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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 3, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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except there. go ahead, jeff. >> that's pretty funny. the fox news shop is slash prices. >> thank you. biden-nomics. we are here now. >> beautiful tote bag. you can take this to the beach with your family. you can take it to the airport. you can take it anywhere. you can dana in it. >> yes, it is great. very fashionable going to shop that to browse. >> and tonight, jesse watters primetime. >> the diddy maxine waters connection. no relation, brad. >> late tonight i have matt whitaker or jamie lewis. so kat timpf big tyra. that's tonight at ten. i want that. that's it. >> that's okay. that's it for us, everybody. i hope you enjoyed this show. we have another 6 seconds. do you want to say anything, s greg? yeah, that's it fo r us tonight . >> night. ganwelcome to jesse watters. >> primetime tonight. every single question wasquesti
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scripted, gone over dozensonon of times ove by many executive. he's losing in all>> h the battleground states now.e >> he's not losing in all the battle, but one the bidenst. in denial. who's writing this script?'s obvious. >> i just wanted to take the time to thank you. queen wao tas diddy's democrat, sugar mama fan. ear and so in my right ear, it was like a dentist drilling on steroids. i felt like i had early alzheimer's, the havana syndrome. why is this suspicious? >> plus. are you kidding me? me?. is enough. >> trump derangement syndrome. >> it's back. are you kiddin g me?ing me law enforcement? are you kidding me? tonight in grand rapids, multiple law enforcement
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officers stood behind donald trump as he spoke, tired to protect and enforce the law for the entire citizenry, not for political partitizenryy. explicitly forbidden from being a partisan authoritarian police force standing on stage entirely unethical, probably illegal, and law enforcement at the go to stand on stage stad with him. >> enoug oh is now. trump can't stand on staged on with cops now cops stand withl politicians all the time. in 92, cops stood behindin clinton and then they endorsed him. same thing with obama-biden. a and here's joe blastinndg ultra maga republicans with pennsylvania police chiefs. >> right behind them. >> cops always play a rolepl in politics. most sheriffays are elected. >> this dictator on dayr on one hoax has really done a number on these people. the first lady went on cbs and called them fake news. >> when these polls likethese po the wall street journal on lande
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in the white house and he's losing in all the battleground states now, we should'slosing a not losing in l the votes. he's coming up and he' s even or doing better. so, you know what?start to once people start to focus see in and they see their two choices, it's obvious that joe will win this election. >> it's obvious joe is going to win. does the doctogoin win? r know something we don't? >> whatever happened to run like you're behindat ever toda? biden overslept and was late to an 11:00 speech. he didn'clockt show up until an hour later. and if you look closely, you can see the spat creases on his face. >> he wears a machins --e around his noggin to keep him breathing at night. >> he has sleep apnekeepima, ann he has a crazy face at noon, he just got out of bed. >> he kept bernie sanders waiting an hour. that's either a power move by biden or that'sthat i p just. >> the president didn't fly home from a west coast campaigno stop last night.
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>> late yesterday, the president did nothing. he had a phone call. that's it. i wouldn't be sleeping't b in ts stage of the campaign. >> new wall street journal poll find s not ahead in a single battleground. >> trump'sbattlegr up in northth carolina, arizona, pennsylvania, michigan, georgia . >> it's all even in wisconsin. and in last night's wisconsin primary, 50,000 democrats cast0 a protest vote against biden.wos >> but it gets worse for them. look at their approval ratingsle in the states that will decide the election. >> trump's really populationr and joe's not. his coalition is collapsed. blacks, hispanics, young americans, mostlacks, hiy men da want to have anything to do t with the democratic party. >> and one reason mayor pete's mocking you for not buying nerd mobiles. >> let's be clear that the nerd automotiveclear th sector is mog toward evs and we can't pretend otherwise. ee
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sometimes when these debates happen, i feel like it's thet early 2000s, and i'm talking to some people who think that we can just have landlineen phones forever. the reality is that the automotive sectoforevee rear toward evs and the us can either fall behind china o or we can claim the lead, number one. >> the government didn't spend. $1,000,000,000,000 to make us buy cell phones and didn't shamtrilli ue us for keeping our landlines. number two, just because something's modern doesn't make it better or tasteat tastes bet real meat or lab grown. liv would you rather live in a 14thc century castleas or in some drap post-modern slab? >>ostm would you rather relax bk at the beach or bacon? a tanning be ad? >> exactly. electric cars aren't better. they're just an option. jus democrats keep forgetting the customer is always optio ri. this election isn't about what democrats want it to be about. it's about what voters say it's about.
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making our lives easier at some point in time, you've got to take into account what the voters thinking about the voters a lot of them out there,o tens of millions of them out there, by the way, don't carmeno what he's going through right now. they don't care about the 91 counts. they're thinking the ther about theirare wh lives. and a lot of times we see politicians taking ght s that they'ret taking and why we can respectd their candidate and their and sty. they do seem a bit detached at time for what the voterses are actuallypect tndor and feel if you're joe biden, what are you really, really worried about right now? whats are actualyou're worried ? coming to the polls. that doesn't exactly encourageat them to get up out of their seats and go to the polls. >> democrats thought they had a scriptats and e po. ul biden would print the money, the economy would recover and they'de the eco put trump ol for january 6th. >> but january o six wasn't 9111 voters don't care what a few. politicians went through for a few hours. >> four years ago. yeah, people were scared.s it was crazy. g i get it. but weet go through things too. we're scared. we get hurt.
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>> we can't afford stuff we don't like. migrants murdering our women orn fentanyl killing our men. >> but the democrats only care about you if you're nodding along obedientlyding. e thir they're in the third act, and they're realizing the audience lost the plot, but they're sticking with the script. they're not listening to you because they don't care. joe biden's runninyog the most highly produced, tightly choreographed, top downidenti campaign in presidential history with the help of the ciala, corporate america, and media executives who want prinppett , who prints money, funds wars, and opens borders as long as he doesn't offend anybody. >> when former espn reporter rep sage steele interviewed biden, she says she was literally handed the script. >> thank you for being here. set as we get set for a wonderful dy day and for opening day foropen america's national pastime. >> this is abouting erica' two t after he took office. it was so structured and i wasth
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told you will say every worddev that we write out. >> you will not deviate from the script and g and go to the d like every single question was scripted, gone over dozens of times by many executives, editors and executives m. biden got the questions ahead of time. almost the entire intervie quw was about sports. >> 2 minutes of the interview was biden tellinteg a story about jill putting a fliers jersey on their dog. >>a flyers jerse it was all scrt of time. it wasn't a real interview was. espn executives in the whiteves house were in on iin tt and ifdr you deviated from the script, you're fired. none of this is real. >> it's why biden's done more interviews with a weatherman than with thew york "new york times". >> and as far as times your your memory of this house, you know, i mean, this was i mean, i don't know what the future holds, but what are your favorite memories about this
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place? are kids jumpingplace? in bed w and our grandkids when they're down here, they're sneaking it and jumping? that's my favorite memory. they love it. . g thi love wandering throughre the halls. they love. there' is two floors upstairs and a lot of big privates an residences. >> and they just love coming: down. our kids jumping in bed with us. biden'our kidss youngest kids, , his grandkids. well, biden's grandkids are 30, 23, 23, 19 and 18. and hunter's got two foure of year olds and only one of them's ever been to the whitme house. >> joe biden leads al roker's questions aheae. d of time. there's your campaign. deny the polls, ignore the voters and stick to the script. >> let's bring in our co-host, tomi lahren. >> s theo the interview with sag steele was about baseball and as couple questions about covid
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and everything was scripted. >> well, i'll tell you, that was a couple of years ago as well. >> and we know that he has declined significantly w since k a couple of years ago. so i'd like to see how he handled even the pre-scripted question handls will sage deal , but also, you know, playing those clips about the softballtp questions that he gets, i can't help but remember last easte red when the easter bunny snuck in and saved joe biden from a questioned joe and then he had the audacity to do the easter bunny and christians dirty thisi year by overtaking the holiday for trans visibility day. sodatran i don't expect the easr bunny to be saving joe biden again any time soong jn. t that i think he's still pretty upset about that one. but, you know, jesse, i'm okay . with this. i'm okay with democrats being overconfident. h crati'm okay with dr. jill bin getting agitated when the polls. are brought up. that's all right. i don't care if they have the preplan balloons t ca falling from the glass ceiling like hillary clinton did in 2016. i i like that better because then when donald trump winsto watch in november, we get to watch millions of gray hairs
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screaming at the sky on repeat and do their cry ins and their sit in cryd s and i don't knowlo about you, jesse, but i will enjoy that thoroughly. so let thethoroum be confident w and we'll see them in november. >> do you thinr.kident they're overconfident or do you think they know something that we don't knowor the? ? because it's not just confidence and i believe nancyae said it. other democrats have said it. saithey act like it's a foregoe conclusion, like the script' s already been written. and that just makes me nervousse and suspicious being the cynicet than i am. >> yld i not be that way, tomm y ? >> now you should be. because the fact that they are thisou shoul tha confident e that they're very confident in their voting process. they're very confidenty confid e and they've perfected mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, early voting pe, all those things.ey can they're very confident they can run on abortion. so it should make us very nervous. but i'll tell you this, when joe biden and joi telle biden, l they get so agitated, when people question them and they ques at the polls, that tells me not that they're worried about losing to donaldpd
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trump, that they're worried about being replaced with gavin newsom. that tells me that they're veryc nervous that democrats are watching the same thing. e watching and thinking, t we've got to get joe out of there. where's the hook? so gavins newsom right nowe is the one that i think that they're most angry at. and gavin newsom is living it up. you know, his hair has moved in and he is readyh to jump int. the white house. that is what the bidens are mostat is wh are afraid of.s >> joe doesn't seesemm that nervous because he slept in till about 11:00 today. tommt 11:0y. the now, we rewound the clocks. he was supposed to do an event at 11. he was an hour late. he showed up at noonate,owed anh the cpap machine creased. >> stille cpap on his cheek, whh means he must have been m sleepingus less than ange hour before he took the stage. >> what does it tell you aboutat president that he's sleeping in until about 11? well, it tells me that somebodyi that i didn't vote for and nobody voted for is actually running our country. rug our country bu think it's ry
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striking when you see the side by side between joe bide n and bernie sanders. and bernie sanders looks like quite the young maders ln therel to joe biden, especially when the two of them are speaking alongsid t e one another.i love but i love the investigative weatrting that you guys diestigd to uncover the creases in his face, whether they be from the cpap machine or just be p, the regular old pillow case. i think it's quite obvious that joe is enjoyingk ite his w. life balance and nothing gets by primeg gets time. >> thanks. tom miller makes every fox news alert. >> the venezuelan welfare king has been taunting us about milking our handoutsg uss nabb and threatening the squat in our homes was now in ohio. >> and now in ohio he could be g gun charges. >> which one do you like more? i here. this is the safety. a look at those of you in media.
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and another level. >> and i'm taking this one now . >> even though an obama judge ruled it was legalesse: ee migrants to possess firearms, i don't think the atf agrees.god good luck in prison. welfare king. slee pri p tight like joe did. >> and maxine waters. the partnership right now someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy. so quick and so lucrative. >> your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home. title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that. believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes to transfer proof of ownership out of your name.
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people think, why? there's a whole huge process. but the truth is, it's a one page document, but it still must get through one final barrier. the county clerk, when someone comes in with fraudulent deed, if it's notarized and all the spaces are filled in, we by statute have to accept it and not give it back to them. and say, we know this is fraudulent, we're not going to file it. that's against the law. it's a false sense of security. it's not real. bottom line is, yes, it happens . and we can't stop it from happening. and it only takes once for it to stay new. and it's very sad thing to watch. you've put your your love into the house and all of a sudden it might not be yours. it's a devastating crime for pennies a day. home title often monitor your title nonstop, alerting you to suspicious activity. you may get a warning notice that this first step has happened. you can stop the rest meter. he signed it for home title lock and was immediately alerted to suspicious activity. so i received the report and saw, hey, i have a lien
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it's six and one formula means you're getting six products packed into one just for your face and then massage and particle for 30 seconds. >> before you know it, you're looking younger than, well, most guys. >> but forget about most guys. >> just be you want a younger version you can do right now it's part of >> we've got free shipping in the united states, plus a 30 day money back guarantee a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance. john, i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, in only a few minutes, selectquote found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month. go to select qualcomm now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can afford. selectquote we shop, you save. >> greg abbott on america's
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newsroom inside his plane to secure the border and uphol d
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5 million people's lives, it's overwhelming. it's everything. st wee you ast week we told you all about how rap mogul p diddy spent the last 20 years bringing out the vote for democrat g ups. when are you going to beo the president of the united states? hecall your call mtv. thank you. m and i justtv want to say how mud i appreciate you there for fornf doing the kinds of work that he's doing, because
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he doesn't have to do this.demor >> now, democratsat are pretending they don't know the y don' were houses raided by the feds in a sex trafficking investigation. >>n a se but did he have a lott of political juice with the democrats? >> he brought them voter juicesd and they paid him back. >> 15 years ago, when nbc and comcast were merging, their executives had to testify in frontcomcast of maxine waters, no relation, saww an opportunityat. . she shut them down and forced them to give diddy a piecef of the pie. >> there's no way that anybody can si t here and think it's allr ther right for there to be one african american owned network. >> if nbc wanted the merge. r to go through, they needed to make maxine happy. so netw they gave diddy his own cable network. revolt tv. >> and he was grateful.o just wanted to take the time. thank you. queen, what is all that you have done to to even makeo all those businesses possible?
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you know, it couldn't have been done without you. so thank you. >> tk you so very, very much. diddy isn't the only disgraced mogul maxine's in bed with remember, she blew kisses at many when he was supposed to be under investigation by her. >> now he's servininvestigation. oh, maxine really has an eyes an for talent. >> we have a new hoax. the bloody hoax didn't work out too well for democrats. it was debunked in 5 minutes. ouwatoday, the media is out wita fresh the animal hoax. s migr trump calls migrants animals. we watchan trump's speech last w night. >> we didn't see him call illegals animals. d it >> so where did it come from? trump once again used brutal, incendiary rhetoric to describei immigrants. >> here's what he said yesterday. listend yester. it's a border bloodbath and it's destroyint isg our couy
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,their country, changing country, threatening in their country, wrecking. we're going to end up with the largest deportatiothn in americn history and not damage that idea, which are animals. u th i'll use the word animal because that's what they are. we don't want them coming into . our country with contagious diseases and they haven't it that job>> jesse. cut they deceptively cut trump's speech to make it look lik speee trump was calling all migrants animals when he wasrdered only talking about the one who murdered lake and riley. >> watch. i me lt with the grieving family of lake and reilly, you know, lake, and she's she wascredib incredible. >> top of her class. everything was the tople.of herg >> she was the top of everything. she was incredible that the parents, incredible people, the 22 year old nursing student in georgia was barbaric, was murdered by an illegalri alien animal. >> the democrats said, please s, s. call them animal humans. >> i said, they're not germans. they're not here. they're animals. : you you bash a woman's head in until she dies.
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head. an animalba >> period. even cnn's guests called them ouen cnn gt. . >> watch this. when he says these thesehe immigrants are animalsn he santg they're not humans. what does that suggest? i mean, in that brutal. >> shouldn't people be condemning that? i listened to the entire tape. he was specifically talking about the person who murderecale lincoln riley in georgia. and to be honest with you, wolf, if somebody and ge y another humanhink being, i think they deserve to be called animalsey deser. wolf, wolf. ouch. the media shouldn't be mad theyh at trump. >> they should be mad at the migrant criminals, but they want to pretend migrant crime is not real. this colombian illegal was just arrested for sex crimes against minors in massachusett js. minors yesterday in new york, eight illegals were arrested. >> cops found guns, drugs. a kier, cod in the basement, sia them were released without bail. today. hree three more migrants were arrested at th m were same home. >> and in michigan, chilean
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ninjas are breaking into people's homes. >> months ago, the sheriff formed task force and got seven people from chile who've been breakinpeople fg in and geg away with millions, 800,000om oe in jewelry and cash from one home alone. >> the chilean gangs have been hitting us very hard cash, jewelry, very high end purses. that's pretty much the target. pretr well-trained wheny ge they get here, highly organized. they look like ninjas. they're all masked up gloves. they each have a backpack with theirac particular set of tools for their job in the burglary. >> migrant crimes, really, animal hoax, fak.: mie. the fo monica crowley is a former assistant treasury secretaryrm.k it's funny, wolf is mad m that people are called animals. what's going on heread ? yeah, i mean, the twistingthis i of the language here. this is nothing new, jesse. you goeiss back to 2015. you'll recall that one of the very first speeches donaldmp trump made as a
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made back in candidate june of 2015. he spoke about a wide open border. about he spoke about the tsunamiominee of illegal immigration. and he talked about how they were sending and murderers. and remember, he said they're not sending their best. he got clobberednding th for th. and that set the tone for the coverage of donald trump, not just on this issue, but all the issues going forward. lissuesand then when he starteda to gain traction, they started coming up with these hoaxeo s to try to de-legitimize him, take away his credibility, undermine his candidacy, and then, of course, try to destroy his presidencidacy al and they're doing it all over again for the russia hoax, too,t this latest one on animals. the problem for them this time i ,jesse, is it's not going going to work because the american people alreadyk be have a one tm of donald trump. four years of an storye termtrem presidency with tremendous successes on a booming economy and enforced border. law and order and world peace.
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>> it's fine to monica because the media is always wondering, why doesn't anybody believe us anymore? this country is so divided nd and disinformation. >> wolf blitzer is supposed to be a journalist. , monica, and he's just hacking just sounds out of these bites in a defamatory wayr. and then getting called out 30 seconds later. >> how dishonest is this goingto to get going into november? >> well, it's only going to geti worse. i meant is onl, it's been bad si june of 2015 when he first announce d and the lies,d ther you know, there's a sliding scale of lies. there's a russia hoae'idinscalxh is like i'd add 100. and then there's like the animal hoax, which is oute like a ten. >> but these hoaxes are going to continue because they haveone nothing else to run on, jesse. joe biden the democrats cannot run on a single issue e they can't run on the economy, on immigration, on the border. >> law and orderco , on global peace and prosperity. they've taken all of those
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thingsve taken that trump left m and destroyed them deliberatelys . >> so the only thing they have left is to lie and sleep, because we know joe loves bec his dailauy rest.t moni everybody go check out monica's podcast. jesse watters appeared on it.n t it's supposed to be a great, great interview. iit's about my book, get it together, and many other fascinating topics. monica, thank you as always. >> always a pleasure. jesse. thank you. primetime investigates havana syndrome. next to me, harlem is home, stat but home is also your bodyed. that's when i asked myself, why does the palladium exist chm? so i started my own studio getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy, which i think has supported us from studio one to studio three. studio one to studio three. >> when you start smalto 5% cal.
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>> the attacks, they say, have been targeting federal agentsy say, and members of ther family, both overseas and here on american soil. >> inside my right ear, it wasit like a dentist drilling on steroids. that feeling. when it gets too close to your eardrum. it's like that, you know, timesk ten. it was like a high pitched metallic drilling noise and itil knocked me forward. it felt like i was stuck in this stat i ie of, like, disorientation, not able to function like what is happening. >> and my whole body was pulsing. it felt like it came througham the window into my left ear. i immediately felt fullness he my head and just a piercing headache. i left the rooadache.m and wento our bedroom next door and vomited in our bathroom. >> the common denominator between most of these agents targeted, according to cbsese ao they all have a history of working on cases against
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russia. >> t russia one of those cases inve this mustang going 110 miles an hour. a search of the car found notes of banthk accounts. citibank, discover savings 75,000. and this device that looks like a walkie talkie can erasepute the car's computerr da data, including its gps record. there wa s also a russian passport. >> a what's your first name?>> a ?60 minutes claims that man who led cops in florida on a high chase in 2020 used to be a russian military engineernc with a top secret security clearance and is believed to have been a kremlined is spy who helped facilitate attacks with acoustic weaponry. problem here in the united states, the only problem? nd those the state department says havana syndrome and those attacks aren't real. the state department and fivee
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other u.s. government agencies say that it'ent agens very unlie that what people are experiencing are the resulritor of a sneaky foreign attack. government researchers linkeatd to havana syndrome two mass meanhosis and social contagion, meaning the more people claim to have something, the mor peopc people will convince themselves they also have it. but whe yalso hy would the fedel government, who's always goe to fund an excus ukraine's war against russia, downplay the supposed threatir . because it helps their case? something about this story doesn't add up, but it's a spssible to pinpoints. >> special forces read and world strat president jim hanson joins me now. >> what do you think is reallywd going on here? you know, it's impossible to know for certain, but like you, jesse, i find itfind particularly convenient that right now iicularly the uke money train is going off the rails all of a sudden, this
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story gets resurrected after the government say s it didn'tnd w happen. and we've got darth putin shooting death star beams at our diplomats in order to get everybody riled o. . i think that's pretty unlikely. these weapons exisitt. ve there's no question about that. we have them. you know, but the idea them this no w is 60 minutes.there, >> very credible source there. you know, it's an anti-putinti russian media. >> i don't find it very crediblemedia, i. >> so why would 60 minutes push this if it does benefit the ukraine situation and thenee have the entire federal government say it's baloney? >> yeah, that's the piecedoes that doesn't quite fit together, because usually the regime media is doinnot quig the bidding of the regime. right. and in this case, they seem to have a disconnectinee. i don't know why the government, if this is happening, i don't know whyss . they would want to say it isn't. it iw why 60 mw why. >> 60 minutes in der spiegel. and you know, the anti-putin russia then people want it
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to happen because they need to back their boys their. olinsky in the in forever war against putin. so i think there's a there's an issue of who's got an advantage . and in this case, the regime fadia man casy be out ahead of r skis as far as what the regime wants them to do. you want to hearth how weird it? gets now. mark zaid is the attorney who's representing about a dozen of these alleged victimsut a doz of this brainwave attack from russia. >> he's th thie same guy guy that ripped the impeachment whistleblower. t peit's like, wow, it's this i cannot really wrap my head but around this story, but there's something going on. thhing to getg to have to the bottom of it. jim, thank you so much. always muc a pleasure, jesse,
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to what you just saw was a powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake rocking taiwatuden. g >> this is the largest earthquake the small island nation has seen in decadeseshque , ugh th and they're still sifting through the rubble for survivors. nationalor correspondent bill milligan with more bill. >> well, jesse, this was the biggest earthquake to hit taiwan in 25 years. >> it killed at least nine people and injured more than a thousand otherand i >> videos like this one postedwh on social media show the moment that powerful shaking began that magnitude 7.4 quake jaat led to tsunami warnings in japan, in the philippines, and rockslides in taiwanphilipp
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you can see this woman trying to calm her dogs who are clearly startled dog by all. that shaking. and this is unbelievable. look at this. this is dash is is un cam video that captured what looks like car sized boulders tumbling ontoptured wke a highway as tere drivers tried to avoid them. you can see one car get smackeda by one of those boulders. >> this quake hit about 8 local time during the morning rush hour. some of those landslide moge wet caught on camera with multiple fatalities reported as a result of falling rocks along roads and hiking trails. rod this man was swimming in a rooftop pool at a hotel in the capital city of taipetei when the earthquake hit. you can see him swishing around in there. taipei's located about 90 miles north of the quake's epicenter. >> several buildings in taiwann could be seen either destabilized or completelyca collapsed, leading to numerous rescues. and we've all amid reports that people were trapped hunduildings. >> hundreds of buildings had reportedly collapsed as a result of thdedly cole.
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and that massive quake causedase a barrage of powerfulto hit aftershocks to hit the country as well, some registering a strong country. as a 6.4 magn. very powerful for aftershocks.i now, the tsunami warnings, thankfully, didn't pan out std do anythinwarnindg, but this the strongest quake to hit taiwan since that is when a magnitude 7.6 quake killed around 2400 people. >>ed jesse, while that boulder scene was like straight out of indiana jones. >> yeah, on the terrifying. everyon >> thanks so much. o hope everybody's okay. kay.go ahead. why did we used to be so skinny ? >> it's a new day, one where our shared values propel us towards a more secure future. through august, a partnership built upon cutting edge american australia and british
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jesse watters is saying what most won't. what most won't.
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it may not sound like it, but this... is actually progress at 225 miles per hour. shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60% in all ntt indycar® series races. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. exceptionally stink free and smell as good as humanly possible. some summer's coming, guys. beach season throw away the easter candy. time. to eat, clean and train dirty dirty. >> but it wasn't always this way. but it50 years ago, there was nr to shred for summer. >> americans were naturaedle. really svelte. we were slim, toned, ready forwe beach volleyball, and only 15% of americans were obese.
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now that number is ballooning. >> nearly 45% of us are obese. >> what happened? we're less active. we eat out more and there's the food out there. >> that's terriblere. >> but americans are waving the white flag in the battle of the bulgee wavi, surrenderiny to obesity because it's trendy . my body does too much for every single day when it says, hey, grow up for full meal. can i have like 700 calories? you can. , girl, if diets don't work. d we have tons of research showing that mos t people gain back all of the weight they lost and more. >> in the end, we're just gettinand moweg more people in r bodies. but you apparently don't want that because you don't likyou aa that people. >> the body positivity, cults pushin. g health at every size. if you're £300,e you're beautiful. you do you who funds that type who a to the big foodthe on lobby? >> the ones who gave us the food pyramides that told us lucs
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charms was healthier than beef . >> their funding studies theye. erciset and exercis according to the washington post, general mills has launchedaccordashingto a multi-p campaign that pushes the anti diet movemenrongt, touting anti diet research and pontifical gating on the harms of so-called food shaminfood shag. >> they're also beenth paying professionals to promote their sugary cerealss been onli i just got this customized boxts of cereal from my friends at general mills, and i love it. every serving provides four grams of fiber along with other nutrients that people ofteiveralong n stre to get another ready to eat cereals, provide good nutrition . >> we love general mills>> big cereals because it's an easy we ls i affordable and dels way to deliver the nutrients that my kids nee wd. >> and it's the ultimate nutritious breakfast eggs. >> try eggs. not only are they brainwashingyi ,they're encroaching upon your kitchen cabinets. an investigation by the postench
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found they've got a whole teamlb of lobbyists to push back on policiesyih back that would add information to food labelshe. u carly means is the co-founder of true med and joins me now. >> i can see the disappointment all over your face, jesse. a >> as a parent, i am outraged and every parent should be outraged. 50% of our teens are overweight or obese. this is a national moral stainye on our country. the childhood obesity raten in japan is 4%, and working for the food companies, i can tell you they know the american people want to be healthy. they don't want their kidswant e to be fat. they don't want their kids to be depressed. they don't want their kids to be addicted to ultra processehem toessedd tod food, t that out of them. that's the strategy. of ththe food industry and i sw this. they pay the usda, the irsthis,, the fda to rig the guidelines. irs,w, 19 out of the 20 folks who made the nutrition guidelinese that kids use were w paid for by the food companies.
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they say that era two-year-old should have added sugar into their diet. and as this brave reportin and thg from on how o'connor in the washington post, if you see a tiktok influencer tellingo your kid to eat anything other than whole foodsanything,r is that influencer is being paid for by the food industry, there's a social b contagiong. happening with child abuse. >> it's absolute child abuse. >> we're looking at some images of, i don't know, seventies, i ghtiesge, whatever it was. >> i remember i grew upw back then. people were at the beach. it looks a lotup b different to. how much of this obesityhow mu epidemic is food and how much of it is just inactivity o and screen i us? >> there's trillions of dollars of incentives againstan pat the american patient to eat ultra processed food that's goneiet ovsed food from 0 to 70t in 100 years. and to be sedentardiy, weur are absolutely decimating our human capital and the raw hud , jesse,lity is that a sick, fat, depressed, addicted child is profitable for the system, the food system and the health care system. lthcare and the opposite is on .
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>> thank you, jesse.. you're right. the health care system sylso profits from fat, unhealthy kids. this is just an absolutes from f disgrace. ra >> callie, thanks as always. you're greatce . >> thank you, sir. tiger woods quit right back. >> it's time for news about the news. sling tv has the same news programming you love. starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. >> that's what i just said, right? >> it's the same level, starting at $40 a month sling right now. someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home
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the early rounds. good night, everybody. now, i respect what he's doingea because to be clear, i do thisr to jenny feller until we shoot my saturda y night show theno whole week. not she gets nothing. and even then i go over her report card for the week. >> she doesn't just get it, you know, you got to earn it. but stick with mearn inpe, okay? tiger is saying this in an effort at image rehabilitation because he's trying to make it sound like he's focused on golf. has m look like cost tiger a l. >> he lostit about $67 million s in sponsorships, although that number fluctuates because nike paid him in singles. point is. s >> this a strategy one way or the other. i respect. i thought he was throwing up a challengt it's ae to all the down in augusta. >> i'm not doing anythinlenge gk week. try me, you perkins waitresses need to step up your gam a e. if >> all right, listen, fellas, if you're trying to impress a girl, please leave t air guitar at home. the biggest red flag in the world, biggest egg of all time,d is doing the air guitar. if i catch you at a bar
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listening to music and you start, i can't even do. >> it's so bad.o ba like, literally go home. differ i'll give you two quick things. first of all, the difference between men and women. men this doesn't happen to men, okay? if the girl is gorgeous, she th can punch my cat, okay? >> she can clothesline my mom wl at the bar. my girl. we'll talk about that later. did you see that modelabout dog the air guitar? i'm out of here. no, i can't do it. but this air guitto girl's going to diene alone. >> can i explain why she is? she might be a fabulou fabuloust but it's the wrong way to live. >> because if you leave the house looking for something to be upse iokt by, you inheren become a miserable person because your campus is pointing. you in the wrong direction. >> you can go out to dinner with somebody who's like you can tell is confrontationavl at the staff because on a date with a girl like that, it's like, i'm like, baby, i would walk e th right of this white castle. >> i don't need this. you know, i like to do the air flute. n ai >> he's an air piccolo. r get an air flow. just finally, remember, kids, e0 keep your hands at ten and two and always fasten your seat and s.
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>> oh, i love this guy. yeah, this is. no, this is amazing. and it takes me back to my cab driving days. although, to my credit, i never ne accident i was awake for, so i don't think they should count on my license free i accidents. but this is one of those funny1 ones that again points to usofet as a society. >> we love this and if we know everybody's okay, we feel justgu in making fun of it. >> but to be clear, we didn't know that wa bes cause it's stii funny. >> look, it just wouldn't be making fun of it on the air that you're judge jeaning is fie is fine. okay? totally fine. mjimmy failla thank. >> best man. >> we are eventually going to get well, bombing me out. thh i thought i was going to have a terrible show. the show crushed i terriblt. n' >> i didn't love the rundown. earlier in the day. weundown i the show gold oc. >> great job producers really ty bringing it to some texts.
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dave from houston, texas biden's interview with sage wao' on march 31st, 2021. why didn't he biden wish espn eshappy trans visibility day dinner from missouri?i stil i still have my landline and my two gas vehicles call me oldll l fashioned. i'll just don't call you ont cal the landline if there's a storm . dennis from south carolina biden sleeps in later than a college on the weekend. seriously, i haven't slept pasty 11:00 till senior year. >> if i went to bed at 9 a.m.,ea i wouldn't past 11:00. i mean, yeah, come on. roger from st george, utah, was just testing the waters. >> no relation, melinda from texas. >> mayor pete won'melindt be whn the electric grid goes down. and the only people with working phones are those with landlineselectric. ha! sneaky pete can't even fix pothole. >> michael from steamboat springs, colorado.o
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i've been there to the skis shot. amazinamazing thg. >> can mayor pete fit his bike in those automobiles? >> i know there's some real manly men that have electric cars, and i'm sorry. >> lorie from mississippi in 86. i looked awesome in a bikini, too, but i lived on vodka, saltines and cigarettebikinis. the diet of champions. evan from florida. g wa >> last night, my dog was t barking at the wolf you hadhe on the shou haw. >> oh, we love wolfie. jim from robbinsville, new jersey. a guy named wolf's criticize us for referring to killers as animals. >> yet blitzer's really got to get it togetherd . ok still the book still doing very well. still on the times list. connect >> we love you. sam from connecticut. my wife gives me havanandrome syndrome every time i don't do the dishes. >> oh, you poor guy. i'm waters. and this is my world.


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