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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 2, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> kangaroo. mountain lion is. it's brian. kill me. no, it's 30 seconds. >> there we go. it hit a bear. none of you guys chose bear. >> all right, jesse. okay, so there is a guy in oregon just minding his business, walking into a convenience store, and this happened right afterwards. mm. >> kind of a bad. >> wow. just a flying blade. yeah. that's why you got to be prompt . i saw that coming. right. get it? i saw that coming. that's saw. i goyourt 100000 son0 hour s of data. a million. welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonight. i'm here tonight to declaregh that joe biden's border bloodbath ends the day i take the oath of office. trump hijacks the left's o
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bloodbath hoax. >> rathe >> hold on to your bridges rather than the probability d. and maybe the problem is you. we know what they want to say, e but they don't have the courage to say the n-word. >> they really hate the ethers.h there'eys this card over here is for when you're being harassed, you'd hand it someb to somebody else and it gives them instructions on how they can e th help you. yan francisco has a new wa to fight crime playing cards. plus, she's back. esse: >>fa fake news. you've heard it. you love it. but who coined it? it wasn' c t trump. >> it was hillary. it's now clear that so-called ta fake news can have real world consequences. ot
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this isn't about politics or partisanship. >> lives are at risk. but hillary wasn't a saleswoman' in trump. >> turn those two words into a campaign slogat trumhose twon >> president elect go ahead, president. since you ard.e to know are not you is not. you give us a cheer organization for trackinyog our news. organize your organization. you give us a chance to ask a question, sir. go ahead, sie organiibleasthe q quiet. stay quiet, mr. president elect. go ahead. she speaks. >> 's asking the questio don't be like, can you give us up? don't be rude kicking us. can you give us a question ctheu i'm not going to give you i'm not going to give you a question. can you stay? >> you are fake news and whatever trump said fake news, the mediese fa>>: whenevah meant it worked. since their all talk, no action . democrats know the power of words. last monthow the of words., trul be a bloodbath in the auto industry from china, dumpingindt cheap cars through mexico behind biden'srya dump back. and suddenly the bloodbath hoax and born. and just like last time,, trump flipped it and brandeddo
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them with it. today, the former president in to and an event he called biden's border bloodbath. mp: it >> i stand before you today to declare that joe biden's border bloodbath. and that's what it is.bloo it's a bloodbath. they tried to use that terdbatym incorrectly on me two weeks ago. you know, it's all about misinformation. it's a border bloodbath and it's destroying our country. it's aoying ouuntry. very bad tg happening. it's going to end on the daythai that i take office, which will be january 20th. >> settle in. donald trump is turnin.g disinformation into information. >> here's the proof. mr. t >> a 20 five-year-old michigan woman named ruby garcirua, who has become very well known name beautiful, youne g woman,by was savagely murdered by an illegal alien criminal under the trump administration. this monster had been deported,g thrown out of the country, wasn't going to be able to come back. and crooked joe bideo n took thk back and let him back in and let him stay in. and he heyethim back, viciouslyd
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ruby. >> 25-year-old ruby garcia was e found riddled with bullet holes on. an ille of a freeway an illegal alien killer leegt lt in by biden. and just like lincoln riley, the white house was caught flat lake house. >> there's another case of somebody who was in this country illegall ay, allegedly a murdering a young woman, this time in michigan. thr name is ruby in garcia. donald trump is out there nower calling this biden's borderbloob a bloodbath. >> what do you call it? well , first of all, well, i'm not aware of this. the specifics of this case. i mean, that's just terrible news. and our thoughts, prayers obviously go to the family of ms.. garcia. i mean, that's just kind of news. no family ever wants ily evero hear to get ever. >> biden's bloodbath at the border is seeping into the swing states, suburbs and his team states clueless. >> trump actually deported the illegal, but biden led thems back in to kill ruby. trump's platform p clean ups bl
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biden's bloodbath on day one. >> i wiloo mr. trul seal the bor and we'll begin the largest domestic deportation operationy. in the history of our country. >> and if other countries sa yl they won't take them back, we're not going to take them back. >> i will sa say y that. >> yeah, here they come. just hold on o. com hold on to your britches. because here they come. while trump tries to stoprump the biden bloodbath, the mediath says trump will create ane imaginary one. >> the difference between religion in a cult and in religion. your savio>> is a differr dies s did in a cult. you're asked to di e for doing your savior. and you know what donald trump is doing? it's equal parts the power of positive thinking, which is the church. to the exten oft that it's a church that he grew up in. >> but it's also g it's kind of david koresh. it's kind of jim jones because those two men started w by saying, you need to come to . they startede to come as chrisa evangelism. but eventually their evangelis m said, no, i get to have your wife.
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no, actually, i gel yot to tell you to kill these federal agents that are outside. ma i'm asking you to pick up a machine gun and shoot them because i don't want to go to jai l. these people have a blood fetish. ood fetithey have to fantasize about future trump bloodbaths faceden bly can't the biden blood bath today. they're disassociatingoo - themselves from reality to avoid accountability and brainwasdisassoch their voth >> they've od'eid on the kool-av so badly they believe their own hoaxes. >> trump today donald transitioning biden's democracy hoax. >> watch. i heard somebody say it,ay a scholar. >> say it two or three days ago said, if we don't win, this mays be the last election our country ever has and there could be trust. that'sld be where i we're going, because joe biden is a threatder to democracy. >> he's the threat to democracy. bothac to democr men running against . he's the threat to democracy. >> i can make the argument
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i president biden has a much worse threat to democracy. >> and the reason for that is president biden is the first candidate, candi the firsts used president history that has used the federa l agencies to censor political speech or censor his opponent t, as in biden fori the first president in history to usest the secret of his power over the secret service to deny secret service protection to one of his political opponents fornent political reasons is weaponizing a federal agency . cnn anchors are so useless and overpaid producer personnel have to fact check their guests after they've left. watc h. >> he asserted that president >> hd himy has denie secret service protection in this election. for most of alprotectil, there i evidence that president biden has been at all personallyn a involved in decisions about who should and should not get secret service protection. shhe also claimed that the president biden has been personally censoring himd . and we know there is ather controversy about a white
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house communicationse'y arou with social media companies about what position a post an account should remain up or not. >> there is no evidence that biden has been involved whatsoever. nce that bideall right. t >> cnn says biden is notbi personally involved in the biden administration. >> cnn does, in fact, check democrat guests, only only republicans and independents. oh, and only after they've left and can't respond. what a chicken way of doing way the news. ersati don't debate or have aon conversation live. you slap the guests with fakee k fact checks on their way out and then hold their nosen s up in the air. >> since they can't air the truth, they controlontrol the storyline and they've lost control of it from bloodbathight to democracy. last night, hillary trieduy framing the election like this. >> both guys are olds , but you can't vote for the one we indicted. what do you say to voters who are upset that those are the two choices? >>sa get over yourself. t those are the two choices.o ge t youone is old and effective and compassionate, has a hearton
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and really cares about people. eopland one is old and has been charged with 90 one felonies. an >> i don't understand why this is even a hard choice. really. a t it that wee elecs have to go through the election hopelopefully people wilti realize what's at stake because it's an existential question, oc what kind of country we're going to have, what kind of democracy we're hav goingande to have. and people who blow that off are not paying attention becausopile it's not like trump. his enablers, his empowers his allies are not telling us what they want to do. >> i mean, they're pretty clear about what kin y cldy of country they want. pay attention to what hillary didn't sayatn toy di. she didn't say this electiony is about are you better off? e yoshe didn't say anything the about their records or their policiesir. she said the old guy cares thatthere's no evidence he cares. that's another hoax. show me you care. re a stoand stop the bloodbath. >> let's bring in arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders. >> i mean, ii mean it is deft. d
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the former president now flipping bloodbath and makinep i it about biden's border policies. >> we're seeing these hoaxest e fall one by one by oneby. how would you assess the biden campaign? >> well, i think that they are in desperation mode. and i think it's clear. i will say i finally found something that i agree with cnn on. i don't know that joe biden iscn personally involve.jod in his administration. i'm not even sure if he knows he's president. most of thm not evene title. and but what i do know is that his team and his administration are screwing up literally everythingts they touch. we had a strong economy under president trump. we had a secure border.d we had national security. that actually meant something. our values, the things that matter to americans, wereae being upheld. thery single thing that they dro is at the destruction of our great country. it's why we reate are seeingurge president trump's numbers
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continue to surge. and they are looking forg anything they can to distract from these two people's records. this is a verye clear >> you have one person who was a president that had a tremendous and successful record and one that has a record of complete disaster. . president trump is winning because the contrast is clear and theyt trum will look for ang and everything they can to distract from that. >>ca distr you need to hear whao said about joe biden threateninut bidg medicare and l security by opening up a the bordernd. >> listen to this. we are actually becoming, if you think about it, a third world country. y.and we're not going to let that happen. >> we're not going to let it happen. so to every wisconsit happen.n f you want to help joe biden, we'll guarantee off the cliff. l if you want to help, joe biden t will guarantee off the cliff to fund government lif benefitsr illegals and vote for crooked joe biden. rooked >> he's taken the obama line.
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he will guarantee off the cliff and thrown it right to joe. >> and he's exactly right. if we continue to fundow and allow illegal immigrants to flood into our countrgrants y and bankrupt our system, then it's going to be really hardl bs for us to fund programs that are necessary for seniors and for the vulnerable population that already exists in our country. >> pat you cannot have a sovere country if you do not have aso d secure every single person in this country knows but joe biden is willing to throw our country away so that he ca y awn get more votes by letting people pour across our border. we have an absolutg ean humanitarian and national security crisis taking place at the bordemanitari secr. just yesterday, i was with some of the bravest, most amazingmemb members of the arkansas national guarderansa who are hed to help aid texans because the federal government is refusing to do their job and secure our border. cure bi'm thankful that we have
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and women who are willing to gog and serve, and we will continueo to do the job if we have to. as statee haves until presidentp takes office again and starts to focus on doing his job and actually securing our border. well hisob, thank you for sendig those men and women down there. >> i mean, every every littlesar bit counts. and sarah huckabee sanders, you know, how muchs, a rumor monger i am. >> i hear things. e --i'm hearing some thingsyo about you and a possible ticketb . would that be something you'de e be interested bed in? you know, i will do anything>> k and everything i can to helptrum president trump get reelected. but i just became governor of arkansasst becam. >> i love my job and i looki forward to having it for the next seven years. word to w. >> that governor's mansion must be really nice down there in arkansa bs. >> you need to come and visitoud us down in arkansas, jesse. >> we'd love to host. >> jnu soove to be dow in arkansas. thank you so much. we'll have to take you up on that. w havhave a great day for havi.
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>> primetime takes you insided the diddy raid. >> to me, harlem is home,ed my but home is alsoow your body. when i asked myself, why doesn't polaris exist in harlem ? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. i chased acorns, supported us from studio one to studio three. >> whe up to 5% ca shn you start, you need some big help. and i think with that, for me, i earn up to 5% cash back on businesses. that's what the chasing business cash climb to make more of what's yours. look closely at history in the making. this $50 buffalo gold piece was the purest gold coin ever struck by the u.s. government. it was the first u.s. coin ever struck using .9999. that's four nines. you were 24 carat gold. its design was based on the famous buffalo nickel of 1913 to 38, wildly popular
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exceptionally stink free and smell as good as humanly possible. >> fox news alert. new video inside the diddy raid posted by his ex-girlfriend showing feds inside the walls of his la mansion. >> the illusion has more. bill. well, jesse, for the very first time now, we're starting to see seeo that to show the exact moment the feds arrived mo here in l.a.that last week. and that video makes one thing crystal clear. the feds vid makes were not mes. around. so take a look. surveillance video posted on instagram eo poste by diddy's exiddy and edited together from multiple camera angles shows armored law enforcement vehicles arriving on the streets before armed agents quickly check vehicles in the driveway, then enter
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the holmby hills home. now, inside, homeland security in can be seen disabling at least one surveillance camera and then even usingan a drone. take a look at that to scout out ahead in thed ing hallways. eventually, both of diddy sonswa can be seen being detainedys a by agents and taken outside the home. detained bx is outraged by the scope of the raidd posting on instagram that she feltby it was overzealous and overtly militarized against diddy. much she went on to question if suc n a response would have happened if they were the sons of a non-black celebrity. she said it was unnecessary for rifles to be pointed at his son. now. rifles t sources at the federalo level confirm that these hci raids at diddy'snfm visa propers here in l.a. and in miami werea in connection to aan federal sex trafficking probe. video obtained by tmx trafz shos the aftermath of that raid inside of duties l.a. property. >> pretty much depicting the home essentially turned inside out as you can see. and jesse, we did reach out to diddy's attorneys. we rea and dhs, for comment.r
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we haven't heard back from anybody yet, but diddy has notya been arrested, nor has he been charged with any crime yet. and his lawyers have previously denied any wrongdoing. >> let's send its s have back t. not messing around. e. u vewhat it looks lik >> thankrys very much. bee >> trump's been gagged againn. judge juan, who's presiding over trump's so-called hush moneovy case in new york, slapps an even bigger gag orderse sover on the former president last night. trump is banned from talking>> about the judge's family. why? becaus use the the judge's family was paid by the biden campaign. reny the judge's family is currently being paid by adamam schif schir $10 million. adam schiff, this is the guyh mi who conspired with michael cohen, the star witness in this case. casetrump isn't allowed to say that the judge's daughter is a democrat consultantict whoseb
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clients the biden campaign. adam schifdaf, are fundraising off trump's indictment. the judgjudges fe is family's gg rich off trump trials and he's presidins presidg over one.victd and if trump's convicted his family financially,'mily fin bee and instead of recusing becaus e of a glaring conflict of interest, the judgerestgging is gagging trump for pointing out the conflict of interesttr even michael avenatti says it's nuts. l nthe lawyer tweeting this frm prison. >> we can't be hypocrites whenit it comes to the first amendment. it's outrageous that coheno th and daniels can do countless tv interviews post on and make money on bogus documentaries all by talking about trump. >> but he's gagged and threatened with jail if he responds. >> the judge is threatenin g to put trump in jail for pointing out that his liberal family's getting rich off this trial. >> and richer if i
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he's convicted. >> now, the media who doesn'tdmn support the first amendment or care about corruption, covers corrupty. >> the judge overseeing donald exump's hush money trial jusf t expanded a gag order forbiddingd the defendant and former inpresident from attacking his own family. it doesn't just take his right to due process . he smears the judge. he harasses the judges to order president trump, our former chief executive, is using the bully pulpit that comesng with being a former president to put people in grave danger. quite apart fromn grav his attac on the judge's daughter, which to, ghtelly uncalled for the judge's daughter isn't seven. ot sevenshe's 34. he's not attacking her.he he's jus's nt saying what she ds for a living. >> how's that? an attack? >> he just wants a new judge.e. one whose family isn't fundedya by democrats. thd ryan in iss the founder
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of american majority. >> is that too much to askat mu it's really not, jesse. it's pretty appalling. >> this feels like a turning point in all of this. lawfare agains in alt trump. >> and with this case, the leftd is dropping any pretensero doesn't seem to care at all about having any pretense of legitimacy with the greater public. it's the gloves are off, it's bare knuckles.. left now, a leftist judge with a case that was not taken upe s, t by previous the southern district of new york brags predecessoernew yorkr, a t that should never have been brought. he's presiding over it. trump simply points out his thes conflict of interest with his daughter, who, by the way, it's $93 million and solicit solicitationsolicitas raised ons specific case. ecific cnl trump did was point out these facts.of and instead of recusing himself, the judge goes, you needhimselthe judg to shut e corporate propagandists with their circus seal act obediently rise to the occasion and say trump's attacking the daughterocasion i. no, he's just pointing out
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facts. i mean, jesse, this is a grosss, attack on trump's constitutional rights to defend himself, the abuse of the law,, the legal system. - >> on trump, it's i have to t tell you, the democrats left have made a massive bet on all of this lawfarel take that some of it will take trump out. i'm making a bet that thisut. ir is going to blow up in their face when things like this really breakce in on the normiet that are watching this. they're going to realize the groshihere s abuse of power actua that the left is actually doing to try and bring down trump. >>lldoing to yeah, orange man be and anything anywhere at anybl time is acceptablee be because orange man bad. the normies woke up over easter weekend whennorm u. e >> the white house called it trans visibility day. abre here'ransgends former president just about an hour ago on the campaign traila . >> listen to this. what the was biden thinkinghe when he declared easter sunday to be trans visibility day? >> such total disrespect i
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to christians and november 5th is going to be called something else. >> you know, it's going to be whristian ystian visibilit day. christian visibility day. yeah, i'll give you a couple seconds on that. >> well, i would say also fro visibility day in which patriots who love the country, lovef the constitution, lovean the idea of sovereignty and sovereignty and citizenship actually rise up and say we're going to protect this country. we're goin goingo g to vote trun for another four years to return to normal. >> all right. o back to i that's all we want. that's right. a normal judge and normalso muc election, right? >> it's not that hard. ned, thanks so much. >> that's right.o thank you. the wolf returns to prime time . it's hard to forget a murder mystery, especially when it's unresolved.
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cook up crazier ways for people to protect themselveszie >> instead of prosecuting crime. new york told commuters to distract dangerous vagrants who raisedou their fistssts by s by spilling soda. >> now, if that doesn't work, you're supposed to say, hey, didn't we go to high school together, did weo ? >> because the one thingbe homeless can't resist is bragging to theircause old classmates about how well they're doing. >> san francisco has an evenha better idea. >> no one feels safe riding the subway, soa be they want ris to carry a flimsy piece of paper. >> it's called an intervention card. how does that work? well, if you spot someone who's about to get assaulted, hau pass them a card that says, i govet you. or if you're about to get punched in the fac e, you hand someone a card that says, ze. got me >> pullover to college students who are bart riders. rtant and so it is really important to us. so we're going to go ask for the bystander intervention cards ths. e me
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hello? excuse me. we would be able to have some bystander interventio, woy please. oh, yeah, sure. ap thank you so much. >> i really appreciate these cards because they gave me a concreteusee me to deal with s unsafe situation. i'm not very equipped to deal with them on my own. >> and so these cards give me a sense of community. >> emily wilson, host of emily saves america, joins me now.u >> can you save san francisco, nciscoplease? kno you know, the funniest part par about this is ite actually sounds like it's written by the criminals that's run by the democrats. so we're not that far off.democt >> right. because you know why they're asking everybodyff out to open their purse to take out a card while people ares. hovering over them, about to steal their purse. ean, yeah. i mean, you know, they actually could make this useful instead of paper. what we could do is we could make it out of metal like a like a medieva metal la l shie
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we're kind of going back to the dark ages anyways. >> or you could juste dages any have everybody carry a gun, and you don't need a cargud. yeah, i mean, you know what's so funny about these young girl funnythese yos? poin i tell them i'm like, look, at this point, if you're voting anything but red, you're basically votanything beg to become a statistic. >> can you do us a favor and goa to the subway in san francisco with a film crew and pasndo tost cards and see if this works? >> emily? yeah, i'm sure it'll work. and i won't. i won't bother calling the cops becausthe. we don't want to summon them as they say, even though that's their job. okay thoug, well, we can summon some justice for once. >> that would be helpful for on don't be a statistic. be like emily. don't ride the subwaiky. ank yo or if you do, bring a glock. thanks, emily. >> deborah shields. well, democrats sa.y dea is the new n-word. i hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. >> a lot of times you can't
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and get 15% off with promo code trim at lincoln. four years ago, corporate america flooded the zone with d-i programflutteres rightr george floyd. >> and now ceos are dropping bunow ceos like a bad habit. >> axios says mentions of dti
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during corporate earnings calls are downde 75%. businesses realize just how toxic itt is, and now the term so radioactive, democrats are redefining it. dti is now a racial slur. >> i am a young black mann and young black man in this country. we know that there are a lot of racistsiny. you lot and folks who don't think i should be in this job. i know that i've beeown black my whole life. i know how racism and racism goes in this country. ndmbut my focus is always going to be on those people. i didn't want to be out there pe asking answering t questions about the. i'm worried about the loss of lifheons aboue. we know how ridiculous that is. those folks are afraid. as i said this weere -s k, to ue the n-word. >> let's be clear. not everse: let'y black hire isk hire. far from i hirt. s turn >> but what they want to dord is turn the ai into the n-worddi to scare you away from discussing it. they made up the word, but you . can't use it. and y the ai, can't sa
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you can't criticize it or get rid of it. >> and that's the goal. chris rufo is a senior fellow h at the manhattan institute and he joins me now. .o they created daca and now we can't say it. >> yeah, it's quite convenient . same people who have spent billions of dollars building uw. dea bureaucracies in government goationsersities, even b in private corporations, are now saying that it is a verboten a , it's a forbidden word. you can't talk about it. and the same people who sathyeo we're now hiring people on o the basis of dea, i get very angry if point out that they'reng hiring people on the basis of dea. and sopeople o we see a pattern that repeats itself over and over. ver and ov the left has a bad ii itde fails the points, outthing the failure, and then the left simply changes the languagges t so we need to keep focusing pointly out and point out exactly what dea is, exactly why it doesn't worwh not work, t let the scaremongering
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and fearmongering stop us.e do >> where do you see the dea eye movement going? you hear d everyone's just not even mentioning it anymore. it's a problemoning . it's not profitable. it hurts corporate culture. where do you see corpo the next two or three yearsr ? will i think it's going to be a drag out fight over deaag. e desant and luckily we have governors like desantis in floridaorid and now a half dozen other states that have abolished dea in all of thei doz r state universities. >> they're setting the template for getting rid of this. k but what i think it's going to take beyond that is coordinated lawsuits bey to show that dea programs are actually a violation of america cl rights law. they systematically discriminate against white and asiaystematin men in partic. and it's going to take mon sog ab public opinio that we're talking about the facts, we're talking about the trutouthkingh, and we're talking about getting back to a system of colorblind equality t in whih everyone is treated equally t as anrdividual, no
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avatar of their race or sexuality, which rac is against the very principles that we should be fighting for in this countrg foy. l happ we can already predict what's going to happen the minute you get in thereen get and start uprooting these programs. you're going to be savagely attacked as attacking civil rights or taking away legal protections for minorities. l bk >> yeah, but it's all barkno and no bite. cod my rolite.e as a trustee atw college of florida, one of the first things that we didllrl is abolish the dea department. there were protesters. there were angryis det people, l were emails. there were even some threats. when we first arrived on campus. now, fast forward six months. wveit's totally quiet.s al it's all bark, no bite. republican politicians just job need to get the job done. that's good to hear. i think a lo at it of people needssage. to hear that message. >> thanks so much, chris rufo on the front linesank yog on ofa battle. >> jk you. >> besides the bay of pigs
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invasion and cuban missile crisis, jfk did something else that put him at complete odds with the national security state. prent kennpresident kennedy pron end to the cold war, not victory but an end to the cold war. >> not s a pax americana enforcd on the world by american? weapons of war, not the peac esecu of the grave orir the security of the. i am talking about genuine peace e, the kind of peacewort that makes life on earth worth livingh li, the kind that enabl men and nations to gromew and tt hope and build a better life for their childrenr , not merely peace for americans, but peacee, for all men and women, not merely peace- in our time, but peace in all time. >> proposing a peaceful resolution to the cold war mad:e kennedy an enemy to the cia and the pentagon.
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>> the containment policy and the arms race was incredibly profitable for the military industrial complex. >> and kennedy's speech at americaand kennn university 3 proposed an end to thosese pro profitfis. . the entire nation had been mobilized in a constane entirett of readiness for a war, and the cia was the tihes thp of the spi >> and when it was created in 1947, secretary of state george marshall warnede marsha h that the cia's power was almosts unlimited. the government sanctioned the cia to conduct covert operations such as propaganda, economic warfare , sabotage, demolition, subversion, movem and lethal assistance to guerrilla movements. the cien.e cia was a licensed paramilitary operation. >> they had a licenseate. to assassinate the architect cae to the containment strategy called the cia's clandestined ct authority. the greatest mistake i've everta
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madeke. the cia charter allowed them to lie, deny responsibilityw and violate international law without consulting nybody anyone in order to maintain plausible deniability, which made cia operatives extremely creative without president eisenhower even knowing how the cia mafia contracted the mafia to assassinate castro.sassin >> and when jfatk announcedand his goal of endingwh the colds war, this was against cia everything the cia stood forandu and put them on a deadly collision course o. >> she's back. >> how? oh, the year you can expect
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the casinos a good time. is blackjack, roulette, free drinks. but in the end, the housee ho always wins. this is the end result of all the bright lights and the comp trips of all the champagne and free hotel suite s and all boo the broads and all the . it's all beeand aln arranged jum us to get your moneyon. that's the truth about las vegas. you know vegas., i think we're the only winners. the players stand a chance. a >> the casinos always win because they have a statistica o edge. >> you might win a couple hands, but the more you playe m the higher chance you have of losing. >> even if you walk awaye with some cash, some other suckers lost a shirtther. >> don't look at me. free rooms, drink shows justgame to get people to gamble in the desert. >> it's all about volume. ? that's their edge. democrats had a similar edges ht
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but starting to lose it. a few years back, democrats ap on persuasion. just started going forr the numbers. that'sth they blast out ballotsy to as many people as possible. >> ie ast gives them the edge yg voters, black voters, hispanic voters. av >> democrats have relied on these votes for decadeslied >> not anymore. it's horrifying. our numbers among younger voters are around. it's likely that black younger blacks, younger latinos, whatever, but whatever young, black or white, younger people of color in particular males, we're not shedding them . >> they're they're leaving in droves. >> jes democrats can't win if college kids and blacks go trump. sosecan' one of the democratse e top data guru, is warninmog the party stop registering new voters. he wrote it in a secret memo that the post got a hold of.
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>> he says, if we were to blindly register nonvoters wu and get them on the rolls, we would be distinctly aiding trump's quest for a personal dictatorship. this wk in 2024. wor now, if republicans did this, they'd call voter suppression.da >> democrats now want fewer people to vote becauses. they can't run on the issues. aly to talk about is trende, uary sixth and get it together. >> people from all walks of life opened up to me. they shared their life stories and their deepest secrets. some people are anti work,, some want to decriminalize drugs and othersto d identify as wolves. >> you remember nyro? >> me? she's a friend of prime time.
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oh, not only is niya polyamorous british columbian wolf, but she's also an elite s hacker who takes downwolves sex traffickers. >> this lone wolves only pre opy are . are iyo kami joins me now. >> nya, how are you? good. how are you? again it's good to be on again. it's good to have you back. >> jesseou have you read get it together.t >> you have a prominent chapter . so i actually before coming on, i did take some time to both, of course, read my t chapter because i'm in as well as i'll s be completely honest with you, i have not finished yet, but i dibut d read some of the other stories that i found interesting. were you pleased with how you were profiled in get itn "gt together as a transgenderidenti person who identifies as a wolff
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? >> yeah, i thought the the way i was profiled was pretty respect full and accurate.enjo i did kind of enjoy the waycerti certain things were presenten dt i thought it was you felt flirted with by m be that that genuinely made me laugh. >> what i when started reading that, i was just like, oh, that's interesting. are you sayinghe i got the wrong idea? unfortunately so. m so humiliated. >> i'm going to try to move on from that. explai movn again to the audien, now who's unfamiliar with your identity, how exactly you feel. you're a wolf. >> i think that's what a lothint of people actually get wrong. it is a very minor part of whoho i am on a day to day sort of basis. i definitely with the idea
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of wolf, wolf is definitely, i guess, a symbol for myself.f. i find a lot of things in common, but i don't thinkm i'm an actual wolf. and whenctual you know, that's one of the things i enjoyed when i was reading the boo ki thin is i think that was portrayed pretty well. o >> you know, most people they'll have me on and they'll be like, look at thiiks look at this person. you know, they're they're they think they're a wolfu kn they think that they're, you know, in the wrong body. look at this loon. wronlook a like, you know, that's not what i'm about. that's never what i've beethat'e about. so you're saying i'm a great writer? so you're saying i'm a great writer with a sophisticated understanding of the humanof not condition, but you're not interested in it? i understand. listen, it's noter ] your faultt you're not a girl, okay? >> okay. girl, that softens the blow.that you do frolic with wolves, you go to wolf sanctuaries,
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you nuzzle them, you cuddle them. >> explain how that look that l yeah. i'll go to different wolfs.l go sanctuary occasionally. i'll do the, like, wolf interaction tours. looks it looks like anybody else, i guess, who doelis the tours. >> okay. and if you want to knowt to anything about how she or he became who she or he is, a wolf spiritually, anything, fc about fascinating read, get it together. she endorses it. so, you know, it's legit now. , >> yeah. thank you very much. how's raven, by the way? our friendw n , we. >> we are no longer a thing. i have a fox that i am talking ] to a fox.t oh, can i get a little howl? just a cap us off here.f your >> that's always near
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primetime. loves you. thank you so much for joining fr us. no problem. than k you. >> rain starting to get to me. i don't know about you guys,n ra but it's been raining here on the east coast foinher about, i don't know, three straight days and we're supposed to getio rain for the next 48 hours. >> so if i'm not myself, t, tha that explains it. >> let's do textt's. expand >> bill from clifton, virginiaed give.n the craziness in theu re news, you really have to add tod it with howling guests all whoa . all from missouri. ab hil well, i laughed when hillary said, get over yourself. maybe hillary shouldget over hers get over herself first. >> maybe hillary should get it togethermaybe . thomas from hawaii, they gag trump,? but they can't gag the rest of us. aneat point. >> and as we heard, election
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day will be christian visibility day. >> rebecca from pennsylvania trump gets gagged for pointingy a conflict, but they can say barron trump is fair game. >> sick. jeff from laurel belleville,u nd ohio you need to gett on the subway and pass out cards that say get it together. >> sure do. york. >> karen from new york. hey, jesse, where'd you get that pink spord yot coat you woe out to dinner for jesse jr's birthday? >> clay travis his , his closet.y >> i was going foron clay on easter or trans visibility.e. >> excuse me. dvr the show. get. get it together. and always remember, i'm waters, and this is my world. and welcome to hannity. it is primary night m in wisconsin, delaware, connecticut, new york and rhode island. anas the road to the 20240 fo


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