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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 1, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> what did you say wins? [laughter] >> you guys. >> swinging spoons at eggs. >> brian: happy easter the day after. >> 50 days of easter for catholics. >> the easter bunny told me he is excited his mom is watching him on tv right now. >> lawrence: say bye, mom. >> you have the president on your radio show. >> stay within yourself. [shouting] >> bill: you might remember that from ten days ago. migrants caught stampeding across the border. now could be released. an el paso judge ordering that
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decision over the weekend. another hearing gets underway later today. we'll bring you the latest and get to the bottom of it in moments coming up here. first, however, you have faith and partisanship colliding. the biden white house marking transgender day of visibility on easter sunday, which has set off a bit of a firestorm you could say. good morning, everybody. easter monday in new york. bill hemmer. hope you had a blessed easter weekend: >> dana: i'm dana perino. trans visibility day coincided with easter, one of the most holy day on the christian calendar. the trump campaign we call on joe biden's failing campaign and white house to issue an apology to the millions of catholics and christians around america who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only, the resurrection of jesus christ. >> bill: christianity also under siege at st. patrick's cathedral
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this weekend. pro-palestinian protestors interrupting mass on saturday night. going to get analysis from marc thiessen on monday. the news from jacque heinrich who reports from the white house. good morning there. they have a big easter egg roll there. where the biden administration is playing defense on this religion call. good morning there. >> good morning, bill. the easter egg roll has been a white house tradition since 1878 when president hays moved this event from capitol hill after congress passed a law prohibiting children from using the capitol grounds as a playground. put thunder and lightning post pond performances and also marked by controversy after president biden commemorated transgender day of visibility which fell this year on easter sunday. easter's date varies. it falls on the first sunday after the -- transgender
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visibility day has a fixed date since 2009. biden posted on x, today on transgender day of visibility i have a simple message to all trans americans. i see you. you were made in the image of god and worthy of respect and dignity. he also marked easter sunday extending warm wishes to christians around the world. biden is catholic and regularly attends mass. critics piled on. >> joe biden should be ashamed of himself. all these people say but this is the day we always recognized, transgender visibility today. recognize it another day not easter sunday. it is a front to biology and the bible. there are two genders. people can't go in and out of one like a revolving door. >> andrew baits pushed back as a christian who celebrates easter with family president biden stands for bringing people together. sadly it's unsurprising
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politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful and dishonest rhetoric. president biden said he is feeling good about 2024. >> president biden: i think people will surprise people again and engage and overwhelming response while we're on the road. look, we have tens of thousands of people contributing five and ten bucks a pop. we've opened up 100 headquarters, people waiting to get engaged. >> they'll spend time with the 40,000 visitors expected to pass through today. so far the weather is holding and things will get off to a good start. >> bill: crank up the band there. nice to see you. marc thiessen joins us now. the white house is saying you're making too big a deal out of this. it isn't a big deal after all. what do you make of it? >> first of all happy easter to you both. and second of all i don't care if it's a coincidence. there is nothing that requires the president of the united states to issue a formal
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proclamation declaring easter sunday, the holiest day to be transgender visibility day. it is a choice. insulting choice to millions of catholics and fellow catholics and christians around the world. it is not an isolated incident. i would be more sympathetic to the coincidence argument if it wasn't the catholic president who sent kamala harris to be the first vice president in american history to visit an abortion clinic on his watch as a catholic president we've gone from seeing abortion as something that is a necessary evil and something to be celebrated. it is in the context. this is an administration who has put christians in the crosshairs in so many ways and so they shouldn't be surprised that many people are insulted and angered by this. >> dana: the "new york post" headline. joe biden's easter insult in the name of trans activism saying the president's choice to celebrate trans -- rather than
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the joy and promise of easter was cruel to people. one thing i was just mentioned to bill before the show got started is at any white house, there are just too many of these proclamations. every day you could issue three or four on any day and too many. to me i would wipe it all clean and stop and not do it at all. you have discretion. you do have the ability to say guys, i don't want to issue this today. we're not going to do that. that was a choice they didn't make. what about the white house pushback. we're trying to be good to everybody. we're trying to be good christians and be open and willing to talk to all americans all christians, or people who are not even religious on this day. i think in a way that if you are a democrat you heard their message and thought i eye grew with that. >> maybe some presidents do.
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this president goes to church on sundays. bishop gregory was on one of the sunday shows this weekend and called him a cafeteria catholic who picks and chooses which issues, which ten either of the faith he will follow. you don't get to do that as a catholic. it's all or nothing proposition. when he does this or sends kamala harris to an abortion clinic is causing scandal. scandal means an action or a statement that draws other people to support evil or to sin. when he is the the most prominent catholic in america as the president of the united states, when he says easter sunday is transgender visibility day or when he says abortion should be permitted up until paid for by taxpayers until the moment of birth it leads millions of catholics to think the president gets to do it and i can do it the same way. it is an insult to catholics and causing a scandal. >> bill: she found 31 different dates where some measure of gay
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rights are recognized including the entire month of june, the entire month of october and the entire month of november. it's not like america is forgetting about this. i thought what the speaker said was very interesting. mike johnson said -- he called out the white house for banning religious egg designs in the easter art event. i didn't know there was an easter art event. maybe you did from working there but apparently they've taken the religious egg designs out of the entire affair. so if you were concerned with the waning of religion in america, here is your example. >> for years we have been having a campaign to put christ back into christmas. under joe biden we have to put christ back into easter, too. >> dana: the other thing that happened yesterday, i thought it was quite a stunning point of view. protest at the mass at st.
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patrick's cathedral in new york city. protestors at biden's rockefeller center on thursday. they are there in the middle of the good friday mass. maybe this was saturday night. so the evening before easter and marc, these protestors are not persuading anyone. what do you think the message is from the church trying to get them out from disrupting what is supposed to be a peaceful day? >> that's the easter vigil mass, the holeest mass of the easter celebration. nothing is sacred for these people. it happened at the fundraiser and it will happen at the democratic convention. what i don't understand why is joe biden so afraid of these people and why is he pandering to them? they are a minority. i get there are 5% of the electorate in michigan that's arab american. the vast majority of the people
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in the country support israel. why was he pandering to them. 54% majority of americans think his policies on the israel/hamas war are driven by domestic political considerations not what is best for america, israel and the world. a stunning and devastating statistics. americans see he is pandering to these people and afraid of them and wreaks of political desperation. that is unattractive. he should tell these people israel the not responsible for the civilian deaths but hamas is and he supports israel to destroy hamas and we'll back israel until he succeeded. more benefit for saying that than pandering to these people. >> bill: it is easy to pull off what they did on saturday night. they check your bag but to all those americans who had a peaceful and joyous easter
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weekend, congratulations and savor that. mark, thanks, we'll talk later in the week. thank you for coming on >> dana: it was a violent easter weekend in chicago. 32 people shot, when killed as violence grips the city. voters may get a chance to right the ship. how so? garrett tenney is live in chicago with more. hi, garrett. >> good morning to you. this weekend of hope turned out to be a weekend of tragedy for a lot of families in chicago with at least two mass shootings on the city's west side. one of those took place early sunday morning inside this bar where a group started shooting at four girls mostly in their teens killing 119-year-old girl and sending the other three to the hospital. then sunday afternoon not far from that scene another drive-shooting. a guy pulled up. two guys with guns started shooting killing a 16-year-old boy and sending the other three in their 20s to the hospital. at this point no arrests have been made in either of those
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shootings. the investigations are ongoing. folks who want to see change to chicago's crime epidemic are feeling more hopeful today after former illinois appeals court judge o'neill burt was declared the democratic nominee for cook county state's attorney against the progressive harris who said during the campaign he didn't plan to change what current cook county state's attorney kim foxx is doing if he were to win. burke who campaigned on getting tougher on criminals will face the republican nominee. in deep blue cook county she is heavily favored to win that race. >> dana: thank you. >> now my son will grow up without his father, i will grow old with without my husband and his parents have to say goodbye to their child. how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? >> bill: that woman needs a lot
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of strength. emotional plea from the widow of jonathan diller killed in the line of duty last week by a suspect who had been arrested at least 21 times. she is blaming leaders who are not tough enough on crime. wow. >> dana: a close call for a man in oregon who escaped death by the skin of his teeth. the heart stopping moment straight ahead. >> bill: migrants breaching the border in texas took on the national guard. a judge is said to be letting some of them go now. why would that be? we'll get a live report from el paso and try to get an explanation. a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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every day millions of people ask, "what is scientology?" here's an idea, what if you just take a look?
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what if you see for yourself who we are, what we believe and what we stand for? our doors are open to all people, of all faiths, in every corner of the world. so what is scientology? maybe it's time to look and decide for yourself. [shouting] >> dana: a new report now that
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texas law enforcement has arrested 70 more migrants for the breach along the border wall in el paso. a judge has ordered the release of some of the migrants involved in this. casey stegall has the latest in el paso. >> good morning. this happened during an on-line teleconference bond hearing yesterday when the el paso magistrate judge ordered the release of some migrants that were arrested in connection to that march 21st incident citing that the court was unable to hold those bond hearings for each person within 48 hours as the law requires. a similar hearing for more people is reportedly scheduled for later today. the judge accused the county district attorney's office for not being ready to proceed and ruled that an unknown number of migrants be released on their own recognizance.
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however, the court noted anyone with a federal immigration hold would remain behind bars. fox news has reached out to the judge's office, the county clerk and the d.a. and still awaiting comment. meantime tensions have remained high at the el paso border gate number 36 where that episode happened. the following today, cameras captured back and forths between groups of migrants and national guard troops. some 700 soldiers have been surged to el paso since this happened including 200 members of the elite texas tactical border force. all this as we continue watching a new migrant caravan marching north toward the united states. the group about 2,000 in size, still remains deep in southern mexico. so it is unclear when and where they will actually arrive. although senior border officials tell us the cartels will likely strategically break up the
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caravan as it gets closer and closer to our border and then send smaller groups to multiple locations for them to eventually illegally cross. dana. >> dana: casey stegall in el paso. more on this later on. >> bill: illinois, the state of illinois democratic lawmakers pushing the idea of paying people $1 thousand a month regardless of their immigration status. part of a guaranteed income push that is sweeping parts of the country. fox business's kelly saberi is live with more on that. >> this is coming from a state senator from chicago who says that this would go to people who either provide care for a child or other specified dependent who recently gave birth or adopted a child, or someone who is enrolled or has enrolled in an educational or vocational program. the illinois department of human services would be responsible for executing this and it would
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go into effect after 2027. but opponents say this could cost taxpayers billions of dollars and there is some confusion as to where the money would come from. stanford's basic income lab has studied people getting people with pilot programs, 4% of the money was spent on non-essentials. the state's attorney general was asked to declare a harris county guaranteed income program as unconstitutional. harris county is home to houston and one in five children there are in poverty. he calls it a no strings attached lottery socialism. it is important. if he is successful, this will set the tone for others to block similar programs throughout the country. at least six other states have already banned, placed restrictions or are in the process of pree-- or banning th
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programs in their states. we'll find in the coming weeks. it has to move forward throughout the state legislature. >> bill: nice to see you in chicago. >> dana: it's happening in a lot of places trying to give it a go. >> bill: that map was busy. >> dana: not sure it is working in the places they're trying now. i understand why they are trying. how about economic growth? that also works. chile warning about the growing threat from isis on u.s. soil. a new minimum wage for fast food workers in california kicks in today. will newsom's new policy do more harm than good? >> this man is destroying california. i don't understand why people can't see that he is the biggest trickster of all time. they are losing their jobs and by the way, who is paying for
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in theaters now. >> bill: so today will be sentencing day for alex murdaugh in south carolina. he is back before a judge again today. the guy has been in court for two years. he took a guilty plea 2,000 financial crimes. we'll watch it together. prosecutors say he defrauded his law firms and clients of millions of dollars. he is 55 years old, already serving two life sentences for the murders of his wife and son in june of 2021. we're live as court gets underway at the top of the hour 30 minutes away. >> isis-k in particular, but isis in general has a strong desire to attack our homeland. we should believe them when they say that. they will try to do it. we should expect further attempts of this nature against the united states as well as our
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partners in other nation either abroad. >> dana: a clear and present danger to the u.s. homeland. the former head of central command warning future attacks from isis are not a question of if but when. retired four star general jack keen is a four star analyst. the biden administration doesn't want to talk about this for obvious political reasons especially in an election year and the porous border could be an avenue for infiltration but it doesn't enhance u.s. safety to hide the truth. your thoughts. >> no surprise here for the biden administration. president biden and his advisors were told by the entire military command from afghanistan to the secretary of defense and to include his cia director that it's likely if we pull our troops out, sanctuaries will form particularly with isis to a
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lesser degree with al qaeda and we could be facing future attacks. there were six nato nations, dana, that were in afghanistan with us at the time. we had 2500 troops, they had 7,000 troops. every one of those nations wanted to stay. not to support the united states and make them feel good, because they were worried about their own national security. and now we see isis attacking into europe as far away as moscow and certainly those nations in europe are target one as well as the united states homeland. that should give us definite pause and concern about going forward. >> dana: i can understand why putin would want to blame the ukrainians for this attack that isis-k has taken responsibility for. just tell me in putin's mind, is he also worried about isis-k? >> no, i don't think he is all that concerned about isis-k.
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what he really is concerned about is ukraine. he wants to undermine ukraine in terms of our willingness to support them. if he could demonstrate and get people to support this false narrative that ukraine was behind this devastating attack on innocent people in an entertainment hall. that he believes would pull back the support from ukraine. it's a feeble attempt. it's amateurish, nobody buys into it. that's the motivation. putin in terms of casualties and deaths, he is a brutal thug and he can accept a lot of it. but he doesn't want his people certainly to get overly concerned about their own security as isis demonstrated they could possibly do here. he wants to deflect that and blame ukraine, the very country that he is fighting. so that's the second reason for that to give the people -- make sure they are supporting the war that he is advocating and
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executing because ukrainians now are involved in killing his people. false narrative to be sure, but that's what he is about. >> dana: can i ask you about biden's plan for gaza talking about making a pier to help get humanitarian aid in. the "washington post" said biden's plan endangers u.s. troops experts warn. skeptics firm it will be an enticing target for hamas and other militants. i assume the white house and the pentagon have done a cost/benefit analysis and weighed the pros and cons. do you think doing the pier makes better sense than not? >> it's a very complicated operation for u.s. ships en route now to help do that. they'll eventually set up a causeway on the sea to move trucks so they can off load them on the beach. and that will require protection from the air certainly, rockets and missiles. we have seen the capabilities that the iranian proxies have. they have very sophisticated
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missiles. the houthis are shooting ballistic missiles at our ships. 16 of them frankly, significant capability. they can move those missiles around. we'll need a cruiser out there to defend and then we have to defend an attack from the sea and attack from underthe sea. the seals and let the military decide who has to do this and idf will provide security. very complicated operation and then the distribution and thousands of people descend on the beach. the better option clearly was to open the northern gaza route where most of the famine is in the north and let the trucks come through there. the israelis have resisted that. i understand their concern about security but i think they would be able to protect themselves during that and also get that aid to the people that need it
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most. this other operation, we can do it and we'll try to mitigate the risk but there is no 100% guarantee that any commander can provide that we won't have casualties as a result of it. we're good at mitigating risk but certainly there are vulnerabilities as i just described. >> dana: general keane, thank you for kicking us off on monday and good luck to your yankees. >> thank you, great start. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: you will like this one. scheffler's bid for three straight wins ended when he missed this five-foot birdie putt at the houston open yesterday. yeah, bummer. instead steven yaeger picked up his first victory on turn in his 135th start. that's a lot, right? earned his first invite to the masters taking place in two weeks. he has a little baby. the german celebrating with his wife and son. he dedicated the victory to his late father who passed away two years ago. >> bill: well done there.
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i have to think scheffler is the favorite for the masters, right? you have to think so. where is the march madness in dana reads sports. >> dana: might need to do a fox nation report. >> bill: i won my bracket in the hemmer family pool. >> dana: what do you win? >> bill: just pride. you can respond to an email and say yes. enough for me. to nashville on sunday. check it out. >> there were many people inside. this was a sunday brunch scenario. they were serving food and people sitting down dining when this erupted. >> bill: nashville gunman still at large after opening fire at a coffee shop. one person is dead. what police have to say about his criminal record. plus a runaway saw blade getting too close for comfort for one guy. watch it.
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>> easter sunday, everybody is dressed up. seeing families run out and kids run out was probably the worst part of it. >> dana: nashville families celebrating caught in a violent nightmare. one dead and four injured after a repeat offender allegedly opened fire at brunch after an argument with another man. rucker is a convicted felon facing serious drug and assault charges. officials are asking anyone with
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information on the shooting to call. police add the shooting is an isolated incident. >> bill: from california, fast food wage hike goes into effect today. restaurant owners big and small are worried about what it might do to their bottom line. william la jeunesse is live in l.a. to find out how the employment picture might shape up once enacted. >> you are right in the sense that even businesses who are not directly impacted are still going to be affected. everyone has to compete for workers at $20 an hour. that's a 20% increase over the current minimum wage for fast food workers. increase thanks to governor newsom and labor unions which passed the bill that critics claim will raise prices fueling inflation as restaurants pass that cost onto consumers. the hike applies to fast food chains but excerpts some restaurants of the governor's
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larger contributors like hotels, casinos and theme parks. >> unfortunately california is really expensive so earning $20 in any job, fast food or not, is really helpful. >> so the franchise owners say they will be forced to cut employees or hours and some already have. also pizza hut and others have laid off already some 1200 drivers and they will use uber and lyft instead which aren't covered by the law. >> a lot will be passed onto the consumer, my fear over the next few years. wage pressure will drive up prices. burgers go up by $0.50 or a dollar and pizza go up. it's expensive. >> unions and governor say the hike is about equity and your state could be next. >> we are fighting poverty and racism and exploitation of working people. it happens here first in california.
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we are america's coming attraction. >> statewide we're talking about 550,000 employees average age 26, their salary this week or wage over the course of a year will be $41,000 a year. back to you. >> bill: thank you, william la jeunesse, more now with dana. >> dana: more with jimmy failla good to see you. look at the map. minimum wage in the u.s. where you have $17 at the dark green all the way down to below $7.25. the federal minimum wage. what's going on? >> i was booked for this hit. i look like i get paid in fast food. >> dana: what's your favorite? >> listen, i'm a huge fan of wendy's. i don't know if that makes any traction on the panel but i'm pro-wendy. >> bill: single or double cheese. >> i go for the chicken. gavin newsom said california is
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america's coming attraction and then also the serry finale. compassion and common sense collide there. it sounds compassionate you want people to make more money. the common sense is that cost has to be absorbed by other people. in some instances the employees who get laid off. others just the little guy who now has to buy fast food at a high price. that's the bigger issue here. >> bill: here is david new mark with the "wall street journal" who works in california and economic professor and smarter than we are. he says whatever policy choice we make policy should treat people in similar economic circumstances the same. a general minimum wage does this. higher fast food minimum wage does not. every time you go up 10% in the minimum wage it reduces employment by 2%. >> 100%. today is a good day for people who like ordering off kiosks. if you like a good one, they will be all over the place now because of this. that's what i keep coming back
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to. i have this other theory, okay? a lot of fast food jobs are aspirational jobs. you get them as a kid on the way up. first job, or a guy working a second job who is pursuing something bigger in life. i always looked at cab driving that way. if it paid more i might not have had the ambition to complete the journey of where i wanted to go. so on the one end it sounds empathetic to give them more but you are denying them that primal imperative to push harder. the more eloquent way of saying certain jobs need to suck to make you work more. >> bill: washing dishes at skyline chile, i did that at age 16. mom picked me up at 2:00 in the morning on tuesday. billy, time to find a new job. >> i dropped off a lot of those dishwashers. >> bill: it was the hours she hated. >> dana: i worked overnight at kccy and minimum wage was $3.25
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an hour. >> nobody likes a show off. >> dana: 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. not many people were listening. >> bill: teens facing a mental mine field as a new social media feature dials up the pressure on friendships. we'll talk about new laws in different states and find out whether or not they work. parents and for kids. also one year later bud light struggling to reverse the damage done by the transgender ad. too little too rank or could they restore their rank in your cooler this summer? ♪ it's easy to invest in ideas you believe in. spot a trend in electric vehicles? have a passion for online gaming? or want to explore the space economy? choose from over 40 themes, each with up to 25 stocks identified by our unique algorithm. buy it as-is or customize to align with your goals.
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oregon. the blade got loose from a construction site while workers were cutting concrete. thankfully no one was injured. but look at that. >> bill: that's incredible. like they were aiming at him. >> dana: he must be walking around counting his lucky stars. >> bill: you know what you do on those days? >> dana: go back to bed. >> bill: or buy a lottery ticket. >> dana: or check your bio rhythms. want to talk about a new feature on snapchat. >> bill: it allows users to see where they place in their friends' digital inner circle. the app is super popular with young americans raising more concerns, too, though. you have the column in the "wall street journal" that says this. snapchat's friend ranking feature adds a teen anxiety. don't know about that. nicki is the host of scrolling to death. a podcast and digital safety advocate. great to have you on, nicki, good morning to you. i have a number of topics i want
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to go through here. on the snapchat story, do you find this to be an issue with young americans? >> i do. i think that this allows teen girls and boys to pin their closest friends. you can assign each friend a number 11 to eight. it really preys on the young kids' insecurities. adolescents are already susceptible to peer pressure and comparisons and on a steep decline in mental health. why are we making life harder by having social comparisons. >> bill: couldn't you find a way around it if it wasn't already there on the phone? >> you can turn it off. you cannot sign up for snapchat plus at all. kids feel a lot of pressure to do this. all their friends are signing up and ranking each other. >> bill: florida made a big move last week. play it from ron desantis about t
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social media ban. >> ultimately, trying to help parents navigate this very difficult terrain that we have now with raising kids. and so i appreciate the work that's been put in. >> bill: the idea is if you are 14 or under, no social media sites allowed. is it going to work? >> yes. i hope so. i think it should be 16. i think the social media sites prey on their insecurities. this bill was watered down from a previous proposal. there are several states implementing similar laws. i think this is a good thing. i think that florida is taking a step to protect our children's mental health. >> bill: i see georgia is in with a lot of other states. they hit that 16 year mark that you mention. that's what you favor. they are along with louisiana, arkansas, texas and utah. can it survive a legal
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challenge, nicki >> the social media companies have a lot of money and lobbying groups that put pressure on companies to bend to their will. so historically they fight these things tooth and nail. we will see. we have until january 1st to see what happens. >> bill: why so long before it goes into effect? smells like a lawsuit. >> from what i understand, it just takes a long time to implement these -- this legislation. it is long overdue. >> bill: last point. stats here. percentage of high school students bullied one in five. percentage of teens that say they've been cyber bullied, 16% report being electronically bullied during the past year. that's a figure i thought would be higher. i will let you address that. the social media apps used by, snapchat, tiktok and instagram. on the bullying issue, what do
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you say? >> i'm surprised by stats. i think there are other things that would conflict with that. we want to -- the u.s. surgeon general. kids who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of anxiety and suicide rates have tripled from 14 to 17. we are seeing a decline in children's mental health, particularly teen girls. >> bill: on the age verification, is it hard to prove that? if i'm a crafty 15-year-old, can't i get around that? >> yes. i'm very interested to see how they implement age verification and the tech companies have been very resistant to im meenting that. in the state of texas porn hub removed their entire site rather than implement age verification. i am interested to see how it plays out as well.
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>> bill: appreciate your input today. >> dana: she is terrific. bud light still struggling with sales one year after their ad with transgender influencer went viral. jeff flock outside a distributor in philly with more. what's going on? >> you know, usually these boycotts, dana, have a certain shelf life. however, this one keeps on going. take a look at your store shelves. these days if you don't sell as much beer you don't get as much space on the shelf. bud light not selling as much beer as it used to and lose store space. sometimes you don't sell as much beer that way, either. it was negative feedback. one year ago that bud partnered with dylan mulvaney and they were trying to bring more people into the tent. a lot of people left the tent. marketers say they made a mistake by abandoning that partnership and that ticked
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everybody off. they lost a billion half dollars in sales. marketing expert we talked to says it handled it about as wrongly as they could. >> once they did that partnership, if they had stuck with it, if they had said no, we support everybody and if you like bud light we like you and embrace that, they then could have used that to get other people to stand up for the brand. >> i leave you with this one, dana. only north america is where sales took a hit. south america, europe, middle east, africa, asia, their sales are up in all locations except here at home, their biggest market. >> dana: jeff flock, thank you. interesting. fox news alert for you right now convicted murderer alex murdaugh is back in the south carolina courtroom facing punishment for stealing millions of dollars from his client and his law firm. welcome to a new hour of


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