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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ [ applause ] >> greg: we are out of time! that is it for our show studio audience! [ cheering and applause >> trace: good evening andres gallagher it's 11:00 pm on the east coast 8:00 here in los angeles and this is america's late news, news at night. breaking tonight, quoting, i shoot people. that is what a career criminal
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allegedly involved in the murder of nypd officer jonathan dillard told police, the day that accused accomplice was in court. while police are causally being caught different targeted, some new york city firefighters now being called fascists because they were flying a flag to honor their hero colleagues that have died on 911. ashley's live in new york city with the very latest developers on the story, actually good evening sue and hello, major backlash night after new york city firefighters of the writer company 11 were forced to remove a flag that honor the man of the laws during the 911 terrorist attacks. it all started a few weeks ago when the new york city fire department received an e-mail complaint from democrat city councilwoman carly never bears office saying a constituent was angry about the flag and pointing out of the political symbols are not permitted to be displayed on public vehicles. a progressive a new york politician and former member of the democratic socialists of
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america voted in 2022 strip of the nypd of $1 billion in funding and regularly criticize the police was during the 2020 george floyd of lower rights. days after the complaint and man claiming to work for the councilman confronted the firefighters calling the flag you fascists symbol and asking why it had not been taken down yet. hours after, the deputy chief regretfully were informed of the company that at the flag had to be taken down due to a department plan on older diversions of the american flag that was ruled a dating back to the 2020 protests. hours later the commissioner reversed the decision and a lot of the flag back on the company's truck. grateful latter company 11 are not happy one telling new york close, we are offended happened in the first place, this flag has huge significance for us. the woman reportedly insists her office never contacted latter
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company 11 saying my relationship with latter 11 has always been a strong. >> trace: actually live for us in new york, thank you. [ ♪♪ ] the common sense department was disappointed to learn that a downtown new york city fire company latter 11 was forced to take down aids in redline of like that flies on their firetruck to of course memorialize six colleagues at dido 911. it turns out latter 11 got a notification from the office of new york city councilwoman saying as a flag was a fascist. they did not elaborate on why it was fascist but common sense wonders why did not just use the word hateful. it is common knowledge that red flag remind the left of blue line to flag us,, and progressives have publicly repeatedly and without marriage or evidence concluded that police are hateful. there for all flag imitators
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would fit that mold. do progressives know that emts, nurses, 911 dispatchers also have their own a thin line flags? do progressives know these people are proud of their careers, proud to serve, proud to serve everyone? dispatches picked up the phone for everybody who calls, paramedics and nurses provide medical aid it to everybody who needs it. firefighters will rescue anyone from a burning building. common sense is happy to report that latter 11 is again flying to the right line flag. back into thousand one, we vowed to never forget if only we could remember, why we made the valve. while christian critics pushing the body is about an itemization following an easter sunday proclamation from the white house acknowledging a so-called transgender day and visibility. mark meredith has that story
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live it for in washington. >> what has as the controversy surrounding transgender visibly day is due to misinformation about republicans including house speaker mike johnson claimed this is all about of the president himself sending mixed messages. classic the white house declared sunday march 31st as transgender day of his ability, your proclamation was issued on friday but the day the white house as was the nod on the 31st and something the government has been recognizing for many years. >> easter falls on different sundays, right? every year. this year it happened to coincide with transgender visibility day. that is the simple fact. that is what has happened. that is where we are suing republicans a choosing to honor transgender americans on the same day christians mike easter is insulting, the white house today refuse to apologize and night speaker meg johnston was among those who was most outraged. >> this election is about showing the contrast between
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these two visions for america, this proclamation on easter sunday is just a great example of that. this radical left his progressive vision for the country's not who we are as americans. >> the speakers that he's also confused by why the president told reporters today on the south lawn that he did not create this controversy, the speaker now even trolling the president on on x. by posting the original proclamation at the rink to have skipped posting about this whole thing. republicans insist this is a part of a broader assault christians face in their faith but also not an issue that will repeat next year, the next time these two occasions will collide on the calendar, the year 2086, the same year he will be retiring. >> trace: [ laughter ] live for us in dc, thank you. that's it in at trumped 124 national press secretary, and acxiom strategies. thank you for coming in. i want to bring some karima jean-pierre, which is said about of the easter trends day conflict.
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>> every year for the past several years on march 31st, transgender day of visibility is march? this year march 31st just so happens to be also easter. the date of which changes every year. >> trace: i made there are 28 related days that the white house could point out as a transgender days, whatever they are. the question is, would you have not moved it to monday? it's being existing for 15 years, we have been salivating easter for 2024 years. could we have not have budgeted today? >> the obsolete could have. this was a deliberate choice by joe biden's white house to appease the far left activists and to slap christians in the face across his country and across this world to market the holiest day on the christian calendar as trends day and visibility. joe biden's white house knew exactly what they were doing, by joe biden himself may have not when he was asked at the easter
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egg roll today if you did this, he said he did not. so joe biden either does not know what his own white house is doing what he is a line. we called on him to apologize he still hasn't, you won't hold our breath because of this is a large assault on christianity, the doj convey to pro-life protesters, the fbi platters to infiltrate catholic mass and we cannot forget is a heinous image of a transgender activist flashing themselves in exposing themselves. this is what they believe in. >> trace: the president may be right, he may have not known. if you put this up here, this is a contrast want to show you here, a 1959, we have with this picture here, there were three crosses on easter on the new york skyline. look at that. this year there were no crosses but there were 13 new york landmarks that were lit up include niagara falls and penn station for the transit day of visibility. we have come a long way?
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-- trans-day. it is amazing how different it is today. >> absolutely. there is a major ideological shift that has existed within our country and we see that not only to administration about two generations per! it is really sad to see the white house is refusing to accept any culpability for what is seen, especially by republicans, conservatives and christians as an attack on easter. to caroline's point is they are, when discussing the fbi, the doj, the continued harassment over those with christian conservatives believes, by the biden administration and by his agencies, this is just another example for them to say look at what has happened to us, we should be able to practice our faith without prosecution by the federal government. >> trace: is interesting to, you think about the updates and you go back to last week and you have the wake for the officer who was shot and killed and had donald trump at the wake a few miles away, the president of the united states holding a
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fundraiser, a celebrity fundraiser. then he have the easter thing was the trans-day of visibility. it seems to me the optics have been way off for this administration over the last five or six days. >> it is because all they care about is appeasing the far left activists in this country, not reaching out to commonsense, independence and americans who believe in conservative values that make this country great. those valleys are faith, family and freedom. those are the values that president trumps campaign are founded on. that is why we see president's trump winning every day of this campaign whether it was at contrast in new york we saw last week where he honored the slain police officer jonathan dillard while joe biden wasn't laughing it up it was out of touch elitist. or a few weeks ago and the great state of georgia where he consoled the family of rake and wiley was beatable daughter was killed by an illegal immigrant while joe biden apologized to the illegal immigrant. joanna stands for it come to, don trump stands for the
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american people and that's when he's leading in the polls sweetie and, wrap this up for us. >> it is very clear that joe biden and his administration have done at a master class in making themselves look like they are not on the market. whether it is the white house easter egg rolls or issues we see with israel and the war with hamas, this is not an end ministration that is on the ball and that is why you see as the left-wing media likes to say, republicans seizing on that and taking control not only in the polls but in the national narrative. >> trace: and and caroline, thank you for coming on. now it's bring into the cochair of the america first policy institute centre for law and justice, former florida attorney general. a great to see you on the show. i want to go back of a can do the accomplice talking about the police officers and the firefighters being under attack. onto go to the accused accomplice of the man who allegedly killed nypd officer jonathan dillard saying to
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police "i shoot people". then you put up his robbery stats and his mug shot and he was arrested 14 times for burglary, i sold it, attended a merger, the on and on. it is just this guy driving around in new york city that has everybody's jaw on the floor. what you think? >> so this guy jones has a loaded gun in the car, he had multiple felonies, 14, and he went by the nickname "killer". he told the police officers, "i shoot people. yet his only charges and accessory, he should be charged as a principal to first-degree murder and face life in prison. then you go to the actual shooter trays, the actual shooter, he had 21 felonies in his past, and he showed be facing the death penalty by gaslight, new york does not have the death penalty. i was a capital prosecutor and
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if any case warrants the death penalty, this one does. but liberal new york, no death penalty. >> trace: the firefighters pam, the firefighters of latter 11 in new york city where they will told you to take down the thin blue line because it's a racist or it is sexist or because the list goes on and on. then you have the city council woman who says never said -- i never said take it down. it is confusing about the whole fact that anybody would degrade these firefighters is just astounding be one yes, they lost six of their own into their own ladder that means their unit, six of their own. that was a memorial to them yet this city council woman who also voted to defund the police by $1 billion, nypd in 2020, and also went out for an attacked police during the black lives matter movement, started all of those.
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but lordy, the commissioner did the right thing, she reversed the decision, and if you recall, she was the one that said go after the firefighters, she was booed boat -- joe biden. the american first policy institute, we said, we will represent for free all of those firefighters if she went after them. so she eventually did the right thing, the commissioner. >> trace: took a while, but, yes. i have to go but want to pull this video again and get here quick take on this because this is kind of up your alley. we know this thing happening at the border. this thing was a stampede. they went over the national guard's people and they were all released by el paso judge, why don't they just opened the border and forget about the whole thing? >> yes, the district attorney's going after them yet to the judge released them, blaming it
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on the da for not being prepared. how are you prepared when you don't know the names of any of these illegal aliens? they should all have been held in custody at least now though they are under federal detainer but let's see what happens. they all have to be deported and prosecuted. >> trace: we will move on with that sort, weighed heavy on, thank you so much. made him turn that even if you storm across the southern board and ride, he will you will likely go free. hundreds of illegal immigrants stampeding national guard troops out of the southern border got an easter surprise when they were released by a judge in el paso. live with those details, marion good evening. >> good evening, pretty shocking, in a positive judge ordered the release of a large google detained migrants accused of storming national guard troops. the judge making that ruling on easter sunday via a teleconference bond hearing accusing the da office in el paso not being ready to move forward with detention hearings. video showing a dozens of men are ripping a razor wire and
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pushing past national guard troops you for being blocked entering further by a while. former acting home at a security said releasing the migrants from jail sends the wrong message. >> it's unbelievable. i cannot believe that a judge would release of these individuals after what we've seen on video. had it on video, you chose those migrants was identified by either border patrol or texas dps, so we know who they are and yet because it appears as some type of a technicality or the district attorney there in el paso was not ready for the motion, that at the end result is that he ask you set them f free. >> now the -- despite the order, migrants accused of writing could still be detained if there is a federal immigration whole place on them, something the da should be eaten if mike seems to be playing for the release of so many. >> the judge seems to be folding the da for not being ready to hold detention hearings for each and every defendant. we're talking about a number that exceeds 100.
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the da meanwhile seems to be blaming the feds for not placing an immigration hold on the riders who tore down the border fence and stampeded and assaulted the national guard soldiers. >> the migrants were released on their own recognizance while governor albert continues to shore up border security with national guard posted at all entry point. >> trace: thank you. is bringing texas attorney governor, lieutenant governor, wait to have you on the show. the headline in the el paso times is at all, "all positive judge orders release of a migrants accused of a border right". really we see the chaos on the border, now we also realize that those scales in the courts, the scales behind the scenes of this whole board crisis. >> trays, we have a progressive left is to view of law enforcement in this country, i'm sorry to say on the bench, they want chaos. you used the word, one they like
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to do is create chaos, the great kales in the woke culture, chaos in our economy, if you have an automobile that is not a lecture, they're trying to divide us. even that statement put out by the president at the top of the show about visibility day on easter sunday, this is trying to divide us. it is a revolution going on to take this country from us. we absolutely should have somebody behind bars in jail, judges let them go. it happens every big blue city in the state and in the country, so we have danger in the streets, our people are not safe, as all as they has of a president and the white house who is pushed along by the progressive left. he's doing everything you can to undermine this country and people that are pick aside in november, for this country or not. >> trace: speaking over the president, we learned tonight from governments data that this program that biden administers and has implored where they secretly fly people from latin
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america into this country, turns out 90 percent of them according to government data are being flown into texas and to florida. are you surprised? >> i'm not surprised. look trays, everybody who becomes president does to the best of their ability to protect and defend the united states. he is not living up to his oath. article of section 5 percent of the federal government guarantees states be protected from invasion. it is the reason i wrote bill four, going through the courts, we have a right in texas and so does every state to defend against invasion and we are being invaded. they may not be wearing at the format of the generals of the cartels around the world are sending the west of the worst our country, dear setting as criminals and terrorists. you name it. this president is not living up to the oath he took to defend the constitution of the united states, texas will hold the line and we will continue to fight back into would take the white has back. any policeman in new york or
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firemen, we have plenty of jobs open and we won't tell you to take down any flags. come on down, texas is a great way to live. if you are a blue state, come to texas! >> trace: you might have sold a lot of people on that, thank you so much. appreciate your time. coming up next, brand-new video coming and capturing protesters in iran calling for revenge chanting "death to america, death to israel" and burnings are flags after an airstrike killed one of their top generals and many others. how will iran respond? we are here live next and in a fox news at night it exclusive, a tennessee teenager somehow managed to crawl out of this crash was only scratches and bruises. the car was upside down spear to buy a guard rail through the driver's seat. she joins us along with her father who believes divine intervention may have saved her life. and in the nightcap, viral video of skiers trapped at a resort in
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italy, wind gusts somebody miles an hour, some of the chairlifts did not make it. what would you have done? this skiers call it a terror line, if you were trapped on a ski lift for what he five minutes in those conditions, what would you have done? instagram, we will but -- way to the best responses. 8:20 pm on the west coast, live load, or cam action new mexico. it is illegal to dance while wearing do some rarer there, and the live look at a cleveland, ohio, birthplace of superman. if you cannot what just live, do not forget dvr. we are coming right back. aparaz] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis.
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>> trace: well and is really a second series being blamed for killing one of iran's top military commanders may be the highest ranking commanders since their previous death in 2020 but now the question is how will iran respond? when you believe escalation is very real possibility, former correspondent is in tel aviv tonight. >> a massive escalation as airstrikes targeted a building belonging to the iranian embassy in syria. the top iranian general, mohammad reza zahedi, reported killed in the strike. >> you will make sure they don't forget their enemies. >> mohammad reza zahedi played a critical role transforming -- transferring weapons, previously sanctioned by the u.s. government in 2010. was also the main iranian at liaison to the syrian ridge you might, to syria promised a sw swift, direct and harsh response to the attack that also killed
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other members of iran's islamic referent -- resolution a guard courtmak israeli officials and american counterparts of not commented on who is behind the series strikes. this afternoon to a virtual meeting was held between officials from the white house, and representatives of the israeli government to, with an aim of irony of the next steps with a conflict with hamas. >> we have long believed it is in the interest of everybody to see these hostage talks succeed because you would not just see a relief to the sibling population in gaza that desperately needs it, it would enable the increased unitarian assistance into gaza and it would get the hostages out. >> reporter: pressure is going on benjamin netanyahu to reach a cease-fire agreement, protesters remained into the streets of jerusalem tonight demanding a deal. >> trace: thank you. let's bring it in rabbi from bel air here in california and a former member of israel's special operations
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counterterrorist unit, thank you it was for coming on. we talk about iran responding here, it takes some of the fire power away from a zero. israel won't wait for iran to respond, they will go after them again is that fair? what is the most fair way to put an end i will tell you why. israel's survival depends on three things? one, actionable intelligence. the fact they took mohammad reza zahedi as soon as he got that information, there's no doubt they had that attack on israel on the ground from an f. 15. number 2, aggression, they have to push forward. they have had six months now to catch up and get the intel dialtone and number 3, the court of israel's strength is preemptive striking. that is the way we operate especially in counterterrorism. i think we will see more of these preemptive strikes unfolding over the next months. >> trace: as that unfolds, it may lead to some exclusion whether on iran's part or is was part or hezbollah, wherever it
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comes from, the bennett imitation has been moving for their left. it kind of puts them in limbo, so to speak,, where did they go? they don't want escalation because i'm not sure they can pivot to next. >> we don't know what they want? you just said, ain't a thousand tiny, who it was the american administration that allowed iran to start delivering bombs into syria and lebanon. this is a very democrat policy to constantly keep both sides at edge with each other. then they can hope to swoop in. israel cannot wait. when they wait to get to war, many casualties. we now realize we have to go after them, should we bomb iran? israel will do whatever it takes and that will force america to choose what is best. a hundred thousand votes in michigan, what is best for the united states. that is why this has come down to. >> trace: we talked a little bit about hezbollah and the
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north and they have been going back and forth every day, hezbollah fires into israel and back-and-forth it goes. has it really gone to the point where you can call it a war going up there, but you wonder what the next response from hezbollah will be. i talked about that with the consular general appraisal today and he said this is. >> we are being bombarded daily by hezbollah and lebanon which is it an arena proxy and we are being targeted by the houthis. >> trace: the spokesperson i should have said. when they are already there, where does it go from here? >> i agree, they need to begin getting aggressive with hezbollah, again it is all iran, all the way back to when the united states assassinated in 2020 which we discussed. i agree with the spokesperson and the reason why is israel is simply equivocating with the amount of force that is needed to be able to keep this from
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escalating. however, i believe that israel is prepared to raise the stakes at any minute, the moment of the here, see or smell actionable intelligence it will force israel to move into another quicker, more aggressive position. >> trace: rabbi we see them burning the american and israeli flags in iran and we talk what protesters here, most people refer to them as pro- palestinian protesters, you say they are anti- biden protesters and my question is, what happens if iran and israel get into some kind of clash? do those people sideways israel, or do they decide --'s who would of course it was side with the iran. they would love to see america come down. everybody thinks it is freedom of speech, no, this is seriously a war against america? america, because we love the little stayton, israel, the astarte to do the work here in america. we must recognize as 100,000 people not living into their homes in the northern of israel. nobody is talking about the
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100,000 people who are refugees but notice israel is taking care of their own. not one country in the middle east want to take ain't one of the people who was a refugee in gaza. >> trace: that is a fair point. rabbi, aaron cohen, grade is always. coming up, needs a teenager who survived this horrible crash, a guardrail impaired to the driver side of the vehicle. the car flipped upside down. our miracle story of survival when she joins us alive along with her father who posted this video of the wreck on social media now going viral. still had, watch the shocking moment an idaho man barely misses being hit by a saw blade. a meet the newest member of the police department, with a tall list of qualifications. today's best while videos and a first look at a san antonio, texas, home to the world's tallest cowboy boots standing at 35 feet, weighs about 10,000 pounds. we're coming right back with an
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[ ♪♪ ] to three higher prices kind of job cuts and foreign investment in automation all the money for restaurant owners in california, the golden state's 20-dollar minimum wage for fast food workers taking place today, no april fools joke. let's bring in our delegate of roxanne hoag along with her public and candidate for congress here in california, intensive care physician at alex. thank you both were coming on. i want to play some sound here because this is some california restaurant people associated who are very much involved in this wage hike. they said this... >> because if you are an independent operator and a chain operators are paying $20 an hour, you are going to have to raise your wages or your employers will go to the chains. >> a lot of this will be passed on to the consumers which is my fear over the next few years.
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>> trace: the whole thing alex, when you went to this race people will ask you about those. 's they will see how in the world do you make mcdonald's and ane and out and burger king arrays at $20 but does burgers, the grocer on the corner? they can pay whatever they want to up to the california minimum wage? it is out of fair and is detrimental to the california economy. >> it is absolutely, it is a very misguided policy that will have a lot of losers and a few big winners. first you can have families with low income neighborhoods that are food deserts where the price of their food is gonna go up, they won't have any supermarkets to fall back on. you will also squeeze out of the small business franchises, there's a lot of indian immigrants accounted california who get a subway sandwich stop, the rates will go up on lee was suffocated their american dream. then he will finally have those workers who think they will get a raise but they will eventually get a pink slip from these greedy corporations. they will use this as an excuse to automate and illuminated
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their jobs. >> trace: i talked to a guy yesterday was arty looking into automation, they can take some of these jobs and put the robot back in there and off you 'globe and mail' chris matthews has a history of saying some stuff that i don't know, anyway, he says only poor people are voting for donald trump. >> i cannot put it altogether but these people are hard up, they have a grievance against society because society has been tough on them, why it, hispanic, black, all kinds of people below 50,000 a year or for trump. somebody has to get that into their heads that's was going on here. >> trace: he should have stopped at i can put it altogether but he went on and finished, like stop soon pardon me, you're freudian slip is showing. they hate us, they hate as. it's not that you hates the pores, they need the pores. they really need the underclass and the democrat party. they are worried -- the word you're looking for his people earning $50,000 or less a year. he's really mad is people that are not on the government and
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the independent and damage they should not be! to three will be goldberger says this on the view about are you better off today than you were four years ago. >> all you have to do to ask are we better off than we were, ask the thousands of people who are no longer here. that is how you know if we are better off. ask their families, are they better off without their loved ones? >> trace: i do not know who she's talking about, the deceased who died under joe biden? i do not know what she's talking about here, they did not deport anybody. not sure what she's talking about. clearly we have done this many times, you were better off at five years ago than today? >> she epitomizes the elite out of touch nature. the average person is hurting. they are hurting from high cost of goods, they are hurting from rampant property crime that is not going prosecuted, they are hurting from rampant illegal immigration, homelessness, and
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no amount of these far left progressive saying to biden onyx is working is actually going to make a true. >> trace: want to put this up quickly, are you better off, worse off? 74 percent say either better -- state not the same, 76 percent, ten seconds, people are not doing well. >> i have an empty nest now, my grocery bill is still littered was four years ago so no. would be goldberger is talking about the dead people who voted democrat. >> trace: roxanne and alex, thank you. on friday we shared this amazing wintery find video of an aftermath of a car crash in tennessee, a single father shared the footage with the happy news his teenage daughter survive the wreck with just a few scratches. let's bring it to kevin and kenzie, at kevin, i mean, i will get to you in his second because i'm a father of two girls so i have no idea what you were going through but i'm sure it was agonizing. kenzie, what happened in the accident, how did you get out?
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>> at first my dad called me, i called him and i climbed out, i was climbing out of the back to the back windshield of the car when i was on the phone with him. he thought i fell out of the car but i've already fallen out when i was on the phone. >> trace: i know, what you see this thing, and a know everybody sees this it guardrails it kind of aim hailed the car. how close kenzie did that come to you? >> oh it was very close. i did not even know how close it was and who i was outside of the car. it was... crazy. >> trace: and how it was agonizing for you kevin, but when you got the call and he looks at the car and he kind of investigated a, what were you thinking? >> i did not know what to think. that is why a started videoing, i got to the scene, check her, made sure there wasn't anything. she told me she was, okay,, i did not know.
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but checked to make sure. called 911 while she was still on the road, got them on as a way, pick her up, put her in my truck and called my wife and prayed with my wife and kenzie after i got her in the truck and started to video because i just wanted to capture that moment. >> trace: yeah, it is unbelievable. i know you said you were praying that kevin, i'm wondering, they have been reports that you have talked there might be a bit of divine intervention going on here. tell us about that? >> in the hot to be. is that in the video originally that of the guardrail went through the driver's side, it was just because of the excitement of the moment, i want to call it excitement, just... the weight i was just looking at the car flipped upside down, i did go through the passenger's side, it was in the driver's side. but still, within 12 inches of
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where she was sitting it to the whole -- out? and talking to the paramedics on the scene and the police officers that were owned the scene, one of the paramedics said he was doing this for 20 years and have never seen anything like this was someone he walked away. >> trace: yes that is awful. kenzie when you look at the pictures and you see in hindsight what's happening, do you have the same feeling? and are you recalling your data saying i'm sorry like you were in trouble and he's thinking listen, the car is replaceable, you are not. >> that is right. >> yeah. i don't know. i just know the only reason i walked away is because of god and god was as me the whole entire time. this shows me a have a purpose and everybody has a purpose in life. >> trace: yeah. you do have a purpose. kenzie it is great to have you on the show. we're so glad you're okay. kevin, same. it is hard to do this. thank you was for coming on,
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really appreciated. >> thank you forgetting our story out and giving us this opportunity. >> trace: look at that car. just crazy, really is. [ ♪♪ ] first up into nice viral videos, a lucky man walking into convenience store in eugene, oregon when he narrowly missed being struck by a runaway saw blade that escaped from a nearby construction site. the blade struck the shop so hard that is the owner said it shook the entire story. >> otherwise not a hundred percent sold on the outreach, sometimes have to stick your neck out. >> trace: this nampa officer refused to lose to the other police department in the area and went all out with her april fools plank -- prank searching high and low, mostly hot until they enlisted a friendly let us loving the draft that will serve as our new community outreach animal. very high praising indeed. and skiers in italy got quite the ride when bad weather because the chairs to rock back
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and forth, even rotate 360 degrees. the wind speeds reach 70 mas an hour, we're talking a hurricane strength and people were stuck for more than 40 minutes. this years were all fine, live chairs, ten of them damaged beyond repair, had to be taken out of service. coming up, what would you do if you were trapped on a ski lift into those conditions? let us know. x. and instagram at @tracegallagher, we will read the best responses coming up next. [ ♪♪ ] erent how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. hey, jen.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: we're back with a nightcap crew, roxana hoag and alex intimates topic blown away, bar videos shows skiers in italy trapped on a chair lived with winds up to 70 miles an hour the video shows him swinging violently in all directions. what would you do for 40 minutes and this type of situation? like out of the swing of those chairlifts, roxanne? >> at lord's prayer repeatedly. [ laughter ] >> trace: what do you do? really, mike meredith, what are you doing in this chairlifts scene? >> i'm envisioning to you and i are on that chairlift, i'm asking if you have a flask and then i'm saying we will see what
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will happen for 40 minutes, probably one of us will survive and then at least it'll be a story we will have to tell later on. >> trace: i was a marquee will have to jump off a safe -- jump off and let me know if that snow is safe. all fall behind you. ashley? >> it would not happen to mean the first place because it would not be up there. watching it might palms get so sweaty, i don't know what i would do, i would probably get sick. >> trace: marianne? >> i would be terrified, i would pray and just hug nothing as hard as i can do. >> trace: it is really one of those things. doctor? sue and i love a roller coaster but they would not be enough money for me to keep that cool during that time. >> trace: roxanne, no, we got everybody! i was just up in mammoth by the way two weeks ago when we were
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delayed for like three minutes, i almost jumped then. forty minutes? i am off, i'm out. i think it would be worth trying to see who will survive. but on with everybody else, there is no way you would get me back on any left out all. tammy says single band judgement bon jovi's tune living on the perry. pray, nor, not necessarily in that order. from a flask and hope i was stated --'s sitting next to a hottie's single. ralph, cry like anybody else. alisa, i will state, freak out and panicked. and michael sorana cirstea hang on tight and pray, afterwards change my pans and drink lots of vodka. thank you all for watching the "nightcap" and for watching america's late news, we will see you back here tomorrow. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> greg: hello, m. greg that filled along with greg at mohammad reza zahedi greg got a filled and the [ ♪♪ ]


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