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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  April 2, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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conter's military record. he flew over 100 missions in the pacific and think it was close to 200 in the pacific. after he was at pearl harbor "then he also flew combat missions in korea. he was an extraordinary, extraordinary man and am honored to have known him. president biden saying "today our hearts is with lou conter's family and friends and all those who served with him over the years including his shipmates on the ussr's owner. may god bless and keep them. indeed. we think -- rethink for the lot -- for the life of lou conter and for having met him. it was an honor. there is the story on this tuesday april 2nd. the story goes on and "your story" goes on to other data will see you back here tomorrow at 3:00. "your world" starts right about now. thank you, must have. former president donald trump putting the border front and center today in the race for the white house. trump just rubbing those remarks in michigan before heading to wisconsin, two
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states that he won in 2016 but then lost in 2020. so how is this issue resonating with the key battleground states this time around? welcome everyone i'm sandra smith in for a new caboodle, and this is "your world." we've got, steam coverage kicking off then you are with you on mark meredith with how the border battle is carrying out and how the white house is digging in. we begin with mark. >> good afternoon do you. within the last hour former president trump surrounded himself with law enforcement officials in michigan, he vowed if reelected to tackle two big issues, crime in legal immigration. those two issues could be a game changer in michigan and wisconsin tuesday democrats considering it there blue wall and trump's visit today to renn roberts come amid a story which is getting a lot of attention. police wasn't defining the body of 25-year-old ruby garcia, she was found on the side of a highway and the man who she was romantically linked to has been charged with her murder. the suspect is here in the u.s. illegally from mexico. trump and the rnc today
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launched in to a website to highlight similar cases nationwide which trump calls in national security threats spee six we have a new form of crime, there -- they're sending prisoners, murderers town drug dealers, mental patients and terrorists, the worst they have in every country, all over the world. >> polling shows americans are increasingly secured -- concerned about board disagree but democrats insist trump has no real solutions to these real-world problems. >> this is not a manner as he cares about crime, who cares about solving issues, he's only kinds -- between no and november. >> know trump is going to be rallying supporters tonight in green bay, wisconsin and willing today that the president biden is planning to head to wisconsin next week as well and indications of how much both men agreed to be chasing each other in the swing states. also want to mention a trump made some years at the end of its remarketing he will talk about abortion next week and given some of the developers we've seen in florida.
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>> we'll be watching all of it, mark meredith in washington. thank you. to what white house saying about this permit for that we turned to griff jenkins live at the white house with the latest. >> good afternoon ,?]sandra. the white house seems to be -- on border question simply blaming congressional or publicans or failing to take action, little earlier this afternoon things got pretty heated between john kirby and our own here to see. watch. >> to folks that are concerned about border security, the president will be the first one to stand up here and say he agrees. the border does needs some security capabilities. we do need more border patrol agents and all that has to happen is for the speaker to do his job, but that supplemental in the floor, get those 1300 additional border patrol agents down there to do their job. >> but everybody in this room knows that the builder you guys keep talking about there is a solution is dead at the moment. >> says you. it is needed to be that, does
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it? >> the bill is that. >> says you! >> when is the boat? >> as speaker johnson that. >> there are real -- >> this comes as former president trump is blasting biden over the border in grand rapids is mark just laid out. trump a striking the issue that voters sites most often as biden biggest failure according to fox's latest polling you see here 67% is accused -- approving -- work in the economy and inflation. part of that sentiment may be stemming from the floor fentanyl across our southern border which is part of the call today between president biden and china's presidents trying to which the white house called a candid and constructive called her mother also talked about when you ties between the two militaries, need to address of ai risks and maintaining peace in the taiwan strait. there was also a pledge made between the two presidents to talk as regular -- regularly as needed. we learn finally, sandra, a secretary yet -- yelling and blinken will make trips to
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china in the coming weeks speed to griff jenkins live at the white house for us, thank you. so is the border issue resonating in key battleground states? joining us now is -- and carly cooperman. thanks to both of you ladies for joining us. league, tell us what you're seeing on that front? >> i think it matters a lot. were seeing a huge shift in poles. immigration has become the number 1 issue that americans over the economy for the first time over the last several weeks and we are seeing the severity of people's concern about immigrations related to -- 32% of american say that immigration is of major risk to them personally and there is an increase when donald trump was president of only 17% said the same thing so we are seeing a real shift in how people are viewing this. so the question is is trump going to be able to capitalize? obviously biden is trying to say that he doesn't have real solutions although 55% of americans felt safer or feel safer with trump's policies over 33% to biden. >> spee do we put up on the
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screen those financial results going back to 2016 as john would say the way back machine, you look at the 47 and a half -- that is your point two% martin victory that trump pulled off and i stayed in wisconsin as well and you seem focusing on this issue of immigration in these key battleground states and you wonder if this is resonating with voters, corley? >> i do think it's resonating with voters. the polling is -- has consistently shown that immigration has come to the top in terms of what's most important to voters and the -- it consistently shows that the disapprove of how president biden is handling the border issue thus far and that is why we are hearing time and time again know that by -- trident -- china administration is talking bout of wanting to take on this issue counter advocating to get this border bill passed that there is a bipartisan effort -- wants trump said he didn't approve it. and this despite the fact that 59% of voters approved of that bipartisan bill and
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they're also talking about considering things like executive actions. the biden administration know that they have to address this issue if they want to be successful in these states. >> sandra: and look at the 2020 results in how biden turn things around and won by a small margin of victory there in michigan and it was -- wisconsin as well and you wonder what happens this time around in the battle for michigan right now, are reporting for 2024 election has trump at 47.4% of biden's 43.9. in wisconsin that margin is smaller, 48.3% 247.54 -- 47 pack-mac but if you look at the performance that voters are giving joe biden on immigration, it is worse than inflation, it is worse then the economy. griff just showed the numbers from the white house and as we saw the primaries this is where the focus was out for voters. they're worried about whether seeing at the southern border and are experiencing more and more every day what that
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crisis at the southern border means for them all over this country, lee. >> yeah. i think it is really going to be telling. and this is an issue that a lot of democrats have tried to push and say this is now the republicans fault because they are not making a deal, this is on speaker johnson. this is not how the american people view it. they're very much saying they're blaming the democrats can live had the power for the last three and a half years and haven't done things to make things better, in fact, they feel much worse so i think that blame shifting leaders her democrats and only helps them are publicans. i think issue that will be hardest for republicans to navigate right no because everything else is in their favor and the biggest issue and donald trump said that he will address it next week is where we are going to land an abortion. >> sandra: gotcha payments will see what more we hear about that and we are hearing that former president trump is going to make me -- making remarks soon on that front. carly, i want to end with us on a separate topic, robert f. kennedy junior's campaign is saying that it has enough votes to get on the ballot in
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another key battleground state, north carolina. so, carly, how could that impact this race? >> look, rf kennedy's -- to how many ballots he can get on across the country. north carolina in particular is a state that the china administration has been targeting as a pickup state. joe biden lost by fewer than 2 points in that state in 2020 and if rfk junior ultimately is successful in getting on that state, it is something that is going to be -- you will be difficult for the biden campaign because, you know, rfk is pulling -- but the china ministration is real concerned about this and so, you know, there is an effort to counter this narrative but it certainly will make things troublesome for democrats in north carolina if he said is successful. >> sandra: lee, how about
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you? how does impact biden and trump rfk getting another ballot? >> i think it actually impacts -- one of the big things of looking at it rfk junior is pulling from both sides but in particular his pulling from the left and his got evp peck who is very antiwar. and he will pick up a lot of those pro-palestinian, free palestinian democrats who are out there protesting as an biden. thank it will be a big issue for him. >> sandra: very interesting. thanks to both of you, carly, lee, wait to see you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> sandra: and by the way the -- sparks falling on new worries about higher energy prices that could stand inflation even higher. you've got oil and gasoline prices are. and there is a big question whether that could delay the fed's plan for an interest rate cut this year. remember there was adjusting there could be even three, well know the markets are questioning that all three markets fell in to the red, the dow down almost a full
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400 points 1% drop there. intra smacnum hunter biden's request to dismiss those tax charges. and what happens know that donald trump has posted that 175 million-dollar bond? the surprising new twist that could come from both developments just ahead end then, how this expected israeli strike on and iranian targets over there could soon be hitting drivers already paying higher prices here. as iran vows revenge. we'll have the latest. >> everyone: [ chanting ] ( ♪ ) the best moments deserve the best eggs. especially when they're eggland's best. taste so deliciously fresh. with better nutrition, too. for us, it's eggs any style. ( ♪ ) as long as they're the best. eggland's best. ( ♪ )
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♪ ♪ >> sandra: fox news alert hunter biden's legal team was playing the author is very -- federal judge says no way to dismissing those tax charges. cannot enhance has the details from los angeles for us. >> as a result of that decision we look to be back on track for a trial of hunter biden beginning june 20th. after judge marks because we have things that he needed a couple of weeks instead ruled against every one of hunter biden's eight motions to dismiss the judge -- within just a few days who bring them. biden's the attorney argued in court here in la last wednesday that the tax charges should never have been brought. cheese among his arguments was that the case amongst two political persecution of
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hunter biden and his motivated more by his client last name then by actual wrongdoing. judge top seed -- sitting in his ruling "the motion is remarkable in that it fails to include a single declaration, exhibit or exhibit or request for do foolish -- judicial notice instead defendants cite portions of various internet news sources, social media posts and legal blogs. the citations however are not evidence." innocent the judge ruled that there is in -- you need a case to answer it over allegations of hunter biden innovated more than one and half million dollars in taxes, spending his money is that according to prosecutors on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, exotic cars and clothing. biden's attorneys and judge scarsi's decision not to
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dismiss the charges was flat wrong, saying in a statement "we strongly disagree with the court's decision and we'll continue to vigourously pursue mr biden's challenges to the abnormal way the special council handle this investigation and charged this case." is worth noting the language of their, sandra, "vigourously pursuing challenges." hunter biden's legal team seems intent on appealing this decision and doing everything in their power to push that june 20th trial they backed with a clear hope of ultimately ensuring a trial never happens. sandra? >> sandra: jonathan hunt live that stem
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from real estate fraud trial. he turned to insurance company headed by california billionaire and trumpet supporter don hankey. hankey and his family owned a large -- night insurance. hankey told foxbusiness that politics had nothing to do with his barking -- backing trump's bon. >> is a big bond for us to underwrite but trump came up with all cash so at the end it was an easy decision and with almost no risk. >> meanwhile back in new york trump's lawyers are -- also apparently trying to get -- stormy daniels cover-up trial to liberal
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consulting firm that works for democrats. among them? president biden, his campaign, vice president harris, democratic house minority leader hakeem jeffries among many other prominent democrats. by the new york state advisory committee and judicial ethics has already declared there is no conflict for the judge. roost -- issuing a ruling saying "relatives independent political adversity -- put -- to question a judge's impartiality." while trump is waiting to see if new york state's appellate court will completely overturn the full amount of the judgement against him there was 454 million dollars fr
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us. what is next? >> the next step is the appellate division which is the appeals court that supervises the trial court of new york and that is where former president trump will go to fight the battles and -- and tries to get this judgement overturned. the appellate court will consist of three brand-new judges to the case who will look at what happened in the trial court can look at the penalties that the trial judge imposed, a look at the nature of the sanction count the amount of the punishment and the like whether or not it was lawfully imposed over there needs to be set aside. of the battle with -- will continue but no interest to the court of appeals. >> sandra: what does that
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hammock -- timeline look for all of this? obviously were are in an election year. >> 's comp -- going to move very slowly. typically unless there is some reason to decide things quickly and i'm not sure i see a reason here, it can take months and it can sometimes take up to a year for an appellate court to reach a decision. you are going to have to have -- oral arguments, so there will be a hearing and then the courts will often take months to decide the issue by they will have to right an opinion. is a fairly long process but the significance of trump posting a bond means that the attorney general can't come and grab trump power or his other properties while the former president's appeal moves ahead. >> because we have been highlighting a portfolio that would've been up for grabs, trump tower canada trump park avenue, for you wall street. we remember covering all of this leading up to this moment mso considering that, new york attorney general
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letitia james must wait for donald trump's appeal to play out before she can take any further action now. and george washington law professor jonathan turley said that appeal could go all the way to the supreme court "listen... >> there were no victims here. there was an assistant -- single penny that was lost by anyone. the banks involved testify that they wanted more business from trump to mexico to come up with this astronomical figure with the shocks the conscience. now on appeal he is going to trouble with this new york law. it is unique. it doesn't require victims. it doesn't require losses. but they still have to justify the amount. and i could go all the way to the supreme court. >> sandra: you're thoughts on that? >> i agree with that. like this is a complicated case. a thing as professor turley correctly points other questions about how this law is applied and there are also questions about even if this law was fairly applied to former president trump, what about the amount of the penalty? and think it really is a shocking amount of a penalty and i think the appellate judges are going to vary very carefully scrutinize the record counter take a fresh look at all of the evidence
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and all of the legal arguments and the come to their own conclusion about whether any version of this penalty can stand. >> sandra: very interesting. switching gears for a moment here to the hunter biden case that a federal judge has just rejected his team's request to have those tax charges thrown out. now it trial is expected to start in june. so is that the right call? >> i think it absolutely is. a look, i am a big fan of creative legal arguments can go get me wrong. but hunter biden's arguments were terrible and you saw the judge actually called out his lawyers for basically bad lawyering. he said he further arguments very unpersuasive, he didn't see any evidence of that would cause them to throughout these charges and he is telling hunter biden look its time to face the music, you're going to be standing trial in my courtroom in a few months. i don't think there is any way for hunter biden to postpone this day of reckoning. >> sandra: tom dupree on the news for us. great to see you. >> thank you. >> sandra: severe weather and we are watching, is threatening states from the gulf coast to the great lakes. right now more than 75 million americans are at risk. we are going to have the latest for you. plus, some signs of progress in baltimore as a nation's economy is seeing impacts from that closure of the
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vital waterway. a much longer until shipping is free flowing again? we are on it. but first, iran vowing revenge today after that suspected israeli strike on it's embassy in syria. what is israel now saying and what did it mean for our forces in the region as protesters in tehran watch -- lash out? >> everyone: [ chanting ]
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>> martha: >> sandra: tensions is clearly in the middle east as protesters in iran burn israeli and american flags. general junking and wonder -- plus oil surgery in the news. the impact for you here at home, next.
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>> sandra: iranian protesters burning american and israeli flags in response to the killing of a top military commander in a suspected israeli strike. iran vowing retaliation for that strike. fox news tray it is in tel aviv, israel for the very latest for us. >> with afternoon. i do want to start with some breaking news out of jerusalem. we understand tonight that police are clashing with protesters outside of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's private residence. spoke with one person in the city who indicated police are on horseback and they're using water cannons to push away these antigovernment demonstrators. arvest comes as we are learning more about that strike yesterday in damascus, syria, reports indicating seven co. -- ircc were killed including two top iranian generals protesters took to the streets overnight of tehran burning both american and israeli flags permitted "death to america, "and called on their own
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government to respond. iranian officials equity skull today with the country's supreme leader posting to ask -- iranian president ebrahim raisi also said the attack would not go unanswered. in the past iran has threatened harsh responses and then do nothing but given the current state of affairs israeli forces are on higher alerts from across the following one other developing story today out of the middle east. overnight a series of israeli strikes killed seven members of the world central kitchen. among the dead are a number of foreign citizens including one american. graphic video circlet ensuring the bodies of these aid workers, somewhere protective gear, they were inside of an armored car when the explosions occurred. the israelis are taking credit for what they call it tragic and unintentional incident. israel says they will conduct an independent and thorough investigation in the -- will release the findings. >> sandra: trey yingst from
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tel aviv for us at this hour. thank you. so what does the u.s. need to do to be prepared in the wake of the suspected israeli strike? joining us now is fox news strategic analyst and retired four-star general jacquie newman. general, way to see you tonight and i think you were joining us. what do we need to dutifully smack to be prepared for this? >> certainly -- if there is going to be retaliation and were not certain of that yet, it's largely going to be focused on israel for all the obvious reasons, you know, for -- for the last few ye years, three and a half about -- the israelis have been connecting close to 300 airstrikes in syria against iranian proxies and i are gc targets. and why is that? because they're preventing them from establishing missile bases and the transits of missiles into lebanon through syria. some of these targets to hit right at the damascus
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international airport as they begin to lose missiles into warehouses. show this is part of a campaign that they've been conducting for some time. obviously there -- this war in gaza that accelerated all of concern about this and the targeted selected is someone they've been trying to get for some time and they happen to have been to have the -- and acted on it very decisively. iran will likely focus on them. they can attack using their own resources from iran to do that much like they did when they -- when we took down so the money in jenna marie 2020 or they can use their proxies in the region, the hezbollah or the houthis to do it or have the curtain -- of ability in order to do that. in terms of what i think like -- to protect themselves even more so given the potential of an attack against bases in iraq and syria would be the most likely if they were going to do something and
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they would more likely choose the proxies that operates in delivering those attacks for so long. now -- they have not been attacked on our bases in iraq and syria for weeks after we killed the leader of the militia group operating in iraq that iran was barking and iran ordered the mil militia's not to attack our most -- bases as earth -- result of that. so we seek -- will see what happens here but likely focus will be on israel. and listen get a lot of tongue and wringing of hands that this could escalate into world war iii. that is not going to happen. iran does not want in a wreck on phone -- confrontation with the united states and go to war with the united states. all of their in the middle east than trying to achieve, domination and control, are gone because lose their regime. they know that. and they understand that and their actions have been along those lines when we take
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action against them and they take measured action against us -- >> sandra: thank you for your thoughts on that. only have about three seconds left or so but i want to get this in here because president biden had just put out a preunofficial white house accounts about his call he had today with china's xi jinping. he says "today and i had a kind of conversation with president xi of the people's republic of china on a range of issues including areas of cooperation and areas of difference. i emphasize the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the taiwan strait and in the south china sea and raise concerns over the prc's support for russia's defense industrial base camp thereunder -- unfair trade practices and economic and technical logical low practices that harm -- american workers and families are meant to look forward to responsibly managing our relationships in the weeks and months ahead." i wanted to get your quick response to that, general.
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>> certainly, talking on these two leaders have -- we've always done that in the past with our adversaries. but also, you know, you got to deal with -- president xi is an aggressive adversary. he has increased his impression at home and he is the increased aggression abroad. our sources are telling us with some kind ability that he doesn't want any kind of increasing aggression that would lead to some kind of confrontation in the next couple of years which is very different to what he said in the past because of the economic challenges he has at home here mack but you has made an exception to that and that is what's going on with the philippines. he is completely frustrated by the philippines giving us for military bases to use and he is going after marcos because marcos has complete judgement is completely different than his predecessor.
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marcos has aligned holy with the united states and that is one of the issues that the president was talking to him about in his aggression towards the philippines. >> sandra: general always appreciate and discussion with you. always appreciate you joining us, thank you. >> great talking with you, sandra. >> sandra: new signs a growing comfort between israel and iran over there could be getting drivers he here. plus, 75 million americans bracing for severe weather across a wide swath of the nation this hour. we've got the latest on its track. later the same state now mandating a 20-dollar fast food minimum wage could soon be making it illegal for most busses to contract their workers after hours. isn't needed or is it a step too far? ♪ ♪ to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at
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is coming as drivers are already seeing higher prices as we enter the busy driving season. others are igniting inflation fears. joining is now is oil analyst and fox news contributor phil flynn. i don't watch the present as close as you do but all of a sudden oil is back at $85 a barrel when i saw the other day. you see this going even higher and does not mean we are seeing prices go up at the pumps? >> you know, i'm afraid sew, sandra. you're absolutely right. we saw oil hit $85 a barrel and it's one of the concerns that i had not only do we have this rising geopolitical risk around the world, you know, you really have a situation where global demand is his eating soup -- exceeding supply and all this talk of electric vehicles and the change in, you know, our way of life with reduced oil demand isn't happening in fact global oil demand will hit a record high and we've been selling america a bill of goods and were not prepared for it and i'm afraid we are going to be for
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it at the pumps. >> sandra: really interesting. i just had a discussion with a transportation secretary pete buttigieg, it happened earlier today in america -- in. >> everyone: america reports," and ask him if the market is ready for this white house push for electric vehicles. listen... >> sandra: the extremely expensive, you know, the attitude -- electricity uses fossil fuels anyway to power these vehicles. so i mean is this just premature canvas push right now? >> these are all really interesting and important questions but i would say we know it's not premature because more americans every single year jews electric then the year before and if you look at the surveys it is extremely rare for anybody who has gone electric want to go back to the old gas card technology. to be clear it's not for everybody and it's not happening overnight. our goal is by the end of this decade we are about half and half with new car sales but the reason we can't just back and let this happen on its own pace is that there is serious going on.
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either china or the united states will dominate the ev future. >> sandra: the difference is that we've got the resources, right? we've got the fossil fuel rich country. but it's a question we keep asking, phil, and one that we talked to -- he writes in the wall street journal, if it's so popular and people love these vehicles so much, why would we have to mandate them? >> that is absolutely correct. you know, and it makes this false assumption that we're in a race somehow with china to control the electric market. and sandra if there is the case, we're losing that race only because china has an electric trojan horse because they control the rare earth minerals that you're going to need to build his electric cars. so you're absolutely right. and the thing is is that there would be no electric -- we wouldn't be even talking about electric cars if it was in the private sector, guys like elon musk, you know, that they used to laugh at,
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you know, 20 years ago and now they're looking at electric cars as a savior and as the private sector that drove this. make no mistake about it, china is laughing at the way the united states is rushing into this because it is making our economy less efficient. it's making us less stable. and, you know, they would love because they look at the big picture, they would love -- the economy to overtake us and our bookstores electric vehicles is going to be a major mistake that i think is going to set our economy back and give them an edge. >> sandra: and i just saw sadistic the other day about 75% of these charging stations are actually efficient and up in running and working properly i mean, you get to some of these charging areas and then just not ready to go and there is a problem for these drivers. feel that it was great to see you and also we want to thank the secretary -- we will continue the discussion in this country for sure. phil, thanks. great to see you. to baltimore know where the u.s. military's racing to clear a bridge debris and
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fully reopened that waterway. why officials say the process is more complicated than expected. plus, severe weather storming from the heartlands and sent to the scrub travel. what you need to know. we'll have the latest. ♪ ♪ nd pilates anywhere. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card. make more of what's yours. generalized myasthenia gravis made my life a lot harder. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. ♪ vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial,
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music mark.
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>> sandra: the first vessel to leave the port of baltimore since the key bridge collapsed last week took off monday using temporary channel to bypass the wreckage. know the u.s. military is working as fast as possible to remove the massive debris and reopen the waterway end fox news' jennifer griffin has the details, she's live in the pentagon for us. >> the coast guard has joined the u.s. military and they are working as fast as possible to reopen the port of baltimore. a tugboat as you mention push if you will barge through a newly opened alternate channel late monday and to today, some more good news from baltimore. >> we've opened two temporary channels that can support commercial traffic. we are still a long way from being able to get the size and the cadence of the commercial traffic back to where it was before the collapse. we have reopened that northern channel that we spoke about yesterday with our first two bar just to traffic through there and we
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just opened that southern channel today at a draft of 14 feet. we are going to continue working at -- and planning for a third option it smack optional channel. >> the army corps of engineers has provided 1100 soldiers who specialize in construction to esa's -- assist in the clearance efforts. the navy has provided 12 grain and support vessels, tugs, survey and died crewboats, four massive barges including one with a 400-ton less capacity. another capable of lifting 1000 tons memory during its first screen operation, military crews removed 200 tons of steal from the now ruined key bridge a piece of that steel almost the size of the statue of liberty. it took ten hours to remove the first 200 smack 200 tons of new forethought -- 400 -- that are known to bridge. president biden plans to visit the sight of the wreckage on friday, sandra, art in to the horror, the 21 groomers of the mv valley
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remain on board the freighter that crashed in to the key bridge exactly you week ago. that freighter remains trapped by instant tangle of steel wreckage. >> sandra: jennifer griffin live on that from the pentagon for us. jennifer, thank you music mark. >> sandra: entered the severe weather threat across the heartland. and in to the northeast tomorrow is expected to wreak havoc on travel. fox meteorologist abby potts at the very latest for us. some crazy stuff expected out there, adam. >> you absolutely right, sandra. were already seeing some of these severe strums as it works its way across the midwest entering back to the southeast. we've seen big storms and the note -- down into most of tennessee, that's running all the way to the evening ours because the ingredients are present payment even though it's a bit of a pulse either across northern kentucky and portions of ohio county alternator threats is fairly widespread. looking at ef2 tornadoes or greater from the midwest from ohio stretching all the way down close to the gold coast
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so it really big area where we could see tornadoes this evening. this entire system continues to push its way off through the use. not rio tinto threat so much tomorrow but by the time you get leg to the -- next couple of days, kind of shocking but low pressure system sets of the northeast coast and then shot -- ken lee some of these interior areas that we're talking about feet of snowfall coming down for cody's particularly at some of these higher elevations. only shot of areas across new hampshire government see several feet of snow. this movie system will be the concern for any kind of travel trouble here the next couple of days permit using these parts in yellow counties areas where we see at least some risk of slowdowns from airports are not a surprise is a terrific system, sandra, impacting a whole lot of people. >> sandra: we'll be watching that for many hours to come. adam, thank you for the update. a new proposal in california would guarantee workers are off the hook when they're off the clock. but could this bill keep bosses at bay backfire?
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♪ ♪ >> sandra: going after bosses for contacting their workers after hours. it's a new push in california. the bill would allow employees to ignore calls and texts from their boss after they are off the clock. we reached out to the lawmaker behind this, but is something like this needed, or does it go too far? let's ask strategic partner mark
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tapper a "new york post" columnist ricky schlatter. markham is this necessary? >> no, this is definitely a step too far. i mean, these are arrangements and agreements that should be between employers and employees. we all have free will. if you have an overbearing boss, there is 8.7 million jobs. you can go and get a job elsewhere. and i would have to say, most small business owners are very reasonable. most of them aren't going to have expectations that you work way after hours or on weekends. however, as a small business owner myself, while i don't have those expectations, it certainly doesn't go unnoticed. it is very much appreciated when someone responds after hours. >> sandra: so they would have the right, this bill would force them to have the right to investigate and find companies that show a pattern of barging in on parents personal time. ricky, what do you think? >> i mean, i think are bigger fish to fry and problems to solve out in california. it certainly feels like this is
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not the place of an over busy politician too, as mark said, basically they are not something that should be interpersonal. the only argument i can really think of in this sense is the zoom era and the work from home era has allowed what home late nomadic life and work life to blend together. we need to talk and work through what that is like in a hybrid work situation not let the legislators do it for us. >> sandra: i think that's a good point, ricky. isn't there a reasonable expectation can you still send the text, get back to me at your availability or perhaps in the morning? the writer of the bill said, to ricky's point, this bill would return working standards from before the smartphone era, which has "blurred the boundaries between work and home life." i think most people listening at home, that resonates with them a little bit, right? we don't just close the door and leave our office. >> correct! but i'll tell you what, sandra, what this really is to me is
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just another display of equity in the workplace, right? we can't let the go-getters who go above above and beyond, respo emails at 10:00 p.m., we can't let them get ahead. we have to cater to the least motivated group of employees and that is exactly what you have going on here that is exactly what they are doing peered >> sandra: i guess, rikki, the question is at the bigger picture is california already has some of the strictest, most stringent small business laws on the books. it's just getting harder and harder for some of these small businesses to stay in business. >> absolutely comment a lot of these regulations often backfired, like the exorbitant minimum wage which is difficult for teens to get summer jobs. it makes it difficult for small businesses to make ends meet. i think that really the government needs to step away from the interpersonal relationship between bosses and employees, and california is basically the test case for why that is a problem. >> sandra: mark, do you answer your text and phone calls after
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hours? >> i do! of course, i own the business, so i got to do it. what if a client has a problem? i got to address it immediately and i would hope of one of my employees had a solution they would respond rather promptly. >> sandra: they are interesting. i think the aspect of most small businesses and small business owners are reasonable. but there are emergencies and there are situations that have to be immediately addressed. appreciate the conversation, rikki, mark, great to see you both. thank you so much beer and hard to believe in our has one bite. thanks so much for joining us beer you can catch me tomorrow once i john roberts 1:00 p.m. eastern time on "america reports." again, thank you for joining us here. for now, here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: hi, and greg gutfeld along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, and she high jumps wit


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