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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 2, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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and people had other children still in masks? jamie. five hour flight. very quickly, anybody has heard about shakira, the barbie movie, she did her sons and really kind of trash the movie, they felt it was emasculating, et cetera, et cetera, because she's raising two boys. thank god somebody's actor talking about this, thank goodness we have celebrity socks you have some common since. i did not see the movie, i won't see it soon congratulations to shakira on never being bumped in hollywood again but she is missing the whole point of barbie what is to find out if your son's straight! that's why you take them, if you doesn't like it, you're in trouble. so they will come to 'jesse watters primetime'. tonight. >> mr. trump: i'm here to declare that joe biden's bloodbath ends, i take the oath
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of office with a trumpet hijacks the left's bloodbath hoax. >> rather than the probability, they maybe the problem, is he? >> and they know what they want to say but they don't have the balls to say it to do they really hate ddi thursday. >> this is for when you're being harassed, he had somebody else and it gave them instructions on how they can help you. >> jesse: san francisco has anyway to fight crime, playing cards. plus, she's back! [ ♪♪ ] [ howls ] >> jesse: fake news, you heard it, you love it, who claimed it? it wasn't donald trump, it was hillary. >> it is not clear that so-called fake news can have real-world consequences.
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it's not about politics or partisanship. lives are at risk. >> jesse: hillary was in a saleswoman, you don't trump turned those two words into a campaign slogan. >> go ahead. no, not you. not you. your organization is terrible. the organization is terrible. >> let me ask the question. >> mr. trump: quiet. don't be rude. >> can you -- they are attacking as, and you give us a question? >> mr. trump: i will not give you a question. you are fake news. >> jesse: whenever trump said fake news, the media wailed which means it worked there was all talk no action democrats know the power of words. last month donald trump said there would be a bloodbath different bloodbath in the auto industry from china dumping cheap cars for mexico behind joe biden's back? suddenly the bloodbath hoax was born. and just lost time, don't trump flipped it.
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today the former president in michigan, at an event he called light in -- biden's at border bloodbath. >> mr. trump: i stand before you to declare that joe biden's border bloodbath, that's what it is, it is a bloodbath, they had to use that term incorrectly two weeks ago. it's all about misinformation. it is a border bloodbath and it's destroying our country. it's a very bad thing happening, it's going to end on the day that i take office which will be january 20th. >> jesse: donald trump is turning disinformation into information. here's the proof. >> mr. trump: 25 build michigan woman named ruby garcia will become a variable this macquarie well known name, beetle young woman, was savagely murdered by an illegal alien criminal under the trump administration this monster was deported from out of the country, was not going to be able to come back but quicker to joe biden to come back and let him back and let him stay in, i
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say killed ruby tuesday 25-year-old ruby garcia was found riddled with bullet holes on the side of the freeway. an illegal alien told her, let invite joe biden, it is like lake in raleigh, the house was caught flat-footed. >> this is an occasion of somebody in this country illegally, murdering a woman in michigan, her name was a ruby garcia mangone trump is out of there calling this widens border bloodbath. what you call it? >> first of all, not aware of this specific case. that is terrible news. thoughts and prayers obviously to the family of his garcia. no family ever wants to hear that every. >> jesse: joe biden's bloodbath at the border is seeking into the swing state suburbs and his team is clueless. trumpet deported the illegal but biden led him back into kill ruby? trumps platform?
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cleanup biden's bloodbath. >> mr. trump: day when i was sealed aboard and begin the largest domestic deportation operation in the history of our country. and of other countries say they won't take them back, we will not take them back, i will say that, yeah,, here they come. hold on, here they come. >> jesse: while donald trump tries to stop the biden bloodbath the media says that trump will grade an imaginary one. >> is a difference between religious -- religion and occult, is a dies for you as jesus did. and occult you are asked to die for your saviour. what donald trump is doing is equal parts of the power of positive thinking which is the church to the extent it's at the church that he grew up in, but it's also kind of david caress. it's kind of jim jones because of those two men started by saying we have to come to jesus, he started by -- started as a christian evangelize is but eventually they said no, i get to have your wife, no actually i get to tell you to kill these
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federal agents that are outside. i'm asking you to pick up a machine gun and shoot them because i don't go to jail. >> jesse: these people have a blood fetish. they had to fantasize about the future trouble bloodbath's because they cannot face the biden bloodbath today. you disassociate -- disassociating themselves from reality to avoid accountability and brainwash their voters. they have odd on the kool-aid so badly they believe their own hoaxes. donald trump today transitioning and biden's democracy hoax, watch. >> mr. trump: are somebody say, a scholar say, two or three days ago said, if we do not when , this maybe the last election our country ever has and that could be true. that is where we are going because joe biden is a threat to democracy. he is the threat to democracy. >> jesse: both men running against joe biden say he is a threat to democracy. >> of the argument present biden
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is much worse for democracy. the reason for that is present biden is the first candidate in the history, the first president in history that has used the federal agents -- agencies to answer his political speeches. joe biden is the first president in history used to the secret service, denies secret service protection to one of his political opponents for political reasons. he is a weapon rising up federal agencies be three cnn anchors are so useless and overpaid, produces a half to fact check the gas after they have left. watch. >> he asserted that president biden has denied him secret service protection in the selection. first of all there is no evidence that president biden has been at all personally involved in decisions about who should and should not get secret service protection. he also claimed that jill bennett had been personally censoring him and we know there's a controversy around
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what has medications with social media companies that about what posts and accounts should be up. there is no evidence that biden has been involved. >> jesse: cnn said that biden is on personally involved in the biden demonstration. [ laughter ] cnn does not fact check democratic guess, only republicans and independence and only after they left and cannot respond. what a chicken way of doing the news. don't debate or have a conversation live, you sob the guest with fake backtracks on the way out and holding roses up in the air. since they cannot air to the truth they control the solie line and they lost control of it. from bloodbath to democracy. last night hilary try to framing the election like this. both guys are old but you cannot vote for the one we indicted. >> what you see the -- to voters at our psac those are the tour for joyce's gimmick. >> to get over yourself those are the two choices.
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one is old as effective and compassionate, has a heart and really cares about people and one is old and has been charged with a 91 felonies. i don't even understand why it's a heart choice, i don't understand but we have to go through the election and hopepefully people will realize what is at stake because it's an existential question, what kind of country we will have, what kind of democracy we will have and people will blow that often are paying attention because it's not like donald trump is -- his enablers it, his allies are not telling us what they want to do. they are pretty clear about what kind of country they want. >> jesse: pay attention to what hilary did not say. she did not say this election is about are you better off direction did not say anything about their records or their policies. she said the old guy cares and there's no evidence he cares, that's another hoax. show me you care and stop the bloodbath. let's bring in our governor sarah sanders. i mean it is depths, the former
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president now flipping the bloodbath and making it about the border policies. we're saying these these hoaxes fall one by one by one. how would you assess the joe biden camping? >> well i think that they are in desperation. i will say i finally found something that i agree with it cnn on. i don't know if joe biden is personally involved in his administration. i'm not even sure he knows he's president most of the time. but what i do know is that his team and his administration arts going to up literally everything they touch. we have a stronger economy under president trump, we have -- we had a secure border, national security that meant something. things that matter most to americans were being upheld. every single thing they do is at the destruction of our great country. it is yvr sink donald trump's numbers continued to surge and
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they are looking for anything they can to distract from these two people's records. this is a very clear contrast. you have one person who was a president that had a tremendous and successful record, and one that has a record of complete disaster. president trump is winning because a contrast is clear and they will look for any and everything they can to distract from that. >> do you have to hear what trump said about joe biden threatening medicare and social security by opening up the border, listen to this. >> mr. trump: we are becoming if you think about it, a third world country. we are not can let that happen. we won't let it happen. to every wisconsin voter, if you want to help joe biden wheel grammy off the cliff, if you want to help joe biden wheel the grammy off the lift and give government benefits for illegals, vote for crooked joe
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biden. >> jesse: he's taking the obama line, we'll the granting off the cliff and we'll her right to jail. >> it's exactly right, of we continue to fund and allow illegal immigrants to flood into our country and bankrupt our system, it will be really hard for us to fund programs that are necessary for seniors and for the vulnerable population that already exist in our country. you cannot have a sovereign country if you do not have a secure border. every single person in this country knows that. but joe biden is willing to throw our country away so you can get more votes by getting people to pour across our border. we have an absolute humanitarian and national security crisis taking place at the border. just yesterday i was with some of the bravest most amazing members of the arkansas national guard were headed to help aid texas because the federal government is refusing to do their job and secure our border. i'm thankful we have men and
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women who are willing to go and serve our people continue to do the job if we have to as states until president trump takes office again and starts to focus on doing his job and actually securing our borders. >> jesse: speaking for sending those men and women down there, every little bit counts. sarah sanders, you have -- you know how much of a rumour monger i am. i'm hearing some things about you and a possible ticket. would that be something you would be interested in? >> you know i will do everything and everything i can to help president trump get reelected, i just became governor of arkansas, i love my job and i look forward to having it for the next seven years. >> jesse: that governor's mansion must be really nice down there in arkansas. [ laughter ] >> you have to come and visit us down in arkansas, we would love to host you. >> jesse: i would love to be down in arkansas. thank you so much, we will have to take you upon that.
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>> siu thank or having to be. >> jesse: primetime takes you inside of the did he raved grade. -- diddy raid shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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speeding fox news lord, new video inside of the diddy raid opposed by her! for drug the fads inside of the walls of the mansion. >> jesse for the first time now we are starting to see videos that are shows that the exact moment of the feds arrived to raid diddy's home last week in that video makes one thing crystal clear, the feds were not messing around. surveillance video posted on instagram by diddy sex, multiple camera angles, multiple fourth -- enforcement vehicles coming to check vehicles in the driveway then entered the home of. inside homeland security agents
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can be seen disabling one surveillance camera and even using a drone to scout out ahead and the hallways. eventually both of diddy's sound different sounds are detained by agents and taken outside the holmesmac diddy sects is outraged by the scope of the raid posting she felt it was overzealous and overtly militarized against diddy sounds much when on to question of such a response would have happened if they were the sounds of a nonblack celebrity. said it was unnecessary for rifles to be pointed at his sans. fox news sources at the federal level confirm visa raids at diddy's property here in la and miami were in connection to a federal sex trafficking probe. video obtained by tmz shows the aftermath of that raid inside of the la property pretty much debating the home essentially turned inside out as you can see. we did reach out to diddy's attorneys, his ex and dhs for comment.
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we have not heard back from anybody yet but diddy has not been arrested or charged with any crime and his lawyers have previously denied any wrongdoing. >> jesse: not messing around. that's what it looks like. thank you very much. donald trump has been gagged. again. the judge who has been presiding over trump's so-called hush money course sovereign even bigger gagged order on the former president last night. trump's band from talking about of the judges family. why? because the judges family was paid by the biden campaign. the judges family is currently being paid by adam schiff over $10 million. adam schiff, this is the guy that conspired with michael cohen, the star witness in this case. trump is not a lot to say the judges daughter is a democratic consultant whose clients, the biden campaign adam schiff, or
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fundraising go off trump's indictment. the judges family getting rich off of trump trials. and he is presiding over one. and of trump was convicted,'s family financially benefits. and it's out of accusing because of the glaring conflict of interest, they got -- the judges gagging trump for pointing out the conflict of interest. it even michael alba naughty says it is nuts, lawyer treating this, is saying we cannot be hypocrites when it comes to the first amendment. it is outrageous that go one and daniel's can do countless tv interviews, post on social and make money on a bogus documentary is all by talking about trump. what he is gagged and threatened with jail if he response? the judge is threatening to put trump in jail for pointing out that his liberal families getting rich off this trial. and richer if he is convicted. now the media who does not
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support the first amendment are care about corruption covers it this way... >> of the judge overseeing trump's hush money trial just expanded agog order for bidding the defendant a former president from attacking his own family soon he does not just take his right to due process, you smears the judge, he harasses the judges daughter. >> in the president trump, the former chief executive is using the bullying that comes with being a former president to put people in grave danger. quite apart from his attacks on the judges daughter which are totally uncalled for. >> jesse: the judges daughter is not seven years old. she's 34. he's not a talking her, he's just saying what she does for a living. how is that an attack? he just wants a new judge. one that his family is not funded for by -- by democrats. that ryan is the founder -- is that too much to ask?
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>> it's really not. it's really appalling, if he is a good turning point in all of this law for against trump with this case, the left is dropping any pretense, does not seem to care at all about having any pretense of legitimacy with the greater public. of the gloves are off, it's bear knuckles now, a left is judge was a case it was not taken up by previous, the southern district in new york, the produce is it, a case that should have never been brought, trump simply points out his daughter, the conflict of interest with his daughter who by the way, $93 million in it solicitations raised on this specific case and all trump did was point out of these facts in the start of recusing himself the judge goes you need to shut up and a corporate propagandist with her obedience arising to the occasion is saying trump was attacking the daughter. no, uses putting artifacts? jesse this is a gross bed, the
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attack on trump's constitutional rights to defend himself, the abuse of the law, the legal system on trump is -- i have to tell you guys the democrats, the left have made a massive bed on all of this law for that some of it will take trump out. are making a bet that this offer is going to blow up in their face. when things like this really breaking on the norm he said watching this, there gordon realizes the gross abuse of power that the left is actually doing to try to bring down trump >> jesse: anything anywhere anytime is acceptable because orange man bad. the norm is woke up over easter week and when the white house called his transgender visibility day. here is the former president is about an hour ago on the campaign trail, listen to this. >> mr. trump: what the hell was biden thinking when he declared easter sunday to be trans visibility day? such total disrespect to christians. november 5th is going to be
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called something else, you know what it'll be called? christian visibility day. >> jesse: christian visibility day! will give you a couple seconds on that. >> while i would say also patriotism the front pages of his ability day, for those who love the constitution and love the idea of sovereignty and citizenship actually rise up and say we are going to protect this country, we will vote trump and for another five years to return us to normal super back to normal. that is all we want? a normal judge, normal election. it's not that hard. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> jesse: the wolf returns to primetime. [ ♪♪ ] [ howls ]
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make more of what's.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: as cities get more dangerous, the liberals who run them cook up crazier ways for
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people to protect themselves? instead of positing crime, new york told commuters to distract dangerous people who raze her fists by spilling soda. if that doesn't work is supposed to say, hey,, did we not go to high school together? because the one thing homeless can't resist is bragging to their own classmates about how well they are doing. san francisco has a better idea. writing the subway, so they want writers to carry a flimsy piece of paper. it is called an intervention card. how does it work? if you spot somebody who's about to guess actually assaulted, he passed them a card that says "i have you". or if you're about to get punched in the face, he handed zebedee a card that says "you got me? ". >> hello, we are two college students were abuzz writers and it is important to us that we go for the bystander intervention
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cards. >> hello excuse me, would you be able to have some bystander intervention cards please? 's to ensure, hang on. thank you so much, i really appreciated these cards because it gave me a concrete way to deal with an unsafe situation. not a very equipped to deal with them on my own so these cards give me essays -- sense of community. >> jesse: emily wilson, host of emily saves america joins me know. can you save san francisco please? >> you know the funniest part about this is it action sounds like it is written by the criminals. while it's written by the democrats was not that far off. >> jesse: they are asking everybody to open their purse to take out a card. while people are hovering over them about his deliverers. >> yeah, i mean, the action could make this useful, and start of paper we can make it out of metal like a medieval shield, since we kinda going back to the dark ages anyway.
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>> jesse: or you can have everybody carry a gun and you don't need a card? >> yeah, i mean what's funny about these young girls, i tell them, look, at this point of view are voting anything about right you're basically aching to become a statistic. >> jesse: if you can do as a favour and go to the subway in san francisco with a film crew and pass out cards and this works emily? >> yeah, i'm sure it will work, i will bother calling the cops because gonna someone to them as they say. even though that is our job is. >> jesse: we can is someone some justice for once. that would be helpful. don't be a statistic, be like emily, i don't ride the subway. or if you do, bring a glock. thank you. >> or a shield. >> jesse: democrats adi is is a new letter and word. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: four years ago corporate america fluttered in the zone with the ddi programs but after george floyd. now ceos are dropping them like a bad habit. acts he is says mentions of dei
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during corporate earnings calls are down 75 percent. businesses realize just how toxic it is. now the term so radioactive democrats are we defining it. dei is not a racial slur. >> i am a young black man, bank black man in this country. you know there's a lot of racist folks that do not do their jobs. i know that, i have been black my whole life, and how racism word -- goes in this country but my focus will always be on those people. i do want to be out of the answering questions about d.e.i., onward by the loss of life. we know how ridiculous that is, those were -- folks are afraid to use the n-word. >> jesse: let's be clear. that every block hire is a d.e.i. higher. far from it. but what they want to do is turn d.e.i. into the n-word to scare you away from discussing it. they made of the word but you cannot use it. and if you cannot say d.e.i., cannot criticize it to get rid
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of it. and that is the goal. cris is a senior fella of them and had an instrument he joins me now. so they created d.e.i. and now we cannot see it. [ laughter ] it is quite convenient. the same people who spend billions of dollars building up d.e.i. bureaucracies and government, universities, even private corporations are now saying it is a forbidden word that you cannot talk about, the same people who say we are now hiring people on the basis of d.e.i. get very angry if you point out that they are hiring people on the basis of d.e.i. we see a pattern that repeats itself over and over. the left has a bad idea, it fails, the right out of the failure in the left something changes the language. you have to keep focusing on pointing out exactly what d.e.i. is, exactly why does not work, and not let this scaremongering
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and fearmongering stop us. >> jesse: where do you see the d.e.i. movement ago, and he heard everybody, not even just even mentioning it anymore, it is a problem, is not profitable, it hurts corporate culture. warty see the next two or three years? >> i think it will be a drag out fight over d.e.i. and likely we have governors like desantis in florida and a half dozen other states that have abolished d.e.i. and all of those state universities. they are setting the tablet for getting rid of those. i think it will take beyond that is coordinated lawsuits to show that d.e.i. programs are actually the violation of american civil rights law. he systematically discriminate against white and asian men in particular, and it will take mobilizing public opinion so that we are talking about the facts, we're talking with the truth and we're talking about getting back to a system of colourblind equality in which everybody is treated equally as an individual, not as an avatar
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of their race or sexuality is against the very principles that we should be fighting for in this country. >> jesse: you can already predict what will happen. the minute you get in there, and start uprooting d.e.i. programs, you will be savagely attacked as attacking civil rights or taking away legal protections for minorities. >> yes, but it is all bark and no bite. my role as a trustee at new college of florida, one of those the first things we did is abolish the d.e.i. deterrent -- department back there were protesters and angry people there were e-mails, even some threats when we first arrived on campus, now fast forward six months it is totally quiet. it is all bark no bite. were public and politicians using to get the get the job done. >> jesse: that is good to hear. i think a lot of people need to have that message. thank you so much going on the front lines of the d.e.i. battle. >> thank you. >> jesse: besides the bay of
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pigs invasion and the cuban missile crisis, jfk did something else. they put her in and complete audit with the national security state. president kennedy proposed an end to the cold war. not a victory, but an end to the cold war soon not a patch americana, enforced on the world by and making weapons of war? not the peace of grave or the security of the slave. i'm talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and i hope and build a better life for their children. not nearly four americans for peace, -- not only peace for megan's but for all men and women, not just peace in our time but peace and all time. >> jesse: proposing a peaceful resolution to the cold war made kennedy an enemy to the cia and
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the pentagon. the containment policy and arms race was incredibly profitable for the military-industrial complex. and kennedy speech in american university in 1963 proposed an end to those profits. the entire nation had been mobilized in a constant state of readiness for a war, and the cia was the tip of this peer. and when it was graded in 1947, a cherry estate marshall warned truman that the cia's power was almost unlimited. the government sanctioned the cia to conduct covert operations such as propaganda, economic warfare, sabotage, demolition, subversion and legal assistance to guerrilla movements. the cia was a licensed paramilitary operation. they had a license to assassinate. the architect to the containment strategy called the cia's clandestine authority "the greatest mistake i have ever
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made". the cia charter allowed them to lie to deny responsibly and violate international law without consulting anybody in order to maintain possible deniability. which means say it -- which made cia operatives extremely creative, with that president eisenhower even knowing, the cia contracted the mafia to assassinate castro. and when jfk announced his goal of ending the cold war, this is against everything the cia stood for. and put them on and deadweight collision course. she is back! [ howls ]
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>> jesse: hitting the casinos is a good time, blackjack, related, free drinks? in the end of the house always wins. soon this is the end result of all the bright lights, the trips of all the champaign and free hotel suites and all the booze and all the broads. it's all been arranged just for us to get your money. that is the truth about las vegas. we are the only winners. the players do not stand a chance. >> jesse: the casinos always win because they have a statistical edge. you made when a couple of hands but the more you play, the higher chance he have of losing. even if you walk away with some cash, some other sucker has lost his shirt. delicate me! free rooms, drinks, shows, it just to get people to gamble in the desert. it's all about a volume. that is they're edge? democrats had a similar edge but they're starting to lose it.
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appears back democrats stopped focusing on persuasion, inserted going for the numbers. that is why the blast out a balanced as many people as possible, it gives him the edge. young voters, black voters, hispanic voters, democrats have relied on these votes for decades trump that anymore. >> that is horrifying, the numbers among younger voters, particularly black, younger blacks, younger latinos, younger people of colour. we are not [ inaudible ] >> jesse: delegates can't win if college kids and black as go trump, so the democrats, atop a group is a warning to the party, stop registering new voters. he voted in a secret memo that the post got a hold of.
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he says "of we were to blindly register nonvoters and get them on the roles, we would be distinctly aiding trump's quest for personal dictatorship. this will not work in 2024 ". now republican status, the called the voters pressured. delegates now want fewer people to vote because they cannot run on the issues. all you want to talk about is january 6th. in get it together, people from all walks of life open up to me and he shared their deepest secrets? some people are anti- work, someone to decriminalize drugs and others it and if i as wolves. you remember nya, she's a friend of primetime. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ howls ] >> jesse: not only is nya of polyamorous british columbian walls, but she is also an elite hacker which takes down sex traffickers. this loan wolves only pray are pedophiles. nyara -- nya joins me now, how are you? >> good, how are you? it's good to be on again. >> jesse: good to have you back. have you read get it together? you have a prominent chapter. [ laughter ] >> so actually before coming on, i did take some time to read my chapter because i'm in it, as well as all be completely honest with you, i have not finished it but i did read to some of the other stories that i found interesting to. >> jesse: willie -- were you pleased with how you were profiled in "get it together" as a transgender person who identifies as a wolf? >> yes, i thought the way i was
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profiled was pretty respectful and accurate? i did kind of enjoy the way certain things represented. i thought it was funny, you felt flirted with by me, that genuinely made me laugh when i started reading that? i was like oh! [ laughter ] that's interesting they are you saying... got the wrong idea? >> unfortunately so. suite three oh, god. i'm so humiliated. i'm gonna try to move on from god. explained again to the audience, at naia who is unfamiliar with the identity, how exactly do you feel you are ovals? >> i think that's what a lot of people actually get wrong, it's a very minor part of who i am on a day-to-day sort of basis. i definitely connect with the idea of wolf, wolf is definitely
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a symbol for myself. i find a lot of things in common but i don't think i'm an actual wolf. and you know, that's one of the things i enjoyed when i was reading the book, i think it was portrayed pretty well. most people will have me on and they'll be like look at this person, you know? they think they are walls, they think that, you know, in the wrong body. look at the saloon and if you look that's not what i'm about. that's never what i've been about. >> jesse: you are saying emigrate writer with a sophisticated understanding of the human condition? but you're not interested in me? i understand. [ laughter ] listen, it's not your fault you're not a girl, okay? >> jesse: that softens the blow. you do frolic with wolves. you go to wolf sanctuaries, you nuzzled them, you cuddle?
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macsween how that looks. >> i will go to different wolf sanctuaries occasionally, if it looks like everybody also guess who does a tour. >> jesse: if you want to know anything about naia, how she or he became who she or he is, a wolf spiritually. anything about her, fascinating read. "get it together. she endorses it so you know it's legit. naia thank you that much, how was a raven by the way our friend? >> we are no longer thing. i have a fox i'm talking to. >> jesse: a fox! [ laughter ] can i get a little howell just to caps off your? >> as always. [ howls ]
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>> jesse: naia, primetime loves you, thank you so much for joining us. >> no problem, thank you. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: it's been raining here on the east coast for about an hour, three straight days and we're supposed to get rain for the next 48 hours. i'm not myself if that's -- if not, that's why, it expanded. let's do texts. bill from clifton virginia giving all the craziness of the news, you really have to add to it with howling guests? [ howls ]. from missouri, i laughed when hillary said get over yourself, ab hillary should get over herself. maybe hillary should get it together? thomas from hawaii, the gagged trumpet they can, the rest of us. great point. and as you heard election day
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will be christian visibility day. rebecca from pennsylvania, trump gets gagged for pointing out a conflict but they can say bearing -- burn trump is fair game? sick. jeff from ohio, you need to get on the subway and pass on crisis say "added together". karen from new york. hey, jesse, where did you get that pink sport coat you were out for jesse during his birthday? clay travis' closet. i was going full clay on easter. or it, visibly day, excuse me. dvr the show. "get it together" and always a member, [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: welcome to "hannity" and primary night in many states as the road to the 2020 fo


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