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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 3, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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everyone, i am laura ingraham, and this is "the ingraham angle from los angeles. my "angle" in moments but first, you can't keep a fighter out of the ring for long. they are trying to keep him tie up in court, the former president, president trump back on the campaign trail into battleground states, michigan and wisconsin. he lost both last time, but this time around, things are different, voters have had to deal with relentless inflation and, of course, biden's relentless border catastrophe. >> i stand before you today with joe biden's border bloodbath and that is what it is, a bloodbath that is destroying our country. it is a bad thing happening. it is going to end on the day that i take office, which will be january 20. >> laura: and he's wrapping uper a rally right now in green bay, wisconsin, where he is leading biden and the latest emerson pole. >> you know, we have a new
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category, migrate crime. it is the worst president in the history of our country, joe biden. sometimes referred to as crooked joe biden. as crooked as a green dollar bill. >> laura: joni me larry elder, former republican candidate for president, larry, it has been a few months since i have been in l.a., but the president will not be closed down the. goes to those two states, out here in california and i understand he's making a trip but how important is this statement now given what has happened? >> welcome to the hood, laura. it is very important. the average of four paying $1,000 for the same goods and services that they paid three or four years ago. the boards are wide open, crime is up, he has a track record and all he has to do is talk about how much better he was when he was president and that will be the closing argument. >> laura: i really believe they thought bombarding him with
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all of these cases, they cases, civil cases, criminal cases, that he would kind of rollover and say, "no, i'm out." it is impressive to see him out there needs on the new issues, too, squatting, on the border, the bloodbath comments, leaning into the bloodbath, despite we will get into this little bit later. >> i know you have been around him and i was too come i got ofw the campaign trail and spoke hesewith him for some time. i said 3:00 in the morning did you say, why did i do this given all the lawsuits, given the onslaught in the news media against him is negative. he said i felt an obligation to my country. the man, what is the word, you can't keep him down. >> laura: the latest thing they are tryin g to get him on is hilarious because it never works. they keep doing this. he made a comment about illegals committing crimes. and he referenced them as
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animals. now, the biden campaign tweeted out that trump said, "democrat said please don't call them animals." no, they are not animals, humans, it sounds bad. but they alsano share this, wat. >> the 22-year-old nursing student in georgia was empirically murdered by legal g filmiceo illegal alien animal. the democrat said please don't call them that, they are no, they are not humans, they are animals. >> laura: if you notice heth didn't say immigrants are animals. again, do yoll tu think and if s will work. >> it is trump derangement 101. he never mocked the reporter. he never said my want you to go violently tear up the capital. he said that i want you to to patriotically make your voices heard. he never said please and checked leach. they do this over and over again.
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i think most americans are fed up with that. >> laura: the campaign trail will be different i will bena campaigning done, but do you agree that joe biden will never, and i mean never debate donald trump? >> he is not going to bake trump. are you kidding me, he would get demolished and you know it. he can't give a regular speechvc or look at a teleprompter. he's going to argue that all trump will do is lie a lie andr lie and i will not be a part of his lies.gain he will not debate donald trump. >> laura: there was a powerful moment in the speech in maryland where trump promised -- >> two weeks ago i will deliverm justice for lincoln and today,th i'm adding something and it wilt be for lincoln. it is also justice for ruby. we will deliver justice for we will watch what happens with this. [applause] we watch what happens. not goi
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and we have all the law enforcement behind watching what will happen to these. he will not get away with this. >> laura: another crime that occurred in the midwest, and other illegal immigrant utilizing a woman. >> by criminal a whole bunch of conviction and shouldn't be oute on the i'inm setting up a path down the road to get rid of soft on crime das because all of the people out on the streets and should not be on the streets. it is ridiculous. two attempts to recall him have failed you're with the one in t the bay area was recalled.he and only 5% of voters in thatnd city are republican. so too radical for the radical voters in t the bay area. >> laura: you have to clean up los angeles, which is great city. this has to be cleaned up and cleaned out. toolarry, and it's great to sen you. gele>> my pleasure. >> laura: trump posted out.$175 million bond as he apps the judgment and they, a victimf fraud case but that is not all. the hush money trial and other
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fraud. one more chance expanded gag order barring him from talk about family members alvin bragg. and this after he complained about what sure looks like an apparent conflict of interest the judges daughter daughter has. and she is theg president of authentic campaigns, a democrat consulting firm andembe according to "the new york post," this firm raise $93 million in campaignr donations based off at very case. joining me sol wisenberg, deputy counsel, dave and sharon come up each to impeachment attorney. so failed to get judge recused from the case and is that a long shotpo? >> it shouldn't be. i said from the start of the case, the appearance of impropriety isn clear so he is handpicked for this case, trump organization case, rather than
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random selection, from 2004 that is a pill that kind of process and picking by the d.a. but said if raised on direct appeal and show conflict, it shouldn't be permitted and incuse this case,i isbelieve it goes beyond theshou appearance. i believe 22 new york code andrt of rules and regulation come up 1.23ed, that must disqualify himself. and if the judge has asele relae to the fourth degree who has ah substantial interest affected by the preceding, then he must recuse himself. that i s his case. the new york posthaste article is clear i in this person'sap daughter the digital persuasionn director for kamala harris. presidende yt of the company thy must disqualify him so pure there are many judges on thed court. h it depends on the integrity of the system. >> laura: tonight, the d.a.'s office responded to trump's recusal, and innuendos a
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far cry from evidence that this court as a direct personal substantial or pecuniary interest reaching a potential conclusion. there is simply nothing new here that would alter this court's prior conclusion that nothing about this proceeding will directly benefit this court's family let alone the court itself. now come again, all of us havem. been litigating cases in courts r many years. you guys are more seasoned and been out of the game for c a whe but given how important this case is, why would they want to leave a scintilla of a doubt about impartiality in a conflict of interest? >> well, we have talked about this before, laura. that is what is so amazing about all of these efforts against former president trump.t th you would think his opponents would be more careful about wha,
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they were doing. keep in mind, there are twoe issues here. the first is one that dave hasas talked about showed the judge be recused. by the way, from what i readis - today adam schiff's various campaigns political campaigns in 2019-2020 alone at a time when he was dealing with michael cohen who may be ay in witness in this case spent a media of $3.7 million with company, with juan merchan'sp. company that she is ahead of.s the question is number one, should he be recused? we know the answer to that, butu number two, should trump be d allowed to commentav upon it?sh that is where first amendment right. >> laura: you bet.e t >> assuming he doesn't do it in a clearly inflammatory way that would encourage people to harm her. >> laurapolitica: i know. david, sol took the words out of
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my mouth. the idea a defendant leaves what is fundamentally unfair trial that he can't get a fair trial is now prohibited from talking about the reasons why?y th again, let's read this in a letter that we will go back to,n and a letter trump's attorneysis noted a twitter account used byh the daughter appears to have been closed to the public. so authentic and the x account s limiting president trump'sh. ability to investigate the if they have no conflict issue, wife do they make the count goea private question mike >> the gag order impinges the birthabou stomach first, fifth and sixth rights and the right to a publil and the public must know the facts surrounding an underling i the case and the players in thi, credibility. it is absolutely outrageous. and remember a, all of this in election year hear, hear is a judicial committee opinionfirm may 4, 2023, rejected a claim of recusal had a completely
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different scenario. the judge's daughter withth real estate business and the question isn't whether the business is in bold, it is whether an interest ofacco substantial. and this proves it. >> laura: sol and david, we f will staify on this here thank u both. j.k. rawlings, my "angle" plus glenn greenwald will react. ♪ ♪ i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: resisting the new inquisitinquisition, that is ths of tonight "angle." now, i am certain j.k. rowling with recall oil epping compared to donald trump your the lifelong feminist holds is antithetical to his. but when the bar left and the u.k. started a petition to ban trump from traveling there, she become a true liberal, drizzling. >> i find almost everything that mr. trump says objectionable. and i consider him offensive and bigoted, but he has my full support to come to my country and be offensive and bigoted there. >> laura: whether she likes it
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or not, trump and she have something important in common. they are both threats to the new inquisition, you know the self appointed enforcers of conformity. the anti-free speech radicals who are threatened by anyone, and i mean anyone who boldly expresses views that conflict or challenge their own. now, just as it would have been a lot easier, let's face it for trump to still clear from politics in 2015 or retire after 2020, it would have been far easier for j.k. rowling to back away from her views on transgender is him. >> i absolutely knew that if i spoke out, many people who loved my books would be deeply unhappy with me. absolutely that there is something dangerous about this movement, and it must be challenged. >> laura: for believing that a man is a man and a woman is a
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woman, she has been called a vicious transphobic and subject relentless criticism from many, by the way of her former friends. and even when scotland passed a so-called anti-hate speech law in stead of shutting up, she ramped it up. bearing scottish authorities to arrest her. and not wanting to sidestep the firestorm where the harry potter author actually charged and announced earlier today, she can violate the law that says the prosecution only need proof that remark was likely rather than intended to offend members of class is defined by things like age, disability, faith, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex appearance oco hate speech would be prosecuted if merely a reasonable person would consider it threatening or abusive. it is not a broad standard at
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all. even the liberal guardian newspaper admitted the law was problematic noting that nothing prevents it from being applied even for comments made in the privacy of your own home. this has echoes of cultural revolution and no wear protection for schools, clubs, private institutions and affect the low proposes a potentially massive extension of police discretion into the private and social life of scotland. now, this is when maybe you are thinking, who cares? that's a scotland, i love scotland but who cares what they do for? this can never happen here. we have the first amendment. really! when trump questioned the impartiality of the judge in his hush money case, the judge simply slapped a gag order on him. if members of the military question the outcome of the 2020 election and may be posted about it or empathize in any way with
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the jay six defendants, they probably needed to submit to anti-extremism training. speak with truth of the matter is, we need your help. i'm talking, of course about extremism and extremist ideology. it concerns me to think anyone or in the uniform would espouse the source of beliefs, let alone act on it. but they do. >> laura: how many times have you heard college student say they feel like they can't be honest in their essays? so instead, they write to validate or echo a professor's political views. >> when schools start endorsing or specific ideologies, that is unfair. you have to conform to their ideologies and the teachers pushing their political beliefs onto the students and if you don't, you will fail. >> laura: rfk jr. know how intolerant today's democrats can
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be. after all, they did everything they can do to keep them off the ballot. they launched a campaign to bankrupt and jail trump. >> president biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to answer political speech here the greatest threat and democracy is not someone who questions election returns. if you the government can silence its opponent, as an atrocity. >> laura: for decades now the left has been at war with free speech. at least we will go to the barricades to protect pronography but the neo stolen us on the, they will use any weapon to drive you into submission. radical progression spares no one not even blood liberals like roland or eric clapton, music
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legends who excommunicated for his outspokenness against the covid covert shot. nbc called it, "his sad final act. >> you we really ought to begin to not say anything about here. i was labeled as a trump supporter in america. and i got some pretty heavy feedback. >> laura: so did van morrison. well, nothing that distinguished doctors of course, and experience. if the question for lockdowns, question mandates, question masts, they were persecuted because of their views. and they never stop fighting though regardless of the consequences. now, like j.k. rowling, most of these people were not -- just pro f for the case of the docto, they were expressing their need for scientific inquiry to be free and frankly critical. but they got a quick education and how vicious the new left had
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become. there is zero, and i mean zero tolerance for disagreement, certainly no debate. and you deviate from the orthodoxy? you will suffer. it is far more puritanical, far more oppressive than anything you will find at most mega-churches in the south. those brave enough to stand against the pass should be an inspiration to everyone who cherishes freedom. now, you don't have to agree with donald trump to believe the law fair is being waged against him is one step closer to tierney. j.k. rowling, trump, are doing their part. now it is up to the rest of us to do hours and that is "the angle." joining me now independent journalist glenn greenwald. it is great to see you as always. even though j.k. rowling is in the clear for now, she is not backing down your chi row on x if they go after any woman for
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simply calling a man a man, i will repeat that woman's words and they can charge us both at once. glenn, this was quite a moment. >> i think what it illustrates is the danger of this law which is the scottish government doesn't want to prosecute someone like j.k. rowling because prominence and resources, and they don't want to give credence to this idea they are trying to criminalize standard political debate. but of course, that is exactly what they were doing and the fact they can prosecute her that her statement would fit into the parameters of the law and she is not being prosecuted because of the arbitrary decisions of the people in power, illustrates why the laws so, so dangerous precisely because it depends upon the willingness of the government to allow free speech or shut it down by prosecuting people at any moment including people who were involved in important political debates about some of the most crucial,
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social, and political questions. >> laura: given what i said in "the angle," look, americans will be interested in this but they will wave it off saying, "this will never happen here." we saw it happen. glenn what we saw this in covid in time and time again hot button issues and people lose their income or worse as we saw with trump. >> i think it is a crucial issue where we cover a lot of free speech infringements in western democratic countries outside of the united states. so often, harbingers what comes to the night starts might be a little more difficult to act upon because of the first amendment. but the mentality that is driving it is a group of people who are elites, political elites or people who call them disinformation experts whose judgment about politics is so superior to everybody else is that they have the right to enforce their judgments not by persuading people but by force of law to punish people who
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think differently, criminalize them or centering to make censoring them from the internet or bending them all together is something we see increasingly throughout the united states and constantly picks up the phone and demands that people and they tax silence american citizens the way found unconstitutional. but wells like this can also mean that if say facebook or google has to comply with scotland in the e.u. and the u.k. and canada, eventually, the deep law is going to be our intranet as well, even if those laws couldn't exist in the united states because of the first amendment. it has a big impact on american citizens. >> laura: a related point, glenn, the left cultural marxist or whatever you want to call them, they try to take words off at the table, certain words you can't say beer that is a way to go around a real debate. but the word "bloodbath that trump has used, watch. >> that is an ugly word.
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>> no, no, no, let's be clear, you have to estimate the question in the context of what it was said. what it was said when he said that. they are not the same in your question is disingenuous. we have to denounce rhetoric whether a former leader come we have to denounce that. we saw what happened january 6th. >> laura: okay, glenn, going back to january 6, they use that as a battering ram against the first amendment in your reaction to bloodbath is the new word you can't speak unless you are a liberal. >> i was going to go to january 6th, also so because inciting that violence when he spoke, he said of course, you will go to the capital and protest peacefully. so in order to get out of that, they said, he used a phrase that is a wink-wink to violence, when he said fight like, and yet you can find joe biden in every politician saying fight like hell to followers it, political phrase and bloodbath
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is a common term and language and we use it metaphorically over time. they are trying to control language like claims that a certain word means something that we can all hear in the context that it actually doesn't mean and somehow that meaning is binding on us because it gives us a mentality they know better. that is the mentality of controlling discourse. >> laura: glenn, that is a way to redirect the conversation away from a debate on, in this case, what is happening at the border to, "you are a mean person." that is where we are. >> this is the key words. all of this happen after 2016 when the british people ignored what they were told and decided to e.u. and brexit and the american election hillary defeated by trump. they concluded they cannot allow free debate because it is too dangerous because people uncontrolled appear at all of this we are seeing is a reaction to that, to the fear to allow people to debate freely. >> laura: bingo, glenn, we
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don't have you on enough, great to see you. >> always great to see you, laura, thanks. >> laura: parents of rich gang member accused of trying to cover his tracks here at who are the gilbert goons question what you will find out next.
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>> there has got to be a >> there has got to be 250 n kids here. t they are walking the streets. we are not used to this. i'm not used to this in mych neighborhood for being here 25 years. someone is going to get hurt.. somebody is going to get killed. >> laura: and it turns outone somebody did get hurt, somebody got killed that night. and we mentioned this story inrh arizona last night. arepart of the kids aren'te all right series we are doing and tonight, we are learning more about the beating death oft 16-year-old preston lord, and the group of mostly high schoolw thugs that were charged in hisor
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murder. joining meis for more on this nw terrifying, very sad story, trace gallagher, chief news correspondent hosting fox newsg at night. i heard theyand th named their h gang and they have aat name for it. what is this? raced their gang the gilbert goons, right? so this happen queen squeak arizona and if you don't know a arizona that is a suburb and gilbert by the way a suburb of phoenix, played sound in the interim, laura, 250 kids being rowdy. the case really is focused on a group of seven, young men and boys who call themselves the gilbert goons appeared to have seven under the age of 18, but they are all being charged asy a adults. the police say the 17-year-old preston preston lord because they thoughtthey he was wearinga chain he was stolen. they repeatedly kicked him, danced on him is what one of the kid said.lot he would one claims stumped on his head.r a lot of the cases focused on
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19-year-old talan renner on that either the beating posted on snapchat quoting, accidentally killed a kid, i guess i'm too strong. another kid said i hit a kid, hl fell and died. in fact while he was leaving the scene, the police report said that talan renner said i mightey have hospitalized that kid because i hit him hard. that is part ohef the case, thee were hundreds of social media post, there are videos, text, where these people literally wrap themselves out and then the accusations talan renner's parents tried to cover up the crime by hiding him until his bruises went away. but preston lord, the 16- 16-year-old who was killed fromf apparently not the first victim police say these gilbert goons come as they call themselves the maturity of their kids at fast food restaurants, parkinge. lots, parties, leaving with school fractures and broken bones. it is an awful crime and to think there is a trunk load of evidence in this case that is a really b bad news for a lot offh
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these kids all being charged as adults. >> laura: yeah, well, there vio and snapchatde texts and you tell kids come everything you put online isrigh forever. auand lora and behold, the polie got thesloe texts and there wasa lot of admissions come a lot of admissions. t totrey, thank you so much, grt to see you. if you like most people and you are wondering, hearing this anda say,rt "where are the parents?" they might be a part of the problem. spoke tor, an employee of travi rayner, the father of that suspect that trey mentioned, tan renner. she said she was brought on to help manage the crisis.took as trace alluded to, he firstth took his son away to a cabin soh that his hands had time to heal. the dad talked about divesting himself from his company to protect his assets and so on ana perhaps the most galling, she p
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said discussions turn on pending the killing on another team, ama boy with the same first name as talan renner son although spelled differently. joining me from phoenix radio host mike broome head kt ares news. now, i have been following this for some time and this isn't the first time this one kid, especially has done this. what can you tell us?to >> well, we have been following this for quite a while. fou it is a big story in the valley. what we found out is the police began to investigate. it seems not just a coordinatedt effort, but a lot of kids are doing it and beating kids up and putting on social media and kids otknow more about it than their parents do until the t police gt involved. >> laura: mike, you think about teenagers, you know, they have their entire lives in fron of them.thes and to read these text messages, the snapchat messages, maybe i'm just too strong. they were is all a lot of
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bravado with zero, it seems, compassion or respect for humanh life. this is what we noe have been addressing on "the angle" for quite some time. to owhat is happening to our yog peoppeople? >> it is interesting that yo alu say that. all week long kt r news youth on the edge covering just that, is this a byproduct of what we saw from the lockdowns and the i mental health issues with young people? that is the big concern, theseni kids are acting out andcial videotaping it and putting it on social media -- >> laura: why, why are they lau doing it, mike? is this a lack of parenting, zero value system, general sets of nihilism or godlessness, a desire for fame at any costs? >> i think there is a lot of all that. i think all of the above.thin i also think back to when i was a teenager and i fought like boys would fight, buen'tt we wee not picking on people and we didn't have the ability to post on the internet.y
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there seems to be a mober mentality when they getand together. one sort of anchor fuels the next and it gets out of control. it gets to be a huge issue andcm unfortunately, preston lord died. >> laura: another alleged victim of so-called goons shared his story of how they attacked. watch. >> we were approached by 10-12 guys.s i so dumb occurred one of ther friend say, "the keys are not in his or her."t in >> connor said he stood in hisul way and was hit in the back of the head with brass knuckles and he immediately felt blood gushing down his back.t th >> laura: brass knuckles, mike? people here about this with gains and in l.a., may become a part of chicago or d.c. but you don't think of this and a suburb of phoenix necessarily, do you? >> know you don't and gilbertco and queen creemmk is a bedroom
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community upper-middle-class ane many of these families are very wealthy. seso they shows you how why thee issues have become.s it is not just in the city things are happening but it is happening everywhere.lean >> laura: and the parents asf usual trying to clean up the messes of their kids and not being parents. mike --at's go ahead. you can wrap that up here >>he that is the worst part about the accusation friends of the parents and the link they wentts to cover this up if, in fact that it happened but the parents arrested and stand to do a considerate amount of time inw prison if convicted.our up horrifying to think they would cover up a murder. >> laura: we haven't confirmed that, but we, th are certainly following this, mike, thank you, next, governor hair gel andbu liberal cohorts about to putdrew restaurants out of business here. restaurant owner and chef andrew gruel explains next. ♪ ♪
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♪ing. ♪ >> you travel from california are america's coming attraction. $20 an hour. >> laura: t il typical ignorant deliberate filmic liberal. and the war against restaurants
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continued yesterday whenst gavin newsom's $20 an hour minimum wage went into effect for fast foo, std >> it picks mcdonald's, starbucks, chipotle. some of those businesses said they will be forced to raise prices at their restaurants. the reality of paying more foroe fast food brought fast response. toug>> there will be tougher fos to be able to afford a full meal and my kid is a family of five or six. prove >> laura: and other progressive policy that might sound good in theory but the. cost-of-living here is already out of control. so in practice commit is a complete nightmare. joining me now chef andrew gruel, founder of gravy concepts. andrew, o ani thought this wasn, supposed to, and i want to make sure i'm understanding this,t ho only affect the bigto corporations. but how is thi s trickling downas to the smaller a groups?e co >> great question. this was marketed in a way corporations would pay their
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fair shareally and help the wor. but in reality, this will actually help the corporationnei and hurt the workers and small businesses, which foods are one in the same to some degreeight.g the way that works, though corporations and multiunit groups knew this was coming. >> laura: ra lot of the robots are coming. especially mcdonald's. >> robots with $60,000 kiosks. ling workers often all ther jo workers will lose their jobsy we saw pizza hut layof off hundreds of workers in the small businesses are not t required by law to mor pay $20 an hour but e than 40 or 45% of the restaurants in california are part of this fast foods coalition that is targeted byf this bill, everybody has to increase in terms of paying thas number.g so almost by proxy through this bill mandating everybody to payd this $20 an hour. the small businesses, they don't have the disposable income or the capital to automate, right? the either have to increase by.
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their prices are close. >> laura: i see, that is how they are being squeezed by thepc spirit some restaurants already increase prices to offset whatmc are the new labor costs andning mcdonnell franchisees owning 18 restaurant said, heis e has been forced to raise many prices come up between 5% and 7. response to the new law. have you had to raise your prices? >> we had to raiseover our prics generally by virtue of the economy but not specific to this billying because we are paying workers significant percentagewk above what the existing -- u can't geto workers. >> foram our business error teau members have been with for so long but think about it this wah if i pay 25% above the flooro minimum wage, now i do have tose increase 25% above the new minimum wage. when i say it hurts workers, ith is not just the workers that are getting laid off at the prices in the local community go up --l >> laura: when you don't have expendable income. any extra income to get by.t pa >> if this is about helping the
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workers, number one cup taxes.eo and number two code don't make u exemptions. they have museums, airports,rmor amusement parks, bakeries andca furthermore the living wage in bakersfield, california $16 an't hour and minimum wage in>> l san francisco -- so why not mandating in san francisco? >> laura: thank you for being a relentless voice for sanity throughout all of thisgr pure great commas to see you in oo.person. pop star slams a ball burberry movie at the center of a new squatting scandal, it may fill it on all of that and a lot more after this. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a
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goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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>> p >> laura: now it is time for wtf, "what the failla." jimmy, host of saturday night life. they went jimmy, new york city
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couple is being sued byers. squatters. i know you have done some squatting. and they refused to leave and it is almost a million dollar house and they say they can prove that they live they are, watch >> they had this receipt fromer shake shack that we ordered food to the house january 15th. as if you can't order food too n any house. if i were to go across the street, that is my house too. we have someone in the shelter waiting for a home in a housing crisis. and the laws in retaining these criminals. >> oh, man. >> laura: jimmy, they are nos.t that smart either come are they? >> let me tell you where this t whole thing falls apart, all's. it is $25 receipt shake shack delivered to your house which il a physical impossibility here that is one fraud was delivery feed. the point that the woman makes p every place you got food delivered makes you a residence,
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he owned 75,000 houses this wee alone.alon here's a problem with liberal states come i will give you a real synopsis because you know i care.i when we wereca kids, when we wee kids we played two games, cops and robbers and elizabeth warren. but stick with me, when you play cops and robbers, when you play cops and robbers, everybody knew thrse robbers were the bad guys delete filmic reasons these liberals don't realize the robbers are the roe bad guys ist did nolot have friends as kids. you have tid no play these gamed you knew the right and wrong of society.s they don't have friends or they are unlikable people. how can you side with a b5? they broke into a house, get them out! >> laura: for the fact thatreds cost thousands and we are in l.a. and it happens frequently in the los angeles area where people have to have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get these people out. it takes sometimes up to a yeare jimmy, we talked aboutrant restaurant cost for the restaurant owner because of the
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$20 minimum wage in california, but it looks like there are other fees still showing up on receipts. watch this. >> i went toce a restaurant last night and ri got the bill. they charged me a covid fee. and i asked the guy, what is the covid fee? well we e have to wipe down the menus. >> wipe down the menus, you hav to charge $3 to wipe down your own menus? >> laura: that is one of your buddies and he is funny. one >> comedy club down the block, great first of all, the restaurants are basically telline bag you to were not wiping down the menus before, okay, number one. number two, he alluded this being a coffee house during the video. now, that would make sense because most of the men who hang out at coffee houses drive there maskwith a mask on in the car, ? most of the women who hang out in the car, coffee houses a mask
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with their cat. so a coffeehouse, i'm notshoc shocked but sebastian is rightis to say it is a scam. f >> laura: we flew here and o people still had their children ightand masks, jimmy on a five r flight. really quickly comry qe everyboy heard about the "barbie" movie and she took her sons and kind of trash the movie. they felt it was emasculating. you know, et cetera, et cetera. she is raising two boys. thank god someone is actually talking about this. thank goodness we have celebrities who actually haveu common sense.ha i didn't see the movie and i'm not going to see it. >> congratulations to shakira on never being booked in hollywood again. she is missing the whole point to find outrbieis if your son is straight i'm okay? that is why you take, not if >> carley: new video takes us inside the sex trafficking raid


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