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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 3, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: this chilling video shows a vehicle charging during an african support -- an elephant charging during and at african safari killing an american tourist. hate, hey! another guest remained hospitalized after the attack before others treated for minor injuries. that's all the time we have left this evening set your dvr so you never ever miss an episode of hannity let not your heart be troubled as greg gutfeld is standing by rather sitting by to put a smile on your face. [ cheers and applause ] >> ♪ ♪
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>> greg: yes, yes, yes. happy wednesday everybody. let's get to it. gambling websites still have trump favored but biden has closed the gap also in a close race with biden is this guy. on monday iowa over ellis you set a record for women's college basketball may be it will help those women find good husbands a transit athlete leered at a topless girl in the changing room he said it was a
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misunderstanding he was just trying to steer at her breasts to get rid of his boner. that was great thank you. a physically healthy dutch woman decided to end her life due to struggles with depression she came to the conclusion after reading a new book. prices are raised in california you have to pay more to get the same diarrhea. planters wants someone to drive there and not mobile i would do it but the pay is
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peanuts. old folks humor. 104 jen z taxpayers will need a therapist to deal with taxes i'm just happy they pay taxes. alec baldwin turned 66 how did the he do it in good health he cites diet x resize and not being shot to death by a careless actor. scotland has a new law where anybody who doesn't use proper pronouns potentially 7 years in
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prison man wearing skirt. sons hated barbie for the movie being in a masculine weight till they seek can without pants. in new york he illegal aliens where arrested on various charges while that sounds like big-city mayhem or typical flight on the spirit air you get a lot of crime when you take away punishment they saw a man in a driveway with the pistol chasing the perp where a search found cocaine enemy unit and for more guns and us 7 year old child i doubt they were the kids but if they were is grounded.
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they were squatters the landlord was trying to evict from venezuela the perp hide a open convicted of murder case another on bail so it wasn't a meeting of opera is book club before you could chant the fund at the police 3 times in a mirror they let the guy go. 6 of the squatters are back in the basement thankfully vanderbilt students are delivering them tampons it's the same thing i say in a port authority restroom, how did we get here. look no further then the head of the new york state assembly with him being 1 of the brains behind bail reforms which have been
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emulated across the nation and universally successful if your metric is body count. more blood on his hands than doogie house after in 18 hour shift. he says i don't believe raising penalties as a deterrent on crime he said that with history and shameless face so if there's amount olympus of stupid we found there is a we've found our suits. where does he get his research is human nature denying the reality it's like denying intelligence because you are. [ bleeps ] stupid. was he ever acted as his parents never slapped him then can we ask them to slap him now does he not realize they -- animals
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trained their young with bad behavior for punishment. single celled blobs recoiled from discomfort that phrase at around and find out isn't just an expression it's life. if somebody does bad things they face consequences even the crazies know this that's why they never push somebody the size of tyrus in front of the subway they aren't that crazy. the quote is if you keep dealing with the penalties what happens after people get arrested you are still worrying about what happens after something is already happened. what happens is easy to see for anybody who doesn't sleep with her head in a dry cleaning bag. the dirt bag is in jail where he can't commit more crimes aspiring dirtbags say i don't want to be in jail i hear they have substandard wi-fi. and this jackass' mind why should victims get us upset when attackers are freed the crime already happened.
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we all know there are people out there just incapable of rational thought but the fact that this guy he is 1 of the most powerful people in new york state has me contemplating migrating myself to venezuela or even chicago and the mainstream media this story received as much coverage as the thong i wore at liberace's funeral. there's no disincentive for this behavior it will only go further no penalties for invading the border no penalties for gun possession or robbery or assault or slinging dope. who do they have to miss gender to face jail time while the rest of us are held captive to progressive delusions about crime and no punishment rest assured there are many who see no problem here applying the same logic to kids in boston legislation has been proposed by
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racial justice advocates to stop suspending misbehaving students. sam adams must be turning over in his grave. so let's translate that and teach kids as early as possible bad behavior has no consequences. sounds bad but i guess in today's world they are getting prepared for life under democrats. let's welcome tonight's guest. for april fools his ex-wife said she wanted him back, jamie lists al. mr clean called said he wanted his head back matt whitaker. lien pristine and mistaken for a teen, kat timpf and his arms aren't allowed through tsa checkpoints, tyrus!
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you know i have to ask you in the world of incentives and disincentives you are home and -- homeless and didn't resort to squatting you followed the law why did you do that? >> i would squat just use the bathroom but never would i go in somebody's house. this guy is so wrong harsh punishment does dr behavior it's a fact i would never get married again for example. i think like i was a psychology major remember learning about bf skinner if you are a psychology major there are options you can be a comedian or go back to school. like i think having no deterrent whatsoever thank you can make a criminal out of someone who wasn't going to be if you say all you can just steal from their think somebody was never
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going to do is just can be like i can steal like i think it could be a bit more foggy but i was at a target sitting on the bench i saw a man still 3 boxes for a desktop computer here about happening that's how you know if they are running with a desktop computer you're not even supposed to walk with those. he ran outside and i was like i'm gonna record this and get views and have people see what's going on in the guy is still there giving out like that scared the life out of me and i was like what if he has a gun who cares if they still i took my phone stop recording now is like a man they are giving away free computers at target i just pretended it was like a sale i believe this guy i saw might not a done it if you didn't if the knee couldn't get that.
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mild or moderate payoff. >> i would argue no payoff. does mad me just make you mad get free stuff from lululemon i got the us countable pair of pants $120 so comfortable for like a met an age we get up think about getting into girls pants i just can't wait to get into my own pants. r8 met you know what he is trying. >> it was cathartic for him so mr whitaker what is it about the left that rejects the idea of incentives and consequences these feel like principles they are most born in you. >> they are and are making it harder for law enforcement to do
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their job using about the revolving door in places like new york for these gentlemen squatting let's call them gentlemen 1 had a prior attempted murder were the person already shot wouldn't cooperate with law enforcement another at a pending gun charge let out and buried in that story was a landlord was having a hard time kicking them out from squatting they had been longer than 30 days meanwhile all the razors are behind glass much of the convenience stores in new york i don't know anybody who lives here. i think i might go back to des moines iowa. >> greg: so you won't stay at my place? i got that foldout bed for you. unfortunately it's not my size. so the question about this rejection of incentives right. when the left-winger heads to
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his left-wing think tank you'd probably take the shortest safest route because anything else would lead to consequences why do they suspend the common sense a real-life when it comes to something more important which is life or death? >> incentive plays a role in all of this people come here in the first place we wouldn't have this issue if we just didn't give free things to be blue come here can we stop a 30 day thing does anybody like that except people squatting in homes these are pro- squatting laws. these people are also very stupid like i'm all for the second amendment but i don't think they take a gun safety very seriously home the stuff they found like they're doing powerful hallucinogenic disassociative drugs around a bunch of loaded weapons you have to be stupid to do that very dome. >> greg: i would go out on a limb and say that's not being
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safety conscious. they wouldn't even bring it up a gun course. as we don't do ketamine around 3 loaded guns as the irony is they have no consequences for those who believe there are no consequences. as the way to look at it. as what i think we have here is failure to communicate with a few different philosophies. we believe in the system to keep people from eating each other the left thinks the system is the bad guy and the human beings are good they just need a chance to take away the rules i invite them to try the same thinking at the zoo. you see the poorest silverback gorilla sitting in his cage angry throwing stuff around. it's not him it's his environment.
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so let's go with bragg have them bring said gorilla home with him and see how it goes. when both his arms are ripped out of his socket you will be like you know what i think these gorillas might be dangerous it's not the zoo. the same thing happening here where they say people are good until they show up at their house with a hammer. all of a sudden we need to change the lock the governor of oregon was like he changed it you know why it was his ass they were going after no matter what i say don't let me go in. human beings are bad is that sumy of laws in place and bibles in place to keep them from being horrible is humans eat each other, rape each other at the drop of a hat. 's part of who we are and laws make like that i get accepted people and say dang jamie's
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bothering me about pants i'm going to choke him i could go to joe for the but if i hear choking is my right all of you better get turtlenecks. >> greg: thank you god for laws jamie okay blasting the anti- trump lobby. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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at oofos, we don't make
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footwear. we make shock absorbers. fatigue fighters. mobility maximizers. this is the science of active recovery. revolutionary oofoam technology absorbs impact and reduces pressure. it's the foundation of every pair of oofos, and the key to recovering faster. this is not a shoe. this is oofos active recovery. activate your recovery with oofos.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> greg: you will love this. sleazeball making sense coming to donald's defense. slap my face and call me stormy.
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he is defending donald trump's right to free speech. he serving time for cheating clients out of millions but spoke up about the injustice of the justice system when it comes to trump saying we can't be critic it's -- of records when it comes to the first amendment it's outrageous that they can do countless tv interviews post on social and make money on bogus documentaries talking. [ bleeps ] about trump but he has gagged and threatened with jail if he responds that was posted on twitter or ask max that which raises the question how do they have phones in jail was it smuggled inside another inmate's ass? i'm asking for a friend. but you remember him he represented stormy daniels in her suit against trump before he went to jail reasoning to media startled him by trolling trump relentlessly but use defending his arch nemesis is like me
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suddenly switching sides and defending kilby it's not supposed to happen. in that post he was referring to the expanded gag order that blocks trump from speaking about the family of the judge and his hush money trail. the family a.k.a. the judges adult daughter who runs a political consulting firm raising 93 million off the case no red flag here leedy's and gentlemen less of a coincidence then jesse forgetting his wallet whenever the bill comes. i ended up paying for both hookers. then you've got the media defending the judges daughter saying she's no different than barren trump off-limits because she's a child a child, yes a child in her thirties whose firm raises millions of welfare directed at trump in which her dad is a judge. what is it with liberals they thank actual children can make
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decisions about removing their general -- genitals but actual adults are fragile babies in terms of handling any criticism criticism is an attack. >> it comes after his relentless attacks on the judge and his daughter. >> that's the 1 ways attack the dog her by name. >> to me it's all about him trying to get out of having that judge presided over the case comes in the wake of repeated attacks ongoing you call somebody a democrat and they consider that an attack i mean i can't blame them i would to. is trump doing anything wrong by speaking out is he doing anything wrong. the daughter is clearly in the
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game of politics making money as you pointed out the judge also donated to joe biden 2020 and trump has experience with these new york judges. here and he got screwed by the civil case so i understand why he wants to fight it the fact him whose fan at trump and allegedly was gonna run for president is a democrat somehow tweeting from prison which to your point is amazing that he can do that but defending the presence right to speak you should be able to speak and make sure people understand how much corruption and unfairness is in this system here in new york. such a great story. first it's about the first amendment second it's about how a man is changed. they could do a buddy film together now. together.
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>> why is he doing it really is because he just cares so much about the rule of law he is in federal prison. he's there for a reason. >> greg: maybe he's changed. >> i think there is a lot of incentive to act as if maybe he did change there's always the first amendment concerns here but for him to come out and do that yes some kind of angle there's always an angle. >> greg: your so cynical. >> because i don't trust that a slimy's scumbag it might have an alternative angle. i mean kill me i really thought he was a great to before he killed the family granted he was 16 and i was in cee lo i should a said that. >> fix it and edits. she's really like watching this saying he's not a good lawyer
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for me but that was all about attention a lot of the stuff on tv i do think this is about attention. >> he doesn't give a rats ass about anybody is the definition of the most sleazy us lawyer we watch commercials were you people complaining about him stealing their money using the videos for himself. he just sees an opportunity no different than any other they made money of trump they've never an issue of trump lease on opportunity when he became so famous blushing like a scoot schoolgirl present the people's love you and he was rubbing from people in wheelchairs because there was an opportunity you say trump's name you can make money i can't remember the guy's name anymore was the name of the reporter. >> greg: stelter? >> no the 1 always yelling at them. i kenny and remember that they made so much money off the trump
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train and now they are looking at the way the world is changing goes from, hey, i voted for trump don't tell anybody to i'm with trump he's like a maybe i can get on that and to your point maybe if he does that rate i he wins he gets apart and so is looking at the angles that's what he is. >> greg: interesting still the argument is a sound 1 why the losers freedom of speech is because you're involved in the court battle. >> what's got me confounded here is a think about what he said how did he get the phone it was brought in from another's inmates asked why does that guy get it. >> greg: sug a question he did all the work. my ex-wife paid me hush money when sound like what secret you want me to keep and i was just like she was sexy just let wanted me to shut the. [ bleeps ] up. be the criminal still stepien
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jail for 24 hours you can tweet from jail i can remember the last time i got surprise sex. the whole thing with her is how riches trump that he is watching a pornographic movie is like bring me that when i will order the gets the shopping network. >> point star shopping network that's a great idea. i want that to go okay she just shows up. the whole thing i don't know to be truth we don't know what happened if he ashley did it or not he did it but we don't know. like we have no way of knowing i would've done it. >> greg: we have to move on. up next how amazon shopping ai was a big fat lie.
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we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team.
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grandma: billy, i need help with the clicker. billy: one second, grandma. this guy's going to buy my car. caller: billy? you still there? we gotta deal, right? grandma: you need carvana. grandma: what's your plate number? billy: boss... mov grandma: vehicle accidents, right? billy: no. grandma: good. generating offer. carvana can pick it up tomorrow! billy: that's an amazing offer. billy: but do you still need help with the clicker? grandma: i'll ask your sister. announcer: sell your car the easy way with carvana.
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cordless outdoor power, brings you the ego power+ string trimmer with powerload technology. feed the line, push the button and get back to work. ego, exclusively at lowe's, ace and ego authorized dealers.
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>> greg: all right! tonight's creep other week amazon for replacing workers with overseas lurkers she remember how their just walk out technology used in its amazon fresh stores they could leave the store and skip the checkout line closing down and you'll never guess why. first here's how they claimed it worked do you scan a qr code when you enter in cameron centers track would you leave lift and you get charged accordingly. they touted this a step forward in ai but it turned out it was all bs. it actually relied on over 1000 real people in india's scanning the camera feeds to ensure accurate checkouts in other words instead of hiring 5
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american cashiers they just outsourced them. although i have to say it's cool some guy in new delhi knows my brand appointment but it raises some key concerns what if tech companies told you things were automated and is just some dude in bangladesh? as he is 8 sex robots larry goodloe. wait till he finds out they are all the same dude named a mere. kat this does make you wonder if there's other supposedly ai technology out there but it's fake. >> it's creepy and also a dumb idea to begin with. nobody enjoys going to the store waiting in line having to get all your stuff but i would much prefer it to finding out that i was being watched the entire time it's creepy and weird.
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as there's people around but you feel like you are by yourself. i feel that is you but it's okay i just don't understand how ideas like this get through. what we will do so thousand people as it's a solution of the problem. as as it's creepy that there's nobody knew they could've told us as as a bunch of guys watching me in from india unless you're on india television than the course they would be. listen i disagree with kat i enjoy grocery shopping integrate escape for me i go to my little fresh market i see him like how you doing boss has a game i'm never alone because i usually of a small band of women behind me try to give me hugs. of course something truly high and the shelf tire us!
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that's who i am i enjoy that aspect but what i won't tolerate is a machine checkout the feisty 1 like know where are the people at 1 i don't want to contribute a people losing their jobs that's personal part of the whole social thing is you get in line with the checkers she asked you how your week's going you say horrible as usual they say whatever you have coupons you know i do at the whole thing you get to know each other they don't get mad at you when you eat grapes out of the back there's a lot of you know i'm saying? grocery shopping is fun. >> greg: and you have an edge because you're so big you can eat whatever you want me as a little guy i have to be picky. jamie this might be a way for you to do standup you could tell jokes at the checkout because you're guaranteed 6 or 7 people in india are watching. >> that's very true as immediate man they stole the name of my stand up to her just walk out.
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i like the idea like if you by saying embarrassing if you're buying condoms and you got nobody's watching me and now i know there's a thousand guys in india who are laughing at me i myself checkout guy. then they're not laughing at you they're going he gets women this dude's awesome that's joint is cult. if you're getting paid it to watch people live your life you aren't scoring. as i do skipping checkout you can make anything a banana if you want to. you know it be great wouldn't it be awesome if you didn't know you're in an amazon go a thief lenten stole a bunch of stuff in 2 days later you got a receipt for when that be amazing you could get your kleptomania out of the way. good point.
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to me it seems that this is an invasion of privacy because you aren't aware you are being watched some us like back when you would use dressing rooms and there was a two-way mirror they wouldn't tell you that see due south area no idea. >> it boils down to an expectation of privacy is a reverse glitch in the matrix really come that far from the wizard of oz where there is a guy behind the curtain is no artificial intelligence it's a thousand guys in india the other thing i would say to my good friend tyrus he watched those groups before you eat them. monkeys and animals do horrible things with the grapes wouldn't it be interesting if it was just a planet of people getting information for you on the internet they? thought it was algorithms and digital. [ bleeps ] just people running around giant
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library it's like all you google i want to know when gutfeld will be in the next city for a live show and it's like somebody's and in addition india's running. straight faced by injecting transports with race. crazy idea. happy memories just come easier on the water. our founder, johnny morris and his dad knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable...
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tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops. voted america's best outdoor retailer. save even more and support conservation when you join the club. >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way.
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and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> a story in 5 words. >> greg: no men with girls, racist. the national organization for women blasted female athletes on next mac posting repeat after us. weapon icing women hood against other women is white supremacist patriarchy at work making people believe there isn't enough space for trans women in sports is white supremacist patriarchy at work. that's amazing this is why women wish and run organizations. was called out to joe. >> you and me up the car dealership right now not cosigning. but in your pocket. clad with hands not the other part listen. i don't know when i was growing up they just called it somebody being a.
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[ bleeps ] the stuff they connect on is unbelievable is not white racism for women to have a problem to have a promo jackman training to be women stealing all the gold competing against girls that's not a racist thing that is a genetic thing nothing to do with it but nobody cares about that conversation you drop those magic words white privilege and racism everybody goes your right and backup what i see you now is think of why people are getting sick of this. [ bleeps ] call me racist all you want to but 6'8 tyrus with the way good isn't competing against my doctor in that contest that's ridiculous. here's the problem right there is a place for trans athletes to compete but needs to be with third biological gender because if a transgender athlete
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competes against biological men and winds isn't that a great moment. your hero instead of a villain. 's not fair but at the same time everybody's talking about it crossing the line making like that. you know of an argument you know because they will say it's white and racist that so you know they don't have an argument. >> the male swimmers disease female is a white male so i don't know how this works. also as a swimmer he failed the test for ped's which is performance-enhancing dangerous. >> a thick you should compete in women swimming if you can get an erection. like if they hang the gold medal on your penis perhaps you should have competed in the first place electing the backstroke while lying down on the bed with lotion. >> what you think a swim meet looks like we she does of balls.
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>> greg: you done? >> i think so. the national organization for women is favoring men taking the place of women so who is for women and girls to be the best they can be mean i think of my beloved home state of iowa caitlin clark and what she's been able to do a beam much different if she was competing against transmitter trans men but if there were men competing against her so difficult that nobody is supporting and encouraging and defending women to compete on their own right consistent without so is been done. >> greg: how can now be an organization for women while selling them out we. >> at least that part of the tweet was on that topic they fro
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racism in their i'm really lost how that even came to be a part of the tweet at all i looked i still couldn't find an answer just their buzzword. >> greg: they don't have an answer so they go off topic. he also can't say repeat after us and put that many words that's a hundred words i'm not going to read that. >> greg: thank you jamie that was necessary. up next as your jockstraps aroma put others in a coma. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and
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>> greg: 5 more words! exercise and sweaty underwear this is disgusting i can't believe you're doing this. out of 2000 pulled in the uk to 50% said they washed their used underwear after 1 workout while almost half admitted to wearing their sweaty smelly underwear again for the next gym session. granted this is the united kingdom the already smell.
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do you think they are not working hard enough to be able to use their underwear the next day that could be at. because it you ever do like hot yoga you can't use your underwear again after exerting i just started doing it and don't judge a lot of women are there it's in nice on the only guy i just wish there is some way to advance faster like a way to go from barely being able to touch my toes to sleeping with an instructor. tyrus a pfaff admit to this does it mean there is actually more. i like to your should glut. under 2 minutes. listen take the gym out of you don't need to go work out if you do i don't know i can't wear my
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workout stuff even once i would throw it away. i was lost on the phrase gym underwear. what are you talking about here was visiting and you put them there that's my gym underwear. all of you need some serious help. some gym underwear is of course of the gym underwear that's not a thing. as they've never you've never been to a gym in your life. i got my mast hat on today. as i will keep my sports bra for a couple of sessions. as oh, my god. thank god for the surgery all right whitaker you are a gym rat
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as these are the same people don't wipe off their equipment. if there compression shorts in the gym and your underwear then industry which you where lululemon joggers if you're this guy. compression shorts irate whitaker you little pervert. i'm just picturing you in compression shorts now. >> doesn't that make you the perfectly. >> perhaps. r8 we will be right back.
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> we are out of time, thank you "fox news @ night" is next. love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this


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