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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 1, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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block of shiite power no. mention in that that he also killed hundreds of u.s. troops. so, again, what they do with some people as far as the "new york times" in the obituaries and what they're doing here night and day. and it's shameful at this point and joe biden has a real problem because he could have attended those services last week and decided to hang out with steven doll bare barack obama and bill clinton raising millions of dollars instead. car published the eulogy in full. it's a beautiful tribute to her husband who is a hero. the man who captured my heart and now all of new york's. it was a beautiful speech. and you can find that on the nee new york post." joe, got to leave it there thank you so much. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> 6:00 a.m. in the east coast monday, april 1st. this is "fox & friends." one of the suspects charged in the murder of nypd detective jonathan diller due in court
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today after thousands, tens of thousands i should say turned out to give tribute to the late hero at his funeral. as his widow demands action. >> how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? >> lawrence: plus. >> rachel: migrants arrested after this reported stampede arrested by texas judge we will tell you why? >> joey: april marks stress awareness month. >> do you have stress? [beeping] >> during our relaxation exercise? >> michael, i think you're what is stressing everybody out. >> joey: fear not, dr. marc siegel has the top tips to chill you out this medical monday. lawrence kick back and relax and remember right now mornings are better with friends. >> brian: we begin with our crisis at the southern border. get. this on easter sunday, the el
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paso times reporting that a texas judge is ordering the release of several migrants arrested as part of this mob that stormed the border fence and pummeled national guard members a week and a half ago. >> lawrence: the judge blaming the d.a. saying they aren't ready to proceed with the detention hearing saying quote if the d.a.'s office is telling me that that he are not ready to what are we going to do? is we're going to release all these individuals on their own recognizance. >> rachel: hundreds were reportedly arrested after the riot. it's unclear with the judge's ruling applies only to illegals charged with riot participation charges and not to those facing assault or criminal mischief charges. >> joey: we will be monitoring this situation all morning long with more hearings set for later today. former homeland secretary chad wolf will be joining us in about 20 minutes to discuss. >> brian: now, one of the suspects charged in connection with to the murder of nypd detective jonathan diller will
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be in court today. >> lawrence: madeleine rivera joins us with the details. >> lyndhy jones is facing weapons charges. police say he was in the driver's seat when his passenger guy rivera shot nypd officer jonathan diller. both have lengthy wrap sheets. the "new york post" reports jones has been arrested 1 times. charged with having a loaded firearm in april of 2023 out on $75,000 bail. he had served 10 years in prison for attempted murder and robbery charges. he was released november 2013. rivera is facing several charges, too. including first degree murder. he shot diller in the torso after he walked up to the suspect's car and he later died in the hospital. rivera has been arrested at least 21 times, nine of them for felonies. over the weekend, tens of thousands gathered for diller's funeral on long island. his widow is making this desperate plea nor change. >> it's been two years and two months since detective rivera
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and detective mora made the ultimate sacrifice like my husband jonathan diller. stand up in front of the elected officials today pleading tore change that change never came. now my son will grow up without his father. i will grow old without my husband and his parents have to say goodbye to their child. how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? >> madeleine: really painful to hear that. jones faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted of the charges of diller's death. rivera faces life behind bars without the possibility of parole. is he due back in court may 7th. guys, back to you. >> brian: why was he out at all why were either of these out at all. different time they would have been away for life. this guy was up for attempted murder. 21 separate arrests before. and he so cavalier that he is sitting in front of a t-mobile ready to take out that store and
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rob it again. they both had guns, nyeste, weapons. they have no problem shooting a cop. >> joey: the real salt in the wound to this if that scenario hadn't have played out. an officer lost his live live. are done the stuff, took him to jail he would have been out the next day. he put his life on the line. >> brian: rivera was on probation. >> joey: it cost him his life. afghanistan veteran you go for what? should very walked up to begin with is the question. that's not what i believe. i wouldn't feel badly towards that cop to ho is second guesting any type of action anymore. that makes us so unsafe. not just to have criminals on the street but to cops to know their job isn't respected. >> lawrence: goes to the point, the widow, mrs. diller was
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making detective first grade rivera. >> brian: the bid dos were there. >> lawrence: at the funeral. river wraps widow made a speech. and she called on the elected officials to do more as they said in the crowd. and they have done nothing these past two years. they haven't we versed any of these laws. the state is still doing what it's doing with the no cash bail. liberal d.a.s still in the city. rachel, that's right the reason why when kathy hochul who tried to ambush the family. these people have security details state police. they could have called ahead. talked with the family before they arrived there. got the permission. they tried to ambush the family. and the family and the officers guarding the processional told them go, leave. you are not welcome here you don't get to pass laws that led
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to the death and show up. >> rachel: act like have you no complicity in it. stephanie diller her eulogy was gut-wrenching here is a little piece of it where she is talking about her husband, his life, and his personality. >> when i would meet people, i would say if you like me just wait until you meet my husband. he worked for his family to become a police officer in 2021. everyone was so proud that he found something that he loved to do and he was exceptional at it nothing compared to his best role of all being a dad. jonathan always wanted to be a dad. he wasted no time being the greatest one. i will never forget the look on his face when our son was born. i don't think we could ever achieve a greater happiness he was so proud of ryan. >> like joy from both of us.
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jonathan wanted nothing more to show off anyone and everyone he knew. he is excited that his word word was dad da. i would try to get him to say mmomma instead. i never want to stop hearing ryan to say da'da to me. >> brian: hear the whole mass better inside than inside. it went for two miles. >> rachel: how many outside. >> brian: cops were just sitting there you could understand. this joey, they just sat there at attention. the whole thing was about an hour late for 90 minutes, then you get the motor cycles and you see the front all across the country infantry from austin, from dallas, two separate cities in arkansas from. vermont, you saw toronto, canada there, new mexico. a lot of them took their bikes had just been riding for days. you know easter was the next day. they still had to sit there at attention. the people behind him.
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so the cops are on one side and those people they were in front of houses. half those houses opened up free breakfast all of them. back line could rotate in and go out. now you see the first the motorcycles, the hearse came down, there was a flyover too. the place was absolutely packed. nobody would move because you could hear very well on the outside. encouraged by so much anger, i think anger took over sorrow. people are fuming. they are not politically oriented. i don't know if they watch our channel. they are fuming. this is all a self-inflicted wound. now have you governor hochul going wait a 60 want to change. this mayor adams say i want to change. this should be working harder. people in albany go no, there is no problem with that they are not allowing them back it's all democrats. >> rachel: why the "new york times" chose we played a clip of her eulogizing talking about all the lovely things about her husband. that's what the "new york times" put in and by the way they also put it on a back page.
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>> brian: page 21. >> rachel: they didn't use quotes damning quotes about the policy itself. >> lawrence: , they didn't. >> rachel: i have been so impressed about your reporting. it's your community, it's your hometown. we felt all weekend like we were there with you. it was awesome. one of my favorite moments that you captured was this conversation with father duffy who married jonathan and stephanie and then just a few years later had to preside over this funeral. here's what he told you about meeting -- about president trump meeting with him and the family. >> it was really beautiful. stephanie introduced me to the president as the priest that married them. that was able to just say, mr. president, thank you for being here. thank you for your goodness to this family. would you be willing to pray with us. he said of course, father duffy. ladies and gentlemen, president trump would like it pray with us. our father together. the whole room with the president next to me parade our fox all star father. i gave a blessing to everyone
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present our lady of sorrows. the president so turned and kissed baby on the forehead and the baby clapped at the president. it broke the tension. it was a beautiful, human, simple moment that meant so much to the family and so much to the pima room. >> brian: the president could have told me that and that would have made him look great. he said private moment, very emotional. glad i went. all these stories came out after i did the interview with the president. these come out he no, when they left, they all clapped. first time i talked to the funeral director. said the first time he has been doing this 25 years. first time he has ever heard clapping at a wake because the president just overwhelmed everybody. the former president. the other one didn't call. and called the mayor and to relay the condolences. rach racht other one was with lizzo. >> brian: absolutely lizzo and president obama and president clinton who couldn't mention
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that. >> lawrence: it was an easy victory that the current president could have taken when it comes to his party. it didn't have to be partisan. he could have just said listen, i stand with the cops. what happened here was wrong. and i don't know about this whole criminal justice reform thing but it's not working. it was an easy thing to do. he would have had. >> brian: the president says that he would lose his left wing if he brings it up. look at this. you have the pipe band together. do you think they are getting paid? they are not getting paid. they show up at funerals, events, but they came from all around and they had to come together and they marched down. it was unbelievable what came together in a matter of days for this family. what i found amazing stephanie looked through all the past speeches, you'lls of other widows to find out how to construct her speech. obligated to talk more about her husband, talk more about what has to change. i have never seen anything like it.
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i'm telling you i get the sense that people are so fed up that they are done with -- worried about re-tweets or tone. because one person wants to just enforce the law. not talking about race. not talking about gender, just enforce the law. and the other one just wants to go think criminal first all about the criminal. emptying the prisons. letting them out. and yelling about guns when there's a problem. >> lawrence: meanwhile this guy had a weapons charge was at least back on the street. that's why i can't take them seriously after every mass casualty they say gun control. yet, when they have an opportunity every single day to prosecute offenders with weapons charges. they put them back on the street. >> brian: when alvin bragg got back in his helicopter or car and left he got blasted by the family and friends. >> lawrence: as he should. >> brian: he took it. in that car when the radio is off does he look out the window and say i'm responsible?
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i cannot believe that i keep letting heats criminals out? i go after danny penny and president trump but i will not go offer guy river wrath 21 arrests. >> joey: if he had the character to think that he wouldn't have the character to do what he has done. >> rachel: he is steeped in ideology. he won't change. this is religion. >> brian: seeing a widow would change his mind, i don't know. >> lawrence: we have some news. carley has headlines. >> carley: start in nashville, tennessee. searching for a suspect after one person was killed and five others were hurt in easter day shooting. according to law enforcement, two men got into an altercation at an easter brunch when one pulled out a gun. metro nashville polices posting this picture of the suspect saying he had prior assault convictions. the u.s. coast guard giving a fox news crew a tour of the collapsed francis scott key bridge in baltimore yesterday. governor wes moore revealing
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open a channel in the poverty baltimore. >> there will be ongoing investigation. i want that investigation to be speedy and for anyone who needs to be held accountable to be held accountable and at the same time we have got to get this channel opened. we have got go get commerce flowing again and rebuild the francis scott key bridge. >> the bridge collapsed after a cargo ship lost power and rammed into a beam last week. six construction workers were killed israeli troops withdrawing last night after launching a raid into the facility two weeks ago. meanwhile u.s. and israeli officials will meet to discuss alternatives to israel's planned ground invasion of rafah today. prime minister benjamin netanyahu approving the idf's operational plan for the invasion. house speaker mike johnson responding to georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene's motion to remove him from his position. >> i think all of my republican colleagues recognize this is a
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distraction from the mission. the mission is to save the republic. only way to do that is if we grow the house majority the senate and the white house. we don't need any dissection. >> speaker johnson revealing he and taylor greene plan on sitting down with each other some time this week. police in new mexico were not horsing around when they got wind of a man shoplifting from a pharmacy earlier this month. [shouting] >> being detained. you are not free to leave. do you understand? force will be used against you. [bleep] >> police arresting the suspect after the wild horseback police chase for stealing $230 worth of goods. and how about this? kids in colorado celebrating easter sunday with an extreme easter egg hunt. they had to chase deer with eggs attached to their horns and
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tails. >> i got the hang of it. >> i was super scared. and i'm like thank god i made. >> the eggs were filled with money. add be an incentive for the kids to take a risk. i love that first boy yeah, it's kind of terrifying. >> rachel: do you know what i thought in the kids are wimps. like these kids. >> carley: i thought the same thing. >> carley: good job, colorado. good job, colorado parents. >> joey: you guys need to come down south. >> rachel: as soon as i saw it i looked at lawrence that's texas. >> lawrence: i thought it was too and it's colorado. >> rachel: biden campaign speaking out about r.f.k. jr. recent poll shows him edging ahead in favorability. >> i have always liked him and i have known him actually for a
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long time. i have liked him. is he a very liberal guy. probably the most liberal person in the race, including the green party. so i think he is probably going to hurt biden i don't see him hurting me. our people are solid. we have a very, very solid core. i think that core is 60%. >> national press secretary karoline leavitt joins us now. r.f.k. is going to get it from both sides. democrats are trying hard to keep him off the ballot and you guys are talking about how left wing he is and how he loves conspiracy theories. but, on the polls, it looks as though right now after especially after naming that vice presidential candidate, it looks like he hurts the left mo. >> good morning. guys. great to be with you. that's right, brian. >> the polling does indicate that r.f.k. jr. hurts joe biden far more than he hurts president trump. and it's because r.f.k. gives the far left democrats in this country another option. those democrats who are increasingly dissatisfied with
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joe biden's presidency. and for common sense independent americans out there we have already seen what joe biden's radical energy and environmental agenda has done to this country with crippling record high inflation. record high gas prices. r.f.k. jr. wants to take it a step further. he has actually expressed support for a national smartgrid that the federal government would control that can turn off the electricity and water in your home. that is communism. president trump certainly does not support policies like that. he supports reinvigorating our energy industry. you want to support a president who supports freedom and bring down electric and water bills. there is only one within a democrat on the option and that is president trump. >> lawrence: caroline, what is the message to the republicans. he keim back from a heated primary. what is the message to those folks that are still resistant or troubled to come back home? >> we are already seeing those voters come back home as the new
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fox news poll showed president trump has 93% of support from republicans right now. we encourage all republicans, independence. even disillusioned democrats who are fed up with joe biden's candidacy to join president trump. the president has never been in a stronger position to win. not only is he dominant. winning double digits. leading hispanic women and african-americans. this election in november is a binary choice between a former president and president trump. a massive the people as we saw last week traveled to new york city to support the family of officer diller and the new york police department, a president who supported law and order created the most secure border in our history verses have you joe biden corrupt, career politician, who was joking it up on the very same day of those services in new york. limousine liberals and outtouch
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elitists bank rolled in silicone valley. policies have ripped off hardworking every day americans across this country. that's the choice voters have to make. we believe president trump's winning message of making this country great and safe and prosperous again is one that all americans can get behind. >> if r.f.k. jr. pulls to the right probably simply he is very much in his own words skeptic if not anti-vaccine. is he against the government's ability to do what they did to us in 2020 and 2021 which is to lock us down. have mandates. president trump sings a similar song he wasn't charged with operation warp speed that did happen under his administration. what is the answer of those who might vote under r.f.k. jr. assure under his second administration that's not going to be the case? >> well, it's a very small answer and r.f.k. jr. during covid also expressed support for shutdowns and could increased . president trump saying we need
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to reopen the economy. i was working in the white house at the time. i recall in the summer of 2020, the president had a meeting with teachers and students across the country saying we need to reopen our schools democrats like r.f.k. jr. and joe biden who pushed for the shutters of schools. done detrimental harm to our children but to the economy still reeling from the impact of it because of joe biden's increased attacks and policies as well. r.f.k. jr. at the end of the day wants more government. he wants the government to control more aspects of americans. president trump wants to make the government smaller and give people the freedom to choose which vehicle they can drive. how long they can take a shower for. how long they can keep their lights on. r.f.k. jr. wants the government to make those decisions for you. >> rachel: karoline i think as people scratch the surface -- he is a very likeable guy. i want to bring this up to you moms attracted to jfk's message. angry about how covid was
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handled fauci, the suppression of alternative medications at the early part of the pandemic. but they also like his message on food policy on going after big farma. ultra processed foods and that connection for healthcare in america. he sort of is talking to a lot of women in that way. i'm curious why donald trump hasn't jumped on that. if anybody can take on big food i know he took on big pharma. what is he doing in that space. >> he actually has unleashed a plan on his agenda 47 policy platform to take on big pharma to bring down the cost of healthcare for american families across the country and to also support and increase our agricultural in this country. farms across the country being robbed by the chinese communist party buying up a vast majority of american farmland and trying to control our food supply.
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president trump is opposed to that he has put forth a plan. i would encourage everyone to go read it on donald j. look at women what are the number one issues, immigration, inflation and crime. we have seen increased crime across this country. we have joe biden's wide open border policies unleashing illegal immigrants and criminals in every corner of this nation. every state has become a border state. >> brian: we have to leave it there. we are up against a hard break. thanks for joining us today we appreciate it. >> brian: crime no, punishment, migrants behind the stampede at the border will be out on the street after a judge ordered their h >> joey: former homeland security adu secretary chad wolf reacts next. ♪ore so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack
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>> joey: turning now to your headlines happening today alex murdaugh will face a south carolina judge sentenced for stealing from clients and law firm. murdaugh pled guilty to the 22 financial crimes. these are the last outstanding charges he faces. is he also serving two life sentences without the chance for parole for killing his life and son. police in dallas are still searching for kansa kansas citys wide receiver over possible connection to a hit and run happening over the weekend. a car believed to be registered
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to rice was part of a six-vehicle crash sent at least two people to the hospital it. remains unclear at the moment whether or not rice is facing any official charges. and those are your headlines. brian? >> brian: now this. let's talk about illegal immigration. this morning a big update on the migrants arrested after storming the border and pummeling national guard troops as a texas judge on easter is reportedly ordering that they be released to appear back on their own recognizance, yeah, like that will happen. when the d.a. is ready former acting dhs secretary chad wolf joins us now. chad, your thought about this easter move. yage a judge would release have on video. each of those migrants identified either by border patrol. or texas dps. we know who they are. and, yet, because it' as some type of either technicality or
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the wasn't ready for the motion. the end result is you actually set them free and release them on their own recognizance. again, this sends the exact wrong signal to other migrants and other individuals that are going to want to storm that border, storm the fence. storm any barriers and actually push over and assault border patrol officers. >> brian: other big story anymore congratulation. by the way it's unacceptable that the d.a. was not ready do your job. also, this judge should understand and be responsible. you don't reward this type of behavior. i thought they were for law and order by definition. there is something else going on in new orleans. they are going to hear again about s.b. 4. the texas government is going to bat to say we need to control our own border. be able to release these illegals when they come here. the immigration is fighting. this this is the conservative court. how do you see this playing out? >> well, i hope they come down on the right side and the right side is allowing texas to implement s.b. 4.
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look, this is what happens when the federal government decides not to do their job along that border. not to enforce border security on or about immigration. >> it needs to protect its citizens. i hope the court does the right thing. regard also of the ruling on either side. it's going to be appealed back to the supreme court. they have ruled on it once. not really on the merits of the case. i suspect it's going back there again. >> brian: real quick, we have a caravan, thousands coming off our border still deep in mexico. what can we do to stop it. have you seen these caravans before. >> look. a obviously of in things can you do to stop it. ending your catch and release policy that the biden administration has implemented over the last three years is the number one thing. the idea what all of these individuals want, whether they cross in mass which they likely won't do. they will split up and go to different parts of the border and cross in 100 and 200 groups of individuals. they want to remain inside the united states. if they get that then more and
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more will come. it's really that simple so you have got to end this dangerous catch and release policy. remain them in mexico, hold them in other places detain them if you release them more and more of these caravans or groups will likely come to the border as well. >> of course, mexico could have stopped them. they don't. we found out last week that the president of mexico says until you change your policy on cuba and venezuela. they are going to continue to allow it. they are staring us down. what planet are we on that we take this from mexico. it's incredible. chad, final thought real quick on this? >> yeah. it's just if shows you they don't respect president biden if they make those comments publicly. >> brian: chad wolf, thank you. i wish it wasn't horrendous news every time we interview him. it's so mind boggling. radio music awards honoring top hits and music makers tonight. caught up with their families. >> who are you listening to right now. >> billly eilish. >> kristin.
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will mariah carey. >> definitely luke smith. >> i like luke combs. >> she is live, next. ♪ my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪
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potential of tornadoes. the large hail, and the damaging winds, heavy rainfall. and this is what is happening tomorrow across the mississippi river valley. ohio and tennessee river valley. so some of the big cities including huntsville, alabama, nashville and up towards lexington, kentucky where we could see the really strong storms. on the warmer side of the storm. on the heavy snow upper midwest, great lakes. michigan up towards upstate new york and new england. i know it's crazy. right? that happens sometimes. here is the sea saw effect. stronger storms for parts of the mississippi and ohio river valley. the colder side of this will bring the potential for snow and blowing snow. even some blizzard conditions. there is the exclusive future radar as that area ever low pressure out into the plain states and watch for the severe threat today and heavy rainfall which would cause the poo fennel for flash flooding. that is the mr. forecast i i know it still feels like winter in some of these spots.
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happy april fools day to tao all of you downstairs. >> joe: these it. don't worry we have nothing planned. the i heart radio music awards returned to fox network tonight. >> rachel: star studded event will celebrate the most played artist and songs from around the world. >> lawrence: abby hornacek is live in los angeles with more on that. hey, abby. >> hey, guys. what is going on? we are at the loews hotel right in the heart of highland. just steps away from the holiday walk of fame. which is where we were yesterday. we camped out right in front of the doll buy theater to talk to some music fans. and here what happens they had to say ♪ ♪ an the party is getting startd on the i heart radio music awards. we are seeing artists of all different general was let's do
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see who people are listening to. who are you listening to. >> billie eilish. mariah carey and stevie wonder. >> i love hip hop and r&b i love john mayer. >> if you give me just one night, you're gonna see me in a new light. >> do you all listen to music together. >> yeah. >> what do you listen to. >> rap. >> rap, yeah. rap music. >> so you all agree. >> yeah, yeah. >> who is your favorite rap artist. >> travis scott ♪ ♪ >> carley: picture your favorite artist standing right here what would you say to him or her. >> you saved my life. >> what's your favorite thing about listening to music why do you connect so much. >> i love the way it makes me feel. i always have a good time whenever i go to concerts or hanging out with friends. >> music creates friendship. connected through a lot of people through music at con glerts do you listen to the same music.
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>> kind of, yeah. >> does she influence your music tastes. >> i influence her. >> what is cool we have a father/son duo. you have two generations does he listen to any of the music that you listen to. >> not so much, no. i listen to her music but she doesn't listen to mine. >> he is a different generation from me. >> carley: all of the artists nominated at the i heart radio music awards, who is your favorite? >> definitely taylor swift. >> these are the hip hop songs of the year what is your favorite? who are you voting for. >> i will have to go with gonna. >> kills with that you mean, but i do like a rich play. ♪ 21 ♪ can do you so for me ♪ can you hit a little frisk flesh for me. >> we have a stack candidate for artist of the year do you have a favorite. >> i like luke combs ♪ i want a ticket to anywhere. >> who is your favorite artist of the year? >> all of them.
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>> carley: that was so fun, guys, people of all ages talking about music tastes obviously reflected at the i heart music awards. catch that on fox at 8:00 p.m. eastern. guys? >> brian: how many play lists do you have, abby and what is your number one play list? >> i have a thousand 78 play lists. it's hard to keep track of them all. i'm a country gal so i'm happy to see some artists from the country realm be nominated tonight. yeehaw is right. >> brian: country gone mainstream. >> lawrence: i'm a new country guy. >> it's always been mainstream. >> brian: i always thought it was regional. >> carley: just if you are from massapequa. >> brian: we just got it. >> rachel: it just came to massapequa. >> brian: abby so diverse from music to music. can you do it all. is there anything you can't do? >> a lot of things. >> brian: i can't see it. >> like drive to you massapequa. >> brian: that almost worked two and a half hours later.
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thank you. she actually did drive me to massapequa. march madness, final four is set. nc set head to the finals. major upset. take tout highlights my sports wrap up. joe. >> joey: from managing stress to taking care of your baby. y dr. marc siegel isou here for medical monday. medical monday. ♪ medical monday. ♪ or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> joey: true risk of allowing your baby to sleep anywhere but a crib closing linking unsafe sleep habits to sudden infant death. among infoonts died you had suddenly 76% were in an adult bed. 68% were co-sleeping with an adult. here to react fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. good morning, doctor. >> good to see you. >> joey: tell us about this. 75% sleeping in the bed with their parent. it seems natural. want that bed with you under is-year-old. 1300, to 1500 sids death a year. again, almost to three quarters of them associated with sleeping in bed with a parent. do you know why? the surface isn't firm enough. where you sleep, you have a mattress you want to feel comfortable with. in the crib it's a very firm
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mattress maybe one cheat on top of the child. those are key issues. you don't want to have your child sleeping on their stomach when you are very young. do you know what is actually hang with sids, joey we don't know for sure the way the baby is exchanging oxygen and car done dioxin zid and they build up carbon dioxin zid. they have to sleep in a don't want to be pregnant or drinking alcohol. all of that increases risk for sids. >> joey: does the baby need to sleep on the back that's what i heard. >> definitely. safer on back or side. stomach definitely should not be until they are 1-year-old. >> joey: april marks stress awareness month. and you have got some great -- you have got a great what we call in the marine corps diddy. something to remember something to deal with stress in the workplace, school. wherever you are? >> called the five a's. first i want you to know that stress is linked to heart
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disease. huge problem. and you don't always know when you are stressed, joey. it can be building up. if you start obsessing on things and obligor negativity that could mean you are more stressed out. your blood pressure goes up. heart rate goes up. get high pressure. i like the five a's, avoid, alter, adapt, accept, and be active. we both know. you got to exercise properly. you got to sleep properly. you got to avoid negative stimuli. people that are saying nasty things to you. stay away from me. >> joey: stay off of social media. >> alter what you need to alter. if can you change things to the better to make it more positive can you have less stress. adapt to what you need to adapt to accept things you can't change. huge way to decrease stress. and again exercise i think is the number one mental and physical health are really tied
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together. absolutely true if you have your mind under pressure and not sleeping and worrying, then you don't eat right and suddenly start with comfort feed food. i had a bad day last week piece of quake. i usually don't eat things like that. >> joey: sleep and food are the key to a lot of cure for a lot of things doctor marc siegel thank you for bringing wisdom. hope people are listening especially on sids. >> national stress awareness month. got to be careful. good to see you, joey. >> joey: thank you, doctor. toss it over to brian. >> brian: talking to sleep you shouldn't be talking to morning show hosts. begin with sports. beginning with march madness. north korea state advancing first time in 41 years. taking down duke 76-64. continuing their magical run.
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it's over. [borders. >> this is what dreams are made of. unlikely run to the final four for north korea state. >> zac edie scoring 40 points to lead purdue 72-66. the men's final four purdue face north korea state and uconn takes on alabama. uconn defending charges. women's side south carolina women taking down oregon state. keeping dreams of 4-0 season alive as they head to the final four again. not to be outdone by men's team. north korea women going to final four after taking down top seeded texas last night. tonight iowa and lsu face off with rematch of last year's in the elite eight. denny hamlin taking off victory in. taking martin truex jr. to win the toyota 400. led 228 of the 400 laps.
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grew unjust 20 miles away in richmond. 53rd win of his career. a quick look what is happening in sports. meanwhile today the white house annual easter egg roll after president biden's controversial move to recognize transgender day of visibility? that was yesterday. more on that straight ahead. ♪ i'll be the one to tuck you in at night ♪ and if you want to leave ♪ can i guarantee
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>> rachel: good morning, everybody. it's monday april 1st. this is "fox & friends." the white house marking yet another holiday on easter sunday, despite backlash over his transgender visibility day paproclamation. >> brian: why would there be backlash? caught me by surprise. response demand for billions from the biden administration. >> they would never say that to me. they would never say before we even -- they want $10 billion a year. i wouldn't give them 10 cents. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. the florida sheriff is putting squatters on notice. >> you obey the law, and we'll be your best friend. you disobey the law, and we'll be your worst enemy. are. >> lawrence: the polk county sheriff grady judd will join us live. >> joey: second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪


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