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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 1, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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it is unsurprising that politicians are seeking to divide. and we can country was cruel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric. it is dishonest what we have heard. it is untrue what we have heard over the weekend. >> if it seemed that she was reading, that is the same statement we were all given as meeting yesterday. all the backlash that president biden has received for celebrating transgender day of visibility on easter. they could have observed saturday or monday, but they chose not to do that with transgender day of visibility. this is what we started with. that's how the briefing open, people. do we go to that right away? anyway, we have to go to "america reports" now. >> secretary jean-pierre: i am aware of the reports. our team is looking into it. i'm not going to get ahead of anything just yet. we are aware of the reports.
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i'm not going to go beyond that. >> john: the white house not commenting on a dramatic development in the middle east. a massive air strike in damascus,syria, which reportedly eliminated one of the most senior military commanders. with that, welcomed on monday. i am john roberts and washington. sandra, great to be back with you. >> sandra: i am sandra smith in new york and this is "america reports." the rare daytime strike in damascus. they say several iranian diplomats were killed in addition to the general who played a key role in supplied weapons to hezbollah and other terror groups in that region. iran's ambassador to syria says the response will be harsh. >> john: complete coverage now. senior director michael allen moments away on how iran may choose to respond. >> sandra: reporting live on the ground in tel aviv for us this hour. what are you hearing from your sources about this strike?
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>> good afternoon. we are learning more about this rare daytime strike in damascus,syria, that killed top iranian general for t the men responsible for weapons shipments to damascus that are ultimately ending up in the hands of hezbollah and used two target israeli troops in the northern part of this country according to initial reports, other members of iran's i rgc were inside the building at the time of the reported israeli strike. this is a significant development and one that will have repercussions across the middle east. we are getting that statement in just now from iran's ambassador to syria who said the iranian response to this strike will be "swift, direct, and harsh." he is someone who is seen as a successor to other regional commanders who previously reported to the top iranian general who was killed in the 2020 drone strike outside of
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baghdad international airport. he reported most recently to the leader of the forces of iran's irgc. the question now is how and if iran will respond to do this strike. they have a variety of options. israel has been in direct and sustained conflict with iranian proxies across the middle east for the past 178 days. overnight, a drone was launched most likely by an iranian-backed militia. or rocket fire from the lebanese militant group hezbollah and the war against -- inside gaza. >> sandra: reporting live for us on the ground in tel aviv. >> john: let's bring in michael allen. former senior director under president bush. first of all, do you think this was in fact israel. there has been no proof that it is. the iranians say it was. syria said it was. >> i am pretty sure it is
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israel. the united states as once or twice got into this under previous administration. i think it is definitely israel. >> john: what do you think the upshot is going to be? killing a senior commander. this is reminiscent of when the u.s. took out -- there was a response. a brief response and the only response. what do you think might happen here? >> they will have to hit back. when you have a senior iranian intelligence official that is killed out in the battlefield, he is that she liaison for ir iran's terrorist network. he is the one that deals with hezbollah, israel's primary threat. this is why israel did it. they have to keep the boot on the neck of their greatest foes. that is hamas and has spelled out. i think they will launch some muscles by way of hezbollah. probably end to northern israel. they are doing a lot of that. i think they will hit more. i think they will want something
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that is more than symbolic but short of outright declaration of war with israel. neither hezbollah or iran want that. >> john: between lebanon and israel. it has been relatively can dana perino their elements inside israel who are saying now is the time to go after hezbollah. this potentially erupt into all-out war with hezbollah again for the first time since -- >> what scenarios might you have regional escalation? this is just the type of thing that we will look at. i think the incentives for both parties are not to have an outright war between the two. iran wants to keep hezbollah where it is. once to support hamas, since in weapons over it. it wants to keep it there. if israel ever was bombed by israel -- in other words, go after their nuclear program, iran wants hezbollah to be there to go back at israel.
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>> john: iran is at risk of losing hamas. i want to ask you about this morning. he said america could be in for an attack by isis in light of what happened last week in moscow. >> i think the threat is gro growing. it has begun to grow as soon as we left afghanistan and took pressure off of isis-k. i think we should expect further attempts of this nature against the united states as well as our partners and other nations abroad. >> john: some 8 million people across the border illegally into the united states since president biden became president. got a ways. we don't know where they went. what do you think the level of threat is potentially, perpetrated by these got aways? >> the lesson of 2001 is that we have to be ever vigilant. we have to be overseas going after terrorist organizations so
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that all day long, terrorists are worried about their survival, not building an external network to hit us in the united states or our allies in europe. we've got to stay on the offense to have a good defense. >> john: u.s. intelligence war in russia of a pending attack. let's hope they have good intelligence and what is going on inside our country. good to see you. >> sandra: outrage after an el paso judge reportedly read some of the migrant scene stampeding troops at the border. even more of those migrants involved in the shocking scene could be released as we await a court hearing in texas. the court drama comes as texas has deployed 700 more national guard troops to el paso to bolster border enforcement ahead of a massive migraine caravan that is currently making its way through mexico towards the southern border. >> john: 3-judge panel in new orleans will hear arguments
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about the texas law allowing local state and -- live at the justice department for us this afternoon. when might that man will announce a ruling in the case? >> it could take days or weeks. everyone is going to be wondering what this panel will to. the fifth circuit appeals based in new orleans is traditionally a conservative court. we are not going to really know how the 3-judge panel is meaning until wednesday. the reason this is taking place in new orleans is the fifth circuit is based in new orleans which covers the lone star state of texas. the supreme court allowed the texas law that allows local taxes law enforcement to arrest anyone who is suspected of crossing the border illegally to be enforced. just hours later, a lower court put a pause or a stay in place on that law. the justice department is fighting to make no law unconstitutional, arguing that immigration control is an entirely federal power. u.s. border patrol agents alone
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control the border and make arrests. governor abbott in texas says the law is needed because sovereignty and safety -- bringing crime and drugs. his folks say the border patrol agents are understaffed and underwhelmed in the state should be able to make arrests. the constitutionality will be argued on wednesday. no matter how the court rules, we expect the other side to go back to the u.s. supreme court once again putting the u.s. supreme court in the middle of a heated issue in the middle of a high-stakes election season. we will be in the courtroom on wednesday in new orleans. >> john: david, thank you. a big announcement coming up to a clock from houston. the u.s. attorney's office for the southern district of texas. >> sandra: we are going to be watching for any announcement on that. major drug trafficking announcement out of houston, john burt certainly that'll be big news when we get that an
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amazing to see where the american public to see. what happened at the southern border, the images that we saw of the migrants stampeding our own national guard. it was a story and an image that you saw this network for days. and to think that they can do that and then just simply be released is really something. >> john: taxes would like to keep them or send them back. there's images for you back on the first day of spring. as they stormed past the texas national guard. apprehended by border control. >> now this. the music industry's biggest scandal in recent history is growing. federal investigators now widen their probe into sean diddy combs. kennedy is here with her take on where she sees this heading n next. because of green energy push moving full steam ahead. we will talk to the co-owner of
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a trucking company on the strict new climate standards the biden administration is proposing and what he says your costs will ultimately go up. >> what about the range for semi trucks that are electric? the only things that are economically feasible to power an 18-wheeler is going to be diesel or natural gas. rates on your credit cardsest lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. wh-who wants to talk about their heart! [honking] how's the heart? how's your heart? how's your heart?
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>> this mandate is based on technology. i support green energy. i speak for all truckers when we say this. this is extremely frustrating. these regulations are not practical for 5 reasons that are going to affect the trucking community. number 1 is cost. cost range $180,000 comparable better electric truckle will cost $480. up charge. and will be cost prohibitive for overwhelming majority of truckers. motor carriers. more than 95% -- >> sandra: that is such a good point that you make. i want to dig into that. we will dip into the white house if you get standby. peter doocy is getting some questions to the white house press secretary. >> secretary jean-pierre: in a bipartisan fashion to get a negotiation done. what we saw is from the last
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president, president trump told republicans in congress not to move forward with this negotiation, this agreed negotiation, this is a great proposal. because it would help joe biden. that is what was reported by some of you. we can actually deal with this. we can actually do with what we are saying. because they didn't move forward, but because they didn't move forward with this proposal because of the last president, they put politics ahead of the american people. we have seen chaos. we want to get this done. we did. we worked with congress to get this done to deal with the challenges at the border. president trump got in the way. because president trump got in the way, republicans are getting in the way. >> reporter: made it easier to deport people? >> secretary jean-pierre: what the president wants to see is he wants congressional republicans to pass, to move forward with a bipartisan border security agreement.
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a bipartisan border security agreement that was supported by the border patrol union, u.s. chamber of commerce, something that we don't see nowadays. we were able to get that done. the president wants to see that being passed pretty wants congressional republicans did not put politics. it was about majority of americans want us to deal with this issue. that is what the president wants to see. >> reporter: only different topic. how wary do americans need to be about squatters? >> secretary jean-pierre: about squatters? >> reporter: the locks have been changed. some squatters have moved in and the home owner has no rights. does president biden think that is right? >> secretary jean-pierre: my understanding is this is obviously a local issue. we are certainly tracking at issue. the rights of property owners and renters must be protected. we believe that ultimately, what needs to happen is the local government needs to make sure that they address this and take action. everyone in their community in
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this country wants the same thing. they all want the same thing where they want their families to be safe. that is what we want as well. we want to make sure that americans and their families feel safe. >> reporter: victims of squatting can call the cops and how the squatters removed. would president biden support something like that? >> secretary jean-pierre: i'm not going to get into hypotheticals from here. but i can say is ultimately, this is a local issue. it is critical that local governments take actions to address it. again, everybody wants the same thing. they want to feel safe in their communities. that is what they want. we certainly are tracking these stories. >> sandra: really interesting exchanges there on multiple topics. the last of which was the issue of squatters. we have covered a lot of that right here on our program where people see themselves losing the rights to a home that they own when someone takes it over. the legal fight can sometimes take so long to get them out
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that the squatter has legal rights to stay. we will continue to cover that story and more. we will monitor the white house. back to the trucking industry. if you could lay out the impact that this has on your business. truckers have been speaking out about this push to go electric. obviously distance is a really big problem. the amount of distance that electric vehicle could go. finding the charging stations. i know for you, the bottom line is how much this is going to cost and the impact on your business. can you quantify that for us? >> the cost is going to be catastrophic. $300,000 more than we are paying currently. all these costs have to be passed down through there got get passed down to the end user, the american people. most of these companies are small businesses operating 10 or fewer trucks.
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complying with these mandates will push many carriers out of business causing severe price inflation for all goods. the truckers need an affordable hybrid truck with 2 systems of power. if one shuts down and one breaks, the other continues. the truckers need proven technology. if the technology fails, the entire supply chain will be dead in the water. >> sandra: for our viewers sitting at home, they wonder, how much is this going to cost me? that is what the trucking association president is talking about, the trickle-down effects of the higher costs but on the truckers. listen. >> the milk, eggs, bread, if you will be put in our cars, the medications, everything that we rely on every day, the cost of transportation goes up, so to the cost of all the other things that we pay for. that is when reality sets in. beat you at a time of sky high inflation that doesn't seem to be ending, are you also saying
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that this means even higher pris for consumers and shoppers and those going to the grocery store? >> correct. this might double or triple the price. we might have bigger issues. we might have a collapse in the supply chain. we are not merely delivering sodas or play stations which are important. we are delivering food to the american people. if that technology fails, we would be dead in the water. it's going to be let go of it all over again but ten times worse. people starving in this country. >> sandra: really interesting stuff. you are an important voice in this coming out of some of illinois. we thank you for joining us. we will keep in touch. >> john: the white house setting up a firestorm after marking transgender day of visibility on one of the most holy days on the christian calendar. our political panel coming up on that next plus this. >> we feel very good that we are
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moving in the right direction not just with crime but with attendance up in our schools. >> sandra: a new plan to try to keep kids in school and out of trouble. why many may be on the hook if we watch the story unfold and how it will impact that city that is going through so many problems. whether this will have any impact on the crime crisis that city is battling. -so, what's the code? -it says 547. 5-well, that's not working. dad, she really needs to pee. [baby crying] we're gonna get in in a minute, okay? -it's not opening. -well, i'll call. representative. [baby crying] speak with a person. [cs line] you are a valued customer. representative! we can go in the window. (♪) daddy! just a moment darling. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals leave you hanging, try one where you can reach a human in about a minute. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
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♪ ♪ >> john: president biden is taking heat after issuing a proclamation for transgender day of visibility on easter sunday, one of the most holy days of the year. the white house is doubling down on their messaging. let's bring in our panel. our fox news senior political analyst. here is when joe biden tweeted
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out for israel out on sunday. "some of the bravest people i know. today we show millions of transgender and nonbinary americans that we see them when they belong and should be treated with dignity and res respect. a lot of people are very upset about this, particularly catholic saying this celebration of easter should be about one thing and that is the resurrection of. >> he also sent out a message about easter sunday that had nothing to do with transgender people. celebration of transgender day international has always been on march 31st. he was simply in line with my calendar there. to me, this is social media sensation. you find conspiracy theories or you find something that could be construed as offensive, and then you use it to drive up your political base and say, our guys are being offended. in this case, you are a saint for catholics, are being
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bypassed. joe biden is looking at something to do with transgender people instead of something to do with catholic spirit joe biden is a devout catholic. he goes to church. >> john: one of the people who is very upset about this is caitlyn jenner. i mean, the irony of her being cast as being hateful is not lost on many people. >> joe biden does go to church. and in order to be a devout catholic, you have to follow that catholic catechism. when you have cardinal gregory out here in washington, d.c., to make peace with politicians. not every fire and brimstone. when you have him criticizing the president over the weekend i'm picking and choosing in the faith, there is a problem. this day was already set on march 31st. there are over 20 days in the american calendar devoted to different gay things. there are 6 different weeks
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given to this subject. there are 3 different months given to this subject. this easter is the most holy day prayer for this white house to sit there i got friday -- which is a very important day to catholics especially to supposedly devout ones and sign a proclamation when they could have skipped it or put it aside for easter sunday. it shows either a blatant disregard or extremely stupid messaging. >> john: biden white house as -- the resurrection of jesus christ banning sacred truth and tradition while at the same time proclaiming easter sunday is transgender d day. banning sacred truth and tradition referred to the fact that the white house came out and said for its painted easter egg display, no religious symbols along with some other things. the contest rules that must not include any questionable content, religious symbols or
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religious themes. apparently that has been policy for 45 years. >> the egg board says the rules were 45 years. it is not the white house. i think what we are seeing here is a play on identity politics which says, oh, my gosh, biden is not a friend to religious people. i find this bizarre. >> john: and it is also curious that they didn't put out the transgender message on any other spanish language social media. when you consider that the population at large is 23% catholic, but among latinos, and is 43%, you are wondering, did they intentionally not put it out on spanish language social media? >> i think they are taking advantage that western catholics have been largely domiciled. you would know this from a lot of the media coverage. but christians are the most persecuted people on the planet. i good writing services every
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year. priests are kidnapped in africa across the middle east. it's not talked about because it doesn't fit into this idea. the united states, the number of church burnings has increased by many fold year after year especially after the dobbs decision. attacks on sacred art. the white house never really wants to talk about that. the easter egg thing reminds you of the starbucks thing. i don't expect my starbucks christmas cup to say "christ is king." christians might expect that bear the white house walks into the sort of things. >> when i hear this, i think to myself, you know, joe biden is not only a devout catholic and he is the second catholic president in american history. i think he knows about being politically persecuted or disadvantaged because of religion. he is a trailblazer in that regard. when you think about, you know,
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his opponent, former president trump selling bibles and endorsing bibles as if it is a political memo, i just think, wow. how is it that joe biden is on the defensive? the guy on the defensive is the one tying up joe biden and an illustration, putting him in the back of a pickup drop. some people see that as a violent persecution image in real time. >> you can take communion. you got to go to confession. there are really strict rules. if you are the most prominent and powerful catholic on the planet and pushing an abortion regime which is considered extreme even by the cardinal. if you are pushing transgender day of visibility and rejecting the basic tenants of the faith, centers belong in church. to push yourself out there attacking some of its tenants as a tough space. >> a lot of people with
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differences of opinion on abortion or catholic. there are lots of people who have differences opinion about books. i don't think there's any question that people who try to pursue their faith should be recognized and appreciated. >> there is the idea that you can't really be a catholic if you want to be a cafeteria catholic very good discussion, gentlemen. we will have more in the future. >> sandra: young americans are unhappy about the state of biden's economy. could this spell trouble for the president at the ballot box? our monday panel, steve moore, robert wolf will dig into that. >> john: is sean diddy combs and more legal peril than originally thought? tiant emphasis murder case to the music mogul.
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they were boyfriend and girlfriend for several years. the things that she alleged in her simple filing where very detailed and very, very -- you can't actually put it into words. you can't on tv. it's hard to discuss. there were elements of abuse, rape, and human trafficking. it seems as though federal investigators got a hold of those and started investigating some of those claims. they wanted evidence from some of the hard drives, laptops. phones, and other security devices to see if any of those claims rose to being prosecuteddable. if the federal government isn't going to read adrian 2 homes in a manner unless they think they have the goods. your hearing about the man who is charged. finally decade later, we have got someone who is going to stand trial for that.
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as his trial date looms closer, it seems as though he might be talking about diddy's involvement which people have alleged and whispered about and gossiped about four years and years and years. i was asking someone who worked with diddy, why didn't people come forward? if some of these things are true and some of this abuse rises to the level of criminality, why didn't people say something sooner? it was because of the amount of control he had over artists and people in his personal life and people he got very close to him and his inner circle. who knows what ndas they have signed. a lot of those can be challenged in court. >> sandra: this runs deep. no former nypd rapper intelligence derek parker on why he think these cases are just now catching up to diddy. take a listen. >> the feds have developed cooperators. people who were affected by him or had some ties with him
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whether he had criminal activity and came forward and gave information. >> sandra: a lot of this is him out there bragging about some of his past crimes. there is no doubt that feds are going to get a hold of all these financial records and text and emails. this is going to tell a massive story. >> also have the money ran out. he had a long-term relationship -- diddy had a tequila label. he sued for racism saying that they weren't supporting his brand, because it is black-owned. he felt that he lost out on millions and millions of dol dollars. when that relationship ended, there was no longer, you know, the open spigot to fund the open projects. >> sandra: you have been so involved in the music industry for decades and now covering it.
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this is got to be one of the biggest scandals to hit the music industry. >> it is really wild. i met diddy in the '90s. we interviewed each other for the cover of a magazine. i ran into him at the i heart music festival in other places. i always found him to be gracious. when someone is an acquaintance, you don't know what is happening beneath the surface. the fact that he was seen as being tough and potentially violent, that bolstered his brand for a long time. now with people not getting paid and people feeling like they have other victims who have come forward with these allegations, he may be -- >> sandra: "the new york post" was writing over the weekend about the billionaire boys club. they praised him as a genius before this trafficking grow. final thought, what do you believe? >> i know one of his lawyers said that this is all a witch hunt this was a
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militarized style show of force. that may be true. if these federal charges come together, it could be very, very serious for him. he really could be looking at present time. right now, he is not been charged. he is innocent until proven guilty. >> sandra: i love your new piece in your column. i want today. great to see you. thank you so much. john, i know you have been following this. this has been a story that has been hard to miss. there is no doubt once the fed goes through all these records, this is deep. >> john: i was in nashville. i was immersed in country music. dolly parton was big on my agenda. the diddy stuff, the fact that he hasn't been arrested, he hasn't been charged. homeland security investigations is taking care of this. you really wonder what they are looking for here, and while the
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ultimate may be. well he eventually get charged? will he go to jail? we don't know at this point. >> sandra: if he is charged, he will do sometime. we will see. great to see you. john. >> john: diversity or discrimination. the recent lakeville decision shaking up corporate america. jonathan charlie will tell us what the ruling means for equity and inclusion in the workplace. >> sandra: convicted murderer alex murdaugh sentence for financial crimes. how many more years in financial prison is he facing? >> people have said is a bill on the charges something that has the potential grounds to it. they want to make sure with the financial crimes, he is put away in jail for the rest of his life. people don't want him to walk out of jail ever again. s brilli? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up.
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>> john: the briefing at the state department ongoing. that strike in damascus that syrian and iranian officials say was the work of israel killing one of the top commanders of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. here is what miller said in response. because i'm not going to comment with respect to this particular strike. we need to know or information including drawing conclusions
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from it. as a general principle, of course we were worried about escalation and anything that would cause the conflict to expand. >> john: that is one of the big concerns if it was israel that is behind the strike. how will you run respond? michael allen suggesting that they may respond to their proxy hezbollah and lebanon. we will watch and we will see what if anything happens. sandra. >> sandra: all right. top leaders ordering east village company to remove a thin red line flag honoring 9/11 rose. that is meant as a show of solidarity. the order coming after a complaint from a democratic councilwoman who called it a political symbol that violated rules through the push to remove that flag causing an uproar on social media and hours later, the order was reversed and the flag was allowed back on the truck. this was leadership that forced
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these fdny firefighters to remove that flag. that has since been reversed. an interesting story. >> john: at some point, common sense need to prevail. the thin red line is to honor the heroes who gave their lives on 9/11 rushing into the twin towers. i was that in any way, shape, or form a political symbol? >> sandra: we hope that the order remains reversed. >> john: we will be watching that one. he was already serving a life sentence for killing his wife and son. today, alex murdaugh was also sentence for stealing millions of dollars from his clients and law firm. senior correspondent in south carolina. how many more decades does murdaugh have to spend in prison? >> well, right now, he is serving 2 life sentences for the murders of his wife and son. he's trying to overturn that. prosecutors and victims attorneys are really looking at
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his sentences for financial crimes as an insurance policy to keep him behind bars. federal prosecutors backed out of a plea deal because they don't believe alex murdaugh is becoming forthcoming with investigators trying to find more than $6 million that route maine unaccounted for. judge richard said the disbarred lawyer has stolen the most vulnerable people who "placed all their problems and all their hopes in mr. murdaugh's hands. >> these victims were not investing money. they lost their loved ones. they lost their son. they lost their mother. alex murdaugh took advantage of that. >> addressing his victims in court, murdaugh said "i am filled with sorrow and filled with guilt over things i did to these people that i care about." murdaugh's 40-year federal sentence will run at the same time as it states in this war
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crimes and could be reduced according to his attorney. >> i will tell you under the first steps act that former president trump got past that federal inmates are doing 60% of their sentence. 40 years, that would equate to 24 years. >> murdaugh is serving 2 life sentences for them murders of his wife and son, but he is seeking a new trial. the one thing that you can read eight, is today is the not last time we see this man in court. back to you. >> john: i've got a quick question for you. when the judge also ordered him to pay restitution to the people from whom he stole money. he can't pay them millions of dollars. how is he going to handle that? >> that's right. some of that money has been reimbursed by his former law firm through the restitution in theory is money that if it is
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recovered if they recover any of that $6 million that still remains unaccounted for, that will be a potential way of tapping into the money. prosecutors are highly suspicious of murdaugh. they don't believe he is cooperating. they say he did not pass a polygraph test. they are suspicious that perhaps there is someone helping him hide that money. so far, murdaugh is not coming forward with that information, john. >> john: the court proceedings decide. one of the best places in america to be. thank you. >> sandra: u.s. law enforcement making a major dent in the fight against the ruthless cartel. doj briefing is about to be underway at any moment now and used in. we are going to keep an eye on that. >> john: dozens of people saw this easter weekend and where else? chicago. how much of it is to blame on rising and all crime across america?
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jones is being held without b bail. >> sandra: hello and welcome everyone. i am sandra smith, and new york. this is a live event. we will be watching is that unfolds. >> john: i am john roberts and washington. this is "america reports" our number 2. >> sandra: and now this. it was a violent easter weekend in the city of chicago. 7 people shot and killed. another 33 people injured including at least 4 teenage girls. cities across the u.s. are seeing an uptick in juvenile crime. washiwashington, d.c., mayor was parents to be accountable when their kids skip school. an issue that may be contributing to the jump in teen violence. >> john: retrain girls age 12 and 13 have been arrested for allegedly beating a 64-year-old disabled man to death in washington last year. all three suspects are chi


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