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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 2, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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tumultuous times. finally brian says how do you get people for your "common ground" segment every week? it seems we only hear partisan views. more people should see people work across the aisle. we try to get more and more people. i just talked to bipartisan senate press secretaries the other day on capitol hill trying to get their bosses to come on the show and a lot of them said they would. that's always a good thing. tomorrow on "special report," judges here arguments over the constitutionality over the texas law to allow states arrest illegal immigrants cross the border from mexico. we will bring you that. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special
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report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts now. >> laura: good evening, our cou. it's a very.
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>>i has to do is talk about
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how much better off we were when president. i think that will be the closing argue: i really believe bombarding him with all of these state cases. civil cases. criminal cases. is impresses so see him out there today. is he on the new issues on quawgd staying on the bloodbath comment. leaning into the bloodbath comment despite we are going to get into i said no, they are not
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animals. it sounds pretty bad. they also shared. this watch. >> the 22-year-old nursing student in georgia who was barbarically murdered by illegal alien animal. the democrats say please don't call them animals. they are humans. i said no, they are not humans. they are animals. >> laura: if you notice he didn't say immigrants are animals. but, again, do you think any of this is going to work? >> i don't. it's trump derangement syndrome. he never said good nazis and bad nazis on both sides.
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he never mocked disabled reporter. he never said i want you to go and violently tear up the capitol. he said i want you to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. he never said drink bleach or inject bleach. they do this over and over and over again and i think most americans are fed up with it. >> laura: the campaign trail this time is going to be very different because it's actually going to be campaigning done. but, do you agree with me that joe biden will never, and i mean never debate donald trump? >> he is not going to debate trump. are you kidding me? are you not going to get away wh it. >> laura: enough crime occurred in the midwest, another illegal
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immigrant brutalizing a woman. >> yeah. and by a career criminal had a whole bunch of convictions shouldn't have been out on the streets. i will be setting up a pac to get rid of soft on crime d.a.s. all these people out on the streets. >> laura: gascon here. >> ridiculous two. attempts to recall him. they have failed. the one in the bay area boudin was recalled and only about 5% of voters in that city are republican. so, he was too radical. >> clean up los angeles. this is a great city. awful got to be cleaned up and cleaned out. larry, always great to see you. >> my pleasure. >> laura: president trump posted his $175 million bond last night as he appeals the judgment in the victimless fraud case but that's not all. in trump's hush money trial,
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another fraud, judge juan merchant expanded a gag order barring him from talking about family members of the court and of d.a. alvin bragg. now, this comes after trump complained about what sure looks like an apparent conflict of interest that the judge's daughter has. she is the president of something called authentic campaigns. that's the democrat consulting firm. and according to the "new york post," this firm raised $93 million in campaign donations. based off this very very case. joining me now sol wisenberg. fox news contributor. former deputy independent counsel and david schoen former impeachment attorney. david, so trump filed today to
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get judge merchan recused from the case. is that a long shot? >> it shouldn't be. i have said from the start of this case the appearance of impropriety is career. he hand picked in this. trump organization case. bannon case, rather than random selection. a case frank leno comey 2004, upheld that kind of process. hand picking by the d.a. said if it's raised on direct appeal and can you show a conflict then it shouldn't be permitted it has a terrible appearance. in this case it goes beyond the appearance. i believe under 22 new york code rules and regulations 100 point 23 ed 3 that he has to be -- 3 e 1 d 3, sorry. he must disqualify himself that provides if a judge has a relative to the fourth degree who has a substantial interest that could be affected by the proceeding, then he must recuse himself. and that's this case.
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the "new york post" article is clear. this person, his daughter held herself out as the digital persuasion director for kamala harris, now president of the company. he must disqualify himself there are many judges on this court. the judges depend on the integrity of the system. >> tonight responded to trump's request for recusal telling the judge that this daisy chain of innuendos is a far cry from evidence that this court has a direct, personal, substantial or peculipecuniary interest in reaa particular conclusion. there is simply nothing new here. nothing about this proceeding will directly benefit this court's family, let alone the court itself. sol, now, again, all of us have been, you know, litigating cases in courts for many years.
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you guys are more seasoned. i have been out of the game for a while. but this -- given how important this case is, why would they want to leave even a scintilla of a doubt about impartiality in a conflict of interest? >> well, listen, we have talked about before, laura, that's what is so amazing about all of these efforts against former president trump. you would think his opponents would be more careful about what they were doing. keep in mind, there are two issues here. the first is the one david has talked about. should the judge be recused. and, by the way. from what i read today, adam schiff's various campaigns political campaigns in 2019 and 20 alone. at a time when he was dealing with migrant michael connie, who may be a witness in this case. spent a media buy of $3.7 million with her -- with
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company. with merchant's company that she is thought head of. the question is, number one, should he be recused. i don't know the answer to that but, number two, should trump be allowed to comment upon it? to me, that is core feement right of his. >> laura: you bet. >> assuming that he does not -- doesn't do it in a clearly inflammatory way that would encourage people to harm her. >> laura: david, sol just took the words out of my mouth. the idea that a defendant who is facing what he believes is a fundamentally unfair trial, that he can't get a fair trial is now prohibited from talking about the reasons why? again, let me just read this in a letter that -- we'll go back to it, in a letter to the judge, trump's attorneys noted that a twitter account used by the daughter appears to have been closed to the public, so, too has authentic, that's the firm's x account thereby limiting trump's ability to investigate these issues. well, if they have no conflict issue.
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why are they making the account go private? >> the gag order opinion is the first first, fifth and sixth amendment rights. the public must know all of the facts surrounding and underlying this case and the players in this case and their credibility. it's absolutely outrageous. remember, all of this we are in an election year here. the judicial ethics committee opinion may 4th, 2023, that rejected the claim of recusal had completely different scenario the business of the judge's daughter involved in real estate business. isn't whether the business is involved. it's whether there is an interest that could be substantially affected. "new york post" piece proves it. >> laura: sol and david we will stay on this. thank you both. all right. donald trump, j.k. rowling, what do they have in common? my radicalization next. reaction next. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king.
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countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly
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important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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♪ >> laura: resisting the new inquisition that is the focus of tonight's angle. now, i'm certain j.k. rowling would recoil at being compared to donald trump the lifelong feminist holds views antithetical to his but when the far left in the u.k. started a petition to ban trump from traveling there, she, a true liberal, drew a line. >> i find almost everything that mr. trump says objectionable. i consider him often and bigoted. but, he has my full support to come to my country and be offensive and bigoted there. >> laura: whether she likes it or not trump and she have something important in common. they are both threats to the new
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inquisition. you know, the self-appointed enforcers of progressive conformity. anti-speech radicals threatened by anyone and i mean anyone who boldly expresses views that conflict or challenge their own. now, just as it would have been a lot easier, let's face it, for trump to steer clear if politics in 205 or retire after 2020, it would have been far easier for j.k. rowling to back away from her views on transgenderism. >> i absolutely knew that if i spoke out many people who would
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love my books would be deeply unhappy with me. i believe absolutely that there is something dangerous about this movement and it must be challenged. >> laura: for believing that a man is a woman and a woman is a woman, she has been called a vicious transphobe and subject relentless criticism from many by the way of her former friends. and even when scotland passed a so-called anti-hate speech law, instead of shutting up, she ramped it up. arrest her. wanting to side step the firestorm where the harry potter author actually charged announced earlier today that she didn't violate the law which says that the prosecution need only prove. that likely rather than intended to offend members of classes
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defined by things i age, disability, faith, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex. well, so-called hate speech would be prosecuted if merely a reasonable person would consider it threatening. now even the liberal guardian newspaper admitted that the law was problematic noting that nothing prevent it from being applied even for comments made in the privacy home. this has echos of miles cultural revolution nor is there protection for schools, clubs, private institutions. the law proposes a potentially massive extension of police
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discretion into the private and social life of scotland. now, this is when maybe you are thinking who cares? this is scotland. i love scotland but who care what is they do? this could never happen here. we have the first amendment. when trump questioned the impartiality of the judge and hush money case as we talked, about the judge simply slapped a gag order on him. if members of our military question the outcome of the 2020 election, and maybe posted about it or empathized in any way with the j-6 defendants, they probably needed to submit to anti-extremism training. >> the truth of the matter is we need your help. i am talking, of course, about extremismism and extremist ideology. it concerns me to think that anyone wearing the uniform would espouse these sorts of beliefs. let alone act on them. but they do. >> laura: how many times have you heard college students feel like they can't be honest in their essays so instead they write to validate or echo a professor's political views? >> when schools start endorsing or promoting specific ideologies
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that's unfair. you have to conform to their ideologies and beliefs. these teachers are pushing political and personal beliefs if you don't conform you will fail. >> r.f.k. jr. knows all too well how inial intolerant. they did everything they could do to keep them off the ballot. and they launched a campaign to bankrupt and jail trump. >> president biden is the first candidate in history, first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech. the greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns. if you have a government that can silence its opponent, it has license for any atrocity. >> laura: for decades now. war free speech. comes to the political or cultural expression that offend the ne-yo stalinist on the left they will use any weapon at their disposal to drive knew submission. radical progressives spare no one not even the love liberals like rowling or eric clap ton who they effectively excommunicated for outspokeness against the covid shot. nbc called it his sad final act. >> the minute i began to say
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anything about the lockdown here my concerns i was labeled as a trump supporter in america and i got some pretty heavy feedback. >> laura: so did van morrison. well, nothing that distinguished doctors, of course, didn't experience. if they questioned the need for lockdowns, they questioned mandates, they questioned masks, they were persecuted because of their views. they never stopped though fighting regardless of the consequences: now, like rowling, most of these people weren't political they were simply pro-free expression expressing themselves. in the case of the doctors they were expressing their need for scientific inquiry to be free and frankly critical. but they got a quick education in how vicious the new left had become. there is zero and i mean zero tolerance for disagreement, certainly no debate. and you deviate from the orthodoxy, yeah, you will suffer. it's far more puritanical, far
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more repressive than anything you will find at most mega churches in the south. those brave enough to stand against these ne-yo butch knicks should be anyone who cherishes freedom. >> you don't have to donald trump lawfare waged against him is one step closer to tyranny. rowling and trump are doing their part now it's up to the rest of us to do ours. that he was the angle. >> laura: joining me now is independent journalist green greenwald. glen, it's great to see you as always. even though rowling, as i said, is in the clear for now, she is not backing down. she wrote on x that if they go after any woman for simply calling a man a man i will repeat that woman's words and they can charge us both at once glenn, this was quite a moment,.
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>> what it illustrates is the danger of this law which is okay the scottish government doesn't want to prosecute someone like j.k. rowling bylaws because of her promise and resources and not give creed kansas to this idea this that they are trying to criminalize political debate. the fact that they could prosecute her that her statements would fit into the parameters of the law, and that she just not being prosecuted because of the arbitrary decisions of the people in power, illustrates why this law is so dangerous. precisely because it depends upon the willingness of the government to allow free speech or to shut it down by prosecuting people at any moment, including people who were involved in important political debates about some of our most crucial social and political questions. >> given what i said in the angle about how, look, americans will -- they will be interested in this but they will kind of wave it off saying this will never happen here. but we saw it happen, glen.
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you and i went through this during covid. we have gone through this time and again on hot button issues. people lose their jobs. people lose their income or, worse, as you have seen with trump. >> i think it's this is a crucial issue, laura. we cover a lot of free speech infringements in western democratic countries outside of the united states because so often they're harbingers of what comes to the united states. it might be a little bit more difficult to enact a law like this because of the first amendment. but the mentality that's driving it, which is that there a group of people who are elites, political elites or people who call themselves disinformation experts. whose judgment about politics is so superior to everybody else's that they have the right to engores their judgments not by officer is swagd people by but a force of law to punish people who think differently or criminalizing them or censoring from the internet or abandoning them all together. something we are seeing increasely. where the biden administration constantly picks up the phone
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and people that they tax american citizens in a way found unconstitutional. laws like this can also mean that if say facebook or google has to comply with scotland and eu and u.k. and canada, eventually just through default, that's going to be our internet as well, even if those laws couldn't exist in the united states because of the first amendment. it has a big impact on american citizens. >> laura: a related point, glenn, is the left or the cultural marxists, whatever you want to call them, they are trying to take words off the table like certain words you can't say that is always a way to go around having a real debate. but, the word bloodbath. trump used. >> bloodbath is an ugly word. when trump uses it what is it when biden uses it? >> no, no. be clear. you have to ask me in context what it was said, right and what was said when he said that they are not the same. the question is disingenuous. we have to denounce violent
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rhetoric wherever it comes from. a former leader we have to denounce that because we saw what happened on january 6th. >> laura: okay, glenn, they are going back to january 6. use that as battering around. your reaction to bloodbath is thought new word you cannot speak unless you are a liberal. >> going to go to january 6th. what happened there the speech trump gave blamed for inciting violence of course you are going to go to the capital and protest peacefully. in order to get out of that they said oh, well he used a phrase that is a wink, wink to violence when he said fight like hell. and, yet, can you find joe biden and almost every politician constantly saying fight like hell to their followers. it's a very common political phrase and the same thing here. bloodbath is a common term in our language we use it metaphorically all the time and now trying to controlling words as they unite and claim a certain are word means something that we can all hear in context it doesn't actually mean somehow
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that meaning is supposed to be binding on us because again it's that same mentality that they know better. that is the mentality of controlling discourse. >> laura: glenn, that is the way to redirect the conversation away from an actual debate on in this case what is happening at the border to you're a mean person. that's where we are. >> i mean, this is the key word. all of this happened after 2016. >> when the british people ignored what they were told. decided to leave the eu through brexit and especially with the american election where miller hillary was defeated by trump. they came to concludes that they cannot allow free debate anymore. too dangerous because people are uncontrolled. all of this that we are see something a reaction to that. to the fear of allowing people to debate things freely. >> laura: bingo. glenn, we don't have you on enough. great to see you. thanks so much. >> great to see you, laura. thanks. >> laura: parents of a rich kid gang member now accused of trying to cover his tracks: who are the gilbert goons you will
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>> there has got to be at least 250 kids here. they are walking the streets. we are not used to this -- i'm not used to this in my neighborhood from being here 25 years. these kids are going to hit each other. someone is going to get hurt. someone is going to get killed. >> laura: turns out someone did get hurt. someone got killed that night. i briefly mentioned this story out of arizona last night. part of the kids aren't all right series we are doing. and tonight we are learning more about the beating death of 16-year-old preston lord. and the group of mostly high school thugs that were charged in his murder. joining me now for more on this terrifying and very sad story is trace gallagher, fox news chief breaking news correspondent, host of fox news at night. trace, i heard they even named their little gang and they have
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a name for it what is this? >> trace: they named their gang the gilbert goons, right? so this happened in queen creek, arizona. if you don't know arizona, that's a suburb and gilbert, by the way, is also a suburb of phoenix. you played sound in the intro, laura of the woman saying there were 250 kids, they werenning rowdy. were being rowdy. seven young gilbert goons two of the seven you could the age of 18. all being charged as adults. police say they tacked 16-year-old preston lord because he was wearing a gold chain they thought was stolen. witnesses say they punched the kid. then when he was on the ground they repeatedly kicked him. danced on him as one of the kids said. one kid claims that he stomped on his head. a lot of this case is focused on 19-year-old tallan renner who, on the night of the beating, posted on snapchat, quoting, i accidently killed a kid. i guess i'm just too strong. another kid posted, quoting: i hit a kid, he fell and died. in fact, while he was leaving
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the scene, the police report siesta talan renner said i might have hospitalized that kid because i hit him pretty hard. that's part of the case. there are hundreds of social media posts, videos, texts. where these young people literally rat themselves out and then there are the accusations that talan ren are's parents tried to cover up the crime hiding him until his bruises went away. preston lord the 16-year-old who was killed not the first victim. the gilbert goons had been targeting other kids for months at fast food restaurants, parking lots, parties, leaving them with skull fractures and broken bones. it is an awful crime, to think, laura, there is a trunk load of evidence in this case really bad news for a lot of these kids all being charged as adults. >> >> laura: there was snapchat video and snapchat texts, which again, you tell all kids, everything you put online is
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forever. >> trace: right. >> laura: lo and behold the kids got these texts and there was a lot of admissions. a lot of admissions in them. trace, thank you so much. >> trace: you bet. >> laura: great to see you. ♪ if you are like most people, you are wondering hearing this and saying where are the parents? well, they might actually be part of the problem. the arizona republic spoke to an employee of travis renner, the father of that suspect that trace just mentioned, tallen renner. she says. as trace alluded to said travis took his son away to a cabin so that his hands had time to heal. the dad talked about divesting himself from this company to protect his assets. and so on. and, perhaps, the most gulling she said discussions pi pin turd to pinning the killing another first name as renner's son although spelled differently. joining me now from phoenix is
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radio host mike broom head with ktr news. now, i have been following this for some time but this isn't the first time this one kid, especially, has done this. what can you tell us? >> well, we have been following this for quite a while. it's a big story here in the valley. and what we have found out is that the police began to investigate, it seemed to be not just a coordinated effort but a lot of these kids are doing it and beating kids up, putting it up on social media, and kids knew more about it than their parents did until the police got involved. >> laura: now, mike, you think about teenagers, you know, they have their entire lives in front of them and to read these text messages, snapchat messages. maybe i'm just too strong. there is all like a lot of bravado with zero, it seems compassion or respect for human life. this is what we have been addressing on the angle now for quite some time. what is happening to our young
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people? >> it's interesting that you say that all week long here at kter news. doing a series about youth on the edge. >> covering just that. is this a byproduct what we saw from the lockdowns and mental health issues with young people? that's the big concern is these kids are acting out they are vaping it and putting it up on social media they are proud of it. >> laura: why are they doing it? a lack of parenting, general value system. ne-yoism, godlessness, a desire for fame at any cost? >> i think there is a lot of that. a lot of all of the above. i think back when i was a teenager i fought like boys would fight. we weren't picking on people. didn't have the ability to post it on the internet there seems to be a mob mentality when they get together. one set of anger fuels the next and it gets out of control it. just gets to be a huge issue and unfortunately preston lord died.
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>> laura: another alleged victim of these so-called goons shared his story of how they attacked. watch. >> we were approached by 10 to 12 guys, seemed pretty friendly. i heard one of his friends say the keys are in his car. get his car. >> conner stood in his way and says he was then hit in the head. >> he was hit in the back of the head with brass knuckles. and he immediately felt blood gushing down his back. >> laura: brass knuckles? mike? people hear about this with gangs and here in l.a. maybe or parts of chicago or d.c. you don't think of this in a suburb of phoenix, necessarily, do you? >> no. you don't. gilbert in queen creek this part of the valley is a very bedroom community. upper middle class. many of these families are wealthy. not what you anticipate. shows you how wide these issues have become. it's not just inner city things that's happening. it's happening everywhere.
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>> laura: and the parents, as usual, trying to clean up the messes of their kids and not being parents. mike, thank you for your report. that's -- go ahead. you can wrap that up. >> i was going to say that's the worst part about this is the accusation against the parents and friends of the parents and the length they went to dover this up if that did happen. the parents have been arrested and they stand to do a considerable amount of time in prison if they're convicted. horrifying to think they would cover up a murder. >> laura: we haven't confirmed that but we are certainly following it. mike, thank you. now, next, our -- well, governor hair gel, liberal cohorts, about to put restaurants out of business here. restaurant owner and chef andrew gruel explains, next. ♪
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♪ing. >> the future happens here first, california. we are america's coming attraction. this is a big deal. [applause] >> $20 an hour. >> laura: ti.l. typical ignorant liberal. war continued yesterday when newsom's $20 an hour minimum wage went into effect for fast food chains it? >> effects big names like mcdonald's, starbucks, and
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chipotle. some of those businesses have already said they will be forced to raise prices at their restaurants. the reality of paying more for fast food brought fast response. >> there's going to be more tougher for us to be able to afford a full meal my kids a family of five or six. >> laura: mother progressive policy that might sound good in theory but the cost of living here is already out of control. so, in practice, it's a complete nightmare. joining me now chef andrew gruel, restaurant owner and founder of american gravy concepts. andrew, i thought this was supposed to and i want to make sure everyone understands, this really only effect the big corporations. but how is this trickling down to the smaller groups? >> yeah. great question. this was marketed as a way in which the corporations were going to pay their fair share and help the workers. but, in reality, this is actually going to help the corporation and it's going to hurt the workers and the small businesses, which those are kind of one in the same to some
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degree. the way that that works, right? the corporations, the large multi unit groups they knew this was coming. they are automating a lot of standard. >> robots coming. >> robots co-packing $60,000 kiosks, right? they are laying workers off. now these workers are going to be losing their jobs. pizza hut lay off hundreds of workers. small businesses who they are not required by law to pay the $20 an hour. but when more than 40 or 45% of all of the restaurants in california are part of this fast food coalition that's targeted by this bill. well, everybody has to increase their floor in terms of paying that number. so there are almost by proxy through this bill mandating everybody to pay this other $20 an hour. the small businesses they don't have the disposable income or the capital to automate, right, so they are auto either going to have to increase their prices or close. unfortunately -- >> laura: i see, that's how they are being squeezed by. this some restaurant owners, andrew, have already increased prices to offset new labor costs. mcdonald's franchisee owning
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18 restaurants says he has been forced to raise menu prices between 5% and 7% in response to the new law. have you had to raise any of your prices. >> we have to raise our prices over the past year or two generally by virtue of the economy not specific to this bill because we already are paying our workers significant above. >> laura: because you can't get workers. >> and for our business a lot of it is about our team members have been with us for so long. here's the thing. think about it this way if i pay 25% above the floor that's minimum wage now do i have to increase 25% above this new mum wage when i say it hurts workers. it's not just the workers laid off. when the prices in their local community goes up, well then -- >> laura: everything else. you don't have expendable income. any extra income to get by. >> if this was about helping the workers. number one, cut payroll taxes which we know this is the highest in the country. >> laura: the worst. >> number two, right, don't make exemptions. they have got now exempted museums, airports, amusement
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parks, bakeries and furthermore, the living wage in bakersfield, california is $16 an hour. living wage in san francisco is $35 an hour. why aren't they mandating 35 an hour in san francisco? >> laura: andrew, i fear for what is going to happen here. thank you for being a relentless voice for sanity throughout all of this. thank you so much. great to see new person. >> you too. >> laura: a pop star slams barbie movie and shake shack receipt squatting scandal. jimmy failla on that and a lot more after this. ♪
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>> president biden: now time for wtf, jimmy, it has been so long soon i'm trying not to get emotional soon i know. new york city couple is being sued by squatters. i know you have done some squatting. they refused to leave, i guess
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almost a million dollar house and they say they can prove that they live there, watch... >> there is an who were eats receipt that was delivered to the house on genuine 15th, as if you cannot order food to any house. if i flew across the street, that's my house to? yeah, so many initials right now waiting for home, in a city in a housing crisis. and the laws are detaining these criminals. >> of the notches that smart, are they? >> this is why this whole thing falls apart, it's a 25-dollar receipt from shake shack delivered to your house which is a physical impossibility, it's like one flaw positive -- one fried process delivery fee. if any place you got food delivered, makes a resident? i hallux 75 houses this week alone. here's a problem with liberal states, i will give you a real
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synopsis because you know i can. when we were kids, we all played two games, cops and robbers and cowboys and elizabeth warren. when you splay cops and robbers, everybody knew the robbers were the bad guys? the reason that these liberals don't realize the robbers is a bad guys is because a lot of them did not have friends as kids. they had friends as kids, you could have played these games and know the right and wrong of society. they do not have friends, they are unlikable people, how can you side with a squatter? they broke into a house, get them out. >> laura: the cost -- the fact that it caused them hundreds and lawyers and this happens frequently were people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get these people out and sometimes it takes up to a year. and jamie we just talked about restaurant costs with the restaurant owner because of the 20-dollar minimum wage here in california but it looks like there are other fees still
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showing up on receipts, watch this... >> went to a restaurant last night and all the bill, they charged me a covid-19 fee. and as the guy, was the covid-19 fee? he said well, yeah,, have to wipe down the menus. right down to the menus, you're charging three dollars to waive down your own menus? -- wipe down. >> laura: that's one of your buddies, i know. >> great dude. first all it's amazing the restaurants are basically telling you they were not wiping down the menus before, number 1. number 2, he also alluded to this being a coffee house during the video. that would make sense because most of the men who hang our coffeehouses drive they mask on in the car, okay? most woman that he noted and coffeehouses drive there with a mask on their cap. if it was a coffee has not shocked about sebastian is right is a scam. >> laura: we flew here today
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and people had other children still in masks? jamie. five hour flight. very quickly, anybody has heard about shakira, the barbie movie, she did her sons and really kind of trash the movie, they felt it was emasculating, et cetera, et cetera, because she's raising two boys. thank god somebody's actor talking about this, thank goodness we have celebrity socks you have some common since. i did not see the movie, i won't see it soon congratulations to shakira on never being bumped in hollywood again but she is missing the whole point of barbie what is to find out if your son's straight! that's why you take them, if you doesn't like it, you're in trouble. so they will come to 'jesse watters primetime'. tonight. >> mr. trump: i'm here to declare that joe biden's bloodbath ends, i take


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