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tv   Vatican Easter Mass 2024  FOX News  March 31, 2024 1:00am-3:00am PDT

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2:10 p.m. eastern every saturday right here on "fox news" them to forget to follow us on social media, at fn saturday night, more of me coming to a city near you and like everybody called down to her diesels about a fox across america .com we could also listen to my radio show weekdays from noon until 3:00 p.m. eastern in the next week you are not going to want to miss my trip to the new york auto show that it was insane and i will show it to you, good night from new york city and i am jimmy falah and i will see you next saturday remember you can be republican coming can be the just don't be - >> tens of thousands are gathering in st. peters square in vatican city a waiting to hear from pope francis on this most sacred of holy days. easter sunday. happy easter everyone and thank you for joining me to i'm
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chansley painter like in new york. today and catholics all over the world celebrate the resurrection of. the easter holiday holds profound spiritual significance symbolizing victory of a life over death and the promise of salvation and eternal life. this year's easter mass comes at a time of pain and sorrow for many around the world. two wars are being fought right now one of which is happening in and around the holy land itself between israel and hamas. today's vatican services also, spoke france's health has seen a steady decline. he presided over the vatican somber easter vigil service where he delivered a ten-minute homily and baptize people. that came a day after the 87-year-old skipped the traditional good friday procession at the rome's colosseum to protect his health ahead of today's easter mass.
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he also canceled his homily at the last minute during the palm sunday service last week. pope francis has been battling illness on and off all winter and as of late he's occasionally asked an aide to lead his speeches. now all eyes are on the pontiff to see if he's able to preside over the entire easter service this morning. with me "fox news" contributor theologian jonathan morris. he joins me now in the studio to walk us through what we can expect today. happy easter jonathan and good morning. thank you for being with us. what do you expect to see as we watch this life? >> it brings back great memories to me. i nine years in rome. i was a catholic priest and pope francis i have respect for gave me dispensation to leave the priesthood and just looking at this beautiful service, great
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memories, wonderful sentiments of joy and that's really what the entire christian people are experiencing right now after a long period of land, making sacrifices of prayer and getting ready to prepare the heart for a celebration of god overcoming pain and death through the resurrection of his son jesus . >> to live in vatican city had never been able to visit but i'm not catholic but i love jesus and i visited the holy land. it's such a stately place a beautiful place almost a sistine chapel and what was it like to live there that many years and to see an watch that part of history unfold? >> i think he gives a perspective of the new personality we call it that the christian community. a catholic protestant
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evangelical. the christian community that celebrates at its very core a very simple sample teaching. that god loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son so whoever would believe in him would not die but rather would live forever and that is the core celebration of easter that jesus died and heros again. the tomb has been removed and we have an opportunity as well to participate and to participate in that as human beings and sons and daughters of god. >> that's right. this is a live look at the vatican for mass. let's listen. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ oh my to god cleanse us of our sense and through the celebration of this eucharist make us worthy to share in the temple of his kingdom. that's the holy father with a
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sprinkling of the water and now the glory of. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ in latin >> god on this day. your only begotten son in your love for us the path to eternal, to eternity and we that the many
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through the renewed, renewal brought by your >> rise up to the light of life. through our jesus your son who lives and reigns forever and ever. >> peter addressed cornelius and his household. you must have heard about the recent happenings in judeo. about jesus of nazareth and how he began in galilee after john had been. she baptism. god had anointed him the holy spirit and with power and because god was with him jesus went about doing good in curing all who had have fallen into the power of the. now i, and those with me can witness to everything he did throughout the countryside of judea and in jerusalem itself
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and also to the fact that they killed him by hanging him on a tree. yet three days afterwards god raised him to life and about him to the scene not bye-bye the whole people but by certain witnesses that god had chosen beforehand. now we are those witnesses. we have eaten and with him after his resurrection from the dead. he has ordered us to proclaim this to his people and to tell them that god has appointed him to judge everyone, alive or dead. it is to him that all the profits bear this witness that all who believe in jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name. ♪
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♪ >> we just listened to the first reading from the book of the acts of the apostles and now we have for responding song which will be led by -- this is the day made by the rejoice and be glad. the is risen. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the response this is the day made by the lord rejoice and be glad in now the second reading from the galatians chapter 3.
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since you have been brought back to the true life with you must look for the things that are in heaven. is sitting at god's right hand. let your thoughts lead to have been not on the things that are on the dead because we have died and now the life you have is in in god but where is, where has appeared your truth will be revealed in all your glory with him. the way of the lord. now we have the sequence.
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it is a beautiful and ancient poem, telling a short narrative story of what happened on the resurrection. it's often chanted in melody. at one time there were many sequences in the church. today we only have a few so this is the sequence now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> we prepare to listen to the gospel.
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they a little yet coronation. our passover sacrifice the feast of purity. hallelujah. ♪ and if you have just joined us through the monovision telecast welcome to the live broadcast of the easter sunday mass by the holy father pope francis in the vatican and st. peters square. we have 150 international broadcasters linked up to the easter celebration of the vatican. a very special day indeed.
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♪ ♪ the first day will be in both latin and the regional greek -- original greek. ♪
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♪ the holy gospel according to john and we are reading from john, chapter 20. the book of the gospels before reading the text. it was early on the first day of the week and still when mary of magdalene came to the tomb. she saw that the stone had been moved away from the tomb and came running to simon peter and
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the other disciples. the one that the lord loved. they have taken the lord out of the tomb she said and we don't know where they have put him. peter set out with the other disciples to go to the tomb. they ran together but the other disciples running faster than peter reached the tomb first. he bent toward and saw the linen cloth lying on the ground but he did not go in.
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simon peter went into the tomb saw the linen cloths on the ground and also the cloth that had been over his head. this was not with the linen cloth but thrown out by itself. then the other disciples who had reached the tomb first also went in. he saw, and he believed. to this moment, they have failed to understand the teaching of the scripture that you must rise from the dead.
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the gospel of the lord. ♪ now readings will be in greek. first there's the liturgical dialogue between the deacons and the holy father. standing let us listen to the holy gospel. peace be with you. and with your a reading from the holy gospel according to john.
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praise to you lord, praise to you. ♪ lets us listen. ♪ in latin in latin
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in latin
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♪ ♪ the assembly claiming the gospel praise to you oh lord, praise to you. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ taking the book of the gospel to the holy father. we listened to the latin version and the greek version and before the reading in greek in the liturgy's acknowledging the waits to be read to them. the way the gospel is to be
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read. ordinarily on easter sunday the holy father will give a homily. he will give the easter message and easter message, the easter message during the blessing that takes place at noon after this eucharist. at this time the holy father is inviting us to some quiet meditation to think about the messages that we have been reflecting on during the last days of good friday, holy day, good friday and today is sunday. during the vigil mass the holy father pope francis reflected on
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the women who were on their way to the tomb. and wondering about who lifted the stone. in his reflection in pope francis said there are times when we also feel a great stone blocking the door. the creed. ♪ the translator was saying we
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would hear a homily that we didn't. >> after the reading of the gospel the presiding priest the bishop in this case the pope the holy father would give an explanation of the gospel from a spiritual perspective and that was not given by pope francis today. it's not unprecedented. certainly he has been preserving his own strength because of his age and his delicate health so he chose instead to have a moment of silence for a minute there in which the holy father sat and people in the congregation in this case st. peters square just reflected on the gospel and now they have moved into the recitation of the creed which is the explanation of the belief that the catholic church and much of christian.
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>> the health of the pope has been at the forefront for many years now but he did skip a couple of events this week that easter holy week and the vatican it's chock full of activities as you well know. how concerned are you for the pope's health and continuing to service today. >> i stay in close contact with friends and colleagues who live there at the vatican or nearby. they say it's a steady decline, that he continues to have public events like today and he seems to be unafraid to show his own health weaknesses which i think is a healthy thing for so many people watching today with their own health issues, to see that somebody is willing to publicly show their own limitations and what an inspiring thing. >> you let us know, should we keep talking or listen in? >> let's listen in to both the music and the words of the
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creed. it's a beautiful moment. >> yes. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ in latin dear brothers and sisters on this day of the lord through resurrection let us to the spirit that brings the light of the risen to the world. now the pair of the faithful and
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the response of the lord hear our prayer. let us for the holy church in deck father of the risen lord you redeemed us by the death and resurrection of your son. make the change a witness of hope by the grace of your spirit. she may comfort those experiencing discomfort, discouragement and adversity. let us to the lord, lord hear our prayer. and now we for the newly baptized in spanish. father of light, in baptism you made us your sons and daughters. guide the newly baptized in
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obedience to your will and the community they may grow in hearing your word and a steadfast prayer and works of charity. let us to the lord. lord, hear our prayer. let us for the gift of peace. father of the redeemer in you have reconciled yourself. granted that all families may live in peace and harmony and all conflict and injustice in our world may come to an end. ♪
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and now we for persecuted in portuguese. father in your son you have conquered and death and and persecution. bring them in faith and perseverance through dialogue and reconciliation. ♪ ♪ and now we for all families in chinese. father of the messiah in your
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son you have made your family guide parents in their efforts to give children may be doss so open and faith and every home be filled with the good fragrance of. father but the resurrection of, you have cast from us the old and given us new creations that we may celebrate the bread of sincerity and truth. is our lord. we have completed the prayers of the faithful taken in various
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languages for the church for families for the newly baptized for peace and already you can see from the families taking the offertory to the holy father. we prepare to enter into this moment of the eucharist and that the bread and wine that had been presented week to present ourselves before the father that we may be transformed into the body and the blood of. as you can see on your screens seem is still with me jonathan you have lived in vatican city and are expert in the catholic faith.
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talk to us about what we have been watching. >> on the screen right now we see families probably from different places around the world. the vatican tries to bring people from all walks of life to be part of the liturgy in what we call the offertory so the gifts of bread in line that will be consecrated at the time of the eucharistic liturgy which is coming up now. you see the beautiful flowers and also the music. >> it's music that all of us can connect to. a lot of it is in latin and they saw the prayers of the faithful in latin and english and spanish and portuguese chinese mandarin and that's part of what you experience at the vatican. it's not just my parish in whatever little town i live in but we see people coming from so
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many different parts of the world all celebrating the same exact message that's been passed down for over 2000 years. a message that was passed down by very simple people who found the stone that had been placed in front of the tomb had been rolled away and bet jesus who had died on the cross was now alive again. >> in the backdrop of the world we live in to have something to unify so many people. there are probably people from almost every nation president at the vatican as we watch the images unfold live. >> you are asking me how many people do you think our present at the mass today we know that in st. peters square when it's full and that means standing room only, about 200,000 people can be comfortably standing or sitting. the images that the vatican is so good at putting out for
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liturgies like this show that the crowd goes, as you can see almost following to the back of st. peters square and actually continues on to what's called the road that leads to the vatican. there's probably close to a couple hundred thousand people in or around vatican city right now watching and participating in this liturgy. >> for people of the catholic faith or of any faith to travel to make the pilgrimage to vatican city, how important is that in catholicism? >> it's incredible and you've mentioned you've never been, for catholics certainly there is a very special connection to see the holy father, to be in the presence of so many others but also not just catholics. christians and non-christians alike who recognize this as an institution whether you believe fully in but the catholic church
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teaches or not, tune in to staycation that's helped preserve the message of the gospel and to see that not only in the holy father but also the stones, the living stones and the stones themselves. look at that amazing basilica, designed and built by michelangelo and others over 500 years old. right above the bronze of st. peter the basilica was built one on top of another. the basilica representing a faith that has preserved over time and even over difficult times. >> tradition and history and we can sense the pomp and the reference. what's happening now quick of the altar is being prepared and soon it will go silent so we can all participate in the solemnity of the eucharistic liturgy.
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the altar is being prepared and we will see if the holy father is able to preside himself over the eucharist but it looks to me like he is being quite active. there is a cardinal who is doing a lot of what the holy father would do himself right now in the preparation of the eucharistic liturgy simply because he does not walk well and as we know he's having respiratory issues. so we will see if pope francis is able to preside over the eucharistic liturgy now. >> let's listen for a second bug what happens. >> yes, usually the vatican puts forward an english-speaking commentator probably a priest from africa, which is a very fast growing part of the church right now throughout africa
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especially in nigeria where christians are persecuted unbelievably right now. he is giving a play-by-play even as we watch from here. >> and you say preparing for the eucharist. what exactly is that? >> i'm sorry let's listen in for a minute. staying brethren that my sacrifice and joy will be acceptable to the almighty father. may the lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise for the good of you and the good of the church. exalt with gladness oh lord we offer the sacrifice as we threw being reborn in marriage.
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in latin it is truly and right and just our duty at this time to claim you oh lord that on this day to love you graciously and the sacrifice for he is the true lam who has taken away the sins of the world. buy dying you have destroyed their death and by rising restored our life. therefore, overcome with joy every land, every people exult in your praise and in the heavenly power with the angels
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and your glory and the acclaim of the holy. ♪ ♪ and sink does the eucharistic prayer that will be used at this math the eucharistic prayer number three and you will find it. it will be in latin and you can follow the same prayer from your sunday missile. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ to lead the eucharistic prayer.
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in latin in latin in latin
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in latin in latin
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in latin in latin
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in latin in latin
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♪ concluding the eucharistic prayer and now the cardinal invites us to the lord's prayer, the hour father. ♪
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♪ deliver us lord, we you grant peace in our days and by the help of your mercy we may always be free from sin and all disgraced and in the coming of our savior, jesus .
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♪ in latin in latin that the peace of the lord be with you always and the deacon offering a gesture of peace to whoever is with us.
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for people who are near you with a gesture of peace. ♪ we see the priest taking up positions recognizing for holy communion singing lam of god. we are watching incredible images coming from vatican city as tens of thousands are gathering to celebrate the resurrection of jesus on this easter holiday. i have with me religious contributor jonathan morris. he said the eucharistic liturgy just concluded now we are moving into communion. >> these are the prayers that all of us who are christians are
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familiar with from the gospels or the gospels of st. matthew mark and luke as well as st. paul. bringing us into what we call the institution of the eucharist. let me just read from matthew chapter 26 since most of what we have been listening to us in latin which is the universal language of the catholic church. but in english people will be familiar with this. while they were max jesus took the bread spoke a blessing and broke it. and he gave it to the disciples saying, take and eat. this is my body. let's listen in. this is the lamb of god. lord i am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul
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shall be healed. the holy father the ministers are partaking in holy communion. holy communion is going to be distributed to the congregation here here in st. peters square. and all we have about 30,000 people and many more are still coming. the blessing will take place at mid-day or 12 hours if you like. the choir leading us in a communion, is our passover the lamb sacrificed. therefore let us keep the feast of lulu yeah, hallelujah.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> we are watching life photos from vatican. it's easter sunday and we are watching the holy mass and i have with me religious contributor jonathan morris. talk to us about what we have been watching in your take on it.
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>> never has it been more true that an image is worth a thousand words and that's why watching those images watching people just to reverently being present at this eucharist in the vatican. we are getting ready now and a couple of minutes once the distribution of holy communion has finished for the holy father to give the final prayer and the concluding rites. >> the holy father did not present the homily during the mass service. what does that indicator meaning is that unusual >> it is unusual. it's not unprecedented. pope francis has been willing to do things differently but here on the program that we have the official program that's been distributed by the vatican there was an indication that the homily was going to be given and get since he gave the homily last night at the easter vigil and he is preserving his health and his energy we noticed he did
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not preside at the eucharistic celebration or rather he was presided by the cardinal. he is preserving that energy that he needs to get through these holy days and just be able to live a very demanding schedule as the head of the catholic church. >> exactly and it's been a demanding week one of the most sacred weeks. this is probably in my estimation the most important day in the christian faith is it not? mimic its your estimation very much the church's estimation the catholic church's estimation. christianity in general but yes certainly christmas if jesus were not born he would not have risen. last night in his homily he talked about even in our own lives sometimes we can feel like there is a big stone right in front of our heart and our lives
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in which we see no hope, we see no solution to the problems that we have and pope francis was saying by the resurrection of jesus we see that god is bigger than any stone that is blocking our hearts and blocking our soul. >> the stone was rolled away when jesus mary magdalene went to the grave or the tomb and did not find jesus. the stone was rolled away and we both had an opportunity to visit the holy land and the tomb that is said to be possibly where jesus was buried and i can confirm it was empty when i was with you jonathan. >> thank god but what's really stunning watching these images of people from all over the world, that message of the empty tomb was passed on like you said to the women who arrived and
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found the tomb to be empty. jesus did not come out with fireworks. god chose to pass on the message of redemption and person by person. even his closest followers had to struggle with, is this the resurrected and do i believe in and all of the appearances of the resurrected people had to make a decision do i believe that this is the same person i saw crucified and is this the same person who was offering me new live in redemption. it's almost like a respect that god offers us. he doesn't come in the way that we have no choice but he always says here's a little bit of what i can show you. now you do your part you decide so respectful it's stunning actually that god the all
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powerful would allow us to make a decision on our own. >> we have a free will to do so. as we look at some of these life photos we hear a translator describing what's happening. let's listen for just a moment and you can explain. >> jesus truly has risen. for christians the resurrection of jesus is the crowning truth of our faith in. it is faith believed and lived as the central truth by the christian and will continue to this day and that we read about in the holy scripture. the resurrection is part of the christian faith, handed on as fundamental by tradition and the documents of the new testament.
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in latin >> look upon us oh god so that renewal by the mystery that may come through the glory of the resurrection. and now the holy father will give us the final blessing. in latin bow your heads and. 's blessing. may almighty god bless you through the easter so and compassion defend you from every
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assaults and now the day of the lord's passion has drawn to a close me you who celebrate come in and exult in spirit to the feast celebrated. in latin we have the final blessing from the holy father pope francis. ♪
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♪ ♪ and now we sing together the anthem to the blessed mary. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ the eucharist has just ended, a beautiful celebration indeed in st. peters square with over 50,000 people in the square. a beautiful decoration there with the flowers thanks to the forest from the netherlands. 55,000 flowers and plants shipped in for the something they have been doing for the last 59 years. the flores began in 1985 with the beautification.
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as a matter of faith and canonized on the 15th of may may 2022 by pope francis. the design and arrangement of the flowers in the square were put together by those who take care of the gardens and earn service of the vatican city state. all of these were done under the direction of the diocese and a group of technology and florist from sullivan you -- slovenia.
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among the many flowers i'm sure you have noticed the yellow and seem to regale no doubt representative of the colors of the vatican city. we could say it makes sense that for all of us that represents new beginnings and a new faith in everything. the holy father greeting some of the cardinals who have been who participated in this eucharist. >> pope francis now on the move jonathan moore is still with me religious contributor at "fox news" but talk to us about what we are we are watching now live from vatican city. >> we see that incredible image of the pope in a wheelchair. it's hard to watch him. people even 20 years ago were
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not accustomed to seeing the holy father suffer in any way. john paul ii remembered the great pope john paul ii was the first one to show to the world his own suffering. he had parkinson's and in the last years of his life he certainly suffered a great deal for the vatican had a hard time coming to grips with it. hey hey we can actually show the holy father suffering just as we see in some of the royal family that helps in situations and how reticent they are to talk about health issues similar with the pope. there's always been a reticence to talk about the health of the holy father and here we see him in a wheelchair. i love it and i think it's very healthy to actually show people that the holy father is a human being. he is not divine. he stands between us and helps us as the leader of the church as human beings do in so many different ways.
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we asked him to for us and the holy father pope francis is the visible head of the church but he's also a human being and he suffers and today he's in a wheelchair. >> and tell us more about pope francis. his tenure has extended 11 years now. what are some of the highlights of his time? >> he's a fascinating figure and he makes a lot of people angry let's be honest on both sides of the political aisle. when he came in when he was elected he had such amazing, such amazing presence. he has such good press and everybody was with him and supporting him and passing on amazing messages that were so simple. over the years however i would say he has been a poor communicator of the message. it doesn't mean he's not a good person and it doesn't mean he's not a holy person but he has
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gotten himself into so many unnecessary controversies by speaking off-the-cuff, a very issues. we see him now in a different stage of his life. he is rather sick. he is certainly. just a couple of weeks ago we saw him trying to get into the pope mobile which we will see up there. it's pulling out and he had a hard time getting into the pope mobile and out of the pope mobile so we will see how physically healthy he is right now. he will be going around st. peters square and creating as many people up close as he can. >> this is a well orchestrated event and you and i were talking earlier everyone participating in this art experts and what's happening today. this is like the super bowl for the vatican, is it not? >> it is and commenting on how good the camerawork is and look
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at those images from so many different angles. we really get an incredibly close-up version of the events. >> i feel like i'm there in person. >> yes, absolutely and people from the vatican newspaper constantly taking pictures right now. if you get close to the pope mobile like all those people are right on both sides the next day you can go to the vatican newspaper and find images of yourself greeting pope francis whether personally or up close. >> speaking of jonathan you than in the crowds a couple of years ago. i want to share your experience because it was incredible. >> it was. i was a catholic priest for many gears is based in the vatican for nine of those years were close to that end i asked pope francis for dispensation to leave the priesthood and eventually i got married and
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have two unbelievably beautiful wonderful children. one is 2.5 and one as six months ago -- six months. two years ago i drove our oldest are only at the time to the vatican and i was a little bit, i was a little bit uncomfortable. i used to be there as a priest coming back later with a child i stayed in the back. and yet at the end of the mass i was there with my wife and some friends and their son six months in the pope. he came in his pope mobile not knowing me from adam. he came up pope francis asked to take my son andrew into his arms and he lifted him up into the pope mobile. that was a sign of god and a great comfort on a spiritual level and those are the types of
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signs that aren't maybe necessary but such a big help to us in our own life and god's plan for our life so it was a big moment for me for sure. >> wow and what a blessing for andrew, your son moving forward and what we are seeing now and it is called the pope mobile. we are just saying that. >> i think in english is called the pope mobile but in italian and many other different language it's a mobile guild that's only for the pope so they call it the pope mobile and there very goes to the crowds waving. he does stop when he sees somebody who is sick for somebody of wheelchair he will stop and get as close as possible to give them a blessing. certainly this holy father pope francis has shown us his deep love for the suffering for the aged and for those and now he's
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experiencing a lot of that in his own body in his own life. >> i see flags from all over the world in the crowd. there was at 1.3 billion catholics across the globe many traveling here and it's part of the religious journey, is it not, to be there in person to like you said get close enough to the pope mobile to have that photo and an opportunity. >> it such a paradox how we see this visible head of the church in pope francis but we also know in the end this is what the catholics believe an end and it's who is the head of the church and not pope francis. it is jesus whose head of the church in pope francis is here today and we hope these with us for a long time but he won't be with us forever. somebody else will come and there are limitations and weaknesses and yet the church perseveres. the church survived our own humanity despite us, despite the
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imperfections and the leaders of the church, that the church continues the people of god and that's because jesus is the head of the church not you or me. >> next after the procession through typically a crowd with the pope of bill explain the traditional blessing from the balcony. >> at the blessing it's also message so you have pope francis that will get this message and in latin it means a blessing to the church to the city and to the world. to the city of rome is giving a blessing as the bishop of rome to his people but also to the world. he often gives a message as well. this will be a time in which we will see he did not give a homily today as we know but he may get the message of some sort. >> he had been saving himself
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for that message. it's newsmaking usually. >> a homily is a spiritual reflection of the gospel and their readings for. the message that he gives after the blessing is a message. it's a message from him to the world. usually in the form of a prayer or the petition to global leaders to seek peace, to seek the unity of the people. we will see what's on his mind today. and do you have any expectations of what we may be hearing? >> we know how deeply disturbed pope francis is about the wars going on right now the two major wars between russia and ukraine as well as the work between hamas in israel so certainly those are things on his mind. he will continue to speak out but there is also suffering around the world including in places that we just never hear
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about the persecution of christians. i think in particular what's going on in nigeria. dozens and dozens of christians are being murdered on a regular basis precisely because they believe in jesus and the gospel in so many other places. and i was going to mention the backdrop of the celebratory day in the vatican across the world something on the hearts and minds of the faithful. what is happening in the world to wars currently right now one close to the holy land. >> it's hard to celebrate from a human perspective when you are suffering so much and yet it's precisely in the suffering. think about israel for example right now not only christians but jewish and others who are needing to find hope in purpose in the midst of a situation and an opportunity like easter and christian liturgy in the catholic calendar is an opportunity for people to say no
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matter what's going on no matter what's going on i know the end of the story and it's a good story and a good ending and that jesus has conquered death's >> in the promise of eternal life for christians across the world a grace that we don't deserve. >> that's the basic christian theology. we don't deserve it gets he took it upon himself the sins of humanity died in our place and rose again to say u2 according to our christian belief will live forever in eternity. you're watching an extravagant precession pope francis waving to the crowds mustering the strength to do so in the pope mobile. people are excited to see him up close and in person but he lived there for nine years and i thought it was a great dancer i wanted to ask your favorite part about living in the vatican.
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and it's rather eye told me the food of coors. is it italian food? its italian food. that's what you're going to get and it's great but also all joking aside the history of rome and the history of italy the history of the vatican the history of europe. it's a humbling experience. my problems are not that big when you compare my life my history to what christians have really suffered throughout just an example when you go to the vatican and i hope all of our listeners and viewers get a chance to do that in their lifetime but when you see the list of all the first popes, all of them for the first 300 years almost without exception were murdered because of their faith. that's not something you want to be elected to and get the
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leaders of the christian church or the catholic church it was just the christian church for a very long time until the schism between east and the west and eventually the reformation. it was just a christian church in the catholic church and the leaders of the church and many others died for their faith. our suffering today is rather small in comparison. >> any final thoughts as we again anticipate the blessing from the balcony once he makes his way to that location. >> it's interesting to see when pope francis gets off the pope mobile and i'm sure if we have to break out we will come back if there is any breaking news or images that will tell us how the holy father is doing physically but i can tell you he's very fragile. he is fragile because of the situation with his knee. he had major surgery on his
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colon. he has respiratory problems and yet i love the fact that he's giving it his all. >> he is and you can tell the strain in his voice that this is the most important day for the catholic faith and months ago he wrapped up the easter mass in vatican city and deliver that blessing from the balcony in st. peters square and we will bring that to you at home as soon as that happens. stay with us here and we want to wish everyone a happy easter today across the world wherever you're watching from. you may be up early or on your way to a sunrise easter service celebrated across the globe but for now we are going to go back to our regular programming but stay tuned "fox news" because we my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh!
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mark: welcome back america. we have great heroes and scholars in our country who toil for decades figuring out what is happening to our country. trying to convey it to the american people. i try and find these people and present them to you and the arguments they are making. it is so crucial. the left of their philosophers their propagandist, their demagogues going away back. they read them, they know them, they can cite them and the implement their agendas. we conservatives and constitutionalists we don't really do that. so it is important that we have people when they know it's going on can express it in a way that is understandable to the extent i can that i present them to it with that mike gonzalez on here before. he is a fantastic thinker and
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writer about this issue of american marxism and marxism generally he has cowritten this book with catherine who is a friend of ours as well next to jena marxism what it is and how to combat it. now, why is this important? we are living it right now in the united states of america. you are confronting it. it is swirling around you. it is in that media, it's in government, it's in hollywood, it is everywhere. mike gonzalez welcome. congratulations on this fantastic book marxism. he started with the revolution, briefly tell us what is this revolution? are we in the middle of it? has it taken place? were recorded with it? >> thank you for the things you said. we are in the middle of it. i have good feelings i'm optimistic i think the american people are going to win because because this early enough. and this a book what we did was set out to answer and explore the nagging questions americans are asking themselves, why is the country becoming
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unrecognizable? you asked about the revolution for the revolution we see every day little things that are big things. why are some teachers pushing gender confusion? why are some library insuring pornogrlibrarians sharingpornogs and hiding it from their parents? why has raced once ag race oncee the most important factor in promotion and hiring and why are universities becoming centers of intolerance. our answer is because it is a revolution bubbling from within is that it is not by accident. the transformation of america is due to the fact some very important people agree on some fundamentals. sometimes called cultural marxists. they call themselves critical marxists. becausbecause of it next to jen marxists because they bring to the equation elements that are traditionally missing and cultural marxism and critical theory. one of them is that use of
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neighborhood organizing community organizing a very american saying. also the use of sex to destroy society from within pritchard destroy this family but you know this because you've written about this. this is not quite new. it started in the hungarian soviet in 1919 use it to destabilize family. talked about it and errors in civilization 1957. but today its use of queer theory and gender theory to deny reality. to say that amputations are perfectly healthy organs is gender care. and also the use of a race of stoking racial grievances to deconstruct society to dismantle society and lastly the new element this is a 21st century
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elements is the use of vast networks marxism networks that span the globe and social media but we saw in 2020 and the blm riots was exactly that. revolutionary outpouring of this cultural marxism. always on 2014 in ferguson, missouri i was another revolutionary spark of this. so what we try to do is expose this and provide solutions how to stave it off. how to help the american people fight back. mark: do you see now, i do, a fusion of the marxists and the islamists? both of which hate america. western society, western values, another seems to be a fusion in the universities and colleges. seems to be a fusion and our media page seems to be fusion in our streets in the river to the sea. do you see this effusion now because they have a common
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enemy, which is us question. >> in europe this is called the red/green alliance. let me give you two examples of this very thing you're talking about. in 2007 marxists leaders called for a beachhead of revolution we set up. here inside the u.s. and 2007 this was established when american marxist open the u.s. social forum form in atlan 2007 with a gathering of thousands of people. by the way of the founders of black lives matter where they are in atlanta in 2007. this is a decade, not a decade but many years before they found black lives matter. who else is there? gobs of palestinian activists there in atlanta 2007. again in 2014 i've mentioned before ferguson, missouri.
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when the world marxist gather who was there again? a lot of palestinians it is december 2014. the next month 2015, as in the west bank cutting videos with palestinians you talk about is definitely happening. mark: will we come back, mike gonzalez, it is my contention the democrat party is the umbrella organization now for all of these enemies. that is white joe biden's taken positions that he has taken. that is why democrats in congress are moving further radicalized to the left and that is why the media is so filled with so many radicals. i want t okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy.
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. you're surrounded by revolution we know it or not. it is sucking you in. you're sucking you down. nexgen marxism. what it is and how to combat it by gonzalez a fantastic new book you can get at about what is swirling around. my question to you is, is the democrat party become effectively the beehive for all
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these movements? whether it is marxism or the palestinian islamist system? >> we are seeing very important decision makers, elements and said the democratic party that i definitely -- that are sympathetic to the nexgen marxism aoc definitely bernie sanders the whole squad. joe biden himself as you said yourself earlier in the earlier segments it was completely absent in this conversation. he was sympathized with segregationists. said some rather racist things in a very, very long career. now i guess he has realized the power center in his party belongs late nexgen marxists who are not the majority of the population nor were they say the majority of his party that they control it. no one there says no to them. and that i think is something we discussed in our book. race and sex have become an edit
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he doesn't like to say the word inequality anymore. he says equity. and every time he says equity he wants to say equality but they have become so accustomed to saying equity he has to get out. mark: it looks like obama's back on the scene which is okay because the staff has been running the white house anyway pretty serious he's out of the closet working on the biting campaign and so forth as he has been working behind the scenes. and of course we know his association with others when he was a young man, marxists and you write about some of this in the book too. having obama back on the scene doesn't that underscore what was taking place now? >> we devote a chapter to the marxist terrorists at one point who actually introduced obama to the political world of chicago very early on in the 1990s.
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obama's mentor, as you know because you've written about this was marshall davis a communist. obama writes about him and his two autobiographies he just calls him frank. first he denies it's frank marshall davis except for this video somewhere of an earlier obama saying i knew this american poet he was my mentor in hawaii when i was a teenager. we know frank is frank marshall davis a hard-core american communist who i was friendly wih his grandparents. this begins to happen in 2013 and 2014 at a time when americans of all races were saying they are quite content with the racial relations and that we have the creation of blm and this happens under obama obviously he is president. we had to take off of and the american newspapers just beginning to speaking these languages and using these terms there's this guy name zach
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goldberg who did a piece for the tablet in which he actually is able to study how newspapers the not the wall street journal but that "new york times" begin to use terminology systemic racism white supremacy and so forth and just take off using these terms in 2014. so it happens under obama. i would not say he leads it, i think it is led by people who are really intent on changing america from within. he may have wanted that as well. but these nexgen marxists at the bottom the black lives matter the architects are the fighting troops of this is something that happens beginning in that period, yes. mark: you think the republican party or non- republicans would look at this, look at you, look at me was that you guys are kind of over the top here so forth and so on.
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do you think the hardcourt left in this country has succeeded in mainstreaming their ideology or at least concealing it? looks very much so they can seal it behind everything. the issues never the issue. the issue of the revolution. you can believe in deficit spending. and believe in raising taxes to throttle econothethrottle econot ever having heard the word jon maynard kings you do not have to study him. he himself said people act the way they do because of the ideas of some defunct philosopher economist. this is what is happening right now. these ideas are the animating ideas of the left as i said the ideas of the democrat party of the whole left. they are marxist. we call them nexgen marxists. or that you think you are marxist or not, if you boil down the world to a clash between the
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oppressor and the oppressed you are reading from the first page of the manifest or written by marks in 1848. mark: that's one 100% right great point you do not say hey i am a marxist when you are unwittingly advancing that cause. might consult the book is great nexgen marxism. but it is and how to combat it good aget@amazon.cgood at amazo. if you want to know is going on in the world, this will tell you. thank you my friend, good luck to you personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. -you can make this work. -we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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>> welcome back america my head as you can tell he never understood an interesting your indulgence and i think you want to know is much as he meaning possibly would be watching this holy try to convey it is best as i can come on this platform. and inevitably the property is infinite cultural economics and political interventions there always in the name of the people and some virtuous and were the cause, lead to the steady
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decline to lubricate in the steady rise of totalitarianism. the exploitation of the people, fewer and fewer masterminds with an ever-increasing army of bureaucrats and enforcers, rain over the citizenry decide what is and what is not good for them. any abuses of power are limitless as are the justifications. and slowly but surely, the people getting used to it, even vote for it. in 18 is grip is too tight, and that is too late and that's what were we do not turn things around they'll in november, and will see you tomorrow night, on sunday ♪ ♪ and i'll cherish thee, o, rugged


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