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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 3, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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e-cigarettes to reduce young users in china while freely flooding our u.s. market with them. >> dana: have a mom friend that feels strongly about this. >> bill: same old story. before we go, before we run out of here today, i want to show you sky divers putting on an epic show over arizona. they did it at night strapping sparklers to their ankles and put on a crazy light show. that's kind of cool, right? >> dana: can i tell you something? i had sparklers as a kid and they didn't look like that. did you have those? i guess they use them at weddings now, too. that's cool. >> bill: a max pirate 2.0. that guy looks like michael jackson. >> dana: harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert.
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president biden is staring down a raging border crisis bringing violent crime to america. we know this and we're living through it. horrific acts committed by illegal immigrants making headlines over and over. even some in the legacy media can't help but cover it, there is so much of it. terrorists are coming across the president's wide open southern border. biden's border policies are now nationwide voters' top concerns. the biden campaign may be running out of time to change the narrative. it is their job to try to get this man in office again. in other words, they would actually have to fix what he broke. i don't know if they can do. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." former president donald trump is busy on the campaign this week. he hit two battleground states yesterday repeatedly crushing biden's pathway forward and saying it is biden's border
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blood path. every state and town is now a border state and town because joe biden has brought the carnage and chaos and killing from all over the world and dumped it straight into our backyards. if you don't want illegal alien criminals crawling through your windows and ransacking your drawers, you must vote for the fact that we have to throw crooked joe biden out as fast as possible. if we don't win on november 5th i think our country is going to cease to exist. on day one we'll terminate every open borders policy of the biden administration and begin the largest domestic deportation operation in american history starting with all of the criminals that are pouring in. the criminals and terrorists. >> harris: it gets worse for biden on this topic. leaders in his own administration are admitting the terror threat is real. here is f.b.i. director christopher wray from last month. >> we are concerned about the
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terrorism implications from potential targeting and vulnerabilities at the border. i worry that among the people that are coming across the border that are evading law enforcement, that there are some people among those that mean to do us harm. do you share that concern? >> i do. >> harris: the "new york post" editorial board argues biden's open borders have created a terror threat. it points out 69 recorded illegal border crossers on the terror watch list already this fiscal year. on track to vastly outpace 169 last year. that does not include the ones who are the gotaways. you know, they don't get caught. we aren't exactly sure where they came in or how to find them. republican-led states aren't waiting on the white house anymore. the montana governor will be with us in a moment. he joined 12 other republican
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governors in sending national guard troops to back up texas. first let's go to mark meredith at the white house. mark. >> good morning to you. it should be no surprise that former president trump and his campaign are trying to make border security a top issue. now we have the white house as well as the biden/harris campaign having to address the issue head on. the former president was in two battleground states on tuesday, michigan and wisconsin. during his stops he repeatedly claimed recent murders and violent crime are because of lack border policies. >> i will seal the border and stop the envision and end the carnage, bloodshed and killing and we'll crush the human traffickers. >> trump also celebrating new polling from the "wall street journal" showing him leading the president in six of seven swing states. we should mention many of these leads are within the margin of error. democrats say they're ready to talk about the border but trump
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should play defense after he urged republicans to block a by border security bill. they put up a billboard saying republicans should shoulder the blame on the border and the same from white house officials yesterday. >> the president will be the first one to stand up and say he agrees, the border does need some security capabilities. we do need more border patrol agents and all that has to happen is for the speaker to do his job, put that supplemental on the floor. >> now the president is not on the campaign trail this week but he will be going to the same state trump was in. wisconsin on monday to talk about the economy in madison. we'll see this back and forth with the candidates chasing each other in the swing states. the former president is talking about border security. white house ready to talk about abortion and they have new ads in battleground states. >> harris: back and forth. biden chasing trump at this point. the race for the border.
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the race to get out of the issue and sending surrogates to do news conferences. the white house continues to blame congress for the border crisis. now states taking matters into their own hands because they have to. montana's governor gianforte declared the situation at the southern border an emergency and sending some of his state's national guard to texas. here is his statement. while biden refuses to do his job, republican governors are stepping up to do it for him. montana governor greg gianforte in focus now. you didn't make the first round of national guardsmen and women public. you were down there for most of 2023 helping out. now you are going back. why? >> that's right, harris. yesterday we -- i declared an emergency so we could mobilize
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montana national guard troops to go down and fulfill a request we got from governor abby. i was in shelby park and saw how effective national guard is for securing the border. we've seen a 78% increase in fentanyl and pleased to join governor abbott in operation lone star to secure the border. we have had enough fentanyl confiscated to kill every american in our country. it has to stop. the biden border policy has been as effective as a screen door on a submarine. it is completely porous and if he won't do his job we'll do it for him. >> harris: governor, your montana national guard compared the deployment with disaster response. the soldiers and airmen of the montana national guard are always ready to respond to those types of emergencies. this is a national emergency.
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why doesn't this president do something? he can. >> i don't understand it. i think the primary responsibility of the federal government is national security. it comes before everything else. and yet he has been sitting on his hands. we've -- 27 governors presented a 10-point plan to him 2 1/2 years ago. i again handed it to him at the white house earlier this year. just asking for a meeting and it has been crickets. we have heard nothing in response. this is -- we should have bipartisan support to secure the border. we are a country made up of immigrants. we want immigration but it needs to occur legally, not crossing the river in the middle of the night. >> harris: that's never been the argument, right? we know who we are as americans and as american citizens and the people who get hurt by this as well are the people who did it the right way and want to do it
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the right way. the line is long with all the illegals at this point. a new op-ed argues stability requires a secure border. the idea the democratic used to make their case back in the day. they used to understand it. a clip from former president bill clinton in his state of the union address in 1995. >> we're a nation of immigrants but also a nation of laws. it is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must do more to stop it. >> harris: we could see progressives already butting during obama's term and they didn't like this particular fact about him. the former president was dubbed the deporter in chief. more than 2 million illegal immigrant removals and returns during his second term. president biden's numbers on track to reach just -- his
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numbers are on track to each a tiny fraction of that. you see them side-by-side. i want to get your reaction to that and the recent reporting that they've even flown down more in the biden administration in terms of who they are deporting. >> well, i saw it. i have been down to the border four times. every time the problem has gotten worse. when i was in the yuma, san diego sector when we had troops there last year. customs and border patrol showed me they had shipped these illegal migrants into virtually every community in the united states including six communities in montana. we've repeatedly asked the administration to be able to collaborate with the states. give us the identities and where you shipped these people and they have refused to answer our request. and some might say why is montana involved in the southern border? let me tell you, we are
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arresting mexican cartel members here in montana. we've seen a 78% increase in fentanyl just in the last year. and meth continues to be a problem. we don't have montana meth, though. we have mexican meth that is profiting the cartels and killing the citizens of our state. >> harris: this is two-prong now. methamphetamine has always been a problem. now they have this rich corridor coming into our country. why not pack in another drug alongside fentanyl? your last quick thought. >> well, that's true and this is why i'm just calling on president biden to do his job and in the absence of that leadership, republican governors will step up and we'll help governor abbott and other border states that want the help to secure the border. >> harris: governor greg -- thank you for being if focus.
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governor abbott in texas has a large fundraiser in the city on this very issue. you will see a lot of coverage on that coming up. just getting it in there now because it's one of the governors who so supports him. revolving door of justice in new york city continues to do that. it is spinning like a wheel now. what the "new york post" is calling migrant squatter crew arrested for taking over a house and filling it with drugs, guns and ammo and they were right back out on the new york streets. growing outrage toward israel's prime minister and president biden after seven aide workers in gaza were mistakenly killed. >> we have been consistent and repetitive in our conversations with the israelis. they need to preserve innocent lives and, of course, that includes humanitarian aid
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workers. >> harris: 180 days of war between israel and hamas savages who attacked that nation on october 7th. president biden getting it from all political sides as some 134 hostages remain in the hands of those hamas killers. joey jones in "focus" next. on bm there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah ♪ that colonoscopy for getting screened ♪ ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard.
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>> harris: the backlash is continuing for israel after it hit accidentally killing seven aid workers in gaza. president biden and israeli prime minister are feeling the heat. progressive squad member on the far left tlaib suggested the attack was deliberate. she posted a graphic video of the strike and its after math writing don't look away, the
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government of israel killed seven humanitarian workers, a war crime. i would like to show her massacre video from october 7th where women and babies were tortured and women raped. senator bernie sanders with a dire warning for biden. >> the democratic base wants to stop funding for netanyahu's war machine. if your question is will it hurt the president unless he turns this around? yeah, it will. >> harris: the president called the celebrity chef who founded the aid group to offer his condolences and issued harsh criticism of the greatest middle east ally. israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed when he to civilians. israel has not done enough to protect civilians. joey jones, fox news contributor and retired u.s. marine bomb tech. i hear the words echo in my mind all the time from the conversations you and i have had
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publicly and privately. war is hell on both sides. >> absolutely. i think it's so irresponsible for tlaib to say something like that without knowing the details. i was deployed in iraq and afghanistan in the most up to date equipment possible. i was lost and we crossed the syrian border before we realized we were. we don't know if the aid workers were on the route if approved by the idf or had to take a different route or somebody in the idf made such a terrible mistake that they need to be held accountable. if so, israel should do that. president biden isn't someone to tell them they should do it. august 29th, 2021, he killed seven children and three civilians because his ineptitude allowed for 13 americans to die at the airport. in retaliation to rush to
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retaliation to try to win the headlines he killed ten innocent civilians. i don't remember a general being relieved from command after that. i remember saying that was a big mistake and we're sorry. that's what the biden administration's track record is on this. they shouldn't have scolded or not had any opportunity to retaliate against isis-k, that's to tell you i believe our government tries hard not to have civilian casualties. if they can make that type of honest mistake i would imagine the israelis can, too. >> harris: the killing hamas has done was not by mistake. none of it. all right. it took the u.n. a long time, several months to recognize the rapes of the women by hamas terrorists. the largest protest in israel since the war began is what we're seeing now. demonstrators are marking hostages 100 days in hamas captivity and marched to the
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prime minister's private home, netanyahu private home. 134 people still are being held by the terrorists. though many of those may no longer be alive. they don't tell us the truth exactly what is happening with the hostages in realtime. israelis are demanding that netanyahu get a deal to bring home the hostages and in the united states the orthodox union is demanding the same from president biden. the group is telling biden to stop demanding a cease-fire and instead demand hamas release the hostages including five americans. the union has collected 180,000 letters to the president representing those 180 days in captivity and will hand over those letters to the white house today. here is an ad from the group.
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♪ >> harris: wow, very powerful. i mentioned the five american hostages, the 134 who were from israel and other countries all together. i spoke with the parents of one of those americans, he is from long island, new york, here, a young man 22 years old about to go to college. he was in a tank fighting with the idf when he was taken. listen to what his parents say. >> the demonstrations in israel or the rallies are not against netanyahu, but in favor of a deal. if netanyahu cannot provide a deal, then he has to go. we are desperate to get our son back. we've been hearing about negotiations and about
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additional military action, but nothing has happened. so something must happen. >> harris: joey, your reaction. >> you know, it bothers me that our government hasn't been more forthright or at least outwardly promoting getting americans home. when you look at biden's administration, i have a buddy, seth john, who spent months in afghanistan trying to get americans home and his response when he came back with three bullet holes a few months later because he was saving women that were sex trafficked in south america right after that, he stayed at my house for a few days and he had blood on his shirt and looked at me and said joey, i've been places i knew the government wouldn't help me but not until afghanistan i knew the government was working against me to not get the truth out. he has been to ukraine and he is probably on his way to haiti
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now. i can't say if he is there or not. what i mean by that why are nonprofits and american civilians the ones in the last few years that get americans home? why is our president not getting americans home that are captured by hamas? that really bothers me. i'm not saying that we should have a land invasion but i also don't think it should be off the table if we have americans being tortured. >> harris: a great question. there are still americans in afghanistan, still americans and you talk about haiti. basically this government went well, put its hands up in the air. there are places all over the world. why do we leave americans behind? that's not who we are. your last quick thought. >> we have specialized units. marine corp is trying to turn into specialized units. we have plenty of americans that can do this type of things if it's well planned and executed and led. the problem i have now i don't think these are possible. the planning and good
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leadership. we have americans held captive and being tortured and we don't have the faith that we can go get them. that's tough. >> harris: yeah. you are a hero. thank you for your service and thanks for opening our eyes on this issue. appreciate you and the president should not let a day pass where he doesn't talk about the men and women held all over the world particularly those hostages by hamas. good to see you, joey. who doesn't want to just disconnect after work? well, now one state lawmaker wants a law to let you blow off your boss after work hours. don't even pick up that phone compliments of -- where would this happen? california. plus the scottish government coming out hard against hate speech. >> sticks and stones may break my bones but words cause wounds that never heal. >> hate hurts. if you witness a hate crime, report it. >> harris: so they are making
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the actual words a hate crime there. one huge celebrity is pushing back hard daring the government to come after her free speech, her words. fox news legal editor kerri kupec urban wants to talk about this today and we will, next. ng newday to pay off credit card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year.
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and we have over 1500 locations nationwide. i see someone new. someone happy. it's really made a difference. (laughing) call 1-800-miracle to schedule a free hearing evaluation and start your risk-free trial at miracle-ear today. >> harris: the nypd busted eight men. "new york post" calls them a migrant squatter crew. suspected of taking over a private residence and here are some pictures of the drugs and guns police found, not to mention all the damage they did. a judge just released six of the migrant squatter crew scot-free, no bail. the "new york post" with pictures of the two suspects on the cover. the title, loose cannons, former nypd inspector paul mauro with this. >> the left, they talk about guns, right?
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the left likes to point to assault weapons. the real problem north of 90% will be handguns, illegal handguns generally in urban areas. this is just emblematic of that. they took five guns out of that apartment but almost everybody is back out. six of the eight are back out on the streets. >> harris: i want to know more about this crew. bryan llenas is live in the bronx. >> let's go right and show you right now the basement apartment. we're right next door. that's the white door to the basement apartment where eight migrant squatters have been living. you can see the white door is attached to a multi-family home. documents show the landlord went to court to try to evict these squatters back in november and neighbors tell us the migrants have been squatting in that apartment for as long as a year and a half. when police went inside the apartment they found four guns, including a ghost gun, ammunition and two bags of ketamine and cocaine.
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perhaps most disturbingly a 7-year-old girl was found inside surrounded by the guns and drugs. now the landlord is dealing with six migrants who have been released without bail on multiple gun and drug charges. illegally squatting in his apartment. police say it started when they responded to a 911 call that this man, 24-year-old, was carrying a loaded firearm. when he ran, they discovered the basement apartment with seven migrants inside. he is now free without bail on supervised release even though he was previously charged with attempted murder in new york. another one was released on his on recognizance. the neighbor says he blames new york governor kathy hochul and the district attorney for allowing these guys to be back on the streets. >> laws that allow people whether you are an illegal immigrant or not to just walk
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out of jail unsupervised. t they -- what do they have a cop follow them? no, they're on their own. >> harris, john tells me what makes him really mad is it all took place right across the street from a middle school. >> harris: ooh, that's a disturbing detail as well. bryan, thank you. kerri kupec urbahn, former counselor to attorney general bill barr under president trump. first of all, we call them migrants and i have no confusion about that. we don't know if they are here legally or illegally. we know they're from venezuela and been in the house for over a year. we're still piecing parts of this together. you want to talk about this today. how do people deal with this? >> new york legal system is such a mess. in this particular situation i blame the judge. did you know that this judge who
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let these migrants off without bail did the same thing for two migrants who beat up that cop on the new york city subway platform in november? appears to be the same judge. according to our research. that's problem one. problem two you have the squatter laws in new york city. the fact that these guys have been living in this basement for as long as they have, that owner of that building wouldn't even legally be allowed to lock the door. he would be charged with a crime if he locked the door to not let them back in after 30 days. it is crazy. i think part of the problem it isn't just to these bail reform laws there -- piece of legislation that was passed in 2019 that eased restriction on bail is where it really started. what exacerbated it was covid. there was a lot of concern about inmates being housed in jails and the spread of the disease. they eased up on restrictions even more. we're continuing to see the
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effects of that play out even right now. >> harris: i mean, covid was a snapshot in time now and i'm hoping we learned some lessons, not the least of which is you don't soften crime laws behind the pandemic when everybody hits the streets again, particularly the criminals. that's a lot you told us. thank you for sharing your research on this judge. let's get to this. major free speech concerns over scotland's new hate crime law. it makes it a crime to say something insulting about someone's age, disability, religion, sexual orientation or transgender identity. if you misidentify someone, that's a hate crime in scotland. that comes with a maximum sentence of seven years in prison. what if you can't tell the difference? what if it's an accident? harry potter author j.k. rowling dared scottish police to take action. she posted if they go after any woman for calling a man a man i
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will repeat that woman's words and they can charge us both at once. freedom and speech and belief are at the end in scotland. jimmy failla called out the hypocrisy. let's watch. >> if speech is controlled as are the people. for that reason i applaud this all the way and again, this is the tolerance crowd once again telling you that they will imprison you for disagreeing with them. if anybody wants to google tolerance it doesn't involve imprisoning the people who disagree. >> harris: new opinion piece with this headline. scotland's idea of hate speech can't be accepted in the u.s. is this a slippery slope? >> i would argue it's already happening in the u.s. in colorado you remember the baker masterpiece who won the case in a supreme court a few years ago. the state of colorado has continued to persecute him for
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refusing to bake a transgender celebration cake. it is still happening in colorado. the colorado supreme court agreed to hear it. a transgender activist who asked jack phillips to bake the cake for him. on to have of it asked for a cake of satan smoking marijuana. he said baking these case and using speech would violate his conscience and beliefs and he has been penalized for it and back up in the court again. >> harris: are they targeting him over and over again? >> yes. this particular activist said. this is documented, that they submitted this request to quote correct the error of his thinking. so when people are looking at what's happening in scotland, take a look at what is happening in colorado. it is not that dissimilar. >> harris: i think about the danger when we make so much out of something that isn't actually what it is.
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so what about real hate crimes in scotland or real hate crimes in america where people, you know, get killed, get brutalized and so on and so forth. how does misgendering someone, how is that equal? >> to your point, hate crimes were at least in this country with some of the awful things that happened during segregation, civil rights movement, kkk and all that. awful, awful things. some of the anti-semitic attacks we've seen over the last year in our country which has shocked a lot of us not realizing it was happening here in the u.s. these are obvious examples of hatred. but saying that a biological man is a biological man and somehow the government can say that's hate is wild. that's the concerning aspect of these laws. not just in scotland. this has been a trend emerging across europe. again, where it happens in the
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u.s. is in the context of the local anti-discrimination laws. >> harris: they'll come after journalists next when we do stories about men in women's sports. i won't lie by telling the truth in that story. i guess i would be in prison. we'll watch it. a new california bill would let employees put their bosses on silent saying workers must have uni uninterrapted personal and family time. when you are not on the clock you can legally ignore your boss without punishment. fines for breaking the law begin at $1 hundred. they said workers should not be punished for not being available 24/seven if not being paid for 24 hours of work. >> this is an interesting proposal. similar piece of legislation
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passed in australia recently. it certainly makes things tricky for an employer. they would need to at a minimum have to review the way they do business and at least with respect to australia were a bunch of parameters in the law. reasonable expectations and what are family obligations and things like that. but it certainly would make things interesting if it were here. >> harris: if, you know, if i prefer to have nap time during a certain afternoon hour, i wonder if that would qualify for my boss can't reach me. by the way, work ethic. watch out. for those of us who will do the work 24/seven i guess we'll keep the jobs. >> in australia it's hinged on reasonableness aspect of the approval. that's what they honed in on there. >> harris: good conversation
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today. re-election warning signs for president biden. some democratic voters say they are very angry over the way he handled the israel/hamas war and letting him after it at the polls. the uncommitted voters during the primary season are making their voices known at the ballot box. new polling out of one key battleground state not good news for president biden. our power panel next. ♪
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>> harris: president biden's shift in his tone for israel are a political nightmare. even hamas savages say he changed his policy. primary season voters are checking the uncommitted box on the ballot. they turned out in force to vote yesterday in wisconsin's primary. milwaukee journal sentinel puts it this way in a headline. uninstructed delegation voters more than double biden's 2020 margin. in that state they call the uncommitted the uninstructed. it is all the same. grassroots groups are urging people to stick with biden over his handling of the israel/hamas war. >> i think the democratic party has lost all legitimacy in our communities. if in november we don't have a cease-fire, i don't know what we'll be left in gaza and that's our focus in this campaign.
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>> harris: that's interesting. so is this just really a protest vote or would they vote for somebody else? she will give him all the way to november. a lot of things can change between now and november. team biden is trying to get a grip on the uncommitted problem. democratic voters in 15 states have already skipped inking his name on primary ballots. our panel tammy bruce, fox news contributor and richard fowler, forbes contributing writer. tammy. i thought that was interesting. a lot of time to give the president on an issue that he doesn't have a whole lot of control over. israel is not listening to him. >> but they've seen biden shift as you've noticed also. so has hamas. that would explain the dramatic shift. this is as a former community organizer i am impressed with the messaging they are managing to do with the non-voting dynamic but not even whether or not they'll vote for someone
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else. if they don't vote it is a vote for -- if you have wisconsin, which biden won by 21,000 votes, that is a significant dynamic. i would suggest, richard may disagree with me, if you are governing on a value system and you are consistent as opposed to the buffet line where you will adjust yourself based oh than what is happening in the open. none of the constituency can trust what you are going to do. i would suggest as november approaches while some people obviously are worried about gaza, they will probably be more likely worried about their own economy, dynamic of what's happening in the united states of america which controls the nature of their families and their future. >> harris: she called your name. would you like to respond? >> i agree with tammy on that point. as we get closer to actually
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voting if november. a long way from now, i think the main issue will shift here. i also think as we all know we've seen many of these conflict before. the conflict here is different than previous ones. the dynamics on the ground will shift over time. harris, you talked about this earlier on your show. the language around the strong language after the killing of the seven aid workers. out rage is the strongest language we've seen. he can't control what the israeli government does. you see anti-government protests taking place in tel aviv and jerusalem where israelis are saying we have a problem with how the netanyahu government is conducting their policies could see a cease-fire. >> harris: that's not exactly what they are saying. you saw the two parents we had on. what they are saying is they need for netanyahu to hurry up and do a deal to get the hostages home. they have not called for a
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cease-fire nor would they. they want that to happen. if he can't do that he needs to go. i just want to make sure that we get the facts right on that protest. tammy. >> bill: if he is moving to quell those particular segments of the constituency that wants change there and are supporting a cease-fire or not, the fact is he is losing independents. a whole bunch of other americans here who do not like going after an ally. this is about hamas starting a war. so you get kind of backed into a corner there and he is forgetting the nature of the fact it will be independents who decide this election. >> harris: the "wall street journal" poll shows that former president trump leads president biden in six battleground states with the two tied at 46% in the seventh swing state, in wisconsin.
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they're both hitting that state in recent days. richard, look at the numbers and tell me where the pressure points are on joe biden. >> look, i think there is a point that is right. she said earlier in the segment. the idea of the economy will be a pressure point for this president. >> harris: do you know why inflation has been so stubborn? you saw the secretary of the treasury say she never should have said that it was tra transitory. we are still above 3% and we don't want to be there after eight and 9%. it is a bad place to be. do you know why that is and why biden can't message better on that? >> he needs to message better but during the state of the union i got a chance to watch it with a bunch of undecided voters. the biggest applause and i reported it was when the president said he will cap credit card late fees to $8 a month. something most folks are paying 30 to 40 a month.
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small things like that. when the president said here is how i made your kitchen table easier, those are the issues that move undecided voters. the room erupted in applause and what the president needs to talk about more on the campaign trail. >> that's sad when you are dealing with, anticipating people who have not -- who have put everything on the credit card and still can't pay that bill. that's what he is talking about. this is not the way americans want to live. >> harris: well, to you both agreat discussion. we'll watch every second of it. wisconsin just getting a lot of love right now. maybe the three of us should go at some point together and we can all talk to undecided voters together and see what we walk away with. >> cheese curds for all. >> that's a win. baby. "outnumbered" is after the break. introducing allison's plaque psoriasis.
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