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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 1, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> greg: hello, m. greg that filled along with greg at mohammad reza zahedi greg got a filled and the [ ♪♪ ]
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>> april fools america, along with a judge jeanine, harold ford junior, jesse watters and greg uyeda gutfeld. let's get started. >> president biden: about the weight, say hello to the bunnies uconn get in there uconn big bunny. >> dana: president biden hang out with the easter bunny for the easter egg roll, as if you did not just up and the big mess of controversy after marking the transgender day of visibility on the sunday. not the first time biden and his administration saw bated a transgender holiday but backlash has been swift, landing on the same day as easter. the new york post op-ed calling out of the act, president biden said don't blame me, turning report is away from the camera "i did not do that".
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the media dividing the decision by pointing his catholic faith. >> president biden is a catholic of deep faith, he of course wants to easter mascot no word if donald trump went to any religious ceremonies who won a president biden a man of faith, you and with a very traditional approach here, the former president donald trump a wink with the politics of grievances. >> the far right is not as i do biden is this religious catholic and that trump has all these marriages is. >> there in lies the difference between a joe biden, an actual man of faith who goes to church, virtually every sunday and trump who quotes himself in christianity to not only put -- use religion as a weapon but also as a blasphemous moneymaking opportunity. >> dana: is a white has come into biden's defense calling the criticism cruel and dishonest. >> every year for the past several years on march 31st, transgender day of visibility is
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march. as a christian who celebrates easter with family, president biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity of freedoms of every american. politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our country with dishonest rhetoric. it is dishonest what we have heard the past 24 hours. >> dana: jesse watters! what do you think about all this? >> jesse: onto a chevy but here at the table happy transgender visibility day. >> greg: thank you. >> jesse: crushed a few biden lights with the daelyn, what did you do? >> greg: i cannot tell you what i did. >> jesse: l1 to say i blame obama and here's why, he was the first president to formerly recognize transgender visibility day. he was just not stupid enough to put a proclamation added on easter. i don't know whether the biden white house did not know they were putting it out on easter weekend or they did not care. at her know if it's sloppy or that are waging spiritual
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against christianity, wake up harold, and then a job on is that he did not do it. he is a waging war christianity or he is a liar so go figure. >> harold: permission to speak on behalf of the american people? >> dana: i was good offer to hold your hand but okay. >> harold: i think the transit thing it is over. we have accommodated the transfer quite some time. they are demanding more visibility greg? the only thing more visible then the trans is taylor swift. i see more things it was trans than anything, and now we are finding out there's like 100 trans days recognize on the calendar. i was always under the impression that gay pride month was a june. the get the whole month. 2slgbtqiap+, the transit -- the
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trans falls under that months. they can do whatever they want, they can have a parade, bake cookies, they can be as visible as they want to be. do your thing. now they are picking individual days out of the calendar and if you have a whole calendar, 365 days a year and the transgender community purposely chooses the day of jesus' death, his resurrection, whatever easter weekend, that seems like a shot. a purposeful shots. could have been in october. could have been august. they chose that day on purpose. and then the media tries to controversial eyes christianity, so don't trump put his name on the bible in his promoting prayer? that is noncontroversial. fdr handed out signed bibles to troops during world war ii. jimmy carter wrote forward stew bibles which were then sold. they told -- they called brough
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by a -- barack obama the messiah, so what? it's what politicians do. and communism were they did was to try to banish religion. you could not worship god, he had to wash up this day. what we are not a heading that direction but that will not happen on my watch. >> dana: judge it was always a white house that was a the day of transgender visibly day is always march 31st and happened at easter gotten away now [ inaudible ] visibly day. >> judge jeanine: then just inquired as joe biden did not just an ounce of the transgender date of visibly, the answer to the day before and the day of. it kind of got the double hit. i think it is some of the other stuff that is worrying, he actually says, "you are made in the image of god" he tells not to the transgender is. if you are made in the image of god, why do you need surgery? why did you change your sexuality? why did you mutilate your body? but the truth is that we live in a country where there ours --
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there is over joined and 10 million christians and catholics in a country of what, 220 million americans. that is a huge majority. and for joe biden to come out and promote this and make a proclamation, on that day is an insult to christians, catholics who believe that this is probably the most sacred day, where christ died for our sins on good friday and then arose and that belief is that that was -- that resurrection is the forgiveness of our sins per mac it's a significant day to us. and i think that joe biden wasn't mocking in the tenants of christianity when he said, "what you are made in the image of god". but it is not unusual for this administration. it is this administration aware you know, in the easter egg role for the national guard families they say the children are not allowed to paint to anything on the eggs at the white house which has an overt religious
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influence. so if a kid puts a cross on easter egg that is not allowed. finally if it's dogwood how the biden administration, they can say he is this great catholic will i don't think that he is. catholicism is not a name, it's in your actions uconn it's and what you do. third term abortions to me is not about a catholicism. this is an administration where the vice president goes to an abortion clinic to promote it and appraise it. this is an administration where they literally target catholics as they weapon eyes the fbi and the doj, basically saying and they denied it is, that it is radical traditionalist catholics, rtc, and they propose infiltration into catholic churches were they actually want priest and choir directors to go after them. i do not call this guy a pro- catholic president. >> dana: one of the things about this story, was one biden
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asked about it and he said as not do that. then being told how great of a christian joe biden was he would include everybody but he said i did not even do that. so it again feels that jens he is in charge of the white house and president biden goes along with it, and he asked about it in person and then he denies it. also great to have you back. >> harold: delayed happy easter and happy good friday, i was hoping to be here thursday but could not. i read carter dolan's message on friday in the new york post and i thought it was powerful. i was moved to tears because it was always in the wake of the murder of this new york police department officer whose wife i thought gave one of the most compelling and chilling and honest eulogies that as spouse could ever give. you never want to give that sermon. she thought was measured in her
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tone but direct. he wrote into the paper that jesus have loved beauty and truth and he was slain on that cross and he was dying for us uconn i try to keep that in mind when i think about these kinds of political things that happened during this time of year particularly. i probably would have dealt with it differently, what i do think we are all made in god's image, even when murderers and those were on death row are about to lose their lives. justifying lee and rightfully so, pastors and others, men and women of faith will come and say that. i also think in fairness to president biden, i have read some of this. i don't understand, dana, that intro or part of your question when he said he did not do that. i think the question was, he was responding to speaker johnston who accused him of violating the tenants of easter and i think in his mind he was not. he thought he was lifting up a group of americans and a group
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of humans for that matter let alone americans. when it think about the way you described it judge, i think we are all sinners and i think what he might have been saying, i don't think he was lifting the transgender community above anybody. he was saying, whether you're straight, gay or transgender, we are all sinners in our own way, and our own right and jesus died for those sins to be forgiven and in my face on that easter sunday, the one thing that we celebrated judge you are right is the resurrection of christ and the christ has risen. >> dana: raggedy have some thoughts here? >> president biden: if he demanded [ inaudible ] visibly and have all these days over membranes and honor, it should be full visibly. we should be able to talk about it. this is not about a day, it is about the truth behind a movement, what is happening to kids, it maybe a coincidence that trans visibility day for lawn easter but of the choice was not. the choice was the result of a
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movement, right? and the mindless reflect of a hollow man called joe biden, you could have mooted what he did not. in terms of traditions, of a mag date has been around for a few years but think easter has been around longer, even longer than joe biden. it's not about of the day, it's about the truth and the movement. of course critics portrayed as right-wing hysterics, bigots, pouncing on a "marginalized group". as jesse points out, this is the opposite of marginalized. i have never seen the smallest percentage of a population amplified like this in my life. we have no quarrel with the adults are doing whatever they want with their bodies. we are pretty open-minded to society. this is gonna too far because they have widened the net. it's not about adults dressing up on a day and going bar hopping, it's a collective hysteria that is have affected children, primarily girls, for being diagnosed with so-called
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gender dysphoria which is expired so soon jenna klee. it is not internal. this is the stuff that he was saying, you know it's not internal because how could it explode so quickly? things don't grow like that that fast. the data shows it's an outside awareness that is affecting anxious and depressed teens who are then encouraged to take steps that are irreversible. and they learned to regret. the movement components have lied to us, they lied to us to keep us scared, they were telling us that children with gender dysphoria are more prone to suicide. that is not true. children with anxiety and depression are more prone to suicide. that is a precursor. they use that to create this lie that if you did not use gender affirmations or drugs in therapy, you were not preventing suicide, he wanted to gender confused kids to die. and this made the leap. without data to move towards this irreversible outcomes which
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were parsed by bloodthirsty people that have infiltrated our medical industry. the american college of pediatricians finally came out with a statement against child meat elation and it's absurd and it's a self that they actually had to come out and say it. but of the ama, the apa, they have all stood by why children are being butchered into the name of a larger movement. if you want trans visibility, you don't really wanted to because any have to look at the leaders in the movement. the people specifically in the prison movements that are trying to turn inmates trans. some of them raped kids. it does -- it is in there. some of them have murdered people and they have changed their names. it's all there. right now you're saying this strange -- this is as bad as the lobotomy movement in my idea. what they did to people with just mild mental issues, they
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lobotomized that. this is a mild mental issuer children are irreversibly butchered with hormonal injections been back we have allowed them to redefine childhood anxiety in order to advocate a reversible solutions. do no harm. how could a doctor do this? this it violates it do no harm. they lose their license as an ultimate go to jail. >> dana: i want to add a bigger picture thing which at the white house every single day you could be asked to write up to eight or ten proclamations twomak it is absurd? is too many and i don't think the government has to weight on everything. just make it a federal holiday and ended up u otherwise just nonsense and wastes time. >> greg: i want my own day! >> dana: i will give you a day! >> greg: short people don't have a date, judge? you are short. >> judge jeanine: no i am not to! >> dana: à la john hughes before we are proud, thank you.
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>> dana: i want the month of may be my coming up the illegal border crossers that overwhelmed and attacked border agency to walk free out of jail. [ ♪♪ ] that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety. when the power goes out, you have no lights, no refrigeration, no heating or air conditioning. the winds are not letting up at all here, and we're going to see some power outages. the number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. are you prepared?
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>> the illegal 's before the illegals who cause divide out of the border getting to walk free out of jail. the texas judge ordering the relief of several migrants seen in this shocking video stampeding their way through razor while her while permanent -- pummeling the guards and. the white house not bothered by the crisis and blaming republicans for eight. >> it most of the border crossers are beating up guardsmen and a ride were released their own recognizance
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sunday. does that make people in this country safer? as soon as the event unfolded, the border patrol was able to act quickly and apprehend the migrants. our immigration system has been broken for decades because of the last president and because he put politics ahead of the american people. >> it does president biden wish that it republicans would help them make a law that made it easier to deport people? >> he wants congressional republicans to move forward with a bipartisan border security agreement. >> greg: all right, herald in the green room. you came up with an amazing solution, you said grade, we should kill two birds with one stone and hired squatters as security against the illegal gang members. that allowed was pretty inventive. >> harold: have to look out of the camera for these things, you could be right? this story here, we do a lot of stories like this rightly so. for the life of me, i blame
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president biden and his administration for 80 percent of this and i blame the congress for 20 percent. but when -- if your party is in charge of the white house and you see this happening, you have more tools at your disposal to do something immediately. there are a lot of things that a president trump did that i do not like. that are some things he did that i do like they getting us a vaccine the sooner, to smarted executive orders on the border. and think president obama had the toughest executive orders but trump had ones that were effective. they were other things that president trumpeted around the economy that i felt were decent. this issue here, if you look at the bear politics of the white house, this is an issue that would cause you to lose, will cause us to lose. should not be the only reason you act but in politics generally winning or getting reelected is what catalyzes people. at the american people do not like this and rightly so. americans do not feel safe with this.
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we say on this show when i say on the show, you can tell people are doing well economically or financially but if they are not as they won't believe it. you can tell if the borders secure and leasee these images over and over again, they won't believe it. because it is not true. i would hope the white house and those in congress who can't act but due, that he have an opportunity and i believe an obligation to act on this. >> greg: jesse, if only they had evidence of these illegals were spreading anti- biden to memes and we can send the fbi after them? >> jesse: remember on generally six the couple of people even peacefully trespassed onto federal property and the ones that were not so peaceful, they have assaulted a federal agent, they were sent to prison for a very, of a long time. the same thing is happening at the border, people are trespassing on to federal property and in this case assaulting federal agents and they are just sprung. it is total bs. grade, people are told are
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coming here are asylum-seekers. in order to be an asylum seeker you have to fear your life is in danger in your country. so on account of your race, people are fleeing south ame america? these are hispanics playing hispanic countries -- fleeing -- okay? or what about their religion, are we saying these are muslim hispanics being persecuted in guatemala or ecuador? or membership in a particular social group is making them feel persecuted? are they freemasons? >> greg: they might be. >> jesse: are they transgender individuals who feel persecuted? grade, winner of all the newspaper stories have been about mass persecutions in latin america. where are the unmarked graves, where are the overflowing political prisons?
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the new york times is not interested in millions of people being persecuted? and wait a second, the president of all of these latin american countries as in coming to the white house to hang out with the president and hang out with a vice president and ask for money! why would you give a president money who is politically persecuting millions of people? none of this makes sense. >> greg: you made some good points and that always surprises me. >> dana: i was very shocked by that? you are firing about also it is, is that about the tiktok migrated. he was on tiktok instructing other illegal migrants to squat on vacant homes so they pay attention to our laws and how to exploit them. there was a political piece just maybe a month ago, can believe he did not get more attention, it was an inside look of the biden one has about has a used immigration as a political hot potato because once they done
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all of those executive orders and biden signed and realized they have locked themselves in a terrible policy mass, they all started to throw out it's not my fault! this president has i think i think the fewest canada meetings of any president in modern history. if i were him i would call a cabinet meeting and i would call -- look around the table and ask what will you all do because congress won't ask her what will we do? what about you? what will we do and the border with these guys it was just released? >> greg: i wish he would just call a cab. last words. where any of these agents in self defense -- they would sue and they would collect and it would be terrible. >> judge jeanine: look, these people have righted their way into the united states. they do not have a right to be here, it is illegal entry, that is riding. within hours they are released on their own recognizance, by a judge, his name is and wanted to remember the name everybody because these are the people who
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are tearing down america, his name is magistrate judge humberto acosta. all right? he dismissed nearly 100 cases in august of 22, dismissed an additional hundred cases in october, and then dismisses 100 cases this past weekend. how can he dismissed cases within hours of the arrest? he then claims the da did not indicted in time? while the da cannot and diked and by the way, judge, he has 180 days they da jackson and daggett these individuals. this is the fault of that judge. that judge could have retained them, illegal alien is an inherent flight risk. let's talk about what the feds it should have done? the federal government if we had a sane federal government, they would have come out here and they would have made a public announcement than they are going to charge every one of them was illegal entry or reentry which is probably the case with a lot
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of them, or assault? the literally jumped onto the knee of one of the border patrol agents, look at him and did it intentionally. and it writing along with the other charges. then at the federal government should say, we are going to send our most elite officers to track down and deport these individuals. this is a failure of the federal government. the failure of the federal government that has literally advocated its responsibility to the american people. and then what they do is when texas tries to defend its own border, joe biden and his pals try to stop texas from enforcing the law. 's right now we are in a quagmire with the feds. we have for the district courts saying it is unconstitutional to allow taxes to protect the border, they said no, we will stay --'s david.
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supreme court lifts the state and then they restore the state. what is long with our legal system and this judge in the federal government are responsible. >> greg: all right. ahead, the widow of slain nypd district of jones and dillard is ripping into the liberal bail laws. ail laws.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: thousands of new york's finest to pay respects for the fallen nypd officer jonathan diller. the widow of the hero cop delivering a devastating eulogy aimed at a leaders that allowed the liberal bail laws. >> how many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them? it's been two years and two months since the detectives made the ultimate sacrifice just like my husband jonathan diller.
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dominique stood in front of the elective officials pleading for change, that change never came to three detective jonathan diller was fatally shot by a pair of career condos with dozens of priors between them he met one of the dirtbags was in court earlier and held without bail. the governor says she understands why everybody's matter yet she refuses to step up and change the laws. >> i went to the wake to meet the family and speak to everybody. there is a lot of anger understandably about how these divisions who commit crimes over and over our back out on the streets again. >> jesse: so kathy could go to albany and just make this huge push over the next legacy of session but she does not do it, like? >> greg: sheet does not do it because you cut a deal with aoc and the working families party like before the last election to make sure she would stay in power and she was doing everything she can to maintain
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that. i used to work in the legislature, it is not take much to get a bill against somebody from the other side especially in this climate. but he have whose student that will not go for it, have her, up hopeful that will not put any political capital behind it. make no mistake, we are the only state that does not have -- does not give the judge discretion for dangerousness. the reason of those guys shot and killed, well one of them did, okay,, and the other guy was driving the car, they both were career criminals. had they been caught with those guns, they would have gone to prison for life. so there was no risk to them shooting officer jonathan diller. and that is on hogle, they should not have been out. if it bail was properly imposed and pearl was on early release, these two would have been in a jail where they belong and
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jonathan diller would be alive and she has the blood on her hands. do not let her sweettalk you, don't let her do a two step, it's all in her hand. >> jesse: she was not welcomed out of the hate -- wake. >> harold: sorry to disputed this with you judge, i understand your passion, i'm believing, i share your passion about this issue. i thought that, my family is in the funeral home business. when you are grieving a loved one, you really want to welcome anybody and everybody to come but families have the right to say they don't want so what he had a funeral. i do hope that not only that the governor, but that even as a speaker of the general assembly and other leaders here in albany, i hope this is a catalyst and it should be. we talked about so many martyrs, we talked so many heinous crimes should be catalysts for government to act differently. there is no doubt this does not
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in albany and i agree with you judge. if we want these laws to change, they have to change in state capitals. most dates. >> judge jeanine: then you admit it is her fault, why is she not making them move for that? >> harold: i just don't personalize -- we tend he have to personalize that's the problem. >> harold: i'm saying the governor should do this, i think she should be more adamant but i don't put the blood on her hands, uploaded the blood on the political systems hands is not acting and i think what that widow says, if you hear that as a politician, as a citizen, as an advocate as a buddy who cares and does not act, something is wrong with you. >> judge jeanine: you hope the sensitivity that will fuel all because she is feeling about all change the law? she said two cops were killed two years ago and nothing changed. >> harold: i just liberated easter so are you believe in the power of forgiveness. >> judge jeanine: i don't forgive her. >> dana: kathy hogan knew she did not -- she was uninvited and she went anyway.
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one thing to be told you are not welcome and go, but she knew she would not be and she went anyway. when the action she could take if she was bold enough to do so is invite alvin brad and say you are fired. that would be bold, courageous. and might hold her standing but look at what happened with layers because of these issues getting very close to at least making that a competitive race in the state as it blew as a new york. >> greg: i wonder how many wakes are caused by the woke. just came up with that. i remember kathy hochul that is that if you're complaining about crime, leave a new york. did she not say that it before the election, it out? any surprise that there was a gathering of people that champion law and order shell not find that many friends there. it would be with me like me, i don't know me showing up at jesse's birthday. her rage and the rage of people on the right are not political
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because it just so happens it is pointed out a politician. she saw, the widow saw the problem and nobody including hogle listened. we talked about this as we mentioned, if they many years, we were mocked by other networks. we don't want to do these segments, you know? we would love to do segments on how the world a safer and here's an example of good triumphing evil what we can't and you cannot blame it for us. the woke, the media, the activists that brought this hells gate towards us. we are just not living in denial. and think anybody that keeps talking when her crime is getting better is living in denial. when an officer is murdered, the media will play down and they will accuse the people who were outraged as balancing? the new york times did that. yet that is the same side that when amplified problematic police interactions to make the public believe in that police
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are killing thousands of blacks when they would be 11 cases in a year that would come up. that led to destructions of cities estimations of the police forces and morale and now, the result is what you are saying, the ferguson effect is now the law of the land. protect and serve as an acquittal retire and it all goes back to that. >> jesse: well said. >> greg: thank you at. >> jesse: you are welcome. you are welcome in my party. the climate change colds now waging war on electric vehicles. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now.
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♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> judge jeanine: climate change echo in our kids are now waging war on electric on
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electric cars can make a crew of activists crushing the new york international auto show and splashing oil on an electric truck. the wacko group responsible for the protists as the push for ev's is too late and building them is as carbon intensive if not more than that of gas powered vehicles. you know what i always said that greg. the impact on the environment is just as bad! >> greg: the electric grade, the batteries. he might find a way but it seems these echo terrorists are running out of valence. but oddly enough they are not running out of money, these all have an incredible wealthy benefactors like the geddes that basically these protesters are there indulgences for the uber rich. they found these people, to help excuse of the sins they commit against the environment as long as they keep these guys going to they can flag their
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planes. it is basically a symbolic absolution to allow the geddes and the sources and politicians like gavin and justin trudeau, they can still live the life of the jews because it can. >> judge jeanine: dana we should take their shoes, glasses, phones, every think they made from fossil fuels and see how long they last. >> dana: and how they got there, i would love to see them get there by horse and buggy. it also shows you the love that biden is trying to appease especially with the greens or the pro- hamas folks, you will never satisfy them. you can take all these federal dollars and offer subsidies to all of these people that you want to make them by electric vehicles but they don't even want but they will take everybody's money and give you $500 credit are 5000-dollar credit to buy an ev when at the same time, even the stopped clock is right twice a day and they are not wrong, these ev's are bad for the environment. you forgot to bring up the children!
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that children! who have to mind these things! >> greg: the minors, minors should be minors! >> jesse: very good! >> greg: finding the 850 times more particle pollution released by ev's compared to modern tailpipes. >> harold: there has to be some reconciling and i don't disagree. the thing that bothers me the most about this is there is no decency anymore in any of those. people do these kinds of things at funerals, at church services, seedpods had to deal with those. blocking the roads and the highways, you will try to get to work get medical care, at home. i think people, a love activism and allow people protesting their thoughts and views, but it reaches some limits and it's just unacceptable when you do -- this here is the least of it, when you're blocking roads, hospitals, something is wrong. >> judge jeanine: just would you like to wrap this up?
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>> jesse: permission to make an analogy? this reminds me of when i tried to book clooney. is it georgia babel saturday? no. next saturday? no back next month? maybe next year we can send van? and the answer was always no, there was nothing that we could do to make this man agree. same thing with these people. you will start giving them a hand gliders. what what hang gliders? what about walking? is walking -- no! no walking! that is where we are. >> judge jeanine: road rage nascar style, next on the five
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outdoor time is me time. sticking it to the boss, that sounds fun. we have sort of a flat hierarchy, so -- wait, flo isn't the boss? well, you could say i'm a boss at helping people save when they bundle. nope, thanks. we're not gonna say that. -i'd rather not. -very cringey.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back. >> jesse: welcome back, rev your engines for some road rage nascar style. >> take a moment to express frustrations, first he will finish chairing the roof off his car and then waited for dawson and his timing was impeccable here. soon good job at this, right into the windshield. >> jesse: shocking video shows the nascar driver taking off the
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bumper and trucking it at another race who claims entered him into the wall. apparently there is something between the two. judge that time we were riding together, when he jumped out of the car ended that i i was reminded of that. >> judge jeanine: [ laughter ] i look sick any day on the 995 in the east. the amazing thing is, the blue car is as a race against crime, takes the bumper off and commits a crime against the other car. as somebody who grew up on a nascar i have to tell you that as part of the fund. >> harold: jesse? >> jesse: i will not say anything about this because it's like a police brutality video. you do not know what happened before this. we do not know, i will reserve judgement. >> harold: this happened a lot out? >> dana: you talked about defining decency down, this is what is happening. i'm shocked to see what is happening to nascar it is outrageous. [ laughter ] >> harold: i think we are defining deviancy up before you know what i think to our earlier
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block? this is where the. [ crying ] -- climate protesters have to protest. blog these roads! i would have so much respect for you if you blog these roads, come on! [ laughter ] >> harold: only exclamation points. "one more thing" is up next. [ ♪♪ ] at the heart of this
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story. just goes round and round. oh, my god, this is great. a number of people understand that if these were the menendez sisters, they would not be in custody right now. how could these people be killed by their own children?
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to become an all grown up pygmy. >> slow laws. these are so adorable. but their hands are very sticky, much like jeffrey toobin. >> and they are. but they're very timid. but they're very strong. look at that, huh? in honor of national short day. >> yeah. december 27, the great zoos in america play the zoo. yes, let it be proclaimed. jesse. >> happy birthday to jesse junior. yeah. today on april fool's. >> because he's such a kidder and he loves lightning mcqueen. he's got this cake right there, lightning. >> he says, hey, lightning mcqueen. >> great. tonight, jesse watters. primetime, lee greenwood, john walsh and lou ferrigno, who we believe played the hulk at some point. >> we believe they probably did. so that percy update every day he goes the park he can find a ball no matter what he finds ball always getting these ball in no matter what. we don't take them for him. he just finds them there. and then today, look where he was. look at this picture.
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oh, that's supposed to do what? >> that that a circle that he's out of the context with michael and judge. >> okay. you know what they say revenge is a dish best served barbecued . check out this sign. it's going viral in front of a new restaurant that's opening in australia. it reads, hey, sabrina, you broke up with me because i was poor. now i have money to open a korean barbecue. are you regretting it now? >> take that. so you like that out? she's not regretting. >> what if she had died, like, 20 years ago? harold, do we? oh, you want or what? go blue. michigan beat michigan state in hockey to go to the frozenk fourth in the hockey. >> go so well. all right, that's it for us.w in >> have a great night. welcome to jesse waters. t. metime tonigh today marks transgender day of visibility. todat y of all days, i stand proud and visible with mysibl fellow transgender americans. >> the biden white house declaredmy fans.


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