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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> 100 percent and if rates go down in barbara is right which i believe she is it will increase the price parts of the country having multiple offers as open houses are packed people are offering 20 or 30,000 over asking because how will the next generations retire if they continue to pay these rents in their lifetime? >> laura: always great to see you and you do such a great job. think so much. that's it for tonight and always set your dvr's and make sure to follow me on social media and also facebook and all be in la tomorrow in jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse waters prime time and tonight marks transgender day of visibility and today of all days i stand proud and visible with my fellow transgender americans. >> jesse: biden white house
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declares easter weekend trans visibility day. >> this is documented as fbi agent. >> jesse: diddy and epstein. these cases are getting crazy. >> now my son will grow up without his father in how many more police officers and families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? >> jesse: the whole saving the police plus. what will he do about all this crime? >> what crime? [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: once upon a time, the words yes, we can reverberate it through every democrat arena and the rise of barack obama who presented himself as the savior. >> this is the moment when he
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began to care for the sick and this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal. this was the moment. this was the time when we came together to remake this great nation. >> jesse: from his biblical pros, democrats were fainting like they were witnessing the second coming. >> looks like someone might have fainted up here some of the ems somebody? folks do this all this time in my meetings. he'll be okay just give him a little room in just don't lock your knees. >> jesse: media breathe life into it as barack of the messiah and messianic language and
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cannot messiah win twice? made him sound like a biblical and painted him that way as photographers but halos on them and to them, he was a god. >> you made so many promises and thought i couldn't say this at christmas time but the next messiah. >> jesse: people always had profound affection for political leaders and is not scandalous but a testament to how strongly devoted basis can be but it's been almost a decade since democrats have felt a thrill as no one ever fainted for hillary or biden and they miss it and they are jealous when the other side has it. the new york times infiltrated a trump rally in said they witness a religious revival. >> thousands of people lining up for hours to get inside. showing endless devotion that they have for the former president. in one of the more striking ways we see for trump fans is at the
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end of his rallies sudden shift in tone goes from very high energy to almost a solemn church like at -- atmosphere. we're trump gives a sermon preaching to his crowd as his faithful flock of supporters and you see people almost in prayer. and the net effect trump has turned the republican party to the church of trump. >> jesse: new york times went on to write this, "trump he him flock to describe him like old testament heroes like cyrus or david and morally flogged -- morally flawed and to lead profound missions and resisting exercise evil." revere of messiah for obama was fine but now praying for trump
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is a religious colts. >> people need a bible in their home and i have many in its my favorite book and i'd like to endorse and encourage jesse: you to get this bible and we must make america pray again. >> jesse: last week, former president promoting a god bless the usa bible which includes documents for america's founding trump partnering with lee greenwood who's famous song god bless the usa you hear playing at his rallies. this isn't out of the ordinary. during world war ii, fdr sent assigned bibles to american soldiers and row forward to the new testament. jimmy carter selling assigned lessons from the bible book online over $300 and than the jimmy carter assigned bibles available right now for purchase for $98. trumps isa $59.99 and democrats are acting like trump committed
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in ax of blasphemy. >> it's so insulting to me as one who grew up in a church and for him to not only come with selling bibles during holy week i mean this is the week the real christ. >> he's one of the most divisive and cruel person in the history of the presidency and that's a -- the exact opposite of jesus' message and donald trump others and backed by certain people that exposes the route that exists in faith communities in america. >> when fascism come to america it'll be waving a flag and holding a bible and that's what we're looking at right now. remember that. >> it's blasphemous. >> jesse: are we really looking out sharpton? the media is acting like it's tacky for trump to promote the word of god. biden ice out his illegitimate grandchild and helping keep his crackhead cheating son out of
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prison we're trans activists flashes on july 4th must not get into a battle over who's tacky or as trump is a salesman and as the media saying there should be less bibles in america? is probably the best thing trump is oversold except trump wine which is divine. but the left is livid because they know trumps strong voter base will by whatever he sells including biden trump stickers and told biden would try to win over trump voters but he's not in calling them ultra maga bible thumpers and if you buy a bible from trump, you're not christian but in a colts. >> i don't think the democrats have thought about this campaign is this guys calling himself god and if he can get away without than it's really a colts. >> jesse: anything trump does,
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democrats have to do the opposite as this we can trample wishing america happy easter and over the white house biden wished us happy transit data visibility. on transgender day of visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender americans and reaffirm our nation's commitment to forming a more perfect union were all people are created equal and treated equally through their lives. democrats went full trans as easter weekend. >> today on trans day visibility, we celebrate trans individuals in our committees and recognize their struggle for recognition and survival. >> for all of us here at the department of education, happy trans data visibility. >> each day of march 31st, we celebrate transgender americans and all they have accomplishment happy transgender day of visibility. >> jesse: blinded by the controversy this morning and try to explain how the calendar
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works. watch. >> so surprised by the misinformation out there around this and i want to be very clear that every year for the past several years on march 31st, transgender data visibility is marked and as we know for folks understand the calendar and how it works easter falls on different sundays right every year and this year i happened to coincide with transgender visibility day so that is the simple fact and that what has happened and that is where we are. >> jesse: i would love to hear explain leap year. here's a little think it started as 15 years ago trans psychotherapists started trans visibility day and here she is. >> i'm rachel crandall and i am founder and organizer on the international transgender day of
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visibility. >> jesse: anyone can create their own day and tomorrow is national peanut butter and jelly sandwich day and we are serious and is also a national ferret day and also national do-it-yourself day which got felt celebrates far too often and barack obama was the president for the first eight days of visibility in one of those days was easter sunday and obama do not on any proclamations and only started under biden's and the geniuses at the biden white house are either too stupid to realize what they're doing or doing it on purpose as biden was asked about what he did it and he said "i didn't do it." so was either a puppet or he's lying. if the president doesn't care if they have a date to themselves, have a date or a month and also pride month is for right? we discovered trans jay take up half of the year.
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they have transgender day of visibility, transgender day of visibility, transgender awareness week, trans awareness month and transparent day. international day against homophobia, biphobia and trans phobia. lgbtq history month, month awareness week, international day of pink, day of silence for trans bullying. lesbian visibility week. a gender pride day pansexual and pen romantic awareness day, stonewall day, international lgbtq plus day, international nonbinary people day and international drug day. bisexual awareness week, celebrate bisexuality day, international lesbian day, gender fluid visibility week,
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spirit day, intersects awareness day, intersex dave awareness and i could go on. they dominate the calendar we can't have one day for easter? and if you raise the issue we are pouncing? trans easter is now a thing but trump asking for prayer is tacky? i don't know about you but i don't think the trans community is suffering from a lack of visibility. it's all we see. they were selling trans nutcrackers and target this christmas which i enjoyed gifting to my producers during secret santa and the country talks more about trans in the border in it's a combination of a cry for attention and a cry for help. handing over bathrooms, the english language and a half of the calendar? after bending over backwards? on easter sunday in tennessee, a trailer full of bibles was set on fire in front of a church and
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we're not accusing any one trans of doing this but if these workarounds in flames, there be another white house proclamation or front-page news of a trans hate crime. easter services st. patrick's was disrupted by pro- palestinian activists and if we've learned anything from history that communism rooted in religion now so people would worship the state instead of god so be proud of your faith and don't let anyone demonize you. never be ashamed by what you believe you are in happy easter. country music star lee greenwood partnered with trump on the god bless the usa bible and joins me now. , what you think people are so worked up about what the bible situation? >> lee: they are pretty twisted and i know they are afraid of donald trump and have
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to tell you something i really believe is that most of the people on the left or probably christian and i'm ashamed of them for not putting their faith forward and they are just hateful for donald trump and i can tell you this the history of god bless the usa the song is what led us to this point here for more than three years i've been performing with the holy bible and the king james version and from front to back it is the unedited bible. god bless the usa added to the front of it and the back of the book the four documents the started our democracy is i'm a patriot and my father joined the navy after the bombing of pearl harbor so i was raised on a farm in sacramento california and went to the first baptist church when i was very young and my rise as a christian has been rocky until he met my wife kim and we live in tennessee yes the heart of the bible belt however, toward this country from new york to los angeles there's a line of my song that says i won't forget the men who died in
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some of it is about the military but for me donald trump who stepped his foot forward and said i am a christian and i believe in god, you have to remember when he took the oath of office he put a hand on the bible and it might have been his own bible and said i would swear to defend the constitution of the united states which is why decided to put the constitution and the god bless the usa bible. >> jesse: why do you think the media is trying to portray the millions of christians who support donald trump during this rally who potentially will by the bible, wire there being per trade being in a religious cult they are just christians? >> lee: is hardly a cult is and it with there are a million transgender's in the united states and 2 million christians registered its were talking too much about that subject and i want to talk more about faith and to tell you the truth we were here at our church and
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somebody said where aren't people coming back to church? to tie the truth, we had two services on saturday and three on sunday and my whole family was there and it was a beautiful day to celebrate easter and i think president trump are acknowledging that. >> jesse: i was a easter service with my family and left after communion because the kids were getting a little crazy and hopefully that's okay. >> lee: it's okay. >> jesse: thank you very muchly and happy easter. >> lee: god bless the usa >> jesse: let's bring a nationally syndicated radio host and happy trans visibility day and how did you celebrate? >> happy trans giving jesse. >> jesse: what is going on at the white house? >> they try to use a mental illness to troll christians on easter but they forgot the biggest troll of all of jesus coming out of the grave on easter declaring victory over
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death and nestle whole thing and honestly i think i want to go a little deeper with this because it's easier to see here and say this is trans giving and i'm not can hear the lectures of people who say they've been doing this since 2009 saying you can't call it out unless is the first time you do it and the only president who issued a proclamation about it and did it on easter as the white house spokesperson was trying to explain to us how calendars work the difference between nordstrom and nord stream but was trying to lecture us but had to know this was going to fall when they scheduled this a couple years down the road that it would fall on easter sunday and i think it was all done on purpose because they want to fulfill this christian nationalist narrative that they have been developing for weeks now and that began weeks ago people began accurately noting our rights go out in the purview of the divine of natural rights versus civil rights not created by men in
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courts of law for other men but rights like our free speech and second amendment et cetera under the purview of god and when our founders created this country, the rights placed up above man to where they could not pervert or pollute them so ultimately this is a way to further try to divide people from the very crux of our rights in the very foundation of our rights and the thing that enshrines our rights and gives us our freedom and you have to share the faith of the united states of america to benefit either which is what makes this country brilliantly and truly unique so that ultimately is the goal and this was just one of the tactics. they've been trying to go at christianity for ages the left has an every leftist thinks they have the way because they think history began the day they born cycling through this nonstop. >> jesse: also and you are right and spot on there's also a financial incentive because these trans surgeries and
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hundreds of thousands of dollars not only doing them on adults but now doing among children in the medical community is just making so much money from it which is why you see 160 days to celebrate in i think we all know exactly what's going on here. happy easter dana. >> happy resurrection day and thank you jesse. >> jesse: johnny went to the biden fundraiser. >> at my mom and i'm excited to attend. >> people should wait in lines. >> jesse: how come no one's waiting in line -- how come no one's waiting in line at the southern border? s a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing!
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trans visibility day but april full c. said happy easter. mogul spotted smoking outside his home after being ransacked by the feds but not letting a little sex trafficking investigation slowing him down going out to dinner in miami spreading the love and never know when charges against him a drop or if they will drop in it's a guessing game as he's been accused of being an fbi informant as a new interview with his bodyguard is that he was getting favors because he was a snitch. >> police bringing in the ci and use him for a three-dollar hoe. they will let you do crimes as long as you don't do no murderers or something like that. confidential informants are paid good but puff was a millionaire.
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he'll get money like that as a confidential informant and was famous. he be getting favors and paying law enforcement people for years. >> jesse: we can't prove that but it explains a lot as kanye west alluded to it years ago. >> as fark meek mills, puff daddy whoever, all you fake [bleep] uniform sink. i don't -- you know i'm sank. >> jesse: a new report today in the business world detailing how he was able to cozy up at the rich and powerful and expand his influence beyond the music industry working with billionaires attacked at being compared to jeffrey epstein ascent in fact the lawsuit against diddy lays up more similarities to epstein claiming did he have his own madam just
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like maxwell and also alleges similar till epstein turned little st. james on the perverted playground and diddy would take women to the caribbean on yachts where there was alleged illicit activity and one of diddy's close business partners billionaire ron burkle was also found epstein's in burkle who's converted boeing was nicknamed iran air by bill clinton and called air [bleep] one by others and like epstein, diddy has been a big champion of democrats even pushing their favorite hoaxes forward. >> if trump gets elected, i believe in my heart that will be a race war which is why this message is not just a black people but to everyone. >> the man on the verge of a race war if people in america
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want to race war,. >> jesse: joining me now, hansen so now we have two people come out saying diddy was talking to the feds. do you think that's true? whether that's true or not and he may have been cooperative, you don't get away with human trafficking unless you give up john or something like that but i can tell you just see this that this investigations been going on for a long time very closely held so much so even some of the agents on the rate we could go today did not know whose house they were reading until they got there. >> jesse: so there could've been a tip and there are allegations he was paying law enforcement through his chief of security which happened to be michael jackson's chief of
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security. >> i don't know if i buy into that as people in diddy situation like to have those involved in law enforcement but that doesn't mean they're taking payoffs or doing thanks and they like that closeness is just like how diddy was able to court estée lauder and very successful and that made him a lot of money and gave him credibility outside the hip-hop in wrap world and that's a he was trying to do here a lot like what epstein did with powerful businessmen. >> jesse: if you look at this report, it's a consolation. >> very similar to what epstein was doing and these guys get drunk with power allegedly diddy has said these allegations are false and drunk with power and use their bout -- lose their balance of what's right and what's wrong and they get
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everyone telling them they're great and all of a sudden these civil suits are out in the feds watch this. that's what happened with our kelly that started with civil suits in hsi got involved. >> jesse: civil suits are like a silver platter for the feds to take these guys down in we'll see how this plays out. takedown with chris henson. >> thank you. >> jesse: fox news alert as president trump just posted is 175 million-dollar bond in the new york civil fraud case and told he uses brokerage account as collateral don't know yet if that includes his truth social comes a week after an appellate court slash the bond down from half a billion. up next. the incredible hulk joins primetime. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to.
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racial riots using the death of george floyd to launch an anti- cop crusade and it worked. democrats open the jails and let repeated offenders walk and cut police budgets to appease the mod this week in the streets are packed again not with protesters but with cops and mourners there to pay respect to fallen nypd officer who was gunned down by a career criminal with 21 priors police behind a wife and a 1-year-old son and his widow spoke at his funeral over the weekend. >> how many more police officers and families need to make it ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? i don't wish this kind of pain on anyone. jonathan lived his life doing good for people in now time for people to do good for all the officers he represents. >> jesse: politicians still don't get it as new york governor showed up to the weak and was chased out and mourners told her she was the reason he was killed.
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dillards widow confronted them said they had blood on their hands and even after all that, letitia james estes peek at dillards funeral in that didn't happen in these people can't have it both ways and can't write laws that kills cops and impose for photos at those coffins but people are on the side of the police and all the politicians last night country music star pay tribute to officer dillard at a concert in new york after a song, the crowd erupted and it lets go brandon chant. [bleep]. [bleep] >> jesse: actor known as the incredible hulk and police advocate, a lu, what is it tell you when these politicians aren't even welcome at nypd
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funerals? >> will my father was a police lieutenant for years and it's sad because people don't understand what it takes to put the uniform on because we need these people and they are our heroes and we have the wrong people having the wrong guns and that's why today is so important is the encouragement with candy police. >> jesse: what went through your mind when you see these beautiful aerial shots of all of these men in blue just look at that and it gives you the chills and is a very powerful moment to taken. how does that make you feel? >> is sad because when i was younger i was worried about my father coming home because you never know what can happen in
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hurts me a lot because i've been a deputy sheriff for 18 years and working with different officers what its about being in the line of duty especially you can be in a situation where you can get shot or wounded and people don't realize what it takes to be an officer as we're dealing with people that are illegal to have guns that they shouldn't have guns and people that have prior arrests should not be on the streets so that's all we have to have a change of these lawsuits. >> jesse: 21 prior arrests is crazy the summons out there and it's a dangerous on the border and hearing reports and i don't know if you saw this but all of these migrants a bum rushing violently bursting through this line of agents down there in el paso, texas some of these people who just assaulted and our men
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have been released. >> i think it's a serious issue with the borders today because i think they have a lot of criminals and it needs to be more secure because this country what we have the police and sheriffs departments and outside polices so vital but the border needs to be more secure and with donald trump who wants to secure the border and be united with the nation's. >> jesse: can you do me a favor and put your collar up for good all-time sake? it would really make me happy. all the way up just like i used to do. there you go. almost. thank you. johnny talks to biden voters. i wasn't ready.
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's. >> jesse: hunter biden's request to dismiss his charges
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has just been shot down in a desperate attempt, his lawyer spent hours trying to convince the judges to toss the whole case in less than a week later, the judge coming back with the verdict and a major vote to the first son's legal team all eight motions denied. the hunter biden california tax trial set to begin june 20th. primetime has said it before but the moment you enter an airport, all bets are off as planes are falling apart in so are the people on them as pilot is the -- pilot is either kamikaze or the person next to seeing demons and there's no one between six ep eyes peeled for crazy ladies like this who raised a ruckus on spirit airlines. >> can i do that with freedom? all i care about is freedom. i've been there before.
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i have [bleep] been there before he's hurting my wrists and you're hurting me sheriff. [ laughter ] i can't breathe. >> jesse: if you want to hear more troubling tales from the sky, read get it together as a chapter of our woman who brought her emotional support squirrel on a flight. read it to see what happens. joe biden needs help so he brought in the big guns like lizzo to raise money here in new york they called it an evening with the president and thousands of people in -- emptied their wallets but who are all these people? johnny walked across the street to talk to them. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> reporter: how excited are you for tonight? >> at so excited and been excited for days. >> reporter: how much is you spend? >> $250. >> i would've spent way more than that. >> 500 each. >> $2000 for the tickets and a thousand dollars. >> at my mom paid and i hope my spot is saved. >> how come no one's waiting in line at the southern border? >> reporter: you're here to see barack. >> am so excited. [ ♪♪ ] >> reporter: who are you most excited to see tonight? >> leah socialism will be a mating -- amazing.
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>> reporter: who is your favorite president? >> obama. >> bill clinton is my favorite president. >> love to have a cocktail with bill. >> bill clinton claims he is the first lack president. >> a big night to remember what happened at the state of the unity and? but the next day he confused presidents of different countries. what's joe biden's greatest accomplishment? >> let's not do that, i'm sorry. >> inflation reduction act. >> they can always drill down in find a negative bad news. >> you don't have people anymore claiming they don't know what
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the united states stands for. >> american be defined as a single word. >> will he do about all this crime? >> what crime? >> take a look, were in the first round of hell. >> is very secure around here, more secure than our southern border. >> he cares about people. >> can he pull off another four years? >> you're right he's always the comeback kid. >> i need help. >> you think bill and barack can save joe's campaign? >> i really hope so. >> joe biden getting been by donald trump. >> no, he isn't. he is not that like fake news. >> donald trump was in new york
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today. >> who cares. trump sucks [bleep]. take it from me. >> house her husband doing by the way? anyone know? >> what you want to tell jesse waters on fox news? >> you're smarter than this. >> my data be happy to see me on fox. >> give up. >> jesse: the jfk series continues on me come back. [ ♪♪ ] se sudden gush moments. always discreet protects like no other. with a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. always discreet- the protection we deserve! honestly, i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy.
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understanding of each other because they had been secretly sending letters to one another going around the backs of both the intelligence agencies. he initiated the exchange sending a spy to deliver a 26 page letter and wrote the letter while at the black sea where he said he had a moment of clarity and in the letter calculi can their situation with noah's ark were both the clean and unclean are equally interested in one thing and that is the ark should successfully continue its cruise and we should live in peace and cooperation so the ark maintains its buoyancy or it sinks. jfk quick to reply from his home green with hymns analogy saying despite the country's differences, they have to put aside their conflict if humanity was to survive in the exchange made them see a other as human beings rather than just clinical rivals and without this private
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exchange between them nuclear alliteration almost certain as american military advisers try endlessly to provoke the soviet union into an armed conflict in the u.s. implemented deaf con number 2 and even launched mistletoe tasks across the pacific without telling the soviets and the situation got so severe that the soviets shut down an american fighter jet killing the pilot. jfk did not respond militarily instead scent his brother, attorney general to meet with the russian ambassador telling the russian official that "the president is in a grave situation." even though the president himself is again starting the war over cuba, president is not sure the military will not overthrow him and seize power. he heard community's message loud in clear and removed his nuclear arsenal from cuba as long as community promise to
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never invade the caribbean island and community agreed in the cuban missile crisis officially de- escalated not everyone celebrated the peaceful outcome as community's joint chiefs of staff's were furious compromise in the cold war was considered treason and in october 28th, one day after the global crisis, jfk turned to his brother robert in reference a blinken's death saying this is the night i should go to the theatre with robert replying if you go, i want to go with you. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: we did a combination third birthday with our easter celebration and had a great time and we talked about lamb or ham. what is the proper easter dinner? let's find out.
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steven lambs are too cute to eat in that shouldn't stop you. john from massachusetts says the new testament tells us jesus was the lamb of god. carol from long island said i've solved it as i had both. david from oklahoma says no ham or no lamb, red lobster. i'm not sure jesus would have approved. joe said it's not okay to leave for communion but you weren't there and they were screaming. this is my world. welcome and as joe biden continues to deteriorate right before our eyes, one thing remains nt


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