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tv   One Nation With Brian Kilmeade  FOX News  March 30, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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steady rise of totalitarianism. the exploitation of the people, fewer and fewer masterminds with an ever-increasing army of bureaucrats and enforcers, rain over the citizenry decide what is and what is not good for them. any abuses of power are limitless as are the justifications. and slowly but surely, the people getting used to it, even vote for it. in 18 is grip is too tight, and that is too late and that's what were we do not turn things around they'll in november, and will see you tomorrow night, on sunday ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> suet welcome to one nation and i am brian kilmeade glad you're here, former president of the united states maybe future president of the united states donald j trump's we have an
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exclusive for the entire story reversal nobody get this out of the way, wasn't with the democrc party, because i'm getting this is over there a complete panic mode these days, a lot of reasons for this, and to guess is in with their candidate, on the agenda and so it is no surprise, that there are you doing a joe biden somebody great president just what makes him, not a great presidential candidate. never a good candidate, not even when he 20, must be clear, no pandemic on the president biden i think that in the moment and on the seat he was a the same thing as of now with an old joe biden, anyone, coupled with his current energy level, not good, it is clear pretty will be joining any big crowds anytime soon to have you versed beaches lightly. they continue to be model, there now plagued by the sniffing, hamas hecklers, which lead to be back to my first line. the democrats are in a panic mode and why u.s. because for started knowing the threat of team trump, which is pretty organizing pretty impressive, but you also have third and fourth parties as well yes, the
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incoming president's campaign, it is especially anxiety ridden, the sky called, robert f kennedy jr. for summer so that the dnc is launching an emergency call, immediately after rfk announces vp candidate, because it is a left-winger entrepreneur and clearly incident pretty ticket, and even more proof that they would be) he's worried about you, but it's going to be guns, former pretty presidents bill clinton and barack obama keep it back of the going to the rescue police of the star-studded fundraising extravagant into to go in new york city breaking in 26 million which is great, that's all obama is doing for the sold vp cummings working behind the scenes, he is working with biden's chief of staff, that is aids to strategize a real action plan and he is personally pressing on to others about joe biden and also insert of the biden despite all his failures remains present and bak obama is not going to get joe biden president, and thus remember, obama is something we want to set a together plan to,
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any team, how about team trump what about their game plan ahead of the game planning is by dead in a got a suggestion, here we go, mr. president, mr. former present income get up and ready, get your team together, team of has-beens but is soon to be in court cases stacking up, and is going to sit in court for a lot of them and fundraising a major concern, they just reviewed the artsy name the people that will be by your side if in fact you went in your cabinet your inner circle hundred oh be videos from november the people beside you anywhere from fbi united secretaries of state, labor defense, chief of staff, let's get a clear picture of school with a clear picture of convince will be there, john radcliffe comedy and i and mike pompeo were needed he's already done so you and marco rubio for me is making jersey robert o'brien session social beauty advisor and right going back to you and
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kevin mccarthy for my money coming chief of staff, and doing summa stephen miller will be part of the roster of course the major player in kelly and conway and who knows if they can match the fox money and she will be there christina, maybe vp, at least in stock, the role of the makes and fanned out across the country, by the way, they can earn money they can express division, they know policy. then campaign, talk about the vision of the country as they see it in different from one for currently experiencing a look, i know donald trump is a one-man show and i know the garden never comes down but he cannot do it by himself and now is the time, get everybody lined up in the rules, let them know, who will be nominated and who's not get everybody together ready to go clear up as background checks make it clear to the market people, that you know what they want and we know who you want to know they are getting in trouble could you be going from the leasing springs president 2016, even tell you that, the most experience present in history, this time to show it to prove
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that the next four years, will be anything like the past four years and better than his first four years and two can play this arrogant game in both a little transparency, the 45th president can get the best view yet over the 47th president, would look like in his presidency and joining me now about all of this is a much more, the printed book that everybody is talking about, second-class, how the at east betrayed america's working men and women in his week opinion editor, serve on this guy name charlie hart, who winning look smart he wears glasses, i think you for being here. >> so exciting to see here and present with valley take you all the. >> he was shaking in the green room was in a. brian: which were impression of the bidens mindset gap in are they in panic mode that i can have the money in the making of really good. >> will i think you're really really worried and you have to remember coming in 2020, donald trump is calling it a percent black man to a with 18 percent of the document pennies on
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polling at 30 percent of like when so you can imagine what those numbers are going to be like the majority of hispanic some of the her now on the trump trying was it so you coming it tells you that the american working class, bases donald trump is a champion and that is what is clear the depressed big time. >> joey the closing believe it or not sick of unit at a hospital opposing your a snapshot of the gospel your thoughts. >> will, yes, i think it is also always important to remember that this early on, people not necessarily sort of violin to all of the issues as over the course again this will be of campaigns of the camp course giving all these issues that they all run against you know against biden's favor and they all run will and the fact, that immigration wherever that is in line, it is in the top concerns if not the top concerns on ordered all those things and that's his own trump signature issue 2020 dimness pulled up all of the sops they gave everything they could they could do, to try
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to get joe biden over the line and every one of those metrics, they are worse provided today. brian: honey feel about my idea of naming the cabinet for the guys out there, the women out there, let everybody know what they are getting there's no mystery this point. >> let me tell you my this idea, i think that donald trump is the consensus candidate joe biden pretended that he was going to be at on all of these issues whether it is street or immigration whether it is abortion, whether it is units, donald trump is where 70 percent of america's are at there's a lot of distraction around donald trump will be on and i think that in naming candidate, maybe a cabinet and letting us know, who this arrogance will become he can really solidify this image as the centrist candidate in this campaign. >> i know we could be intimidating but the thing around. >> whatever set well i think that it's not to be races about
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about 100 percent which apparently is no racist anyway, no i agree completely donald trump is the least ideological president we've ever had and he is also you know you look back in 2016 coming at the end of the day the world is distractions the democrats try to forget about their distractions, but at the end voted on issues, 2016 was most issue oriented election of a lifetime and i think the 2024, shaping up to be even more focus on the issues think she's right, he is completely without ideology of the country anyways and law and order and like 70 percent of americans but he also gives people the power to do their thing sue and he says go do your thing and let me know you when you need to me and have the power to do it and i'm not going to be on you every second of the day that's what i think of the vision of everybody doing their thing from him down would be important. >> and he also has announced that he is to release another list of judges from which he is going to pick see what it will
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cost five. >> is this an important issue. >> dove of audit bring you the trump interview today, fallen nypd officer laid to rest as a rose in massapequa and earlier this week and we had a chance to talk to the president of the united states after he attended the wake we talked about the treasury during the traffic stop along with several other topics, watch. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> mr. president, this is what we got up to today the new york post, and his wife, private his life is offer service taken out in you place the arnold hall of honor you this week while visiting forward into you. biden: dispute is incredible they want to be there and i wanted to be there and were devastated the family is devastated and the police forces devastating on the whole country you know feels this way and is having more and more it is really a lack of respect for law and order back in a country were
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going to this just cannot happen, the managing this, rested against over 21 times. >> he was charged with first-degree murder and intended murder executors say that he tried to shoot officer partner but his gun jammed. trump: in the person of the car, couple this likewise this massive well is nickname killer. they thank you so great and they thing is real cool is on cool. what a family that i just saw what love and their family, just terrible to have somebody taking out like that and ryan the baby one -year-old never be the same no, he doesn't know yet what the meaning is certainly going to have a big everything perfect and beautiful record of doing his job properly and fairly in this what happens. is just so horrible to president biden and obama and clinton they're going to front fundraiser and reduce city you know logistics pretty be
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possible president biden to have got to speak with visited the family. trump: i'm see within a half an hour depending on the ground. yes and pretty best trouble and i think politically can support the police thank you so also making a mistake but i think politically, is baseball let him support the police and i support the police and i would say at the highest level of any president our maybe double triple in the new why when i walk into god funeral parlor, i was wealth it was like love. >> they expect to raise $25 million from were boxes three presidents were showing up in the dark is a barack obama starting to the chief of staff and president biden so invited, and pleasing to you like your running against three process. trump: only against people i don't really think have a very good understanding of what is going on in our nation that rfk now is the running mate 35 -year-old, from the tech center,
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seems to be very progressive but all three of you together, but interleague right now. >> how you view rfk it is a running mates see a lawyer the boys like tampa no never actually like him and he is a very liberal guy is for the most liberal person in the race including the green party. so think he's probably going to her invited. see converting me. people are solid we have a very very solid core. i think a 60 percent. >> c1 truth social is worth millions of dollars now looking to cash and i don't think that you probably avenues extra $5 billion in your checking account. is it mean to you does this will create truth is been amazing to give me a voice. when i was terminated from twitter, was vicious and then all of a sudden i did not have a voice and always public the stock is gone through the roof and really, this is why think in the true sense of this is really a great sign of where the people country stand and a view it is a
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poll and i call it the system a voice of america's my voice to be the leading candidate including i don't know if you've seen the numbers would biden come up with the we had will fox just came out good one summer 11 and 12.7 you would think that frankly, it would be much more. >> i just got punched in the face. >> it is very alarming the crime the city is getting this bad but i just don't feel safe to people getting arrived in the road. trump: people want justice in this country and what law and order this country to have to have law and order the country and to have a strong board urged the system they and triple and quadruple the taxes they don't want that we didn't the military we defeated isis and we do not have any more's and we were respected all the world give you largest tax cuts in history you are paying a lot of us we give
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you largest tax cuts larger than the ronald reagan tax so we give you largest one. >> in 2025 commit so you don't win, they are going to be able to win your taxes are going to go up, fourfold, fourfold to a five-week summary look like they say you're going to be second courtroom four days we. trump: yes. brian: how you overcome that being out there and loving on those stop of the campaign trail new unit is like the. trump: well to treatment has to take place and again come through countries . whether it is workers or whether they weapon eyes the department of justice, the weapon denies the fbi the rated my home to find nothing i am doing, other people understand it, look at what is going on any of and able failure quality in georgia, that is a scam, fani willis and the d.a. everybody said that you read the people that you have jonathan turley, mccarthy and all the good people, they say this is a case that should not be brought his only crime and all comes out
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of the white house see the president secured one big remitting appeals court judge of the word of the bond that trump must pay the civil fraud case against his businesses seeing have a situation now see it. >> hundred $35 million in the days getting to a. trump: yes sure soon present mexico lycée rockwood shut down over change policy in cuba, posing in venezuela and is it okay for the mexican president to dictate american policy. trump: well he said much more, $10 billion ascension since we just talk to believe dollars to talk that's come out since know that without having with me. brian: what happened when change. trump: lack of respect for the present they would never say that to me before we even think be took $10 billion a year mexico just asked for ten ball billion dollars a year and i would not give the princes of the most important day in the history were countries going to be november 5th beneficiaries going bad as what to be changed in november 5th and it is such country anymore sue is great to
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see you mr. president thank you for your time. c1 gosh for you, relax and subdued the last time was used to be amped up you know and i think that it was movie date with the but he was also focus on his vision. >> absolutely great interview brian and he noted on friday and fox and friends of the to give him a lot of opportunities to go on the aggressive and he basically said will you know, he took the sort of high ground and that split screen of don't talk is owing of working-class ops, versus joe biden standing there, breaking and $25 million the kind of gallery of them cutting presidency sold out the american working class with nafta that we border, the really is such a great snapshot of american public life today. >> for. brian: for bringing this, he walked in, they were moved via, asked to take pictures with grandmother looked and said you give me a hug and as she left they just cheered him on that is
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how much he was moved by that. >> these are gut instincts not political instincts of trump, this is not some counsel of advisers are telling him to do the stuff of this just what he thinks what he feels is what people of about him. dennis she said the objective position to outside radio call for music oocyte, our on friday night thursday night, 12 showing, that there were hundreds of new york and nypd cops sitting in the rain directing traffic, for that who probably would like to have gone to the week, for officer for the officer and so, you know with this is what happens when you have somebody while he makes these decisions for himself and 11 where he said he talked about how even if joe biden wanted to be more pro copper may be very difficult for him this is intentional and he cannot do it because the present. the party that somehow signs against police officers who are
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trying to keep the peace. it does not make sense. among regular voters sue and received huge turnout for the funeral was a what event for the people for him to show up is pretty amazing. also i have a to know there's an all-american, all-american burgers legendary of merrick road in one of the staffers went out and they got them is on the way home on the flight yet all-american congratulations cyclists and the working men and women go out of the booking to be a smarter person because of it and charlie think you so much and always great to see you and overwrite next, facing the schedules plaguing the dismissal and we might be worse that we keep the integrity of the game, when you start being about point spreads keith o'brien and craig way on still become in the impact of smart phones, social media but accusing communities, is been catastrophic and how can we fix it, jonathan is the program the answer invite you
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for first professor is next.
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brian: welcome back, outrageousn playing sports, listen to this, women soccer team in australia called of the planning bouts,
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rename, featuring five trans players and agreed upon their opponent by a score of two - zero-point any preseason tournament in sydney, australia, with one biological males scoring six schools, six of the ten goals really a males range from 30, while the opposing group same players as young as 15 years old and pokey be unfair about that there was nothing lease were making waves, and the states transgender weightlifter vicki piper, 57: sacrifice about her weight groups, among women and earlier this year master championship, know this is a transgender and plus competitor by 40 pounds in the competition going after sullivan iii greatest rep, she wrote, first national weightlifting me for me getting trans women are women. that might be correct, but not is working this week guys big player in baseball maybe it's worse right was essential source of us are, 20 came forward to
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give us statements after being mixed up in a gambling scandal, through the interpreter listen to him. >> he's been stealing money from my account, and is told lies and obviously i did not never agree to pay off the note moreno make the payments maker student. brian: he didn't take questions to music like were missing one big fact, part of the interpreter gain access to his account to pay off $4.5 million debts and out did you never realize it is missing 4.5 million a lot of the stuff was wired and simply vince could be the biggest cabling schedule, in sports says pete rose and rosa some of you might remember, the baseball and was given a lifetime ban from the sports back in the 80s, weighing in this week, saying that well, back in the 70s 80s i wish i had an interpreter come i would be scot-free no question joining us now to discuss printed book is great when about pete rose
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called charlie hustle, rise and fall of the rosen last days of baseball get o'brien get great to see you most of the shell, weekdays at 7:00 a.m. on fox sports one, host a weekly gallon joe w. , my name is greg agreed to say that you approve gambling getting hold of the gambling addiction. craig: is a public service show to humanize at a sinema compulsive gambling telling my story is that we can start the month getting right of the stigma attached to gambling and we can drop the word commands generated from giving addiction and so that's what that show is about and having to be a proponent of legalized wagering for number of reasons and we discussed within a minute but would you just described estate on acura, there shohei ohtani story and another story come they are everything to the commissioners of the stewards of the sports that we are frustrated because it is delta the integrity i was born in what we want we get more than her, you wouldn't know what that one
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team won one loss based on the mirrors of the skill to perform against one another and you do not want to have to consider that the outcome of the game is dictated it because there was money writing on or on a specific player now that player perform sue and we surprise keith by pete rose reaction when he said they had to have the interpreter i would not have been in so much trouble your thoughts because you went interviewed in multiple times for your book. keith: will feels like classic pete rose a lot of ways he could not help himself and he had to reject himself in the story and must be on ischemic it is a funny line is a good line i got a lot of it is an attention on here is the thing, the 1970s and the 80s, it was very rarely that he rose interacting with the bookies and he did not obviously have interpreter but he had close friends and he had an inner circle of guys and these guys would you please
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waiting for him but i spoke for my book, with three different men, who places let's be small and it was them, was doing this for him. and this week after pete made that comment on social media, one of these mean admin reach out to be tommy and he told me, that i guess it be for god, that i was his interpreter in the 1970s and '80s sequence about wire, that was the bookmaker legalize gambling, is not allowed it to gavel cement wires the guy that got rated and they find shohei ohtani's receipts about boyer knows that if will the highest-paid player in history is for sure if it just any bethany just turned the dodgers, was where no he does everything. craig: while he knows the somebody on the website which readers when a person most of those wages were paid is make account with those wages came from their nine mars ago from
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shohei ohtani personal bank account of the banking account of matthew boyer so there is no arguing and debating whether not that it came from two shohei ohtani to the bookmakers but who's making the beds you said in your open there, how in the world did shohei ohtani know what i do hum know how much many of maker how famous you argument does not matter, we know very well that people for the half a million dollar transfer happens, you are unaware of it did it, you immediately get to the bottom of it and will the bank and your lawyer and admit million other people and so, we should not be naïve to think of that this is a simple as a problem gambler, with access to a wealthy guy and suddenly he got access to the password and it was wiring large sums of money and flip the script for a second brain coming from the bookmaker standpoint, interpreters are making three and $400,000 a year great living
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for sure, weaker is not going to let a guy making a few hundred thousand dollars a year, run that they death, and the half-million or 600 or $700 million unless he knows of somebody's backing it right be displayed braided and waivers that proved you can pay extra work that you can pay anymore, the issue here is not about that, the issue comes down to one thing that boyer would know, this will be question matters, was hard single wager, made out of baseball game sue and keith unit with a similar situation backed himself into a corner an adult best, anything i don't bet on baseball felt okay game on do you think major-league baseball pursuant for the is peter somebody's been on top of the story will continue. keith: there are several carlos over the 1989 investigation into pete rose, come on, it was meant
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in the inner circle, and the second federal investigation and number three, dresses digging in the number four, majorly baseball is now investigating. heading up the rose case, 35 years ago, he started off the investigation with very little information, just a tip, just rumors. but within a matter of weeks over the majorly baseball had conducted depositions with men who places bets on baseball and they had conducted the deposition with a bookie who had taken about it so i agree with greg, and major-league baseball for the federal investigators were able to get the bookie to speak, we will know i bought more sue and greg you were so equipped soar so i look forward to your show every dated congratulations on your book, it is excellent. keith: well talk about how it's illegal to place wagers in california voted down number times even have the size the legal the state of california, and it is a small dissension of an important one, it is not illegal never has been, to place
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a wager that it is illegal to book that wager and so shohei ohtani him if he a mornings denying that he is, paid them - and he's not in danger of has knocking on his door because he broke the law committed a crime. the issue frame is that evaluators off with a very his or not will get to the bottom of war was a a wager baseball because baseball players according to the collecting and bargaining any agreement or letter wager and every other sport in this country now sue and thank you so much always insightful mileage change gears next anxiety depression loneliness when your kids more than ever, also become something that i but every single one of you have in your purpose, when your hands right now is smart phone and talk to them in cooking right the wrongs to get us back on the path to saturday jonathan still become president biden test out donald trump's famous nickname strategy, spoiler committed not go so well
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washington as soon as monday, now back to one nation. brian: many of us are oldest to remember the first phones went mobile, think that bricks that we carried read if you are admitting to the beavers that we
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get harvel some of the committee the nokia film and then the on the flip phone you thought you were so cool everybody reachable is convenience, then came the crackberry warming blackberry change the game, right we don't have another video than that even two decades after the cell phones made have you though, revolution took place other these of the iphone and the dawn of the sports phone like 2000 with about to change the communication yet again the basement, although saul, by now, fast-forward another 20 years or so, the big when he is a smart phone is yielding undesirable results and we all know it, teenagers raise on screen suffer from depression anxiety, sure short attention spans and get this genie be put back in the bottom on do you see big problem about that ideal and perhaps most of your neighbors do. our next guest says yes but it was a serious collective actions from the parents from schools, from government from the neighbors and please welcome john hi, professor at nyu
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business school communications, and other communications of the psychologist and best-selling author, of this book, the anxious generation the rewiring of childhood and exposing epidemic of mental illness at its way to see you professor. john: thank you. brian: there such a buzz about your broken first off, what makes a smart phone, bring in depression and anxiety. john: wallace on the phone itself, it is a way that we use this, he was we got a series of technological editions, there is a smart phone was great but when in 2008 handles residuals the front facing cameras that i get kids taking pictures of themselves and high-speed internet as of now it is not just about texting to me it is about video and consuming a lot of video you get instagram which of the first web design only be used on phones is in 2010, most kids the phones 2015, the mostly on smart phones and on instagram when that happens, they are no
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longer interacting with each other directly know most everything is already for the phone and that is what missus of child moment see what physically the rural development is really, is physical, not just developing our emotions, your ready ready for a lot of it. >> that's right. john: puberty is an incredibly appointed time and is the time of the brain of the fastest rate since you were two or three years old and so the rain is rewiring is are trying to figure out, to mi and headed things with your owner to become an adult, all of those things, they were supposed to learn from those who are older than us good role models and brain is wired and required open to learning is exactly when we give because smart phones around ten or 11 years old beginning puberty relet random windows and internet be the source of their information as her brain is trying to rewire. brian: so you have maybe something to implement better action he has a solution to problems on smart phones before high school why. john: because it is a having of
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the internet in your pocket which is so unbelievably distracting. as we have to delay as long as we can and i'm seducing that we just get entirely out of elementary nimble middle school deadline denies dividing line up to high school so just delay it phones until i spoke communicatively phone give them an apple watch these understand the need to text is okay but we don't want them to have internet within 24/7. brian: no social media and no social media before 16. john: let's say the get of her smart phone when their ninth grade, but they're not ready to stick their head in the totable of social flushing? give them a couple of years through puberty before we immerse them and that. brian: yes but right. john: for some important so easy to do, this the one that will happen this year, the 2024, most will say the been phones with a mean is, what we have a rule, nonload use your phone during class which is ridiculous because it gives just learned i did have to lock the phones up
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in the morning when they arrived get a full longer give it back at the end of the day, the csc only way to get their attention off of the virtual and onto the teachers and each other. brian: this the one makes the more independence, more responsibility, let them walk to school, let them do chores, let them have a job, this is so vital. john: because that's what normal human child it is, is practice applicable little level to prepare the skills to learn the skills you'll need is an adult in the 1990s, we sort of took a lot of that away from them and we overtake the kids and anybody his you know over 40 remembers playing outside and getting into trouble and getting lost and funny way back those are essential experiences in childhood and kids have to have them in order to learn to become independent. brian: had they were more broken bones in previous generations you might think this company way schedules against particular rest. john: special because it's especially the teenage boys as we get to be changed on the teenage boys used to sometimes break their arms because they were doing things taking risk and teenage boy is less likely
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to break his arm but his father his grandfather. brian: just you know this not just to make better gifts, who any country entrepreneurs, risktakers, future navy seals, people with a sense of purpose, you are pulled back from this technology you can control it and you make the decisions and also tiktok, the man. john: mcginnis tiktok is the worst of the worst in terms of the kids the most influential is insane to become of this company must answer to the chinese communist party and put into the chinese laws as i understand his. brian: is only 40 offer solutions and you are optimistic and you all of this thank you so much i just a quick know, your bsa talking about everything in history, everything in the news enemies upon history liberty laughs would be something in nevada every 27 what you to be there and go to brian and trent brian kilmeade .com and teddy advocacy and still become on this very so, we have a new stool, the great tom schlup with the joe biden impersonation ande
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with him don't move. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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brian: so now for new stories already talking about, what you looking at me and why you looking at me like that and talk on his own to intimidate become of the lives as we deceived on. tom: one would be in the show right now suing the ski with the music and get started and tom first off have you noticed on the joe biden is been pulling companies trying to do nickname game is not really going to well and broke donald, remember, broken donald, living $5 billion, two days after he was broke donald and he got the whole, bonded down to something at like hundred 75,000,002 that
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we all learn not to play donald trump's game because you will lose sweeter yes they can never decide which republicans have they do not but if they don't what they are disabling george w. bush, evil was he to jump to run the country the same thing him he's is important on receivers done and so they cannot really make up their minds and don't try to once a breeze involved in real estate because up-and-down souvenirs thank you very much and that's okay, constantly laughing at your bosses jokes can lead to stress. in the workplace here's the thing brian to know was a story suggested by your staff. [laughter] [laughter] see you as great white. tom: anxiety goes of the place and we have you're forced to do after your bosses dumb jokes i say this is a real issue that they they're funny you have to laugh that if you keep laughing of and they keep doing it this is been done before the
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documentary, called the office watch. >> not talk. >> was there. >> buddha treatment braided. [inaudible]. >> great. >> i needed something to wipe my hand. [laughter] see what is this a weird if he did this years ago in the office. tom: well i know it's very true, i guess my theory that everybody wants to be a comedian even the ceos is so successful with a yes summa deal laugh joe sits not funny. tom: you been laugh, you did well on the panel review laugh at his jokes now suing this story. truly bizarre you had a woman he thought doing a good thing this woman because she's a baby hedgehog in the hedgehog was in distress and so she brought it to the natural nature reserve and wildlife hospital and do you want to know what happened to me it turns out that they had talked was actually hats, will
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yes have you had said before, bring to an animal hospital editors out and you think that it was an animal sweet if dodo pyramid into the emergency room recently. [laughter] brian: this is the craziest thing ever. >> while yes but sweeter the pom-poms they do cut a look that way we had a book suet you making excuses for her sweetie well it didn't look like well she did not want to touch it again cuties were severed. brian: we have time for one more well next, no joke comedian in great britain told he was dead remove the hotdog from his subway poster because you think that he was doing 70 - without getting was on xenia the problem is there are rules in england about junk food in the subway so they don't think you should have junk food because is that for you comedian the is a diabetic just wanted to prove a point about his comedy and they get taken down was wrong with the b.
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tom: but you know he's going all the way tonight because he's getting famous off of sp1 tom you are famous and thank you for your parents here and i'm sure it help with the writings of thank you and meanwhile coming up straight and, on one nation, one make sure to follows on social media so much what i read everything you write in twitter facebook and instagram and rubble, and so much more, bringing music. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever.
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brian: publicly and with a funsr to getting plant tires whom he does something about, that absolutely enables the solution, that the letter big man alex uses his bike in a trailer with a heavy-duty magnet to pick up screws of the metals on the road within a week time he's collected more than 400 pounds of metal yes metal while writing over 500 miles around that read. >> it is nobody's job to take care of this and it is just the job over tires we get up apparently and that is not the square well with me. >> so satisfying to city commissioner picked up every ride soon i feel satisfied, just watching hence give us it was middle to artist in the area, you follow his progress on instagram 11 eisai connection and he is the magnet man and meanwhile we not have time for sadness your videos and we will send you something here shirts
12:00 am
or blog or when nation hats and everybody is wearing them to be cool the summer, all you have to have is that, nothing else e-mails of one nation and fox .com and put that bulky tape in there, catch fox and friends, tomorrow, then will have mike huckabee and tim tebo, matthew s, and a quarterback and don't forget to tune into my radio show, my dish noon on the show you need to listen to, michael and josh that of a great roster and "fox news" saturday night is about to start with jimmy and i want to see once and for all if he allows the studio audience and maybe he'll let, bring my. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sue i am jimmy filho this is "fox news" saturday night come on up in. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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