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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 2, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone this is outnumbered i am kayleigh mcenany here is my cohost emily
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compagno and harris faulkner. also joining us to lauren simonetti and brian kilmeade. >> kayleigh: also a host of the radio show "one nation with brian kilmeade" so donald trump is back on the campaign trail hitting two critical background states and his value voters and ripping what he calls "biden order a bloodbath" donald trump is taking on the border crisis head-on and one president is struggling to control. we have seen a record number of migrants breaking the law and crossing into our country illegally, and the result of that is senseless crimes. let the death of their -- bidens
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test stand will get him ahead -- >> what biden has done is a crime against humanity and the people in this nation. we have no border any longer, drugs and criminals and gang members and terrorists are pouring into our country. we are going to seal up the border. because right now we have a invasion. we have an invasion of millions and millions of people who are
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coming into our country. not one white american life should be lost to migrant crime. >> kayleigh: brianna, this is going to be the cornerstone of his campaign just like in 2016 and it is resonating in swing states and also across the country. >> brian: a cup of the things i know it's a little bit different but they came up to somewhere and visa -- their professional hit squads that are wiping out mansions in detroit. what is happening with the border that matters. and when you talk about what is happening with the war in gaza, that matters. that's why when you look at the poles right now he has a lead. i never thought i would see that but wisconsin is basically a front for the typo when you look at the border the pushback is fascinating the lien on that murphy registration which had not been passed. we judge people by their actions and you know what the actions are i am suing texas not to govern their own borders to get the bullies out of the rio rio e river, and i have an app that allows people to land in
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another country and to be found into houston -- so do not judge people by what they say about legislation judge them by what they continue to do. >> kayleigh: is a red herring, they say look over here and ignore the power that i have before me because it progresses in my party. >> brian: only you would know the numbers. so, harris faulkner, the polling that was mentioned he mentioned eight points but here is the average that includes that, you have donald trump up 3.5%, and in wisconsin it is almost at that he and he is leading in both. >> harris: so there are a few things that are going on that make every state a border state. frightened dollars won, is another. those have not stopped under biden's watch and i do not know what else constitutes a national emergency. not only does he not have the right of the power to flip the switch to turn back on those policy but, he also has the power to declare an emergency. he doesn't want to get hit by hurricanes and everything else. nothing as he is doing is working just interfered a state senator from new mexico and it's becoming the new epicenter. he said that he just talked to
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shares in the last few days in the used to get f -- at the drug is coming at it a hundred pounds a time and apprehension in the last little while certainly before the beginning of the year but certainly since texas had started to do what they're doing as well in the last few weeks has gone up 300% in terms of the fentanyl that they are operating. it is not to mention that the humanity of the undocumented are ending up on the streets as w well. the state senator told me that we used to be a small state but now they are on the landscape as a border state that is under pressure. under this president, so not only is he losing her almost tied in some of the swing state battles but he is doing at a time where nothing he is doing is working. this is the number one issue for the the majority of americans, e border and immigration. when you lose on that when it is
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categorically high, where you winning? >> kayleigh: if we take a deeper, when you ask the voters do you care about immigration, meanwhile michigan is not a border state and wisconsin is not a border state which is fine, michigan found that they trusted donald trump on immigration. they trust him 55-38% on the border. so what he is saying is working on an issue that is top to voters. >> emily: the point is that every state is a border state. donald trump will talk about the death of rudi garcia who died at the hands of a undocumented immigrant with multiple players yet again and this hideous pattern of emergence as a pattern that regardless of the state touches the southern border, they are seeing -- let's talk about the cornerstone
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points because these are important. as we have the poll's on our favor, they are reflecting that americans prioritize health and safety in the value of their dollar and the livelihood. the democrats will have you believe that everything in a silo. according to them the southern border is only about those seeking a better life and racism on the part of republicans and there was a crime is downplayed and everything is getting better but we know things are interrelated. democrat policies have led to the poorest seven border and the infiltration of our cities and the poor decisions that have a affected information. all of that are interconnected so the g.o.p. needs to hide is that so that when they get out those pullbacks will be reflected. so for someone who says i still feel safe or whatever -- then a verdict can say here is why this matters and here is why it affects your because the whole point is all of these policies
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affect us as a constellation. they are not silent and we need to have a response. it is a larger -- >> brian: now in florida as well. >> emily: yes exactly. >> kayleigh: to your point, in florida this is on the heels of the judge that are saying they are allowing abortion to go forward and this will be on the ballot in november and the state constitution so democrats say this makes florida winnable but i laugh as a resident because we are on the verge of flipping registration there but i bring this up because democrats are focusing on abortion today and donald trump is focusing on immigration and overlaying all of this is inflation. >> lauren: as the former president is currently in michigan and a lot of union support, also going to wisconsin, think about all of
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those workers who ricotta factories or hotels. they are saying that there are millions of people who are going to have to work whether legally or illegally they are going to bring down our jobs and we can barely get by as it is because our paychecks and things are costing too much, they are being spread so thin. most americans, you can tell here new york, a migrant is a migrant just like a couple of months ago you could tell by how they look i may be even at the time of night when you would see them. i would feel bad and i would feel sorry for them, they came here for a better life but now when we see them, when i see them i feel angry. i am silent for the situation but where's the the money to help you? what can we do for you? the border has made a lot of americans angry. >> brian: also, when they bring up sanctuary cities as an issue, if they flip it and become donald trump and again how many people are going to
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push back? remember when donald trump said let's make this a legal and there was a push back? is anyone going to sue for this type of certain -- >> lauren: that's the laughable part of it all -- speech or giving sanctuary but not to american citizens. particularly in chicago. >> lauren: and look who will be here on thursday, governor abbott from new york city on thursday on our doorstep. the border crisis. >> kayleigh: the white house says that donald trump's phone call with president from china is concluded. we have more details on the call peter? >> any of the donald trump and leader from china have known each other for decades, they really did not talk that much this is the first time that the leaders of these two superpowers has spoken to each other since november when they met in. the white house has given us a
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bit of a readout and the word fentanyl is missing but it does say that they talked about ways to advance caltech narcotic and cooperation. it also says that they talked about military to military communication that would be a reference to the u.s. wanted to operate in the south china sea and not get interfered with by chinese vessels that have been aggressive as they have reportedly way a move on taiwan. this is that the two of these men talked about our related risks. that is huge because a lot of the ar development is being done privately and there are no guard rails in place by countries like the united states and china to try and keep industries and try to keep subvariant safe. president biden said that he told xi that he is concerned about china supporting the industrial base and he does not want china helping russia and ukraine.
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there were some heavy topics but the white house is saying it is a candid and constructive chat today. going back to you. >> kayleigh: thank you so much keep us updated. major developments in the donald trump case development, his properties were not besieged any time soon. a live report coming up next. ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ what is going on next - ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro, today let's paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ - no, no. - sorry... exclusively at the home depot.
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: $175 million. that is how much from her donald trump just posted an bond and his fraud case. so now this prohibits the state attorney general from seizing his new york assets. meanwhile in the former president's hush money trial,
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they just expanded the gag order against donald trump after he called out the judges daughter accusing her of raising millions. we have the details eric? >> donald trump has been ordered to stop attacking people connected to his criminal go stormy daniels payoff case. the judge expanded at a really biased comments about witnesses and juries and court staff. and now includes his daughter or any family members involved in the trial. this comes after they criticized the daughter, she was president and partner in the consulting firm that has done work for president biden and kamala harris and other prominent democrats. they said this on to social, they can talk about me but i can't talk about them? that sounds fair doesn't it donald trump's lawyers claimed that his comments are protected but he says that "pattern of
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attacking family members and attorneys assigned to this case serves no legitimate purpose. it is no longer just a mere possibility of a reasonable likelihood that there exists a threat to the integrity of the judicial proceedings" he says the threat are very real. >> i would've preferred that donald trump leave these attacks are issues raised by the judge's family to his counsel. that is always the better approach. but in this case, you have prosecutors pushing this trial right before an election. >> donald trump are still free to criticize the judge themselves, meanwhile his lawyer said tried to get the judge throwing out the case based on what they say is "chain circumstances and newly discovered evidence" that newly discovered evidence has not been made public so for now the fraud trial is set to start in just two weeks and the appeal of that bond is still waiting.
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emily? >> emily: thank you are. bringing it back to the couch so what do you say brian kilmeade >> brian: what is bothering him about this? i looked into the case and what is bothering him about the daughter is that you think she's a seventh grader but she's an adult and she is running a firm called authentic campaign and work for vice president kamala harris, handling advertising and may or may not had a website with the president, that would bother me if the judge had a daughter like that. number two the judge set down for an interview and who sits there for a profile piece before a high-profile case? one that might give him bias against the former president of the united states. lastly this guy poses a huge problem, he left the department of justice under joe biden and now leading the prosecution against donald trump. at that case until he starts to lead the charge.
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do not tell me that joe biden's play no role in this when this guy just said to the department of justice and now feels compelled to do stuff with this case and arrest the president. he is mentioning these three things in the judge says you are in danger of putting these people and danger, they should be a balance. >> harris: what is the conflict of interest? although your listing is a conflict of interest. >> brian: i think it is a problem. >> harris: it was unclear, what they said in court is that she had not been a part of the page for over a year and met whitaker last year, and they surmise that somebody had looked at the page but nevertheless that is where that came from. >> brian: yes donald trump must be looking at this and saying you have to be kidding me, can we get another judge and just remove all doubt but this man puts a gag order on the defendant. >> emily: so we assume counsel
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is taken up that will be legal vehicles for against donald trump and there is more that we do not know yet but we are waiting for what is comic but let's talk about they are what you make of it? >> kayleigh: i want to underscore a point's that have been made last week because i think it says everything you need to know about the american public and what they see. when you look at previous bonds would that have been posted, you see bernie made off at $10 million, the largest ponzi scheme ever, $10 million but wait let's get donald trump somewhere north of 400 million. then you go to sam bankman-fried $250 million bail and his prosecution argued that that was the largest ever pretrial bond but then we get to donald trump, a victimless crime and nobody was hurt in the banks are happy, 454 million reduced reduced -- this case should have never been
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part of. and you are forcing me to pay up or for an appeal even happens. so imagine someone who didn't have that money per heat that he was able to put a follow it and you sell assets and maybe it's all overturned on appeal i think that is a big gripe. >> harris: i was the point they're hoping that he didn't so they can seize his assets. she said that she wanted to get donald trump. that was her point. sam bankman-fried by the way, is going to prison for very long time. that is broke. >> kayleigh: and he had victims. >> lauren: what message this this send to businesses? why would you want to do business here if the judicial system can go after you like this? people are moving with their money and their new data out, if you look at the five boroughs within new york city, four of them last between five and on the seven since covid-19. >> harris: do we know what categories those are in?
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>> lauren: hundreds of thousands of people who are leaving for all sense of reason but if you are in business and you have a lot of money you might want to leave. >> brian: and p because of the mess. they don't want to be a part of it. i'm just throwing it out there. the diversity of opinion. [laughter] >> emily: coming up why robert f. kennedy jr. says that president biden is a greater threat to democracy than donald trump. stay with us. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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♪ ♪ >> some democrats have repeatedly tried to paint donald trump as a so-called greatest threat to american democracy. however, robert f. kennedy jr. says no he is not. >> people talk about the
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threat to democracy do you really think that donald trump is equal to biden? >> i hear the argument, and president biden is much worse of a threat to democracy. >> harris: and robert f. kennedy jr. defended his position earlier today on "fox & friends." >> president biden has done something that neither president and history has done which is using social media to censor his political opponents. if you have a president who can censor his political opponents, he has demonstrated a genuine threat to democracy. and donald trump said that he was questioning the election to the extent that he can go to the effort to overthrow that,
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of course that is a threat to democracy that he is not the worst. >> harris: while, that is very independent, lauren simonetti, he takes on everyone there. >> lauren: what he just said flew in the face of the reelection strategy that he is here to protect democracy and a democrat running as a independent just called him out on it saying you are using strong-arm tactics. and also intimidation, so that's why when you look at the campaign, they are spending so much money and resources to try to keep them off the ballot essentially as he is trying to get on. and robert f. kennedy jr. has his vice president pick, and she is a liberal, so he and my opinion is going to take votes away. >> harris: she is a huge fund-raiser on the left and now she is able to do it for a independent ticket so we will see how that works out. emily, as he was talking, they are using the same stuff that
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they use against donald trump again robert f. kennedy jr. with that ballot process. that is a dangerous road they are going down with the democrats. they need to stop that because the u.s. supreme court already waiting. >> emily: hopefully they're not listening to your sage advice. i like to watch them burn, figuratively speaking, but what i liked about this is that he is articulating the clear alternative to biden, in conjunction with who he has chosen along with the democrat policies. he has been painted as this extremist and almost right extremist. they try to lump him and with good extremist macca, but here he is saying that censorship is just as dangerous and here is why i am the viable alternative i think it was a beautiful articulation and he is right, which is why the attacks are going to come even stronger. especially -- arrows are sharp right now but he is providing a
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great alternative for any person in any democrat that has issues with what the biden administration has done. >> he appears to both sides. i hear that a lot of republicans like what he has to say on several issues. he takes from democrats and from biden's given his vice president pick. but i do think he is someone who should be watched on both sides. what he said about the biggest threat to democracy being biden, i find it interesting because there was this case going up, matthew versus missouri, it is all about biden administration and the white house coming together to censor bidenomics c9 speech. >> kayleigh: the subject line reads in part flanking this information and it goes on to say will defraud certain tweets and we are trying to get the
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stuff moved asap. and the person who wrote the tweet was robert f. kennedy jr., so he is a victim of censorship. >> harris: during one of his interviews, he said that there is a total new category of misinformation because of biden. because of the policies and democrats. so my question for you who got to interviewed robert f. kennedy jr. this morning, when is he going to find the most success when he gets on those key battleground states? north carolina he has enough votes for the threshold and further states as well. >> brian: a few things, he just got to north carolina this week and that's the sense that he is on. and he says i do not want to go to the libertarian ticket because what if they choose somebody else and i have pulled back. beforehand, in particular he was outraged when he was censored because he felt as though he knew more about vaccines than
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anyone else in government and he has taken some pullback because of it but it turns out like a lot of us he was right. on all of it. it wasn't the only time he was censored, then they watched how they attacked them to keep them off those ballots in new hampshire and then no secret service attention as well -- and his father was assassinated and here zack kennedy micah pettus how does president biden sleep at night? and that gives robert f. kennedy jr. secret service is insane. he also said i used to disagree with donald trump on the border until i went there. i have changed. i am not used to hearing that from people -- speech or because he saw what was going on. when the current president gone there everything was crean for his protection so he does not see the truth. okay harry potter author, is not backing down our free speech and she never does by the way.
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prosecutors only need to prove that standing up hatred was likely rather than intended. kind of up to t the eye of the beholder. there will have a chilling effect on free speech in one of those critics is j. k. rowling who lives in scotland. she is practically saying that they should arrest her for her views on gender saying that "freedom of speech and belief is that under in this accurate description of biological gender -- under the terms of the new act i look forward to being arrested when i returned to the birthplace of the scottish enlightenment" we do have a response from the police in scotland and we will pull it up now. >> kayleigh: we have received complaints that j. k. rowling and the social media post, these are not criminal comments and no further action will be taken. [laughter] >> harris: do they have to explain freedom?
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>> brian: "braveheart," he yelled it dead heat! i don't want to give away the ending. >> harris: i think they would love if you would. to make them even lecture. i hope we are not watching this so we have to rent some of the same lessons. people lose their jobs when they misidentify someone. whether it is accidental or not they're not really sure who was before them, you have seen the videos, people and facebook who are very angry because they have been called the wrong name so on and so forth so this is going to be troubling. this is like yelling fire in a crowded theater where there is no fire. they want to say that this is the equivalent to that but no. this is not a breach in free speech, this is a transitional period for people
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to i suppose go to the next level of our understanding on how we are going to negotiate new terms for people. just learn people's first names. >> kayleigh: i guess it is freedom if you don't mention gender? >> brian: if you did if you got casted. a couple of things. the scottish actually said the foundation for education because they topped the founding fathers so it's scaring me that the scottish are leading the charge on the worst series of hate crime laws in the history of planet earth. also, it is noteworthy that the prime minister backs up j. k. rowling and they say they do not go for this at all -- and the whole misgendering thing not using the right pronouns, i thought it was a face and i thought we were out of that phase. i got a email with the gender or with the pronouns and bracket it makes me not want to answer it. not right away.
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>> harris: i mean i get called a site my name all the time i just say it is nice -- >> kayleigh: first is headline h that reported j. k. rowling to police -- >> emily: i did get called him the other day but the bottom line is what you are talking about is clogging the law enforcement system because people have their feelings hurt. that is a travesty and i pray that because of this because there isn't someone who actually need to help her actual emergency with police cannot get there in time because they were busy filling a phone call from someone crying who got their feelings hurt from the tweet. when i talk about this and that bird's-eye view, what isn't being done when everyone is
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obsessing over being offended will just be slow to offend and be quick to forgive. remember the lawmaker in virginia who stood up and stomped out instead of continuing to legislate because that person accidentally misgendered? remember that? the list goes on. california professors, so no way your tax dollars are being wasted and how evil is laughing at us, because while this is being stirred up they are just pouring across all the open avenues how to plot our demise next. >> kayleigh: they said that scotland continues to infringe on the right of citizens to speak freely and they will investigate people who misgendered someone. you would think that the government has more important things to focus on but no they are desperate to pander to an extremely small group of men who wear dresses -- but he goes on to make an important point of
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where the laws are for protecting women and stopping men from entering into female sports competitions -- >> lauren: that's what i was going to say, how do you address a real woman issues when you cannot call a man amen. you think about it it is about feelings and in scotland they actually updated the definition so it includes biology and your identity. these definitions are constantly changing, so it could be confusing to a lot of people. >> harris: so it's a hate crime now, i feel like i am brought et cetera anything perpetrated against me would be a hate crime know you actually have to be. >> brian: they are the only country where i saw men in skirts. plane the bad parts. say what right away you a chance to wonder what is going on there wearing skirts playing bagpipes.
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>> he pulled off the dress quite well. "braveheart." [laughter] >> at the transit system in california is handing out little cards to help stop crying and harassment and the liberals will tell you more next. introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen.
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>> coming up we are watching for several live events including a press briefing from remarks from donald trump where he plans to call out the bloodbath from president biden plus we will have a guest joining us live ahead of the president's visit to baltimore on friday. shakira calls out the bobbin movie as emasculating to her two cents. jesse watters will be here to react. joining us live for "america's reports" at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> california's bay area transit system is rolling out a new idea to fight crime and harassment on its trains. it's not enforcing the laws or harsher laws, they are giving
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out paper rider intervention cards. one says i've got you, do you have me? they explained the plan on social media. watch this. >> hello, excuse me, we will have any bystander intervention cards please? >> sure, hold on. >> thank you so much. >> so this card is for when you are being harassed and says you've got me, so you handed to somebody else, and it gives them instruction on how they can help you. >> if you see someone being harassed you can also say i've got your card that gives them instructions on the back to find the bart police are called someone on more instruction on how to be safe. >> they give me a sense of community and support and it gives a very easy way to either help someone, or to ask for help without having to do much.
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>> brian: i know you guys are laughing. >> harris: do you know how desperately this is needed in this subway system right now. they still have violent crime even with other people down there. to me, i think this is needed, i do not ride the rapid transit since high school, but if i had to on a regular basis had to ride the subway i would feel blessed if somebody handed me a card and said i see you. and i've got you. isn't that what penny did. the former military veteran who was defending people. he was a physical i've got you. >> let's talk about that because i commuted that way for a while and every altercation i was a part of, no card would hae situation. i sell weapons and people getting thrown off , and almost before covid when things are now unbearable so the fact that one card can pass to
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someone to de-escalate a situation no, nothing is going to de-escalate back, and this is going to make things even worse. >> brian: i understand if you, but unless it is tyrus, i do not want got fouled to hand me a card, but -- >> -- >> brian: he is fighting for his freedom right now. >> emily: can you stand with me while this is happening, daniel penny did that. he stood with them. no, did not give me a card give me a daniel penny and look at what happened to them. they didn't learn any lessons, and 53% of people say they know someone who has had experience in crime on bart. stand against criminals and for good citizens like daniel penny who intervened. >> i used to ride but with a letter opener, this is why this
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is a joke to me, the intention is good but part of this program -- not one microbe will put it up. not one local campaign which encourages safety through bystander support but really what we need is the police. the presence and law enforcement, because when you are stuck in those trains going really fast and it's only the people around you, people who are scared or elderly or people who are animals, they did not give a about what card you hang them. >> i hope the cards are at least free, because the paraphernalia is free in san francisco. here is a free crack pipe -- and the police turn a blind eye they don't have the manpower to deal with their situation. the sentiment behind the card is trying to help people in a very human way but it's not the answer. >> harris: it didn't keep violent crime from happening.
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so i do hear what you are saying, but it is always better to know that someone can fight with you and that somebody does have your back and could maybe get help -- >> brian: but have they been trained? >> harris: my two young daughters could probably get help -- but as emily points out, you are locked in a car, when a society going to catch up with the laws and not punished daniel penny. >> brian: if you get involved maybe you might lose your livelihood. even police officers are worried about losing their livelihood. now if a stranger jumps in and saying i was going to walk away but then they handed me the car now i have to stick around, i understand the sentiment that the execution i do not get it. either on the passengers with a gun, so then the assailant knows they're going to get jacked, or you put a person in every car, i have the whole city take
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self-defense classes. >> emily: the violence we run into it -- i used to open my mouth a lot. but i did not anymore. that is the point, the landscape now, that's why everybody is client. it is frightening to try and stand up for someone and that's why there's a voice amongst millions and now he's being punished for it under joe biden's america. more "outnumbered" in just a moment
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(♪) [shaking] itchy pet? (♪) with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the itch. get flea and tick medication delivered right to your door. [panting] >> keep it here on fox news we are awaiting several life events happening in the hours to come at 1:30 p.m. eastern about 30 minutes from now the white house has its daily press briefing. we are expecting questions for the press secretary about president biden's phone call to tran's president xi jinping. it's the first on the two world leaders have shared a phone call since july of 2022 and the last face-to-face meeting was in
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november after which famously called xi a dictator and i am sure it was warm and fuzzy. we did get into fentanyl and taiwan because china would like to take taiwan so we don't know if we are really with them like israel right now. also artificial intelligence which by the way i thought was the vice president's expertise but they got into it on the phone call. we will know more about it, 2:30 p.m. former president donna don mike donald trump is set to speak in grand rapids, michigan. he will call "bidens border bloodbath" don't miss the coverage on fox now keep it where it is for "america reports." >> they have to close the border our country is dying and being open stomach overridden it an invasion. >> he is not for a. he would rather weaponized this then it solve it. >> he's a terrible president come the worst president our country has ever had but


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