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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 2, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> greg: that is time, we love the america speed a good evening andres gallagher it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, a in los angeles and this is america's late news. 'fox news @ night'. >> they said today they declared the joe biden bought a blood bath, they try to use that term
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incorrectly on wheat what will weeks ago. it's all about misinformation. >> trace: breaking tonight a former president trump has a new phrase for the southern border crisis "biden's board of bloodbath"? trump is not only using the phrase he's using the lithium of horrifying crimes to illustrate the phrase and it showed that every state is now a border state. the senior national correspond or is live now with more information on this, that evening soon good evening, this again is a very far from the south and border. republicans in the state have frankly sharpened the rhetoric condemning illegal immigration, especially after 25 rolled mexican national was accused of killing his girlfriend in that state be mugged the now has previous you been deported under former president trump. which is why his swank to what is known as -- in politics as the blue wall is making an awful lot of waves tonight, in michigan, wisconsin or he's leading in the polls and taking aim at president biden's "board
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of bloodbath". >> mr. trump: this is a board of bloodbath, and sunday and take the oath of office -- ends the day. [ cheering and applause ] with your vote i will seal the border, i will stop the invasion, i will and the carnage, the bloodshed and killing and we will crush the human traffickers. >> former president's as a current occupant of six and hundred pennsylvania avenue continues to get failing grades overall from the american people including his handling of the economy, inflation and yes, immigration. that is as new research shows there are tens of thousands of illegal aliens in michigan alone , around 91,000 according to the nonpartisan research -- research firm migration policy institute. it's not only in michigan were trump continues to use the border to distance himself from
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the president and the bullsmac in fact the former president leads mr. biden into several swing states, despite the disadvantages and his ongoing legal battles, so far so good if you're the former president. >> trace: let's bring in the editor of restoring america for the washington examiner and the former chairman of the high-dose oversight committee and fox contributor, welcome to you both. the former president clearly calling those biden's board of bloodbath but he is using points like this to drive the point home. watch this. >> mr. trump: a 25-year-old michigan woman named ruby garcia has become very well known name, beautiful young woman was savagely murdered by illegal alien criminal under the trumpet ministration this monster had been deported, thrown out of the country, he was on can be able
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to come back. we threw him out of the country and quicken joe biden biden took him back and let him stay. >> trace: what he thinks, compelling narrative? they sing listen, he was deported under my watch and he got back in under the other guys , kaylee? >> as you know him from the detroit area and i'm becoming increasingly convinced my home state of michigan was swing for trauma this november. in large part because of democratic attacks to rebut trump's platform on this issue is so unpersuasive, and they're especially and wrist ways of to the vast majority of middle america that is represented by states such as michigan state, such as ohio. that is because he look at cases like ruby garcia and they recognize no matter how often
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democrats try to argue that the bloodbath does not exist, that the statistics of illegal immigrant climb is not as large as trump is portraying, you recognize it a case like ruby garcias should never have existed in the first place. those statistics should be 0 percent because every single crime committed by an illegal immigrant is entirely preventable and is being enabled by the biden administration. >> trace: it is a fair point, really is. do you jason, john kirby said this today. >> don trump is calling those biden's border bloodbath. what you call it? >> do the work that has to be done to figure out exact what happened to ruby and to hold the perpetrators accountable for that. why do lead the judicial process play out before we make
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grandiose bumper sticker comments about what this says about the border? >> trace: not a bumper sticker jason, a political -- compelling political topic me running a campaign. >> it is compelling. look, three plus years, the biden administration from that very moment told is the border was safe and secured. it was not. cvs news reported in 2022 that 853 migrants died crossing the border. i want to hear from the democrats what they hear -- weather think the definition of a bloodbath is. there isn't a vigil cases, this literally by the hundreds every year people that are dying and donald trump has a good point because the biden at ministration made a conscious effort to open the border. by the way when they say let's let that you're -- judicial process play out, the thing that is most offensive is so many people are caught, captured got convicted and then not deported. that is what is driving people crazy is you don't get deported. >> trace: robert f. kennedy junior was asked about threats to democracy and said this. >> i can make the argument that
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president biden is much worse threats to democracy and the reason for that is present biden's is the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech. >> trace: he is saying that joe biden has done something no other president has done. >> even going beyond biden's attempt to be big brother, he look at that democratic party's treating its own opposition now, the democratic party has worked overtime to try to prevent any opposition to biden from even being on the ballot from preventing democracy from taking place this november. whether it is donald trump to their slaughter campaigns or the dnc's recent lawsuit trying to prevent robert f. kennedy from being on the ballot in several of these states. and it just goes to show people that claim to care about democracy the most are often willing to embrace the most authoritarian a means to keep their powers. >> trace: fox news poll shows favourable and unfavourable comparing rfk and joe biden you have right here, or of gays 47 percent, joe biden 39, does that surprise you jason? >> no, he speaks well on the topics i think a lot of democrats and republicans care
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about. he makes a good point. the fact is the obama biden administration started this, they started spying on journalists and when biden took over they continued on and they were leveraging through. you can see this through the twitter files, leveraging their social media companies and end this collusion with the department of justice and others and he has a great point. >> trace: i talked to so many people who have no idea what the twitter files are but it is a very illustrative point about what was going on during covid-19. thank you both. me to have the former president trump attacks occurring at ministration over the border crisis,, fox news has a first look at a new wire while being installed in texas near the location of last month's invasion were illegal immigrants overpowered border agents along the rio grande. live with the exclusive video tonight, bill, at evening. >> good evening, the state of texas has to keep fortifying his own border in the absence of the federal government. now fox news has an exquisite look at brand-new barricades just went up in the el paso area. these are new texas fortifications of razor wire and
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fencing that will -- that was just constructed in el paso, on the city's eastside. this as texas is obligating what has been a successful strategy over eagle pass were regions of ways -- razor wire and barricades reduced illegal crossings to what is a drop in the bucket. these new texas barricades are going near gate 36 and i possibly might that is the site of the infamous border right trace just mentioned last month where large group of illegal aliens used violence to overrun it guard soldiers with hundreds of them later being arrested. in response texas governor greg abbott posting on x. and part "charges for 22 minus it broke through razor wire and knock down texas national guard has confirmed is getting custody of all those charged with rushing the border and will start deportation proceedings against all of them. 's in the back ". in the meantime new data exposed by the centre for immigration study reveals the biden administration has used a controversial parole program to allow a nearly 350,000 migrants
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to fly over the border directly into florida and texas just as -- this last one to be among the biden program allows up to 30,000 cubits, haitians, nicaraguans and been is willing to come into the u.s. every month and receive a two year communitarian parole status even if they were otherwise have no legal basis to be in the united states. florida governor ron desantis tells fox that any information from the feds about the migrants flying into the states via this program has been trying to draw water from a rock and they are currently suing the biden administration over their use, the controversial use of the pearl program. >> trace: red state texas red state florida, common denominator. thank you. [ ♪♪ ] the fox news at night common sense department is aware the los angeles times is a far left struggling newspaper but that does not mean -- excuse the times for publishing and embarrassing and graces take on
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lake in raleigh, the young woman were to allegedly by an illegal immigrant. the operator written by total college professor starts off saying "our hearts resonated with the sorrow of her family, than the piece goes south, saying that riley's death is not about illegal immigrant crime, it is about a crime woman. we all agree that it riley was the victim of the fact that joée barro was into the country illegally and twice a voter deportation because of sanctuary policies, that part is not in the. in fact the op-ed to state that fears of widespread immigrant crime are not justified? laken riley's family, you know, the people whose sorrow resonates with you, was strongly disagree. the op-ed even has the audacity to scold us for "misusing to this crime to demonize immigrants". common sense wonders what is the proper use of laken riley's death? the writers accuse us of using the crimes to gain votes, than they spiral into an off-topic
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rant on guns and abortion. common sense knows crime against woman is a problem. but the crime against this woman is an illegal immigration crime. period. let's bring it in arizona sheriff mark lamb, great to have you on. what you say to those on the left was say that the illegal immigration crisis is not causing any adverse impact on crime? >> i would say they are using politics to justify what they want to justify. there is increase in crime in this country. we aren't letting untold amounts of people come in here by the thousands, coming in from countries all over the world, 170 different countries, many of the military aid to say the crime is not increasing when we don't have a vetting process, really robust vetting process in place, is just naïve and are
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using politics to justify this. >> trace: yet and i wanted to go a little deeper with you. we have that -- found there is a story of these migrant squatters that ended up in a new york city apartment and they were loaded for bear, coating on fox news, "the weapons included a ghost gun and three extended magazines, a box of ammunition, a bag of ketamine and a bag of ketamine mixed with cocaine". police also found a 7-year-old child inside the apartments is not only are they carrying illegal drugs and guns, they're illegally taking over somebody's property. i mean it just seems like they are running amok and that is just no consequences here. >> no, there is no consequences. natalie do have this administration that is using taxpayer dollars to soften the blow for these people when it come -- when they come in, giving them places to stay, food, plane tickets, gift cards, all of these things combined. then on top of that, you have these guys it will go out and commit crimes because many of them over the cartels it for coming into this country or many
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have no place to go. what did they do? they break into summaries home, they squatted, maybe they sold drugs to justify. i can tell you come there are good people are coming as well. that is not what i'm saying? by the bad people are certainly here as well and we can see the crime on the rise exist squatters. what happened to laken riley and what what point do we start to protect the american people? >> harold: we want the good people to come but we would like them to come legally i think that is the point everybody's trying to emphasize here. we showed the pictures again and again to make these are some of the migrants are coming across the funds literally innovating, running over border patrol, running over the national guard and then have the georgian all pauses saying well, you can just walk away, you can leave, do whatever you want to. saying woke all pauses judge's order will provoke more border mobs we want to say that it represented as of law & order cannot follow procedures exactly when the book, criminals must get left off the hook on it
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technicality back how can el paso da be expected to the normal arrests with the crimes associated with the hundreds of thousands of illegal border jumpers and biden team released in all plaza? i mean it's like the social media thing when they find out this is happening in latin america, here they come. >> i'm sure they already know trays it's happening. i'm sure they knew before most americans know that the judge let those people go. that message will flow throughout the world and it was sunday message that says, hey,, you can come here, you can storm past our soldiers or border patrol agents and the judges will let you off anyway. it is part of the reason i cannot tolerate it anymore. i'm taking this fight to the national level that's why i'm running for senate here in arizona because a lot of these bottles will have to be fought in dc because that is where it is broken. >> trace: it is broken there, it is broken in a lot of places. best of luck to you, thank you
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for coming on u squatting is now a major problem across the country but the biden administration is laying it all on local governments to take action. and is it legal challenges continue to build it appears the squatters are often getting the upper hand. let's bring in flasher sheldon got better known as a squatter hunter who is fighting for the rights of homeowners. flash look about, and ages came back from trying to evict some squatters what is a process and goal? tell us. >> it went well. my goal is to get squatters out, nonviolent. if i can go in the stalls and get the squatters out, like tonight i was able to do that. i was able to switch places with them, take possession, at the locks changed and then stick around to make sure the locksmith was safe and then i reach out to them and tell them what life will be like if they don't make a peaceful and leave.
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i was let them know what their rights are and they have every right to fight in the civil court to get back in but they have to do it within -- living somewhere else. >> trace: meet him in seattle the headline reads as follows "zero squatter refusing to leave the $2 million seattle home escapes of action for the third time after nonprofit coughs up another 50 k. and taxpayer cash to cover his rent". are the squawar, flash? a lot of homeowners we talked to across a country are being terrorized because they simply will not leave. >> yeah, i mean they have been winning for a long time. of open to offset that. i have build as water hunter army now across the united states. by they are, the rights and the laws, [ inaudible ] protect the homeowner. the bottom line, that is all they do is try to extend the cases and then eventually they
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are asking homeowners for money, i believe it is extortion. maybe we need to also kind of stop with the attorneys allowing them to do that. >> trace: this headland comes from hawaii, squatters occupy 500,000-dollar home mistakenly built on a wrong lot and a new developer is suing the lands true owner and the lawyers said this about the case, it was a dangerous president if you can go on to some doses landed build anything he wants and then sue that individual for the value of the property. it's kinda crazy. what are your thoughts on that? >> yeah, i mean that is definitely a rabbit hole we don't want to go down. if you have all the land and profit or is because there's no way for homeowner to know and by the time they find out they were on the east point to whatever, it's too late. a. >> trace: yeah, it really is.
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i want to know quickly, why did you get into this? what was the motivating factor for you to do this? >> you know, being a victim like everybody else. my father passed away, we were trying to sell their home, moved my mom and with me. i started just everybody else got a call the sheriff after her 70 broken to the back door and then i heard the words everybody fears, the words of, i'm sorry, you have a squatter, is nothing you can do. i hato break down the laws and i had to figure out you know, if they could take a house, i can take a house. and i started to use the same
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rights and laws against them. >> trace: flash it is great to have you on the show, a best of luck to you. we appreciate coming on. we would like you to come back on and visit us and tells a story's you have encountered. meantime, coming up,allas is city chiefs super bowl star machine rice was part of this high-tech and high-speed accident involving two luxury vehicles. and a popular children's network celebrating transgender day of visibility. and later in the nightcap, have you heard beyoncé's new country album? fans are crazy about it and it made us wonder, what artist would you like to take on a new style of music? you know, john root do over if
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you will. that is now on x. and instagram. meantime it is 8:19 pm on the west coast, fox news at night trip look around america, honolulu, at hawaii, where it
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: first up and tonight's "real news roundup", the cartoon network openly supporting transgender day of his ability, the channel that primarily targets kids is now pushing to transgender -ism and other forms of gender nonconformity on its younger viewers even promoting pronoun compliance is a form of respect. u.s. citizenship and immigration's essence adding a third gender option on their citizenship application saying that what were gender options, male and female have created significant barriers for those who did not identify as either an of the gender selected on the form does not need to match the gender marked on other documents
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>> if you witness a hate crime, report it. >> trace: scotland passing a controversial law targeting hate speech, it is not a crime to commit to get in a way that a reasonable person would consider to be threatening or abusive, maybe even insulting, conviction could lead to a fine and present sentence of up to 70 years. meantime the oklahoma superintendent -- superintendent made a new office focused on the issue of school choice, the new department will operate as a one-stop shop for raising related to school choice and parental empowerment. let's bring into the man himself, ryan walters, the superintendent and the co-author of stolen use, montgomery -- speaking both were coming on. you announce this creation of a one-stop shop in a school choice, and is going right into the department of education. about the teachers unions are just loving you superintendent.
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>> yeah,, i'm sure you're shocked the teachers unions hated when we have rejected this notion that here in oklahoma that we answer to the teachers unions or bureaucrats. we answer to parents. here in oklahoma we have more school choice options in another state and what we have it on is equated to this office inside of our department to make sure every parent can navigate these choices. i want parents to know you can attend a private school, you can homeschool, you can go to our grate charter schools or another public school district. but you the parent know best for kids, we want to make sure every single family has access to all of these school choice options, we will continue the choice and protect parent rights. >> trace: a lot of applauding going on around the country, bethany mandel, jason writes the following "privilege progressives daunting there white knight armour are in the next phase to end seattle's public schools gifted students program known locally as it's
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highly capable cohorts. they complained that hcc was to wait and to asian and to separating and it was driving kids apart ". why do you think? >> it is great to have this conversation out of the heels of talking was school choice because the kid in seattle need to school choice because this opportunity has been taken away from public school students. all of the families it can afford to pull their kids out of these schools and put them into private options so they get an education the challenges and expands their children's worldview in the minds as much as humanly possible, they will do that. they will pull their kids out, they will send them to private schools, and then the kids are left are going to be left really without any options. this is such an assault on children who do not have privilege. i remember when we used to be told, czechia privilege? that conversation has ended. and i think the folks in seattle need to start checking it really
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listen some kids work -- should be rewarded for their hard work. superintendent i should say, we covered the story with you, it was an awful story of neck spent a, she was a transgender student , there was a fight in the bathroom and of course a left media said the following, " this is why cal foote -- this is my california state" and nonbinary kid's day after being bullied and attacked in a school restroom, the anti- trans laws sweeping the country including aggressive gender policy and restrooms have a real-world deadly consequences and it turns out tragically that this child committed suicide. superintendent you are right on this all along, the narrative from the left was too strong and they fell in love with the. >> that is what we saw the teachers union, we saw these radical larger bcmac groups. we saw president byron and calmly harris live out of the situation to score political
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points. he went to the farthest extremes to lie about a child's death to target me, to target other conservatives, to target president trump and the liberals of tiktok and blame us for a student's terrible, terrible desk and it shows he they can care less about the kid, they can care less about trampling all over truth. they want their agenda, they want to push marxism, they want to push the most radical gender they are we have ever seen in the country's history and our kids. it is despicable and disgusting. and oklahoma will not bog down to woke mob, you will continue to push for common sense and reject radical gender theory and our schools and promote the basics and education, not indoctrination. >> trace: running low on time but cartoon network posting "addressing somebody using their pronouns and shows that you respect them as it we subbed the journey of our trends and gender nonconforming friends on those transgender day of visibility". what are your thoughts on the cartoon network doing this?
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>> yeah, when i wrote -- i wouldn't want what years ago, this was nothing new. cartoon network has been promoting this ideology for a long time as have other members of children's media. nickelodeon, disney, you name it. there is no were safe anymore and it's really disturbing has appeared because if you like we cannot turn on anything that was made after 20 -- thousand five at would say, and feel like we can get a message that is safer our children. >> trace: bethany mandel, ryan walters, thank you both. police and dollars are investigating kansas city chiefs super bowl champion was part of a high-speed accident involving two luxury vehicles over the weekend. the senior correspondent has that story. >> the search for answers is on after the sixth car wreck in dallas involving at least two luxury cars and allegedly a super bowl star. it happened saturday, are rented lamborghini and a corvette
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speeding up early racing, because the crash? dallas police as kansas city wide receiver rice was riding this when driving the corvette. the players lawyer royce west never confirmed that rice was involved but issued a statement. "on behalf of rice, his laws are with everybody impacted by the automobile accident on saturday. he is cooperating with local authorities and will take all necessary steps to address this situation responsibly ". an attorney represent a one of the people caught in the rug says the occupants of the lampert -- lamborghini owned cora webb walked off the expressway after the crash? they took guns and other belongings, dallas please tell fox news it digitally did not provide insurance or check if anybody needed help. >> very distinctive people. the address distinctively, tattoos on their arms are better than a fingerprint for identifying where everybody is. and it's all very clear in the photo. it won't be long and there won't be any doubt who was involved. >> an nfl spokesperson said the league is monitoring the
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investigation, telling that action will be decided when the facts are clear. >> the one comforting fact that we do have is was a multicar crash and dollars and taxes, and fortunately it does not anybody was hurt. and we should be grateful for that. we will get to the bottom of it, we will gather the facts and react according. >> there were injuries. two people were treated at the scene, two were hospitalized. while rashee rice's of 20 said the player is cooperating cooperating, dallas plessis investigators have not spoken with anybody directly involved in the crash? >> trace: thank you. coming up, a gang of rich suburban kids and one major american city now accused of murder. plus a rise in juvenile crime in the push to make parents pay for it. also still had, watch the during rescue of a hiker talk on the side of a cliff and oh dear, a bank heist like no other you
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will ever see. today's best wire of videos or next, first alive look at bost, massachusetts where every december 16th they reenact the boston tea party. [ ♪♪ ] metic for the last couple of years. i just see myself on video calls all day and i really start noticing the lines. i'm still eric and i got botox® cosmetic. i'm seeing a lot less prominent lines than i did before, the results have been subtle but noticeable. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping. and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins,
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>> trace: breaking side we have brand-new video, buildings shaking in taiwan out for alberta 7.2 made it quake log the area of u it is his strongest rumour hit the island in almost 25 years to make damages as and still coming in, we know the power was knocked out in the capital city of taipei but there are no reports yet, they are so kind of going and canvassing the area, checking things out, no reports this time of any debts. is now me warning was issued for the islands of southern japan in the philippines. we will continue to cover the breaking news coming out of taiwan on a very significant earthquake. miedema teenage gang in suburban phoenix often called the gilbert goons as meg named
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in multiple violent attacks over the past year. also facing charges in the murder of a 16-year-old boy, police have taught -- do thousand pieces, maybe more of evidence. use a senior national correspondent. >> reporter: police called him the gilbert goons what -- named after the wealthy suburban arizona, one team after another appeared in court, accused of killing 16-year-old hudson moore who prosecutors say died of brain injuries after the gang at target him at a party. two over the seven or under 18 but all are charged as adults? >> there has to be at least two of these kids, one of them will get hurt right! the -- there were targets at parties, fast food places leaving the skull fractures, broken bones and missing teeth to make the goons attacked him after he accused them of stealing his friends ten dollars gold chain be back he died later
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in hospital. >> this ending is heartbreaking to us. >> trace: >> tyler reynold through the first punch writing on stage, i exit on the kill the cat, i guess i'm just too strong. according to the police aboard another member said i had a kid and he fell, the kid died. >> let me be very clear, this investigation and review are not over soon prosecutors also state the parent said that her son out of town to hide his injuries, another couple wanted in on $10,000 in reward money by turning into some members while protecting their own son. >> we are looking at all aspects of this investigation to see if there any charges we can bring against people that have either tempered witnesses, obstruction rep maggot the gilbert goons go on trial later this year, the evidence against them include at 1200 page police report, numerous witness accounts. sums excited videos and in some cases incriminating digital admissions from the suspects themselves. >> trace: william, thank you.
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let's bring an retired fbi agent, california policy centre agendas when general, do you phrase, there are thousands of videos. social media posts as well aztecs messages to make these kids in essence ratted themselves out and now it appears they are in a budget trouble. >> that is the only good news in this whole news article is that people are cooperating with law enforcement under all providing all the social media and all the videos that they took over these endeavours, with all that information. they were videoing while these attacks were taking place. >> trace: the text messages they were texting, in fact, this, this was on snapshot from tylan, the 19-year-old who apparently is the one who claims that he started this whole thing. is that "i ask only killed a kid, augustine just too strong". he went on to say some other stuff here but clearly there's a bunch of evidence in these kids, there's a possibility they will not look for plea deals no,
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there's so much again some. >> a plea deal probably advice for these kids, but wants his -- once disturbing as it seems to be a growing trend with a serious crime problem with minors. the way they are talking about this it's as if it says -- radio game, they are not treating these people with real life consequences. >> trace: you go over it, not to move on but some of the things that kids were saying, they are literally describing how this kid was dying and he think what is happening here? want to move on now if it can. king county, seattle. let's move on, tennessee is doing this, this is a tennessee parent. "we can hold accountable, hold tennessee parent accountable, who couldn't hold accountable if not the parents, i'm all for holding here is a cannibal for children's actions because why are 10, 11 and 12 -year-olds out late breaking into cars, smashing grabs, i do not understand".
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remember the school shooter was his mom was held accountable. now his dad held accountable and you think this could be a trend. this could be a trend where parents are like you know why, if you kid is out splashing cars, we will charge you for that. >> this is a very -- this problem has tentacles, one of first read this i thought we have young children, we have young kids, single mom, taught a parent household and the gang it gets a hold of these children? there is no way the parents can control the child from that point forward. it is really difficult. i met with parents are struggling mightily to try to get their children under control and they just cannot do it. it seems the more they grow them heart of the problem with becomes. >> trace: we talked about in seattle them not notifying or noticing and sadly want to get rid of the first -- the detention centres for young people, by 2028, no detention
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for juveniles period in seattle. you talk about kids roaming the streets who do not belong, roaming the streets? holy cow. >> the state of washington is trying to out crazy california and they are doing a very good job. i think is apparent now that restorative justice does not work and the kids need to be held accountable. i think the parent should be as well. >> trace: i think so as well because the whole concept here is what do you do if you do not have a place to put these kids, what do you do with them when they commit some of these crimes, especially when they are hurting people, what you do with them? >> he had to hold them accountable! [ laughter ] you have to prosecute them. >> especially when you consider the lax laws that state, these kids are all in for murder and really hard crimes like the kids in the goon squad and gilbert. these kids are supposed to be let out on the streets they can perpetrate and other innocent victims, no. she's a very good point.
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thank you both. [ ♪♪ ] first up into nights of viral videos, helicopter operation in california, a hiker clinging onto a clip at golden gate national park. a thermal imaging camera allowed the deputy is the russian to action, and because of the deputies a hiker is now safe. nokia average bank heist. watch alone dear break through the glass door of a bank in austin, texas. the deer was known after the cash code is a to chill, grab a snack. he later escaped after animal control got there. and if you have a viral leadership, shared with us at @tracegallagher. coming up in the nightcap, 'cowboy carter' is taking the nation by storm. we know beyoncé has a mean crossover appeal but if he had your drug is, what artist would you want to see a similar move? you know, which music?
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maybe make a jogger single some opera? tomorrow on fox and friends, the awk -- the actor john hand talks about his career from ativan, his latest project land man. the show, we are coming right back with the nightcap , it'll be a good one simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: we're back with the 'the nightcap' crew, could julie hamby, and besley mandel, tonight's topic crazy cross over. beyoncé released a new album titled 'cowboy carter', a major shift from the r&b award-winning singer usually puts up. the fans are going crazy over it. what artist would you like to see make a shift to a new type of music? >> kaman swifties! let's see some rap from our girl! taylor so if you get out there and. bethany mandel? >> had to phone a friend on this and ask the most cancelled men in america, he said the same taylor so we were making up punk rock album, single-handedly he said would revive punk in america that's apparently his dream, avenue suite three '01 two follow-up, so by the way is
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more rain so maybe they have something key here. available answer the question while the warm up their act soon i'm kind of like on kevin's line, what about a cross over like celine dion, eminem and swifty? organ have them both saying my heart will go on, since we were talking about that? [ laughter ] >> trace: do you have any artist? >> housing and casey musgrave's doing in a very good jazz club. i love jazz and a love casey musgrave's, i think she would be wonderful. >> trace: i saw michael boobleh ones, the guy can sing. wouldn't michael boobleh singing with green be amazing? just you has that voice, i think he could do it. >> this is my dad's idea. >> trace: her dad by the ways here in the studio watching. >> pitbull doing gospel. >> trace: nice. what was that sound like? >> i don't know. [ laughter ] it would be very interesting.
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>> trace: should do you think artist should venture into multiple orders, yes 64 percent, instagram yes, 42 percent know, 58 percent. michael of the had the boys to put all, yes. bill if your discredit one drone or capitals grow another one, ron, some should, some should not? she being in the should not category. who is she? and crist, of course,, they are musicians, they are not -- julie do want to sing is out? no, while think you for watching america's late news, 'fox news @ night', i'm a trace gallagher in los angeles. we was saying some other time. seeback here again tomorrow night. [ ♪♪ ] for good, guaranteed. what more could you ask for? call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit
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♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> greg: hello, here with judge jeanine, jessica wauters, and dana perino. 'the five'.


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