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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 1, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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they'll find out. >> bill: they do. before we go talk about horsepower, get it? >> dana: i think i get it. >> bill: i think so, too. >> you are being detained. stop. you are not free to leave, do you understand? >> bill: this is a real story in albuquerque, new mexico. ran down the alleged shoplifter. the perp never had a chance. the horse caught him in seconds. the suspect stole hundreds of dollars of goods from a walgreens. >> dana: that's awesome before we go. harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. far left democrats are angry at president biden over his israel policy and protestors now as you've seen are showing up to event after event. no place is sacred.
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wait until you see it. carrying out their own maximum pressure campaign that could be crushing for biden's own re-election campaign. his presumed base is now lashing out at his handling of our key ally israel's war against hamas terrorists who perpetrated a massacre on october 7th. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." those protestors are making it known no space is sacred to them. not even a peaceful easter service at st. patrick's cathedral in new york city. here is what happened. >> stop the genocide. free, free, palestinian. >> harris: look at that. they disrupted this. remember, on the christian calendar this is a high holy period.
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saturday is silent saturday where christians all over the world pray over the day of waiting and mourning by mary, the mother of jesus and all of his disciples and, of course, the 12 apostles. security guards sprang into action and took them out. escorted them out the back. you can see it happening. that incident is part of a pattern we're seeing. we witnessed a similar scene days before that when president biden was hosting a glitzy star-studded new york city fundraiser at radio city music hall. protestors showed up again and outside where he was and they went inside. >> shame on you, joe biden. shame on you. shame on you. you have blood on your hands. blood on your hands. >> harris: a grown-up conversation, anybody want to
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have that about security around americans and in sacred places? or even the president at those events? sure, free speech, absolutely free speech. let's get into the deep heart of this. is what we're seeing, if it needs to be broken up and escorted out, how are those people getting in in mass numbers? how is that happening? the president expressed unwavering support or israel, our best friend, key ally in the middle east. last week he told the protestors they do have a point, that's a quote, about aid for gaza, he said. fox news contributor and former white house speech writer marc thiessen said this. >> he is seen as pandering to this anti-semitic minority on the left. why not turn to the protestors and say you know why there were so many civilian casualties in
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gaza? hamas launched a terrorists and they are responsible for everything going on in gaza today. >> it doesn't matter if it's that glitzy fundraiser in new york city or st. patrick's cathedral where people were trying to enjoy a quiet service. protestors went inside of the cathedral and were arrested after shouting for the pro-palestinian people. watch this. >> stop the genocide. free, free palestine. >> three protestors were taken into custody charged with disrupting a religious service. 45 minutes into the easter mass at the st. patrick's cathedral saturday night. the group walked up to that altar with a large white banner
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that read silence equals death. one of the suspects was already arrested for interrupting the u.s. open to protest climate change in september when he reportedly glued his bare feet to the stadium floor. protest comes two days after hundreds of pro-palestinian protestors showed up outside a new york city fundraiser for joe biden. people yelled out the president has blood on his hands. biden is facing growing fallout from the ongoing israel/hamas war. new fox polling shows that there is a drop in support for israel. the narrowing comes from a shift of support among liberals who are supporting palestinians as the number of republicans backing israelis is steady. people started yelling at him what about healthcare in gaza. he said the protestors have a point. [shouting]
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>> president biden: everybody deserves healthcare. be patient with them. they have a point. we need to get a lot more care into gaza. >> we see the pro-palestinian protestors show up at churches, fundraisers. recently biden said they'll continue to support gaza and more aid. but protestors say it was not enough. >> harris: in the face of protest after protest after protest we've seen president biden's messaging slowly but surely shifting. so he bends to the wind since october 7th. >> president biden: my administration's support for israel's security is rock solid and unwavering. as long as the united states stands and we'll stand forever, we'll not let you ever be alone. palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. i'm sure innocents have been killed and the price of waging a
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war. i'm of the view, as you know, that the conduct of the response in gaza -- in the gaza strip, has been over the top. major military operation in rafah should not proceed without a credible plan, a credible plan for insuring the safety and support of more than 1 million people sheltering there. they need to be protected. i told bibi, we need a come to jesus moment. >> harris: the chair of the congressional progressive caucus with this. >> this particular issue on gaza is breaking our coalition. we need that fragile coalition to come back together but this is a moral issue for people and so there is not a lot of time to
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fix it. the worse it gets in gaza, the harder it gets to bring people back in. >> harris: and far left member bowman is now backing senate majority leader chuck schumer's call for a new election in israel. they want a regime change. bowman is not shy about his feelings on the current israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> this is a humanitarian crisis. the majority of gaza has already been destroyed through acts of collective punishment by this maniac benjamin netanyahu. i'm 100% with senator schumer. he needs to be removed. he is a blockade to a pathway to peace. >> harris: have we heard him call the hamas savages maniacs? maybe we can find tape of that. i'll look for it. a pro-israel democrat jewish group is endorsing primary
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chalupa -- challengers to bow may and cori bush over their anti-israel rhetoric. sean duffy, former wisconsin congressman and co-host of bottom line on fox business. great to see you both. jamal's words are cutting. i will look for when he condemned hamas in the same type of language madmen and monsters and that sort of thing. mark penn, will i find it? >> no, you probably won't find it. maybe you will but you know a lot of this language here has been very, very helpful to hamas. there are american hostages there and yet none of these folks are saying american and israeli hostages should be
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released now unconditionally. >> harris: we have a parents of one of those american hostages getting ready to go to school at a university in long island, new york. he is now a hostage for six months. >> long campaign season. things get pretty funky. i believe that what joe biden is doing here trying to placate the young students animated by the hamas/israel issue. you don't see that as a fox viewer but these young people are motivated and energized. joe biden has to do something to placate them. they will vote on the economy and inflation, but i don't know that the independent voter or the soft democrat is going to vote on the israel or hamas issue. they will vote on the economy. joe biden is trying to cut the
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baby and have it both ways when the radical lefties back and try to improve the economy and trying to put the coalition back together. it doesn't make sense to me but in political season joe biden is trying to win these radical lefties back into his party and graces. >> harris: those radicals, as you call them, there are a lot of other names i guess we could call people who call for the extinction of another face of people, but i guess those people on the far left who feel that way, those voters, protestors, must then look at the hostage situation as what? i don't know if this is sustainable. look at this. democratic congressman khanna not worried about voters abandoning president biden over the war. >> i think people realize there is a crisis. they see images of people dying and they want the war to end. they want israel to be secure
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but also want palestinian lives not to be lost. once the war comes to an end under the president's leadership, his numbers will improve like his numbers have bounced back on the economy. >> harris: this is such a weird place to be in. women were raped and tortured, those women were not immediately believed not even by the united nations, took them months to even qualify that any of that could be true even though there were gopro pictures and all the rest taken by the hamas terrorists. why is it so hard to believe that there is killing in war and the killing started by hamas or does it matter to the people on the left? >> when you frame it as israelis and palestinians more than two to one support israel. israel and hamas it's four to one support. hamas carried out something akin to pearl harbor.
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1200 people in a nation of 9 million. we were a much bigger nation and 68 civilians killed in pearl harbor and -- it's a heinous act. the support is much stronger than is indicated by these protests. joe biden has to worry about the swing voters. the left is going to vote for him, they won't vote donald trump. >> harris: sean, your last word on this. >> most will care about the border and economy. going back to the israeli issue and what the media does. when you have the mead ya only promote the fact israel has responded to the attacks as opposed to showing the gopro video the perception of american people is one thing because of what the media presents. if they presented the horror of the attack on israel, i think the perception of the american people may be different. you have the politics being played by the media, not
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purveyors of truth and just information for the american people to disseminate and process. >> harris: in the middle of this conversation should there be a regime change and should chuck schumer, a senator, be at the center of that? so much more to talk about. i will bring you back on another day. the parents off an american hostage coming up later in this hour. great to have you start off. thank you. the backlash keeps coming. critics roasted the president for shouting out the transgender day of visibility on easter sunday. the holiest day on the christian calendar. the white house is defending the move to do that. it wanted to take down all the religious symbols of the day and then put this symbol up. lots of questions about well, timing and why can't we have it all? why do you have to get rid of one over the other? we get into it with brian kilmeade. more than 100 protestors are
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still -- i should -- more than 100 protestors against israel. in the meantime hamas has hostages like the young american man you see there. he is 22 years old. his parents about their efforts to bring omer home. stay close. think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> harris: we have breaking news now. alex murdaugh has been sentenced on financial crimes 40 years. phil holloway, former assistant district attorney and legal advisor to the georgia sheriff's department is with me now. 40 years. what i want to do is talk with you, phil, a little bit about what the stakes were. i understand that they had been raised in an otherwise routine
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sentencing hearing after federal prosecutors said in a filing last week that alex murdaugh, 55 years old, failed a polygraph test he agreed to undergo. 11 new financial victims and 1.3 million in stolen money have been identified. phil, are you with me? >> great to be with you as always, harris. what his lawyers were trying to do is they were trying to game this in a way for some plausible way he might be able to breathe free air at some point in his life. but this sentence, harris, eliminates that. even if let's say the state charges for murder, let's say it all gets vacated and his conviction gets reversed on appeal, there is no meaningful parole in the federal system. at his age with 40 years to serve. it will work out to 90% of it that he would absolutely have to do, there is no reasonable way
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to expect he will get out. he pled guilty so it is not like there will be much way to appeal this. the only thing that is potentially appealable would be the judge not enforcing any kind of agreement that may have been in place with the federal prosecutors who did the right thing, not because he failed a polygraph. i don't trust them and the results were not admissible but they identified he wasn't being truthful through other sources. if you aren't truthful you don't get the benefit of your bargain. >> harris: i have been reading about the fact he is a former personal injury attorney. we remember that from the trial on trial for killing his wife and son. by the way, he is serving two life sentences for that right now found guilty of those murders. he and his attorneys are seeking a retrial. it sounds cruel to put that as a side bar on this. you have a man who lies is my point. the polygraph test may not be
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admissible but comes into play, i would imagine also because of the history as a killer. >> yeah, he has 0 credibility. if you are a convicted felon a judge could tell a jury in court they are free to disbelieve everything that you say. he, of course, has admitted to being a liar, admitted to being a professional liar, crook and thief and everything else you can describe. >> harris: the nation saw it. >> we saw the way he came in court and testified and was not believable. i think the federal prosecutors were right for not trusting him and not believing him. they probably did not base this session exclusively on the polygraph but they went behind it and worked to identify other things out there that showed that he was not being truthful with them. look, they are doing their best to try to see if there is some measure of justice for these victims. there is no financial
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reparations that will be available to them most likely. and so 40 years in prison is about all the consolation that they are going to be able to get, unfortunately. there is nothing that he or the prosecutors or the system can do to fully make these victims whole again, these financial victims. >> harris: the numbers were huge. one prosecutor provided a total of 8.7 million and alex murdaugh at that point did not object. these are previous financial crimes piled onto what they now know. this is interesting. one last question, whatever prison time he gets behind those 480 months, would that run concurrently with the two life sentences? >> it will be up to the judge how he structured the sentence. if it starts today it is going along parallel with the life sentence that he is currently
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serving. if the judge ordered it to be consecutive it wouldn't start until the life sentence is mute. >> harris: no one is living 200 years. thank you for helping me break down that news. i want to bring in brian kilmeade to get when is reaction. this is what we're waiting for now. president biden hosted the white house's annual easter egg roll after a weekend of holiday outrage. he came out on a rainy day on the east coast. there he is. that's video from moments ago. cute bunnies and all the rest. they've said no more faith symbols for easter at the white house. that's only part of the outrage. it began when he proclaimed a transgender day of visibility on easter, which has been observed every year since 2009 on march 31st. this year it happened to fall on easter sunday. yesterday the president posted
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quote today on transgender day of visibility i have a message to all trans americans. i see you. you are made in the image of god and worthy of respect and dignity. a "new york post" op-ed. joe biden's insults in the name of trans activism. >> it is one thing to say it's always on march 31st. another thing to say where are the press releases on the white house on social media accounts. we don't recognize every single holiday but we recognize things like easter. >> joe biden should be ashamed of himself. >> they are insulting every christian who holds this day as a sacred day. >> harris: the white house defended the move with this. as a christian who celebrates easter with family president biden stands for upholds the dignity and freedoms of every american. that's andrew bates saying that. brian kilmeade is joining us,
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the radio show is on right now fox news radio stations across the country and welcome you and listeners as we simulcast. your reaction. >> it is stunning. when i saw that i'm stunned by it. i guess it's on the 30th of every march. >> harris: 31st. >> my family doesn't celebrate transgender visibility day. best of luck. his mini mission. i don't know who put it out or if he okayed rachel duffy pointed out something to me. did you notice on the english-speaking white house website they have transgender awareness day. they don't dare mention it on the spanish speaking website. from the spanish community they are much more traditional for the most part than any, i guess, american or non-, i guess without ethnicity when it comes to the christian religion.
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the last thing i want to do is alienate more hispanics. it was numb for it. to the guy that ignored the police officer's family over the weekend and sent a message through somebody else and look at easter, a guy supposed to be catholic and president of the united states to think it's a good idea to trumpet transgender visibility day is as nine. >> harris: it's the holiest day on the christian calendar and we share it with catholics. the "new york post" with this. religious theme designed banned from the white house easter egg art contest. what is that about? >> more stupidity. again, their main focus along with losing 20% of the black vote, they are losing by four or five points the hispanic votes. >> harris: what about the christian vote? don't we count? >> they are the most christian
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community out there and they don't care. you don't send your vice president to an abortion clinic and look to win over christians. i think this is just more -- i think it is not only callous and tone deaf, i don't think it's smart politically. who are you trying to impress? >> harris: when i think about the transgender community, if you really have a heart and want to help people, would you have an open discussion about how do we do this so that everybody is feeling protected, revered, supported? would you move it on a day? we move stuff for days all the time. i don't know. i think to do it this way is really, really hard. it is hard on american christians and i would imagine it's not easy on the transgender community. i can't speak for them. brian, you are up against a hard commercial break and i have to let you go. great to simulcast. >> i'm more worried about women getting punched in the face than anything else. i wish he would have referred to
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that. that's happening in new york city. >> harris: he was sandwiched between two bunnies, i don't know. you are right. thank you. a new report says russia may be behind the mysterious havana syndrome that has caused traumatic brain injuries for u.s. diplomats around the globe. r at a cambria hotel. or mr. get the party started! various: hey-y-y! be a pool lounger. or, a big-room relaxer. with 22 brands and the best value for your money, choice hotels has a stay for any you. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct at gotta get the corners.
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>> harris: breaking news. syrian state media are reporting israel has conducted a daytime struck next to the iranian embassy in damascus. reuters is citing lebanese security sources saying the hair strike killed a seniors lamb i can revolutionary guard corps leader. 2010 you should know the u.s. treasury sanctioned him. he played a key role in iran's support to hezbollah.
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so much more we can learn about him. what we want to know now is did israel hit a target it wanted to? trey yengst has details. from the ground what's happening? >> good morning. this is an extremely significant development according to syrian state media, mohammed, one of the leaders of iran's revolutionary guard corps, a commander involve in the weapons shipments for iran to groups like hezbollah and syrian shia militias has been targeted in an israeli air strike this afternoon in damascus, syria. we have seen it next to the iranian embassy in damascus indicating a massive explosion took place. he was one of the commanders close to the general in charge of all iranian activity across the middle east. if this is confirmed by the iranians, we should be very clear what took place here.
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according to reports, an israeli air strike took out one of the top iranian generals in the middle east targeting a facility linked to the iranian embassy in damascus, syria. it is one of the most significant developments of the conflict so far and it will have repercussions across the middle east. we're waiting the hear from iranian officials in tehran, israeli military hasn't commented on the strike. we're sourcing this information to syrian state media. the latest information that we have mohammed, the top iranian general, appears to have been killed in an israeli strike this afternoon. >> harris: you talk about repercussions and consequences. what will that look like? what could it look like? >> israeli forces will likely be on high alert throughout the day and into this evening. we should look back at recent history to see the types of responses the iranians have
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conducted when their top generals have been targeted in similar strikes. we know in 2020 outside of baghdad's international airport when the americans killed top iranian general soleimani the iranian fired missiles to a u.s. air base iraq. it is an indication the israelis will have to remain on high alert understanding iranian proxies in places like southern lebanon could be further activated as they have been throughout the conflict over the past 177 days and possibly respond to this strike. >> harris: trey, i want to get into this a little bit because we've been hit north of 150, 60, 70 times our troops in the middle east. you talk about a move that helps the united states by taking out a commander that reloads with ammunition and does a whole lot of damage for the force of the
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iran revolutionary guards and somebody with that kind of power, that no doubt helps our cause as well. >> absolutely. the man is the main individual who facilitates the weapons shipments from tehran to places like southern lebanon but more importantly for american troops, to places like syria and iraq. this is an individual who is a top brigadier general in the iranian military echelon and responsible for supplying these iran-backed iraqi and syrian shia militias with the rockets and weapons they are using to target american forces in the middle east and the same weaponry used by iran-backed hezbollah to target israeli forces in the northern part of this country. so it is a significant development. the targeting is really substantial and symbolic when you look at where the strike took place. the iranian embassy compound in
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damascus. when you see some of this after math video when it pans to the left, you see a portrait of iranian general soleimani that was taken out in the u.s. drone strike in baghdad back in 2020. >> harris: under former president trump and people talk about -- it is an election year. you compare the biden administration and what they have done to all the attacks on americans in the last few months and you look at something like this done by the israelis and you look at what was done to take out soleimani who -- it is unbelievable the imagery of this and how a picture of him sits alongside what was just taken out next to the iranian embassy. you look at all of that and what has happened under the current president and the loss and drifting away of support for israel is mind-boggling.
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always fantastic reporting. appreciate it, thank you. the story today as well, a new report is linking russia to the mysterious havana syndrome plaguing hundreds of u.s. officials around the globe since 2016. this contradicts what united states intelligence agencies said last year, it was unlikely a foreign adversary was responsible. the kremlin denies this report. but the investigation cites specific evidence now pointing to a russian military assassination unit. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin is at the pentagon. you and i could talk about a host of things. let's stick on this today and you have to come back. the world is on fire in parts of the middle east. go. >> thank you, harris, this is an explosive new report by 60 minutes, the insider that found new evidence and links that suggest the u.s. government officials were attacked by a
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foreign adversary using a weapon that may have been used as a listening device. this car chase near key west four years ago reveals russia could be behind the mysterious traumatic brain injuries known as havana sin drone. there were handwritten notes of bank accounts, device that erase the car's computer data and the russian passport of the driver. 60 minutes says links use of a directed energy weapon to the russia military intelligence unit 2155. >> it was a high-pitched metallic noise. it knocked me forward. i immediately felt pressure and pain started coursing from inside my right ear, down my jaw, neck and into my chest. >> we spoke to patient 0 who goes by adam. he was working undercover in
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havana in 2016 when he experienced crippling auditory sensation left him unable to walk or move. 60 minutes suggests the first victim may have been in frankfurt, germany, two years earlier. >> they pulled out receipts from the gr29155 group that outlines it's a weapons program. one of the big surprises to me aside from frankfurt was the transfer of weapon technology between russia and hanoi. >> new evidence in particular was information identifying specific russian individuals, some of whom got captured by local law enforcement in the united states but also geo technical information of showing that certain russians were in the exact vicinity of attacks in particular countries around the world. >> we reached out to the office
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of the director of national intelligence and c.i.a. and they stand by last year's assessment that ruled out any evidence of foreign involvement in the hundreds of attacks adding these findings do not call into question the very real experiences and symptoms that our colleagues and family members have reported. >> harris: i'm glad you are on it. stay on it. i don't know how they can ignore mounds of evidence. appreciate your great work. thank you. it's been nearly six months after hamas took hundreds of people hostage from israel, torched, raped, and then took hostages. and today former secretary of state mike pompeo said this, he wants everyone to be reminded of on "america's newsroom." watch. >> if you are going to get hostages back the only way to do it is to put pressure on hamas. we need to remember there are still americans held by the iranians in gaza. >> harris: thousands of israelis yesterday held the largest protest of the war demanding
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that their government do more to bring home the hostages. we know that the conditions for those hostages are torturous. some have died in captivity. the parents of an american hostage from long island, new york, who went to help in israel, he was part of the idf, taken hostage. his mom and dad are in "focus" next. i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa.
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[chanting] >> harris: tens of thousands of demonstrators in the video here flooded the streets of israel saturday and sunday nights wanting prime minister benjamin netanyahu out. they want a new leader and want their loved ones freed from the bloody grip of hamas terrorists. here is netanyahu in a televised address. >> the pain of the families of the hostages breaks any heart. i think it breaks all our hearts. anyone who says i am not doing everything to bring back our hostages is wrong and misleading others. >> harris: the bring them home campaign is active worldwide. 123 hostages have been released
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as of today. 134 hostages are still being held by those killers. among them 22-year-old omer from long island, new york. and had planned to go to college and took a gap year to join the idf. he was in a tank defending the gaza border on october 7th when hamas attacked. his parents are with me now. first of all, god bless you both. tell me where you are in this journey to bring omer home. >> we are currently next to tel aviv sent over the country and we are going back and forth between washington, new york, and israel advocating for our son, demanding both from the israeli government and from the u.s. administration to put all
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the pressure to come up to hostage deal that will allow our son to come back to our arms. it has been almost six months. i can't even say that -- it's an unbelievable horrific time for us and it has to stop. as hard as it is for us, the hostages are suffering there tremendous suffering. they don't get food, they don't get medical attention, they are in very difficult conditions and they are dying. >> harris: i was reading that your son wanted to serve in your honor as you both -- i want to double-check this report -- have served in the idf. i come to you to talk about the honor that he was trying to pay tribute to both of you by joining the idf and now being caught in this situation with hamas. >> first of all, it is horrible that he is being caught in this
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situation. omer is a person of conscience. i can't say that he did it in our honor, he did it because he felt a sense of duty being a dual citizen of the united states and israel all and our family lives in israel and you know in israel, it is not a choice. young people have to serve. they can't take for granted the fact that they have a country, and omer group up in new york. he graduated hospital and on a track to college and decided to take a gap year in israel. when he came here he connected very powerfully to the young people here in israel and he just felt that before he went back to his, you know, nice american life, he had to serve himself, too. and do his share in protecting the country of his forefathers,
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grand parents holocaust survivors from both sides came to israel. the early founders of the country and he felt this strong sense that he had to do something as well. >> harris: talk to me about where both countries are. the united states is obviously we've seen protesting on college campuses and this protest in israel. you are shaking your head. where are you on all of this? >> well, first of all, i want to clarify. the demonstrations in israel, the rallies, are not against netanyahu but in favor of a deal. if netanyahu cannot provide a deal, then he has to go. but as long as we know that he is on track to bring a deal,
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then so be it. we are desperate to get our son back. the 134, 133 other families are desperate to get their children, their elderly, young men, everybody out. and for the last two months we have been hearing about negotiations and about, you know, additional military action, but nothing has happened. so something must happen and the people in israel understand that and are going out to the streets together with the families and it was really heartwarming to see the amount of people out there. >> harris: thank you for explaining what it is that you want. we're almost out of time. we pray for your son's release and for the 133 that we know of who are still being held by hamas savages. god bless you.
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>> we were always concerned that his friends about the work that he was doing. did i think it would rise to this level?


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