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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 2, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪ >> how do you guys connect with your fans? >> honest in our music. true stories of what we've lived through or witnessed and why the fans connect with that. >> it's speaking from the heart. just speaking the truth. the truth is everybody wants to feel at home. it feels like my story that people are finding their story within and that's what matters there. making people feel something. >> ainsley: amen to that. >> it was such a blast. >> ainsley: thank you. have a good day. >> bill: thanks, guys, good morning. a seizure of assets averted. donald trump posts $175 million bond preventing state attorney general letitia james in new york from freezing his bank account or taking away his property.
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we'll have much more on the decision and the movement and the legal challenges later in the show. first want to get to this today. bordering on insanity. former president trump back on the trail where he is laser focused on immigration. it's tuesday and i'm bill hemmer. good morning. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." great to be with you. former president trump will give a speech in michigan on what he calls biden's border bloodbath. easy to see why he seizes on the issue. nearly 70% of voters disapprove how biden handled it. >> open borders putting americans at risk. agents at the southwest border have encountered 70 migrants on the terror watch list. three times the number apprehended during the entire trump administration. >> dana: just this month cbp recorded more than 20,000 known gotaways. border chief jason owens says the chaos is dangerous for everyone involved. >> this is -- we need this flow
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to stop. we need folks that want to immigrate to this country to use lawful pathways and come in the right way. to get off on the best foot. that's the message. it is dangerous for them and us. law enforcement can't do their job while processing migrants. >> bill: harold ford junior and guy benson with analysis. griff jenkins have fer the white house and matt finn from the border in el paso. >> you may recall that viral video from march 21st where illegal migrants stampeded american troops in el paso. that happened just feet from where i'm standing this morning. texas is installing a new razor wire fence along the border to prevent riots like that from happening again. miles and miles of this wire fence and barrier going up right now. it is basically replicating the
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very effective wire barrier that we've been showing you for months in shelby park in eagle pass. new wire fence in el paso sits a short distance from the border wall so it will be an added layer of deterrence aiming to prevent illegal migrants from even being able to approach our wall. here along the rio grande river the texas military department is installing this eight foot tall sharp anti-climb barrier fence. before a migrant gets to that fence we have to make their way through this con sir tina wire the military department is also installing. and this morning texas has identified at least 222 migrants from that stampede on march 21st. it is a rare move for the united states to make a mass criminal arrest like this along the border. many of the migrants were charged with rioting, criminal mischief and a handful charged with felonies. we're in the el paso sector
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frequently the busiest sector in the united states averaging more 1,000 migrants per day. the san diego sector and tucson are very busy right now as well. >> bill: remarkable stuff in pictures and images. matt finn leading the coverage in el paso. >> look, there is a challenge at the border, right? our immigration system has been broken for decades before this president became president and more than three years ago. >> dana: karine jean-pierre blames the border chaos on trump and republicans. griff jenkins has more from the white house. griff, it's a familiar refrain. we'll hear more of it? >> i think we will. good morning. it's clear the white house doesn't like talking about the crisis at the border which has exploded under this administration especially when it involves things like the riot we saw in el paso or the murder of laken riley allegedly at the hands of a venezuelan man
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released into the u.s. border officials say until you see deportations greatly increasing you can't expect numbers to go down. it is clear that their pivot is to blame republicans. watch. >> does president biden wish that republicans in congress would help him make a law that made it easier to deport people? >> what the president wants to see is he wants congressional republicans to pass, to move forward with a bipartisan border security agreement. a bipartisan border security agreement. >> we'll get a heavy dose of border talk from trump in michigan and wisconsin. he took to truth social in the last hour, guys, saying this. quote, under crooked joe biden we have become a third world nation. our borders are gone. legal system is weaponized, elections are corrupt. it doesn't get worse than that. trump is striking at one of the top issues for americans and voters cite at biden's biggest
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failure according to fox latest polling as you showed in the intro 67% disapproving of his handling of immigration. but notice, dana, that that is worse than the economy or inflation. all of this comes as we know there is yet another caravan of roughly 2,000 migrants making its way north from southern mexico. on friday the organizer of that caravan told me they were more than 1,000 miles still away likely making a stop in mexico. not likely we'll see them show up terribly soon or necessarily in one large group. >> dana: griff jenkins, thank you. >> bill: harold ford junior and guy benson, an honor to have you both. i want to take you back 29 years. how things have changed. you saw the numbers that griff put up there. bill clinton in 1995. >> we are a nation of immigrants but we are also a nation of laws.
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it is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must do more to stop it. >> bill: in fairness you can roll some from 2008 and 2009 with joe biden and barack obama saying something very similar. what's changed? >> i think the activist class in the democratic party won't allow that rhetoric and policies that affect these days which is why we get this tap dance from the president where when the news coverage, especially other places, gets just hot enough, then there is a sense of urgency and they want to land on at least a talking point. smearing border agents as wipers that was a lie. in this case blaming republicans not passing a bill the president wants. once the coverage backs off they go back to not caring. he could erase a lot of this problem with the stroke of a pen. he refuses to do it over and over again. which is why we put up the stat,
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20,000 known gotaways in the month of march. we believe it was a gotaway who murdered a young woman in michigan and why president trump, the former president, is going there today to highlight that tragedy. to my knowledge president biden hasn't mentioned that tragedy just like he had to be heckled into mentioning laken riley's name, got it wrong and apologized for saying illegal about the word of the killer there. >> dana: they would have to name somebody every day because the crime is so bad. president biden has decided -- it's a strategy maybe it will work or won't. this is biden blaming republicans over and over again for the border crisis. [inaudible] . >> president biden: give me the money i knowed to protect the border. >> do you believe the border is security. >> president biden: the only reason the border is not secure
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is donald trump and maga republican friends. we can fight about fixing the border or we can fix it. i'm ready to fix it. send me the border bill now. >> dana: when we were playing that clinton clip i was thinking that's when i first started on capitol hill a few months after that clip. you were in congress. >> i got elected in 1996. >> dana: this issue has been going on for a long time. plenty of blame to go around for people playing politics. is there a deal to be made when you look at a situation like this when we have known gotaways recorded at the border on sunday 919? >> first of all good morning. you could have gone back to 1986 the last time we had a bipartisan i was being born in 86 with reagan being president when democrats, republicans came together. this is an increasingly dangerous paradigm for the country. a lot of blame to go around even today. if i were in the white house advising the president or
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blessed to be president, i would use an executive order to -- the president has that at his disposal. president obama did it. president obama his executive orders deported more people than even in president trump's day. i would put pressure on congress. the agreement that you talked about, guy, the president touts was a bipartisan agreement. james langford from oklahoma led th those -- john fetterman he is willing to sign onto hr2 to get additional assistance and resources and protection at our border. whatever the case, the two sides need to come together. i said last night on "the five" last night that this is 80% the president's challenge right now. they could do more. then shift the responsibility
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back to the house. guy and i both know and we all know executive orders can only go so far. it takes legislative action. what the president was saying congress spends the money. the president can't spend and appropriate money. give him the money to do it perhaps he can do it. president trump i think it is great he is raising the issue. if they get close to a bipartisan agreement again fetterman, langford or whoever mr. trump don't call republicans and tell them to vote against the bill. it's too dangerous. >> bill: trump will be talking about immigration today in michigan and wisconsin and talk about that. cnn had him up eight points in michigan. >> the facts of the case he will highlight in michigan are bad for the white house. someone who i had seen was a daca recipient under the obama policy. criminal record in the state of michigan. was deported under the trump administration. came back into the united states illegally presumably under biden. was one of the gotaways it
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appears and now has confessed to murdering a 25-year-old woman in the area. trump will say this cannot continue. most americans at least agree with that message. >> dana: how do you think biden should handle that? >> i would issue executive orders, remain in mexico poll syracuse orders to insure border patrol agents have more power and ask congress to put more border agents there. if it means to build a wall, democrats, build a wall. this is too dangerous of a situation and too critical of a situation for us to have to wait until november to make those decisions. >> he would have to say donald trump you were right. that would be the message. >> but bill, it doesn't matter. donald trump would also be wrong to have made langford and others wait so long. whatever it takes i'm a christian. he is right. if that is what it takes, president trump you are right. let's get it done. republicans in the house and senate vote for a deal to give us more resources at the border.
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>> bill: thank you for coming in today. thank you, gentlemen. >> dana: check out more of this conversation on my new episode on perino on politics. a democrat who can give us their perspective on the border and the inflation. you can download that at fox news >> a lot of bruising and contusions. kicked in a lot of different arizona yeas. >> seven people indicted in the death of an arizona teenager. >> dana: all aboard for some but not for all. how a cruise ship holiday on the high seas turned into a nightmare for several passengers. >> bill: an author criticizing a new hate crime law in scotland and what she is daring authorities to do as she makes a stand for free speech. >> freedom of speech.
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they wanted a carve out for rid -- [inaudible]. if you do make fun or make a joke about somebody based on other characteristics could you be guilty of a crime?
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>> dana: fox news alert. nightmare scenario for norwegian cruise ship passengers after they were reportedly abandeaued on an african island last week. the captain refused to let them on board because of an excursion that ran late. it left them without vital medicine, money or extra clothing. they hope to be back on ship at another report. norwegian said while this is a very unfortunate situation, guests are responsible for insuring they return to the ship at the published time. we can kind of understand.
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they have a situation now they're on a west african island and you have a pregnant woman, another person there needs other medicines and -- >> bill: time to go home. >> dana: let's figure it out and get them back. >> bill: i would say. would you go on a cruise with peter? >> dana: yeah, i would. i prefer not to. >> bill: stay on dry land. 20 past. seven members of a teen gang charged as adults in the beating death of this 16-year-old boy named preston lord, it happened at a halloween party near phoenix last fall. william la jeunesse with more on this today. william, what happened? >> well, bill, police named them the gilbert goons after the southeast valley town of gilbert suspected in dozens of crimes. two of the seven are under 18. all are charged as adults in the death of preston lord. he died of brain injuries after the goons attacked him over a $ten gold chain at a party.
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the person you see here admitted throwing the first punch. texting i accidentally killed a kid. i guess i'm too strong. another one vote i hit a kid and he fell. the kid died. >> what has happened here today is a massive step forward in the quest for justice for preston. >> police say the gang targeted victims at fast food outlets, parking lots and parties leaving them with skull fractures, broken bones and missing teeth and posting the attacks on social media. 2,000 texts and 600 videos to build their case. >> the manner in which his life ended is heartbreaking to us. preston was a gentle and kind person and his last moments were filled with fear and pain. >> after lord's death the par interests tried to cover up the crime by sending their son away to hide injuries.
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another parent kept her son home from school to conceal bruises on his fists. another parent wanted to collect $10,000 reward money by turning in other boys but protecting his own. 13 adults are charged in the lord case. in a related case 20 gang members are charged and 30 parents for negligent supervision. >> looking at all aspects of this investigation to see if there are any charges we can bring against people that have either tampered with witnesses or obstruction. we're certainly looking at a lot of those things. >> critics say had the gang been black or hispanic police would have pursued them sooner. all the agencies involved reject that. trial should be later this year. >> bill: what a story, william la jeunesse thank you from los angeles today. thanks. >> we're not going to do anything like that here in england. we should not be criminalizing people saying common sense things about biological sex.
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that isn't right. we have a proud tradition of free speech and it just shows, whether smp or labor the wrong set of policies for the country. i'm focused on delivering on things that really matter to people. >> dana: what in the world is going on across the pond. the united kingdom is up in arms at scotland begins enforcing a controversial law targeting hate speech with very serious consequences if convicted. critics warn this could be a chilling effect on free speech. greg palkot live from london with the latest. we have a first amendment for a reason. they don't. >> dana, yeah. there is a new law in scotland and it does have a whole lot of people upset. it aims to tackle harm caused by hatred and prejudice threatening a police investigation and threatening jail time if you simply say something or post something considered troublesome regarding characteristics like age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, trans
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identity and being intersex. the last three categories are what is causing a stir. outspoken critics j.k. rowling says it stifles freedom of speech and doesn't protect women. in passing the scottish hate crime act scottish lawmakers place higher value on the feelings of men. if what i've written qualifies as an offense under the terms of the new act i look forward to being arrested. when i return to the birthplace of the scottish enlightenment. we heard similar sentiments from a scottish woman's rights activist. listen to her. >> there are a lot of people, especially within the transgender community, who think that so-called misgendering is a hate crime and they've been narrowly reporting people to the police since yesterday.
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>> merely reporting. even the police are complaining about it. they aren't trained to hunt down this kind of crime and that it will take time away from their front line crime-fighting duties. the government in scotland is standing by this claiming that officials have to have a 0 tolerance for this kind of thing. as we've heard from u.k. prime minister, it ain't going to fly down here. back to you. >> dana: thank you, greg palkot. >> president biden: my son has done nothing wrong. i trust him and i have faith in him and he makes me feel proud of him. >> bill: president biden defending his son. a judge? california denies motions by hunter's attorney . the case is headed for trial. new claims about russia being behind these mysterious attacks against u.s. government officials. they are americans working abroad and it is called havana syndrome. that's next.
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>> dana: severe storm threats moving throughout the nation's heartland. parts of ohio, kentucky and indiana under a level four out of five severe with risk with potential for tornadoes tearing through the region. they also predict hail and 70 mile-per-hour wind gusts moving into the southeast. fox weather is tracking the severe system. scan the qr code on your screen for up-to-the-minute developments. you will need to pay attention there today. >> bill: there it is there. eight motions filed, eight rejacketed. a federal judge in california turning down a series of efforts
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by hunter biden to try to dismiss the criminal tax charges against him. teeing up a likely trial this summer. jonathan hunt in los angeles with this. hello. >> good morning, bill. the june 20th trial date appears to be on track for now at least after the judge, having said he would need a couple of weeks, instead ruled against every one of hunter biden's eight motions within just a few days of hearing them. biden's lead attorney argued in court here in l.a. last wednesday that the tax charges should never have been brought. chief among his arguments was that the case amounts to political persecution of hunter biden and is motivated more by his client's last name than actual wrongdoing. the judge gave short shrift to that argument saying the motion is remarkable in that it fails to include a single declaration exhibit or request for judicial notice.
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instead, defendant cites portions of various internet news sources, social media posts and legal blogs. these citations, however, are not evidence. in essence, the judge ruled there is indeed a case to answer over allegations that hunter biden evaded more than 1 1/2 million dollars in taxes spending his money instead according to prosecutors on drugs,s courts and girlfriends, exotic cars and clothing. biden's attorney said the judge's decision not to dismiss the charges was flat wrong saying in a statement, quote, we strongly disagree with the court's decision and will continue to vigorously pursue mr. biden's challenges. it is worth, bill, noting that language vigorously pursuing challenges. hunter biden's legal team certainly seems intent on appealing this decision and doing everything in their power to push that june 20th trial date back with the clear hope of
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ultimately insuring a trial never happens. >> bill: we'll see about that. jonathan, thank you, sir, nice to see you in los angeles. >> it has been the broad conclusion of the intelligence community since march 2023 unlikely a foreign adversary is responsible for these health incidents. it is something that the intelligence community has investigated extensively and continues to look at. >> dana: the state department rejecting the conclusion of an explosive 60 minutes report on sunday. the report claims that a russian intelligence unit is behind the mysterious havana syndrome that sickened diplomats and other u.s. government personnel based overseas as a former cia officer is calling for a congressional investigation after he was forced to retire because of a brain injury likely caused by one of those attacks according to him. station chief dan hoffman joins us now and fox news contributor. let's put up the on the screen
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the syndromes. migraines, nausea, memory losses, dizziness. it doesn't give you the full picture. when you listen to people who say they are suffering from this have gone through is torture. countries where people have gotten it look at the map. quite widespread. now for a long time the government has said there doesn't seem to be anything there. they can't explain the problem. but then you had this news report saying actually maybe there is something there and maybe there is a connection to russia. let me turn it over to you. do you think there is a connection to russia? >> well, i think for sure this is an unresolved intelligence gap. we haven't determined who is causing this. we know there have been 1500 reported cases of havana syndrome since 2016. that means there is a problem. the most likely culprit with the means and motive is vladimir putin's russia. the kgb was not forous for using
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dangerous microwaves to steal secrets in moscow from the 1980s. he turned defector into a human dirty bomb and used -- tried to kill people with poison. certainly russian would have the capability and vladimir putin wants to use this to constrain u.s. policy, if you believe it's russia. he wants to be able to invade foreign countries and interfere with our elections and trample on the human rights of his citizens and others around the world without facing any consequences. i think the concern is that this administration is allowing the possibility that russia is the culprit to deter them from closing this intelligence gap. it is like a mole hunt. it took us years to find rick aims and robert hanson. the way we solve it is with the c.i.a. recruitment videos.
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hopefully a russian out there who comes forward and spills the beans to the c.i.a. >> dana: let's listen to greg, what he said on 60 minutes. >> i can tell you at a very early stage, i started to focus on moscow. consistently there was a russia nexus. there was some angle where they had worked against russia, focused on russia and done extremely well. >> dana: can you talk to me a little bit about that? when you start to connect the dots it is interesting. >> there has been a lot of work done on the patients. those who suffered those debilitating traumatic brain injuries. mark, a friend and former c.i.a. colleague of mine, was hit by havana syndrome in moscow in december of 2017 and had to retire in 2018. there were others reportedly who had been working in kiev in 2014, went on to other assignment and were targeted. i don't know that every one was
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necessarily a russia target officer. there have been f.b.i. and white house officials targeted. a number of them were focused on russia, absolutely. >> dana: there is still some skepticism that this is maybe a phenomenon that nobody can explain. when i listen to them i know they are symptoms and they are feeling these things. j.d. vance it seems like a lot of journalists may have lost their minds. do you think the congressional inquiry is the next best place for this or would you like to see the biden administration do more? >> i think the biden administration needs to be held accountable to do more. in an early testimony, director of c.i.a. burns said it was his mission to get to the bottom of this. we haven't yet. there has to be congressional oversight for house and senate intelligence committees. this is something that the c.i.a. needs to focus on. for sure i think there could be
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open hearings about this. it will probably be something that's solved in the shadows at the end of the day with c.i.a. recruitment operations overseas of russians who need to know that if they came forward and provided this sort of protected intelligence about what russia is doing so us, they would be rewarded quite considerably. i think that's the message the biden administration needs to get out. it is an unresolved intelligence gap and we're willing to pay to close the loop on what has been going on with our folks who are in harm's way. we aren't doing enough to protect them. >> dana: dan hoffman fox news contributor, thank you. >> all right. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: switching gears here iowa superstar caitlin clark punched her team's ticket to the final four. >> another deep one is good. [cheers and applause] >> she is simply ridiculous. the hawkeyes are headed back to
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the final four. >> dana: iowa outlasting the defending champion lsu tying theers, a rematch of last year's title game. 94-87 the final score. clark finished with 41 points, two assists, seven rebounds. iowa faces connecticut in the semifinals this friday. it's fun to watch her. >> bill: really good game last night. really good game. >> dana: a lot better than the game i watched. it was the men's -- it was -- was it south carolina? i don't know. it was uconn -- it was boring. >> bill: uconn blue the team out by 20 points and beat the other team. >> dana: last night's game of caitlin clark was amazing. >> bill: final four for the women begin friday night. the men have a final four on saturday. police searching for an nfl star player for the kansas city chiefs wanting to question him in connection with a high-speed
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crash. we have the latest coming up now. did you hear this? give it a listen. >> you are saying you could make an argument president biden is the worst threat to democracy. >> who else has ever tried -- who else has ever tried to -- what president in history has ever tried to censor political opponents? >> bill: there is robert f. kennedy, jr. turning the tables on the trump critics. does his claim about president biden hold water? that's up next. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs.
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>> i feel like we need to clean up the streets a a little bit. i want people to get help. >> dana: a big yu turn in oregon. a new law that restore criminal penalties for having small amounts of hard drugs. it overturns a voter initiative that decriminalized drugs. downtown portland was under a 90 day state of emergency because of skyrocketing fentanyl overdose deaths. okay, experiment over. a lot of people harmed in this experiment. we'll see what they do with the new penalties.
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>> bill: see where it spreads after portland, right? next state? we'll find out. last night on cnn we heard this. >> i have the argument president biden is a much worse threat to democracy. the reason for that is president biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history, that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech. to censor his opponents. >> bill: a talking point many people didn't expect to hear on the trail. that assertion making a lot of buzz after president biden hosted the kennedy family at the white house on st. patrick's day. j.f.k. junior not there. former assistant attorney andy mccarthy with us. he is talking about weaponizing federal agencies and been a victim of that to a degree and so, too, has donald trump. now you have the case ready for trial in new york about to fire up.
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late last night the judge issued this sweeping gag order against trump. we were talking about that yesterday and this is sort of how this man looks at it. >> now, the stakes here are much higher and the allegations are that the judge's daughter is deeply involved with the democratic party, including adam schiff, who is the chief prosecutor in the impeachment proceedings raising nearly $1 hundred million. it feels like a conflict of interest. of all the judges in new york why they can't find a judge who seems unbuy yellsed against donald trump. >> bill: he is talking about the judge's daughter. the judge is not happy about this. he says now you have to shut your mouth. how do you see this? >> it is a self-created problem by the district attorney and the court. what they claim to be worried about is the administration of justice. what they are saying is that
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when trump makes statements about particular people, even though he doesn't threaten them or direct anyone to do anything, that his followers end up intimidating those people and therefore it makes it difficult to administer justice in the case. the reason this is an issue is because they've scheduled these trials to commence prior to the election and they've intentionally put them in the heat of an election campaign. trump didn't ask for that. it is what the court did in conjunction with the district attorney. trump is running for president. he has got a first amendment right to campaign and he has a right to make his defense. and he may be right or wrong but it is perfectly appropriate to make a defense this is a political prosecution against him and the judge is biased. he didn't pick any member of the judge's family out of the sky. he chose the one who is a democratic political operative which is undeniable even if the
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judge doesn't want to talk about it. >> bill: why can't they just find a judge in new york who doesn't have this conflict of interest? michael cohen goes on tv a lot and he blasts trump and trump can't say anything about it. so your position is maybe hold the trial a year or two ago or wait until after the election. >> either that, bill, either put the trial up until after the election or don't inhibit what trump says. no one is allowed, even under the first amendment, to commit the crime of incitement or defame people. as carroll has shown you can sue him. trump has a right to run for president and a right to make his defense. he shouldn't be inhibited in what he can say. >> bill: what does it tell you about the way new york is running law? >> i think it's obvious that things are rigged against him.
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nobody who is honest would say this case that's bragg has brought would have been brought against anybody except donald trump where he has taken a misdemeanor business records transaction in which there was no victim. no one was harmed, and turned it into 34 felony counts which statutorily amount to over a century of potential imprisonment. >> bill: that's a lot. andy, thank you. nice to see you. we'll talk again real soon. andy mccarthy. >> dana: a person exposed to a dairy cow in texas testing positive for bird flu. why this is raising fears for how far the disease may have spread. plus a majority of colleges no longer requiring standardized test for admissions. some say it is hurting disadvantaged students. to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends.
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this looks like an actual farm. it looked cute on the app. ( ♪ ) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you'll know what you get. >> dana: a wave of top universities including yale,
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dartmouth and mit are bringing back standardized tests. 75% of colleges don't require that for admissions this year. advocates say test requirements help disadvantaged students including emmy who wrote a guests say how the s.a.t. changed my life is what she wrote. you have had an amazing life. troubled childhood with parents who had mental illness and in a situation where the standardized test situation for you ultimately helped you. >> absolutely. it was definitely stressful at times but i had a very complicated childhood. i ended up attending five or six different high schools and for me standardized tests were the one way i could prove to colleges i was academically qualified. >> bill: for many it provided our one shot to prove our potential. how did you do it? >> well, i started studying for s.a.t.s in a locked institution for trouble teens shortly before i went into foster care.
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i had a library book and a lot of free time and i found that i was able to teach myself geometry and grammar that i had just not learned when i was switching between schools. and really when i got that book for the first time in so long i felt like i had control over my life and also this hope that if i studied hard, i might have a better future even if i couldn't play lacrosse or take ap latin like some more advantaged candidates. >> dana: a great point. so there was a wave of institutions that did away with this and we can put them up on the board. columbia, cornell, etc. you talk about the study out of dartmouth. the blue line in the chart shows the number of people of less advantaged students who could have gotten in if they had taken the test. look at the other one. the blue line -- the yellow line is the one showing that they had
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taken the test. the blue line on the graphic if they didn't take it. dartmouth says what are we doing? >> absolutely. when schools started going test optional they hoped it would boost diversity of their student bodies and make the admissions process more fair. it is well-known that high test scores are highly correlated with income, right? unfortunately, every other part of the college application process is also correlated with income and so what dartmouth found when they did the analysis is a lot of students who were coming from lower income or racial minority backgrounds, they were not submitting scores that would have helped them get in. those students were worried their scores were too low. >> bill: they thought the tests were biased and they were against the people who may have needed them the most. >> if you are in that situation like ways in where you don't always have the best counseling, it becomes a really stressful
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decision do i submit these scores or now? how do i know? how can i tell? it adds one more factor to a really confusing process. >> dana: we're proud to know you. you wrote a book called acceptance that came out in 2022 and having your first baby this may. what a success story and what a life turn around. congratulations and happy to have you here. >> bill: nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> dana: swing state battle under way now as voters helped to the polls in four states. former president trump is back on the campaign trail as he and president biden lock horns in one of the tightest battlegrounds in the nation, wisconsin. a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom" i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. we'll show you how close those elections were especially in the upper midwest. president trump appearing in wisconsin and michigan as we mentioned. both candidates putting a focus on what they consider to be the most serious threats to the country. trump will talk about the border and immigration.


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