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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 1, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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outlets that ice cream parlors were not the intent. the book has been passed on and unite here as clean up on the belt of fast food counsel department of industrial relations. i believe the latest -- >> i know you have a spending trend months fighting this. that takes time away from you and your operation and improving operations for your customers. we understand that we will check back with you. our dime back dana perino speak
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i hear, big money >> the annual white house easter like he didn't step in a mess of controversy. if president eyring back after my thinking fast and there's a visibility and some think it is not the first time but they never celebrated transgender holiday. backlash has been split with a landing on the same day as easter. going outside and east. consult in the name of -- don't blame me. a group of reporters away from the camera's "i didn't do that."
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the media defending the decision by pointing to his catholic faith. >> president biden is a catholic note deepfakes. he went to easter mass yesterday. no word whether donald trump went to any religious ceremony. the go he went with the traditional approach year. the former president donald trump going with the politics of grievance. speak on the right doesn't care that the nine is this religious catholic and trump has all these marriages. >> therein lies the difference between biden, and i man of faith who goes to church virtually every sunday and trump cannot only use religion as a weapon but also as a blasphemous moneymaking opportunity. >> dana: the white house coming to spain on the and scholarly criticism of cruel and dishonest. >> every year for the past several years on march 31st, transgender day of visibility is
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march. as a christian who celebrate easter with family, president biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedom of every american. politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric. it is dishonest but we have heard the past 24 hours. >> dana: jesse watters, what do you think about all of this? >> jesse: happy transgender visibility day. thank you. >> jesse: i crashed a few floodlights. the three i can tell you what i did. >> jesse: i obama. here is why. he was the first president of president to formally resident d transgender visibility day. i don't know if this being nine to they were putting it out on
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joe biden says he didn't do it. he is either waging war on christianity or is a liar. go figure. permission to speak on behalf of the american people. >> yes, okay. i was going to offer to hold your hand. >> i think the trans thing is over. we have accommodated the trans for quite some time. they are demanding more visibility, greg. the only thing more visible than the trans is taylor swift. i see more stuff about trans than anything. and now, we are finding out, there is 100 trans days recognized on the calendar. i was always under the impression that gay pride month was june. they get the whole month. lgbtq rstuv.
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the trans almost under that umbrella. they can have a parade, they can be as visible as they need to be. i have no problem with that. do your thing. now they are picking individual days out of the calendar. if you have a calendar 365 days of the year and the transgender community purposely chooses the day of jesus' death or resurrection, that seems like a purposeful shot. it could have been in october. they could have been in august. they chose that day on purpose. then, the media tries to controversial lies christianity. so trump put his name on a bible and is promoting prayer. that is not controversial. fdr handed outside bibles to troops during world war ii. jimmy carter wrote forwards to bibles that were sold. they called barack obama "the
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messiah." it is when american politicians do. i don't have a problem with that. and communism, they tried to banish religion. you couldn't worship god. you had to worship the state. i hope we are not heading in that direction. that will not happen on my watch. >> the white house will save the date of trans billability date is always march 31st. >> the interesting part is joe biden didn't just announce the transgender day of visibility. he announced that the day before and the day of. it got double hit. some of the other stuff that he said where he said that, he actually says "you are made in the image of god." he tells that to the transgender's. if you are made in the image of god, why do you need surgery? why did you change your sexuality? why did you mutilate your body? we live in a country over
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210 million christians and catholics in the country of 330 million americans. that is a huge majority. for joe biden to come out and promote this and make a proclamation on that day is an insult to christians, catholics who believe that this is probably the most sacred day where christ died for our sins on friday and arose. it is a very significant day to us. and i think that biden -- he was mocking the tenants of christianity when he said, "you are made in the image of god." it is not unusual for this administration. it is this administration wear, you know, the easter egg roll for the national guard families, they say that children are not allowed to paint anything on the eggs at the white house which has an overt religious
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influence. if a kid puts a cross on an easter egg, that is not allowed. finally, let me talk about how the biden administration -- they couldn't say he is this great catholic. i don't think he is. catholicism is not a name, aunts and your actions. it's a what you do. third term abortions to me are not about catholicism. this is an administration where the vice president goes to an abortion clinic to promote it and praise it. this is an administration where they literally target catholics. they weaponize the fbi and the doj basically saying -- and then they denied it. that they are radical traditionalists catholics, rtc. they propose infiltration into catholic churches where they actually went to priests and choir directors to go after them. i don't call this guy a pro-catholic president. >> dana: one of the things
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about the story that got to me, harold. he said, i didn't do that. the staff spent 48 hours putting online. he would include everybody. he doesn't even do that. it does feel like gen z is in charge of the white house and president biden goes along with an antilles asked about it in person, and then he denies it. it's also good to have you back. >> harold: happy good friday. i was hoping to be here thursday but couldn't. i read the message on friday and one of our in-house newspapers in "the new york post." i thought it was powerful. i was moved to tears. it was obviously in the wake of the murder of this new york police department officer whose wife i thought gave one of the more compelling and chilling and honest eulogies that a spouse could ever give. you never want to give that sermon. she, i thought that was measured in her tone but direct.
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colonel wrote in the paper that jesus' love, mercy, and truth. he was viciously slain on the cross, and he died for us. i keep that in mind during this time of year. i probably would have done what president obama did. we are all made in god's image even when murderers and those who were on death row are about to lose their lives. justifiably and rightly so, pastors and others men and women of faith will come and say that. i also thing in fairness to president biden, i didn't understand what he was saying either at first in the intro or part of your question when he said he didn't do that. i think the question was, he was responding to speaker johnson who accused him of violating the tenets of a stupid in his mind, he was not. he was lifting up a group of americans and a group of humans for that matter, let alone
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americans. when i think about the way you described it, judge, we are all sinners. what he might have been saying, i don't think he was lifting the transgender community above anyone. i think he was saying whether you are straight or gay or transgender, we are all sinners in our own way. jesus died for those sins to be forgiven. on that sunday easter sunday, the one thing we celebrate is the resurrection of christ and christ is risen. >> dana: greg gutfeld can i do have some thoughts here? >> greg: if you demand trans visibility and you have all these days of remembrance is an honor, and should be full visibility. that means we should be able to talk about it. this isn't about a day. it's about a truth behind a movement. what is happening to kids. it may be a coincidence that trans visibility day fell on easter. the choice wasn't. the choice is the result of a
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movement, right? and the mindless reflex of a hollow man called joe biden. he could have moved it, but he didn't. in terms of traditions, the trans day has been around for a few years, but i think easter has been a longer period is not about the day. that's about the truth and the movement. critics as they always will be pretrade as right wing hysterics, bigots bouncing on the "marginalized group." as jesse points out, this is the opposite of marginalized. i have never seen the smallest percentage of a population amplified like this in my life. we have no quarrel with adults doing whatever they want with their bodies. this is gone too far. they have widening the net. it's not about adults dressing up on a day and going barhopping. it is a collective hysteria that has affected children. primarily girls who are being diagnosed with so-called gender
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dysphoria which has spread socio-genetically. it's not internal. the stuff that you are seeing right now is not internal. how could it explode so quickly? things don't grow like that that fast. the data shows that outside awareness that is affecting anxious and depressed who are encouraged to take steps that are irreversible and that they learn to regret. no movement proponents have lied to us to keep us scared. they were telling us that children with gender dysphoria are more prone to suicide. that is not true. children with anxiety and depression are more prone to suicide. that is a precursor. they use that to create this lie. if you didn't use gender affirmation through drugs and therapy, then you weren't preventing suicide. you want it gender confused kids do died. this made the leap without data to move towards irreversible outcomes which were pushed by
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bloodthirsty people that have infiltrated our medical ind industry. the american college of pediatricians finally came out with a statement against child mutilation. it is absurd in itself that they actually had to come out and say that. the ama of the apa, they all stood by while children are being butchered in the name of a larger movement. if you want trans visibility, you don't really want it. then you've got to look at the leaders in the movement. the people specifically in the prison movement that are trying to turn inmates trans. some of them rape kids. some of them have murdered people. they have changed their names. you are seeing this strange -- this is as bad as the lobotomy movement in my idea. what they did to people with mild mental issues. they lobotomized them. this is a mild mental issue in
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which children are butchered. irreversibly or used with hormonal injections in which they are never the same. we have allowed them to redefine childhood anxiety in order to advocate irreversible solutions. how can a doctor do this? this violates do no harm. they should lose their licenses and ultimately go to jail. >> dana: i want to add thing that is a bigger picture thing. at the white house every single thing to you could be asked to write eight or ten proclamations. i don't think the government needs to weigh in on every single thing. maybe make it a federal holiday an end make it. it's nonsense and waste a lot of time. >> greg: i want my own day. sure people don't have their own day, judge. you are short. >> judge jeanine: no, i'm not. no, i'm not. >> dana: i will john yoo. >> greg: we are proud.
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>> dana: i want the month of may. coming up, the illegal border crossers who attack and overwhelm border agents getting to walk out of jail. hello, ghostbusters. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now.
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>> the illegals who caused the right at the border getting the liberal city special and walking free out of jail. the texas judge reportedly ordering their release. stampeding their way through razor while while pummeling national guardsmen. the white house not bothered by the migrant magness and flaming republicans or. >> accused of beating up texas national guardsmen in a riot last month released on their own recognizance sunday.
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how does that make people in this country any safer? >> the border patrol was able to act quickly and get the situation under control and apprehend the migrants. our immigration system has been broken for decades because of the last president, and they put politics ahead of the american people. >> republicans in congress would help them make a law that made it easier to deport people. >> he wants congressional republicans to pass, to move forward with a bipartisan border security agreement. >> all right, harold and the green room. you came up with an amazing solution for this. you said, we should kill two birds with one stone and hire squatters as security against the illegal game members. i thought that was pretty inventive. >> harold: have to look at the cameras on these things. this story here, we do a lot of stories like this, rightly so. for the life of me, i blame
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president biden and his administration for 80% of this. i blame congress for 20%. if your party is in charge of the white house, and you see this happening, you have more tools at your disposal to do something immediately. there are a lot of things that president trump did that i don't like and lots of things that he did that i didn't like. smarter executive orders on the border. president obama had the toughest executive orders. president trump had ones that were effective. there were other things that president trump did around the economy i thought were decent. this issue here in a tight race if you want to look at the bear politics at the white house. this is an issue that will cause us to lose. that should be the only reason you act. in politics, and generally or getting reelected is what catalyzes people. the american people don't like this. rightly so. americans don't feel safe with this. when we say on this show and i
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say on the show, you can tell people are doing well economically or financially. if they are not, they are not can i believe it. if they see these images over and over and over again, they are not going to believe it. because it is not true. i would hope that the white house and even those in congress who can't act but do. if you are in the white house, you have an opportunity and i believe an obligation to act on this. >> greg: if only they had evidence that these illegals were spreading anti-biden memes, we could send the fbi after t them. >> jesse: i remember on january 6, people peacefully passed on fed federal property. they were sent to prison for a very, very long time. at the same thing is happening at the border. people opt for trespassing on federal property or assaulting federal agents. they are just sprung. it is total b.s. greg, that people were told are
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coming here are asylum-seekers. in order to be in asylum-seekers, you have to fear your life is in danger in your country. on account of your race, people are fleeing south america? these are hispanics fleeing hispanic countries. okay. what about the religion. are we saying these are muslim hispanics that are being persecuted in guatemala or in ecuador? or membership in a particular social group is making them feel persecuted. >> greg: are they freemasons? they might be. >> jesse: are they transgender individuals who feel persecuted? greg, where have all the newspaper stories been about mass persecutions in latin america? where are the unmarked graves? where are the overflowing
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political prisons? "the new york times" isn't interested in millions of people being persecuted? wait a second parallel presidents of all these latin american countries are coming to the white house to just hang out with the president and hang out with the vice president and ask for money. why would you give a president money who's politically persecuting millions of people? none of this makes sense. >> greg: that always surprises me. >> dana: i was shocked by that. >> greg: it is monday. >> dana: i thought about the tiktok migrant. he was on tiktok instructing other illegal migrants to squat on vacant homes. they pay attention to our laws and work to exploit them. there was a political peace maybe about a month ago. i can't believe i didn't get more attention. an inside look at the biden white house of how they used immigration as a political hot
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potato. once they've done all those executive orders and realize they had walked themselves into a terrible policy mass, it's not my fault. this president has had i think the fewest cabinet meetings and many president of modern history. if i were him, i would call a cabinet meeting and say everybody right here tell me what you are going to do. congress won't act. let's start with you, merrick garland. and what we are going to do at the border. >> greg: i wish she would just call a cab. last word, judge. if one of these agents ever and self-defense hurt one of these people -- >> judge jeanine: they would sue and collect. it would be terrible. these people have righted their way into the united states. they don't have a right to be here. that is a legal injury. that is rioting. within hours, they are released on their own recognizance by a judge. his name is -- i want you to remember his name, everybody. these are the people who are
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tearing down america. his name is humberto acosta. all right, he dismissed nearly 100 cases in august of 22. dismissed additional 100 cases in october. and then dismisses a hundred cases this past weekend. how can you dismiss cases within hours of the arrest? he then claims that the d.a. didn't indict in time. the d.a. can indict. by the way, judge, he has 180 days, the d.a., to actually indict these individuals. this is the fault of that judge. that judge could have retained them. an eagle alien is an inherent flight risk. let's talk about what the fed should have done for the federal government if we had a sane federal government, they would have come out here, and they would have made a public announcement that they are going to charge every one of them with a legal entry or reentry -- which is probably the case with a lot of them or assaults.
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they literally jumped on the knee of one of the border patrol agents, looked at him, and did it intentionally and rioting along with the other charges. in the federal government should say, we are going to send our most elite officers to track down and deport these individuals. this is a failure of the federal government. a failure of the federal government who has abdicated its responsibility to the american people. but they do is when texas tries to defend its own border, joe biden and his pals try to stop texas from enforcing the law. right now we are in a quagmire with the feds. we have got the district court said it's unconstitutional to allow texas to protect the border. fifth circuit said no, but we are going to stay in it.
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supreme court lifts this day. the fifth circuit restored the state. plus along with our legal system? this judge and federal government are responsible. >> greg: had come of the widow of the slain detective jonathan diller is ripping into the bail laws.
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i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. >> thousands of new york spine is showing up and forced to pay their respects at the funeral for fallen uniformed officer jonathan diller. the widow delivering a devastating eulogy. >> how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? it's been 2 years and 2 months since they made the ultimate sacrifice just like my husband jonathan diller. he stood in front of all the
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elected officials leading for change. that change never came. >> greg: detective diller was fatally shot by a pair of career criminals with dozens of priors between them. one was held without bail. governor kathy hochul says he understands why everyone is mad, and yet, she refuses to step up and change the laws. >> to make the family and speak to everyone. there's a lot of anger. understandably, there's anger about how these individuals who commit crimes over and over our back out on the streets again. >> greg: she could go to albany and just make this a huge push over the next legislative session, but she doesn't do it. >> judge jeanine: she cut a deal with aoc and the working families party right before the last election to make sure that she would stay in power. she is doing everything she can to maintain that.
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it doesn't take much to get in the new york legislature to get a bill. especially in this climate. not gonna go for it. you've got kathy hochul who isn't willing to put any capital behind it. make no mistake. we are the only state that doesn't have -- doesn't give a judge discretion for dangerousness. the reason those guys shot and killed. one of them did. rivera did. the other guy was driving the car. they both wear career criminals. had they been caught with those guns, they would have gone to prison for life. there was no risk to them shooting officer jonathan 813. that is on governor kathy hochul if bail had been properly imposed. if parole had not been early release, then these 2 would have been in jail where they belong
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and diller would be alive. she has the blood on her hands. don't let her sweet talk to don't let her do a two step. all in her hands. >> jesse: she wasn't welcome at the wake. >> harold: i think it is a terrible -- i understand your passion. i believe i share your passion about this issue. i thought -- my family is in the funeral home business. when you are grieving a loved one, you really want and welcome any and every one to come. families have every right to say they don't want someone at a funeral. i do hope that not only that the governor but even a speaker of the general assembly and other leaders there in albany, i hope this is a catalyst. it should be. we have talked about so many murders. we have talked about so many heinous crimes that should be catalyst for government to act differently.
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if we want these laws to change, they have to change in state capitals. that is where it happens. >> judge jeanine: you admit it is her fault. >> harold: i don't personalize at. >> judge jeanine: you have to personalize it. that is not a problem. >> harold: albany should do this. i think she could be more adamant about it. i don't let the blood on her hands. about the blood on the political systems hands. i think what that widow said, if you didn't hear that as a politician, as a citizen, as an advocate of someone who cares and doesn't act, something is wrong with you. >> judge jeanine: you are hoping the sensitivity because she is feeling bad, i'm going to change the law. she said 2 cops were killed 2 years ago. >> harold: i celebrate easter and believe in the power of forgiveness. >> dana: kathy hochul knew she wasn't invited to the wake and went anyway. it's one thing to be told you
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are not welcome but she knew she wouldn't be and went anyway. the action that she could take if she was bold enough to do so is invite alvin bragg to albany and say, you are fired. that would be a bold, courageous. it might hurt her standing with aoc. look what happened. because of these very issues getting very close to at least making that a competitive race in a state as blue as new york. >> greg: i wonder how many awakes are caused by the walk. i just came up with that. i seem to remember it was kathy hochul who said if you're complaining about crime, leave new york. didn't she say that before the election? get out. is there any surprise at a gathering of people who champion law and order, she's not going to find that many friends there. it would be like me showing up at jesse's birthday. her rage and the range of people on the right are not political,
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because it just so happens that it is pointed at a politician. the widow saw the problem, and no one including hochul this end. we talk about this as we all mentioned many times for many years. we were mocked by other networks. we don't want to do these segments do you know. we would love to do segments on the world a safer and here is another example of good triumphing evil. you can't blame us for that. that is on the left, woke, the media, the activists who brought this escape upon us. we are just not living in denial. i think anybody who keeps talking about how crime is getting in better are living in denial appeared when an officer is murdered, that media will play it down. they will accuse the people who are outraged as pouncing. "the new york times" did that. that is the same side that will amplify problematic police interactions to make the public believe that police are killing
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thousands of blacks. it would be 11 cases in a year that would come up. that led to distractions of cities, decimation of the police forces and morale. the result is what you are seeing pure love vargas and the fact is now the law of the land, protect and serve is now quit or retire. it goes back to that. >> jesse: well said. >> greg: thank you. >> jesse: you are not welcome at my birthday party. the climate change called is waging war on electric vehicles. hey there. are you looking to grow closer to god? dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others
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a crew of activists crashing the new york international auto show and splashing oil on electric truck. the wacko group responsible for the protest is the push for evs is too late and building them is as carbon intensive is not more than that of gas powered vehicle cars. okay, i have always said that, greg. i mean, the impact on the environment is just as bad. >> greg: the electric grid. the batteries. it seems to me, these eco-terrorists are out of balance. they are not oddly enough running out of money. they still have incredibly wealthy benefactors that basically, these protesters are there indulgences for the rich. they found that these people to help excuse the sins that they committed against the environment as long as they keep these guys going, they can fly
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their planes. it is symbolic absolution to allow the politicians like gavin newsom and justin trudeau, they can live the life they choose because they care. >> judge jeanine: we should take their shoes, glasses, phones, everything made from fossil fuels and see how they like it. >> dana: i would love to see them get there by horse and buggy. the left of that biden is trying to appease especially with the pro hamas folks, you are never going to satisfy them. you can take all these federal dollars and offers subsidies to all these people. you want to make them buy electric vehicles where they will take everyone's money and give you $500 credit or a $5,000 credit to buy and ev. even a stopped clock is right twice a day. they are not wrong that these evs are bad for the environment. you forgot to bring up the children. the children who have done mine
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these things. >> greg: i am pro children minors. minors should be minors. >> judge jeanine: very good. one study found that brakes and tires on evs release 850 times more particle pollution compared to modern tailpipes. >> harold: there has to be reconciling with some of the spirit of the problem that bothers me the most about this is that there is no decency anymore in any of this. people who do these kinds of things at funerals and church services at saint pat's had to deal with this. people blocked the roads on the highways and people trying to get to work and get medical c care. i love activism. i love people protesting their thoughts and their views. it reaches some limits. it is unacceptable. this is the least of it. when you are blocking roads, something is wrong. >> judge jeanine: chassis, would you like to wrap this up for us?
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>> g>> jesse: and george availae saturday? not this saturday. what about next saturday? next month? maybe next year. we could send a van. the answer was always no. there was nothing that we could do to make this man a great. the same thing with these people. you're going to start getting down to hang gliders. what about hang gliders? what about walking? is walking okay? no walking. that's where we are. i'll call them. >> judge jeanine: ants road rage nascar style next on "the five." ♪ ♪ you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back. read of your engines or some road rage, nascar style that is. take a moment to express his frustration. he's going to tear the roof off and wait for dawson. his timing was pretty impe impeccable. >> he did a good job of this right here. >> shocking video shows nascar driver ripping off the bumper and chucking it at another racer
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who he claims that ran them into the wall. apparently there is history between the two. that time you and i were riding together. i was reminded of that. >> judge jeanine: that looks like any day on i-95. the amazing thing is that little blue car says "race against crime." he takes the bumper often commits a crime against the other car. as someone who grew up in nascar, i've got to tell you, that's part of the fun. >> i'm not gonna say anything about this because it's like a police brutality video. you don't know what happened before this. i'm going to reserve judgment. >> this happened. >> dana: you talked about defining decency down. this is what is happening here. i am shocked to see what is happening to nascar. it's absolutely outrageous. >> greg: i think we are defining deviance up. to our earlier block, this is
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where the climate protesters have to protest. block these roads. i would have so much respect for you if you block these roads. come on. you say that you care. >> harold: only exclamation point. "one more thing" is up next. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. tired muscles and joints were keeping me from doing the things i loved most. not anymore. blue-emu gave me my freedom back.
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becoming an all grown up pig my slow loris hands are certificatey much like jeffrey tube bin but they are very timid and very strong. look at that in honor of national short day. >> dana: december 22nd. let it be proclaimed. jesse? >> jesse: happy birthday to jesse junior. [cheers] >> dana: go jesse. >> jesse: 3 years old today on april fools is he such kidder. he loves lightning mcqueen lightning mcqueen. tonight "jesse watters primetime" lee greenwood, john walsh and lou ferrigno who we believe played the hulk at some point. >> greg: incredible. >> dana: percy update every day he goes to the park he finds a ball no matter what. always getting -- no matter what. we don't take them for him he just finds them there. look today where he was look at
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this picture what he is supposed to do? how did he get up there? >> april fools. [laughter] >> dana: perino on politics tonight with michael meehan. judge? >> judge: you know what they say revenge if is best served barbecued. check out this sign going viral in front of a new restaurant australia. hey so so he fechuch a you brop with me because i was poor now i have money to open a barbecue. what do you think of me now. >> dana: i imagine she is no. harold do we owe you one. >> harold: go blue michigan beat michigan state to go to the final four. >> dana: hey. bret. >> dana: hey, dana happy birthday to jesse junior aka lightning. >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight the possibility of a major escalation in the middle east conflict involving israel, hamas, and


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