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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 3, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> we are waiting for a march from president biden and we are also waiting for the press briefing as brand-new promax showing that biden is losing to donald trump and six of them are seven competitive states in the election. hello, everyone this is "outnumbered" and i am kayleigh mcenany here with harris faulkner and emily compagno. also joining here is wisconsin and they are dead even when it comes to --
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numbers, obama's former campaign manager believes that president biden is gaining steam. >> photos of the novell in their best and you added togethr
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here's what you get i asked about approval of what the present has done >> the whole argument about how early it is is getting old it's gonna be really hard to turn it around and that is immigration in this country it's understandable that where he is failing are areas where he has not been able to address it. >> harris: and fresh it is still above 3% that is not what we need to have it particularly after years of seven or eight o% now -- he is running out of
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time, that narrative about president biden is supported by the facts and i do not know how he turns that around. that negative number is a underwater, no one is doing your life jacket, how long can you hold your breath is the real question? meanwhile to the statistics, donald trump is doing the backstroke. >> kayleigh: and he is doing it quite well. so they did a great breakdown so this is the money pole, this is not a national survey it's always been lot of confusion and fear and the economy was totally shut down
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and people are isolated from each other, but americans look back on that and say actually that was better than where i am not today. that shows you something about the pessimism in our country right now. i think that president biden is going to have a hard time in the swing states when you look at some of the key demographics that are now abandoning his reelection bid. i'm interested in young voters such as people my age and you see these young people abandoned the democratic party and that is really telling consider that they overwhelmingly turned out for bi president biden back in 2020, and now they say that they
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support donald trump by living seven points. i don't know if this holds or if they will turn out again for donald trump but there is a big chance that they do not turn out at all. one person found out that 50% of young voters are thinking they're just not the novell in november and the election at all. if that happens donald trump will win in a landslide. >> will still a few months out so who knows how that operation will play out especially for tiktok, but kevin, the biden coalition was suburban women and it was also black voters and to your point young voters, but when you look at black voters, check this out 68% is where he has polling yet but he won 90% in 2020. but he won 63% and the voters under 30 to kaylee's point is polling and 60% but now -- these
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numbers need to increase if you want to win. >> kevin: 2024 it's going to be a turnout election it's not gonna be a persuasion election, everyone has their thoughts about donald trump and biden, it's going to come down to the seven states and less than a hundred thousand votes decided in three states the election. that's why you see these operations of voting in a hundred different field offices in that field game is really going to matter to turn out one or two or 3% in these key coalition box that you just analyze in terms of what actually propelled him a 2022 defeat the incoming president. >> harris: you gave the exact number of power for the incoming votes right now. there was a hundred and 2,000 in michigan. think about the 15 states where you have uncommitted and now uninstructed such as wisconsin had, you put those people together and those of the numbers you're going to need and that is a lot of pressure. we do not know how people will
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vote in november, but one person said he has till november to figure out the israel versus hamas work but the world does. it is not going to be up to president biden but your numbers match up with where he is hurting with those uncommitted voters. >> kevin: is certainly a good point donald trump has a similar issue, people voted for nikki haley and somebody else and she's not even running right now, so it's going to be interesting coalition for how these candidates assemble their campaigns. >> so you have about a quite of the election that is undecided or so they can about their party, but as our shift of all, and looks to be about a third when you add in likely but not for sure so a lot of ground left to decide. >> yes a lot of great points have been made for me. i love your point about the turnout because you are absolutely right. >> emily: i keep saying this, it is so important for the g.o.p. and fray donald trump to garter and harness and ensure that all those people actually votes because these won't
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matter if nobody show up in november but the persuadable portion is undecided and will be talk about these issues that are so important to americans the economy is number one and now we are learning almost 6 out of 10 americans, almost 75% -- that wasn't the same mass, people are saying that the economy is terrible right now. think about your friend group in your easter lunch with your family, the majority of you who are unhappy are you struggling and trying to save more are you one of those majority of americans that cannot afford the house and dipped into your savings? that is real and whatever issues the democrats are telling you that should be important to you, you know what is important to you and right now the biggest most golden portion of the population is not the coalition and not the other basis it is those that will say i will vote according to what i feel about my identity there has been placed upon me. the independents, and the economy is going to be so strong in the next generation. >> kayleigh: today's weather in new york is also putting a damper on things as well. >> emily: you look nice in this. >> kayleigh: okay. the nypd says it sounds guns and drugs by squatters and most of them had been released with a zero bill. welcome to new york, that is
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>> former president donald trump is turning into the bread-and-butter bloodbath. tackling the immigration issue head-on during his speech at michigan yesterday they claimed that the border policies are destroying our country. >> every state is now a border state and now every town is a border town because president biden has brought the carnage and chaos and caring from all over the world and put it into our backyards. the suburban out housewives know that i'm going to keep them safe. they say the suburban housewives -- i don't know i think i do great with them because they want to remain safe.
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if you do not want criminals crawling through your windows and ransacking your joys and then must vote for the fact that we have to throw crooked biden out as fast as possible because of the damage he can do. >> kayleigh: this comes just days after they arrested five migrant squatters who were living in an apartment filled with guns and drugs but of course most of them are now walking free. we are live that apartment. >> emily, good afternoon this is the home and question here in the bronx the basement apartment where the migrants were living is actually back down that anyway and nancy said, despite being arrested on multiple gun and drug charges, 6 of 8 out of them were released back out into the streets without fail including 24-year-old hector,
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he was released despite the fact that he once faced and attempted murder charge here in new york. moments ago we went up to him as he left this apartment and he was only here for about 2 minutes running in and out of the apartment to a black that suv with a young child inside and was about to start recording us on his ipad and i asked it in spanish if he was still living in the apartment and he said he is now moving out and he was tricked into living inside the basement apartment, also inside the suv was a woman banging on the window urging him
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to get inside. the district attorney asked for all eight migrants be held without -- to be held with bail, but ultimately the judge decided to hold only two of them with bail. police say that he >> all of this was happening right across from that middle school -- that you see right
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there. another neighbor said that they believe the squatters were living in this home for about a year and a half. emily? >> emily: thank you so much for this. okay >> -- slaughter everyone in the neighborhood this is crazy across from a public school? okay so you send your child to school and they have a drug operation according to one operation of an but they said it was sophisticated operation that was going on and another neighbor told "the new york post" stayed one day one of them was beating another man with a pipe. imagine sending your 12 or 13-year-old to school and you look across the street and someone is being beaten up with
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a pipe, and there's drugs and guns on the premise. this was going on for almost one year according to the neighbor. so 2:00 a.m. activity from squatters, i don't blame law enforcement because what can you do when you live in a place with crazy liberal rules like new york city so kevin tell me this if the articulated policies as they've been defended by the left is to help others and to help those who have been disenfranchised or even disproportionately affected, who is this helping? >> kevin: nobody. if you commit a crime like this, if you are stockpiling weapons and drugs you should be deported immediately. i'm a democrat that believes we have to reform not just the bail loss but the immigration policies. the fact that these people are here committing these crimes and disabling our neighborhood is wrong. and they should be consequences they should not be back on the streets. >> i am so excited that you will be voted for donald trump with us. >> kevin: had no way. >> emily: so while the democrats claimed to have the suburban women are locked down, it is not a given. arizona said state where people have been flocking to donald
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trump. tell us about what is resonating with americans about this message of donald trump and safety. >> kayleigh: in michigan again this is one of the swing states that is really critical for him. >> kaylee: i wish you were in the white house kevin because no one agrees that immigration policies need to be reformed. >> kevin: read to the bipartisan the democrats have support -- [laughter] >> kaylee: i look at the response to the speech in michigan where he brings up the the rising migrant crime rate and will dismiss the concern in the white house saying that they are exaggerating the problem. i will say as a person from michigan, the people in the states in middle america will hear the arguments from the democrats and they think wait a moment, there should be zero legal migrant crime. every crime committed by these migrants should be illegal. a man who was deported under the donald trump administration crossed the border with biden. that is not justifiable, we
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should not be normalizing any of this it is unacceptable. so, any spent by biden administration is gonna further undermine them in the upcoming election. >> harris: i believe we are being manipulated. nypd officers were beaten up in times square, and it was by grant this and migrate back, and it's happening again today. did they come into the country illegally or legally so that's where we are it only takes a computer search to figure that out it took us quite some time in that situation and it's taken some time here we know that some of them from our own reporting came in from venezuela and venezuela's crime is down and many of their criminals we know have crossed the border illegally in this country and they are going around -- look we will cover the news as it happens but there needs to be prescient when these crimes happen. with what "the new york post" is calling migrants squad or cruise. there needs to be pressure because how did they come into
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the country and can we deport them because you know this is where i sit on this. i do not want another taxpayer dime spent on people who should not be in the country. we do not know because they are not telling us. it is not that they did not know. >> kayleigh: they are newcomers, these squatters are newcomers. >> harris: that's what they choose to call them. >> democrats needs to beef up their response to this otherwise it is going to be a bloodbath for president biden in november. >> kevin: the president had major police chief in the white house last month. and that is something that we all need to talk about. especially as democrats. listen the highest jump in the murder rate in this country happened in the last year of the donald trump administration it didn't happen over these last three years, so again the president is running on his record and now donald trump is
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in a different situation and has a record he has to defend as well. >> harris: what about fentanyl brought in by illegal people crossing our border i consider that murder. >> kevin: it is and that's why we had the president in china we were talking about fentanyl. >> emily: so much more to co come. donald trump is showing to be trending. also shocking surveillance footage on sean 'diddy' combs' house. i live for port coming up next.
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'diddy' combs' home through the house at gunpoint, and jonathan hunt is live on the study for us from los angeles. so the ex-governor's upset over this? >> yes very much so, we all saw the pictures of heavily armed agents arriving at sean 'diddy' combs smashing here last week, but now for the first time we are seeing what happened inside as the agents moved along the hallways, weapons were dr drawn, guided by a good drone as they moved into detain two adult sons and they have them by force aimed at the pair, the edited video was posted on instagram by the mother, who called the agents actions overtly militarized and deplorable and they said "if these were the sounds of a nonblack celebrity they would not have been handled
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with the same aggression" will attempt to humiliate and terrorize these young black men is despicable. but experts say everything the agent i seen doing on the video is standard practice. >> you had teams going in and they lined up with each other, they carried those type of weapons because they are trained to use them and the officers guns are pointing up in the figures are never on the trigger until they are ready to fire. people practice this over and over every day, every week, this is their job. >> sources have been told that the rating sean 'diddy' combs in the house is in miami is a link to a sexual trafficking investigation. it comes in the wake of several lawsuits alleging assault being filed against sean 'diddy' combs. combs. his attorneys had dismissed the investigation as "nothing more than a witch hunt based on
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meritless accusation" harris? >> harris: thank you very much. emily is the how you would put it? >> emily: no. i have experienced a lot of roads during the course of arrest, i have experienced as a federal and criminal investigator -- [laughter] i will not announce my criminal background to everyone [laughter] so, my point is whenever you are the subject of these raids in these arrest and is always terrifying. it always feels unjustified. i have seen unarmed medical laboratories live rated at 6:00 a.m. with guns pointed at women. it happens all the time. on the flip side, as we have reported there is a heightened sense and risk of danger to law enforcement when they are executing search warrants and going onto properties, the whole plan is to protect the state against that unexpected situation.
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so i will point out, remember when the pro-life catholic father was arrested he reported that there was unnecessary for force in that way, there's always a disproportionate -- we see -- remember that game at that let those information go -- we seen that information -- the whole point as it is always that way but when you're on the receiving end if u.s. unjustified. at the end of the day, look at yourself and that balancing factor and a note that these men and women are executing according to the training strategy and the policy. that is most important they are. it has nothing to do with the race i will say that right now. >> harris: so, the father, who was rated, you and i both immediately went there, you have some thoughts about that. >> emily: i would like to quote what sean 'diddy' combs' ex-girlfriend said, there were not black sons they would not be
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header with the same aggression. but we talked about it, he was not a black celebrity a white father and a man of faith who defended his son in front of a abortion clinic and was charged. he was a father of seven, and according to his family he was at gunpoint in front of his children and the fbi said it didn't happen that way but the point was he was acquitted by a jury on bogus charges and we still have people in this country and its code but he was not a nonblack celebrity so there's a lot of facts, we don't know what happened was sean 'diddy' combs, but we have seen other people treated in the same fashion. >> harris: i didn't hear you say the word race the entire time you were describing to me all of those raids that you were privy to in law. kevin, what this comes down to is so much privilege. the privilege fact also -- and this is off-camera at the street campus inside the home base so
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much footage there so many cameras -- that plays into the narrative that donald trump in the x can make it but they were just doing the jobs, the agents. the they didn't have that much they were focused on the outside trying to catch criminals going on the inside. >> kevin: that is correct i would rather have a higher force than a smaller force in a situation where you do not know if there is weapons or not -- and it is the ultimate mark of coverage having that footage. to your point harris. >> harris: and using it for a narrative that we know it is suspicious. >> emily: it is clear that sean 'diddy' combs is making the argument that will play best to the elite squad that he was familiar with. this is the same argument that the left elite will eat up. we should not allow it to distract from what he's been charged with. he's being charged with sexual trafficking and drug usage and
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this is over a decade. in a really disturbing allegation. >> kaylee: whether or not they should change their methods based on charges is different -- but i do think it is worth knowing that these are very serious charges. >> harris: from what you described, if you suspect someone of sexual trafficking and drugs and all of that, that is when you think you might want to bring a weapon because what do you think they are protecting the things inside the house w with? >> kaylee: at the airport there was law enforcement who are executing a arrest warrant who spent a pillar of their community in alabama the other week and he shot and killed a law enforcement officer. and on paper they say this is an upstanding citizen but at the end of the day you do not know what people do when their freedom is threatened. photos by law enforcement comes in. from the video i am watching this is textbook and a good way.
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>> harris: lets move on. coming up we are awaiting the white house press briefing. we will take it live whenever it gets underway. plus they are defending the electric vehicle push, and we sure as heck no we did not spend any time looking at these policies and ohio. going from a landline to a cell phone. wday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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highway, transportation secretary. >> harris: anyway they're pushing back on the idea that americans do not want electric vehicles, they don't. he is comparing the switch to americans moving from land lines to cell phones. here he is on fox news. >> let us be clear, the automotive sector is moving and we cannot pretend otherwise. when these debates happen it is the early 2000s and i talked to people who think we can just have landline phones forever. the reality is the automotive sector is moving on in the u.s. can either fall behind china or we can claim the lead. president biden wants to make sure that they are made in america, especially as more americans choose electric vehicles every single year than the year before. we need to make sure those are made on american soil in places like northern indiana michigan where i live. >> harris: so, i caught onto
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what he was doing there. they want to make sure the vehicles are made here, but with the materials that are not on our premises within the united states it is impossible to make those batteries here. which is why china were on the industry and now china wants to make its vehicles south of our border and then bring them in. we cannot do this without the batteries. we need to cozy up with the devil to get the car is made. but he wants us to believe we can make them on our own that is alive. >> kevin: to your point, that's why we need more domestic mineral sourcing. we have lithium deposits and it's a national security issue -- i want to do all the work where we have laid your protection -- where we have labr protections -- >> harris: i will send you some videos on how they make batteries -- >> kevin: but the world is moving in that direction and i want to make sure we are producing that here and we need
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to make sure we are doing it and a sound fashion. >> harris: so we see in charge and put to work in certain states in this country underaged. that is what it takes to get those things done in places we are doing business with now. i do not want that to be ever feature what do we do? >> kayleigh: yes we have read the articles -- of the people who disappear we have people saying here that if you are equivalent to an old person not wanting a landline but that is the sentiment. maybe you just do not want to stall out in cold weather in your electric vehicle and maybe you do not want to lose an arm and a leg or maybe you are someone who does not want to go on a cross-country trip and does not have a gas-powered car to get access to the charges who are supposed to have 500,000 charges by 2030 but biden administration has only built seven so there you go. surely yet again.
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>> harris: until the infrastructure matches and we figure out other countries who can make these batteries are friends, i do not know how to get this done. the dinner he pull the bike out of the suv, even he does not drive an electric vehicle. >> kaylee: if they cannot buy people with subsidies they are surely not going to do so by insulting them. that is what the judge is doing here, this isn't a good comparison to compare electric vehicles to landmines because if you think about it the move from landline to cell phones was practical and convenient. but the move from traditional gas powered vehicles to electric vehicles is impractical and apparently expensive and very inconvenient for the vast majorities of americans. if biden administration were smart they would pursue a hybrid transition. both said they are pursuing this radical climate alarmism for no apparent reason.
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>> emily: if he wants to talk about technological development let's talk about vehicles right, the problem i have at this -- thank you so much for coming to our network, i've been grateful for kevin walling to c come on r network. i wish his intellect was used more honestly and i did not respond to shaming or someone telling me yet another elitist democrat that i am behind in the times when i am advocating for a seamless transition that does not lose american jobs and provide an actual solution and option. because for me it is not an option to depend on china to be stuck in the cold or to pay $85,000 median price for an electric vehicle that may shut down or i cannot charge or does not go fast or does not get me anywhere. at the end of the day he is admitting that iceberg, electric vehicles are unreliable and not up to the standard. there's been no transition that
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has been shown for the majority of americans that do require and depend gas vehicles. like the entire shipping system that he is ahead of. >> harris: this is why i say it was not just about the israel versus hamas work. the automated industry there will be crippled if we do not get this right. why more gen z is giving up college and getting into trade jobs. we were getting to it. ♪ ♪
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>> mud bad news, they find donald trump is leading in six or seven battleground states even with their party candidates included. we will break it down just ahead, cut down on food costs social media influence or have some tips for you. the fifth circuit -- henry has a way to solve the border crisis. our berlin controversy after the lsu basketball team failed to show for the national anthem. come join us at the top of the hour for "america's reports" we will see you then.
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♪ ♪ >> emily: it appears that my members are ditching their bachelor's degree and picking up power tools. and you headline from "the wall street journal" says that gen z is becoming the two about a generation. they say that the number of students enrolled in vocational focus and community colleges grow 16% last year through its highest level since the national student began tracking data entered as any team. the jump to this job seems to be paying off. they found that the starting salary for new construction hires is over $48,000, and it was just under 40,004 professional services hires. there's so much i love about gen z, they think for themselves. we saw that in the election pulling.
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and they are open-minded to jobs. and i love this trend. go where you are needed it is supply and demand. >> kaylee: i'm grateful i went to college but i love this trend as well i think it is great the younger adults are moving away from higher education because i think the way was sold to us when we were growing up it was not solid as a great opportunity but as a necessity. not just for a career, but for status. and that is a really important mind-set that we need to bring to the younger generation. you are just as valuable and we will have just as much cystitis doing the great work that blue-collar workers do every day as a white college worker or in. you do not have to get a four-year degree to have status in this country. the younger generation is waking up to that fact. >> kayleigh: this is a man who is investing in real estate watch this. >> we are doing 60 plus hours a week.
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and we are double-time double time and over time and we have added benefits and not retirement and we are staying busy year-round. i have a few investment properties. and i focus on investment properties and tending my money with the money that i make here. >> emily: he is a entrepreneur and you know what is amazing amanda provides for his family a man that is a man who knows what to do in a situation and actually has skill and saddens me that this administration has guided collegiate degrees and secondary degrees as some type of irreplaceable status and you are absolutely right i looked at companies like no other tool who have the tools for the tray program they've been pushing for years partnering with celebrities that go into schools and provide professional grade equipment for the students and show them the value of skilled labor and the necessity and how it's the backbone that is
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provided for this country and a point that out because it's a amazing company but they fill a need at this administration is ignoring that the prior administration doubted were to skilled labor and are vital and crucial and amazing and god bless all of you who do it. >> harris: is an argument for tiktok because there is a lot of small businesses who need to be on that platform. i wish we owned it. another thing i want to say is that this is really a mess for the biden administration, rather than paying off people's loans even though they say you cannot and he is still doing anyway, he can also offer some type of scholarship situation and maybe it is one of those things where you say we are not just going to ignore half the country those of you who have other types of dreams the white house wants to be a part of that as well. >> i do want to point out the
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student loan debt a lot of people don't have distress for higher education falling from 36% to 57% in 2015 >> kevin: this is a great story not only do you have the satisfaction of accomplishing a building something like this but with all the money going into infrastructure we need more skilled labor and that market. they do it excellent job in mentorship and training and they are the unsung heroes in this country, in terms of preparing these workers to gods they there and make a great middle class living. [laughter] >> emily: more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪ ♪
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work-life balance could come to california new proposal would "define the right to disconnect" except for an emergency or scheduling the employee has the right to ignore two medications from the employer during nonworking hours. and if employers don't comply, they can be find a. my issue with this, kevin, is in the state where everyone is at the beach anyway, why are you adding on more regulations, moral rules, moral right to sue, more rigmarole, just work if you're going to work and let it play out. >> i would've loved this law in track campaigns that are 24/7, i don't know how you will enforce this. this is america, they are some of these laws in australia and other places, this is why we had to win both world wars because you look at the work ethic overseas like this is american exceptionalism in the right form it seems kind of silly to me. >> sorry, that made me laugh how you set it.
10:00 am
harris, the whole point is you sign up for what you sign up for a. you have heard for a campaign it's 24/7, if you are an attorney you're working all the time. >> there are subsets to this law but the problem is those of us who work hard with work ethic we are ahead of the game it's not fair to everyone else because i will pick up my phone when the boss calls. >> this is san francisco's priority when you are a violent subway crime, people fleeing retailers? this is what you want to focus on? >> i don't want my boss calling me at 9:00 p.m. either but i don't need anyone to pass a law because i can simply just hang up. not that bad. [laughter] don't fire me. >> we are happy to have you and all of you watching today, don't forget to dvr the show when you can't watch us live here is "america reports." >> he is losing all the battleground states. >> no he is not. he


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