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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 1, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> that that a circle that he's out of the context with michael and judge. >> okay. you know what they say revenge is a dish best served barbecued . check out this sign. it's going viral in front of a new restaurant that's opening in australia. it reads, hey, sabrina, you broke up with me because i was poor. now i have money to open a korean barbecue. are you regretting it now? >> take that. so you like that out? she's not regretting. >> what if she had died, like, 20 years ago? harold, do we? oh, you want or what? go blue. michigan beat michigan state in hockey to go to the frozenk fourth in the hockey. >> go so well. all right, that's it for us.w in >> have a great night. welcome to jesse waters. t. metime tonigh today marks transgender day of visibility. todat y of all days, i stand proud and visible with mysibl fellow transgender americans. >> the biden white house declaredmy fans. easter ws
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trans visibility, day being and this is documented well being a c.r. so fbi agent diddy and epstein, these cases are getting crazy. get a deal, you. now my son will grow up without his father. >> how many more police officers and howupt his fa many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protectinlies ng them? >> lou ferrigno is here. the home whole saving the police. >> plus, what is he going to dog about all this crime? >> what crime? >> once upon a time, the wordsae yes, we can reverberated the y democrat arena. >> it was the rise of barack obama who presented himself as the savior. ba was the moment when we
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began to provide care for the sick. >> this was the moment when the rise of the oceans begano sw to flow and our planet began to heal. thisour planet was the moment. this was the time when we came together to remake this great w nation. >> from his biblical prose to the greek columns, democratsn were fainting like they were witnessing the second coming. >>g th looks like somebody mighe have fainted up here if we goton a, uh, some of the ems. >> somebody. don't worry about folks. do this all the time in my meeting. >> we got somebody fainted. this is what happens. they'll be okal be okay. ttle just give them a whole room. everybody bend their knees one time. >> just don't lock your knees. the media breathe life into it.k barack the messiah. >> messianic rhetoric infuses obama rallieessiahs. can a messiah win twice? they made obama sound like?
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he could walk on water. and depicted in that way, photographer put halos on them. to them, obama was a godwa who made so many promises that he was going to be. i shouldn't say this at christmas time, but the next messia sayh. people have always had profound affection foror political leaders. >> it's not scandalous. it's a testament to how strongly politic candalou devoted bases can be.y but it's been almost a decade since democrats have felt the thrill go up their leg. >> nats havet a o one ever fainr hillary or biden. they missed it. and they'ren ande jealous when the other side has it. the new york times infiltrate did a trump rally and said they witnessed a religious revivassl. >> thousands of people have been lining up for hours >> line. sid showing the endless devotion that the supporters have for the former president. >> one of the more strikingf th ways we see this impassioned loyalty from trump fans is aiki
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the end of his rallies, where there's a sudden shift in tonedf or whether it goes from very high energy into almost solem a solemn church like atmosphere where trump gives a 10 to 15 minute sermon. preaching to his crowd prl flocku of supporters. >> what we see are people almost in prayer . the net effect here is trump the has turned the republican party into something resembling the church of trump. the new york times went on to of esse: ne the trumpian flockh is more likely to describe him as a modern version of old testament heroes like cyrus or david. morall desy flawed figures hand-picked by god to lead profound missions aimed at achieving overdue justice or resisting existential evil. >> of revering obama as a messiah was gleefully embraced. >> but republicans praying at la trump rally, now a dangerous religious cult, suddenly
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preying on the bible, was controversial. >> all americans need a bible. in their home, and i have many. >>ple need it's my favorite boo. i'm proud to endorse and encourage you to get this bible. we must make america pra gety again. >> last week, the former p president promoting a god bles sd the usa bible, which includes documents from america's the trump, partneringer with lee greenwood, whose famous song goica's d bless thea you hear playing at his rallies. this isn't out of thyou heare oy . >> during world war ii, fdrth is isent signed bibles to amerin soldiers. solde even wrote a forewored bid to the new testament. jimmy carter is selling a signed for lessons from the be book online. it's over 300 bucks. >> oh, and then there's the jimmy carter signed biblesdi that are available right now for purchase for 98 buckbls. fo trump'$9s 5999. isa >> today, democrats are acting like trump committed an ac $tite
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of blasphemy. >> it is so insultin g to meo as one who grew up in theme church and i've been a preacher since i was a boy.h foanr him to not only comeot with selling bibles during holy week, i mean, this is the week that we that believe in , the real. >> donald trump speaks and is the most divisive, cruelth persn in the history of the presidency. and obviously instea d exact opposite of what message was. >> and this donald trump does thisxact and that is backed by certain people of the faith. it just exposes the ro t that exists in faith communities in america. >> when fascism comes to america, it would be waving a flag and holding a bible. that ierics what we are looking at right now. we remember that in november. it's blasphemoust . >> okay. are we really looking at al sharpton to tell us what god wantblasphemesse: arg out s >> and the media is acting like it's tacky for trump to promotae the word of god. biden is dad is illegitimate grandchild is helping keep his crackhead tax cheating son out of prison while his dog
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bites. the white house staff and trans activists flash us on july 4th.l let's not get into a battle over who's tacmustk year. a >> trump's a salesman. is the media saying therep shouldis be less bibles in america? >> it's probably the best thin ge best trump's ever sold. >> all except trump wine, which is divin tru overse. >> now the left's livid because they know trump's strong bond with voters, meaning they'll buy anything he sells. trump can sellg r biden bumper stickers and the base would buy it and just hand them out as gag gifts. we were told biden was going to try to win over trump voters, but he's not. ov maga calling them ultra bible thumpers. >> chris matthews says if you buy a bibl e from trump,y you're not christian. you're in a cult. frt know what the democrats have really thought through this campaign and what they're up against. >> this guy'ts thoughts calling himself god. god. yeah. and if he can get awayhout with that, then he is truly a cult. >> i mean, anything trump does y ,democrats have to do the opposite.
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>> this weekend, trump wishedin america a happy easter over at the white house. >> biden wished us happy trans n day of visibility on transgender day of visibility. >> we honosibility. r the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender americans andansn reaffirm our nation's commitment to forming a mored me perfect union where all peoplee are created equal and treated equallal y through their lives. democrats went full trans this easter weekend. >> today, on trans day of visibility, we celebrate the trans individuals in our communities and recognize their struggles and strugglesibs for recognition and increasingly survival. >> from all of us here at the department of education, happy trans day of visibility. >> each year, on march 31st, we celebrate transgender americans and all that they have accomplished. happ y transgender day of visibility. >> this morning, binder was blindsided by the controversy and tried to explain how the calendar works.
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>> watch. really? so surprised by the misinformation that's been out there around this. b and i want to be very clear, every year for the past several years. on march 31st, transgender transgender day of visibilit y kno is march. >> and as we know for folksr fok who understand the calendar and how it works, easter falls on different sundays, right? every year. and this year it happenedye to coincide with the trans transgender visibility day. >> and so that is the simple i fact. that is what has happened. s simplethat is where we >> i would love to hear binder explain leap year, but here'sher how this whole thing gets starteplain led. 15 years ago, trans psychotherapisk t rachel cranda crocker started trans visibility day. here sheagtrans is.hel cran >> i am rachel crandall crocker . i am founder and organizer of the international trans gendered day of visibility.
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>> anyone can create their ownna day. tomorrow is national peanut butter and jelly sandwich datom we're serious. it's also national ferret day. l it's also national do it yourself day, whichationa gutfeld celebrates far too often. >> barack obam a wasand president for the first eight transgender days of visibilit y. >> one of those days was easter sunday. and obama didn't put out anyonnn proclamations about it. those only started under biden.i >> and the geniuses in the biden white house are either white to realize what they're doing or they're doing it on purpose. >>what the d biden was asked aby did you do it? and he said, quote, i didn't do it. so he's either a puppet or he's lying. 's >> and primetime doesn't care if trans americans want to have a daify to themselves.o th >> have a day, have a month.hava that's what pride month for, right, june? >> but we discovered trans days take up half the year.
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they have transgender dayder da of visibility. >> transgender day of remembrance. >> transgender awareness week. trans awareness month. transparent day. l. ernationa all day against homophobia. biphobia and transphobia. pride month. lgbtq history month.. lgbtq health awareness week. international day of pink.inte darny of silence forat transof bullying. visibility week and gendertran pride day. harvey milk day. pansexual and penn. romantic awareness day. stonewall day. international. >> lgbtq+ day. international non-binary, people day. international drag day. bisexual awareness week. celebrate bisexuality day. international day. national coming out day and gender fluid. >> visibility week. international pronoun day.
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spirit day. , intersex awareness day. intersex day of remembrance. spi could go on. >> they dominate the calendar. we can't have one day forn't ha easter. and if we raise the issue, we're pouncingve one for. transistors now a thing. but trum issuep asking for prays is tacky. i don't know about you , but i b don't think the trans community is suffering from a lackfering of visibility. it's all we m they were selling trans nutcrackers in target this christmas, which i enjoyedye gifting to my producers during gift. f a secret santa the country talks more about trans than the border now. it's a combination of a cry forc attention and a cromy for help. >> we're handing over bathrooms. the englisa crh language and now half the calendar. after bendinh languag over back, what did we get on easter sunday in tennessee, a trailerte full of bibles was set on firefh in front of a church. now, we're not accusing anyone
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trans of doing this, but if these were koran ones in flames, there'd be another white house proclamation or a trans flag torched. hate crime. s. nt page new >> easter service at saint patrick's cathedral here in manhattan wasa tran disrupted by pro-palestinian activists. >> if we've learned anything from history, is that communism rooted it religion out so people would worship the state instead of god. e in >> so be proud of your faith and don't let anybody demonize you. never be ashamed by what you believe in your heart. and happy easter. >> country music star lee greenwood partnered with trump on the god bless the usa bible joins me now >> ali moore, do you think people are so worked up about with the bible situation ? they're pretty twisted. i know they're afraiatibled of o trump.
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and i'll tell you something they really believe, and that o is that most of the people on the left are probably christians. and i'm ashame ople on thd of them for not puti putting their faith forward. they're just hate for the hatenr ,hateful for donald trump.l for i will tell you this, that the history of god bless the usa.e s the song is what led us to this point here. for more than three years, i've been promoting that bible, which is the holy bible, the king james version. and from front to back, it bibl v unedited bible. god bless the usa is addedited b to the frontib of it. and in the back of the book, those four documents have started our countryck, whic i felt was important because i'm a patriot. my father joined the navy right after the bombing of pearl harbor, and so i was raised on a farm in sacramento, california. i wenti to the first baptisto h church when i was very young, and my right as a christian has beenis i a little bit rocky unta i met my wife, kim. we live in tennesseen been. tes yes, it's the heart of the bible belt. however, i tour this country and from new york to los angeles, there's a line in my song that says, i won't forget the men who died.
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some of it's aboutiwon't the my . but for me, donald trump, d who stepped his foot forwardonah and said, i am a christian, i believe in god. and you got to remember, whenk he took the oath of office, he put his hand on the bible. it wasn't this one, but he put a hand on it might have been his own bible. and sa he said, i would swear swear to defend the constitution of the united states , whichh is is why i decided to put the constitution in that god bless the usa bible. why do you thinkbible. that immediately is trying to portray, you know, the millions of christians of ch who support donald trump, who go to his rallies, who potentiall trumpy will buyy the bible? >> why are they being portraye d rel as being in a religious cult? >> they're just christians. well, it's hardly a cult, isn't it? there'a cults a millione nine transgenders in the united states. there's 200 million christians that are registered. i think it's a little bit regin that we'rehat subj talking too much about that subject. i'd like to talk more about faith and to tell you thee tr truth. we were here at our church and somebodyut said, why aren'tt
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people coming back to church? to tell you the truth. our churchin in nashville, we hh two services on saturday, three on sunday, and my whole family was there. it was a beautiful dayy an whole to celebrate easter. and i thank the president acknp for acknowledging that while i was at easter tervice with my family, we left after the communion because the kids were getting a little crazy. hopefullter coy that's okay. all right. hopefully that's okay. thank you very much, lee, and happy easter. >> god bless the usa bible. >> all right. >> now, being a nationally syndicated radio host, lasting a happy trans visibility day, how did you celebrate? >> happyan trans giving, jesse. okay. what is going on with thisite hs biden white house? >> it's they tried to use a mental illness to troll christiansy to on easter, but tn forgot that the biggest troll of all waseaster coming out ofe grave on easter and declaring victory over sin. and it's wagse of vic
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>> that's the whole that's the whole thing. honestly, i thinto death ank i want to gottle dee a little deeper with this because it's easy to sit here and say, oh my goscaush, this td giving in and i really am not going to hear the lectures from people who are like, well, they've been doing this since 2009, as thougwho sah you can't' it out unless it's the first time that they do it. its , he was the only president to issue, as you correctly noted, just a proclamationt an about it. >> and he did it on easter.t it's like, you know, the white house spokesperson e said that t was trying to explain to us how calendars work. she doesn't know the difference betweeain nordstromferenc and nordstrom, but she was trying to lecture. >> it's about calendars. they hadbetween strom an to know that this was going to fall when they scheduled this a couples wa of years later down the road, that it was going to fall on easter sunday. >> i thinkt woul it was all done on purpose because they want to fulfill thiss christian nationalist narrative that they have been developing chris now and that jesse all began when people more and more begans ag accurately noting that our rights go under the purview of the divine natura noting tslw versus civil rights not created by menvine in courts of law, for
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other men, but rights like our free speecurts oh, our freee our second amendment, etc. rights that are placed under the purvientw of god. and when our founders created this country, those rights were placed ur thip above man to ourv could not them, man could not pollute them. so ultimately, this is a way to further try to divide people from the very crux of our rights, the very foundation the of our rights. the thing that enshrines our rights gives us our freedom. and you don't have to sharthinga the faith in the united states of america to benefit from that eithe benehich is what makes this country, jesse, brilliantly and trul iy unique.e so that's ultimately, i think, the goal and this was just s one of the tactics they've been trying to go at christianity, jesse, as you know, fo been tryr ages,stiani the left has and every leftist thinks that they have tya new wy because they think that that history began the day that they were born. so they keep way cycling through this nonstop. so that's ultimately what i thin k. it's also true, and you're right, you're spot on. there's also a financial youre incentive because these trans surgeries, hundreds of thousands of dollare becauses
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and they're only not only doing them on adults are now doing them on children the adult. and the medical community is just making so much money from it. that's why you see 160 daywhics to celebrate, i think. i think we all know exactly what's going on here. dana, happl kn y easter. >> hope you had a happy resurrection day. thank, jesse. very good. thank you. bill, johnny wendt to the biden fundraiser. my mom paifundraisd. i'm very excited to attend. i hope my my spot is saved in line. >> people should wait in lines. yeah. how come nobody is waiting in at the southern borde >> p linesr? oh. >> oh, oh. i can't wait for this family getaway. cheese doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering ras's nice,h that dit last for weeks. last for weeks. there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice. but she doesn't care. 99% of adults 50 yearr
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>> trans visibility day. >> april fools, he said happy easter. the mogul was spotted smoking. outside of his miami home just days after it was ransacked by the feds. but diddy isn't lettingansack a little trafficking investigation slim dowedn. he's been going out to dinner in miami, spreading the lovekin you never know when charges against diddy will drop or even if they'll neverhen drop a guee because he's been accused of being ap n fbi informant. a new interview with his former bodyguarf beind claims diddy was getting favors because he was a snitch i. . >> the police are bringing in a cia and willth use him like she was a $3. that's a confidential informant. they'll let you do crimes long as you don't do no murders n and stuff like that. confidential forms get pai d good work. >> puff was a millionaire. he'll be if n a confidentialwa
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form, and he'll get money like that. >> it was famousas a. he'd been getting famous and been paying law enforcementa people for years. >> wnde can't prove that, but ia explains a lot. kanye west alludedt to it years ago as far as meek mills. >> pufo itf daddy, whoever. >> none of these are you. fake heartdadd. we're coming down hard on all you fake heart pills. yeah, i'm saying i'll give you cause you can't shoot nobody anyway. and the reason why that talks to you did a deal that you're not saying. and the new report out today chronicles diddy's rise to power k.>> jesse the busines, detailing how he was able to cozy upines with the rich and powerful and expand his influence beyond the musicym industry. in >> ingratiating himself with billionaires, a tactidustrc that's being compared to jeffrey epstein's ascent. in fact, littlhe lawsuit againsi diddy lays outn fa more similarities to epstein, s claiming he had his own madam.
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just like ghislaine maxwel l, wright also alleges that similar to how epstein turned little stm just james ine his own perverted playground, diddy would take womenin to the caribbean on yachts where there was alleged illicit activitye and one of diddy's close business partners, billionairele burkle, was also found found e in epstein's black book of contacts. >> burkle, the man whose converted boeing 757, was nicknamed ron air by bill clinton and called air bleep one by others, has a history of socializing with unsavory characters. one by othe epstein, diddy hasdd also been a big champion a of democrats, even pushing their favorite hoaxes for them. >> ite hoaxef trump gets electe, i really do believe in my heart there will be a race war. that's why his message is not just to blac hichk people. you know, i'm saying his messages to to everybody. we're on the verge of a race>> m war. if people in america want
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a race war, they'll not vote. >> joining me now, host of takedown with chris hansen. chris hansen. so now we have two people come out saying that diddy waswa talking to the feds. do you think that'talkins true?u >> whether it's true or not, then he might have been cooperativtruehee in some way, e or form. you don't get away with human trafficking unless you give up v john gotti or something like that. and that's not what happenede ut here. i can tell you, jesse, this that this investigation has been going on for a long time,gn very closely held by his eyes. so much so that even some of the agents on the raid a weekth ago today didn't know whose house they were reading until te they got there. >> that's how closely held while because there could t have been a tip. absolutely. and there are allegations that he was paying law enforcement through his chieff f of security, which also happened to be michael jackson's chief of security. se i don't know if i buy into
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that. you know, people in diddy situation like to have those involved in law enforcement close to them. but that doesn't mean they're taking payoffs, doesn't meanent they're doing big favor. >> they like that closeness. it's just like how did he waslike able to court diageo or estee lauder? >> he was very successful in doing that. and that made him a lota lo of money and gave him credibility outsid mone the hipi rap world. >> and that's what he was trying to do herdethe hie. t lot like what epstein did with very powerful political an d. >> and if you look at thisl bu report in the "new york post", >>e it's a constellation that's billionaires. >> he's involved very similar to what epstein was doing. wa and, you know, these guys get drunk with power. allegedly. you know, diddy has said that these allegations are false, k but they get drunk with power and all of a sudden they loseut their their bail lights and what's right and what's balag. e
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and they're insulated and they've got everybody telling them they're great and all of a sudden these civil suits come oute and feds watch d this. that's what happened with our kelly. it startedthis with civil suits. then his side got involved. a d they're the lead agenc got >> it's just these civil suits t are just like a silver platter fohe fr the very helpful, very . take these guys down. all right, well, we'll see how this plays outs . >> chris and takedown with chris hansen. thank you so much. thank you, jesse. >> fox news alert. president trump justh posted his $175 million bond in themi new york civil fraud case. we're toldllion-d he used his brokerage account as collateral. we don't know yet if that included ccounts his social stock.nclude this comes one week after ans appellate court slashed, ow the bond down from a half a billion. >> up next half, the incredible hulk joins primetime. try killing bugs. wi >> the worry freeway, not the other way. have t zero traps use light to attract
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and they can use your personal info to commit fraud, which increased by 30% last year. lifelock alert you to a wide volume of threats others could miss if your identity is stolen. a dedicated restoration agent will help fix it. backed by our million dollar.. protection package, lifelock identity theft protection the. gonna >> what do you need?ta i have you surrounded. i have you surrounded. just wan >> are you going to take your loan back? your loan back? >> we're going to take i t back.. going to take it back with scott's 10th builder.-aaagg terrific action. and get things up. start at once. hhkels reads defense contractsod and keeps her on going strong. and keeps her on going strong. lori'say, triple action today, it's guaranteed feedlot feeding . four years ago, the streets were flooded with angry racial
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riots. >> they used the death of george floyciald to launch an anti-cop crusade. and it worked. democrats open the jails. let >> let repeat offenders walk and cut police budgets to ap to appease the mob. this weekend, the streets were packed again, not again with protesters, but with cops and mourners there to pay pay respect to fallen nypd officer johnathon diller. s >> officer diller was gunned down by a career criminal with 2career0 one priors. he leaves behind a wife and a one-year-old son. diller's widow spoke at his funeral over the weekend. >> how many more police officers and how man y nee more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting themtoe ? i don't wish this kind of pain on anyone. s johnathon lived his life doinl good for people, and it's now time for people to do good for all the officers he represents. >> politicians still don't get it. l thenew york governor kathy hol showed up to the wake and was chased outrk. s ch mourners told her she was mourn the reason officer diller was killed.
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eric adams and alvin bragg both came to. dillard's widow confronted them, said they had blood on their hand s. all t even after all of that. hochul and letitia james askedme to speak at diller's funeral. that didn't happens es. these people can't have it both ways. you can't write laws that ge cat cops killed and then pose for photos at their coffins. s copsthe people are on the side of the police, not the politicians. the last night, country music star zack bryan paid tributecer di to officer diller at a concert in new york. >> and after a sonllrtg, the crd erupted in a let's call it a let's go brandon chant. >> ferrigno's, an actor known k mr.d poliredible hul olympia winner and police advocatece lou. >> what does it tell you whenat these politicians aren't even pl welcome at nypd funerals?
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>> well, my father was a policeman, lieutenant, for 26 years. it is really sad because people don't realize what it takes takes to put a uniform on, especially going out, protecting life and property, becaustthe une, you know, we ned these people to really help themselvese people on because we have the wrong people, have the wrong kind w, especially with te crime situation. that's why today is so important that the policehe officer, they need more encouragement of courag wi maybe with community policing to work with the public and more the public trust. >> what went through your mind when you see these beautiful eriell e, of all of these men inoo blue? i mean, look at that. that is justk at it gives you th chills. >> it's a very, very powerful momentand is a to just take in.s how does that make you feel? >> well, it's very sad because, know, i was younyounger g growie i always worried about my father coming home safe because you never knowause with you on f
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the fourth what can happen because you protect the life of propert y. b it hurts me a lot because i've been a deputy sheriff now for 18 years, and i've been out there working with different officers dif and i see what is about to be in the line of duty, and especially, espec you know, you can be in a situation where you can get shot, you can get woundeia id, on't r and people don't realize what it takes to be an officer. ta he said is whatea with this officer is that we're dealing with, you know, people that are illegal. they have guns. they shouldn't have gunsgal to v it's special. people have pride of that. they shouldn't be on the streets. so that'r ars should not bes we have to have aa chan change with these laws. >> yeah. thes arrests,21 prirge that is just crazy. someone like that's out there and it's dangerousor is. >> the cities, it's dangerous on the border. we're hearing reports, loud , t i don't know if you saw this, but all of these migrants justf rushing violently, bursting through this linthese of agentsr down there in el paso, sosome of these people which assaulted border patrol agents and armee peopjust assd men havn
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released. >> well, i think it's a serious issue at the border today because wea seri have a lott of of criminals and bad people coming to the border. it needs to becrimin more securd because throughout the country. and that's why we have to protect and sharvee with department to better protect everything. that's why i think community policing so vita odeso vitall, r especially the public throughout the border needs to be more secure. ne be more why i support, especially in the past, you know, with donald trump, the ants to secured with trump s ,especially all of us, we >> jnation, to protect ourselves. >> all right, lou, can you do me a favor and just put your collar up for m: can yo e, just for good old times sake? it would really make me happy. that woulde sa be all the way ud just like i used to do. oh, well, there you go.ther almoste yo. thank you, lou. you later. .all right, johnny. >> talks to biden voters.o bi what's joe biden's biggest accomplishment? let's not do that. i'm sorry. oh, my god. they're ready. st one
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>> grow your business easily with freelancers. >> five. >> fox news alert. hunter biden's request to thisrs
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tax charges has just been shotnh down in a desperate attempt. hunter's lawyer, abbe lowell, spent hours trying to convinceie the judge just to toss the whole case and leses ts a w later, judge mark starsky coming back with a verdictwe, ie major blow to the first son's legal team. all eight motions denied. a triahunter bidenll, california tax trial is set to begin june 20th. >> primetime set up before the moment you enter an airport. all bets are off. planes are falling apart a and o are the people on them. your pilots either assume comic-cothe peopn or the persong next to you seeing demons. there's no in between. ere' >> so keep your eyes peeled for crazy ladies like this. >> they raised a ruckusku on spirit airlines, but wouldn't have pair.
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can share. in fact, every. and if you want to hear you more troubling tales from the sktoy, read, get it togethe. there's a whole chapter on a woman who brought her emotional support squirrel on a flight. find out what happens. fligh >> joe biden needs help.t. so last week, he brought in theg big guns. >> barack obama, bill clinton and lizzuno to help raise some money here in new york. >> they called it an eveningt an with the presidents and thousands of people emptied their wallets. but who are all these people? johnny walked acrossbu the stret to talk to them. >> how excited are you for
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tonight? i haven't been this excited ever anything and so excited. a bit excite d for days.eporte how much did you spend to ber: here tonight? you$250. i would have spent wayspend? more than that. 250 bucks a pop? no00 eac, 500 each. probably dawn. that's amazing. $2,000 for the tickets and then $1,000 for a place to get up here. my mom paid. d i'm very excited to attend. i hope my. spot in line. aved >> people should wait in lines. yeah. how come nobody is waiting in line at the southern border? >> ot thh. >> you're not really hereter: to see joe, right? >> you're here to see barack. i'm here to see barry. i love barry. i'm very excited to see barack. >> i'm so excited to see barack. of cours.e. [ ♪ > what are you most excited to see tonight? that's going to be amazingos.
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leo. michelle, what about joe biden? joe biden. who is favorite president? >> joe barack or bill pick? obama. >> not to be weird or anything, but obama. bill clinton is my favorite president. i would love to have cocktail with bill obama. >>m really happy to sea cocktabe our first black president, bill clinton's in there. ms hhe claims he's the first black president. >> nobody really knows what to call. >> and that's fine. big night to remember. you think joe's got it in them? then you see the state of the union. unat havhae we got? the state of the union. it was on the hill. and then the next day, you confusede next presidents of different countries. >> oh, egypt's media. becky? of diffbecky, becky, becky, st. >> stand. what's joe biden's greatest accomplishment joe bid? let's not do that. i'm sorry. >> inf oh, my god. that the inflation reduction act. inflatiolation actn has gone wi. no, it hasn't. i can always drill down, findfia a little nugget of bad night inside maryland. i beg your pardoe bad n? i got to you. you don't have people anymoremit
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claiming that they don't know what the united states stands for. america isheknowt a nation that cans be defined in a single word. wori mean, this was a prince. what is he going to doo l about all this crimethis? >> crime? what crime? take a look aroundcrim you and the french are . it's very secure around here. a little more secure thanur our southern border. >> he believesouthern he can stp people. do you think joe biden could pull off another four years? you're allop goingle right?years? i do. joe biden is the is always the comeback kid. >> you get a team around you that can carry you. p. eed hel >> i need help. do you think bill and brock can save joe's campaign? i don't think there's any saving needed. i really hope so. why don't i justoe's give your speech? >> joe biden's getting beaten by donald trump in every battleground. no, dare not do it. he is not.n' it's not like fake newt.s. that >> fake news. don't talk to me. donald trump was in new york today, don. the con the joker and joker is.
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understanding of each other because they'd been secretly sending letter bs to one anothe, going around the backs of both of their intelligence agencies. >> khrushchev initiated the exchange, sendince agencg ay to deliver a 26 page letter. e t he wrote the letter while at the black sea, where he said he had a momen wt of clarity. >> in the letter, khrushchev likened their situation noah's ark, where both the clean and unclean are equallyuall interested in one thing, and that is the ark i successfully continue its cruise. either we should live are in pee and cooperation so the dark maintains its buoyancy or it sinks. >> now, jfk was quick to reply from. his home in hyannis port, agreeing with khrushchev's analogy, saying despiteit two countries differences, they have to put aside their conflicte th. humanity >> humanity was to survive. the exchange betweens to the two made them see each other as human beings. >> rather is jusm e t political rivals. and without this private
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exchange between, the two nuclear obliteration was almost certain as american advisersn as tried endlessly to provoke the sovieterican union into an e conflict. the u.s. implemented def con two flew bombers over soviet bases, even launched missile tests across the pacific without telling the soviets. the situation got so severe that the sovietsd shot down ano american fighter jet, killing the pilot. jfk didn't respond militarily. insteat.d, he sent his brotherb, and attorney general attot tf. kennedy to mee with the russian ambassador, telling the russian official that, quote the president is in a grave situation. even thougpresidenh the presidet himself is very much against starting a war oveidenr, cuba, b the president is not sure that the military will notw him overthrow him and seize power. >> khrushchev heard kennedy's message loud and clear and removed the nuclear arsenal from cub n cleaa.
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as long as kennedy promised to never invade the caribbean island. omis agreed. and the cuban missile crisis officially de-escalated. but not everybody celebrated a peaceful outcome. elebrateacefulkennedy's joint ce were furious comparefsd in the r cold war was considered treason . >> and october 28, just one day after the global crisis. jfk turned to his brother robert, and referenced abe lincoln's saying, quote, this is the night i shouldtr go to the theater with robert replying, if you gero, i want to go with you. a c >> we did a combination. jesse junior, third birthday with our easter celebration and we had a great time. >> whole family there and we talked about that. >> his cake. we talked about lamb or ham. what is the proper easter dinner?
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let's find out. stephen from st. louis ham lambs are too cute to eat. >> that's shouldn't stop you, john from massachusetts. since the new testament tells us that was the lamys theb. >> god. no pig in there, carol fromd long island. i've solved the easter dinner dilemma. i had both ham and land. >> david from oklahoma says nofm ham, no lamb. >> red lobster. >> but i'm not sure would have approved. >> but. okay. joe from massachusetts. sorry, but it is not okaapprovy to leave right after communion. the mass hasn't included. ther, you there. >> when jesse jr and gigi were screaming. i'm watters this is my world. >> welcome to "hannity". and tonight, as joe biden continues to deteriorate e now right before your eyes,befoe one thing does remain constant. the president is wel


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