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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 3, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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announced it will pull back its plans to refill the spr, strategic petroleum reserve. they drained that to try and bring gas prices down earlier. they've been trying to fill it back up but now it is way too expensive. so they say we hit $8six on the futures market. it costs too much. we aren't going to do it. now is the time of huge political -- geopolitical risk out there. i don't know. this summer could be a tough summer if you want to drive somewhere. >> steve: behind you there is something that's selling for $6 a gallon on the gas sign, other side. >> that's ultra 93 self-serve in philadelphia for fancy cars. >> steve: it's premium. >> ainsley: listen to his radio show. >> bill: good morning, everybody. it's happening again. police busting eight migrants suspected of squatting in a new
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york city basement. officers found guns and drugs on the scene and most of those suspects, as you expect, are already back on the street. good morning. that's where we begin. bill hemmer live in new york city. on a rainy day. how ugly is the day today? >> dana: i think it's a great day. we need the rain. it washers the streets and gives us flowers for may. rain is not a bad thing. we'll try to go with that. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." what's interesting about that story. the least surprising thing of the story about illegal immigrants quiting in the bronx is they were let out. now it is to be expected. police received a complaint about someone with a gun. what they found was nothing short of disturbing. >> bill: they confiscated four firearms, box of ammo, two bags of ketamine and found a 7-year-old child living in squall or. >> dana: the homeowner had tried to get rid of the group. much easier said than done.
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>> he tried to have the police come over and evict them at one point. but the cops said they have been there more than 30 days, you have to go to court and get an eviction notice from the court. >> bill: that begins a process that takes forever. six of the suspects have been released without bail. "new york post" headline today loose cannons. >> dana: bryan llenas is on the scene with more. >> good morning. the landlord of this home now dealing with a real nightmare. the reality that six of those squatters, many from venezuela who were just charged with multiple charges on gun and drug charges may very well presumably be right back living in the basement apartment illegally. the multi-family home in the bronx. down that alley is where we believe that basement is where these eight migrants were living. sources tell fox one of the six migrants released without bail,
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24-year-old, was previously charged with attempted murder in new york. the bronx district attorney asked for all eight migrant squatters to be held on bail. in the end bail was only set for two of them including a migrant who had an open gun indictment against him at the time of his arrest. this all began when police responded to a 911 call for a person with a gun. police say they chased the 24-year-old into the basement apartment and arrested him with a loaded gun. inside the apartment were seven other migrants, including one migrant who tried to run off with a gun. a 7-year-old was also inside that basement. now according to the criminal complaint, police found four guns in total including a ghost gun, two zip lock bags full of ketamine and cocaine. they had the intent to sell the drugs and here is what a neighbor said. >> they were a nuisance in the neighborhood. they motorcycle, the noise, the
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cars with big boom boxes or sound systems. they probably arrived around six months ago, seven months ago, and out of nowhere. >> all of this happened right across the street from this middle school that you see there. bottom line, dana and bill, this story encompasses three major issues in the city. migrant crisis, squatter crisis and bail reform issues. six of the migrant squatters released without bail. >> dana: add another, child endangerment. bryan, thank you. [shouting] >> bill: so there is more fallout from this video from the 21st of march. the showdown between texas and the biden administration going one step higher on the legal ladder. appeals court set to hear or all
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arguments about a law that allows the lone star state arrest illegals. where to now? david spunt live in new orleans to cover this today. good morning. >> good morning to you both. oral arguments expected to go about an hour or longer given this issue, very controversial, a three-judge appeals panel here in new orleans. the reason that we're in new orleans talking about a texas immigration law is because new orleans, the fifth circuit court of appeals, covers the state of texas. behind me here in new orleans is a traditionally conservative appeals court here in the united states. one of the most in the united states, if not the most. we won't know exactly how the court is leaning until these arguments are underway. we expect these arguments to be about an hour, like i said. you may remember last month, the supreme court allowed the texas law that allows local texas law
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enforcement to arrest anyone who is suspected of crossing the border to be enforced and arrest the people. a few hours later there was a stay put in place. the justice department is fighting to make this law unconstitutional arguing that immigration control is an entirely federal power. u.s. border patrol agents alone control the border and make arrests. governor greg abbott in texas says the law is needed because the state's sovereignty from an invasion of illegal immigrants bringing crime and drugs say the border patrol agents are understaffed and overwhelmed and the state should be able to make arrests. abbott and his team say the border patrol not doing their job so he wants to do his job by having the state enforce this law. we're not going to have a final decision today. they won't rule from the bench. no matter what happens today we expect the fight in washington back at the steps of the security on this very issue. >> bill: you are exactly right about that.
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thank you much in new orleans, david spunt. >> it's a border bloodbath and it is destroying our country. it is a very bad thing happen. it is going to end on the day that i take office. we will stop the plunder, rape, straighter and destruction of our american suburbs, cities and towns and end sanctuary cities immediately. i will shift massive forces of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement and impose a naval blockade on the cartels and hit the cartels very hard. >> dana: former president trump in michigan vowing to end the border crisis that spiraled under president biden. there is the vice chair of the republican party in michigan and a voter. jessica, tell us about your feelings yesterday. we have concern an anxiety. did he give you comfort yesterday? >> he does. and a lot of what he says lines
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up with statistics that you can read right on our own u.s. customs border website and compare what the crimes were for illegal immigrants during the four years president trump was in office versus the last three plus year president biden has been in office. >> bill: tracy, we got some numbers here. i don't know what they are talking about in milwaukee but fill us in. regardless of how you might vote who do you trust to do a better job. joe biden is at 39%, donald trump is at 57%. we just talked to jessica in michigan where biden seems to be trailing and that "wall street journal" poll at 48, 45%. cnn poll had trump up eight. in wisconsin, this seems to be a very close race. can you explain why? >> well, it's a really close
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race here in wisconsin. donald trump did not win wisconsin in 2020. but i think people are realizing that there is a binary choice here and the status quo under president biden especially as it comes to immigration, migration, crime and lawlessness, people are looking at the status quo like i said and saying we can't take this anymore. it plays into feelings of insecurity nationwide and i think people are looking at these two choices and saying donald trump will keep me safer. >> bill: one or the other. >> dana: the "wall street journal" has wisconsin as a strict tie 46/46. you mentioned something there about people feeling safe and peter doocy yesterday asked karine jean-pierre a question at the briefing on safety in regards to the border. >> as the person in charge of preventing a terrorist attack in the homeland, does president biden think some of these border
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crossers could be in the united states now plotting a terror attack. >> the president is confident that throughout the inner agency intelligence community, that we're doing everything we can to be as vigilant as we can to insure the safety and security of the american people here at home. >> dana: that was john kirby. the line where he says we're doing everything we can to be as vigilant as we can to insure the safety and security of the american people here at home. yet the border is the number one issue for voters in michigan. how do you react to what he said? >> it is statistically not factual. from 2017 to 2020 there were 11 homicides from illegal immigrants that are documented on our government website. from 2021 until now you have 169. that's a significant increase. for sexual offenses it was 431 from 2017 to 2020. from 2021 until now you are at
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just over 1200. it is not safer. the numbers don't lie. >> bill: merrick garland will talk about this in an hour and 15 minutes. crime will be a big topic and like bryan llenas was reporting some of these stories fold several different topics into the same story, crime, immigration, etc. trump was talking in michigan about ruby garcia, a 25-year-old killed in grand rapids last month. you heard jessica talk immigration as the number one issue for her. is it for you or others in your neighborhood in milwaukee? if so, how does it affect you? >> crime, immigration, the economy are all weighing very heavily. i think right now what we're seeing is that the status quo just isn't working. and when it comes to matters of international affairs. we're involved in all these conflicts overseas. we have a crisis at the border, and right now our leader doesn't
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have credibility. so what does that mean for me as a mom of two kids, as a law abiding citizens? it is very alarming. i think that all of these factors are going to play into one another and voters are going to have a decision to make. we have eight months until the election and a lot more to play out. good and bad for both candidates but i think people are really starting to settle in and saying what we have today just isn't working for me. >> dana: jessica, tracy, it's good to have you here. tracy, we've had you before. jessica, i'm sure we'll see you again in you are willing. have a good day, thank you. >> these guys practice this over and over and over every day, every week. this is their job. in this situation they probably had information about weapons, drugs and bad people who frequent that location. >> bill: federal agents under pressure after diddy's
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ex-girlfriend posts dramatic security video of the raid on his mansion last month including shots from inside. what she is now accusing them of doing during that search. >> dana: stunning allegations in the beating death of a 16-year-old in arizona where the parents of one of the suspects were innocent bystanders or did they play a role? >> this guy is going to come and try to hurt me, which i'm a customed to and he will be greatly mistaken. >> bill: iron mike is going back in the ring with jake paul. it should be a good one. he is getting more than he bargained for is what iron mike says and we'll lay down a wager momentarily in the ring. ♪ ease you back in to the dating scene. that includes having a smile you feel good about. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice
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>> bill: newly released video on the raid on sean diddy comb's mansion. it came from the music mogul's ex-girlfriend crying foul accusing federal agents of being over zealous. jonathan hunt with the follow-up. what else did we see on there? >> good morning. we all saw the pictures of heavily armed agents from homeland security investigations arriving at sean combs mansion in l.a. but now we're seeing what happened inside as the agents moved along the hallways, weapons drawn, it appears from the video by a drone you see there. as they move in to detain two of combs' adult sons, they have their rifles aimed at the pair. now, this edited video was posted on instagram from justin
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combs' mother who called the agents's actions overtly militarized and deplorable. hilton said if these were the sons of a non-black celebrity, they would not have been treated with the same aggression. the attempt to humiliate and terrorize these young black men is despicable. experts tell us everything the agents are seen doing on the video is standard practice. >> you have teams going in stacking, a lineup with each other. they carry those types of weapons because they are trained to use them. officers -- his fi never on the trigger until ready to fire. guys practice this over and over and over every day, every week. this is their job. >> sources have told fox the raid of combs' properties in l.a. and miami is linked to a sex trafficking investigation that comes in the wake of
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several civil lawsuits alleging sexual assault being filed against combs. his attorneys, by the way, have dismissed the investigation as nothing more than a witch hunt in their words based on meritless accusations. bill. >> bill: jonathan hunt with the follow up today in los angeles. thank you. >> dana: mike tyson joining hannity last night to talk about his upcoming fight with jake paul. he showed a confidence that made him such a force in the ring basically telling the youtube influencer bring it on. >> i think he has come a long way from youtubeing. listen, i've seen a youtube of him as 16 doing weird dances. that's not the guy i will be fighting. this guy will come and try to hurt me, i'm accustomed to and he will be greatly mistaken. i always believe that adversity or nervousness cow poked a man
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to a man to success. if i didn't have these skills i wouldn't go into this fight. i have to have these feelings to fight. without them i would never go in the ring. you know, sean, i have a weird personality. i don't think it's weird, though. whatever i'm afraid to do, i do it. that's how it is. i was afraid with 100 pounds overweight and 54, 53 and i said let's do it. anything i'm afraid of, i confront it. and that's my personality. right now i'm scared to death but as the fight gets closer, the less nervous i become because this reality. reality i'm invincible. >> dana: tyson is vastly more experienced than paul. also 30 years older. the highly anticipated bout will take place july 20th at at&t stadium and streamed on netflix and hemmer wants to make a bet. >> bill: i'm not sure which way i want to go just yet.
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>> dana: tyson all the way for me. >> bill: wow. okay. i will take the other side of it just for the sake of being -- it was a great interview with tyson. he is so compelling. he is an engaging human being in so many ways. that stadium can hold -- you could have 70,000 people there and 70 million people on netflix. >> dana: hot summer night. >> bill: you go iron mike and i go jake the snake paul. >> dana: check this out. >> bill: there is a lot of video coming out of the country of taiwan now rocked by the biggest earthquake they've seen in 25 years. reports of miners trapped and we'll get details coming up. people approaching retirement age doing a lot of math before dipping into the 401k.
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>> dana: an earthquake hit taiwan. nine people are dead. hundreds more injured. firefighters are still looking to pull victims from the rubble. there are reports that up to 70 men are trapped in rock quarries. more on the breaking news. sometimes you get more information as the day goes on. violent storms ripped across the midwest and southeast. system bringing rain and tornadoes. here is what it looked like in ohio. >> oh my god, babe. this just happened.
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lay back, oh, god. >> dana: severe storms will impact the east coast today and keep an eye on that throughout the morning. scan the qr code on your screen here in a moment. the fox weather app. i use it every day. it is very helpful. >> bill: good stuff. amazing how technology can predict stuff days in advance. we've been watching the radar all week. attorneys for former president trump making a new push to have the judge in that hush money trial recuse himself. here is the judge saying they've newly discovered evidence that may present a conflict of interest that involves his family and a lot more. the trial is expected to begin on jury selection on tax day april 15th unless. eric shawn has more on that in the newsroom now. >> we don't know yet what that so-called newly discovered evidence exactly is. it could involve the political activities of the judge's daughter. president trump and his lawyers
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are demanding that the judge be removed because his daughter is a political consultant for democrats. she is listed as president and partner in the political consulting firm authentic campaigns. tens of millions of work for democrats and clients include biden, harris, adam schiff, you may recall congressional investigations into trump and congresswoman omar among other prominent democrats. trump's lawyers say she will benefit from the prosecution of the former president. she will continue to earn money from these developments by virtue of her senior role at authentic. the district attorney's office responded saying the daisy chain is a far cry from evidence this court has a direct personal substantial or any interest in reaching a particular
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conclusion. the trump team did file a similar motion to try to remove the judge last year but it failed. he refused to recuse himself and denies any conflict of interest involving his daughter. new york state advisory committee on judicial ethics said the same ruling a relative's independent political activities do not provide a reasonable basis to question the judge's impartiality. we have asked the company authentic campaigns to comment about all this. so far fox news has received no reply. as for his daughter, she hasn't issued a statement about this controversy either. >> bill: a week and a half to go and we'll see what changes, if anything. nice to see you in new york. >> dana: we got money in the bank. you might need a lot of it if you want to kick back in the rocking chair. americans think they need nearly 1 1/2 million dollars to retire comfortably. that number hitting a record high. is it accurate? let's bring in charles payne
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from fox business. we have the graph here. by generation savings americans say they would fled to retire comfortably. it all millennials think 1.6, gen z 6.6 and boomers almost a million dollars. are they right? are they guessing? >> they're guessing but in part based on lifestyles and things like this. one other adjustment how long will you live? it's intriguing because gen z actually 30% believe they will live to 100. far more than any other generation. confident they'll live longer and therefore they would need more money than they assume they need right now. >> bill: the ceo of black rock nailed it saying it's an impossible math problem. you are coming up on retirement or if you are already retired i think he is right about that. you are moving numbers around trying to figure out how to make this match that. the graphic shows the older you
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are, the less money you think you need for retirement. >> dana: add in inflation. >> an interesting thing. how much people think they need and what they have saved. this will help us out. gen z thinks they need 1.6 million. so far they have 22,000 saved up. here is the good news. they started saving in their 20s, 22 years old. boomers started saving at 37. they have a big head start and particularly they need it if they think they will live to 100. boomers think they need $9 hundred thousand. remember, probably their home is paid for already. they know that their expenses won't be the same. they may sell their home and downsize to a condo and 120,000 saved. every generation is significantly below. high net worth might be the most unrealistic. a household worth a million dollars think they need 3.9 million to live comfortably in retirement. on average they only have 172,000 saved up. >> dana: wow.
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>> we have a ways to go. >> dana: in the topic the majority of americans feel worse off financially now than four years ago. inflation for several years. fox news poll from last night. 52% say they're worse of than four years ago. >> we showed year-over-year. how about in 2020 the number was 951,000 to 1.46 million. 50% jump in the last four or five years. people know prices have gone through the roof. the affordability of houses has never been harder. the amount of down payment, percentage of your wages that would go to living well is higher than any time in history. people understand this n'sync actively and why they are making these adjustments in their mind. >> bill: have you been able to crunch the logic what the "wall street journal" poll showed last night about the economy? swing state polls how they feel about what's happening to them or what's happening in their
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state versus the rest of the country. essentially they believe they or their state is doing better than the rest of america. what would explain that? >> well, that's almost any poll you take on any level. people feel better about themselves. almost every fall how is the the country doing and how are you doing? almost every poll 70% say i'm doing okay. the same group will say 40% will say america is doing okay. how we feel about our community, families and nation. we're concerned as a people. even folks who are working. economists say how can people be so down? maybe i am gainfully employed and have a few bucks in the bank. my nephew is hooked on opioids, you know, or i've got an aunt who is not the ready for retirement. so we care as a nation. that's how you get these distinct in the midwest in the rust belt and swing states it's more of -- something is wrong
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with our community. our education system, our kids cannot read at the same level as the kids in china. they can't do the math at the same level as kids in 25 other nations. so it's a thing where sometimes we feel okay where we are but instinctively -- we look around and know. >> dana: people will like their congress person but hate congress. >> 99% of americans say throw the bums out. we vote in our own bum again and again. i love my bum, you know. but why? they brought a bridge to nowhere home. isn't that why you hate the other bums? >> dana: thank you for being here. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: get this, bill. philly superstar brice harper had a three-homer game. how can you have a slump when the series just started? he was 0 for 11 to start the season. he shrugged two solo home runs
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crossing the milestone of 1,000 career runs. saved the best homer for last, a grand slam in the seventh inning. >> bases loaded, one out. and out to right field. the third home run of the night for brice harper. it's a grand slam! >> dana: what's the definition of a slump? >> >> bill: when you are down and people expect you to be better. >> dana: we are form answer review on your first week on the job. is that fair? >> bill: i was one of four people watching that game last night. all right? the weather was -- every player for the phillies wore a gator. it was cold. >> bill: thank you, charles, see you at 2:00. two women from kansas went on a 30 minute drive to neighboring oklahoma on sunday and haven't been seen since.
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why investigators say that drive is suspicious. parents of a teen accused in the murder of a beating death of a 16-year-old boy allegedly tried to cover up evidence that might incriminate their own kids. if that's true, can they also face charges in this case? >> the manner in which his life ended is heartbreaking to us. he was a gentle and kind person and his last moments were filled with fear and pain. spot a trend in electric vehicles? have a passion for online gaming? or want to explore the space economy? choose from over 40 themes, each with up to 25 stocks identified by our unique algorithm. buy it as-is or customize to align with your goals. all at your fingertips. schwab investing themes. 40 customizable themes. up to 25 stocks in just a few clicks. ♪ ♪3, 4♪ ♪
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>> dana: fox news alert. police investigating the mysterious disappearance of two women from kansas who disappeared while driving to oklahoma. we have more from den veer. what happened here? >> the oklahoma state bureau of investigation, osbi tells us
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there is no trace as to where these women went or what happened to them. on saturday, investigators say the vehicle 27-year-old veronica butler and 39-year-old gillian kelly were traveling in was found abandoned in a remote area just south of the state's border with texas. according to the pastor where veronica attends church they were driving from kansas, where they lived, to oklahoma to pick up veronica's children to take them back for a birthday party. they never made it to the party. >> we're doing what we can to try to just piece everything together and find out where these women may have gone who may have spoke to them right before they left their vehicle. >> veronica's pastor tells us he got word the women didn't even show up to pick up the children. so he contacted gillian's husband, a pastor at another church, the two men drove 40 minutes in the direction where they believed the women were going and came upon the car.
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by then it was surrounded by law enforcement. pastor singer says they are in a state of limbo. >> i think they're doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. they don't have any answers currently is weighing heavily on them. >> adding to this the car was found 2 1/2 miles south of the yarborough school district that placed all schools on lockdown yesterday and today out of an abundance of caution. the osbi tells us at this point they don't believe there is a threat to the public. >> dana: keep us posted. thank you. >> as the police began to investigate, it seemed to be not just a coordinated effort but a lot of these kids are doing it and beating kids up putting it up on social media and kids knew more about it than parents until police got involved. >> bill: 16-year-old preston lord beaten to death on halloween.
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seven boys all under the age of 21 charged as adults. police say they're part of a youth gang dubbed the gilbert goons. some of the parents went to great lengths to try to cover up their kids' tracks. criminal defense attorney is here. a lot of our viewers aren't familiar with the story. the allegations are about the cover-up. one witness apparently telling police that one of the kids with the last name renner apatiently admitted to a friend he was the first one to punch the kid, the victim in the case, last name lord. renner's mom took the 16-year-old to a lawyer. renner's family allegedly transported him to their cabin three hours from their home in maricopa county. his attorney advised the family to allow his hands time to heal before bringing him home. that's according to police
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documents. is there responsibility on behalf of these parents? were they trying to cover up something or how would you as the defense attorney prove it? >> great to be back with you. this is clearly in my opinion what's called an accessory after the fact. what does that mean? it is when somebody helps another person who they know has committed a crime in order to evade justice. that's exactly what happened here. we're fresh off the heels of jennifer and james crumbly and a new playbook for parents now. it's reprehensible what they did. his hand is evidence. he had dna of preston lord on his hand and they are allowing it to heal so the police can't get that. by the way, that could be a felony in arizona. then you also have a possible obstruction of justice charge.
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they are interfering with an investigation as well. so there are two potential charges against the parents and bill, the prosecutor in the crumbly case said she hoped it would lead to more accountability of parents. this is a perfect example. these kids were on a crime spree for almost a year. six documented crimes that they committed leading up to this. >> bill: a trail of cases here. the one with the death of preston lord that everybody is paying attention to. the seven suspects and mug shots. so viewers can look at what the in teenagers. the crumbly case in michigan was different. four dead kids by way of gunshot and can you apply that law in michigan to the what we're watching here in arizona? >> yeah, you can't directly apply it but the principle applies.
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what do i mean? in crumbly the parents were charged with the direct crime of involuntary manslaughter. renner's parents won't be charged with the direct crime of first degree murder but they can be charged as an accessory, bill. that's where the crumbly verdict comes into play. it will bolster prosecutors' likelihood of charging parents with these crimes with forcing them to pay attention to social media, pay attention to what your kids were doing. like you said there was a spree going on. they called them the gilbert goons. this was not an aberration. there is one other thing these cops have to look at. a party thrown with all these kids there where preston lord was murdered. was there alcohol served and drugs involved? that has to be looked into as well. we have a whole new playing field, bill, for parents' responsibility. >> bill: if you are right on the law we're entering a new phase
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for trials all over the country. brian, thank you, we'll follow it and see where it goes. brian clay pole with us today. >> dana: fox news alert. sports betting is reaching new heights for women's games especially. the rise of mobile gambleing is bringing new risks, especially for young adults. we'll have more. be right back. automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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>> bill: lawsuit in new york that happens once in a blue room. a group of inmates suing the state's correction department over a planned lockdown during the total solar eclipse on monday, okay? the prisoners argue the lockdown violates their constitutional cs significance. it will be monday, april 8th. stand by for coverage on that. >> dana: i'm excited for the eclipse. that's a funny lawsuit. maybe i'm wrong on the law. i'm right on this next one, let me tell you.
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the game between lsu and iowa going down as the biggest betting event in women's sports history. the match-up saw a 28% jump in betting. more states legalize mobile betting. former sports betting industry member turned youth prevention advocate joins us now. i'm obsessed with the issue. 18 to 22 year olds participating in sports wagering, a 58% increase engaged in one risky behave on 6% have lost more than 500 in a single day. 18 to 22 year olds. what should we know >> that evidence is increasing every day. you have to use an order of magnitude impact model when having this discussion. as all of this grows, these numbers go up every single day. it's alarming and something that needs to be addressed
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immediately. it is getting out of control as we've seen. more and more of these scandals and player protection issues. they are being exposed every single day. >> dana: americans addicted to gambling 2.5 million say they have a severe gambling problem. 5.8 have a mild or moderate. more people are going to gambling anonymous. one of the issues happening is you have players who are being attacked on social media like if they miss a basket and somebody loses money they go back to the locker room and check their phones and they get bullied? >> let's do real talk here for a second. this is a lack of leadership issue from the ncaa as far as i'm concerned. these issues have been staring us in the face. iowa, iowa state scandal. alabama baseball coach was involved in something. the university of dayton in early 2023. one of the few stories that got exposed. player harassment and different
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kinds of threats to their players, their athletic department, coaches. we can move into the ncaa tournament last year. a young man by the name of damion gets a three point shot at the buzzer. to give gamblers a back door cover. the next day he is exposed on social media every place on every gambling handle, twitter, instagram, you know it. all he is trying to do is help his team win and stay competitive and he is talking about the threats he is incurring and all this and that. and you know, president baker, he is starting to get it now and do the right thing and calling for a ban on proposition bets. some of the states have been slow in reaction. >> dana: what's a proposition bet. >> it's essentially a side bet where the player -- you can bet essentially on the player's statistics, how many rebounds,
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assists, how many points. thousands of these for every single game and it puts the exposure on the player to perform at a certain level to eclipse these numbers, whatever his number posted is for the gambler to either win or lose a bet. let's say there is a player overunder is 9 1/2 assists. you can get over and under that. >> dana: people are placing bets all day long and it is having a real impact. we have a short amount of time and i want to keep you on speed dial. i think this issue will explode as a major one for people all over this country. james sinatra, thank you for coming on the show. love to get in touch with you again. want to get to a fox news alert. tornado watches in multiple states. damaging winds from ohio valley to southeast leaving thousands of homes and businesses without power. university of kentucky a


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