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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 2, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> greg: hello, here with judge jeanine, jessica wauters, and dana perino. 'the five'. [ ♪♪ ]
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donald trump returning to the campaign trail with a vengeance, ex-president blitzing through battleground estates epidemic as it law fear tried to keep him bogged down in courtrooms. first stop michigan, where trump chewed up with the media's bloodbath hoax and spent at the same language to describe byron's broken border. >> mr. trump: under recruited joe biden every state is aborted say, every town is a border town. because joe biden has brought to the carnage and chaos and killing from all over the world and dumped it straight into our backyards i stand before a duty to declare joe biden's border bloodbath and that's what it is, it is a blood bath, it's just going -- destroy our country. it's a very bad thing happening. it is an end on the day that i take office. we want to get back to business. get our country going again. we want to get the border closed
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and to get people to come into our country illegally. >> greg: hold your applause herald. the border is a top issue for american borders t the swing voters as migrants when rough across the country, team bryden demagogues doing a bottle -- little prebottle and shuffling of this pile of bs. >> i have no respect for any individual who says the border is the most important issue and then walks away from one of the most influential bills that could actually address the issues of the border. you cannot take them seriously. again it is about him. >> greg: the white has getting pants by peter do see over the terrorists at the border. >> as a person in charge of preventing a terrorist attack in the homeland as president biden thinks that some of these border crosses could be in the united states right now plotting a terrorist attack. >> the president is confident that throughout of the agency the intelligence community,
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we're doing everything we can to be as vigilant as we can to ensure the safety and security of the american people here at home. >> greg: bestie it seems to me that trump needs no hyperbole anymore because he could just stay the realities? that -- now the realities much the hyperbole of 2016, he has taken a hoax and branded biden's border policies with it. it's a tae kwon do, you use your opponents momentum and then you kind of twist them around into a pretzel. >> jesse: is what it is? i don't know anything about tae kwon do. he has a challenge, the president because he has in this schedule that starts in the 15th of april where he will have to be in court for six weeks every day save wednesday. so what is not going to look like? he will not have to have these courthouse press conferences and blast biden's corruption, do it in a positive way but do it in policy every day of the week and
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then wednesday he has to do -- that is what he's doing tonight. he's flying to michigan, doing an event, wisconsin, and other events. that is what it will look like for the next six weeks. go west on a wednesday, do that in arizona, maybe go south to north carolina and in georgia and then weekend he will golf. you have to stay busy on the weekend with this being tied down to these court cases. and michigan he is ahead and three points right now, wisconsin he's just barely ahead. this is a really tight race and i just think to compare the biden crime wave to trump in 2019, nobody buys out except with a shout list of political hacks. everybody knows the democrats breathe fire into that riot. and bailed out the riders. and encourage it. then they tagged on all of the crazy prosecutors, bail and all that garbage.
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nobody in the right mind believes that. what they have done is they have taken biden's two biggest efficiencies, the border and crime, and they try to call them trump's fall. it's -- it's trump's fault that items border is a must! it is a trump crime wave and nobody, not even handled formal junior is going to buy that c4 it is so funny you him up, harold, you said something so interesting when we were getting massages this morning, he said to me it is so funny greg, think about how trump was a law and order president of 2016, and now it's 2024. maybe he was sibley had of his time. remember you said that? >> harold: your massage must have not have been as good as mine. before we start, let's take that jump about these tickets -- >> judge jeanine: i love this one! >> greg: you are trying to bribe as rg? >> harold: know, when we can
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share. i think i've said yesterday 80 percent of this is the white house, responsibly right now because of the way they're doing executive orders and you put pressure on congress and 20 percent is congress. it is amazing to me how serious this issue is and the corresponding lack of action on everybody side. that's it would take president trump at its word that he will be elected president in november. that it means he wants us to wait seven months and perhaps another 2 million people, and million and a half people entering the country illegally and the numbers will probably drive up because if we knew today that president trump would let those outside of the country, they would rush an even more because they believe that president trouble shut the border down. let subtle on 2 million. to watch million illegal undocumented people here. at some point on the american people deserve action from the president and congress on both sides? it is not fair that all of the
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time and every time our political leaders stop on their political equipment and political warfare gear and they go to war with each other every day on television, and newspapers, online, while everybody else suffers. we do long guns, whenever there's a gun the thing we say we don't find any mental health things? we do it on crime. nobody does anything on crime. yesterday we had a back-and-forth judge, your passion i appreciate, i don't think it is all one person's fault. there is a system that is failing to people. if politicians don't accept that that if there's -- they are part of that responsibility, we will all continue to suffer. my message to president botton's do something. message to trump, when they do something, don't tell you party to go against it. we cannot afford, we can certainly say, which i don't want to, if you will be elected president again, we have to wait seven months before we get anything on the border, before any new solemn process reform, before we get any of those
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things. i don't think it is fair to your voters, democratic voters and people like me, voting citizens. that was just weight? >> greg: what ec did not judge? >> judge jeanine: i disagree with herald. i don't think that you can blame it dancho for the number of illegals that will ride to their way or get into this country any which way they can. i don't want to spend time on a bill rather than to say 35,000 illegals -- 30,000 a week is too many, more border patrol agents and more people to process the illegals is not what they make people want. look, trump is winning on this, joe biden is losing. there is a reason. donald trump makes sense. in 2016, not every state was a border state. it is right now. and new york is take pride in saying we have rescinded to so of trump's immigration policies,
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just too long to list. that is all they have to do. go back and look at why donald trump did to stop them. and here's the truth. joe biden 2023 had .47 million encounters, with half a million known got a ways and more than that unknown got a ways which is the number that all trauma how to for four years. so donald trump knew how to sew it down, he knew how to stop it, not to mention that this young woman, 25-year-old ruby garcia killed by number that donald trump has deported. i have to tell you, i take offence when kirby comes out and says we're doing everything we can to ensure the safety of every american. while john kirby, tell me the guy that trump got out got back into the country under joe biden
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and killed a woman in this country. i don't want to hear it. the numbers are clear. people are clear. this is joe biden's fault, he's letting people a because he wants more people to support him and the democratic party for generations. >> greg: dana it seems to me, and we saw this coming, biden's only play is to focus on rhetoric as opposed to reality. going back to z. with jesse, all trump has to do is draw a line really from the border to crime to the unsafe cities to squatting. he doesn't even have to raise his voice. >> dana: i agree. that is the case. i didn't feel like today was a first-aid delegate campaign because one of the candidates out on the trail in a key state talking about key issues. the reason it and feeling exactly like a campaign because the other candidate could not be there. you cannot be a candidate like a
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donald trump canada by putting on the campaign team for a press conference. you have to try to match life with life there. michigan is a state that has had a lot of big-ticket items happening since 2020. the automobile strike, he had ev's and all that nonsense may have liberal muslims being discontent with biden's position on israel. one thing that biden is doing, we have seen this all across the country, they have a billboard that said "if trump was elected president, is what happens to you" abortion is banned. second issue is economy, there is immigration. interesting in michigan, not even a border state, the third issue is the economy. the last point i would make his michigan has 16 electoral votes. of what is on his aborted it, that means that arizona, georgia and possibly pennsylvania are
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already with republicans. >> greg: all right, well done. coming up, rfk junior shocking the crap out of cnn after telling the biggest ride to democracy is not donald trump voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp
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[ ♪♪ ] stew five democrats working behind the scenes to spoil what they fear as a third-party spoiler they could destroy president biden's reelection chances. they are not gonna like this, independent presidential candidate rfk junior explaining who you thinks is the biggest read to democracy.
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>> i hear the argument that president biden is much worse threat to democracy. president biden has done something that no other president in history has done which is order media, particular the social media facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube and google, to censor his political opponents. i can say this because i just won a lawsuit in the federal court of appeal and the supreme court, he began to censor and greed hours after he took the oath swing to defend the constitution. >> dana: hillary clinton does not seem fazed by rfk's campaign or his comments, she is busy scolding voters who do not like joe biden. she wants them to just suck it up. >> it's biden versus trump. we know that. >> it is. what you say to voters who are upset of those are that what rejoices? >> get over yourself those are the two joyce's sue and 11!
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[ cheering and applause ] >> it's kind of like one is old and effective and compassionate, has a heart and really cares about people and one is old and has been charged with 91 felonies. i don't understand why this is even a heart choice, i don't understand. >> dana: herald, when she says he really cares about people, the one consistent polling that we have seen even from the beginning is voters were asked what things are worried about, his numbers have below from the beginning. anyway that was my commentary. my question for you is, are democrats really freaking out about rfk pulling up and votes away from biting? >> harold: i think part of the concern is in north carolina, north carolina is a state that we say nominated republican governor who was viewer outside the mainstream, democrats and
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many independents can end of the question is as rfk junior a threat because you can take some of those votes? a thing that is a legitimate concern. i think as secretary clinton, she knows donald trump is a candidate, probably as well as anybody because she ran against him and lost to him. i don't think the way she described it as a right way to go about this. you cannot tell voters to get over themselves. i know where she is coming from. i talked to them all the time about the economy, funny ukraine , evan cirstea which, we recognized a few days ago, the wall street journal guy dear rick -- relies a donald trump is not mentioned evan's name? it's not something i say with fondness. if you go out and make the case for donald trump got don't make
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it along the lines that we should be telling somebody that they should not even think about voting. go out and explain why you should vote for joe biden. and i think the reasons to do it, with the democratic party, we will find ourselves in a bigger hole come the summer. >> dana: lex kind of lost his mind when you did that interview, there is a void. joe biden does not do interviews. that is avoided to be filled in rfk junior, if i wears him out would keep doing it sweetie first of all harold got back tons of american hostages when he was president. worthen many, many. he's probably leaving room for negotiation. he knows how to do this. he has seen the results. >> harold: i saw that on cnn, that was the stupidest interview of every scene. he goes on there and he goes who's a bigger threat to democracy. nobody's talking about that. joe biden censored me he says, and joe biden is on giving me secret service protection. and instead of the host arguing
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with him, they bring in a low fact checker after this thing was wrapped in these they will actually, and joe biden did not personally censor rfk, he'd not personally deny secret service. they say joe biden does not have anything to do with the actions at the biden administration has taken? that is what we are doing now. if anybody talks to me about democracy again i will shoot myself in the head. [ laughter ] any that was coming. nobody's talking about democracy! they just did a poll, unprompted, what is the biggest issue that concerns you right now? immigration. poor government leadership. the economy, inflation, homelessness, unifying the country, crime. democracies like 3 percent. is that the ninth think that people -- the only ones talking about this our deep state cable news contributors and white
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women on cable news. that is it! nobody's talking about the! even hilary, notice what hillary did on cpmac i said this election is about one man cares, the other one is charged with crimes. what is she not saying? she is not saying who has a vision, or he better off, she's saying anybody's record, now she's not mentioning policy. one guy cares and i could he does not care at all, i could argue the man has no heart. show me an example of how joe biden cares about anything. if he cared he would do something. and the dominant -- democrat prosecutors are charging the guy. it's like the episode of seinfeld, the show about nothing. that is the biden campaign, it's about nothing. >> dana: if hours paid campaign i would be other everyday. >> greg: i think he pulls equally for both parties but he aligns closer was drawn because they are both outsiders and they are pointing the finger at a system that is being weapon eyes
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by those in power. rfk interrupt me, have different opinions but they are both kind of uniting into this race and identity conflict to keep the rest of his busy. hillary once again shows how much she hates voters. right? as i get over it. she things they are deplorable, there is stupid, there as they because her ankles, and she mentions the crime. she is telegraphic the strategy, even if it's one crime we can say it's 99 whatever. maybe that will affect the voters. getting the driving point for democrats will be fear. what will happen if trump wins? we know, he was president.
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there is a fear of existential crisis but it is coming from them. when trump's president he will not do anything to hurt anybody. is not that kind of guy but we remember in 2060 what happened when trump one. the people attacking the white house. trump had to go into a bunker. forming little armies, if you think that is bad, if trump wins, they will melt down especially when you were told that this man is worse than hitler so if you stand by and do nothing, then you are a collaborator as judged by history. >> one of the things, michael meehan was my cate that we guessed, he served for john kerry, you will come a couple senate campaigns and he said, are you worried about rfk and he said yes, they are worried. one of the concerns is that younger people may be in their first for second election of voting, they do not like anybody. they will say you know what, i kinda like that guy, lease is
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not one of them. >> judge jeanine: he's not one of them, he's different and he's calling out things are pretty obvious. look, when donald trump talks about what is going on people will say while he has been the present, he's looking to get elected again. but is think young people look at him as he is interesting, is different. he's cool. but one of the things i think is so insulting about joe biden, and his so-called heart that you cares so much about people, you think about it, robert kennedy's father was assassinated. robert kennedy junior is running for president and they deny him secret service protection? that is not only not carrying, that is -- the whole idea of joe biden is this caring guy, you never knew what you were talking about okay? what it took him a year to get the -- he's the guy in afghanistan, lee leaves americans in afghanistan.
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and then you have the whole you know, crime that is going on and the fact that kennedy clearly says, of the first amendment censoring whether it was in covid-19, the run-up to the 2020 election, january 6th, everything is about the democrats trying to lock up people who do not think like them. they did everything they could. they have not only indicted him, they try to keep him off the ballots. if people cannot see through that, there's nothing else i could say b5 and dpmac up next to a liberal city handing out these colourful cards that will stop you from getting mugged. [ ♪♪ ] his? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys.
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♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: a big liberal city coming up with the most uses idea yet to crack down on crime. the geniuses that runs a transit system action want writers to carry around a flimsy little piece of paper called an intervention card. to help stop harassment. it says got you. if he spots a buddy who is about get sucker punched. the other asks you got me? if you're about to get sucker punched. probably would be throwing into the parade. luckily upside, you can probably get of the bad guys a serious paper cut? bay area transit expanding the rig is plan with this video. >> is so this card over here is for one year being harassed, it says you got me? you begin to see somebody else, and it gives him instructions on how they can help you.
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's one is a buddy being harassed you can give them with as i got you card which gives them instructions on the back to find the police or call someone with more instructions on how to be safe. [ laughter ] >> jesse: greg? >> greg: who new cards were the answer, we should all carry card so we can absolving ourselves of any actual concern. xm jassy ask for a staffer -- a staffer asks for a raise, hand them a card that says i'm with you, i would also like money. seen a phobia? that's in english. it's not even bilingual, trilingual! but he want to curb it physical and sexual violence it -- against women, this is a slap in the face. no wonder all the criminals hold the cards. thank you. [ laughter ] this is how a dystopian society unfolds. it's not within innovation or
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for zombies, or low fentanyl has done that. it's all the of criminals, though decriminalization has done that. it is these cheerful mindless band-aids of bureaucracy. it's a nonremedy and it absolves them of any action and it puts the responsibility on the victim if the city accepts the crime, the card is telling you, lie down and enjoy it together. together! you can all get mugged. >> jesse: a woman gets a black guy, should have had a card. >> dana: this is like another and time -- anti-crime measure who has never seen a crime of closed. they never go on the subway. but they heard about it from constituents so they think maybe this will help. you know if you are in a situation when you seem uncomfortable, i will tell your story. during covid-19, i had to use us a way to go somewhere downtown, as all these two girls i just got off grand central. they were here, they were so
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excited first time in new york and i saw this guy just really harassing them and i realize, these guys have no idea what they are doing. i did not hand them a card but i did say, hey,, follow me. i took them up over and around. there is action. i know a lot of people don't want to act. daniel penny decided to act in order to protect other people. now he's fighting for his own life and his freedom. i feel like it san francisco folks at google gemini, what would be a great way to stop crime in the subways and is that here's something, how about these cards, you go girl. these cars will help provide all sorts of crime. it is pitiful. i read the transcript of the video -- c-4 people already picking up woman's, i got you. [ laughter ] >> dana: you got me? >> greg: i want you to picture this, some psychotic freak
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coming for you, you're on the train it's underground it's moving, it's locked, you can get up. you say hold on a second, acting in my wallet out to get the card so the other deceive on the other end of the card to said, hey, there is a wallet, let me go after her. and then somebody grabs the wallet, you take out the card, you give it to somebody else was already running in the other direction because they don't want to be here, you finally give it to somebody and the freak ends up assaulting you when he said i have my own card! it says get out of jail free! >> jesse: e. had created a system we have to open up your purse and wallet on the subway. >> dana: collect $200 speed 10 year clueless. >> harold: when we have here, this is stupid first off. we have here is a paradigm is either card or daniel penny. i would choose daniel penny. the real alternative should be a government actually working. of government worked we would have more cops in our public
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transit systems. he would have more money to buy weapons, detection technology and surveillance in our public transit areas. we would have no cashless bail and we would rescind the caches bail and we would have uniform and undercover police on the subways the people could feel safe and be safe. unlike the paradigm of let me be clear of get mugged don't bother me card or daniel penny. if that is what we force on people, any reasonable person would want daniel penny and not a card. but any smart person who pays taxes once more cops, more weapon detection technology equipment, rescinding of cashless bail and more undercover and uniformed cops on subways and public transit systems to make sure families can get their kids to school and get to work without fear of some again killed or assaulted. >> dana: let's see if the jury
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agree. >> judge jeanine: whom are sins cashless bail, was to bring that up in the legislature? >> jesse: say her name. >> judge jeanine: democrats. [ laughter ] >> greg: give her the card. [ laughter ] >> jesse: the author of harry potter's not backing down after dan cops to arrest her for speaking her mind. [ ♪♪ ] liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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transgender woman workmen and it says she looks forward to being arrest. still in place as j.k. rowling social media posts are not criminal. the best-selling authors lowering her victory in it tweeting this out. >> everyone: i hope every woman in skull and who wishes to speak up to the reality according to biological sex or be reassured by this announcement. >> everyone: . are you reassured to judge by this announcement? >> judge jeanine: not at all, i think women are the only group that are obsolete ignored by this announcement. i think the crime they created is for some it's a force for good but i think it is a recipe for disaster. the web in this law is a take all of these protected categories we are all permit -- familiar with and they say that your behaviour, whether you do at home in public or in private, if it includes insulting behaviour, then you can be prosecuted and face up to 70 years in prison. but he only need prove that your
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string of hatred likely as opposed to intentional. you don't have to intentionally stir up hatred, that does not have to be a mental state. this is a very sloppily drafted vague law that does not deserve the paper that it was written on and i think it will be used in a way that will be culturally -- it will culturally suppress certain people. so if i identify someone -- if i think you are transgender, i can be prosecuted because it is likely that i did not know for sure. what if she's a transvestite? what if he's not transgender? you know? you don't know. and the police come in and prosecute you, this is nonsense. >> harold: what are your thoughts on this? >> dana: and my household be elite -- read a lot of the daily telegraph and peter comment a lot so we have been following this issue a lot and sanchez about the transgender issue. in the uk they do not have a
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first amendment, we are lucky our founding fathers said we should have the energy to have that as the first amendment because what is happening now, you can have people say something that is negative or perceived to be negative about muslims. the police will knock on your door. they will knock on your door if you had a burglary at your home and say sorry, you don't have enough resources, you will have to file a police report and talk to your insurance company, we don't have the police resources. the police to want to do this. you to think of the problems of crime in the uk? this has been a slowly building issue. it reminded me of her member during -- happy to bring it back up -- who push the video? that was his whole thing of who push the video? it was a guy and our government under the obama administration went and arrested a guy who just made a video and put it on youtube. he said that he incited the violence and it was nonsense, it is one of the examples of what
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could happen here if you don't have free speech and they are in the uk, i'm glad for it to j.k. rowling on this particular thing, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. >> harold: excavation point of the content and free speech is a collision of two issues, what you think? >> greg: hate speech gives power to idiots. does not matter what it is. if you create these laws of giving power to people who cannot handle words. scotland has become the pinnacle of cowardice. braveheart william wallace is rolling in his grave right now. the real hero is j.k. rowling. she's a hero because she speaks the truth and she does not care. it helps to be really rich and she is willing to stand up for woman when the 70 other woman or not. and who is offer her? what has happened here is transgender activism has been basically controlled by narcissistic men was going to
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feel you. these guys i get off wearing women's clothing. they are not attractive, they are not transgender, they are just dudes in dresses. and they have a desire to see themselves as woman. and now for some reason, if you do not indulge a man's fetish, somehow you are offending his identity. she just by saying that they are men that is attacking their identity. and she's not going to have -- that is why she is so -- she is one of the bravest people on the planet. there's a thing that drives me crazy, not actually, it's actually detaining, when you look on tiktok and you watch protest he was a trans activist crying and screaming. how do you call me sir! they'll be at starbucks! am not certain! and go, if they'll let me swim against woman i will kill myself. what are these things? these are tantrums. these are tantrums.
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and there are basically taught what types of people, people who gave into tantrums and people who do not. she does not give into tantrums. what racing was scotland and joe biden, they give into tantrums. they are scared of these people throwing a fit. you know with kids when they throw a tantrum and they went, they don't stop and that's why you're seeing this happen. >> harold: look at hunter biden. donauer put his foot down and his son is in a the truck is a mess. >> greg: i'm glad you brought up hunter biden. [ laughter ] >> harold: she needs to get out mugshots actually stoop post fiercely, put on a t-shirt and just i don't trouble you become a civil rights icon. that is how you do it. i want to get arrested now! [ laughter ] it's not an invitation. is where i've paid all my taxes. i swear. [ laughter ] coming up, pop star shakira is
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taking aim at barbie for stripping men of their masculinity. [ ♪♪ ] personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. -you can make this work. -we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. -electric for short trips... -hmmm? ...gas for long. hmmm? quite the paradox... -it really is both. -hmmm. the lexus rx plug-in hybrid. ♪ you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. -you said it. you don't have to worry about anything when you're saving dough with america's number one motorcycle insurer.
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sharks, getting trapped in an elevator, dogs with human-like faces, my carbon footprint, my daughter's jv hockey schedule.
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♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ] are on.
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>> anybody wants to beat him off has to beach me of soon know what he will beat anybody off! >> judge jeanine: shakira is blasting barbie for diminishing mind, the pop stressing "my son's obsolete hated it. they felt it was emasculating? i like pop culture when it intends to empower women without robbing event of their possibility to be men, to also protect and provide ". okay. greg, you saw the movie. >> greg: yes, i did. >> judge jeanine: does it magically demand? >> greg: it certainly emasculated me! here's the thing there's a lot of things and culture that are bad, what he can choose to see the movie or not see the movie. the real brainwashes in schools and in social media stuff that you cannot control. my suggestion for people like this is to get reemasculated movies. i made a list. shakira, take your son to see
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the beekeeper? awesome. jacob julien hall remake of roadhouse is incredible and it's a classic. gordon lightfoot weakland eastwood and jet bridges, with the events of on, the equalizer, one and two and three! by the way denzel washington be eight here here. >> judge jeanine: it was the 14th highest grossing film of all time yet he chose not to see it. >> harold: why would you take movie recommendations from a guy that's all barbie? why would any man see barbie movie? >> it might wife wanted to see it. >> greg: exactly! that is any guy that is seeing that movie. >> i would never do that. >> jesse: i would never see barbie. is a thousand other movies. >> judge jeanine: dana? spivak i got admitted 38 into barbie before i turned it on the -- off the brake backplane trump
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the whole issue is she should write a song for one of those movies. then they will be happy. >> judge jeanine: anything else herald? >> harold: know, is that it all. [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: everybody said it all. "one more thing" is up next. [ ♪♪ ] weeds... they have you surrounded. you're just gonna stand there? or are ya gonna take your lawn back. we're gonna take it back. we're gonna take it back. with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps your lawn growing strong. glorious! -agggghhhhhh! -aaagghhhh. no no no. get a bag of scotts triple action today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it.
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>> so when i first started go low, i was expecting to losne around £40. and then i just kept losing weight and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with go low and release, you're going to lose the way that all this chaos on the pawn and now seems to have become chaos in the courtrooms. police say it could have been prevented. and around the globe, we are learning more about that rare daytime strike in damascus, syria. only on fox news channel, omt. >> herald first, congrats. i went caitlin clark on last night got the final four, but a san diego man in mark backus is gearing up to run across the country to raise awareness of parkinson's this year after his father passed away from the disease in his wife became diagnosed last year. the 3000 mile journey starts at the santa monica pier and will go to the empire state building. you can see he's dragging along there some essentials water, a tent and a sleeping bag. this will take 75 days to complete. again, it will end at the empire state building. his wife says, as she believes this is the greatest expression of love that he's shown in their marriage.
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good luck to him. god bless him. >> dana. what? and i have to talk about mercy ships in a while, but i wanted to because i was thinking about these people who are trying to make decisions about where to go to school, what to do if you're not sure and you think you might have a calling to go do something. i've checked out the job openings at mercy ships. there's pay drop opportunities that are there, like in texas, for example. then there's so many volunteer opportunities they need photographers, teachers, operating room educators, electricians. they need a baker, they a firefighter. there's all sorts of ways to serve. so you can check that out at mercy ships .org. see if it's for you. greg, i'm sending you. yes. >> do they need dancers tonight? michael loftis, heather to moraga, kat timpf and tyrus, 10 p.m.. hey, let's do this. it's new. greg, what's in the tree? roll this video and stop it. >> all right, there you go. all right, judge, what's in the tree? i didn't see. there's no, no, no. tell me, harold. what's in the tree? >> a monkey.
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>> kangaroo. mountain lion is. it's brian. kill me. no, it's 30 seconds. >> there we go. it hit a bear. none of you guys chose bear. >> all right, jesse. okay, so there is a guy in oregon just minding his business, walking into a convenience store, and this happened right afterwards. mm. >> kind of a bad. >> wow. just a flying blade. yeah. that's why you got to be prompt . i saw that coming. right. get it? i saw that coming. that's saw. i goyourt 100000 son0 hour s of data. a million. welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonight. i'm here tonight to declaregh that joe biden's border bloodbath ends the day i take the oath oof


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