime soon, right? >> right. people are now relying on credit cards. they are piling on more credit card debt. if it is not dro d dropped intet rates soon those interest payments are going to start group to become burdensome. unfortunately americans are now maintain their standard of living by borrowing. we all know that can only go so far. if things don't get better by july he is in a lot of trouble. he can raise all the money he wants of bill clinton and barack obama. but if people feel they're hurting they're going to take it out on the polls. one way or another he can run all the ads he wants in michigan. if people find cars are too expensive milk is too expensive, gas is too expensive they're going to pull the lever for the other guy. jon: former u.s. international
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trade chief peter morici. still to come in the fox report china poses an ever growing threat to vessels of traveling in the south china sea and elsewhere. and now u.s. navy officials are asking congress to step up to help neutralize the risks. more on that when we return. lift heavy loads, ♪ and as he puts it, add the strength of 10 extra people to his family's land. ♪ every 3 series tractor built to deliver confidence. you just have to get in the seat. learn more at
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jon: breaking news no small plane into the water off the coast of rhode island. happened near quonset state airport this afternoon. the faa said the single while plane took off this morning made stops in massachusetts before attempting to return. two people on board at the time the coast guard says they both swam to a nearby bowie and were
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rescued. so far no word on what might have caused the crash. both the passengers were taken to the hospital. their condition unknown at this time. the united states navy is asking lawmakers for more than $2 billion in funding after congress has failed to pass a defense spending bill for nearly six months. officials say short-term spending deals are hindering certain military operations. as tensions rise in the south china sea for chief national security correspondent jennifer has that story. >> for the second time this month the chinese warships and circled a philippine supply boat using water cannons to blast the vessel in the south china sea. yet going head of the u.s. military in the pacific warned congress of china's military is getting more aggressive. >> things are trending in the wrong direction they are continuing to develop their military machine despite an economy that has significant
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problems. their actions are becoming much more belligerent. >> tensions rising in the south china and read sees the navy's top players have presented congress with a two-point to billion dollar wishlist. thirteen items and they say are needed due to congress' repeated delays continuing resolutions to defensive funding bill since october and to the house republicans blocking the supplemental bill to fund ukraine taiwan, israel's defense needs. >> essentially operating under cr is like operating with one arm tied behind your back you're not able to do it effectively pick wishlist inc. was $92.9 million to buy more missiles for that navy depleted fifth fleet which is face more than 100 houthis attacks since october. quick to supplemental is passed i will tell you that also re- supplies the weapons i have fired in the red sea but a lot of that goes to the industrial base because of the eye and global adversaries the navy also wants a $50 million to buy it for long range submarine
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launched torpedoes designed to sink deep diving nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers. the navy also it was a $403 million for the u.s. submarine industrial base rate something republican lawmakers put into the stalled ukraine funding bill. at the pentagon jennifer griffin fox news. >> lawyers for former president trump say fulton county judge's decision to remove prosecutor nathan wade from the georgia election interference case does not go far enough. they are now asking to have headed prosecutor vinny willis removed as well. willis and wade confirmed they were having an affair but judge scott mcafee required only one of them to resign. now the trump team says there's no way to ensure willis will be unbiased in their case. madison scarpino has more in their appeal. >> trump in aid of his codefendants are trying to remove it willis and get the case dismissed.
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the appeal argues willis should be disqualified over her romantic relationship with former special prosecutor nathan wade. willis and wade testified their relationship did not start until after he was hired in november of 2021. but in the appeal trump and his codefendant say the relationship began in 2019. they also argue willis should be disqualified because of the comments she made at historically black church in atlanta. willis claimed the efforts to remove her from the case were racially motivated. the judge called those comments legally improper but here is what willis said at an event on friday. >> recently tell me now they don't like me too talk about race babe i'm going to talk about it anyway. the truth is there's challenges that come to being black for. >> appeal comes two weeks after the judge ruled there is no conflict of interest. but said willis and wade made quote bad choices. the judge did say either willis or wade had to go. hours after the ruling came down wade resigned.
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but in the appeal defense attorneys argued the judge made an error that has to be fixed before the case goes to trial. quick she's got to be disqualified. if that happens we'll get it neutral prosecutor to be able to go and review this and decide whether or not they're even going to bring these charges. >> the court of appeals has a 45 days to decide if it will take up this case. jon: madison scarpino thanks. still to come and ailing pope francis presides over this year's and vatican easter vigil as newark prepares for the iconic easter parade. we are back with more in a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts
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jon: pope francis is expected to lead to moe's early morning easter mass despite his recent health struggles in recent months. the pope did not attend friday's way of the cross procession in rome to rest up for tonight easter vigil in tomorrow's mass. stephanie bennett has more from london. >> and jon, many thought his appearance tonight might've come down to the wire again after last night's last-minute
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departure. today the pope looking well but tired ahead of easter tomorrow in front of the larger crowd pope francis entering the room for the easter vigil at st. peter's basilica but there is growing concern over his health and frail condition after a slew of canceled appearances. friday night pope francis was expected to preside over the way of the cross procession rome's coliseum. just as the event was about to begin the vatican announced he would instead watch from home. the move suggests it was sudden as his cheer was in place on the platform outside the coliseum. after that announcement that chair was quickly removed. pope francis also skip the event last year in 2023 because he was recovering from bronchitis. >> i deafly do not think is to be taken lightly. a lot was taken into what he pheprioritizes help for easter wishes i think is a very responsible thing to do for 87-year-old who also had part of one of his lungs were removed as a young man has been battling what he and the vatican have described as a case of the flu, bronchitis or a cold all winter long.
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in 2 2021 and chunk of his large intestine removed and was hospitalized twice last year. he is also been using a wheelchair and cane for over a year because of bad knee ligaments for now the pope is expected to hold easter mass tomorrow morning starting at 4:00 a.m. eastern time. quick stephanie bennett, thanks. here are some other headlines from around the globe. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu approved another round of cease fire talks with hamas expected to begin tomorrow. this, after the un top court told israel to allow more aid into the gaza strip. in cyprus three ships carrying 400 tons of food and supplies have set sail for gaza it is the second major shipment to use the new maritime aid core door. ukrainian president zelenskyy is firing more aids as russia it
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ramps up drone and missile attacks. zelenskyy said ukraine could lose more land if u.s. does not spend send a more aid. in the netherlands police managed to peacefully and an hours long hostage standoff at a dutch nightclub police arrested one man saying there's no signs of terrorism but no word on a motive. and in japan authorities raided a factor after linking its products to at least five deaths. several health supplements have been recalled over the investigation. [background noises] this is a germinate were animals at a zoo took part in a festive easter egg hunt. they were rewarded with a taste retreat treat made of nuts and fruits. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. coming up, tonight's animal almanac say hello to one of the most acrobatic animals on the planet according to the experts. will take about this newborn baby given next.
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some people have minor joint pain plus stomach problems. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't irritate your stomach the way aleve® or even advil® or motrin® can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to tango with tails on tails on tails? try lobster lover's dream with two lobster tails and lobster & shrimp linguini. it's one of ten next-level lobster creations. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in. i'm a bird stuck in larry bird's attic. and i'm goin' cuckoo. what the heck. what you got larry? may the best bird win. brick. you may be a legend on the court but you're an amateur up here.
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heads up lar. so get allstate... save money and be protected from mayhem... me. now you're the bird stuck in the attic.
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this is remington. ...he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed them kibble— it just seemed like the thing to do. but ...he was getting picky we heard about the farmer's dog... and it was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. when barbara switched to turbotax...
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i broke four generations of family tradition... ma, i want to make perfume! ♪ so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. intuit turbotax. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's better outside with ninja. cookouts are better with master grills that char, barbecue smoke, and air fry. weekends are better with life proof coolers that keep ice for days and have fridge-temperature drawers for dry foods, because everything is better without soggy sandwiches. it's better outside with ninja. ♪ a tiger cub rescued by
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california zoo enjoying playtime in the water. meet lily, oakland zoo trying to help her rebuild muscle and bone strength. zookeepers say she was suffering from multiple fractures when she was rescued from a private owner in february. looks like she's enjoying her new home while she gets a bit stronger. philadelphia zoo celebrating and adorable addition, a baby white handed given. he's currently spending a lot of time with his mom. native to southeast asia considered to be an acrobatic animal. zookeepers say they can't wait until he's able to play with his "big brother" and sister. powerful jackpot nears $1 billion after nobody one the grant pride when tonight. now up to $935 million out of the 37th street drawing without a winner about the next
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drawing to be held later ton tonight. the total fox report saturday march 30 of 2024. i'm jon scott, thanks for watching, happy easter. we will see you tomorrow. the "big weekend show" is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ the defendant, i am joey jones, please abuse and david webb, welcome to the "big weekend show". the big story tonight, a powerful tribute t


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