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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 3, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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thousands of these for every single game and it puts the exposure on the player to perform at a certain level to eclipse these numbers, whatever his number posted is for the gambler to either win or lose a bet. let's say there is a player overunder is 9 1/2 assists. you can get over and under that. >> dana: people are placing bets all day long and it is having a real impact. we have a short amount of time and i want to keep you on speed dial. i think this issue will explode as a major one for people all over this country. james sinatra, thank you for coming on the show. love to get in touch with you again. want to get to a fox news alert. tornado watches in multiple states. damaging winds from ohio valley to southeast leaving thousands of homes and businesses without power. university of kentucky a student
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walking across campus flew through the air and knocked to the ground. the student is okay. the worst weather today is expected along the east coast. that's where we are. and two of the biden administration's biggest liabilities are confronting at the forefront of the national conversation. illegal immigration and violent crime. the white house wants to put blame on both. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: told you weather was bad outside. a star is born in frank sinatra not only in name. he is a great guest. >> dana: that's frank's brother. did i not get the joke? >> bill: the unsecured border is a threat to national security. a stunning surge of encounters with border crossers on the terror watch list and we pointed this out really by the day, dana. >> dana: former president trump making it the focal point of his
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campaign message yesterday naming lakeen riley and other victims that he says are a direct result of democrats crime policies. >> i have think they want crime. it doesn't make sense what they're doing. they can shoot somebody and kill somebody and walk out of jail an hour later. do you think that's a fair policy? that's called radical left. >> dana: democrats say it's all trump's fault. >> when he was president, i mean, we kept hearing about this wall that would be paid for by mexico and where is that wall? i wasn't being paid. where is it being built? so at the end of the day is who is showing up with common sense pragmatic solutions is joe biden working across the aisle to get it done and donald trump who interfered to stop that from happening. >> bill: they can play the blame game but an issue americans see as a serious problem. merrick garland will speak about crime. he is in chicago and where we
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find garrett tenney. what's the message there? >> good morning to you. this is part of the justice department's strategy to take a more holistic approach to fighting violent crime by sending close to $2 hundred million to community groups that are trying to reduce crime through intervention and prevention things like counseling, job training and having folks from those neighborhoods, former gang members who know the streets, working as peacemakers before fights turn deadly. there is a lot of debate over how effective those kinds of programs really are. today the attorney general is expected to tout the success of these efforts and others of the biden administration by pointing to the nationwide drop in homicides in the last couple of years, some of the highest we've seen in decades. it ignores the larger epidemic of violent crime that plagues cities across the country. new orleans, the number of violent crime incidents is double what it was a year ago. in atlanta it is up 19% compared
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to 2019 before the crime spike that started in 2020. minneapolis is up 35, oakland up 17. the national fraternal order of police says if the biden administration was serious about addressing violent crime they should pressure progressive prosecutors to get tough on crime and take the $2 hundred million to address the nationwide shortage of police officers. >> all of this extra money forced on programs that aren't designed to actually make our communities safer is a complete waste. in austin they're down 600 officers. washington, d.c. they're down 700 to 800 officers. in seattle they're down 700 officers. in houston alone we're down anywhere from 1,000 officers we need to kill the call volume. this is an epidemic the likes of which i've never seen in my 19 years of law enforcement. >> the attorney general's trip to his hometown comes after chicago's most deadly weekend of the year and after local police
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departments around the city are warning about a significant increase in cases of migrants committing crimes. >> bill: we'll wait for that message coming up in 30 minutes. garrett tenney in chicago. the a.g. will be there and carry those remarks coming up 30 minutes away. >> dana: "washington post" an opinion piece. why can't the left deal with crime? the standard democratic prescriptions can't cut it. it might be a good idea to attend to poverty, homelessness and mental illness. when voters are worried about safety of their communities cops win the day. >> bill: the left use the playbook of the right being ineffective on the issue and polling numbers. crime is on people's minds now. >> dana: i listened to the podcast every morning. they have gotten so biased. yesterday how the economy is great when you raise minimum wage in california. today is about how crime is not
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that bad. you can't think it is bad even though they said the statistics were terrible in transit systems across the country. a move by some to help the biden administration make the case. see what the attorney general has to say as well. attorneys for the state of texas are facing off once again with the biden administration lawyers in federal appeals court over the texas law known as senate bill four. the law allows local law enforcement officers to arrest migrants. the biden administration is challenging that. a three judge panel with hear arguments today. brent smith is county attorney for kinney county, texas. do you have a feeling how they will rule today? >> i'm not sure. we'll have to see. if they listen to texas arguments, sp4 doesn't attempt to impose texas immigration law. it says if you enter texas you have to come in through our front door not break in illegally and not know who you
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are. it tries to protect the citizens of texas and the united states and preventing other situations like laken riley. >> bill: just emphasize your point. first offense misdemeanor. repeat offenses a felony. the ports and points of entry on the map you have 11. you are making the case that if you go to the map and if you enter from a port or point of entry, then that's okay. but anywhere in between there will be a problem. >> right. bill, no one has every drowned on a bridge at a port of entry. that's the other thing. safety for everybody. come into our state through the front door. don't break in illegally, and we aren't -- the law -- it's those who try to enter illegally and bypass background checks and everything else is what we're concerned with. >> dana: the other concerned are the number of gotaways.
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on one day alone 919. you have the known gotaways recorded in march, all of march, 20,000. that's a number i think boggles the mind and you worry of those 20,000, even if just one is a criminal or is a terrorist, you have a major problem on your hands. as i understand texas is trying to do something that the federal government is refusing to do. with a federal panel like this let's say they rule against you but you could get to the supreme court pretty quickly, right? >> we would hope so. we would hope that the supreme court would recognize texas does have a sovereign interest to protect its own citizens and enforce its border. i believe this case will eventually end up at the supreme court no matter what and the decision in this case is going to affect not only texas but the united states for the long-term future. it is a very important legal decision that will come out. >> bill: you are in kinney
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county, a rural county. you are down there. and you are telling us that they issued two emergency chases per day, is that specific to kinney county? >> absolutely. that happens every day, bill. we had actual bail-out on the courthouse lawn right in front of the courthouse. we have chases every single day. text alerts every day when they occur to warn citizens to stay off the roadways. those texts have saved multiple lives. we have had citizens shot at on the road by cartel operatives. this is out of control. the cartels own the border. what texas is trying to do is secure the border and secure the safety and security of its own citizens. >> dana: sir, thank you so much. we'll pay attention to this because it is a precedent-setting type of case. one thing that's interesting maybe last word on this, the biden administration said they were going to try to cut the razor wire but have never taken the steps to do that because do you think it is because it's
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working? >> i think so. and i think governor abbott has taken a strong stance with dhs trying to destroy state property and i am proud of the governor and his efforts. he has done more than any other governor in history. we're continuing to confront the crisis and other states have joined us to do this. i think america has woken up to some degree. if you don't have a border you don't have a nation. right now we're losing the border. >> bill: thank you for your time. kinney county population 3100. it is rural. you put a lot of razor wire up the other day. thank you for your time and see what comes of it. thanks. brussels. israeli air strike that killed aid workers in gaza. one an american will be a major topic. trey yengst has the follow-up live in tel aviv for us. hello, trey. >> good morning.
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independent investigation is being conducted into those israeli strikes this week that killed seven aid workers from the world central kitchen. israeli officials have been outspoken saying it was the result of misidentification. you can see in the video a hole in the top of an armored vehicle belonging to the world central kitchen. drones struck the s.u.v. along with two other cars. the convoy was traveling on a road along the sea when the incident took place. oversight israel's chief of staff released a rare apology in english. >> this incident was a grave mistake. israel is at war with hamas, not with the people of gaza. we are sorry for the unintentional harm in the members of wck. >> the incident will directly impact the ability for aid to get to palestinian civilians.
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world central kitchen has team temporarily suspended operations in gaza following the tragedy. president biden said he was outraged by the deaths of these aid workers adding that israel is not doing enough to protect human tarrance in gaza. we understand that president biden spoke over the phone with the world central kitchen founder to express his condolences. bill. >> bill: we'll follow it. trey yengst reporting today in tel aviv. >> nonetheless everybody is back out. six of the eight are back on the streets. we've hit a point we have to start to put faces and names to the culprits. this one is on the governor hochul and on the mayor. >> dana: revolving door of justice in new york city. squatters allegedly with drugs and weapons arrested by police and then let go by a judge. is the nypd facing an impossible task? >> bill: taking a back seat to dei. some say the state department is going all in on the woke agenda.
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>> dana: dramatic video of the raid inside diddy's mansion doesn't support accusations from his ex-girlfriend that federal agents terrorized her son. >> traumatized. i never had -- [inaudible]. it's -- it was a literal overbearing. felt like they had come to kill somebody. like they wanted to come and kill somebody.
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>> dana: the state department doubling down on diversity and inclusion earths tapping a new dei officer to fill the role that was vacant for nearly a year. >> the state department interestingly now seems to be
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trying to put some distance between secretary blinken and the organization's overall big push for dei. this comes even as blinken has just announced yesterday the appointment of this new chief diversity officer. he wrote in a memo quote american diplomacy can only succeed if it fully harnesses all the talent our nation has to offer and why i created the position of cdio to dell vat deia within our organization and give it the dedicated senior level attention it deserves. spokesman matt miller said this in response to a question about a cable secretary blinken sent to the entire diplomatic core. >> a standard government practice to encourage people just to be respectful of others and use the terms with which others are comfortable and talk to people the way that they would like to be addressed and nothing more than that. >> blinken's cable orders officials to avoid using terms like mother/father, manpower, you guys. but blinken himself apparently
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disagrees with that guidance. listen to this. >> do the secretary or anyone else in the building with ladies and gentlemen >> i don't have problem with the term ladies and gentlemen and the secretary does not, either. >> now a major funding fight over dei is brewing. state requested 83 million to push and promote dei in fiscal year 2024. prompting withering criticism from mike mccaul. state's ideological overemphasize in deia has come to every -- the real price tag for the state department's dei program is likely tens of millions of dollars higher. funds were diversifying the staff is in other programs and hard to track down.
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>> dana: the statement on dei efforts at the state department. >> bill: new video by diddy's ex girlfriend. a dramatic police raid on his mansion in l.a. misa hilton accusing federal agents of using military force against their son. it is part of an ongoing sex trafficking program. kennedy and fox business host brian brenberg. you can see the video, right? two armored vehicles heavily armed and a lot of guys getting out and going inside and see what they are doing on the inside. a drone involved as well. does she have a point of about being over the top? >> she does if you look at the visuals. the federal government hasn't talked a lot about what they were looking for or the intel they had going in but some of what we're hearing is within those civil suits there were accusations of both weapons and drugs. so they are preparing for the
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worst. but if you have this much time between the raid and whether or not the person of interest has been charged, if you are a defense attorney can craft a pretty decent narrative and one of her sons that she shares with diddy has fired a high-profile attorney and he made quite a name for himself in new york when he was one of the attorneys representing el chapo. >> dana: we watched a video earlier in the previous hour from a former police officer who said it looks from what he can see watching the video, it looks like it was by the book and that this is how it's done and it might feel awful but that it is not overzealous. >> when you think about the key thing here. it is all based on accusations of drug trafficking and gun trafficking. if that's true and you are walking into that environment are you going to ask homeland security officers and police whatever to walk in without lots
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of protection, lots of awareness? i think you will ask them to do what they did. it seems reasonable to me. a lot we don't know here so it is hard to opine ultimately. you don't ask somebody to walk into that environment and show up with a thank you card at the door. you show up ready for the worst and hope for the best. >> bill: topic number two we'll stick with you on this. j.k. rowling will not be arrested or charged for breaking this new scottish hate crime law. this is what she said. i hope every woman in scotland who wants to speak up for the importance of biological sex. all will be treated equally under the law. going after some people who she considered men who had made a transgender conversion and apparently she will not be -- this is -- >> this is very bad. she doesn't know if she has broken this law. how badly this law is written
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and applied. she said something that might be illegal but she doesn't know and it turns out they won't charge her and she said something very important. i hope this is applied equally to people who aren't rich and famous like me and that's the point. if you go after her, there is damage for the scottish authorities. but if you go after somebody who is not known and it flies beneath the radar, that's where this law gets legs. i hate the fact that she can -- she will walk into the country really not know if she has violated this law. that's not the rule of law. thats the rule of what do i want to do today by the authorities and a very different thing. >> dana: we've been watching it with interest. peter has family there and from there. the way this hate crime and hate speech law has been developing over time in england makes him very glad we had founding fathers that wanted a first amendment. >> one of the things they foresaw. you would think the same of the scottish. does anyone remember william wallace? they can take our lives but
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never take our freedom. they certainly want to compromise some basic freedoms here. to brian's point she wants to push the issue as much as possible and try to get an arrest which would be an interesting parlay bet. if you bet on the over/under in terms of days whether or not diddy will be in cuffs and j.k. rowling you could win some real money here. >> dana: bringing it back to sports betting segment. >> bill: the english prime minister was asked about this and he didn't want to touch this thing. >> dana: it's ridiculous. >> bill: free speech exists. >> you have to draw the lines clearly or it becomes who do you hate today? you can't do law like that. >> i hate anyone taking away the freedom. >> dana: see you later. [chanting]
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>> dana: democrats in a key battleground state revolting against president biden over his support of israel. could this be a warning of what's to come in november? plus former president trump's legal team demanding a judge in the new york hush money trial recuse himself less than two weeks before jury selection begins. does their argument pass muster? >> we can discuss in a friendly manner the real problems of our country, which there are many. instead of trying to have corrupt prosecutors fight your battles for you. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900
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>> bill: you will be seeing more of this. all the video coming in from taiwan after the earthquake that happened late last night our time. nine dead, hundreds injured. last hour we talked about dozens of people being trapped in rock quarries. the quake triggered rock slides
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and trapped dozens of workers inside. the tsunami warning has been lifted and this is one we share with you about an hour ago. this woman with all of her pets in bed and things moving everywhere. it lasted for some time. so we're just tracking that from taiwan. hopefully when we get new daylight pictures, that those scenes there will not multiply. 10:31 in new york. >> dana: we've seen uncommitted voters signeding a message to president biden. now his political problems are growing in a battleground state over his handling of the war between israel and hamas. protest organizers in wisconsin exceeded their own expectations in the democratic primary. their goal was 20%. they got more than double with 48,000 voters picking uncon strict. 8.4% of the democratic electorate there and add in
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other things for them now has them concerned on the biden campaign. donald trump now. his legal team pushing to get the judge overseeing the hush money trial off the case saying the judge's daughter works for a political consulting firm with democratic clients posing a conflict of interest. there was an unacceptable risk the court's family relationship with -- we have jonathan turley with us. here is from the letter from president trump's lawyers. it can no longer be ignoreed. harm president trump's interest and divert efforts from running his campaign from the presidency by requiring him to prepare and sit for trial during a general election. the district attorney says -- i lay all that out there,
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jonathan, this is what both sides are saying. let's hear from you. does the trump team have standing here with this concern? >> well, they have standing. you can bring this in a court of law and where it belongs. it shouldn't be hashed out in social media. attorneys all the time raise not just conflicts but the appearance of conflicts. some involve family members. many of the left have attacked supreme court justices over their family members and their activities. with two weeks to go it would be easier to move the courthouse than the judge in this case. the reason is that they are very reluctant unless you have something quite direct and sort of unassailable. we don't know what they have. generally the activities of an adult child do not prove determinative for these types of motions. once that child is an adult, then they are not really -- their actions are not attributed
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those of the judge or vice versa. >> dana: the left has been furious about clarence thomas and they say his wife was agitating on the right and even tried to make some sort of connection on january 6th. i don't want to litigate that here. clarence thomas has not recused himself from cases. is that a model here for this judge to say i don't have anything to do with my daughter's business? >> well, those attacks on tomorrow as and his wife preceded january 6th. they've been attacking him over her political involvement for years. i don't think he has to cite that. the fact it is an adult child is usually enough. the trump team is asking to file and appear to suggest they have something more. we'll have to see. when you look at these filings, you are looking for direct action from the judge or direct benefits to his family linked to the case. it could be campaign
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contributions, campaign appearances. we just don't know. but the odds are against the team in dislodging this judge. >> dana: i wonder also about just the court of public opinion, right? we're covering the story. others are covering the story about this. because president trump has to wage part of his presidential campaign from the courtroom there may be ways to get rend media on that. the final word. >> the optics are horrendous. a weak case, it is weaponization of the system in my view. you have the gag orders flying before an election that can turn on the weaponization of the criminal justice system. it could not be worse for our country and the judges have gone too far with some of these orders. >> dana: thank you for your thoughts this morning and we'll see what happens as it gets underway today. >> bill: you mentioned it. want to show viewers what the wall is journal came out with last night. you can see for yourself. the magnificent seven as we call
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them. i call them, right? these are the seven battleground states where this election could be decided. give or take one or two. margin of error in the polling is within the margin of error and why they're battleground states. they are too close to call. north carolina, though, trump has an eight-point edge. arizona at five. nevada three, pennsylvania three, michigan two. only wisconsin the battleground states where joe biden has an edge at plus three points. come over one moment here and find out in the battleground states what's driving your vote? if you were with us in the last hour at 9:00 we talked about the economy. two voters, one in michigan and one in wisconsin. 56% of those voters' decisions say the economy over the past two years has gotten worse and it's driving their vote now according to the polling there.
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persuadeable voters. these are undecided voters that either picked a third party candidate like a kennedy or someone else, stein, and their vote is likely but not definite. made up 15% of the entire batch of voters they polled. unfavorable views of joe biden at 67%. donald trump at 61. the economy beat them both at 74%. one more here. this is interesting. who has the mental toughness and physical stamina. overwhelmingly they went with trump at 48% to biden at 28%. read it online for yourself. pick up a newspaper. we are old school. like the old paper. the other thing you find in the polling is that independents right now have moved toward trump and with seven months to go if they stay there, november could go his way. >> dana: also if they are struggling in michigan it will be a long night for the democrats. probably that means that wisconsin and maybe even
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pennsylvania have already gone to trump. >> bill: that uncommitted voter was a real deal. we saw it last night whether it was wisconsin or state of connecticut. you would never think but it with as a movement there. would you like to hear a tune? we dropped the music from t swifty in a new era. she is in the billionaire era. she landed forbes billionaire status. the first musician to hit ten figures solely based on her songs and performances. that's cool. >> dana: that's great. >> bill: she won the top award of the iheart music awards in la. >> dana: jessica tarlov would say, you go, girl. you watch five, you get it. check this out. >> they were a nuisance to the neighborhood. motorcycles, noise, their cars
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with big boom boxes or sound systems. >> dana: neighbors speaking out after police say a group of migrant squatters brought guns and drugs into their community. a live look at chicago where attorney general merrick garland is talking about crime prevention. how the justice department is responding to violence against americans. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) what's considered normal for your cat is interesting. but if your cat isn't their quirky self lately, they may have pain from a common condition called osteoarthritis. now, there's solensia. solensia is a once-monthly injection to control your cat's oa pain.
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[inaudible] . >> there you go, right here. >> dana: video of a dramatic rescue this california after a man fell 60 feet down a cliff at golden gate national park. he hung on to the gravel rock face until he was saved.
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he is one lucky guy that they were able to get him. >> bill: lucky dude. thanks those guys for getting him. several migrants in new york city arrested for squatting inside an apartment in the bronx. most of them already back on the street as we speak released on no cash bail. police confiscated bags of drugs and several guns on the property and say the property was entirely trashed. a former nypd lieutenant running for new york state assembly and see how you do in your election. i didn't realize the laws give the squatters a lot of rights. >> squatters from all the rights. this is just the way the real estate industry has gone in new york city. they just give -- listen, we do not have any rights any longer. the rights are taken away and they are given to squatters, given to criminals, and people have had enough with this. that's why you have the neighbors calling in. they is see this and know there is something wrong and they called up and look what the cops
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stumbled onto. eight people in there, one 7-year-old as well. they were there for a year. the damage they are doing. >> bill: the guy said they woke him up at 2:00 in the morning. >> dana: are you running for assembly men in new york. this story has all the elements all wrapped into one. i'm wondering what you hear about any of these issues when you are on the campaign trail. karine jean-pierre at the white house says squatting is just a local issue. the border is the republicans fault. is that what you hear on the trail? >> absolutely not. long islanders have had it. they see what bail reform is doing and what's going on. coming from both sides of the aisle. we are oh he seeing it from so many democrats who have -- we've had it. where does this make sense? in what world does this make sense to anybody? in the world of the democrats.
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all these illegal migrants translate to votes. we all see it and know that's the direction the governor is going and shh he is going to double down on it very soon when she starts giving them government jobs to go along with government i.d.s issued when they came here. people see what's going on. i think it's time for a change. you always have the fear of people just drinking the kool-aid and going straight down party line no matter what we have to stay democrat. >> bill: it's the merging of all these issues coming together. like in one house and one yard. immigration, crime, and no bail. >> and you would think that maybe they start swaying away from it from the events that happened last week with officer diller, now detective diller with his funeral and everything and what led up to that point was repeaters on the street that should have in jail. you have the combination in this one apartment of the same issue. cops going into an unknown situation and they recover four
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guns, drugs and they are there for a year. the neighbors have had it and it falls on deaf ears. when the cops have to respond to the call for squatters you have to take it to court. in the courts the landlord loses, the owner of the house loses, not in florida, though. >> dana: the "new york post" put up loose cannons migrant squatters with drugs and guns freed on bail and also a child there. who knows what this is going through. i'm trying to get to the point this is just one story that brings it all together happening all over. not just a local story. even local problems can be caused by federal governments not doing what they are supposed to be doing. in this case on immigration. >> when i do radio shows across the country. they want to know what's going on in new york city but see how it is going acrows the country. everybody is going through the same thing. how many times can we speak about what is coming across the border, how dangerous the people are coming across the border and
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we get accused of saying we're fear mongering and it's not true. it's right there on the screen when fox shows it, it's there. the other stations shy away from it and say no, it is just -- they are saying no, this is just the republicans trying to drum up votes by fear. it's not. it's real. people see it and hitting home for a lot of people. >> bill: if new york city if you are a squatter you have the right to the property if you are there for 30 days. the polk county jail said if you park your car and leave the windows down is it okay for people to take it? that's nonsense and what you say too. >> in canada they want you to leave the keys in the car. that's the answer. the answer is absurd. thank you. good to see you. >> dana: get you to this. new alarms by the rise of unregulated vapes and potential ties to organized crime.
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there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 a month donation with your support puppy food bank can ship pet food to rescue shelters, pet food that will save pet lives. so won't you join me. donate now. and puppy food bank will send you a very nice gift.
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choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct. there are over 7 million us businesses on tiktok. my name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband and i own the village bakery. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that ever.
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keep tiktok. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54.
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ask your doctor. >> harris: president biden is winning several primaries progressive outrage over the israel/hamas role is growing for biden. and some more difficult news for him. a new poll shows him trailing former president donald trump in six of the seven states which are most critical to win the election in november. plus only in california. a democrat lawmaker with a bill to allow workers to ignore their bosses. all those text messages. we're having an emergency at the company. you can ignore all of that if it's not during your work hours. montana governor, joey jones, "the faulkner focus" is top of the hour. >> see you in a moment here. president biden reiterating his concerns about tiktok during a
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call yesterday with president xi jinping out of beijing. not the only chinese app making people jittery. hillary vaughn with the story. >> bytedance has a sister app called lemonade that they're trying to push as kind of a backup plan. instagram copycat that could be their backup plan if tiktok got band and paying influencers to -- >> tiktok did come up and was raised on the call with president xi. i think that's important. there is a real threat caused by certain technology services and so operating in the united states put at risk american's personal information and broader national security. he has been very clear about that including the manipulation. >> tiktok is the tip of the iceberg. a new report chinese hardware is infiltrating corporate networks in the u.s. number of chinese internet
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connected devices in the u.s. surged by 41% in the past year. the fear is the chinese government could coerce manufacturers to spy on american businesses and users on these systems. china is brushing off their concerns. spokesman saying if the u.s. is adamant on containing china's hi-tech development and depriving china of its right to development china won't sit back and watch. china is not trying to sweet talk their way out of any tiktok ban. >> bill: all right, hillary. we'll watch it. north lawn at the white house today. >> dana: hillary with the best coat of the day award. china is flooding the e-cigarette market with vapes that are not fda approved. >> young people are puffing away on vape devices, the marketing is hip and cool. it says on the box, made in china. no indication it is fda approve. chemicals in fda approved vape products are harmful to young
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people and teens and have side effects and be avoided. imagine what's in an unknown chinese vape. the vast majority are illegals. researchers rummaged through the trash of 84 neighborhoods in d.c. getting them and made a startling discovery of the presence of these dangerous product. >> for every pack we found approved by the fda, we found about 1,000 -- yes, 1,000 products that are not approved by the fda. >> the group's founder says the problem really lies in the import and distribution of these unregulated products suggesting they are smuggled from places like china and not legal for sale. data shows 10% of our high schoolers and middle schoolers are using these e-cigarettes. finally consider this. while china modifies tiktok for
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their youth they also ban these e-cigarettes to reduce young users in china while freely flooding our u.s. market with them. >> dana: have a mom friend that feels strongly about this. >> bill: same old story. before we go, before we run out of here today, i want to show you sky divers putting on an epic show over arizona. they did it at night strapping sparklers to their ankles and put on a crazy light show. that's kind of cool, right? >> dana: can i tell you something? i had sparklers as a kid and they didn't look like that. did you have those? i guess they use them at weddings now, too. that's cool. >> bill: a max pirate 2.0. that guy looks like michael jackson. >> dana: harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with this
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