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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 2, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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called xi a dictator and i am sure it was warm and fuzzy. we did get into fentanyl and taiwan because china would like to take taiwan so we don't know if we are really with them like israel right now. also artificial intelligence which by the way i thought was the vice president's expertise but they got into it on the phone call. we will know more about it, 2:30 p.m. former president donna don mike donald trump is set to speak in grand rapids, michigan. he will call "bidens border bloodbath" don't miss the coverage on fox now keep it where it is for "america reports." >> they have to close the border our country is dying and being open stomach overridden it an invasion. >> he is not for a. he would rather weaponized this then it solve it. >> he's a terrible president come the worst president our country has ever had but it is
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allowing thousands and thousands of people to come in from china, iran, yemen, the congo, syria, and a lot of other nations. >> john: former president donald trump back at the campaign trail today the this time in the crucial swing state of michigan where he is expected to put the border front our head of the november election in the next hour he will take to the stage to deliver remarks against what he calls "bidens border bloodbath" will see if the white house has anything to say when karine jean-pierre has the press briefing in a moment. hello and welcome i'm john roberts in washington, bloodbath now one of the former president's favorite words. >> hello i'm sandra smith in new york i want to call your attention to the left side of your screen both of these are life shots, white house on the right, this is a live shot of migrants clearly right now happening before your eyes coming across the border at eagle pass, texas. this is provided by our fox flight team. these are images we are seeing
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day in and day out hour after hour, immigration was of course one of the former president's signature issues when he ran back in 2016. but this crisis has only exploded since then. voters are taking notice. >> john: they certainly are fox news polling shows 67% of voters preferred trump overbite and on this issue. it's quite a different story for the last election cycle when biden had the upper hand by eight points. >> sandra: byron williams join us in moments on how this will impact democrats in 2024 but first let's get to matt finn live in el paso, texas, for us. match, you have a completely different look at what is happening at the southern border with this exclusive access. right there behind you to texas' new wire fronts were you learning? >> sam wright you may recall the viral video of illegal migrants ambushing u.s. troops in el paso. we are a very short distance from where that happen and we have exclusive access this
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afternoon to show you the new wire fence going up in el paso. it's basically replicating the very effective wire barrier we have been showing you for months in shelby park in eagle pass, texas. here and to el paso miles and miles of wire fence and barrier is going up. it's it's a short distance from the border wall here so it's going to be an added layer of deterrence aiming to prevent the migrants from even being able to approach our wall. here along the rio grande river the texas military department is installing this 8-foot tall sharp fence but before they get to the fence they have to make it through all this concertina wire that the military department is also installing. this afternoon texas has now identified at least 222 migrants from that stampede on march 21st.
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governor abbott says deportations have begun. it's a rare move for the united states to make a mass criminal arrest like this along the border. many of the migrants were charged with rioting, criminal mischief, and some being charged with felonies. today the latest number obtained by fox news says the el paso sector we are in was the busiest yesterday with more than 1100 legal apprehensions here in the el paso sector. the majority are single adults from venezuela and mexico. sandra and john? >> sandra: incredible and are life pictures continue there of that fence in eagle pass test six. matt finn, thank you, john? >> john: and chief political corresponded at the fox news contributor as we see the life pictures of migrants coming across the rio grande and trying to sneak into the united states to be branded by border control and make their way into the country they are banking on the idea they will get release. every once in a while we want to channel and chairman peabody and
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get to the wayback machine. and this time all the way back to 1995 the state of the union address when bill clinton was talking about immigration and then barack obama in a statement about immigration. at let's listen to what they both said about it, listen here. >> we are a nation of immigrants but we are also a nation of loss. it is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must do more to stop them. >> even as we are a nation of immigrants we are also a nation of loss. undocumented workers broke our immigration laws. and i believe they must be held accountable. especially those who may be dangerous. >> john: fast forward it to mark 20 to four and what happened to the democratic party between then and now? >> that was then and it was as with clinton and obama saying that it is unacceptable to have mass illegal border crossings.
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it seems to be just the standard belief in american politics, but things really did change starting with the failed comprehensive immigration reform attempt in 2006 and 2007. then the next failed attempt in 2013. a lot had changed inside the democratic party it's a move being more pro illegal coal immigrant. bernie sanders actually voted against it on the labor union believe saying having lots and lots of unskilled immigrants in the united states would lower american wages. that changed. in the early teens and the midteens. now it has become in joe biden's time and actual encouragement of millions to cross into the united states. >> john: which is a perfect set up to this. speaking of joe biden, and joe biden's time back in 2006 he was in favor of a border barrier
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and harsh penalties against employers who employed illegal aliens as they were known back then. listen to what he told this south carolina rotor club. >> folks, i voted for a fence and some of you won't like it. i voted for 700 miles of fence. but let me tell you we can build a fence 40 stories high unless it came to dynamics. in mexico and -- and, you will not like this -- and punish american employers who knowingly violate the law when in fact they hired illegals. >> john: he was clearly using the term illegals, he was for 700 miles of fence and talking about the root causes of immigration >> he passed a law
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called the secure fence act whid hundreds of thousands of miles to be built across the necessary parts but other parts are virtually impossible so you don't have to fence those up as much. but it's a bipartisan approval of building a fence and then there was bipartisan approval not to do it. congress is essentially decided not to do it, it removes the requirement and a couple of years later and it never ever got done which is what allowed donald trump to run on the idea in 2016. >> john: we have to leave it there but as we close out here i want to put up this poll ap more as who is to blame for the reporter crisis how responsible are each of them, joe biden 48%, democrats in congress 46%, republicans 41%, donald trump 35%. he will be speaking to all of that in michigan, great to see you. >> good to see you.
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>> john: when you get in the wayback machine, sandra, you discover that history has changed rather dramatically in the last 30 years. >> you don't have to go back that far in the wayback machine to find the outcome of the primaries only look at the voter analysis and how we set immigration topping the list of the biggest concerns for voters in those states. these life pictures, john, really something that our fox team continues to bring us from the southern border. a few moments ago when we were taking those young children, some of them nine or ten years old, taking that dangerous journey to try to come over the border. this is happening every minute of every hour. this continues and it has only gotten worse. >> john: some are daunted obviously by the new barricades that texas has put up, but others try to get through them nonetheless. as we saw, that group of several hundred people rushing the national guard, the texas national guard a couple of weeks ago. >> sandra: and now this, the
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new york judge overseeing the hush money case expanding a gag order against him, all of this coming as he posted the $175 million bond in his new york civil fraud case. preventing attorney general letitia james from seizing his assets. eric shawn joins us now live in new york studio, eric, what is next for trump on the legal front here? >> a lot of balls in the air, sandra. the next step is to try to get the judge thrown off the case. bar president trump's lawyers have indicated that they will move to get judge one sean moved saying in court basis that he is "submitting a promotion letter to suggest leave to file a motion based on changed circumstances and newly discovered evidence" his lawyers have not probably said exactly what the newly discovered evidence is, but previously they have tried to get him bounced by claiming there is a conflict of interest. turns out his daughter is
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president of a political consulting firm that works for a lot of democrats including president trump's presumptive opponent president biden in his campaign. vice president harris, california governor gavin newsom, many others. you know the state's advisory commcommittee on judicial ethics previously dumb i previously turned trump down windows no conflict saying "a relative's political activities do not provide a reasonably low basis to question impartiality" but he did secure is $175 million bond from his real estate fraud a trial. he turned to a company that is headed by california billionaire trump supporter dawn hankey. mr. hankey told fox business politics had nothing to do with backing the bond. >> it's a big bond for us to underwrite but, you know, donald trump came up with all cash. so at the end, it was an easy
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decision. with almost no risk. >> the court cut that amount and half to mark 175 with the former president, now waiting to see if the new york state appellate court will completely overturn the full $400.54 million judgment against him or if they'll keep the number. >> sandra: we will hear more about the former president shortly. >> john: and we are waiting to hear from the white house and what he calls biden's border blood breath from trump" will be what has of anything to say plus this. >> it's an entitled criminal type of people affecting other people's lives that don't care. they have jobs, they have money, they just figured out if the system will allow it why shouldn't they live rent free? >> sandra: with housing prices at all time highs homeowners are struggling to kick squatters out. is it time for the federal government to step in? moneyman charles payne takes
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>> get down there as quick as you can. >> and i'll be down there and i'll look good. >> employers soon may not be able to make those kind of anchorman calls, a proposed law would give employees the right to ignore after hours calls from their bosses. it would require companies to outline working hours and guarantee workers uninterrupted personal and family time outside of those hours. if it passes california be the first state in the nation to
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enact a "right to disconnect" law. what to think of that, sandra? >> sandra: i don't know. >> john: don't call me after 5:00 p.m. >> sandra: i don't know if that world exists anymore. i don't. we all have the right to disconnect it some point but there's catch up after that but we need to think this through. because we are all on the front end of being connected all the time. we have the next generation coming up and there goes my coffee across the news desk. of the next generation starting out with cell phones in their cribs. so i think it's an important discussion that's where i am on it. >> john: isn't that just a marvelous idea? cell phones in the cribs? >> sandra: i will get paper towels. >> john: but some were at dollywood over the weekend but might bring a scramble from the roller coasters and this young boy was in the middle of dollywood and all these fabulous
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rides and he is crying because his parents won't let him play a game on his cell phone. can you imagine? >> sandra: i can only imagine but do you like roller coasters? that's news. >> john: the second we walked into dollywood i was on the lightning rod in my head still hurts. >> sandra: i do not do roller coasters. not at all. all right, john -- >> john: try it once in a while. >> the understanding is this is obviously a local issue. we are tracking that issue. the rights of property owners and renters must be protected and we believe that ultimately what needs to happen is the local government needs to make sure they address this and they take action. >> sandra: the white house appearing to pass the buck when it comes to protecting homeowners nationwide calling it a "local issue" charles payne is here making money on fbn, this
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is a fascinating story that seems to be developing like it is changing every day. now we have these vigilantes who are these groups emerging all over the country taking on these squatters themselves. is it time the federal government addressed this and do something about it? they are saying it's up to the locally municipalities and states. >> what you said is really incorrect and on purpose probably that there are laws that protect property owners and renters these are not renters if they have no rights are you kidding me? what you mean protect them from what? let's not protect them, it's interesting because major issues go back 100-150 years the homestead act 1852 was designed when folks went out west they had a plot of land, they would nurture it, live there, grow plants, make it fertile and someone would come show up and say by the way i own that. that was a different time and
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place. people aren't going in these homes and fixing them up, they are doing the opposite. it's no coincidence also it happens more out west than anywhere else but these local cities and towns, sandra, it's absolutely nuts. i remember when i saw the movie "pacific heights" i know you saw that i was like oh, man, i never want to get in that industry. but i feel like when the white house says things like this it's beyond our control. i can't do anything with the border it's beyond our control. we couldn't help but hightail it out of your rack because trump had done something and we had to stick with it and that's why we took the military first and left the women and children behind. nothing is in president biden's control unless he doesn't want to change it. that's the parts here. and in the meantime this is really nuts. >> sandra: it is really nuts and daily mail had a piece yesterday quoting lando, no last name given, it's a group of guys who are banding together helping people get their houses back.
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lando says this on the squad in there is a peti potential client where the squatter is the husband the wife and the daughter, she would spell herself out in the driveway so no one can get from vert of the and she will just lay there until they leave. it's really something. we have a phone call, final thought from you and another story we notice oil prices getting the highest in almost a year yesterday we are looking at almost $86 a barrel, charles, this is kind of sneaky what's happening here. at the same time you have some of these battleground states that say it will come down to the economy these high prices for the presidential election. gas prices are back on the rise again. are we about to see $90 oil? >> we could. a lot of news coming out of china and their economic news
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let's say over the last week all better than expected. their economy picks up that means there's very little slack around the world. at their economy picks up this will go up and it's been happening slowly but surely but all commodities across the board center, the federal reserve talking about cutting rates and taking in a victory lap on inflation is the craziest thing going on out there. i don't know why powell would even keep talking about that. really, inflation is not beaded all. >> sandra: how is it even a discussion? >> it's nuts, it's nuts. it's a political issue but certainly not an economic issue. >> sandra: charles is a gentleman he won't mention coffee all over the desk. >> i've done that so many times, so many times, my goodness. i hate it. >> you are a trooper. >> i know you do it not super often because i have paper towels. >> sandra: to larry kudlow and is known for it too. >> welcome to the club. >> sandra: we will see you at
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2:00 on fbn. >> john: at the club collapsed francis scott key bridge, pete buttigieg will join us on those efforts and when the port will be fully up and running. >> sandra: plus fears of a wider conflict after a is really a air strike on the consulate in syria with keith kellogg here on where it all goes from here. there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. eggs make all our family moments better. especially when they're eggland's best. taste so fresh and amazing.
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>> john: any moment now john kirby and jean-pierre, former resident trump will have remarks on order ground of michigan, expecting to face tough questions after u.s. border patrol chief jason owens admitted the migrant crisis is now a serious national security threat, sandra? >> sa>> sandra: irradiance chang
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death to america as israel is blamed for a strike on the consulate in syria yesterday. we are waiting on the press briefing that should happen a short time from now after officials say the strike killed two of their generals and five other officers. tray is live, what can he tell us about that straight? >> sandra, good afternoon. we now understand seven members of iran's letter i rgc were killed in that strike yesterday in damascus,syria, among them two top iranian generals. overnight new protests in the te street you can see the demonstrators burning both american and israeli flags. they chanted "death to america" and called their own government to respond very iranian officials echoed these calls today with the country's supreme leader saying "we will make the zionists regret this crime of
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attacking the consulate in sy syria" the iranian president also said the attack would not go unanswered. in the past iran has harsh responses and done nothing but the current state of affairs there is really forces on high alert tonight we are also following another story in a strike killing several members of the kitchen, graphic video circulating online showing bodies of these aid workers somewhere protective gear they were in the armored car when the explosions occurred. israelis are taking read it for what they call a tragic and unintentional strike. israel says they will conduct a thorough and independent investigation to understand exactly what happened. sandra? >> sandra: tray on that for us, thank you. john? >> john: let's dig deeper with retired general keith kellogg and former security advisor to
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mike pence and a fox news contributor, mohamed, top commander in syria said to be the person funneling weapons to hezbollah, let here is what "the wall street journal" said about this in an editorial. iran paid the first real price monday for its proxy warfare in the middle east after israel killed the leading iranian sewing chaos, israel is not confirmed but also not denying, do you think they were behind it? >> john thank you for having become absolutely. it really was audacious yet. you get to the chief of staff and another planning officer who is responsible for all of these it's a good and righteous hit. when you look back you can go to biblical references. this time you reap what you sow in galatians, you cause these problems in israel they will pay you back. here's what will happen next. here is where i think we have to watch carefully because there
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will be a response. when we kill solo money when trump went after solo money and got him there was a response when they went after the airbase. you will see the same thing happen here. the question is are they going to use proxies and are they going to come after us or are they going to come after the israelis? i bet they come after us instead of the israelis. >> john: the president vowing revenge and again let me read this out this was the ayatollah khamenei on x saying will make them regret this with crimes like this by god's power and strength. that threat would seem to violate the terms of service from x but that aside what you expect because the response from the airbase you knew in advance it would be limited even though there were several american casualties. but the gloves may not be off when iran responds against israel. >> what is interesting with iran is when you punch them hard they do back off. and they may say it's easier to go after the american targets
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than the israeli targets because there were to respond and whether or not the israelis can depend on has blocked out of lebanon and that's because has blood as part of the lebanese government. they did not come in support of hamas kind of like you are on your own right now. so we are kind of what kind of response will it be? will they have a response against the israelis? they are in a pickle right now on where they want to go. the reason i think they will go against americans is because our response has been so weak. look what happened after this strike was said clearly it wasn't us, we didn't know about it in advance, that was not the message you want to send. the message should have been sent it was a good hit, these people are terrorists, we support israel. did not go that way. >> john: and i meant to say the gloves may be off, the subject of messages sent president biden held his first
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conversation with president xi jinping since november, they talked about a lot of things but of the admiral said this is what they should be talking about, listen. speak of the prc's unprecedented military buildup and a campaign of courtroom actions continue to destabilize the region. it's the world's largest navy right now. it soon to be the world's largest air force as they continue to produce. >> john: so iran does not fear this president, china does not seem to either, what do you think happened during that call? >> probably not very much knowing calls when i was on calls over the drop line with president xi, not much going out of the mostly because xi has no respect for what we do with this the same guy who is the rose garden with president obama said he would not fortify the south china sea islands within a year they were fortified. he'll be talking and i believe one trip president trump finally realized this guy was not going to be able to work with very well and we started looking at
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strategic decoupling from china and what we are going to do next so i think this is just a phone call and nothing will come out of it all. i prefer he call putin who hasn't talked to them two years, find out what's happening in ukraine and russia. it's a nice call to make but it will make a difference. >> john: general always great to get your take on things. >> sandra: we are seeing the press briefing considering what you and the general discussed we will look at a brand-new reaction from the white house just this ahead of the president's speaking former president donald trump speaking a short time for mass will be looking for that. spewing former president will talk about the bbb, biden's border blood baths we will take you to michigan where he begins expected less than an hour from now plus this. >> hi, barbie. >> hi, ken. >> high mike, barbara. >> hi, can. >> hi, can. >> shakira is now shredding the
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ba"barbie" movie saying it was emasculating for her son's. they absolutely hated it. jesse watters will tackle that next. we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. ♪ make the call. because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common.
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>> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> john: and there is a live look at the border in eagle pass, texas, where the border continues to be very porous despite texas' best efforts to try to steal it all up. in the next hour probably 50 minutes from our former president trump will be giving a large speech about what he calls "biden's border blood bet" he will be in grand rapids, michigan, with the latest casualty of illegal immigrants is a young woman named ruby garcia who was killed allegedly at the hands of her boyfriend, an illegal immigrant from mexico who was deported but somehow
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made his way into the country. >> stay with me, barbie. >> great. not even broken, you will be fine. >> shredding waves is much more dangerous than people realize. >> you are very brave, ken. >> thank you, barbie. >> the blockbuster hit not finding a fan in pop star shakira. she says in a brand-new interview that her sons hated the movie because they felt it was "emasculating" and that she agreed with their take. let's bring in jesse watters host of jesse watters prime time and author of the new book "get it together" troubling tales from the liberal french congrats on the book, jessie and welcome to america reports do you agree with shakira and her sons? i'm sure you saw the movie. >> no and i don't plan on seeing the movie, sandra. jesse jr. won't be seeing the movie.
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he is only three, but i don't see why parents would take boys to see the "barbie" movie. just like why would parents by barbies for boys? now if your son is gravitating towards barbie's, that it's okay too, he might be gay and you still love him, that's fine but generally speaking this is not a movie for guys. from what i heard and i have heard the rumors and that is it, it's very anti-men. i don't understand why we can't complement each other, sandra, instead of compete against each other. women are nurturing, they have emotional intelligence, men are providers, they are protectors. we need to make love, not war. as the saying goes. >> sandra: love it. i would say i saw the movie, i understand her point. i'm actually surprised she took her two boys but many people did choose to do that. some women said they found it empowering and inspiring, and that's fine too but here is shakira's point in her interview
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where she talks about taking her sons to the movie she says "my sons absolutely hated it. they felt it was emasculating" and she says i agree to a certain extent. i am raising two boys. i want them to feel powerful too while respecting women. i like pop culture when it attempts to empower women without robbing men of their possibility to be men. to also protect and provide. perhaps she is saying something that is may be unpopular right now but true, jesse. >> it's not a zero-sum game. if women become powerful it does not mean men how to become less powerful. and vice versa. we can all be powerful and we can all achieve great things together. but not at the expense of each other. if you feminize men and masculinized women then you will have a lot of unhappy people and what is the point? we all want to live in harmony.
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that is not controversial even today. >> sandra: speaking of achieving great things, jesse, thank you very much for sending over the book "get it together" troubling tales from the liberal fringe, you ask some important questions can applicable be personal, what of the most radical activists are trying to change their lives by changing the whole country, jesse? what did you find when you were researching and writing your book? >> i found that a lot of people are irrational and they are projecting their problems onto the rest of society saying, sandra, i don't have problems, society has problems. if we just change society to accommodate me, i will be fine. so we interviewed about two dozen of some fringe activists, people who identify as a wolf, eco--sexuals, people who bring support squirrels on airplanes
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and people want to empty the prisons, open the borders, and legalize drugs and these people have borderline personality disorders and it's very hard to persuade people like that. when all they are doing is whether it's t they are daddy or reenacting their revenge on the rest of america we need to say get it together, stop, it's okay to stigmatize behavior. it's okay to pass judgment. we need to get back to the good old days where we told people to knock it off like my mother told me. >> sandra: and she still writes in every day when you're hosting the five, right jesse? >> unfortunately yes. >> sandra: we love that, we love that you have differing opinions within your own household where you were growing up. you will not see chapters like this anywhere else, right, john? the anti-work and activist, the vegan insta grammars, the drag queen, the radical feminist sex worker it's a good read.
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>> john: and the emasculated mail as well but despite all of the carping from shakira over this movie being emasculating for her sons, ryan gosling got the last laugh because he stole the show at the oscars did he not? >> he got paid very well. he is a very talented guy. and if anyone wants to give me a role in hollywood and pay me $20 million, i will plate can too. >> john: it rebooted his career no doubt about that. >> i don't know it needed rebooting it's a great career, i love ryan gosling. >> john: i like ryan reynolds because he's for my old home of canada. dooling ryans. >> you have your ryan i will of mine. >> sandra: jesse, thank you for joining us we'll see on the five and jesse watter primetime tonight. >> john: thanks, jesse. >> john and sent a thank you so
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much. >> john: congrats. all right, karine jean-pierre up at the podium and she is doing a bit of housekeeping right now white house briefing gets underway, we are expecting john kirby and a little while talking about this attack killing a senior member with other big news we will go just as soon as something significant happens, now this. >> sandra: love this if you're struggling to feed your family this one mother and social media influencer has some tricks where she has budget friendly recipes she has gone viral because of them. >> john: plus harry potter author j.k. rowling bearing police to throw her in the whose gal criticizing transgender ideology. there is a new woke hate hate crime law in scotland does it mean an end to free speech
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>> john kirby at the white house press briefing room ahead of donald trump's speech. >> to be done so in a swift
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encumbrance of manner. we hope those findings will be made public and that there is appropriate accountability held. but, i'm sorry. more than 200 aid workers have been killed in this conflict making it one of the worst for aid workers in recent history. this incident is emblematic of a larger problem and evidence of why distribution of a eight in gaza but be on the strike what is clear is the idf must do much more to improve deconfliction processes so civilians and humanitarian aid workers are protected. the u.s. will continue to press digital to do more as well to ensure the safety of humanitarian workers and we will do all we can to deliver this assistant to palestinian civilians in gaza. >> thanks. do you have any worries regarding gaza of the dock and how can aid workers be protected? >> what you mean my worries?
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>> status, viability? >> i mean let me break that up a couple of ways. obviously the temporary peer the jay lodge joint logistics over the shore, it will take some time once it gets there to achieve what we call interim operation capability and i respect that will happen in coming weeks. there is no concern in terms of our ability and the skills needed to build it and get it up and running. what we are working with partners in the region are to are two thanks. one is the logistics flow getting the maritime materials to the peer and then working with the israelis in particular about how that peer is protected and secured and how the aid, the material gets from the peer into gaza and further distributed. those modalities are still being
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worked out. >> and does the strike you referenced two additional? >> we are under no illusion about the fact that gaza is a war zone. and force protection of our troops which will not be entering gaza will be first and foremost in the president's mind as well as our military leaders to make sure they can operate that peer assemble and operated in a safe way but believe me, we are well aware and gaza is a war zone. that it is a war zone is again what makes it so challenging to get need to the people in need. >> you said the white house is outraged by the strike -- >> sandra: we will continue to monitor this white house press briefing will bring it as it happens, peter doocy is in the room, we will be watching for an exchange there and of course john kirby is taking questions, john, after yesterday the israeli strike killed seven workers, the world central kitchens did pause gaza aid after that happen. he is taking questions on that.
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>> john: saying it was not on purpose, see what israel says. the biden administration moving full speed ahead as part of its green agenda but will it lead to a power grid crisis? transportation secretary pete buttigieg will be here on that and a whole lot more, stay with us.
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>> policeman in scotland saying that rk rowling will not face charges with a new law targeting hate speech. greg palkot is live in london, what are you hearing from the scottish authorities, greg? >> john, yes the police in scotland are confirmed they will not press charges against author j.k. rowling but that has not stopped the controversy over this new hate crimes speech law. it aims to tackle harm caused by
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hatred and prejudice threatening police investigation and even jail time if you simply say something or post something considered "troublesome" regarding characteristics like age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, trans identity, the intersex and white can imagine is the last two are having a real stir, she posted on x in passing the scottish hate crime act the scottish can have a higher value on the idea of men and female-in ess than on the freedom of actual women and girls, i look forward to being arrested when i go back to the birthplace of scottish enlightenment. they say her arrest is not an imminent. they are aware of complaints but no further action will be taken. she's not the only one upset. see what


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