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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  April 1, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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how did he get up there? >> april fools. [laughter] >> dana: perino on politics tonight with michael meehan. judge? >> judge: you know what they say revenge if is best served barbecued. check out this sign going viral in front of a new restaurant australia. hey so so he fechuch a you brop with me because i was poor now i have money to open a barbecue. what do you think of me now. >> dana: i imagine she is no. harold do we owe you one. >> harold: go blue michigan beat michigan state to go to the final four. >> dana: hey. bret. >> dana: hey, dana happy birthday to jesse junior aka lightning. >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight the possibility of a major escalation in the middle east conflict involving israel, hamas, and increasingly
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iran. iran now vowing tonight to retaliate after an airstrike reportedly took out a top iranian commander. tthe attack happened near the iranian embassy in damascus, syria. trey yingst is in tel aviv with the latest. good evening, trey. >> trey: bret, good evening. israeli forces are on high alert tonight as iran vows to respond to an attack today in syria. a massive escalation as airstrikes target a building belonging to the iranian embassy in syria. top iranian general mohammed is a ha did i reportedly killed in the strikes. we asushi do not forget. >> played a critical role in transporting weapons from iran to syria and lebanon previously sanctioned by the u.s. government in 2010. also the main iranian liaison to the syrian regime in damascus. iran's ambassador to syria
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promised a swifted, direct and harsh response to the attack that also killed other members of iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps. israeli officials and their american counterparts have not commented on who is behind the syria strikes. proxies continue fresh attacks against israel overnight with a drone targeting the southern city of ilat and renewed rocket fire launched by hezbollah. with the war in gaza grinding on there, are concerns about the possibility of a broader regional conflict. something the biden administration is hoping to avoid. this afternoon, a virtual meeting was held between officials from the white house and representatives of the israeli government i'm iring out the next steps. >> we believe it's in the best interest of everyone to see hostage talks succeed because you would not just see a relief to the civilian population in gaza that desperately needs it, it would enable the increase in
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humanitarian assistance into gaza and, of course, it would get the hostages out. >> pressure is growing on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to reach a cease-fire agreement. protesters remain in the streets of jerusalem tonight demanding a deal. bret? >> bret: trey yingst live in tel aviv. trey, thanks. now here to news at home, the biden administration dealing with backlash tonight over easter and a transgender proclamation on that day. white house correspondent peter doocy has details live from the north lawn tonight. good evening, peter. >> peter: good evening, bret. white house officials have been hoping to change the subject. >> president biden is struggling with muslim. >> peter: to the francis scott key bridge collapse but they have had to deal with clearing up a lot of confusion first about what march 31st is. >> the biggest white house easter egg roll ever. >> peter: but easter sunday was
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double-booked with transgender visibility day. away from cameras a reporter asked president biden speaker jobs called it outrageous that easter sunday was transgender day of visibility. what do you say to speaker johnson? the president said he is thoroughly uninformed asked uninformed how? president biden said i didn't do that. he did do that with a proclamation that said in part i call upon all americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity; however, white house officials point out it happens every march 31st. >> so folks who understand the calendar and how it works. easter falls on different sundays, right? every year. and this year it happened to coincide with transgender visibility day. >> eager to change the subject, an easter interview was about the economy. >> i say we have the best economy in the world. >> his problem? voters favor trump on the economy by 15 points in a recent
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fox news poll. >> i don't think that we have turned the corner on inflation at all. >> peter: another hurdle for homeowners lurks squatting which the white house talked about in detail for the first time today. >> homeowners are showing up places they owned locks have been changed, squatters have moved in and h homeowners have o rights does president biden think that's right? >> my understanding this is obviously a, a local issue. we are certainly tracking that issue. the rights of property owners and renters must be protected. >> peter: there were 40 hours people here today for the white house easter egg roll including one who is currently the sung of two federal investigations for alleged tax and gun crimes spotted taking selfies and shaking hands on the south lawn. hunter biden, bret? >> bret: peter doocy live on the north lawn, shanks.
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sex week ban on abortions can soon take effect. that ban passed in the 2023 legislative session in florida. it was written so that it would not take effect until a month after the 15 week law was upheld. the court also is allowing an amendment to protect abortion rights to go on the ballot in florida this november. all of this, likely, will factor into the national political situation whether it comes to abortion in races around the country including the presidential race. president biden is sticking with a controversial nominee for a judgeship just below the u.s. supreme court but now a deal amongy is facing opposition even from some democrats. here is senior congressional correspondent chad pergram to tell us why support slipping for adeal amongy. oppose him for the federal bench. enough to sink the nomination.
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>> this produced a panic on the left. >> the white house sticks by amongy. >> the president is going to continue to do everything we can to get him through. >> democrats against him worry about his ties to controversial organizations including the alliance of families for justice group calls for cop killers to be released from prison. >> that sparked democrats attacking democrats. >> mr. amangi has faced accusations that try to smear his character to whip up fear against him, to turn him into something he is not. >> that is a lie! >> republicans cited amangi's learning security race and rights at rutgers where he served on the board of advisers. amangi claimed ignorance when asked about a speaker to the center who pleaded guilty to helping the terrorist group islamic jihad. >> how can you sit on an organization that would invite these terrorists, convicted
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terrorists counselor? >> senator, it is an advisory i never heard of that event until today. >> you are on the board. >> mangi's advocates target him because he is muslim recommendation what american these defend condemnation for the 9/11 attacks. sadly, they smack of bigot trip. they tend to exploit people's fears. >> president biden is struggling with muslim voters upset about his middle east policy. withdrawing the nomination could provoke that group even more. bret? >> bret: chad, where does the house speaker, mike johnson, stand on extending aid to ukraine. does he have a plan to do that? >> johnson says ukraine is a priority when congress returns from recess. but marjorie taylor greene is threatening to oust johnson if he puts an aid bill on the floor
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marjorie is a friend. she is very frustrated about the last appropriations bills. >> johnson is floating loans for ukraine. also a way to turn repossessed russian resources against the country. bret? >> bret: chad pergram live on the hill, thanks. >> when it comes to supplemental working to build consensus. when we return we will be moving a product. we are not just giving foreign aid, we are setting up in a relationship where they can provide it back to us when the time is right. >> he should not bring funding for ukraine that would also go what america would want. >> we cannot go for any more ukraine delays. they are losing ground on the battlefield aid to ukraine,
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israel could potentially put speaker johnson's job in jeopardy. let's bring in fox news chief political analyst brit hume and start there good evening, brit. your thoughts on johnson tiptoeing through the tulips here. he has a number of possibilities to do this johnson not in support of ukraine which is not the case. he said early on in this discussion that we can't let russia win in ukraine. of course, he has got a gun to his head because it only takes a single member to do what marjorie taylor greene has done which it is to make a motion to declare the speakership vacant and oust him from his job. she hasn't completely pulled the trigger on that as yet and obviously he has to worry about that. he is doing what i think a smart politician tries to do in a situation like this especially as leader try to formulate
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something that wide majority can support and pass muster canth with the back benchers in his caucus marjorie 25eur8 greene included. oust him for it. is he making this in effect a loan. that is an idea that donald trump has also spoken favorably about. so if trump were to support it, it might allow johnson to get it passed. adeel manningy, already three democratic senators said they are going to vote against him senator manchin jacky rosen from nevada. this seems like the administration is sticking with him, brit meantime fallout over the transvestite recognition day so-called on. >> transsexual.
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>> bret: transgender, rather. >> brit: transgender, i'm sorry. those two things are not directly connected but bear similarity for this reason. in both cases you see the president trying to make peace and enjoy support from relatively small corners of his base. certainly the muslim population in this country is not huge. but he has been worried about them ostensibly apparently because of the state of play in michigan where they're an important democratic voting block. and at the same time you see this action over the weekend he put out equal statements really hailing easter sunday and at the same time remembering and hailing transgender visibility day. now, that day it is true, has been has been recognized for the past 15 years and always on march 31st. it is true that it happened to co-inside easter this day. look, i mean, biden's purports to be a serious christian.
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a catholic. and to put those two sort of on the same footing in terms of white house statements is pretty striking because, after all. one of countless commemorations of transgender rights days, transgender history month. transgender, this transgender that, easter on the other hand is not simply an important hollidaholyholy day. to christians it's the most important day in human history. the president could have simply allowed transgender visibility day to pass without a statement from him but i think, you know, he wanted to protect his i-he has a tendency to want to protect his base. even the smallest corners of his base which i expect was at work here. >> bret: slip of the tongue official word and proclamation transgender visibility day, brit hume, as always. thank you. linking russia to the so-called
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havana syndrome diplomats around the world we will bring that you story. first what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. fox carolina in greenville as convicted killer alex murdaugh is sentenced to another 40 years in prison for stealing from clients and his law firm. last september murdaugh pleaded guilty to 22 federal charges that included wire and bank fraud. is he already serving two life sentences for the murders of his wife and son. fox 40 in sacramento as the new law increasing the minimum wage for most fast food workers in california takes effect. employees at most restaurant chains with 100 or more locations will be paid at least $20 an hour. fast food companies have said they will have to find ways to compensate such as laying off workers or raising prices. and this is a live look at cleveland. one of the big stories there tonight from fox 8, our affiliate, northeast ohio will be a prime viewing destination in the path of the total solar
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eclipse one week from today. the station's meteorologists say it's too soon to tell if the weather will cooperate there. the current forecast calls for a partly sunny sky with temperatures in the upper 50's. that's 20e7b9's live look outside the beltway from "special report," we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> bret: a temporary channel is now opened on the north side of the collapsed baltimore bridge. it allows ship traffic around the container vessel stuck at the disaster site. president biden is scheduled to visit the area friday. today his press secretary said the administration is working with congress to get federal funding to rebuild that bridge. there is new evidence tonight that russia may be behind a mysterious traumatic brain condition affecting hundreds of americans serving abroad. this raises questions how the intelligence community is specifically avoiding placing blame on moscow. jennifer griffin has an update on the possible origin of havana syndrome. >> essentially, this is an act of war. >> in an explosive new report, 60 minutes, the inside e. spiegel found new evidence that
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hundreds of u.s. government employees complaining of southern neurologic syndromes known as havana syndrome may have been attacked by russia with a weapon using directed energy. >> like high pitched metallic drilling noise and knocked me forward. i immediately felt pressure. and pressure and pain started coarsing from inside of my right ear down my jaw and down my neck and into my chest. >> one of the things i started to notice was the caliber of our officer that was being impacted. there was some angle where they had worked against russia, focused on russia and done extremely well. >> pull over! pull over! this car chase four years ago provided key evidence handwritten notes of bank accounts device erase the car's computer data and driver's russian passport. receipts link the suspected attackers to a russian military
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intelligence hit squad. gru unit 29155. >> certain russians were in the exact have a sin at this of attacks in particular countries. >> victims like adam who use an alias and was thought to be patient 0 after experiencing crippling auditory sensation that left him unable to walk or move while working under cover in havana in 2016 responded with relief. >> they had pulled out receipts from the gr u2 1955 group which explicitly outlines that these are weapon systems in a weapons program. >> for years he and other victims have felt gaslit by their former agency employers. >> the intelligence community brought us estimate that a foreign adversary is unlikely to being response sickle for these glints the pentagon has now confirmed a senior u.s. defense department official sought medical treatment for symptoms of havana syndrome at nato'sville nia summit last summer. at the pentagon, jennifer
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griffin, fox news. >> we will continue to follow that story. up next, horrific crime by a group of teenage girls puts truancy in the spotlight while the will capitol target children skipping school. beyond our borders. russian court extends the pre-trial detention of radio free europe and liberty free journalist al shoe. june 5th e he is accused of violating a law on foreign agents. her employer calls her imprisonment unjust and politically motivated. china's prime minister holds talks with france's foreign minister in beijing. lee chung says the 60th anniversary of china-france relations this year will act as a bridge between the past and the future in the two countries bilateral relationships. and this is a live look at japan. one of the big stories there tonight, tourists and young people in tokyo share their thoughts on the new instagram account launched by japan's
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imperial family. it made an instagram debut with the barrage of posts aimed at shaking off the family's reclusive image and trying to reach out to younger people on social media. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ fin ♪ welcome to the future so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, ♪
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because everything is better without soggy sandwiches. it's better outside with ninja. ♪ >> bret: the driver suspected of ramming into a security gate at the fbi office in suburban atlanta today is in the hospital tonight. officials say he will undergo a mental evaluation. they say no one was hurt in that incident. they are not saying whether terrorism was involved. the investigation is ongoing. speaking of the investigation ongoing, sean "diddy" combs, is he back on social media tonight. the embattled rapper posted easter sunday images of his young daughter. this comes after last week's raid by homeland security on several of his properties as
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part of a sex trafficking investigation. diddy had previously been lying low after those raids. sunday he was photographed at his miami mansion on a phone call. >> bret: new crack downs on parents of truant children could be coming in the nation's capital. mike emanuel reports skipping school is being linked to a surge in criminal behavior. >> three girls between 12 and 13 years old were charged last friday with second degree murder and will be tried as juveniles for allegedly brutally beating a 64-year-old disabled man to death. deafives describing the murder of reggie brown last october, which was recorded on a cell phone as, quote: horrific. the attack included using brown's own belt to beat him. a relative of the victim spoke with fox 5 d.c. >> he was just a nice polite
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person. didn't bother anybody. that's the time of person he was. >> investigators say all three girls had truancy issues with one not attending a single day of school this year. in the district in the attendance report from last school year found that 60% of high school students were chronically absent with a 47% chronic truancy rate among high school students, which means regularly absent without a legitimate excuse. mayor muriel bowser is expected town vale a program to hold parents accountable. though she insists she won't be throwing parents in jail. [applause] >> on crime overall, today bowser said recent actions including passing a new crime crackdown law are having an impact. >> secure d.c. is driving down crime in d.c. violent crime is down. robbery and carjacking is down. use of a gun is down. >> the "new york times" reported friday skipping school is a problem that is exploded almost everywhere. quote: what was once a deeply
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engrained habit, wake up, catch the bus, report to class, is now something far more tenuous. what's changed is the pandemic changed our relationship with education. for many families across the country school became optional and behavior and discipline issues are often results. bret? >> bret: mike, thank you. one of two suspects in the fatal shooting of new york police officer jonathan diller appeared in court today. authorities say lindy jones was driving the car when diller was murdered. the judge denied bail after deeming jones a flight risk. alleged shooter, guy rivera is still hospitalized after being shot by diller's partner. the movement to pay many people in this country a guaranteed income even if they're here illegally is actually now gaining traction in the state of illinois. fox business guy is i barry
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shows us tonight from chicago. good evening, kelly. >> good evening. the plan would send payments of $1,000 a month regardless of immigration status these basements would go to people who either provide care to a child or other specified dependents or recently gave birth on or about adopted a child. the third classification of this would be if they enrolled in educational or vocational program. opponents cost to fund a plan like this. concern about what the money could be spent on. right now the text of the bill calls the payments, quote, unconditional. we reached out to the senator from chicago for clarification on this but have not heard back yet. >> i estimate the cost could be $10 million a year. these funds could be far better use use infrastructure. education and public safety. >> proponents say these payments
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would not incentivize unemployment. >> what they do is they give families, again, agency dignity, choice, and the ability to take care of themselves. >> there are over 30 different variations of a guaranteed basic income program around the nation. the biggest ones include the one here in cook county which includes the city of chicago, sending $42 million on $500 per month payments. between los angeles and some cities in new york, those cities together have paid out about $80 million. down in texas, republican state senator paul betancourt has asked the state's attorney general to declare a harris county guaranteed income program as unconstitutional. this is important because if it's successful, the judgment could set a precedent for others to block similar programs, at least six other states have lure either banned, placed
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restrictions or are in the process of preemptively banning guaranteed income programs all together. bret? >> bret: kelly, thank you. ed. >> biden administration's green agenda now going that's prompting pushback from commercial transportation manufacturers. fox business correspondent grady trimble has details from the white house tonight. good evening, grady. >> good evening, bret. this new epa rule is aimed at reducing emission frost semi-trucks, garbage trucks and buses like the recent tail pipe emissions guidelines for passenger cars and trucks just like that rule this one goes into effect starting with model year 2027 vehicles and gets progressively stricter through 2032, the epa says these standards will avoid one billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions. the rule allows bus and truck
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makers to choose which technologies they want to use, electric, hybrid, hydrogen fuel cell or others as long as they meet the administration's standards environmental groups praising the move. it's crucial that truck manufacturers get into the fast lane with zero emission trucks to deliver the climate health and economic benefits we deserve. but the group's representing the truck and bus manufacturers say the new rule is unrealistic and expensive and they say it will drive up prices for us. the milks, eggs, bread, fuel we put in our cars, medications. everything we rely on every day. cost of transportation goes up, so do the cost of all those other things that we pay for. and that's when reality sets in. >> the trucking industry says if every single semi-truck went electric, it would cost about $1 trillion and that's just for charging infrastructure and grid
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updates. doesn't even include the trucks themselves. the industry group says smaller trucking companies who might not be able to afford new electric vehicles could go out of business. bret? >> bret: all right, grady, thank you. stocks were mixed today. a strong manufacturing data dimmed interest rate cut hopes. the dow lost 241. the s&p 500 fell 11. the nasdaq was up 17. up next, the art of happiness. we talk with harvard professor arthur brooks who has collaborated with oprah winfrey on his newest book, next. ♪ super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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♪ >> bret: welcome back to "special report." we are going to talk now a little bit about happiness with arthur brooks, the author of "build the life you want" with oprah winfrey. been around washington for a long time. now massachusetts. now you are talking happiness. welcome. >> thank you very much. great to be with you. >> bret: we could use a little happiness in this world. >> yeah. >> bret: how do we get. >> it first, we have to talk about what's gone wrong. and if you look at the data back to 1990, american happiness has been in gradual decline. has to do with lack of faith that people are practicing. family relationships. fewer friendships. work is a problem and then
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things like covid which made us lonelier, social media which drove us apart and polarization. these are the challenges we need to take on. recognizing that faith, family, friends and work are really what is going to bring all of us the greatest amount of happiness. >> bret: reading the introduction to your book about your 93-year-old mother-in-law. you have say for reasons that were not clear her friends and family her outlook on life seemed to shift. she stopped waiting for the world change and took control of her life. the decision she made, not her primal feelings, led her to try transform less productive emotions into positive ones such as gratitude, hope, compassion, and humor. we get in a day-to-day spiral. and sometimes it's like a hamster wheel. >> right. >> bret: to be able to get yourself to that next step gratitude, hope, compassion and humor takes a little action. >> it takes some work it. really does. as a social scientists i have been studying these things entire career. biggest mistake happiness is a
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feeling. wait around nor that feeling and hope that the outside world will deliver that feeling to elm. this that's a huge way to waste your life. happiness is not a feeling. a combination of enjoyment with your life, satisfaction with your accomplish. s, and meaning. the why of your life. those ix things to pursue. i talk in this book open brand a do exactly how to pursue those things. that's the pursuit of happiness. >> bret: how was it working with oprah. >> she is great. you and i are lucky to meet a lot of the people in public life. a lot of people in public life different in public and private she is not. she has really cracked the code. she recognizes something that we all need to remember that the world's rewards, money, power, pleasure, fame, if we're lucky to get them, these are not the end goal. the goal is love for other people. you use those things as an opportunity to pursue the ultimate goal of love and goodness towards others. >> >> bret: she calls herself a judge and you a mad scientist. and offers this advice. your emotions are signals to your conscious brain that something is going on that requires your attention and action. that's all they're.
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your conscious brain, if you choose to use it, gets to decide how you will respond to them. >> there is a test in this book to figure out whether or not you are a primarily high affect, high emotional level person or somebody who is more muted. she is more muted. i'm not. i'm this mad scientist where i have very high positive and very high negative feelings. i need to understand that and we walk through the best science on how to manage your emotional profile. >> you hear all these things the secret and manifestation and positive thinking and how can you create your life. i mean, this book is not that but it touches on it. >> yeah. this is science you can use. i am an academic. i teach at harvard. i teach the science of happiness to graduate students at harvard. this is a book that takes these ideas from science and it translates it into language to people who are not scientists can actually use. it's not just self-improvement. this is what the greatest neuroscientists and social scientists have discovered in language that's successful to everybody and possible to use. >> bret: speaking about colleges? >> shouting.
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>> all of the fallout from the israel hamas war and what we are seeing on college campuses there is not a lot of happiness there. >> that's a problem seems like it's spreading. one of the problems we have with politics and culture today. we have signed over a lot of the leadership to this country in politics. even in media that you have to see around you and all of our industries and certainly academia the people that don't have our best interest at heart. why? they are trying to fire up with our misery fear, anger and sadness. that's a big problem. we need to rebel as citizens. we need to have a happiness rebellion where we recognize that just because somebody disagrees with us doesn't mean they're our enemy. and on campuses people are hearing if somebody disagrees with you politically they are denying your existence. that he was the same thing the political parties are telling their followers and it's not true. >> biden is a weak, angry, flailing president. >> only loser i see is donald
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trump! >> bret: in this book there s. there a secret to getting through the seven months of a general election we are going to face with two candidates that 70% of the country says eh i'm not sure i want either one of them. >> same secret as any other time. focus on your faith. on developing your faith and your relationship with the divine or your life's philosophy. be paying attention to your family life. these are the people who really do love you. your real friends, not your deal friends. and certainly not your internet friends because that's not real at all. last but not least is serving other people and lifting up. faith, family, friends and work. >> bret: focus on that. >> focus on that because that will never let you down. >> bret: great to see you congratulations on your book "build the life you want." >> thank you. >> bret: up next airstrike takes out a top iranian general and the latest in the presidential race. and later a monumental anniversary for communication. ♪ ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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>> we are in conversations with partners in the region gathering more information, but at this point, don't have confirmation either of the target or the responsible party. and we are worried about anything that would cause the conflict to expand or widen in any way. >> we are being bombarded daily by hezbollah in lebanon which is an iranian proxy. and we are being targeted by the houthis were in yemen. i think we are already there.
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>> many experts believe it was israel that took out a top iranian commander. reuters said iran believes that as well. saying israel bombed its embassy in syria killing a top commander to vaughn's consulate in syrian capital of damascus flattened on monday what described as israeli airstrike. lebanese security force said one of the dead was mohammed is a heedy, a senior commander in iran revolution guard corps a question what this means for the middle east. we will start with the panel byron york. "the five" co-hoke jessica tarlov and matt we don't want this to escalate into a regional conflict: in gaza. and now what appears to be israeli trike on iranian general.
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>> well, for the administration not wanting this to escalate, the only response is to say too late. this has been going on for months now bret it. began with the houthis were in wrem yemen just firing missiles and shipping across the region it. has to do with the iran ran foxies in iraq firing on american troops. firing drones in israel the other day. and now there is this new front not only in lebanon where hezbollah has been engaged in low intensity conflict with israel. israel -- syria where iran is off loading the weapons they give to hezbollah and lebanon. regional conflict and demands a regional policy which the administration does not have. >> jessica, what about that? you know, politically, the biden campaign, president biden would like the israel-hamas war to go away shortly. because it effects some corners of his voting support.
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but, what about putting the pressure on iran one way or another? >> well, i would say that we have seen a little bit of a reversal in the past few days. we heard then that netanyahu was not going to send his delegation to the u.s. to talk about whatever movements they were going to in rafah. that has changed. now there seems to be some sort of confluence around the idea that israel obviously, has a right to go in there top priority remains getting those hostages back it. seems like we are a bit more unified on that. pushing back on iran though this is obviously something that predates what happened on october 7th and the atrocities there. i think it is a good position for the president to be in. it's not something that activates the left wing base frinsz, whatever is going on in taking out an iranian general, and i think it shows a lot of the backbone. i think you should get on board with it and to matthew's point. this is absolutely a regional war and one where there is a clear good side. and a clear bad side to this. so i see only upside.
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i have not said every side possible in that sentence to what happened. >> bret: let's turn sides and this is at the easter egg roll. the president asked about the state of the economy here in the u.s. take a listen. >> we really do have the best economy in the world. jobs are up more than they have ever been. we are in a situation where lowest unemployment rate in 50 years is maintained. i'm truly optimistic. >> under biden, whether it's food, gas, rent, you name what it is, electricity, those prices are all going up. and there is -- america is looking for a different economic direction. they are looking for new leadership. >> bret: byron, if you look at our latest poll, we talked about this a lot of time the disconnect for what the president said about numbers and how he sees the economy and how voters are looking at it across the board. you know, half -- more than half the voters say they are worse off compared to 2020. >> you see this all the time. there are so many press articles
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based on the premise gosh the economy is doing really well why are people still unhappy? you can't talk of an economy that feels bad for people. and the price of food and the price of housing, the scarcity of housing are something that are making -- those are very fundamental things that everybody has to have. and they are still making people feel bad. and you are right when fox asked are you better off now than you were four years ago, almost everybody, a large majority says no, we're not. and president biden can talk all he wants but he just can't overcome that feeling that people have: >> bret: quick things, tough politically for republicans. florida court six week abortion plan. the florida supreme court found that the state's should not extend to abortion but allowed a ballot question on whether to expand the abortion access. that's in florida, matthew. that is going to be an issue, clearly in this election. that democrats will use.
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>> it will be a big issue of course in florida. here's the thing, bret. it's a high turnout election. presidential election. a lot of people turning out for and against trump that high turnout may actually result in this ballot initiative being passed and trump winning florida as well. >> bret: here's one tough for democrats potentially politically. biden's offered let there be ev trucks. environmental protection agency good friday to roll out truck mandates no doubt so fewer people notice. biden officials well know what they're doing damage in the name of climate change is the point. replacing diesel truck with electric cost tens of billions of dollars. passed none higher prices to consumers. jessica, thoughts on that? >> jessica: a difficult spot for the administration to be. in they don't want to look like they are backtracking on their promises to bring the green revolution. you have the ceos of all the major manufacturers saying we would love to get there but we need a second on this.
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most importantly though our grid can't take it. that's what i'm really concerned about. that we are going to have these huge outages and lead to absolute climbs stacyers across the country infantry everyone has to plug. in quickly on the florida front democrats all but given up hope on winning florida when you look at the margins that rubio won by, desantis won by. this will galvanize huge turn out and pot will also be on the ballot so have you pot and reproductive right which are huge turnout issues for democrats it's going to be an interesting six and a half months. >> thanks have a great night. >> bret: finally tonight, a special report salute, the last living survivor the uss arizona battle ship that exploded japanese bombing at pearl harbor has died. lowe passed away we just found out at his gnome grass valley, california. his daughter said he had
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congestive heart failure. arizona lost 1177 sailors and marines in the 1941 rah tack that launched the u.s. into world war ii. lowe conter was 102. thank you for your service, sir. tomorrow on "special report," former president trump heads to wisconsin and michigan as president biden says he is feeling good about re-election. set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east and 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts in just seconds. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle." thank you for being with us tonight. do you remember those old commercials it's 10:00 p.m. do you know where your children are? it sounds like more parents should be asked that question. i'm going to explain it.