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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  March 30, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! [ cheering and applause ] >> we are out of time, thank you everyone. "fox news @ night" with trace gallagher is next.
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jonathan is just it's humbling. it's just it's brutal to call on the prayers of so many people for stephanie and for ryan and for the extended family and for the family of the police, of the department. it's beautiful to thank god for the gift of jonathan, and for the example that he's given us of police officers and my family. and enough is enough. we have to back the police. it's amazing. amazing the support and the love for police officers. it has to go countrywide and enough is enough with what they're doing to our officers that are putting their life on the line every day. i'm a neighbor. i'm sad, and i'm. i'm angry and i'm here to show my respects and hopefully we'll be able to change the laws and put criminals in jail and keep them there. it's a disgrace that
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these politicians have. they have blood on their hands. these people protect us, so we need to protect them. i think if everyone can come together and support one another in times like this, it's a nice thing and maybe it could be a turning point. i think it's almost impossible to describe the sea of blue and support feeling of patriotism here in massapequa, new york for the life of jonathan dillard and his family. so i thought i'd show you, look what's behind me. look over here. this line of blue goes for miles down in merrick road in massapequa. the heart of this town, the heart of this city. and it's the heart of the country. today. they go five deep. yeah there's an anti-cop sentiment in this country, but it's not here and it's not now. and i get the sense it's all going to stop. and for the people here in uniform and not their focus is clear. and that is this has got to stop. david, i want to go to you first, a young lady in that video said something that really stuck with me. she said,
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these people protect us. so we need to protect them. and what do you interpret that to mean? i mean, how do we as citizens protect police officers? if not the way we vote and the policies we vote for? well, in part, and as someone who grew up around police officers and law enforcement, it's the relationship you have with the community. it's a relationship that the police officer and the community has. so they protect them because they know they're there and they want them there. they support them. and that's important to the officers from the officer's perspective. and we're this happened. and, you know, when you think about the area, it's a big recruiting area for police officers. it's a big area where many officers live, even if they work in other jurisdictions where they can. so you're talking about a community support, and that's how you protect them by being there. there was a time when police officers were welcomed into the stores, and they still are by many, when there were more welcome than they were unwelcome by the politicians. and this driving anti-cop narrative of and that's important, and i think it
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speaks to why those who care, you know, know when to be there for them and not just rail against them, but then show up like the governor did when she thought she could insert herself into this to disrupt this, or when letitia james tried to insert herself or any other politician when they actually create an environment with their policies that harm these police officers. most agencies are mayoral agencies. the mayors are at the top of the chain in much of america, and this is a problem that we need to deal with. you know, alicia, if the sentiment about this officer getting killed in the line of duty is that the person who shot him, shouldn't have been out there. some of that ire has been pointed towards some of the politicians, but there was one politician that was invited to the funeral that was president trump, and we had a chance to hear from father michael duffy as he described praying with president trump. i was able to just say, mr. president, thank
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you for being here. thank you for your goodness to this family, would you be willing to pray with us? and he said, of course, father duffy and i said, ladies and gentlemen, president trump would like to pray with us. let's all say now, father, together. and the whole room, including the president standing right next to me, prayed. and now, father, and then the president, so beautifully turned and kissed phoebe ryan on the forehead and the baby clapped at the president, and it just broke the tension, it was just such a beautiful human, simple moment that meant so much to the family and so much to the people in that room. yeah, it just feels like a moment where being a human being was so much more important than being a politician. yeah, exactly. and i think for a lot of americans out there, they see politicians and they see politics as just one moment of fakeness to another moment of fakeness. this is, on the other hand, especially when you hear it from the father. sounded like a moment of genuine concern, pain and outreach to just a fellow human being. but also, i would like for people to also think about earlier this week on thursday when president biden, former presidents obama and clinton were all in town. how
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did they get to where they had to be in new york city? they were escorted by the nypd. so much of the security around this city on that day had to do with the fellow officers of this fallen officer, and the fact that they didn't take a moment at all in this city to at least acknowledge, reach out to the community, reach out to the police department and say, this is a moment that we all need to just stop and be appreciative of. this department, i think is not lost on a lot of people out there. that's such a good point. you know, alicia trump was invited by the family, but they specifically said they didn't want certain politicians. and basically, i think the message essentially was politicians who contributed to these policies that this family blames. they didn't want there. governor hochul showed up anyway, and it turned into a mess. and this is a soundbite or a video from lee zeldin reacting, reacting to just that. how completely out of touch and disrespectful it's
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about them. when you make that kind of request, it really should be about the family. they can have speed, whoever they want to have, speak and if you aren't invited to provide remarks, then you don't try to push your way into it and it's important for these politicians to ask themselves why the people who are in charge, these elected officials, aren't actually making life in new york any better. so now you confront that problem with the raw emotion of a family who just lost their loved one, and the last thing in the world that they want are any of these democratic politicians to try to grandstand selflessly for their own good? well, i'm so glad brian was there. it was beautiful to see so many people come together to honor jonathan diller. i just want to reiterate before i get to kathy hochul, because i will get to her, what stephanie diller said this, it just makes me cry when i read, when she said when the gates of heaven opened for me, i hope i will see jonathan standing there looking at me like he did on her wedding day.
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i mean, can you imagine losing your husband at 31? he's 31 years old, and just like that just gets my heart, kathy hochul, i don't blame the family for not wanting attorney general letitia james and governor kathy hochul to speak at the funeral. they do have blood on their hands. they are responsible for this culture of impunity, for these criminals. they championed bail reform. i mean, even eric adams and the former nypd, nypd police commissioner had said in 2022, which was two years after bail reform, they talked about how there were ten criminals combined who arrested 485 times. the suspected killer of jonathan diller was arrested 21 times, one times, nine felonies. so they are directly responsible for this kind of culture of impunity, where criminals walk the streets and feel free to shoot police officers who honorably and fearlessly and selflessly put their lives on the line for their community. so you know, shame on every democrat. i pray that we make some changes in this country because this did not have to happen. and that's that's the part there. it didn't have to happen all right. you can watch brian kilmeade's full interview with
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president trump tonight on one nation at 9 p.m. we have a jam packed big weekend show ahead. biden joins in as liberals take a swipe at christians this easter. plus so i just got punched in the face walking home. i was literally like, leaving class. i was literally just walking and a man came up and punched me in the face. yeah, the new york times is now going to blame tiktok, not criminals, for attacks on women who are being punched without warning. and i spy di biden's intel. community goes woke on terror with its war on words. terror with its war on words. doctor my, i you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair.
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reducing emissions by 60% in all ntt indycar® series races. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". president biden at camp david for easter weekend out of the $25 million fundraiser and no mention of missing officer diller's wake. former president trump preparing for a fundraiser of his own for next week. lucas tomlinson is at the white house tonight. >> when president biden went to new york he was greeted by
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protesters in the past few minutes waiting to come on air we saw protesters gathering near the white house, sounds like pro- palestinian protest. we will keep you updated. earlier president biden deputy press secretary's campaign spokesman spoke earlier and through shade at former president trump. >> it takes resources to run a campaign and you need time and donald trump does not have either, he's running out of time, he's not consolidating his face, strapped for cash the rnc is in shambles. we are pulling fundraisers like this. >> hundreds of protesters showed up outside radio city music hall for the fundraiser was held in new york this week, some made it inside as well. >> shame on you, joe biden. >> latest fundraising numbers from fabric show a sizable advantage for president biden, 53 million to 20 million. trump was hillary and
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department, 2016 and didn't stop him from winning. he lost four years ago. here we are with the first presidential rematch since eisenhower and stevenson in 1956. despite telling voters there are better off, he knew full social life. 50% of people say they are worse off today. 22% say they are better off 26% say they are about the same financially. national archives say they turned over 6000 pages of e-mails from house oversight committee as far as republican investigation into president biden, impeachment articles are expected to be delivered to the democrat-controlled senate next month and expected to be dismissed quickly. the trump campaign says implants total fundraiser of its own and bringing more than 269 at the biden campaign body and they plan to raise money. >> it's so good to see you, thanks for hanging with us.
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after this, critics say biden woke model are taking a swipe at christians this easter. this your easter sunday calls on transgender visibility day which is traditionally 31st of this year not only did fairfax county virginia make an official proclamation for easter sunday, so did president biden. biden was the first president ever to issue an official proclamation for transgender day of visibility and this was in 2021. in his proclamation this year he said today we send a message to transgender americans, you are loved, you are heard, understood, you belong. you are america and my entire administration and i have your back. fairfax county board making a similar proclamation this week. >> i'm very happy we are recognizing unity too often pushed into the shadows celebrating another community within diverse tapestry here in
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fairfax county. >> this, a day goes back to 2010. when president biden first made this proclamation in 2021, that your easter was april 4. this year, they both happened on the same day. >> also a random day created by a random person out of michigan in the same way i could declare march 30 is the day of lisa. the white house banned religious themes designed from the white house easter egg or contest. the resurrection of jesus christ as a religious holiday, celebration. to celebrate the day of trans visibility in and of itself isn't to ponder christianity because the bible said he made man and woman, male and female. to say otherwise is to divide the truth, god's creation. to do it on easter is last from us.
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you can go back to the last trans day of visibility in 2023, he celebrated after christian individuals were murdered by trans person at the covenant school in nashville and the white house proceeded to go on and say it was a trans committee under attack, not christianity so i'm sorry that i believe will biden understand the optics and is doing this intentionally and thumbing his nose at christians and easter and essentially spitting in the face of christians everywhere. >> there's a virginia mom who told fox news digital stephanie lundquist that they are essentially trying to offend question on the holiest of days by forcing gender ideology down their throats. it's unbecoming of our elected representatives. >> isn't joe biden catholic? >> yes. >> okay, just checking. this is not a thing. it was made up, it's like wants, made up by somebody to do something. who are they appealing to?
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roughly 1.6 million or so people in the u.s. according to some reports that identify as transgender. here's what they've done, they are gas lighting the american people because of the coincidence of this and made up they versus an actual day that means something to billions of people worldwide, not just the united states. they want us talking about them. this whole thing with the strike on, i've been to a few, it's a lot of fun and you eat a lot of too many eggs but are people expressing themselves so now the government will tell you you can't present a religious first amendment, religious imagery on an egg. i'm even more cynical than lisa. but seriously, there gas lighting us. this is false like this quote. they of visibility, you are
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visible every other day of the year. >> i will have to get you on the next one. coming up, words matter according to the biden administration even for terrorists, the move cost of intelligence agencies to not be so offensive. ♪ (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust.
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". former president trump legal team now appealing the ruling that keeps county georgia connie fani willis on his election interference case. medicines carpino has more from atlanta. >> trump and eight of his codefendants, one fani willis off the case and excitement dismissed altogether. the appeal argues fani willis
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should be disqualified because of her romantic relationship with former special prosecutor nathan wade. fani willis and ralph testified the relationship didn't start until after he was hired in november 2021 but in the appeal, trump and codefendants say the relationship began in 2019. the appeal is two weeks after the judge ruled no conflict of interest beside fani willis and wade made that ptosis. the judge did say fani willis or wade had to go. hours after the ruling came down, wade written resign but the judges ruling didn't go far enough. >> we are arguing his decision should have gone further and should have actually disqualified her because he gave the factual claims we need, we just need the court to say that's too much, that's enough, she's got to be disqualified. >> fani willis should be disqualified because of comments she made out of historically black church in january. fani willis claimed efforts to remove her from the case or
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racially motivated. the judge called the comments were legally improper but here's what she said at an event frid friday. >> recently they tell me that like me to talk about race. i'm going to talk about it anyway. truth is, challenges that come with being black. >> forty-five days to decide if will take up the case. >> is biden's intel community going on terror? a newsletter distributed to intel agencies from the office of director of national intelligence pushes for certain terms to be avoided including islamic extremism and radical islam because they are harmful towards muslims. social media problems are joining in. meta oversight board which recommends policies for facebook and instagram was to allow users to refer to terrorists using the arabic word for murder. the recommendations they ask terrorist violence have severe consequences destroying lives of innocent people impeding human rights and undermining fabric of
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our society's. any limitation of freedom of expression prevent such violence must be necessary and proportionate given undue removal of content may be ineffective and counterproductive. let's start with the cia. why? >> i have no idea. i don't, the cia as much as the biden administration telling the cia to do this but have fought both wars we had to fight if you consider isis its own war, two of the three. i was in iraq and kenaston. what happened is poor uneduca uneducated, oppressed people, through their religion of islam were radicalized, turned into extremists and 12-year-old kids that hook up bombs or 20-year-old kids that go around and blow themselves up. they played preyed on their disparity and ignorance, they prayed on their face.
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there's no better way to describe the evil i saw in those two countries in the extremists and radicals in islam because that's the tool they used to turn these innocent children and if you know the history of afghanistan, the soviets came out, there were all these orphan children the boys and put them in camps and turn them into future terrorists. if you do the math, 2001, they are old enough to go to war and died now. they used religion to turn these kids into evil and that is what needs to be stated rather than removing a two word phrase, give definition, an example to what this is. we have a president that thinks this isn't the threat anymore so maybe it's not a big deal but i look at it and see i have buddies all over the world fighting this ideology that wants to kill us and israel will probably have a thing or two to say. >> we saw it rear its head last
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year in israel. i want to get to this story that says the biden avalanche keeps rolling, vote them out before there is a soul. every minute of manpower burned on nonsense like this conducted to appease the progressive control class and masters xavier is a minute taken away from actually pursuing and defending national interest of the united states. we have an fbi director right now because we are open border policies, terrorist are near, hamas affiliated people. isn't that what they should be focused on, not correct words? >> to something joey said, the biden administration, politicals at the tops of the agencies that push a lot of this, the practice people have to fight it boots on the ground or law enforcement know what they are dealing with. they are dealing with this extreme element but this is the administration that told us the greatest threat to america were
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right wing extremists. >> what's missing -- islamic extremism, jihadists, what's missing? what they teach people the definition of murder and what it's really about? this is another push gas lighting people trying to force a change and narrative which doesn't force a change in behavior in kids talk to become jihadists and die and g hardy. >> clarity matters and if you're busy worrying about what the words are, how do you like the enemy you can't decide what to call it? in the coming up, the new york times blaming tik tok, not criminals or random attacks on women. that's next. ♪ [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty.
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". lizzo seems to be quitting the music industry and shocking post on social media and this one day after performing a president biden's glitzy new york city fundraiser. fox news christina coleman in los angeles tonight. >> representing the interests filed a lawsuit against lizzo blaster criticized the decision to have her perform at president joe biden's multimillion dollar fundraiser. in an interview with news nati nation, it's shameful she would be chosen to headline an event like this amid agree just allegations. the enemy and graham morning singer denied all allegations against her and she is speaking out. a day after the fundraiser, she announced she's quitting. on social media she wrote, i'm
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getting tired of putting up being dragged by everyone in my life and on the internet. all i want is to make music and make people happy and help the world be a little better than how i found it. i'm starting to feel like the world doesn't want me in it. i'm constantly up against isaac told about me for cloud and fuse, being the butt of the joke every single time because of how i look. my character being picked apart by people who don't know me and disrespecting my name, i didn't sign up for this. you see the word there and she was want to say i quit. we reached out to the seniors will assist her comment on the announcement she's on and we are waiting to hear back. >> people outraged the new york times downplaying and sudden increase in attacks on women without warning on the streets of new york. >> last week i was assaulted in new york city as you can see here. i just got punched in the face walking home. i was literally leaving class i
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was literally just walking in a man came up and punched me in the face. >> women aren't just talking about it on tik tok, this attack happened this weekend the attacker broke a woman's job. here's shocking. on instagram, the new york times is blaming tik tok for making people anxious about these attacks. a portion of the caption reads, and i quote, the rate of assault come a time when anxiety is about crime in the city escalating through high-profile episodes of the get a lot of online coverage often have the potential to fuel misleading impression of crime, experts said. i do know who these experts are but this is the new york times. >> they helped bring down harvey weinstein. the need to movement, a whole book in a movie called she said. the implication there, believe the woman but now in an election
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year, what is the message? don't believe the woman? i don't go around accusing entities of misogyny very often but that's what this is. you can believe them sometimes but we are not going to believe the women's this time. >> so she should be believed. apparently -- misleading impression of crime. >> i guess the new york times message is shut up and get punched is the message they are trying to send, somehow is the living taking to tik tok telling the story, they are the problem, not the people doing the punching in the city. of course crimes an issue here, governor kathy hochul deployed the national guard in the subway station, eric adams putting in gun detectors at the subway station. of course crime is an issue. we saw it play out in the 2022 cubano race, striking -- striking distance of kathy
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hochul in the deep blue state, trump right now in some recent polling going down by ten when you account for other candidates when he lost by double digits in 2020 so that shows you what a big issue it is and new yorkers are feeling it and showing up and pulling and probably will in 2024 as well. >> here's what one of the victims had to say, this is an instagram post. there's no conspiracy. i am a woman who was punched in the head in the west village december 29. i have video from a local business, i didn't post about it on socials. i was dissuaded from following a report and left feeling invisible and it significant. how many more women are there like me? i've been wondering about this few months, stopped gas lighting and blaming women. we don't deserve this, we deserve so much more so joey, they are trying to gaslight us and tell us it's not real and here's a woman who says i was
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literally told not to do this. >> i have to be honest, i didn't read this piece, i read an excerpt that does blame woman and i guess tik tok. she was able to post that on instagram so when people see the headline they can see your reaction. maybe i should have interviewed her, maybe that would have been a better peace to write rather than blaming an unnecessary anxiety explaining what the anxiety is and where it comes from. i don't understand, let's take a step back, new york city is eight, 9 million people now so the numbers are able to take tax and reconsider. no matter how many people, only certain area you can patrol police and there's only so many people willing to do evil so i don't care about the stats or violent crime is ticking down, i care about the fact that never have i ever seen multiple reports of innocent women smashed in the face and here's the other thing what kind of
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world we live in when that happens, 15 people aren't jumping on the guy? that's what i don't understand. i get what happened with daniel penny cause a lot of people to take a step back but it's a visceral reaction to protect innocent people and who are these people on the street that watch this happen and pulled her phone out in amazement rather than going after the person trying to kill people. >> it's irrelevant if people aren't being arrested. >> when they are the victim. coming up, big rigs under attack as biden moves to impose his green dream insanity on trucks and buses. ♪
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♪ >> a highway and 24-year-old social media sensation soaking up as he makes a living and his big rig. >> what keeps me going is that i 30-year-old alex.
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right now i'm doing this to step back. do this job a couple of years, work really, really really hard, save your money so you can retire early and live the life you really want to live and do the things you really want to do. >> you so right but the biden administration would be putting a wrench the new rule would enforce size and buses to go electric 2027 great he bashed biden's green dream last night. >> want to make these cars and trucks especially california electric come up with a work? one of the problems with electric trucks? >> i think it is a possibility but i also think where long from it. as we saw with electric cars in the winter, i am concerned how the weather affects these batteries and how long it will last a church charge.
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>> i want to get you on this quote from the owner operator independent drivers association that says this administration seems dead set on regulating every local mom-and-pop businesses out of existence with its glory of unworkable environment of mandates. that's what it is about, is that? >> with thing on trucking, a truck driver makes money on time and miles. the quicker he can get back from a local the quicker he can pick up the next one and it's basically a gig job over and over again, independent contractor or driving the truck so it's a big thing to not cost drivers more time. they can only drive 11 hours at a time to take 30 minutes break it hours instructed out a little bit. the reason is let me give you stats on electric? trucks available, 150 miles it takes 125 minutes to charge.
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120 minutes to charge. you have to go through three other manufacturers to get to a tesla semi for can go 500 miles and they say it will charge up to 70% in 30 minutes. the truck today, diesel truck can go 900 -- 2100 miles full of fuel so what would do to truck drivers, not just truck drivers but why can you eat strawberries in the wintertime? somebody will bring them from california. you can't do that with perishable items if it takes three times as long to get here. medical items and all types of things you do not understand what you impose a rule like th this, how far behind technology is and how reliant we are. i don't think this is anything that could go into effect we see as recently as last week there putting this in effect. >> i dislike eating strawberries in the wintertime. i want to pull up these stats, a number of trucks on the road versus electric trucks, staggering.
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twelve plus million regular trucks, less than 13000 electric trucks, 2027, why? >> is its ideology. a good thing to talk about a new religion called climate change, the real deniers of facts. if you take a truck, 70000-pound long collar and have the battery and all the things, now you have ten to 20000 pounds which wears out the tires and brakes faster, it turns out electric cars are heavier and a bigger carbon footprint than a real car but this would kill the industry. the fact is, they don't care whether it's right or wrong, they push ideology and the industry will never convert, no matter what they say, it will not work for mark for the due to the livelihoods of so many people? >> what would it do to the power grid and upgrades that need to happen with massive chargers?
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this is a long road to walk slowly in an electric vehicle. >> stick around, big weekend flops are next. stay with us. ♪ this isn't charmin! no wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great “before and after”. then, there's the 'after the after' — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®.
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the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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welcome back to the big weekend show for i but it's time for thg weekend flops is our picks for the biggest fields of the week.
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and i will go first. new york city mayor eric adam says the reason why the texas governor abbott is sending migrants to blue cities is because the governor's race sister. cooks they're doing it to new york. they're doing it to chicago. they are doing it to los angeles appear they are doing it to houston. it was the same in all the cities? all black mayors. all black mayors. nick i'm going to hear my brother johnson is going through. my sister bass is going through. my brother is going through. what they wanted to happen, governor abbott wanted to happen they are going to turn the cities against their mayors. >> is a so idiotic i can only say how are smarter black people dumb politicians? joe it your turn. [laughter] quickly democrat mayor of
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st. louis is blaming convenience store owners for crimes that happen on their property. she is going to hold them accountable for lawbreaking. i read through this. there are some cities like atlanta that are holding their nightclubs responsible. this is a convenient store, she is an idiot. >> a lot of idiots. tiktok or sculling out the fast food chain at mcdonald's for not having any items in the 1 dollar section of the dollar menu. she slammed mickey d's said" i think the title dollar menu is a misnomer. they are trying to capitalize on an old business model that no longer exists but brings more intention to their misguided crisis and miss the days of getting a regular hamburger for 80 cents 9 cents and small fry for 1 dollar amen. >> the costco hotdog is not gone up. cooks very trooper it might tu turn. the boeing curse strikes again united airlines flight was diverted to denver due to an
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international flight to paris. another united flight was forced to make an emergency landing in upstate new york after extreme turbulence injured 22 passengers. these stories continued to come up over and over again. especially when they're about to get on planes and picnics are waving each other boeing's blaming united. ex- mayor pete come on now. alright that does it for us we will see you back here tomorrow, like it you that 7:00 p.m. eastern. lucky you. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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