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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 1, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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congestive heart failure. arizona lost 1177 sailors and marines in the 1941 rah tack that launched the u.s. into world war ii. lowe conter was 102. thank you for your service, sir. tomorrow on "special report," former president trump heads to wisconsin and michigan as president biden says he is feeling good about re-election. set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east and 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts in just seconds. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle." thank you for being with us tonight. do you remember those old commercials it's 10:00 p.m. do you know where your children are? it sounds like more parents should be asked that question. i'm going to explain it.
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who can afford a house in biden's america. and which of the president's pals in the media are hitting the panic button? stay tuned. but, first, egg on his face. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: meet the constituency that the biden campaign desperately trying to win back. [shouting] >> free palestine, stop the genocide. >> free, free, palestine. .[shouting] >> laura: during the holiest time of the year the faithful could not even enjoy the celebration of the resurrection. the pro-hamas protesters believe
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their cause trumps everything else. it was disgusting at every level. but was their disrespect, sack i have ledge condemned by the white house, by our president who calls himself a roman catholic? of course not that would mean condemning left wing an activists. they are fine targeting catholics and christians of all denominations. remember it was back in 2022 that the fbi was considering the potential problems with traditional catholics and yesterday the biden team celebrated transvisibility day despite its coinciding with easter this isn't a day started by them. began back in 2010. they fully embraced the day plastering it all over their social media accounts. biden confused himself, has proven good at confusing others. >> i want to send a message to the entire community, especially
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to transgender children you are loved. [cheers] you are heard. you are understood. [cheers] and you belong. >> laura: because kids today aren't confused enough. but second point, if you are going to commemorate godlessness, at least have some respect for christians and wait to do so another day. the left already celebrates godlessness 24/7 anyway. so an internationally designated day, week, or month is frankly redundant. >> today of all days, i stand proud and visible with my fellow transgender americans. happy transgender day of visibility. >> laura: while the white house did its best to brush off the easter uproar, christians do get the message loud and clear. but they already know that if they live their faith openly or frankly if they ever posted
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anything about biblical teachings on human sexuality, well, in this administration, they would be considered bigots or even, even potential domestic terrorists. now, everyone knows there is no room in the biden administration at any level for traditional christians who believe that the bible is actually the word of god but there is room for others. >> we are going to fight and win wars with brain power. and if those brains happen to be in a trans body or in any other body, you should want them serving alongside you. >> diversity is just so important in our culture. it's important for our country, for the world. and so we really need to welcome diversity and actually celebrate diversity. >> laura: that might have been a little too much rachel.
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all except ideological or intellectual they don't like any of that the biden team, the democrats, the media, they believe and frankly they mandate total conformity and submission. if you question them at all, you're an outalexandria ocasio-cortez you might be a racist, misogynist, et cetera. the only way that you can be a christian and not be a bigot is to be a cafeteria catholic or, you know, you can be more spiritual than religious. that's usually okay. it's so bad for biden that even the fairly liberal washington, d.c. cardinal wilt gregory could not hide his own dismay. >> i would say that he is very sincere about his faith but, like a number of catholics, he picks and chooses dimensions of the faith to highlight while ignoring or even contradicting other parts. there is a phrase that we have
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used in the past a cafeteria catholic. you choose that which is attractive and dismiss that which is challenging. >> laura: i love that okay? [applause] but does biden even care? i don't know. but thank goodness with all this controversy swirling. the intread bid al roeckner his barometric pressure was at the white house today to ask about the upset that biden has caused among christians. >> how was easter for you guys? >> great. we spent it up in camp david as a whole family mile. dad used to say family is beginning, middle and end. we had them all up there. we went to mass on saturday. we had a great easter heg hunt. we actually take these plastic eggs and put some dollars in them. >> egg occasion. as you can see there is something for everybody here. >> laura: waited, go d. she actually say. >> gucation?
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okay. but after the fluff roker got to the meat, right? >> what's your message to people about why they have got to engage and get out there to go. >> they are going to engage. overwhelming response when we're out on the road. look, we have tens of thousands of people contributing 5, 10 bucks a pop. we have opened up 100 headquarters. we have people waiting to just get engaged. i mean, i just think people are so tired of the negativity that is propagated that they just want to get engaged. they want to change things. and i'm optimistic. >> laura: at that point he was just waiting for a question from the easter bunny. well, biden's verbal mumbles and stumbles. those are one thing. but his willingness to offend christians, his failure to speak out against what his fellow catholics had to put up with at saint patrick's, that speaks volumes. if prayers at a large mosque
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during a muslim holliday had been similarly disrupted and ruined but let's say pro-israel protest, some type of christian protesters, i have a feeling we would have heard from the white house. now, remember, their messaging is always political though. and now, well, christian hears them. and that's the angle. joining us is jack brewer, ordained minister and chairman of the jack brewer foundation. jack, great to see you. biden today denied that he proclaimed yesterday as the transgender day of visibility. you know, kind of splitting hairs i didn't -- you know, it was 2010. even saying that speaker johnson was uninformed for saying that he did. what's your response to that? that's the best he could do as a roman catholic. >> it's all dysphoria. it's the same thing that he is doing. you know, is he promoting mental health disorders. you know in this country we
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treat every other mental health disorder all of a sudden when it documents gender dysphoria in our youth we want to affirm that this white house is over and over again showed the american people that they don't care about religion. they don't care about your ability to even proclaim the gospel of jesus christ. because they use it for political gain. no different than they use every other thing that happens to gaslight whether it's race, whether it's sex, whatever they can find, they are going to gaslight it so they can raise money for their campaigns. and, you know, i think it's an assault on the american people. but broadly, it's an assault on our children. i mean, the fact that our kids have to get up every day and look at a president who i know when i was growing up whether it was reagan or clinton or even bush 1, i looked up to the president. every word that came out of their mouth as a little kid. think about the children that we have now in this nation that are listening to this mess come out of this president's mouth. they are being fooled and unfortunately, i don't know what
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we're going to do about it, laura. it. >> laura: yeah. well, jack, the thing about this is that kids today and we are going to get into this disturbing story get to. one of the researchers i came back tonight. i wasn't going to do the show. kids today are very confused and more now than ever. i think they need clarity. and the purposefully confusing children and affirming this confusion to me i'm just going to say it i think it's demonic what happened. and maybe it's not cool to say that on tv you are a holy roller? no, i'm not. that to me is demonic. these poor children, i feel so bad for them. and they can't even get a break from the president of the united states. >> that's exactly right. it is demonic. you are not pointing to the spirituality of the children. you know and you start looking at our kids, we are already at a disadvantage, laura. we have 18.6 million fatherless
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kids in the united states of america now these same kids don't have male role models complete homes and father figures. president and white house in and a societying you putting all this negativity in hearts and mind. what do you think is going to happen? we are going to end up with a lost generation. that's so sad. we have removed prayer from schools. we don't have the 10 commandments in the schools anymore these kids don't have a fear of god. i can't expect for society to work and for you to go out and not have crime and violence and disrespect women in mass sexuality in our society. all of these things are a direct result of this new leftist approach that's being promoted full circle by this white house. >> well, jack, i don't think they really understand a lot, especially about christianity but i would say all faiths because in christian yanity, there is members have.
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there is mercy in christianity. if you don't conform to the left christianity there is mercy and hope. that's why there is a refresh your recollection. jack, great to see you as always. there is one group that the biden administration does seem to be worried about offending with his transgender visibility day proclamation. hispanics. now, yesterday english language x instagram and facebook accounts all had a long post dedicated to transgender americans same social media pages, casa blanca the transgender post seemed to be missing. ha. joining me now is florida
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congresswoman anna paulina luna congresswoman, nice to see you tonight. why would the administration leave that post off. i'm sure it was just an oversight. >> no not at all. in fact it was intentional. this administration has been lang gling to get back the hispanic voting block which laura, i will remind you hispanic americans mexican dissent largest voting minority in the country. when whole issue of trans awareness deister would not bode well in the community i proudly represent largely catholic and christian. when they do this, it's intentional, laura, they are losing the hispanic american vote in droves. i'm happy to say because of that i do believe trump will be winning in november we asked the white house about not to post about transvisibility. they say that's the case most tweets from the english language account. wait a second. what they're saying
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congresswoman, they are implicitly admitting, not implicitly explicitly admitting that latino voters should get a totally different message than everyone else? how demeaning? what does that mean? >> not the first time remember we had jill biden calling us breakfast tacos. president biden during his election playing despacito. not the first time this administration and this president have really disrespected hispanic americans but, again, the top three issues are inflation, jobs, and the economy and so really when voters are faced with this in november. they are going to be looking at the message of the republican party and of president trump vs. this administration. and frankly, you know, they are working with big tech to censor americans. only a few month back they actually purchased up a majority of spanish media and radio to push and sway this election of
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course the regime media i like to call them degree flect by pointing to president trump's truth social easter post where he lessoned some of his legal persecutors whom he despises. watch. >> the easter day post on truth social the former president went after special counsel j jack smith, manhattan district alvin bragg and fulton county district attorney fani willis. >> the former president then spent easter sunday ranting for hours on social media saying things that you wouldn't say on any day. >> laura: okay. if easter is not really anything sacrosanct, congresswoman, we saw what happened at saint patrick at the mass. we saw the transvisibility, if it's another day as the secular left believes then why does it matter what trump says? >> again, they are trying to skew. this they did not highlight the fact that president trump put out an amazing basically honoring the sacrifice that jesus christ made for humanity,
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they conveniently left that out like they conveniently left out that president trump has never said anything xenophobic or racist about immigrants. they are trying to spin it. i agree with your point. the fact is they are absolutely doing everything they can to, i believe, really slap christians in the face on one of a known national holiday and frankly just pretty sad to see coming out of this administration. >> laura: it's the holiest day of the year for christians. you know, where we go mass, usually fair live crowded but, you know, standing room only at the masses. this is just to see. but, congresswoman, we need hispanic rush limbaugh. that's what we need. i want all hispanic americans to hear the truth about what these people are doing. congresswoman, great to see you. come back soon. all right, what happens got the leftist media so spooked now? they are spooked about biden and his chances? the details, next. and my husband and i own the village bakery.
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our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that ever. keep tiktok.
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>> mr. president, i'm feeling, i'm feeling, you know, my buck isn't going as far. what do you say to those folks about the economy and what is going on? >> i say we have the best economy in the world. we got to make it better. we really do have the best economy in the world. jobs are up more than they have ever been. we are in a situation where lowest unemployment rate in 50
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years is maintained. got to get people to move again. >> laura: still waiting for the easter bunny. notice, when he says the lowest unemployment in 50 years is maintained? >> that's what trump handed him like pre-pandemic. it was crazy good. and of course we had no inflation. young people could buy homes. we will have more on that later because interest rates were low. and our economy was the strongest in the g-7. so biden's story just isn't adding up. never has. and the "new york times" knows he is in big trouble. something is not working for joe biden right now. trump is behind him in campaign money, tied up in court, making crazy comments. biden doesn't seem to have changed large numbers of minds. are voters still listening to the president? whoops. well, the clock is working against joe biden. our latest fox news polling has joe biden down 5 points to trump as we head closer to november. joining me now victor davis
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hanson, senior fellow at hoover. victor, they still think this is a messaging problem. how long have you and i been talking about this? it's a policy problem. prices have gone up 30% on staples and they keep denying it. who is our constituency for an open border and 10 million illegal alien? is it the border towns of the inner city? who is our constituency when at the don't go to a funeral of a slain officer but 'pal around with celebrities is it law enforcement? who is our constituency when they get 40,000 people who are not signing up for the military? so each day, laura, they offend gratuitously, whether it's christians this week or female athletes two weeks ago, they offend these constituencies and they keep hammering at them and they are starting to con gomer rate and people collectively will shrug we have had it with this guy. is he offensive.
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carter running neck and neck with reagan. you know he is offensive when he talks about iran and appeasing them. and then, you know, finally they just shrug and say i don't believe what he is saying about reagan. i'm going to vote for reagan. they did in a landslide. all donald trump has to do is stick to agenda and they will be the normal return to normalcy candidate that's all he has to do and he will win big the way that biden is campaigning. >> trump. we saw his heart. he was hurting when he was at the wake and we will get to some of that later on. you see his heart where people are suffering. his heart when people are brutalized by illegal aliens. his heart when people can't afford a standard of living that they should be able to afford on their salary. and i think, again, those bread and butter issues, including the military, victor, which you have written about so brilliantly.
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chronic recruiting shortages are now forcing the army to cut 16,500 occupational positions. most of them vacant. the air force has proposed a reduction of 8,000 troops after missing recruitment goals for the first time in 20 years. the navy is short 9,000 sailors. forcing longer deployments for others: victor, do we sound like a super power here? >> no, i mean, it's the same pattern. why would you, in the military, if you are mark milley or lloyd austin deliberately insult the demographic that dies at twice their numbers in the population in afghanistan and iraq and then force this non-meritocratic dei targeted mostly at them and so they just shrug and say you know i have had it. and they are the rubric or the demographic is not signing up. all of this is gratuitous and unnecessary. it just shows you that they would rather be ideologically correct than win the hearts and
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minds of their own citizens. it's getting crazier and crazier. trump all he has to do and is he doing a pretty good job. he gave a wonderful talk at the funeral of the slain officer that will win him the election if he shows that he is not buying into this insanity and is he worried about the average american and what is being done to him by the biden administration. >> laura: yeah. victor, as i always say, get to 27 o#. if you get to 270, you win. so everything that comes out of your mouth. everything you tweet. everything you post helps get you to 270. that's how i think about it. victor, always good to see you. all right. what does it take to actually be detained if you are an illegal alien with the biden administration in charge? well, i'll explain, next. ♪
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>> laura: i think most americans tonight are going to be shocked to learn that illegal aliens who storm a border crossing texas national guardsmen will face no legal consequence. according to the el paso times, on sunday judge up berta acosta ordered the release of nearly all of the illegals charged in that stampede at gate 36 last month. we have no idea how many are roaming the streets. all court officials are saying is that illegals could be still in custody if there is immigration detainer belonging their release. i hope so. >> peter: most of the border crossers charged with beating up national guard were released on own recognizance sunday. do you does that make people any safer. >> and we were grateful that the border patrol was able to do their job. look, there is a challenge at the border.
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right? our immigration system has been broken for decades, before even -- even before this president became president. >> laura: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. they got after those january 6th people pretty quick. didn't they. joining me n chad wolf and tom n former acting director of ice. what's the message to the 2,000 others and apparently yet another caravan heading to the u.s.-mexico border, given what just happened? >> well, the message is obvious which is you can assault border patrol agents or national guardsmen, can you storm a fence, get over a barrier, and you'll be released into the country. whether you are arrested or not. obviously the judge is sending them a signal that it's okay to do this. i think it's the wrong move. i think hopefully we'll see some cooler heads prevail. but, again, this is about consequences and enforcement. and, when this happens, and the justice system doesn't actually enforce the law and impose those consequences, then you're
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exactly right. it sends a signal to other individuals that may do this in other parts of the border. their border sector and the like. so i think that's a major concern. and it's something that if you are a border patrol agent, this is a last thing that you want to see. >> laura: this is just -- i mean, i'm looking at this video we are playing. you know, illegals walking their way through mexico, tom, you have seen this so many times. it's a celebratory add moss fear at the caravan tonight and last week but, tom, americans are watching this thinking has the world arrested for stampeding a border crossing. individuals are hurt in the process, and they are released. great. >> look, i'm shocked. you know, local magistrate, humberto o. costa, what the hell is he thinking? everybody in law enforcement since 1983. i know when the judge makes a decision detention of several
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fact fors, three most important factors seriousness of crime levment show up in court? will he b abscond and third a danger to the public. these people met all three requirements. they attacked an armed officer that makes them a thousand more times on civilians. public safety threat. seriousness of the crime. they attacked officers entering the country illegally a crime. attacking an officer is a serious crime. as far as showing up in court, absconding, they are in the country illegally. they are not going to show up in court. didn't we learn that in new york city aliens beat on the cops there humberto acosta embarrassment. he ought to be stripped of his robe. i read it three times to make sure it was right. who in the hell in their right behind would make that decision i'm shocked. >> laura: nonviolent january 6th defendants who knows what will happen to them. usually nothing good. in new mexico, chad middle
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school close proximity to the border has had to go into lock down not once but twice after finding illegals hiding amongst the students. >> the middle school is one of many areas that these migrants jump into about thinking where they are going through because they are trying to evade arrest. >> we are a little nervous because of the fear have being caught by immigration officials. we don't know if they would do something to our students. >> laura: chad, how common is. this more and more common over the last three years. what we're talking about here is the got-aways. these are the individuals that are trying to evade border patrol and law enforcement. and so they are going to do a variety of different things. they are evading because either they are criminals in their home countries or obviously they are here to do some very bad acts. they don't want to run into law enforcement. so they are going to do anything and everything they can to evade whether that's an elementary school, a middle school, or any other other type of public
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facility. it does not matter to them. they have a different end and goal in mind. when you see hundreds of thousands and millions of folks crossing this border every single year as we have in the past three, you are going to continue to see incidents like this. >> laura: yeah. but, really quickly, tom, i mean, i don't even know why they are hiding at this point. right? they used to be in the shadows. now they are just welcomed in anyway. they might as well say i'm here, where's pry my free phone. >> in january of 2025 there is' a new sheriff in town and that border is going to be secured. millions released into the united states illegally, don't get too comfortable because january 25 we are going to enforce the law. >> laura: all right. that's a good way to end it. all right. hair standing up on my arm. chad and tom, thank you. teen violence rocking america's heartland now i'm going to explain it, next. ♪
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shell. powering progress. you layer lawyer while many of you gathered with your family this weekend to celebrate easter, the diller family was in mourning. jonathan diller was laid to rest saturday after being shot during a traffic stop. the 31-year-old leaves behind a young son and a devastated wife. somehow, i don't know how, but
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somehow she found the strength to speak at his funeral. >> i am so proud that thousands of people across the country are calling jonathan a hero but the truth is he has always been a hero to ryan and me. the rest of the world is just catching up. i never doubted how much jonathan loved me because he always told me. he was absolutely my soul mate and we could just understand each other with a look. any time i entered a room, i looked for him and knew that if the place i belonged watt spot next to him. he was my absolute greatest confidante. but nothing compared to his beth role of all being a dad. jonathan always wanted to be a dad. and he wasted no time being the greatest won. i will never forget the look on his face when our son was born. i don't think we could ever achieve a greater happiness. jonathan taught me that true love has no limit, our lives were pretty much perfect until five days ago when everything changed forever. there was so much he was looking forward to, like watching his
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siblings, both with their spouses seeing his friends become fathers and watching his son grow. it breaks my heart that ryan was robbed of getting to know his -- to grow up with his dad. >> laura: stephanie didn't just speak for her husband. she spoke for the other families, too. families of law enforcement murdered by criminals who fear no consequences in cities run by progressives it's been two years and two months since detective rivera and detective mora made the ultimate sacrifice like my husband jonathan diller. the stood up pleading for change. that change never came up moomplets son will grow up without his father. i will grow old without my husband and parents will have to say goodbye without their child. how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before they start protecting them. i don't wish this kind of pain on anyone. jonathan lived his life doing
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good for people and it's now time for people to do good for all the officers he represents. >> laura: is it any wonder why anyone still wants to be police officer in these pro-criminal areas? wake up, people, wake up what is happening. and when our elected officials show you and they really show you what their priorities are believe them. >> laura: meanwhile, the kids are not all right. why do we seem to see so many instances of vicious, cruel crimes committed by our young people? why is there such little regard for human life? and by the way, this is not just isolated to cities like new york or chicago or d.c. the brutal attacks happen in small communities, too. like queen creek, arizona. where in october somehow i missed this when it happened. a 16-year-old was beaten to death at a halloween party. a high school football player. very popular one, and several of
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his friends, have been charged with his kidnapping and murder. they were allegedly messaging each other about it afterward according to the a.z. family which obtained the police report. suspect tallen renner sent a snapchat saying i got in a fight, a big group fight and i accidently killed a kid, i guess i'm just too strong. my lord, what is happening with these kids? by the way, of course, they videotaped it. a few weeks ago in little taylor'sville utah two teens 115-year-old and two 17-year-olds charged with the abduction and murder of a 21-year-old man according to local facts. the 15-year-old told his girlfriend that he was the one to pull the trigger. and over the weekend, this caught my eye, seven kids, ages 12 to 16 were shot in indianapolis around 11:30 p.m. the night before easter.
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11:30. >> parents, you got to help us out because it's not the job of community groups and law enforcement to baby-sit these kids. that is your responsibility as a parent. a 12-year-old should not be on the streets downtown at 11:00 or after at nighttime. that is a parenting issue and you parents have to start being parents. >> laura: joining me now the man you just heard dr. reverend charles harrison. president of the indianapolis 10 point coalition. reverend, thank you for joining us tonight. i know you are a father of two high schoolers, so am i. and the issue of absentee parents. is that the key problem here just an overall sense of irresponsibility? >> it is a problem for many of our families, you know, in many
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of these larger cities where we are having this violence problem, it's not reflective of all the parents. but, it is an issue when there is no accountability, when parents are not setting boundaries and you know, holding their children accountability and allowing them to stay out at all hours of the night without we see this day after day in the city and parents are going to have to step up. and start being parents and not trying to be the friends ever their children. and show them some love and some care and direct their children down the right path. rather than what we are seeing too often in cities across the country. >> laura: here, here. i have three teenagers. i always say you might not like me now, but you will love me when you are 25 because i'm not your friend. i'm your mother. and they kind of shrug their
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shoulders, it's not easy for anyone out there. the filming, reverend, of attacks, the assaults on other children. you know, these privileged football players in arizona. i missed this story. and then they post about it. they even brag about it. this is just totally heart-breaking. i guess i mean, they think it's cool or they fear no consequences? what is it? >> well, there is no consequence. and that's the problem. when kids are getting in trouble today, you know, they are going through judicial system but there are no consequences. so, if you have no consequences at home. you have no consequences when it comes to the judicial system, then there is no deterrence, and then these kids continue to escalate their behavior until it leads to someone being shoot or injured or shot or killed. and we got to have accountability if we are going to get ahold of this urban youth gun violence problem that is leading to too many kids you, you know, being shot or injured
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or shot or killed. >> laura: now, what rules, reverend, do you set for your teenagers when it comes to, you know, going out? what do you suggest to other parents out there who feel like they can do. they are under pressure from sometimes from other parents to let your kid do this or that? >> >> well, my kids know that they have a curfew. and when they want to go somewhere, they have a discussion with me and my wife and we, you know, try to make a decision whether or not where they are going is going to be safe. you know, recently my daughter went to a party, i let her go. but her father was in the parking lot. so i stayed in the parking lot. when she went to the party. and she knew what time she had to leave. and she came out. and that's the role i play. i understand the dangers that kids are facing today. and my kids understand i love them. i want them to be young. but i also have responsibilities as their father to protect them.
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>> laura: okay. you were in the parking lot waiting? that's a good idea. i'm taking that idea from you. my kids are like wishing that i just didn't learn that you are waiting in the parking lot. all right. i got it, rev. thank you. by the way i was up late at night and i saw your video on x. it moved me. and i'm so worried about our young people and thank you for speaking out. we really, really appreciate it. thank you. >> all right. bidenomics has claimed another victim. the details, next. ♪ across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team.
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i will bless those who bless you. it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union. but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25.
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the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile. you can save a life, just like ramzia. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. ramzia saw this matzah that the fellowship brought her for passover. ramzia was so excited... it brings up memories of faith and family from her childhood. i'm partnering with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to tangibly bless jewish people who are in need around the world. a life-saving $25 gift helps send a volunteer with one urgently needed survival food box.
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for less than one dollar a day you can say, "i will bless and comfort the jewish people". "i will save a life today". please call or go online now and say, "i will bless his people israel". >> laura: i assess earlier. who can afford to buy a home in biden's america? for many people, the answer is don't look at me not only have wages been stagnated when you
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take into account the cost of living and mortgage rates are way up so the cost of homes have spiked. according to the low tech homebuyers need to earn 80 percent more than they did in 2020. 106 thousand dollars in just $74,000 and join me now is realtor in orlando friday and you and i have been on this before as is getting worse hearing from the kids of a lot of my friends of one will dissipate? >> it's only getting worse at this point that we need more supply and proposals and incentives for people to build more affordable housing because the demand is strong right now and raising the price as average home is 400,000 and you need a hundred thousand dollars before years ago, by the average house on the $20,000 salary.
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>> jesse: the problem is what the biden administration wants to do is just flood the suburbs with a bunch of crappy housing right that will wreck the value of homes in the suburbs but you don't deserve to live in a suburb in a place nicer than anyone else so there idea is to cram everyone in apartment buildings and frankly screw the suburbs and they think suburbs are pretty racist anyway. is it to grow the economy and i'm sure it was cool during the free pandemic area of donald trump. >> we need a focus on the economy and get money into the hands of the middle class because we see the american dream getting pulled away as the path three years is moved from $50,000 to now over a hundred thousand dollars seen every day on the comments and videos of social media where people are living paycheck to paycheck and
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spending 40 percent of their money on rent in their daycare costs and student loans and groceries so we need to help middle-class americans and the said ministration is unfortunately not doing that. >> laura: almost like the old dictator saying that you will own nothing and be happy announce what a lot of people are saying as barbara corcoran says what will happen is mortgage rates drop. watch this. >> i think prices will go through the roof especially interest rates come down and everybody and their mother will be looking for a new house in the competition will be so fierce that housing prices will have to go up. the problem. >> laura: is also followed the inflationary trends as inflation has not come down under the biden administration as they predicted it would and is still
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way too high. >> 100 percent and if rates go down in barbara is right which i believe she is it will increase the price parts of the country having multiple offers as open houses are packed people are offering 20 or 30,000 over asking because how will the next generations retire if they continue to pay these rents in their lifetime? >> laura: always great to see you and you do such a great job. think so much. that's it for tonight and always set your dvr's and make sure to follow me on social media and also facebook and all be in la tomorrow in jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse waters prime time and tonight marks transgender day of visibility and today of all days i stand proud and visible with my fellow transgender americans. >> jesse:


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