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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 3, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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[ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now. >> steve: it is exactly 8:00 here in new york city. it is raining outside our
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skyscraper. >> ainsley: next few at as days, right? >> brian: good for the tu lips. >> lawrence: bipolar weather in new york. >> steve: this is the third hour of "fox and friends" and weather. president biden spoke with chinese president xi, did they talk about the massive surge in illegal imknow grants crossing into the country? >> brian: new polling shows trump leading in six of seven states. the form uer president has this message for president biden. >> we'll do it anywhere you want, joe. >> ainsley: a famous comedian is calling out the out of control fees. >> asked the guy, what is the covid fee? well, we got to wipe down the menus. it's a bad look. >> lawrence: he's not wrong. >> steve: we need a "fox and
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friends" feed. learn we don't do that. final hour of "fox and friends" starts now and remember, m mornings are better with friends. antisemitism -- >> ainsley: nine people dead and 800 injured after a powerful eart earthquake. >> lawrence: it is strongest to hit the iessland in 25 years. 26 buildings have collapsed. >> brian: crews are working on the damage. >> steve: it prompted tsunami warnings in japan, that warning has been lifted. >> ainsley: her apartment. >> steve: look at that, taking them out, that is terrible.
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>> lawrence: as taiwan deals with natural disaster, its military keeping a close eye on china. >> brian: what can they do? they have been doing that since nancy pelosi went there. >> steve: president biden and president xi jinping spoke about keeping peace in the region yesterday. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson live from washington. hello, lucas. did you like the way brian said pelosi. >> lawrence: lucas. >> lucas: i did. chinese aircraft are not there to check on taiwan. these are simulated attacks on beijing. jets launched on same day president biden spoke to his chinese counterpart for the first time since november. >> the two leaders held's constructive discussion on range of bilot ral, regional andirrias
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of differences. ongoing military communications, talks to address our official in intelligence relatocha scott-bivensed risk and continued efforts on exchanges. lucas tomlinson not mentioned the surge of illegal migrants crossing into the u.s. from bill melugin, over 22,000 this fiscal year and numbers are nearing last year's total. president biden posted the following about his call with the secretary of the communist party. >> i emphasize the concern over russia defense industrial base, unfair trade practices that harm american families and workers.
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speaking in paris, secretary of state blinkens the u.s. does not support ukraine striking russia's oil refineries after russia launched ukraine's energy infrastructure. >> brian: that is why they don't give them the attacks themes. do not hit back in russia, take missiles and rockets and long-range fire, but you can't hit back. lucas tomlinson that is right. critics have been critical of the biden administration talking about rules of engagement, not allowing ukraine to strike into russia and putting crimea off limits. >> steve: got to worry about russia and china. chinese flights over taiwan, that is one of those and you as a former pentagon guy know it is a gray zone thing. it is not an exact provocation
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of war, but it gets their attention and hacks them off. lucas tomlinson before russia launched full-scale invasion of ukraine, russia would routinely deploy troops near ukraine under guise of an exercise and pentagon officials are concerned what you are seeing with the jets and nuclear capable bombers from china, these are simulated attacks on china and one day could be the real thing. >> steve: a dry run. >> lawrence: at least this administration is consistently passive. do not let ukraine respond. they have to be measured in their response. and the spy balloon. >> steve: we shot it down. >> ainsley: after it crossed the whole country. >> steve: a brand new "wall street journal" poll looks
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across the country at battleground states and shows former president donald trump is leading joe biden in all, but one key states. >> brian: mark meredith is at the white house with the numbers. >> the big story today is looking at the cat p -- the cat pain. it is not translated to an advantage in the polls. in michigan, trump was campaigning yesterday and saw trump leading by three points. democrats concerned biden support slipped because of war in gaza. in georgia, trump ahead by one point and wisconsin, trump is not leading, the race is tied. trump was there last night. biden will go next week to discuss the economy. trump challenged president biden to knowa early debate. >> i stand before you today to
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declare joe biden's border bloodbath, that is what it is, a bloodbath. we have an empty podium to my right, that is for joe biden, i'm trying to get him to debate. i'm calling on crooked joe to debate any time, any place. lucas tomlinson within the last hour, fox learned trump campaign raised $65 million in the month of march and biden has yet to give out his data. convenience has been ramping up march numbers. now when we hear from the biden campaign, i imagine they would push bag significantly because last week president biden joined presidents clinton and obama and raised $26 million in one night alone. headline the trump campaign says they are catching up.
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>> brian: 65.6 million in march, not bad. >> steve: big number. the former president donald trump says he will debate joe biden anywhere, any time, whatever. the rnc in 2022 disconnected from presidential debates, so who would host it? how would that work? lucas tomlinson you have a good memory, i remember that story, huge deal at the time. if is up to the individual candidate, the rnc was saying they would not participate. we are a long way from november. trump sayses why, let's debate now. trump did not participate in any primary debates, he chose not to debate earlier this year. >> brian: why would he? he was the president, up by 30 points. lucas tomlinson he wants to debate earlier. >> brian: that was primary debate, this is totally different.
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did joe biden debate? >> steve: i think donald trump -- >> brian: did he debate dean fi phi phillips? the democrats did not hold any primary debates and trump's defense, the strategy happening paid off. >> ainsley: remember in the last year, four years ago, they were debating and said would you support the candidate and they all raised their hand except donald trump. >> brian: nikki haley has not endorsed trump, nor has mike pence. >> lawrence: you made a commitment and decide you will not support the candidate, voters will not take kindly to that. >> steve: bobby kennedy has
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higher approval rating with voters than donald trump or joe biden. if they decide to have a debate, will either of the two front-run ares allow bobby kennedy on the number? he is over 15%. we have done the stories about he subtracts votes from both candidates, why would they want him on the stage? >> brian: i saw 12%. say he gets up to 15%. clinton wanted perot on the stage. >> steve: both candidates, leading candidates will decide what the requirements are. will they let him on stage? i'll bet they don't. >> lawrence: i say, let him on the stage. >> ainsley: i don't think they will debate, no way they will let joe biden debate. do you think they will? i hope so. >> lawrence: i think they have to. >> brian: only way he doesn't is
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if he's trailing. >> ainsley: they will be scared he will trail more after the debate. >> brian: true, i rather lose -- doesn't it say they have shut-off potential interviews from here on in, will do local and podcasts? >> steve: he just talked to al roker, that hard-hitting interview. >> lawrence: made a lot of news, no news. >> steve: no, there was some. we ran a couple sound bites. >> brian: shows how little faith his staff has in him. rest of the time, no press conferences, no local. why would you go against donald trump unless you were trailing >> if this was the deal in saep,
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i think he'd have to say, i will get on the stage. trailing in every battleground state without r.f.k. jr. >> ainsley: a lot of states he won, he is losing now. top story in "wall street journal." they are spending hundreds of millions on advertising and your honor itout efforts and in seven states you see there, 93 electoral votes needed to win. those states are important. >> steve: they are indeed. carley is very important, she has headlines for this third hour. >> carley: i pledge to support you as anchors of "fox and friends." whatever you need. >> ainsley: are you willing to sign the contract? >> >> carley: i will stand by it for the rest of my life. new overnight, special counsel jack smith pushing back on the are judge in former president trump's classified document case. he said no white house officials
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backed the president. >> if you read the presidential record act, all records are presidential and it has a process and that is what the judge is trying to get to the bottom of and the judge is objecting to. >> carley: yet to set a trial date. president of soccer federation detained in spain as part of corruption probe agreeing to move the spanish super cup to saudi arabia. it is one of two criminal cases he is facing right now, he is in hot water for kissing jenny h hermoso after spain beat england last summer. developing story, new footage giving inside look at the raid on sean diddy combs los angeles home last week as part of a federal sex trafficking
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investigation. video was posted by the mother of jdiddy's sons. two of them have hired the same high-powered lawyer who represented clients like el chopo. mike tyson might terrify his opponents, there are some things even the world champ is afraid of. >> anything i'm afraid of, i confront it. that is my personality. i am scared to death. fight gets closer, less nervous i became, i'm invincible. >> carley: tyson takes on jake paul july 20th at at&t stadium in arlington, texas. check out this video at university of kentucky, winds
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were so strong, a female student got bowled over. gusts of wind clocked at 43 miles per hour. thankfully that young woman was not hurt. the storm is sweeping across the south and midwest. i am glad she is okay. >> ainsley: and wearing that backpack. >> carley: that is a moment she will not soon forget. >> lawrence: missed opportunity for a young gentleman to catch her. >> the wind swept her off her feet. >> lead in her boots. >> say you are a center fielder or winger, you could go save a woman and end up being blown away with her. >> lawrence: i never have that problem. >> brian: grab her. >> steve: or cement shoes are popular in new york city.
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>> brian: used to be bigger problem. >> steve: from new york to los angeles. there is a restaurant group that has got a restaurant called dtla restaurant and perch restaurant and they have given the high cost of everything and that new minimum wage thing in california and now a lot of small businesses are suffering, this restaurant, they added 4.5% security charge because it says it is added for additional security for staff and guest and should not be considered a tip. they say they are located upstairs on top of the building, it requires more security. >> ainsley: someone could drink too much and fall off? >> steve: you cover ground floor and the area above. >> ainsley: restaurant on the
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bottom floor is called fish. that is ez kra, you can't pass security to customers. i guess you can, i would be upset. >> steve: other l.a. restaurants don't charge it. >> ainsley: why isn't the government securing the area? >> lawrence: i feel sorry for the businesses. i've interviewed a lot of them. if they don't get the money, they can't stay open. break-ins and people bashing windows, the smash and grabs. if the government is not going to do it, they deknow fund the police, d.a.s are not p prosecuting. if you steal less than $1000, you are released and cops will not show up. it always gets passed to the consumer. >> brian: seeing that with the fast food minimum wage in
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california. and he grew up in chicago, from a working class family, he talks about how he was a waiter coming up in the business as a stand-up and still checking out the bill in detail. here is his observation about what was on his check at the end of his meal. >> went to a restaurant last night and got the bill and they charged me a covid fee. i asked the guy, what is the covid fee? we got to wipe down the menus. wipe down the menus? you charge $3 to wipe down menus? before covid you brought out the menu with spaghetti sauce on it? eliminate the fee and they charged 3.5% credit card fee. it's a bad look, real bad look as a business.
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absorb the fee, it is called the cost of doing business. it ain't right. >> lawrence: wrong. >> brian: does he have a live-in camera man? that is not a selfie. >> steve: he's right. one of those things, $3 for covid fee to mop down the menu? buy new menus. >> ainsley: his delivery makes me laugh, doesn't he have a special -- >> brian: one of the hottest comics. >> ainsley: when we have the two brothers on from staten island. >> brian: they were living their life, that guy is working on his craft for 20 years. >> steve: they have security fees, covid fees and center restaurants add for insurance
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and some do entertainment fee. are you willing to pay all those fees on top of cost of food to go out to eat? >> ainsley: look at your phone bill and electric bill and all the fees. >> lawrence: brian's biggest takeaway was the camera angle. >> brian: he looked good. >> lawrence: not content of the show, can the camera zoom in on me. >> brian: that was between you and i. go to ruby tuesday, go up there, screen there, you place your order, you don't have to see people. they have eliminated people at ruby tuesday. i like interacting with people, there are pictures, sketches of food you could potentially order. >> ainsley: like at the airport. >> brian: why is airport trying to reinvent.
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i would like to order a beer. go to the pad. let me show you how to do it. >> ainsley: i like it, if you are in a hurry and trying to much caa flight, get the order in quickly. >> brian: you can quickly? i struggle. 12 ounces or 16 ounces. >> steve: at ruby tuesday, is it in your neighborhood? >> brian: one in farmingdale, you walk up and there is a screen on the table. i will place my order. >> steve: do you have to leave a tip? >> brian: sure, they deliver your food. >> lawrence: true. >> steve: is it full 20%? >> brian: i can never, i physically can't tip less than 20%, it is impossible. i will tip the machine and they will tell the other machines to
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treat me special. not sure all ruby tuesdays are doing this, ruby today i went to. >> lawrence: dvr the show. >> ainsley: your disclaimer. >> brian: if there is ruby tuesday not doing that, i apologize. >> lawrence: kellyanne conway is here this hour. >> steve: a college student vanished from off-campus housing last month and has not been seen since. >> ainsley: his parents are doubling the reward for any information, his dad will join us next.
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she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. get the real deal with xfinity internet today, and get fast speeds and a reliable connection to all your devices in the home —even when everyone is online. >> steve: this morning the search continues for missing texas college student caleb harris, last seen in early morning of march 4. been gone a month. the 21-year-old vanished from his off-campus housing. seen on a doorbell camera 9:59 a.m. and telling his roommates he was staying up to order food. food was delivered, his roommates found it outside the door with no sign of caleb or his cell phone. his family doubled the reward to $50,000 for information.
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randy harris and tony mathis join us this morning. randy, your son ordered some food on uber, it showed up and he was never there to pick it up. his phone was pinging at about 3:00. then what happened? >> it 2:44, he snapped a picture to my daughter of the new puppy they had gotten that night. it was his roommate's puppy. ordered uber eats right after that, a typical lunchable, apple pie and red bull. they would normally go to school the next morning and get out and go fishing and that was the fishing lunch. his phone quit or turned off at 2:58 a.m. >> steve: sounds like the authorities cleared the
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roommates and uber driver. >> absolutely, 100%. >> steve: have they found the phone issue his keys, his vehicle? >> have not found the phone, seems to be the only item we're missing. we have his keys, his truck locked, the dogs in the apartment. there is nothing else missing. i have his iwatch, his ipad, mac book, everything in the apartment. best we can tell, his cell phone and that is it. >> steve: your wife and daughter have beg your pardon involved in the search, they were in corpus christi. tony, you are encouraging people to check their surveillance doorbell to see if they might have video of caleb, correct?
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>> that is right. it is 2024, the odds of disappearing without a trace is slim to none. we feel the word has not gotten out to enough people. we believe someone knows something. put yourself in this family's situation. your son or brother were missing, what would you want people in the community to do? >> i understand and gabby p petito's parents reached out to you? >> we reached out and spoke to joe and just to get some help. he was wonderful to talk to us and give us some advice and he left us an open line to talk to him, as well employs >> steve: i know you don't know where he is, you are putting out the word. tell us about caleb, before we go? >> that's a long story. great kid, great kid from a
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young age. loves outdoors, getting enviro environmental science degree, wants to work in the industry as a game warden or something in that along those lines or something else. 100% preparing for life. signed his lease, getting ready to go fishing the next day. he was texts he of fishing lures he was going to be using the next day. we had just seen his mom friday and saturday, she came down to hang out with him and his roommates. justice just an all-around 21-year-old college student who loves life. >> steve: folks have just seen his images, if you have information contact police,
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36 361- 361-826-2950. randy and tony, thank you for joining us i, good luck. for more information, link to gofundme page. go to "fox and friends." we will step aside, more in a couple minutes. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor
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(woman) yes! (vo) start with an all-cash offer at >> janice: severe weather outbreak across the country. look at the wind gusts over 100 miles per hour in kentucky. semitrucks completely piled over on the freeway and we've seen people being blown away. it has been that bad with the wind gusts and the tornado da
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damage. dozen tornados reported since monday, hail and damaging winds and coming to the east coast today. it will not pack the punch it has, potential for severe storms, and tornado watches from the big bend of florida to south carolina. system moving eastward, going to transfer energy to coastal storm here on the northeast and will bring strong winds, rain and snow. lj -- >> lawrence: messy out there. thanks, jd. that's right. ing >> lawrence: love that graphic. record number of american students are skipping school more than ever and pandemic related closures could be to blame. absences are trending.
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one in three are compared to skip in poor districts compared to richer districts. pete hegseth and will cain are joining us em. . >> pete: will, i'm tempted to blame on the parents. if my kid decided not to go to school, there are problems. we have fatherless homes. it is a big problem. this goes straight at teacher's unions and institution that made school optional to protect their institution and destroyed limited pa limited partershiping families in the process. i don't need chaos and wokeness and i'm not learning skills anyway. it is optional. maybe it is not bad so many kids are not getting indoctrinated.
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call me a contrarian, i don't know. >> will: don't be so hard on yourself, you are partially right both ways. we spent 15 years of our life living in new york city. we have gone to texas, gone back home. that gave me perspective from two different schools. in new york, my kids went to school with black and brown and free and reduced lunch. in places like new york, many kids lost trust institutionally, they lost trust in the idea of school. some of them haven't gone back and opted for home school. in texas, something i've seen, i've seen many have turned the idea of mental health into a clinical issue. stay home because you are sick. stay home because you don't feel
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good. i'm all into mental health and everybody should focus on it, it is turned into a thing where i feel down and i don't have to go to school, same as i have a cold. and i think that is more pr predominant than you might think in racial demographic and socio economic demographic. >> lawrence: spookeaking of sta being up, now 36,000 vacant positions for folks supposed to teach them english. what do you make of it? p >> pete: if my kid said they didn't feel well, i will make sure you feel worse at home, here is your schedule, it will be worse. part of this article are because there are so many non-english speakers coming into districts and teachers are overwhelmed
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trying to teach basic english to n nonspeakers of english. i have third and fourth graders who barely know how to write english. excellence goes down for everybody and teachers are overwhelmed, teachered say, i'm out. >> lawrence: they blame texas. >> will: no surprise, lawrence and pete, when you flood the country with massive illegal migration, you have crime problem, cultural change and flood the educational systems taking away from zero-sum game of finite setz of resources to educate our children. >> lawrence: we open it up with educating american people, people not attending school and having to shift resources. thank you.
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>> thanks, guys. >> lawrence: trump offerses empty podium to to biden last night to debate him. kellyanne conway is next. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. no, my denture's uncomfortable! dracula, let's fight back against discomfort.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> brian: trump campaign likely
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feeling optimist being, new polls show him beating president biden in six states, michigan and tie nothing wisconsin. >> i stand before you today to declare joe biden's border a bloodbath. if you want to help joe biden wheel granny off the cliff vote for crooked joe biden. when i am president instead of throwing granny overboard, i will send joe biden's illegal aliens back home. >> brian: kellyanne conway joins us now, he's got to feel good about the polls, they are all within the margin of error, your tho thoughts? >> kellyanne: great for donald trump, bad for joe biden. joe biden's delta, floor and ceiling are dangerously close together 42 and 36, like his beats per minute.
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not able to crack 50 as a sitting president. he is not even hanging on to his 2020 coalition. you overlay that with the gain trump is making among union, hispanics, women, donald trump does not need to win majority and he can win the presidency, new poll shows 28% swing among indep independents since 2020. i think it is all coming up trump. when i see in the polls, when you add the fact last night in primary, joe biden lost 14% of vote to noncommitted, 11% in connecticut, 8% in wisconsin. people are saying, leave it blank or do a protest, do
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unx uncommitted, unconstructed in wisconsin. when you add that to the r.f.k. jr. surge, biden, you will not find him above 39%. favorability rating for the two guys on handling of issues. donald trump dominates on issues important to americans, inflation, economy, border, crime. joe biden is winning on healthcare, i've been sounding alarm bells, republicans have to come up with a healthcare plan. it is a big issue to women, you want to win suburban women, not just air, itabortion, it is healthcare. we have to get our own healthcare plan. >> brian: they are seeing the numbers, we watched them see the numbers among young people and i'm wondering how they act? is it going to be just to
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diminish trump? is that their best offense, go evera the candidate? >> kellyanne: sheer obsession with donald trump, no th therapeutic, no vaccine, this disease makes them take leave of their senses. they are denying what we see at the polls and denying what we see at the border and the gas pump. all in the service of defeating trump. and main-stream media, for years, their job is to get the story. they think their job is tos get trump. it is their polls that are coding day after day on fox news, nor times poll summed it up, "wall street journal" poll, quinnipiac poll, not great for trump all along, you can't deny the data and if trump can close the gap between double haters,
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of both biden and trump, he can win. i say that is vulnerability now. he won double haters in wisconsin by 40 points over hillary clinton. tied in some places, trailing a little bit. depends why you don't care as to why you are a double hater. if just biden acuity, if you are angry with him about afghanistan, crime, border, ukraine, that is more solid. >> brian: gaza, too. lastly, we'll see what the court cases do. it helped the president in the primaries, what will it do in the general? always insightful, thank you. price of gas on the rise, check in with dana perino for what is on her show top of the hour. >> dana: have we got a deal for you. illegal migrant squatting in home filled with guns, drugs and kids, squatting is a local
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story, it is happening everywhere. we talked to michigan voters about trump's visit and how those went down. inflation forcing tough decisions for retirees and sports betting on the rise, how young people are getting sucked into the apps, we'll be happy to see you at 9:00. hey there. are you looking to grow closer to god? dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow. let's grow a little closer to jesus together. try hallow for free today. well i was on my regular route, when i find this note... bring rings to beach wedding? fedex presents tall tales of true deliveries. so i grabbed the rings and hustled down the beach.
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5:58 am
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5:59 am
>> ainsley: i hate to be the bearer of bad news. we could feel more pain at the pump just as we enter the busy summer driving season. >> steve: goldman sachs is predicting gas prices could hit $4 a gallon next month because of conflicts around the world. >> brian: we're live at a gas station in philadelphia with details. >> storm clouds in philadelphia this morning and storm clouds when it comes to gas prices, $3.54 is the average gallon of regular. ticking up, up $0.20 in the last month. a lot of states are already over $4. california is over $5. 5.15 the average. a lot of geopolitical risk and concern about oil prices.
6:00 am
today the biden administration announced it will pull back its plans to refill the spr, strategic petroleum reserve. they drained that to try and bring gas prices down earlier. they've been trying to fill it back up but now it is way too expensive. so they say we hit $8six on the futures market. it costs too much. we aren't going to do it. now is the time of huge political -- geopolitical risk out there. i don't know. this summer could be a tough summer if you want to drive somewhere. >> steve: behind you there is something that's selling for $6 a gallon on the gas sign, other side. >> that's ultra 93 self-serve in philadelphia for fancy cars. >> steve: it's premium. >> ainsley: listen to his radio show. >> bill: good morning, everybody. it's happening again. police busting eight migrants suspected of squatting in


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