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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 1, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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there is something within. >> trey: reverend barry black,pi the chaplain of the united states senate, thank you for bringing us message from a your heart on easter sunday. ii hope you and your family hae a wonderful easter. we will see you again soon. >> trey: has risen, trey, he has risen, indeed. >> trey: risen indeed, risen indeed. thank you, chaplain and thank you for spending your sunday with us. i hope you have a great week ahead. until then you can find us @treygowdy >> carley: a fox news alert, one of the suspects charged in the murder of nypd detective jonathan diller will be in court today after a powerful call to action from diller's widow and her emotional eulogy over the
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weekend. starting today in california, $20 minimum wage for fast food workers officially takes effect. restaurant owners have a big warning for customers, that is you. plus, caitlin clark and iowa look to after the accident vefrj last year's loss to lsu in the elite today as they punch their ticket to the final four. >> bounce backdoor and rocks the rim. they have an elite defense. jones for three. it's good. >> carley: you are watching "fox and friends first" on monday morning, i'm carley shimkus. todd has the day off. major update on the wild border riot in texas. ordering release of migrants
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arrested as part of this mob that stormed the border fence and pummelled national guard. a judge is blaming the d.a. madeleine rivera, what can you tell us? >> >> madeleine: fox is working to indep independently confirm this information. a presiding judge accused district attorney's office of not being ready to. rushed pass texas national guard knocking them to the ground. the judge saying the rioting cases will be released because the d.a.'s office was not ready to go. unclear if it applied to the charge and not the assault and criminal charges related to the border rush. another hearing is scheduled for today. happening this week, if theed
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federal appeals court will discuss the bill that has been placed on hold pending appeal. there is a caravan of migrants that plan to reach the southern border. here is the council vice president. >> you have to stop the cartels and put some consequences on individuals you see coming through the border. that is what you need temperature takes consequences and political will. >> madeleine: texas is surging number of forces dispatching 700 to el paso and flying in 200 soldiers. carley. >> carley: a 60 minutes investigation providing new information about havana
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syndrome, mysterious brain ailment that has been linked to a 2020 police chase involving an american russian spy. she experienced systems after interviewing the accused spy. >> it was like a high-pitched drilling noise and it knocked me forward this way. immediately felt pressure and pressure and pain started coursing from inside my right here down my jaw and down my neck and into my chest. >> carley: that alleged russian spy has been deported back to russia and is presumed dead. an nih study found no explanation for the phenomena. today u.s. and israeli officials will meet to discuss the ground invasion of rafah.
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prime minister netanyahu says i have approved idf for rafah and prepared for evacuation was the civilian population and humanitarian assistance israeli troops are withdrawing from the al-shifa hospital. president biden is reported ly sending israel more aid, including weapons, worth billions and includes 2000 bombs. congress approved the deal years ago. this comes as anti-israel and climate protesters interrupted easter at st. patrick's cathedral saturday night. >> carley: the nypd protester
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were charged with disyruption o religious services. one of the accused in the case of jonathan diller is back in court today. new york congression al candidae espisito, a 25-year veteran of the nypd join urs us next. how many more police officers and families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast
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you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> janice: good morning. we have a big winter storm going to impact much of the u.s. cold temperatures in place in the northern plains. we have warmer air ahead of the system, bringing potential of severe storms, including tornados today. here is overview this week. starting today through tuesday and wednesday, area of low pressure across mississippi river valley and tennessee river valley and bringing large hail, damaging wind and tornados today
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for big cities up toward st. louis. that cold front interacts with unstable air. here is severe threat for tomorrow, tomorrow's threat on tuesday for nashville toward le le lexington, kentucky. we have cold side of this storm going to bring snow from the rockies to great lakes to northeast. here we go heading into tuesday, area of low pressure moves in toward the great lakes. know your plans, a lot of folks are on spring break. that is good news, staying indoors, we are going to see significant snow toward upstate new york and new england. severe threat is significant
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today and tomorrow. know where you are going to get your watches and warnings. over to you. >> carley: thank you so much, one suspect connected to deadly shooting of nypd detective jonathan diller returns to court today. jon jones was allegedly driving the car. jonathan diller was laid to rest on saturday as his wife gave a desperate plea to city leaders. >> he was called into duty and in typical jonathan fashion, he did not run away. it is a devastating and tragic loss for so many, family, friends and entire city of new york. it has been two years and two months, since detective morrow and detective made the same.
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how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? >> carley: a 25-year-veteran of the nypd joins me now. allison, do you think officer diller's death is a change? >> i hope it is. stephanie diller stood at that funeral and i sat alongside elected officials that have failed her, failed jonathan, failed our first responders and i cried with her and for her. i watched her stand there, a hero in her own right. she made an impassioned plea to elected officials. just over two years ago, a widow did the same thing.
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d dominique rivera begged to hold criminals accountable and it fell on deaf ears. i pray this is the change and wake-up call this city needs. >> carley: you were lee zeldin's running mate and you almost won because of the issue of crime. republican and democrats care about this issue, but it doesn't feel like anything will change. in terms of policy, what is number one thing that could change things and get bad guys off the street and may being the city safer? >> it is not rocket science, it is 101. hold criminals responsible. we need more work in education and making sure children have things to do, other than turn to crime. once the criminal is there, that
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is not when criminal justice reform is supposed to take effect. government's number one job is to keep our citizens safe. it is a red state with blue dots and i submit last one and this coming one is red, white and blue wave. democrats and republicans, independents standing up and saying, enough is enough. we want our public safety. >> carley: tell us about your race, who you are running against and the differences between you and him. >> the differences are stark. i am running against pat ryan. >> carley: a purple area? >> it is a purple area, a biden plus district. lee and i won the new district by two full points. ryan is the wrong guy, he was a
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county execute of a sanctuary city. he votes against border security, he marched with blm. while i was serves as an inspector. i felt i was sitting in the wrong seat to affect the change new york city needed. i ran with lee zeldin, i promised to make people prosperous and to care about education and increase border security. i promised new yorkers, i would do something, i had to run and serve. i grew up in orange county and know the plight of hudson valley, i'm one of the people there and i'm eager to continue my life of service as a representative.
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>> carley: the differences are stark. fdny officers and a particular fire house. firefighters were reforced to remove their thin red line flag. it was call a political symbol. rivera wrote an e-mail, efficiency dny staff claim it was to honor firefighters. they could have used an fdny flag instead of a politically charged symbol. the decision was reversed. the thin red flag line, what do you think of that? >> this is the problem with the far left, they are overly offended and concentrated on the wrong thing. you have an individual that looks at the flag and thinks it
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is politically divided. who are we kid something that line represents those who have died in the line of duty. this political outrage is ridiculous. the very symbol of unity. >> carley: it is. i think there is a lot of people that would agree with you in terms of outrageous -- 9/11 first responders who died in the line of duty. you are running for congress, thank you for continuing service. thank you. back to the election. former president barack obama and bill clinton will be fixtures on the campaign trail. here is how democrats are spinning it. >> i think president biden's event with president clinton and
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obama was about unifying the democratic party. >> do you expect to see those former presidents on the routine tr trail? >> yes, more to show unity. >> carley: grace curley will tell us what she thinks about the new strategy coming up next.
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>> i think president biden's event with president clinton and obama was about unifying the democrat ig party. they will be prepared to win in 2024. >> do you expect to see those former presidents out on the campaign trail routinely? >> i think so, but not to show force, more to show unity, unity of purpose. to show defense of democracy. >> carley: presidents obama and clinton will stay on the campaign trail after the glity fundrai fundraiser last week and democrats say it has to do with showing unity of grace curley joins me. what do you think about this, is this about party unity?
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>> in a weird way, i kind of do. i think they are united in desperation. when i saw this fundraiser and you mentioned $25 million, they are desperate, they want to make money, it is an election season. to do this while new york is reeling for the death of jonathan diller and not realize how bad it looks, shows they are un united behind joe biden. a lot of americans will not get that out of their president. a former president is mourning with the family of jonathan diller and the other president is putting on ray-bans and making jokes with stephen col colbert.
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they are unified behind this person who is inept. >> carley: 25 million comes at a cost when it comes to optics. the difference, no matter your politics, president trump was at the right place at the right time. 25 million is a lot. republicans are struggling with fundraising, why is that? >> i think it is such a tricky situation right now, a lot of people when they see trump's legal battles, maybe they are th nervous to give. republicans are tired, i hope they get closer to election day that fundraising does pick up. this is a battle we need to win. >> carley: listen to ro khanna
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with shannon bream yesterday. people want israel secure and want palestinian lives not to be lost. once the war comes to an end, his numbers will improve. >> carley: that was him talking about the israel and hamas war. and says the president's poll numbers have improved on the economy, i have not seen that. democrats feel there is more time on the clock and things will get better. >> i found the comments so weird. we want the war to end as
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quickly as possible. i don't know if i would hold my hopes on the numbers. there is division in the demo democratic party. i'm not sure there will be this unity in the democratic party about how it ended. you have far left progressives who don't feel he is be ing anti-israel enough and moderates do not feel joe biden is supporting our long-time ally in the middle east. i don't see the democratic party being happy. >> carley: more weapons to israel will enrage the far left of his party. have a great day. naacp image award, iowa superstar caitlin clark will lead the hawkeyes to take on the lsu tigers in a rematch of last
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year's championship. >> both of us want to win more than anything and that is how it should be. we both grew up loving this game and will do what it takes to win. we're not buddies, i will talk trash to you. after the game, we can kick it. i don't think people realize it. that is fine. >> carley: allison williams joins me now. a lot of hype and excitement surrounding thisim game. what do you think is going to happen here? >> good morning, carley, it will be a fun one, no question. this is a rematch people have been looking forward to since last year's title game. there was reese making the john cena comment.
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caitlin clark trying to avenge that loss and get back to the final four. she's been the biggest super star and angel, as well, they play different positions. they could both have big nights. difference in the game, what the supporting cast can do around them. think about sulkies, she likes to run and librsu likes to be physical. it is going to be phenomenal game, must-see game with a trip to final four on the line. >> carley: i don't know if you make priedictions, who do you think is going to win? >> my brain tells me lsu, i got to go with my heart and iowa and caitlin clark. she has been so special.
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she is as competitive as they come and she will have a different edge. her three-point shooting has been down twan 29%. i think it will be different tonight. she can open up for caitlin clark. i think she will have a especially night, she's a special player and going with caitlin clark and the hawkeyes. >> carley: the men's tournament now, nc state beat duke as an 11 seed, what do you think about that and nature of this win? >> i absolutely love this nc state team. they have been so much fun to watch. byshs burns is must-see tv when he plays. they have gone on an incredible run, to be in the final four for
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the first time since 1983. he goes after every game to get ice cream. fun in that way. i absolutely love what this nc state team has done. they are what march is all about. i think it is uconn's tournament to lose. purdue, great story for coach appe painter. nc embodies what march and post season is all about. >> carley: ice cream as celebration is one of the most pure things. what are your picks for men and women, final two teams? >> on the woman's side, i love iowa and think they will get to final four, i'm going with south carolina. they have been the favorite all year, dawn staley is remarkable
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and has taken a collection of women coming together for the first time and had tremendous season. they have had struggling, but they are the team to beat. on the men's side, i think uuconn will repeat, i think they will face purdue and they will get it done again. what a great tournament it has been on both sides, games have been remarkable. go going uconon the men's side. >> carley: you are following it all, thank you for joining us. starting today in california, a $20 minimum wage for fast food workers officially takes effect. cheryl casone is here with a warning from restaurant owners. plus biden and trump campaigns
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zeroing in on r.f.k. jr. as independent candidate gains ground, especially among young voters. r.f.k. jr. advisor link lauren is here next. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga.
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>> carley: today in california, new minimum wage climbs to $20 an hour. restaurant owners are warning it will put jobs at risk. >> cheryl: they have good points they are making about this. it starts today in california. fast food workers will make $20, new minimum wage. it will affect customers will price cuts as restaurant owners try to pay for the new wage. it is a struggle for restaurant
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owners. my husband and i had a restaurant, we closed last year, cost of labor was choking us. serving side will shrink, it became impossible. we tried to use a living wage when we opened, the city started to decide how it would change and things changed. our customers did not like it, we did not like it and we had to close. >> cheryl: the new law was supported by the trade administration, they have since acknowledged there will be an impact. mcdonald's and chipotle all plan to raise prices in california. >> carley: only people making more is fast food workers, you
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have to feel bad for folks who will be paying more. >> cheryl: like retail workers, perfect example of that. i have noticed here in new york, serving size it is are shrinking, same law, not the $20, same law here. >> carley: that pesky shr shrinkflation. yesterday was easter sunday, the white house had other celebrations. >> cheryl: white house released a video commemorating chavez day. >> president biden: i was proud to place the bust of him in my
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office, our ammission must include asperation and needs of others for their sake and our own. we have no finer role model than caesar chavez. >> cheryl: proclaimed transgender day, on easter. he said, i have a simple message to trans americans, you see you, you are made in the image of god and are. >> cheryl: they could have proclaimed this any other day. have not had this declaration since 2021, thumb in the face of christians and easter. there is a lot of commentary that says this was politically
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motivated. african americans. >> carley: and far left wing party and chavez describes himself as a markist. >> cheryl: on easter sunday, the biggest thing. >> carley: democrats warning voters not to support r.f.k. jr. the independent has higher favorability than both president biden and former president trump. if they are choosing between r.f.k. jr. and joe biden issue it is important to make the point this them, he htz no path to victory. he is playing the role of spoiler and being backed by donald trump's largest donor with purpose of siphoning votes from joe biden. we are screaming to top of the root top. >> carley: linc laur en, the gu
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with one of the coolest names i've ever heard. what do you think about these attacks? democrats painting r.f.k. jr. as conspiracy theorist. how does r.f.k. jr. survive attacks from both sides? >> i would the dnc would focus on joe biden and kamala harris. biden has been a disaster for years, kamala cackles. they are focusing their energy on us. >> carley: latest fox news poll in the race including r.f.k. jr., jill stein and contributor. don 43% and r.f.k. jr. 12 pvrs.
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it is seen as positive for a third party candidate to be in double digits. what is the path forward here? >> the path forward, we will tain to gain valid access and speak to the needs of the american people. we are going to social media and the fact of the matter, only 9% of gen-z watch tv on regular basis, which means 91% do not. we want to pick up baby boomers or people who watch msnbc. >> carley: headline, r.f.k. jr. laps presidential field on tiktok, has more tiktok followers than the biden campaign, who has 273,000 and donald trump is not on tiktok.
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that does look good for r.f.k. jr., there are concerns about tiktok, particularly china's influence over that. >> so i completely understand concern with tiktok and ccp. we have to meet young people where they are. i filmed tiktok videos with vivek ramaswamy, he knew we had to meet young people where they are. they will use tools to get to the people. >> carley: what is most important issue for r.f.k. jr.? >> i would say bobby's most important issue is securing border, winding down the war machine and ending chronic disease. >> carley: i asked for one and you gave me three. >> i know. >> tripling the effort there.
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>> have a great day. r.f.k. jr. and vice presidential pick nicole shanahan, will be on "fox and friends" tomorrow. send it over to lawrence jones. >> lawrence: don't you love when guests give you three answers? good morning. big show this morning on "fox and friends." third party threat, trump and biden camps forced to address r.f.k. jr. independent run. trump 2024 national press secretary will join us top of the hour with their response. and a father who lost his son to fentanyl coming across the border, can't the candidate will joiner us with his son's story and his message to joe biden. migrants behind that stampede at
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the border, will be back on the street after el paso judge ordered their release. chad wolf will respond to that. this story, ufl kicker nailed this 64-yard field goal in his first attempt since high school. he's giving the glory to god and will tell us about that story. a busy monday morning coming up on "fox and friends," back in a couple. [ominous music] (♪) [ding] meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one you'll actually like.
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>> carley: a fox news alert. one of the suspects john in the death of nypd diller in court today. facing two charges of criminal possession of a weapon. he has 14 prior arrests and was arrested for criminal possession of a weapon in april, last year. nypd veteran and new york congressional candidate allison espy vote toe joined us earlier. this is what she told us after attending detective diller's funeral over the weekend a hero in her own right. she made impassioned plea to the elected officials. just over two years a widow did the same thing. dominic rivera begged our feckless leaders to do something about bail reform. to say do something about holding criminals accountable. and it went on deaf ears. it fell on deaf ears.
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>> carley: thousands of nypd officers showed up to honor detective diller at his funeral on saturday. just look at that the second suspect, guy rivera will appear in court on may 7th, and his rap sheet includes 21 prior arrests. he is facing multiple charges including fi first degree murde, second degree blurred and felt and second deattempted murder. the "new york times" is being called out for their, quote, disgraceful deceitful report. the "new york post" editorial board writing, quote: the "times" stuck its report on a 121 without a tracer on the front page. the one local story is that goal that conch was mr. new city trash can takenners the article quoted the woman's ewing but not most important or newsworthy appeal. not even on one of the online version with no space limits at although it ran 1100 plus words. fox news contributor joe concha
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joins me now. joe, good morning few. news organizations can put their thumb on the scale with what they report or what they don't report or what they burry. is that what is happening here? >> it's the bias of omission. they reported it but on page a 21. we have all seen the images, the overhead images of literally thousands of people showing up, a lot of police officers, obviously, to honor this poor man's life who obviously was a dad to a 1-year-old and loving husband only 31 years old. the "new york times" that image does that look like a page 21 story to you. "new york times" is increasingly showing the only thing it's good for is to wrap fish with. not only do they bury this story on page 21 included this doocy. some people, particularly republicans, have seized on the killing, unquote. then this so-called paper ever record gross on to make an
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argument again in this story that should be honoring this man and his life that, quote: murder felony assault and rape are down about 2% compared with the same time last year. in other words, they appear to be saying things are getting better and this murder, it's just an exception. and you have to go 11 paragraphs down, carley, before you learn that the man who carried out the murder had been arrested as you just reported nearly two dozen times before, mostly on drug-related and assault charges. again, 11 paragraphs in they decide to include that little tid bit. overall what can you say, the "new york times" or the post in this case is absolutely right. this is disgusting. it is deceitful and this man deserved much better from the so-called paper of record. >> carley: you make such a great point of the imagery of the thousands of police officers flooding a city in new york it's the "new york times," and police officers from not just across the country from around the world there to honor him. a former president as well. that is major news. the other thing that makes it
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major news is that he is a young police officer with a beautiful 1-year-old boy killed by a criminal with 21 prior arrests. and the thing about this, joe, is that president biden constantly is trying to convince people that he is on the side of law enforcement and that he cares about crime. so, when one of the biggest publications in the country, the "new york times," the paper that endorsed him last election cycle is accused of burying this story. doesn't it it more difficult fr the president to be perceived as tough on crime? precisely carley, yes, they endorsed joe biden in 2020. they haven't endorsed a republican for president since 1956 in dwight eisenhower. they have done obituaries for kassem soleimani called him the master of iran's intrigue. access of power in the middle east helped direct war in syria, iraq, lebanon and yemen and became the face of iran's
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efforts to build a regional block of shiite power no. mention in that that he also killed hundreds of u.s. troops. so, again, what they do with some people as far as the "new york times" in the obituaries and what they're doing here night and day. and it's shameful at this point and joe biden has a real problem because he could have attended those services last week and decided to hang out with steven doll bare barack obama and bill clinton raising millions of dollars instead. car published the eulogy in full. it's a beautiful tribute to her husband who is a hero. the man who captured my heart and now all of new york's. it was a beautiful speech. and you can find that on the nee new york post." joe, got to leave it there thank you so much. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> 6:00 a.m. in the east coast monday, april 1st. this is "fox & friends." one of the suspects charged in the murder of nypd detective jonathan diller due in court


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