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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 1, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> we were always concerned that his friends about the work that he was doing. did i think it would rise to this level?
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absolutely not. >> streaming on fox nation. ♪ ♪ >> we are waiting press secretary karine jean-pierre and the white house briefing expected to begin any moment now. hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i am emily compagno with my cohost harris faulkner. joining us, president of american spirit enterprises tammy bruce, former state department spokesperson and founder of the laress nelson security and fox news contributor and host of the david webb show on sirius xm patriot david webb. we begin with president biden and his apparent disconnect with american voters. the latest fox news poll showing that over half of voters say that they are worse off than before he took office in 2020. someone should tell the president that. this was him just a short time ago. >> president biden: i say we have the best economy in the
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world. >> emily: a majority of americans are dissatisfied with the economy, worried about immigration not happy with the president's performance. but he is still optimistic. >> president biden: they are going to engage. i think people are so tired of the negativity that is propagated. they just want to get engaged. they want to change things. i am optimistic. i really am. i think the country is ready to come together. i mean that sincerely. i'm truly optimistic. >> emily: optimistic or delusional? >> tammy: he is the divider in chief and talks about positivity. he can't read the room. he can't understand. somebody hands him a talking point and he delivers it. it is very difficult because it is his own rhetoric that has caused people to feel unsure. it is his own behavior that
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makes people not confident about the future. you think about the best economy in the world for the sake of argument, let's just say when it comes to the other economies, americans don't care. this is not a comparison game. how is our economy for us as individuals day today -- it's a very strange dynamic about a global attitude. an attitude of everything is even. europe has an economy that sucks. ait is not the american way. it's not what americans want. knowing what americans are going through. when he says things like that, it reinforces the lack of confidence in what this administration is doing. >> emily: let's dive into when americans are failing. almost 3 out of 4 americans view the economy negatively. that is actually an improvement from last may when 83% felt that
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way. that is still almost 3 times as many as those that say the economy is in good shape. you add on to that the president's overall job rating. it remains near its historical lowest. i think the most telling for me personally is that 38% of those who are asked to name it administrate his accomplishments, they just can't think of anything or they offer a negative response. >> harris: part of that is because the administration does a poor job of messaging. it's hard to sell it if it isn't where the buying. i will give them that. it shouldn't be too complicated when you have that many people dedicated to telling the american people why they ought to reelect the president to the united states. not being in a comment to win. it's rare in u.s. history. they almost after try to lose. what tammy just said was absolutely on par with where we have been with this administration from the beginning.
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i don't have anything against other countries. i don't want to be there. that is why i live here. when you tell me it's better than this part of the world where that part of the world, and only tells me why they are trying to come here. it doesn't tell me why i should be happy here. maybe things are not as good as they have been, and they are not. the price of food is up. the core inflation rate. they don't figure food and energy when they give is that number. we are still cooking about 3%. prices on top of the 9% where they were going up are still going up by 3%. those prices didn't come down. they stayed sky high. they are still going higher. why can't he articulate that and give a little bill clinton -- he just hung out with bill clinton who famously said, why can't he do that? instead, he tells us, do you feel the pain of other nations? no, that is because we are better off. how does he even know that? i need numbers. i need to know where it is that we are close to anybody else in
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the world that i should care about. >> the americans know what their numbers are. we know that our rent is up 20%. house prices up 25%. the dollar's value plummeting. 401(k)s i shrinking. it hurts even more when you have a president that doesn't seem optimistic. he simply seems clueless. it is obvious, he hasn't been listening or he doesn't care. >> whether it is the president with a fed chair can anyone who thinks the economy is great as the person that doesn't do the grocery shopping and their family. in the summer of '21, checking out at the grocery store, how did i spent $300? now that is. now i'm lucky to get out of the grocery store for $300 god forbid. what really caught my eye and our new polls today is not what republicans have to say and not even when democrats had to say but these independent numbers are very bad. 59% of independents say they are
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worse off than they were 4 years ago. 86% of independents in the new fox news poll are more likely the democrats to get the economy bad marks. that's not where you want to be going into a tight general election. >> we were in the middle of a pandemic. we were at the beginning of a pandemic. that is really bad. >> it is telling that the economy and the state of america right now i really bad. >> david: by the way, this whole unity thing is a farce. let me say that as a neanderthal who is not black enough because i didn't vote for joe biden. don't put 2 former presidents to prop about a guy who can't get through a rally with a small crowd and tell me it's about unity. tammy is absolutely right on that perspective. when you add the numbers that you have all talk about, the reality, the pce numbers minus food and energy, that matters what people live in the reality. the investors out there -- while
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money is on short of the united states, because we are still better than the e.u. economy or other economies, it doesn't mean that that is where money wants to be in money goes where it's treated well. the policies added onto that. the fake climate change agenda. the fact that chinese are now outstripping us in mexico planning to build cars to ship into america. biden will let them do that. all of these are costs that americans will pay for. when you add the illegal immigration costs. paid for by american taxpayers. when you look at all of this no matter what they tell you, the new normal is higher. that prices are not coming down. the fed is having a hard time figuring out how they can play with interest rates when it cost you 80% more today than 2021 to buy a new house, a starter house. you have to earn -- i'm sorry. you have to earn 80% more than you did in 2021.
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that's not a good future for americans. >> harris: why can't we get mexico to take back some of the illegals? the tariff is 20,000 illegals go back to mexico. >> david: let's load a card and send it back. >> yet to be using a credible threat of american forests. you cannot be scared of it. this administration is afraid of it. they are afraid of american force. >> emily: so much market, including that spirit a firestorm of backlash after marking transgender visibility day on easter sunday. that is next. homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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>> the biden white house marking transgender visibility day on
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easter sunday setting up a firestorm of criticism. it coincided with easter. the most holy day on the christian calendar. resurrection sunday. while this isn't the first time president biden and the white house have marked the transgender holiday, it is the most substantive on socia social media. "faith under fire" in america. many are arguing that to that point that there has been the "faith under fire" movement for quite some time that ebbing and flowing sometimes more flagrant than others. many feel they have been persecuted. it's been out in the open and sort of furthered by this administration in many ways from catholics being focused on in the fbi that down by the media of certain events that have happened. they can't help feeling this is one more nail in the coffin. a large visible one. >> harris: if a holy day on the islam calendar had fallen on
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march 31st as did the most holy day and the christian calendar, easter, what they still have had transgender visibility day, or where they have observed the day before or the day after? we will often do and observe day before or after that day that it actually falls on. we do that quite often with veterans day. it doesn't always fall on a friday. we do it with other days. i'm wondering, as christianity -- for that matter, i mean, there are protests in the streets that are anti- anti-israel. is judaism also getting the same treatment as some of these other religions that the president is being pressed upon by? that michigan vote matters. the angry arab muslim community over his treatment of the israel-hamas war mattered. i don't think we are all being
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treated the same. i think he is flexing in one direction tried to get that vote. who cares so much about easter? we will put out this flag. the easter bunny is not the symbol of jesus. the children of the national guard where prohibited from submitted easter designs at the white house this year. this is "the new york post" reporting this. what is that about? the symbolism of the holiday particularly as you pointed out, tammy, for military families. there is just a whole lot of mess going on. it would be nice to be led by people in the white house if he kind of clean that up today on easter monday. it didn't serve the transgender community to be caught up in the storm of their indecision. >> even if that rule has been in place for quite some time, when you contrast or when it's up
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against the landscape of biden saying declaring this day is transgender day of visibility. we are not chained to for observation. how do you speak to their pragmatic way that this administration could have handled this differently? >> morgan: i think harris makes a good point of where we are in terms of religious observance in this -- the holy month of ramadan right now still. it is easter. we just finished up or i'm. judaism will be going into passover soon as w well. i know people on the left watch this and think that we are being overly sensitive. this is one of the fundamental founding principles of our country to have this religious freedom to have this religious faith. whenever you go down a slippery slope of ignoring it or doing as the atlantic did and declaring that catholic rosary to be a sign of radicalism or a sign of christian nationalism, when you go down that slippery slope, it gets even a place where you are with the chinese communist party
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where they have edited the where they have edited the bible. the bible that you buy in china is not my bible that you buy everywhere else in the world. it has been edited by the communist party. xi jinping took out the picture of jesus and put a picture of himself. it seems like this is silly. this is just the ladies on fox news being overly dramatic. it is really not. it is a slippery slope. if we don't do everything we can to protect religious freedom around the world. they never failed that position to my knowledge at the state department that mike pompeo put in place to make sure that we were advocating for religious freedom around the world. when you don't fight for it here, it's a slippery slope to end up where you are in china. >> we are well down that slippery slope. there is no unfounded hysteria happening. in 2022, the atlantic ran an article. i symbol of religious radicalism. we know that the fbi promoted the idea that catholic faith was
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connected directly to environment extremist after the nashville shooting somehow christians were to blame for it. it is a very, very real persecution here and part because the slow drip, the benign impact of that media is quite horrific. that drip is what shatters ro rocks. the one i want to take on about 30,000-foot strategic view of what just played out. i get it. i agree that this is part of that secularist and we went liberal progressives and on the left and biden's play. if you look at the events that began really about last thursday to where we are today, the proclamation of transgender day of visibility. a celebration of cesar chavez day which was proclaimed in 2013 in a similar fashion. what you are seeing is a master class in gaslighting for the response. think about it by the numbers. 1.6 million americans who self identify as trans.
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67% of 30 million people identify as christian in america. if you take from that a number of people who celebrate easter more openly, it is about 37%. that's 122 million. who are they playing to? they are actually playing this for their base for the reaction. i think we need to put context together. it is true that they have had this attack. these are the same people who go after kids saying you can't put in a religious symbol in an art contest. they will glorify the virgin mary being dipped in -- it's not about art. it is there attack to secularize. take us apart as americans and have us at each other's throats. i think when we do that, we take away their power to overly influence people. i think that is the context that helps us do that. >> obviously, i agree with all of this. i am a gay woman for a part of
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the audience that may not know this. we heard caitlyn jenner's response to this. it was obscene. we get tired of being somebody's fetish. you get tired of being the pond to be used to do divide. i agree with david in this regard. this has nothing to do with transgender's. they are being used to divide americans. if you walk into a bar and scream something about someone's mom. you are looking for a fight. they want you talking about this instead of the border, instead of the economy, instead of crime that is increasing. they want you to look at other americans as the problem. none of us are about a problem. is their goal. i would suggest certainly that transgenders are looking at this thinking, we don't need this. this does not help us. we like easter too. this is an unforced error. it is unnecessary. of course it is the combination of things that have happened. it is the environment. it is what we notice has
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occurred. i would argue that it is a convenient dividing line when you've got americans who are christian versus perhaps jews versus gays and. we have lives we need to live, no matter what our skin color, how we identify. we have got to look at the future. these individuals are looking for a fist fight in a bar. we can give it to them. we are united in that regard. >> harris: part of the conversation is much like the transgender community got caught up in the storm, so did muslim families. he is flexing. he doesn't have to pick the christians on that day. that doesn't help their cause either. what happens when they are not his fetish as you say. that is hard to say. it feels so wrong, because it is. we shouldn't be anybody's fetish, not black people, not hispanic. we should just be americans. >> what a concept.
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>> emily: by a judge reportedly ordered the release of migrants seen in this viral violent video. that is next.
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>> harris: imagine the litany of questions on this easter mound day for the white house press secretary. the only franchise speaker we are awaiting a white house press briefing expected to begin at any moment. peter doocy our correspondent will be inside his briefing with all his tough questions. there are a host of things they will be talking about. not the least of which will be the polling which we are really struggling with the economy still in the messaging on whatever it is they are trying to sell. we will go to that live that moment it happens. meanwhile, there are new developments in that frightening rush at the border caught on video. a texas judge reportedly is
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letting several of those illegal border crossings that were charged with overrunning intestinal national guardsmen. walk free. that judge blames the prosecuting district attorney saying those illegal immigrants are not ready to proceed with the detention hearings. it is still not unclear if the judge's ruling applies to only those charged with participating in a riot and not to the ones facing assault or criminal mischief charges. oh, my goodness, the choices. none of them good. hundreds were reportedly arrested after the incident with or hearings set. make it make sense. >> emily: i am unable to do. even if i was a magician, a wizard, i would be unable to do. no matter what the tangled web that represents the immigration system, you add on to that of the other failures of the current criminal justice system and an administration that continues to add more regulations and more rules and
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more declarations while totally denying the power they have, the executive power. and yet bringing to court anyone who tries to do it at the state level. everything about this administration has created a backwards application. but we are seeing they are, the least surprising thing i have to admit it was them all going free. that is the thing that surprises me the least. >> harris: why can't we set them free by deporting them? they can go be as free as they want in mexico. mexico would probably force them to go home. you all can be free. you can to do it here when you rush hour border and try to cross it lately. >> david: emily, i am wondering if i am right or wrong here. sometimes i play a law you're on radio. if you cross the border on the first time, it is a civil infraction. if you commit an assault, it is added to that civil infraction. judicial discretion, if you
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commit an assault, you can rise to the level of a felony and texas. especially by assaulting a uniformed personnel. wouldn't it make sense that the judge's description -- >> emily: while birds are what we call misdemeanors that can be a felony. that is a state issue versus -- you think the judiciary could exercise some discretion. their hands are probably tied to do under this administration. all funds falls under this administration. >> harris: why isn't this an international border issue? >> emily: that is the whole point of this. immigration is always under the federal government. that is what i have allowed it not stand that texas put in place to try to thwart this that the federal government -- >> david: -- >> harris: why can't we just import them? you are talking then do you wear it out of the tension. i'm talking about d.
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>> if you are looking at a federal issue and see the behavior of the federal government and you do have discretion, it is to let them go. everything that you see. the attitude of the federal government. what you are trying to stop texas from doing. everywhere you look, the messaging is "let my people go." you are looking at that and thinking about precedence. you are thinking about the status of the federal government and what they are approving him and what they are not. it is that there is no border. it is that everyone can come in. in a certain way with the federal government suing texas, you want to be a federal judge who ends up getting appealed or reversed by the federal government or who knows? it is easier to say, just go on, let them out. the least problematic when it comes to the bureaucratic agents that are helping to resolve this
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border. >> harris: that is an epic professional case of cya. >> david: you really stretched that one. >> morgan: you guys had a fascinating discussion on the legal side of things. when i think about it from the political side of things, i would've thought that lincoln riley's case would have been a wake-up call for this administration. this is going to be repeated all across america and god forbid. if it is, this would be of course terrible for american citizens and particularly toxic for biden in an election year. his approval rating is only a 30%. i think they are making a key trade-off here. they've made a political calculation that they don't want to anger their base by taking more top actions, more tough policies as it relates to immigration. the political trade-off as they are clearly losing independence on the migration. why would you be willing to do that? as we saw from the president's
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state of the union address, they'll they are going to talk about is january 6 and abortion leading up to election day. i think that is the political game they are playing. lose it independence on immigration. january 6 and abortion. >> and it certainly hasn't helped. they have been doing it for years now. we do can we talk about the weekend of easter? that is nothing now with a rush at the border. that could be a thing. are calling it a riot. by illegals. coming up, we have seen plenty of anti-israel protesting across the world. but where is the outrage for the hostages being held in gaza? we will get into it. screen for? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider.
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>> harris: an easter vigil at new york's historic st. patrick's cathedral turned chaotic over the weekend. watch as protesters are chanting "free palestine." no place is sacred. >> free palestine. >> harris: we have seen these grow palestinian, anti-israel protest erupted across the country. some have even been pro hamas. where are the outrage for the hostages? as of today, 123 hostages have been released. 134 are still being held. older women, children, young men, older men. one of them is 22-year-old. he is from long island, new york, emma was born in plainview, a little ham went on long island. he put his studies on hold to
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serve in the idf in a gap year. in a tank defending the gaza border on october 7th when hamas attacked. i interviewed his parents. watch. >> he grew up on long island. he grew up in new york. he graduated high school. he was on track to college and decided to take a gap year and israel. when he came here, he really connected very powerfully to the young people here in israel. he just felt that before he went back to his, you know, his nice american life, he had to serve himself too and do his share. >> we are desperate to get our son back. 134 -- 133 other families that are desperate to get their children, their elderly, the young men, everybody else. for the last 2 months, we have been hearing about negotiations and about it, you know, and
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additional. but nothing has happened. >> harris: a lot of protesting over the weekend and what his dad told me today was, no, they don't necessarily want benjamin netanyahu out as some have said the protests want a new leader. what they want is somebody who can do a deal. he literally said that, if you can do a deal to get my son on the other 133 home, netanyahu can stay. otherwise, he's got to go. >> people have been making the analogies that you don't put out part of the fire and they lays bare the fire then continues. you've got to put out the fire. getting those hostages back. perhaps it would be happening at the u.n. and the rest of the world, hamas could stop this immediately by releasing the hostages and surrendering. they are controlling this. they are continuing this fight
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by remaining in power and continuing to fight back. that is where the power is. get the hostages out if you want to make a trade. you would be safer in an israeli jail than in the gaza strip. >> harris: hamas doesn't want that. >> think of that type of cowards that they are. they purposely hide behind women and babies and children. it is a feature, not a bug for them to put their tunnels and infrastructure among civilians so they can capitalize and gain upon civilian deaths in their own population. that takes sick and depraved individuals to do that. today is the first day i could talk about this openly. i hosted the israeli ambassador in nashville, tennessee, because of insecurity, i wasn't able to talk about it or post until today. this was one of the things talking about the hostages was something that the israeli ambassador talked about at vanderbilt and later in the reception that i did bury them. one of the thing that the ambassador
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told us is they believe him. he emphasized. most of the high value hostages that are left likely surrounding the head of hamas and other key places. it is very difficult to do these hostage negotiations. hamas has to go back to doesn't want to use electronic communication. they are trying to physically get to him for these hostage negotiations. if hamas gives up these hostages, they know it is game over for them. i just want to say it is very important to israelis to get there hostages home. it should be just as important to this administration and all americans that we get these americans home. three have already been killed in captivity. we have 5 left. we should be doing everything to bring them home. >> harris: what kind of a deal? i'm trying to figure this out. you have done a lot of closing arguments. it takes a deal to get to the in the back.
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there were hundreds of thousands of people in the streets in israel across saturday and sunday night. bring them home. bring the hostages home. before you strike a deal from a place of power and from a place of not capitulation. >> harris: not a cease-fire. >> emily: not of fear and attempt to placate everyone in the globe. >> morgan: what you said is so important. the israelis believe the reason they got the first2 hostage exchanges because they put so much military pressure on hamas. they were killing so many other hamas fighters. and as the strongest reason they got the first hostage exchanges. we won't get another one until we have the same military pressure on hamas. you won't be having that by telling israelis they can't go in. >> harris: how do we have the situation with the president when we look at the evolution that we show last hour and a montage from a year ago or two years ago to today.
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he stammers and stutters and can't really get his words out in terms of where we stand with israel. i don't say that to pick on his speech. he can't figure out what the message should be. >> david: first of all, israel is prosecuting the war the way they need to. as you get closer to this end to your point, as it gets closer to that ring of hostages, it is going to get harder. how do you make a deal? consider your enemy's perspective. i have done it. read the hamas charter. see what they stand by and what they stand for and how far they are willing to go. >> harris: we have go pro from october 7th. kill babies and pet them in ovens. >> david: it is who they are. if you understand, you realize this is a dark situation where you are going to have to prosecute a war to its finality or as best you can before you get them to even come around.
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>> harris: that doesn't answer my question about biden. today's white house press briefing is now underway. we just learned president biden is going to travel to baltimore to visit the collapsed francis scott key bridge. we will bring you the very latest of what comes out of that briefing room. peter doocy is in there. when we get to that round of questions, we don't want to miss it. stay close. we are coming right back. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> senior iranian commander has been killed and possible israeli air strike. what did this due to the situation in the middle east? the new threat from isis here at home. truckers on alert over new biden rules on admissions. what effect will they have on the economy? was yesterday easter or transgender visibility day or both? caitlyn jenner and our political banner on that. major legal developments against eei initiatives and corporate america. come join sandor and me at the top up of hour for "america reports." we will see you soon. >> harris: with the white house press briefing right now, white house press secretary has been asked about the situation with the israel-hamas war.
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let's watch. >> reporter: did you know about this in advance? >> secretary jean-pierre: i am aware of the reports. our team is looking into it. i'm not going to get ahead of anything yet. we are aware of our reports and our team is going to look into it. i'm not going beyond that. >> reporter: you have an update to pay for the new bridge. have you had conversations with house republicans about this? >> secretary jean-pierre: as i mentioned that the top, the department of transportation was able to release $16 million which is going to be really important. kind of a down payment if you will on getting -- on dealing -- i'm getting that bridge rebuilt. we are going to have continued conversation with the state of maryland to get a sense of how much this is going to cost. we have said we are going to certainly continue to talk to congress to get some assistance here. the president has been very clear. he's going to be there for the people of baltimore. this is a whole of government
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approach. we are going to do everything that we can to make sure that bridge gets back up. i don't have anything further to share on congressional conversation. that is a commitment that the president has made. >> reporter: "60 minutes" reported last night on a connection between anomalous incidents -- what is the white house reaction to that report? >> secretary jean-pierre: and i'm going to be really careful here. the intelligence community has not concluded that there there was an assessment of the intelligence community made. i would have to read fairly new to their assessment. that particular piece about russia, i know they had not concluded that. >> reporter: i know that the intelligence community has said that they still think it is not likely that a foreign power is responsible. how can the administration continue to believe that we have so many credible u.s. officials
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who have experienced this saying otherwise? >> secretary jean-pierre: this is an intelligence community assessment. odni can speak specifically how they got to that assessment and how they got to that conclusion. i can speak to what we have done since 2023 since the intelligence committee assessment. we have taken this very seriously. the president takes u.s. personnel making sure they are protected is the most important. a couple of steps we took, we prioritize investigation and examine reports thoroughly. this is something the president directed to departments in the federal government across the federal government to do to ensure that u.s. government personnel and their families who report receive the support and timely access to medical care that they need and to take reports seriously and threat to personnel with respect and compassion. we have taken some actions that the president directed his
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agencies across the federal government on any specific as to the intelligence assessment. i would have to refer you to odni. >> the pentagon confirmed reporting today that department of defense official who was -- for the nato summit last year also experienced what appears to be ahi. can you give us any update on that person? >> secretary jean-pierre: i am very careful of speaking to any personnel specific case. i don't want to do that from here. i would have to refer you to the department of defense since they came from the department of defense. >> reporter: working on issues related to russia particularly overseas, are they safe? >> secretary jean-pierre: we are going to continue to emphasize the importance of prioritizing, right? making sure that personnel are, you know, protected. you're going to do everything that we can. this is something that this president believes is important. and so, look, we are going to
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continue to do a comprehensive examination of the effects here that we are seeing in the potential causes of ahi. that is something we are going to continue to look into. we take this very seriously. this is why we have taken in all government approach and have directed agencies to do the three things that i listed out. this is important. we see this as an important issue that we want to certainly prioritize. that is what we have been doing since 2023. >> reporter: is the president hosting a dinner tomorrow? >> secretary jean-pierre: i don't have anything to confirm here. very early on this month, we put out a statement marking the first day of ramadan. this is march. obviously. the president wishes all who observe ramadan a safe -- >> harris: there was a lot going on there. not the least of which we
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covered as breaking news. israel has taken out a key member of the iranian revolutionary national guard. a leader who was in weapons resupplied. potentially somebody who has been supplying the weapons to get our men and women in the middle east. they took them out right next to the building, the iranian embassy which bears the image of sof -- you've got a lot going on with israel today. i would call that a solid for us. we certainly didn't take him out. we had warehouses instead. we will be back in a moment. one? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded.
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it is not surprising. it is unsurprising that politicians are seeking to divide. and we can country was cruel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric. it is dishonest what we have heard. it is untrue what we have heard over the weekend. >> if it seemed that she was reading, that is the same statement we were all given as meeting yesterday. all the backlash that president biden has received for celebrating transgender day of visibility on easter. they could have observed saturday or monday, but they chose not to do that with transgender day of visibility. this is what we started with. that's how the briefing open, people. do we go to that right away? anyway, we have to go to "america reports" now. >> secretary jean-pierre: i am aware of the reports. our team is looking into it. i'm not going to get ahead of anything just yet. we are


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