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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 2, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> yeah, 100%. if the rates do come down and s barbara is right, which i believe she is, it will increase the price. pricthere are multiple offers al open houses are packed and people offering $20,000, $30,000 over asking. we need to figure out how to get people in homes. how are the millennials and gen z to retire if increasing rent through their lifetime? >> laura: freddie, it is always great to see you. you do it such a great job online here thank you so much care that is it for us.t don't forget tfoo set your dvr o you stay connected with us and follow on social media, >> todd: a fox news alert, former president donald trump posting $175 million bond by the monday deadline preupon venting leticia james from seizing his new york assets while he
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appeals. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. now that bond is posted, they say they are ready to get it thrown out. brooke singman is here. >> brooke: the former president taking to truth social shortly after post ing bond. i just posted $175 million bond based on a corrupt judge ands attorney general. this con job is so bad for new york, businesses are fleeing and violent crime is flourishing. he originally owed $454 million, but an appeals court cut that by half. leticia james is banned from collecting the full judgement while this plays out. he says he looks forward to
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vindicating his right and overturning this unjust verdict employs vivek ramaswamy slamming the case against trump, listen. >> this is weaponized system of justice. same shoe on the other foot, what would the media opinion be? s going after political opponents in middle of an election, that is not what the united states is supposed to be, that is the stuff of banana republics. we are skating on thin ice. donald trump is who they are going after today, any american tomorrow. >> brooke: former president trump was found guilty last year. if former president trump does not win on appeal, he will be forced to pay the $454 million judgement he must file for the
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september term. >> carley: thank you so much, from the courtroom to campaign trail. former president trump is on the campaign trail with in wisconsin and immigrant. he plans to address bye's border bloodbath. in grand rapids this afternoon, republicans railing against president biden policy, the chair saying joe biden is allowing invasion at the border and now west michigan is dealing with preventable murder in our backyard. president trump will protect michigan families when elected in november. recent polling shows former president trump leading biden in the wolverine state by eights points. storms blast the northeast with strong wind and hail.
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lasts night, first level four dangerous from texas to illinois. >> todd: harsh condition causing damage in several states. large hail covering the ground in texas as rain and ice pour down. wind speed reaching 88 mile per hour in some places. janice dean is here with the forecast. >> janice: it is not over yet. severe storm reports of rain, damaging hail and tornados and could see tornados today across ohio river valley. albany, texas, top wind speed and that front and area of low pressure move eastward. hail 4.5 inch hail, enough to put real damage on your car. make sure everything is in the garage and away from the danger. we have live radar and severe thunderstorm warnings in effect. large, damaging wind and tornado
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watch until 8:00 a.m. for missouri, illinois and kentucky. flood alert and heavy rain in a short poryed of time. flooding will be a concern. this storm will move to the northeast and we think become a coastal storm, nor'easter in april that will bring heavy snow to interior northeast and along the coast. here is threat for severe storms today with likelihood of tornados for louisville, up to par parkersburg and columbus, ohio. this region need to pay particular alert to dangerous risk, large hail, damaging wind and long-lasting tornados that could cause potential for ef 2 a weather toward columbus, ohio, louisville and nashville.
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here is forecast today, that area of low pressure and cold front moving across eastern third of the country with we veer risk and potential for heavy snow. this area of low pressure move toward great lakes and transfer of power toward this coastal low coming on thursday, that will cause a lot of travel delays and cancellation ises. fox and pay close attention to your airlines. over to you, it is busy. >> todd: it is busy and dangerous, pay attention to jd. you want to get mad basketball style? to women's march madness, caitlin clark leading her team to victory over we lsu. two teams going back and forth and hawkeyes pull away late. >> ball up and another deep one
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and it is good. the hawkeyes are headed back to the final four. >> todd: clark finishing with 41 points, securing iowa place in next weekend's final four. after the game lsu head coach kim mulkey had to respond to why her team was absent during the anthem. >> i don't even know, i don't know, we come in and do pregame stuff. i'm sorry, that is not instins intentionally done. >> todd: okay employs uconn win
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their region and carolina taking on nc state. we will see what happens. do baseball? >> >> carley: let's do it. >> todd: first no-no of the year. astros pitcher throwing the first no-hitter, the 17th no-hitter in astros franchise history. >> ground ball and throws to first and no-hitter for blanco. the 30-year-old on april fool's day. >> todd: that was close. blanco leading his team to vic victory, striking out seven and walking two. eighth career start. they play the blue jays tonight, they are 1-4s after getting
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swept by my yankees. >> carley: yesterday i had to do a sports segment by myself. producers had possibly misplaced confidence in me. i interviewed fox reporter allison williams, she covered for me. >> todd: i'm sure it was perfect, i'll review and let you know. >> carley: top story affecting the nation right now, hundreds of police officers flooding a courthouse as one suspect charged in detective jonathan diller's murder faces a judge. wait until you hear the admission leaving this city stunned. >> todd: just shows the state of affairs in our great city. a local new york deli is selling a her o sandwich with proceeds o
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doing diller's widow and son. the owner is here next, don't miss it.
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-electric for short trips... -hmmm? ...gas for long. hmmm? quite the paradox... -it really is both. -hmmm. the lexus rx plug-in hybrid. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”.
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you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> todd: the queens district attorney securing indictment against both size in jonathan diller's murder. prosecutors say lindsay jones was driving and made a shocking quote yesterday. >> my office quoted him saying, i shoot people. you have a second gun charge, he is facing up to 30 years and he made it clear he shoots people.
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>> todd: like it is his job. unreal. 200 nypd police officers filling the courtroom. the suspected shooter guy rivera is still in the hospital and due in court may 7. >> carley: one new york city deli is stepping up to help the diller family by selling a her o sandwich. the nypd comes with chicken, ash ashesrugala, $5 for every sunday witch sold with will go to diller's wife and son. the creator of the her o sandwih joins me now. what has the response been to this? >> the response has been great, not just locals buying the hero,
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it is people from around the country calling in and paying for the hero, telling us any law enforcement, give them lurch for free on us. >> carley: such a good idea, even people outside of new york are calling your shop to support the nypd, that must make you feel good. >> it does. it will not bring her husband and that baby's dad back, maybe a little peace of mind. >> carley: you say every little bit helps and it does. i cannot imagine what stephanie is going through, eight days ago her husband was alive, since then she has buried him and met thes former president. they say that one of the more difficult times is when all that fades and things start to slow down. that is why these efforts to
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raise money cohelp her are so important. have you spoken to stephanie and told her what you are doing? >> i have not, i wanted to keep it under the radar, it took off on social media starting from sunday. if she wants to talk, i would more than happy to speak with her or drop off the donation check at the end of the mong, after we're done collecting. >> carley: i'm sure she would love to speak to you. i understand your shop has a big social media presence, this could be a hefty sum. what ballpark figure are you hoping to give to her? >> we were looking to 10 to 20,000, i think we could reach upward of 30 to 40,000. >> carley: that could help put her son through college or help
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her get through this difficult time. your shop is innen 82s and that is where officer diller was murdered. how do you feel and what has been the response in the community to the crime situation there? >> it hit close to home. i have two little boys of my own, this story touched me. we have a big nypd presence that come in everyday. crime has gotten out of control. somebody has to do something about it. hard-working people and this poor little boy's dad went to work and never came home. >> carley: the guy kriefing the car said, i am a killer, he was out on the streets in your community and look what happened. thank you. before we let you go, if people are watching now and live in new york or out of state and want to buy a sandwich, where can they
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go? >> they can either call the shop in middle village queens or on instagram, mario's meats and delis and there is a link at the top from one police plaza, gofund me that goes directly to his wife. >> carley: thank you so much. switching gears, rapper sean diddy combs spotted for the first time since feds raided his home. it is widening, all details coming up. >> todd: billions of tax dollars be being spent on illegal immigrants coast to coast. now boston is losing facilities to be used for a migrant shelter, one of the vets is here
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>> carley: rapper sean diddy combs seen here for the first time since the raid on his homes as federal investigators widen their probe. >> todd: madeleine rivera has details. >> madeleine: sean diddy combs making no mention of it. he posted a photo of his daughter. the comment section was turned off. pictures show diddy for the first time since his home was raided last month, connected to a federal human trafficking investigation. he issis faing several sexual adult investigations, one filed by his music producer rodney jones. the infamous shooting involving
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diddy and jj.lo, could come bac. chris hanson compares diddy to jef jeffrey epstein. >> these guys get drunk with power and all of a sudden, they lose their balance in what is right and what is wrong and they are insulated and everybody is telling them they are great. feds watch this. that is what happened with r kelly.
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hheart >> carley and todd. >> todd: intrigue know its. thank you. major update on the biden administration secret migrant flights showing previously undisclosed cities where 386,000 were flown in. 3 26,000 went through miami and texas. florida congressman cory mills joins me now. con congressman 90% of illegal migrants flown in the secret flight issue were to governor desantis and governor abbott's states, is that coincidence? >> not at all, this is attempt to retaliate against red states.
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they continue to bus to sanctuary cities who claim they want the immigrants, but complain like mayor adams has done. what we know from the center of immigration study 326,000 have come on humanitarian parole program from october of 2022 to february of 2023, 326, 000 that we know of. he stated he had no cooperation with cbp or others to give him numbers. when we are talking every month and saying 200,000 have crossed, that is not include thanksgiving parole program biden set up to go ahead and bring criminal migrants from honduras, venezuela, guatemala and these
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countries are dumping their prisons. how is it we have thousands of these angel families like laken riley or like our own florida state representative keyon michaels who lost her son by a man who was deported three times? this is humanitarian, national health crisis plaguing america and biden is doing this unconstitutional leel into the state of florida. >> todd: i have trouble saying humanitarian parole. >> laughable. >> todd: like to laken riley and her family. is this payback or something more going on here? if i'm joe biden and i want to change the makeup of an electorate, i funnel in new voters indebted to the demo democratic party to a state like
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florida, where desantis is crushing it state level. >> individuals are being counted into consensus surveys. it is modifying our maps when we look at election. if you say they don't count to elections, they do count in in redistricting making sure densities are -- absolutely intentional, you have 70 to 100,000 who die of fentanyl poisoning every single year. this is an absolute violation of sovereignty and it is unconstitutional and should be impeached. i hope the senate will take up impeachment articles presented from the house speaker johnson has passed over and we can go up
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the chain for those responsible, which is joe biden. i can tell you, todd, this did not occur under president trump. >> todd: thank you for keeping pressure on the biden administration and when they want to know what a humanitarian looks like, look at congressman cory mills and what he does to bring people home. >> carley: so cool. thanks, congressman. switching gears to massachusetts, officials have decided to move migrants into a home for military veterans, the move is leaving residents fuming. supporters say the facility was slated for demolition. vfw 6712, retired police officer, joins us now. of all buildings, this is the
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one they are choosing to use? could veterans have used this housing facility? tell us about them and what they are going through? >> yes, i can and good morning. john doin min dlt /* comes to mind. he is dealing with health issues related to dementia and his family has been trying to get him into a home for 15 mongths now. it is a huge burden and strain on their family. sad part is this building was be ing utilized for veteran says. they are building a new building, this is a serviceable
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building that could house a lot of veterans. i talk to state legislators who have told me they have had two world war ii veterans die while waiting on the list to get in. >> carley: veteran services says the executive office formerly operated the building this project operates independently and will not affect the services at chelsea. i love statements government officials write, barely english. they said the chelsea soldier's home was slated for demolition, their position is, it is not really going to impact veterans, they were going to destroy the building anyway and are moving
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migrants in. what is your response to that? >> it does. we have a waiting list and a gentleman like john dominico. that building was used last month for veterans could be functional, people on the waiting list and you can then move them to the new building. >> carley: great point. if it is still able to house people, why not house our nation's heroes, tax-paying americans who served our country. as of 2023, boston has 5200 homeless people, many are veterans. and that number is going up and veterans have spoken out about this, they are angry and out
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raged, this is personal to them. they are furious about it. can you take us to reaction of the people you are speaking to? >> it is very personal. we have already sacrificed and we're being asked to sacrifice again and feels this devalues our service to our nation, we are being passed over here. this is not just devaluing veteraning, it devalues citizenship, as well. there is outrage over this. they want to protest and theying are not guys to stand in the p picket line. >> carley: feels like veterans are getting jumped. keep speaking out and maybe the state will close their mind,
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veterans deserve to be in the front of the line. >> thank you for having me and brin bringing light to the issue. >> carley: hunter biden front and center at the white house easter egg roll and will soon show up to court. >> todd: judge denies his motion to dismiss his ta tax charges. cheryl casone, who also likes eggs, will join us next. our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga.
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plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. >> carley: a fox business alert. former president trump posting his $175 million bond in his new york civil fraud case. >> todd: this prevents attorney general leticia james from seizing his assets and lays gr groundwork for his appeal. cheryl casone is here. >> cheryl: former president trump did post the $175 million bond thanks to millionaire don h hankey. hankey is chairman of night specialty insurance. this is what we do, it is more of a business decision, i am a
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supporter also. i just posted $175 million bond with failing new york based on a corrupt judge and attorney general. it was a con-job, so bad for new york where businesses is flee and crime is flourishing. the bond was set for $450 million. his lawyer alina habba says he looks forward to overturning this judgement. this blocks attorney general from seizing his assets for now. they are safe for now. larger bond judgement is on the
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table, delayed on appeal. >> carley: in another court case hunter biden got bad news. >> cheryl: he did, a judge rejecting to dismiss tax charges saying this is remarkable, defendant cites news sources, social media and legal blogs, these citations are not evidence. hunter biden's lawyer says we strongly disagree with the court's decision and we know continue to pursue mr. biden's challenges, including two counts of filing false return, one count tax evasion and six misdemeanor counts. one of biden's claim selective and vindictive prosecution.
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lol. >> todd: whatever opposite of that is what he got, he got sweetheart deals. if one judge did not step in, we would not be here. >> carley: talk about selective prosecution, talk about the first guy in this report. >> todd: to baltimore, some re relief. >> cheryl: it is going to be a long road, we are also hearing about legal. some shipping traffic can resume for now. boats can get permission to leave. the next piece of the bridge being removed weighs 350 tons.
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the channel will accommodate tug boats, not larger vessels at this point. president biden plans to visit the site this friday. >> there is a government response happening and the president will see what is being done. >> cheryl: officials hope to open two alternative channels. it is about the depth of the water in certain areas. that port will be troubled for months, maybe years. >> todd: every long journey begins with a single step. thank you. get ready for the tool belt generation. young americans skipping out on college and embracing blue collar trade jobs as salaries go up. students in vocational community
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colleges up 16%, studying construction trade up 63% and hvac and car repair up 7%. median pay for new construction hire $48,000, that is up 5% from the year before. a part of this gen-z trend and she joins me now. thank you for being here. you chose welding over college. why? >> well, there are plenty of reasons, biggest reason for me, better opportunity for what i was looking for in of well, more immediate, shorter time to be studying, the pay for me is worth it. it is a very good skill to have a lot of dooif things to branch off into. it was just a better option for
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me and i did think about going to college, but i think the trade pays off, i'm very hands-on, do not want to work in an office. >> todd: how much the cost of college factor into your decision? >> it did factor in greatly because welding is a very -- becoming a more affordable trade as time goes on. college can be pricey after some time. i paid off my trade and i finished back in october so it was very more affordable option for me. it plays a part. >> todd: you paid off your cost to go to school to be a welder and your fellow 17 and 18 year olds will be paying for years. what does it say so many are
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making the decision to skip college and go into trades? >> i think it is really great, i am seeing more younger people coming into the trade. it happens to be rare, but it is really great to have younger generation, especially girls, i've seen girls starting their own businesses and stuff, and it is fantastic to explore options out there. >> todd: there are options and she is exploring them. awesome, have a great day. >> carley: that is very cool. i was reading in massachusetts there are four colleges that are 90's,000 and above, brock, get your blow torch ready, you're going to be a welder. >> todd: robert f. kennedy making waves, watch. >> people talk about the threat to democracy trump poses, do you
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think that is equal to biden? >> listen, i am the argument, president biden is much worse threats to democracy. >> todd: wow, david webb reacting live. >> carley: first steve doocy is here. hope you had a great easter. >> steve: hope you did, as well. previous story, great segue, r.f.k. jr. is joining us live this morning as his campaign meets ballot requirement to get on a swing state. trump and biden campaigns are taking notice, he's making them nervous. donald trump issic making news, posting his bond in his civil fraud case preventing seizure of hsz assets. hurley will react in nine know
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minutes. remember the more than 200 migrants now charged in the shocking border stampede caught on camera? texas public policy expert will break down the impact. this plus kurt the cyber guy on iphone users and what you can do about it and abby hornacek recapping iheart music awards ahead on "fox and friends" in nine minutes and 11 seconds on the channel todd and carley will return in. you are watching fox news channel. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty.
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oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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♪ >> todd: president candidate r.f.k. jr. is responding to a question about who is a bigger threat to democracy, president biden or former president trump. listen. >> when people talk about the threat to democracy that trump poses, do you really think that it is as equal to biden? >> listen, i make the argument president biden is a much worse threat to democracy and the reason for that is president biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, to censor his opponent. >> david webb is a fox news contributor and the host of the david webb show and he joins us now. david, good morning to you. democrats are not going to like
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hearing that he said that joe biden is a bigger threat to democracy arguably. >> so he has done something smart for his political campaign which is take a phrase threat to democracy which democrats seem to, you know, fall into more and using it. that's using biden against biden. lock, it's just smart politics. he is right about using the weapons of federals off the government and social media and more because he has a court decision on that. so for r.f.k. purposes this is just smart politics for him. >> todd: he the eliminate more invitation to democrat party events going forward because i think he has been eliminated from most of them that kind of comment is going to get him kicked off entirely. latest fox news poll church 48%, biden 28. >> i like the head-to-head matchups. i don't care who it is. issue based polling is what matters. if he keeps going on issues, i think he is more of a danger because he is aligned more with democrat principles and democrat
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voters. he is a democrat running as an independent. so i think it's smart for him. but 12% is, look, i watched ross perot. i knew ross perot. even ross perot didn't buy some of the narrative about his overall effect on the election. he knew he had on effect. r.f.k. is a bit overblown. is he on another state. that's good. let's see how far he goes. >> carley: hillary clinton was on with fallon last night. and she gave some friendly advice to people who are unhappy with the trump-biden rematch. watch this. >> yeah. can we talk about the upcoming presidential election? >> oh, no. >> yes, we have to. >> get over yourself. those are the two choices. one is old and effective and compassionate. has a heart and really cares about people. and one is old and has been charged with 91 felonies. [laughter] >> i don't understand why this is even a hard choice. >> and, you know, david, one of the things that is surprising to me about the biden presidency is
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really that his compassion something that hillary clinton was just talking about there, it's really been called into in numerous occasions. >> hold it i'm a neanderthal who is not back enough because i didn't vote for joe biden the great uniter, i need to get over it. this is hillary's latest version of her benghazi moment what difference does it make? she is kind of telling this. okay. so hang on. how bad is jimmy fallon's audience doing in his audience chair that he thinks bringing hillary clinton is going to bring new people in to watch his show. sorry, jimmy, it just doesn't add up. hillary clinton needs to be relevant. her irrelevant is probably her biggest fear. it's been history her entire life. we move on to tomorrow night's show if anybody is watching. >> todd: i don't know if bringing in old hillary clinton gets that 18 to 25 demo. >> look at never mind let's not go there. >> the bigger issue is who is
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really taking voting advice from multiple time presidential loser hillary clinton? i think that's an issue. >> look, she couldn't each win because americans really don't trust her. she is not genuine. she is not authentic. >> carley: if your selling point is compassion and look at what happened just last week where the former president was at the memorial forren. >> todd: detective diller. >> carley: and look at how they handled average talk to the mother-in-law of mcgee one of the service members who died she is still trying to get an appointment with the president and apparently has not heard back. thanks for joining. got to leave it there. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: we start with the time, it is the 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. tuesday, april 2nd, this is "fox & friends." we begin with an alert. former president trump has


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