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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  March 31, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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news. do not forget to follow us onet social media at f and saturday night. coming to a city near you on my everybody calm down to her. tickets on sale now fox acrossrs you can also listen to our radio show weekdays noonu to 3:00 p.m. eastern. t next week you do now to miss my trip to the new york auto show. it was insane. i will show it to you.ght good night from new york city i will see you next you can be a republican, you can be a democrat just don't be ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [inaudible] [background noises] pro- palestinian protesters forcibly removed from st. patrick's cathedral in new
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york city. after they disrupted easter mass last night. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪ those of protesters interrupted the service by chanting and holding up a banner that read silence equals death. it comes after top democratic officials including president biden and senate minority leader chuck schumer have stepped up their anti- israel rhetoric in recent weeks. cb cotton is live outside life e st. patrick's cathedral with more. >> good evening, jon. these climate activists are conscious urge them to disrupt the easter mass vigil here at st. patrick's cathedral. they are demanding, the church leaders call for a cease-fire in gaza. all this unfolding thursday evening. some of the protesters in the back of the church stood up and
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began singing. one of them pulling out a tradition palestinian scarf. ♪ ♪ ♪ now this was a possibly a distraction. because other activists then walked to the front of the church and opened a banner which read silence equals death. as you mention. those people were quickly escorted out the protesters in the back began chanting visit. >> stop the genocide. free, free palestine. free, free palestine. free, free palestine progress during the protest some churchgoers stood up to get a better view of what was going on. others pulled out their cell phones to capture some of the chaos and organizer behind the demonstration putting out a statement saying quote the
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united nations security council calling for a cease-fire is a good start. but church is making cease-fire statements is also part of the solution. it will make a difference." fox news contributor at civil rights attorney leo terrell said these people were trespassing and should face civil penalties and be prosecuted. but he doubts they will ever see a day in court. >> you have individuals who went inside a house of worship and trespass. they had no right to exercise their right to speak in the church. they should be criminally prosecuted there should be civil penalty. they know they're not going to get punished and why is that? because the biden administration a signal we are not going to do anything. the new york prosecutor we are not going to do anything on that is where they will continue. >> nypd tells us three men were arrested and now face charges of disrupting a religious service, jon. jon: cb cotton outside n new yok
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city iconic st. patrick's cathedral, thank you. a bit later in the hou o hour ay yingst as the latest in tel aviv on the ongoing cease-fire talks between israel and hamas ended freeing the hostages and stopping the bombardment of gaza. texas is beefing up el paso border security in the wake of that chaotic migrant stampede earlier this month some of those arrested during that while the scene appeared to be getting away with really a slap on the wrist. meanwhile texas cracked out is sending more migrants west towards new mexico. senior correspondent casey stegall is live at the border in el paso, texas with the latest. >> we have been following this latebreaking development this afternoon. fox news has been working hard to independently confirm the reporting of the el paso times a presiding magistrate judge today in an online teleconference bond hearing ordered the release of a
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migrants who had been arrested and accused of what officials are calling a border riot. the incident on march 21 went down when a large group of migrants trampled of the razor wire and then beaumont russian national guard troops here at gate 36 in el paso before order was eventually regained. the judge reportedly accuse the county das office of not being ready to proceed with the detention hearings today. we should note it is not clear how many were released on their own recognizance. or frankly how many were arrested total in that incident. court officials noted those with federal immigration holds they will remain behind bars the das office reportedly asked for a continuance which was denied. now, as a result of that x episode texas search 700 national guard troops to this very sector. including 200 members texas
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tactical border force. we have reached out to the judge's office for the el paso county d.a. the county clerk. texas dps as well as state department of military for comment or confirmation on this story. we are waiting for responses. as you well know holidays being easter sunday we have not heard back from them just yet. apparently another hearing for more migrants involved in that incident is scheduled for tomorrow we will keep you posted, jon. >> please do casey stegall at the border in el paso, texas, thanks. americans are growing increasingly concerned about the crisis at our southern border. with nearly half of all voters selling a new gallup poll they are worried a great deal about immigration. so why is president biden still refusing to take immediate action? let's bring ana in lauren wrig.
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lecturer at princeton university. i'm surprised about those numbers. fox has been covering the situation at the border since the trump administration. but most of the legacy media have not. it's only been fairly recently a few of them have sort of dip their toe into coverage of the situation of the border. and yet it has become one of america's primary concerns, why? >> at the very fair critique. the images like the ones you just showed from casey's reporting are very concerning to people when they pay attention. it is a plurality of every single demographic or if you ask their top election issue including democrats is immigration. what is really hard for biden regarding the messaging on this is every single democrat including him on the 2020 democratic primary debate stage raise their hand for providing illegal immigrants publicly
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funded programs, housing, healthcare and big pull factors as the "new york times" and other outlets have reported. he has a direct handedness. then there is just the fact biden came into office promising a more humane approach to immigration. immediately it uses executive action to undo trumps the policies and then fought tooth and nail in court to try reinstitute some of that. at the very bottom baseline of it it's very inconsistent. that's a generous critique i would say. jon: we arty have a housing shortage in this country for this not enough housing for the people we have it. a lot of people cannot afford what housing is there. so, you bring in 10, 12, 14 million more immigrants, that's only going to exacerbate the problem plus they are going to undercut wages. especially for the working class. >> you create a humanitarian crisis and a crisis of
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resources. which is exactly what new york city is expensing right now. the right to shelter law and new york city was the pride and joy of new york for 42 years every single politician bragged about it. now the adams administration is in court trying to do away with that policy that many of them campaigned on. it's not just an inconsistent and concerning a message for independent voters, which are of course the key group that presidents need to win reelection. but for progressives who are watching this and saying you told us you are going to open the border more. offer resources a humane approach with open arms for these desperate people. that's really not what is happening. >> that's interesting to see how the numbers have flipped since the early days of the biden administration. let me put up a poll to show you what i mean. this is the fox news poll, who do you trust to do a better job
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on immigration? these days 39% say president biden. in september 2020 it was 52%. so right now at 57% say trump would do a better job. in september of 2020 early days the biden administration it was 44%. it is now trumps 18-point advantage on that issue. it's biden plus eight i don't like the job on the issue. >> only to say the least. i am not surprised by republicans themselves for their always strong on this issue. it tends to be one of these issues voters trust republicans more on his immigration. but then you are right, the extremity of that magnitude of these numbers in favor of trump is very surprising. i am not absolving the gop for blame.
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they had a bill that was probably the best deal they were going to get in their laps that would have at least tried to ameliorate the current crisis on the border. but the problem biden has as americans look at the border as a national security issue. a crime issue. they see it in the basket of issues they absolutely see the president as responsible for. they really are not very good excuses not to use executive action. jon: really quickly donald trump ran on the border wall issue. that may be what got him elected back in 2016. do you support a southern border wall 38% said they are in favor. 34% opposed 25% either for or against. it is an issue a plurality of americans seem to want constructed more. >> republicans were certainly angry at trump for not getting as much of the border wall done
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as he promised. but you are right people see the severity of the crisis they are very willing to flip on this issue. it's more evidence whatever trump's rhetoric was and many people found that divisive and offensive people were very willing to rewind four years ago when they saw a better situation at the border despite disagreement about a lot of his policies. >> always good to talk to you. thank you. >> thanks jon. jon: and baltimore engineers began the daunting task of removing thousands of tons of metal debris from the collapse of francis scott key bridge. vessel traffic in and out of the port still suspended as crews worked to clear the damage. the coast guard ticket fox news crew for a close up look at the wreckage. madalyn rivera near the site with the very latest for us. >> that evening but when you're out here on the water you do get a sense of the magnitude of this
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disaster. when you're up close to see so much of the damage in greater detail and it crystallizes for you the challenges these crews are facing ahead. this is the footage one of our photographers shot earlier today he was able to hitch a ride with the u.s. coast guard. you will see here at the mangled pieces of metal. all of which have to be cut by the way y what you also see shig containers dangling over the side. we note 14 containers were impacted fed soap, resin material, or perfume for this ship has to be eventually polled. we do not know when but maryland governor wes moore said this is unprecedented. >> we have a ship, a vessel that is nearly the size of the eiffel tower that is now stuck because the key bridge which is 3000 -- 4000 tons of steel is sitting on top of it. >> the u.s. army corps of engineers laying out their objectives including stabilizing
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the ship to prevent it from pivoting that will bring an 601,000-ton cranes the latter is a chesapeake 1000 for the largest loading crane on the eastern seaboard. and then they went to cut pieces of the bridge re- float the ship away from the wreckage today a survey is being done to figure out how hard the ground is around the ship come up with eight removal plan. first though officials want to clear a channel four small vessels to pass through. they are making progress on that front. they were able to remove a top part of the north section of the bridge about 200 tons gone and lifted off site. there are three dive teams assessing how to get the wreckage out and this week in the baltimore orient honored the dive teams. it's a massive collaborate rotation to pete due to judge once it approaches sent to congress as well. >> if we could see republicans and democrats cooperate to get president biden's infrastructure package through, surely they can cooperate to help america and baltimore deal with this
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tragedy. >> thousands of people have been affected by this disaster. baltimore mayor says a fund to help the families is now raised more than $300,000. jon: what a challenge madeleine rivera thanks. there likely will be a push for part or all of the new francis scott key bridge and baltimore senior congressional correspondent chad pergram has details. >> there is an immediate demand to rebuild the bridge. the city of baltimore, the east coast, and the american economy demand it. >> is to this is not just going to impact maryland this is impacting farmer in kentucky but it's impacting the auto dealer in michigan perfects a president promises help. >> it is my intention federal government will pay for the entire cost of it reconstructing that bridge. i expected congress to support my effort too. >> no one knows how long this will take it. >> is a heavy lift is going to take some time too.
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>> it took five years to build. we do not yet have an estimate on how long it will take to rebuild progress in 2007 i 35 west bridge in minneapolis plunge into the mississippi river killing 13 people and injuring 145. congress responded at breakneck speed. >> hr-3 311 a bill to authorize additional funds for emergency repairs and reconstruction of the interstate i 35 bridge located in minneapolis, minnesota that collapsed on august 1, 2007. >> the house voted just days after the collapse in greenland and a quarter of a billion dollars for a new bridge. the senate okayed the bill unanimously. >> and think everyone in this chamber in the country and the world is aware of the tragedy. that befell our state. >> a new bridge open astonishing 13 months after the collapse of it lawmakers hope they can rub to reconstruct the baltimore bridge gop maryland representative andy harris cited
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minnesota demand the government sidelined environmental and regulatory burdens to accelerate this rebuild. >> we are in a different political climate today than 2007. money for the bridge should be an extra appropriation. congress struggle just to avoid a government shutdown. that means a that money for a nw bridge could be a political fight. on capitol hill chad pergram fox news. jon: up next on the fox report. more protest for and against israel's military campaign to eradicate hamas in gaza. plus israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu undergoes surgery. details on that ahead. ogether. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts
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jon: new cease-fire talks are expected to take place between israel and hamas this week i minister benjamin netanyahu intense pressure from his people to come to an agreement that will bring home dozens of israeli hostages. trey yingst has more from tel aviv. >> good afternoon for as we approach the six month mark of the war pressures growing internally for a cease-fire
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agreement. in direct talks between israel and hamas are set to resume this week in cairo. though overnight thousands gathered in tel aviv to demonstrate some calling for new elections in israel others to make the release of hostages. these protesters clash with police and lit fires and the roads. the event illustrates the ongoing tension across israel the mix between politics and war. inside gaza it's date 177 of the conflict. israeli troops continue to operate in both northern and set central gaza. today is really air force launched a strike against the hospital in the central city. the israeli military said they were striking a command center position for islamic jihad. observers on the ground set a tent filled with journalists was hit in the strike. >> the hit tents without any warning but we are staying in the tent as a group of journalists peacefully with note terrorist among us. we were preparing our cameras and all the sudden the tent was hit. everything went dark with debris
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and rock flying above our heads and there was flames. >> the focus on gaza israel's northern front does remain active for their more rockets fired today by the lebanese militant group hezbollah reports of a targeted assassination conducted by israel in southern lebanon. all t of this as tonight is reay prime minister benjamin netanyahu underwent surgery for a hernia and temporarily gave power to the deputy prime minister. jon: trey yingst reporting from tel aviv, israel thanks. u.s. central command forces shot down two more drones a saturday and parts of yemen controlled by iran backed houthis rebels sent comments as he drones pose a threat to american forces and merchant ships in the red sea. what was destroyed midflight over the red seed the other before it launched. there have been more than 100 attacks bite houthis in the red sea region since mid-october.
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president biden returns to the white house after spending easter weekend at camp david. he will have to deal the backlash from i his proclamation honoring today's annual transit day of visibility which this year happen to fall on easter sunday. christians say it goes against the meaning of easter break lucas tomlinson live at the white house with more, lucas. >> just a few minutes ago president biden along with the first lady and their son hunter arrived back at the white house from camp david ahead of the easter egg roll tomorrow. as you mentioned it's its controversial proclamations from the president let's first begin this morning the white house and tweeting easter greetings which read in part quote to all of those gathered in churches and homes around the world today, happy easter may god bless and keep you in full and the president blasted out another message hours later on transgender day of visibility we celebrate the joy, strength, absolute courage of some of the bravest people i know.
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to date we show up millions of trans and gender non- binary americans that we see you then. they belong and should be treated with dignity and respect. house speaker mike johnson blasted biden for issuing the proclamations in the biden white house has betrayed the central tenet of easter which is the resurrection of jesus christ. banning sacred truth and tradition at the same time proclaiming easter sunday as transgender day is outrageous and abhorrent. the american people are taking notes. georgia democratic senator raphael warnock who is offering a reverend reverend responded l. >> one more instance of folks who do not know how to lead us trying to divide us. this is the opposite of the christian faith. jesus sent it to the marginalized presented to the poor in a moment like this we need voices particularly voices of faith. >> republican senators had a different opinion.
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>> i think everyone should be insulted by this. the intentional nature of this, easter is a religious holiday. it is such a sacred day where we all meet at the cross. >> former president donald trump has been criticized by the biden administration for sharing a video on social media featuring a truck bearing the image of biden with hands and feet tied together. jon the next time easter falls on march 31 will be in 2086. jon: are at lucas tomlinson at the white house. lucas thanks and happy easter. the president is also hearing it from far left and democrats about his support for israel and polls show he is losing support among black and hispanic voters. had bliss eat new york city fundraiser thursday with former presidents obama and clinton brought him $25 million. but it did not do anything to
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unite the party. let's bring in brianna lyman elections correspondent for the federalists. thank you for being here this evening. we hear a lot of democratic leaders in the house and senate and elsewhere say our party is united the republicans is fractured and blown apart. what is the truth here? the former boss part of the left wing hollywood apparatus is a unified party president biden's attention grass or can step outside at the fundraiser they were pro- palestinian protesters who were trying to create opposition and disrupt this event as they've done in past months. but president biden the democrats have yet to understand is donor money does not equal voter support this is part of the problem for the election is joe biden can hold these fundraisers. he can bring it all this money but he has yet to overtake donald trump in any of the polls. especially in key swing states. he cannot unify the party and
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send a message that resonates with owners they are aware of this they've got rid of their talking points but until they do that across the board no amount of money and big time donors is going to save them at the polls in november. jon: he talks about a bit on the campaign trail but you do not hear that word much from the president anymore, how come? >> it does not resonate with americans especially with minority americans. you just mention us we have seen black voters and hispanic voters trended towards a donald trump that is essentially unheard of and that is because when you have four years of a donald trump economy and four years of a biden economy there is no amount of convincing the democrats can do to convince these voters not to choose either donald trump or the couch come november. >> in michigan the president got a lot of uncommitted votes. what is that all about? >> is really dangerous or president biden. i think he knows he's in between iraq and a hard place because his stance towards the
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israel/hamas war is alienating a key demographic in places like michigan which he needs to win reelection. in doing this president biden is essentially appearing willing to slow walk of the united states toward possible military conflict because he wants to appease these radical progrprogressesin thi these muss who antagonism towards israel challenges his reelection. jon: he is essentially playing politics with foreign policy, is what you're saying? are you able to hear me? okay, we have lost our audio connection to brianna lyman will get her back on another time. brianna lyman thank you very much. coming up on the fox report, and management of squatters that locked you out of your own home. there are new calls to change a
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loss that would give homeowners more protection because in a lot of places they just don't have it. real estate attorney patrick macqueen tells us how to protect ourselves from a potential nightmare, next. i will bless those who bless you. it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union.
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severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. jon: breaking news out of nashville tonight per reports one person is dead and at least four others hurt after a shooting at a coffee shop. madison scarpino is with the latest on that. >> good evening this is brand-new information that metro nashville police department is just out confirming they say the shooting happened just after 3:00 p.m. when a gunman opened fire during a sunday brunch. that's a roasted coffee shop in the germantown area of nashville. it was just north of downtown
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nashville. it's a very popular neighborhood. again the police officers confirming this they sent out a tweet saying the suspect fled in his mercedes mercedes gls of 50. they posted a picture of the gun man to believe. these wearing a white shirt. surveillance video caught him pointing a gun and this coffee shop. he is wearing sunglasses. this is still a very active scene. we are working to get as much information as possible. again it seems the gunmen is still on the loose it. back out here live i want to mention it is important to note this is around the one-year anniversary of one of the deadliest mass shootings. the covenant school shooting in nashville happen on march 27 of 2003. really horrible time for the community then. and again, just over a year after that monitor everything the police of varmint is reporting will bring you the
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latest as it comes in. >> edison thanks. >> the state of florida we say very simply but would pass as a muster in new york and california, is not passing muster here. you are not going to be able to commandeer somebody's private property. and expect to get away with it. i will be signing hb 621 which will give the homeowner the ability to quickly and illegally remove a squatter from a property in which will increase criminal penalties for squatting. jon: florida governor desantis pledging to fight against squatters in his state a and otr parts of the country are slow to react to the growing squatter crisis. let's bring it real estate attorney patrick mcclain who is also the founder of medalist legal. it is unbelievable to me. i was reading some the
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situations in new york city if someone is occupying a home or apartment that you own and they just moved in there and stay for 30 days, it's virtually impossible to get them out. how can that be the case? >> it is wild. we have some archaic real estate laws in many of the states in the united states. sounds like they are very archaic in the state of new york as well. it is wild. i see this it probably three -- four times a month and i've been doing this for 20 some years now. and it happens quite regularly. it is very frustrating. i will tell you this, it probably takes somewhere in the range of $5000 in attorneys fees just to attempt to get rid of people from your home that are not supposed to be there. i have seen these in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to get rid of people who are not supposed to be there.
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jon: good for florida governor to santa signing a bill that make it easier for people to get rid of squatters. obviously there are people who own a home in florida they only stay in during the winter months. there's going to be a lot of properties ripe for squatting down there. if all it takes is 30 days, then is the rule in new york. if all it took was 30 days you would have a nightmare situation florida. >> exactly. the snowbirds here in arizona are a big target as well. i will tell you this, it is not just happen to snowbirds. and have as those who have investment properties or other seasonal people. it can happen in family situations but i've seen situation were grandma says what you come live with me, help me out a little bit the person continues to stay there and grandma cannot get rid of them. it is absolutely horrific. the same thing goes for roommates. maybe i decided what someone to help me out with the rain to and
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he or she becomes a terrible roommates. i have got to spend a bunch of money to try to get rid of this person. it is very wild. jon: it seems to be on the rise in this country, why? >> it is a good question. there are some people that perhaps were emboldened by the eviction moratoriums and they are trying to state somewhat renter free. there are these opportunities out there. i would say it's probably those two things that are really pushing this. there's a lot more information on the internet how to get away with this. so it is happening. the other thing i will note as we are sharing our homes much more where the short term rental platforms that it's another opportunity for these criminals to take over your property and stick around in your house.
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so see those contacts as well but. >> one guy who made quite a name for himself this illegal venezuelan telling how he was going to squat in houses and make a fortune and make fun of americans who work for a living. he has been arrested by immigrations and customs enforcement. a lot of americans will cheer that. it's hard in some states to get rid of these people once they have moved into a property that you own. >> it is. it can take months and months and sometimes years to resolve their issues. the courts are backed up. there's rules of civil procedure that have to be followed. there are certain rules that have to be honored. therefore it is very, very difficult to get people out too. i will tell you this, i have never seen a situation that cannot be ultimately resolved for the real homeowner.
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these people are going not going to get a wealth of a very long for it but they could do a lot of damage will there in there. jon: it is said it happens at all. what happens more and more in this country right now but real estate attorney patrick mcclain thank you. mourners ahead when the fox report continues right after this.
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visit or call 1-800 sandals. jon: pope francis led easter mass of the vatican today after skipping the traditional good friday procession because of health concerns. christina coleman has more for us. >> 87-year-old pope francis has been battling episodes of bronchitis and the flu over the past few months. today he appeared happy, healthy and good spirits he delivered his easter message today from
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st. peter's basilica after morning mass. thousands gathered to hear from him. for everyone and address the victims and conflicts worldwide. >> let us not forget syria which for 14 years has suffered from the effects of a long and devastating war. so many deaths and disappearances so much poverty and destruction call for a response on the part of everyone and of the international community. >> pope francis address the ongoing violence in haiti praying for the lord to help people there is the fight to survive hunger and violence. >> made the risen lord assist the haitian people so that there can soon be an end to the acts of violence, devastation and bloodshed in that country. and that it can advance on the path to democracy and fraternity. >> pathways to peace was a large part of his message this easter sunday. so many were grateful to hear his prayers and again he
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appeared happy and healthy. jon: christina coleman, christina thanks. coming up, king charles returns the public seen this easter sunday. that and more on a trip around the globe. stay with us. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms
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are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. it's better outside with ninja. cookouts are better with master grills that char, barbecue smoke, and air fry. weekends are better with life proof coolers that keep ice for days and have fridge-temperature drawers for dry foods, because everything is better without soggy sandwiches. it's better outside with ninja. at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind.
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look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful.
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>> and update now breaking news out of nashville. police say one person is dead and multiple others hurt after shooting at a coffee shop. madison scarpino live it with the latest force appeared. >> to jon metro police in nashville are saying this happened just after 3:00 p.m. today during easter brunch at that coffee shop. this happened at a very popular neighborhood just north of nashville for the good news is police say those who were injured, is noncritical but they expected to survive. but when it comes to the suspect in this case he is still on the loose. police are still looking for a motive. nashville police put out some photos of who they believe the shooter is but take a look at your screen he is clearly pointing a gun inside the restaurant wearing a white
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shirt, black hat, sunglasses. as an arm full of tattoos. police say took off after the shooting and the silver mercedes gls. police if you know this man they waited to call 6158628600. this is still a very active seen it. nearly four hours after when police have the deadly shooting happened. multiple investigators are still on the scene with crime tape surrounding that coffee shop. back out here live i mentioned it before but i think it is important to know this is happening just a few days after a year when that covenant mass shooting happened. three children, three adults died and that really hard time for the whole nashville community. unfortunate something like this is happening again on easter day. nevertheless but we are continuing to monitor any developments as they come in.
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we will keep you updated. jon: madison scarpino thanks. now for some headlines around the globe. ain england, k king charles the0 easter services earlier today in his most significant public appearance since of buckingham palace announces cancer diagnosis in february. in northern syria a car bomb killed at least seven people at at busy market t at town held by syrian forces. the victims include two children. ♪ ♪ ♪ in ukraine and president zelenskyy attended a service honoring civilians killed during the russian occupation. today is the second anniversary of the liberation. [background noises] in new delhi, thousands of
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people rallied india's opposition alliance launched an election campaign. leaders sharply criticized the current government and prime ministers to bid for reelection. in turkey, the president's ruling lost to the main opposition in istanbul local election. many anticipate that mayor will challenge him and the next national election. in paris chocolate to your easter eggs are paying homage to the upcoming olympics. the collection includes track athletes, podiums and metals. [background noises] and in south africa conservation group want you to break with tradition by adopting a penguin egg this easter. you cannot put it in your basket but the donation will help save endangered species. that is a look at some stories from around the globe.
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straight ahead on the fox report, black bears and one uk safari park are really living the lavish life. they are spreading their wings now that a new attraction has been added to their enclosure. details on that, next. ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care
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and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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when barbara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition... ma, i want to make perfume! ♪ so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. intuit turbotax.
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♪ a new cadbury bunny has been crowned but it's not your typical fluffy racket meet louie the raccoon hailing from miami, florida, louie is the first raccoon to snag the title. a rescue cat and therapy dog are among past winners, two-year-old louie will star in the 2025 cadbury tryouts commercial. fans voted for him through this year's bracted system on instagram look at those ears. [laughter] one great horned owl is captivating students in arizona after roosting at the same elementary school nearly five years now. this momma owl known as sky kitty successfully raised her baby owl last year this year she's raising three. teachers are fully harnessing special opportunity but studying peel pellets and her life cycle.
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a safari bringing in a swan shaped petal boat for the black bears and wasted no time before checking it out because it was filled with honey and nuts and took a trail across the temporarily flooded enclosure and unusual enrichment is certainly a hit. but can they pedal? that's how fox reports on this easter sunday. the 31st of march, 2024, i'm jon scott thanks for joining us this evening we'll see you next week, "the big weekend show" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hello everyone i'm alicia acuna along with lisa boothe and jason webb and the big story tonight backlash building over president biden prom la nation of eastend


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