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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 4, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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alert and be on tuesday said i need central on xbox or any time on hulu. we believe in the two minute journey. old man stands tall tense strip seconds we believe in beta snakes. video and whatever this guy's doing. hustle and grit and nothing is more dangerous than a man with a dream. he believed in football. spring just got stronger. sunday, houston, dc on fox where the tide takes it. jimi. jimmy, listen that when a guy catches @ s ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening,
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everyone, i am laura ingraham, and this is "the ingraham angle" from los angeles tonight. disappearing dreams, that is the focus of tonight's "angle." >> lisa, i want some... more. well as democrats have their way for another four years, you will all still feel like oliver twist. you will have a blessed and expected to be happy with it, less begging the government for scraps, more power and control in washington, less view. here is the reality for young people today. >> you look at the average income $75,000 and how do you afford a mortgage payment of $3500? young people can't afford to buy new homes in the american dream is dead. >> laura: there are consequences for runaway spending and borrowing and we all have to contend with this now appear there is no way to defend this, but yeah, they are going to try. they will start hearing things
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like the needs to own a home anyway? renting is so much easier anyway. houses just tie you down. you should just focus more on your work-life balance. send me a moment when we retire that phrase. and remember, feminists some of the ways life was repressive, even racist. but this is all a lie or to use their lingo, it is all disinformation. it is used to cover for the neoliberal experiment. young people starting out now see the american dream is out of reach, yeah, well, no wonder so many feel depressed and stuck here and speak with you just feel lied to because you thought that if you just went to college and got a degree, you would be able to afford a house and things that make you happy but you are still affording groceries, clothes, or literally anything that makes you happy. >> laura: naturally with the high cost of living, more are
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staying with mom and dad longer. according to a new survey by the harris poll for bloomberg, roughly 45% of people ages 18-29 are living at home with their families. that is the highest figure since the 1940s. now, into the 1980s, we couldn't wait to bust out of all met 18. now many americans are simply managing their expectations. we shouldn't be surprised, this was their plan all along. ♪ ♪ the globalists know best. look, look how well they did by our kids during covid, after all. and now, they offer no real solutions to curbing inflation or bringing down prices. instead, they are gearing up to tell us that really today's problems, they are just too complex to solve. once again, we are hearing the
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phrase "the new normal." but it is not normal, that is a lie. it is a twisted, bleak world they are creating, and the establishment's handling of deeply unpopular. check this out, a new "wall street journal" poll showing most americans think things are getting worse, not better economically. that is over the last two years. bidenomics was supposed to be making everything better in a new life from washington will be that we have to unite as americans and simply all be okay with less. now, they will also try to redefine patriotism as well. now, remember, if you really care about protecting others, you needed to get the covid shot appeared so soon, it is going to be, if you really care about sag our country from climate change, you will ditch that gas powered suv, your gas stove, your gas water heater,
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et cetera. and if you don't, you are just a maga trumpites. >> we can't pretend otherwise. when the debates happen, early 2000s and i'm talking some people have landline phones forever. >> laura: what a dismissive jerk! okay? and i kept thinking my watch him and thought, wait a second, that was a rhodes scholar. i think cecil needs to come back from the grave in defense of of a scholarship. cars and land lines? that is the same thing, pete, go back to south bend. if you are a young boater, wake up before it is too late. you don't have to like everything about trump or anything he does or says, but one thing he will not do, he will not turn the economy upside down. then got your basic freedoms, and then tell you, "get used to it." that is not the american way.
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and that is "the angle." joining us newt gingrich, former speaker of the house, fox news contributor. newt, they know how to grow the economy. they actually do because trump was doing it you are to but they decided to do the opposite of the beginning of 2021. this is their policy, is it not work >> sure, look, you have to understand the weird elements of the democratic party are now dominant. they live in a fantasy world. the only way they can survive his convincing the rest of us that their fantasy is okay. we are struck on good friday and we went by mcdonald's and picked up a filet of fish, which is now about half of the size of the filet of fish before biden. every time you turn around, you are reminded that these policies of the biden democrats do not work. no amount of ideology, you can't
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build enough electric cars that people want, which is why there are now thousands of cars sitting on lots. the head of hert lost his job by buying too many cars and no, the average consumer saying no, i don't like it. and the left is, "we don't care post quote. we will impose a new we don't care. and combined being ignorant with arrogant in a way that i think is pretty breathtaking for a cabinet. >> laura: and also, newt, you and i predicted at the time but the biden administration also failed to live up to another promise. listen to this. >> you sort of have this reserve to help with the vladimir putin price hike. you said you would refill it but now, that doesn't seem like it is happening. why? i did believe the department of energy is responsible for that particular component is
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refilling that. i would refer you to the department of energy. >> laura: okay, newt, she is acting like the department of energy is a separate government in a separate country, okay? they knew what they were doing when they drained the reserve, did they not? fico of course, of course. look, first of all, let's be fair, she is the worst press secretary in history, but since she is trying to defend worse administration's policies, she doesn't really have much of a fighting chance. the left doesn't like oil. it doesn't like gas. it has a he believed that between wind and solar, you can give up everything else and that is totally false. it is physically literally impossible. yet, together they get to have a cocktail party and convince themselves that they are right. this administration desperately sold at a time people told him
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not to, the oil out of the strategic petroleum reserve to keep the price down for political reasons. now they can't refill it because the price is going back up. and it doesn't fit their values. they don't care if we run out of oil. what they care about is some fantasy world in which you and i will somehow get by on their theoretical inventions of technologies that don't work. >> laura: newt, this is why they love the covid lockdowns, right? i am in california. i'm surprised the state ever opened. frankly, chasing people on the beach. it was so embarrassing, but they wanted to condition people to stay at home, hunkered down, the new normal, travel list, just don't expect more. just be, be put, stay put. i think they thought people would be okay with that long term. thank god we had florida, texas, in all the red states to say
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"the hell with you. we are opening up." >> laura: suddenly really, really powerful, and they loved it. and they also cheated on the lipids, governor whitmer whose husband was taking a vote out when illegal to take boats out and we had all sorts of things going on, but from their standpoint, covid was a great opportunity -- >> laura: it was a dream where they live at! this was the best thing ever for them. sitting at home and your sweat pants all day and can't wait until the next ubereats and a check from the government. this is socialism on display. they loved it. >> and the fact is, it didn't work. most americans know it didn't work. the damage to our children by closing the schools horrendous. >> laura: horrible! >> frankly, part of the reaction we are seeing leads to donald trump victory is people are sick of politicians who not only dictate what you should do,
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but then cheat and don't do with themselves. so, they say rules for you because they know they will not obey the rules they are creating. >> laura: newt come i want to play one sound bite from president biden today where again, he thinks this is all a messaging problem, so they are trying out new messaging. watch. >> imagine who we are, we are the united states of america. i mean, this is the bottom of my heart. there is nothing under capacity when we do it together. we are the only nation into history that i can find that it has come out of every crisis we have entered stronger than when we went in. >> laura: newt my that is false. the polls show people think we are not better off than 2019 for the pandemic. we are worse off by almost every measure. >> but i agree with his conclusion he read we have to defeat biden and the weird left. we will, in fact, come out the
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next ten years dramatically stronger. it is not the outcome he expects. look, this is a guy for some reason sold out to the hard left on everything. that is how you end up with a transgender day on easter. did you know how hard it is to make a mistake like that? and, you go down every single front, he is doing things that make no sense. doubling and tripling down on electric vehicles when the american people are sake income it is a 6% markup. on hundred% markup. >> laura: newt, it is so great to see you. you and i remember california when we had republican governors and the state looks like surfing usa all the time. newt, great to see you. the warning were dire. experts told everyone to stop having so many babies. >> no intelligent patriotic american family ought to have
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more than two children, preferably one pure there is not the slightest question that we t get the population under control with voluntary means and the government will simply tell you a many to have and throw you in jail if you have too many. >> laura: but as usual, the experts were smug and cynical, but not smart. now, the survival of america is actually at stake. a new review of u.s. census data shows and women ages 25-44 are asked, "how many children they have," the most common answer is, zero, zero children. only 5% of women are having four or more children. now, we have china and russia long time with similar birth rate crises, but the united states are last time i checked, god still matters to most people, why is this happening? is there any turning this around? projections show our population declining into second half of the century. the consequences for the country's disastrous if this is
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the case, lower tax base, lower productivity, fewer workers, fewer jobs pure joining us fox news contributor sean duffy, fox business and proud dad of nine children. >> a lot, nine. >> laura: john, wait, is it seven? no, it's nine. it is one of the many reasons we adore you, but is the number of children declining because of money concerns or is this changing morals? >> there is a number of factors at play, laura. as christianity recedes, we replace our culture with other gods and narcissism, consumerism. as we look at families, families, families are about giving more to someone else then giving to yourself. if you look what happens to young people right now, laura, they've been told this whole generation be focused on your career. don't be focused on your family here would pursue your career. sometimes you get too old to have kids or find a mate if you preserve your career.
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these young people today, they have been hounded since in kindergarten and there is a climate crisis or the rights and. by having kids, they will affect the climate so save the claimant, don't have kids, laura! they bought into that. and social media, a lot of these people are having these relationships that are fake on social media and you when i used to go to the bar or coffee shop in the '80s come '90s, they aren't doing that anymore. you can build relationships you can't have kids if you don't find a might. young boys, laura, 18-25 years old, half of them have not asked him out. if you don't go on a date -- >> laura: what? >> you can't have kids. this is my advice, laura. getting married, having kids will make you happy. you will probably be more economically successful. >> laura: study show that. and study show that. >> i talked to a doctor in these are people in the last moments of their life on their
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deathbeds. i asked him, "what do people talk about? order there regrets on their deathbed? "the biggest regret on their deathbed, they didn't have more kids, right question at the time is when you are young or go find a mate, get married, find love. it is fulfilling and raising kids having yourself to someone else feels the heart, life and focused on yourself is lonely. and i think we missed out on this culture. and i think reinforcing these ideas that families are bad and loneliness is good. well i'm sorry i'm a it's not. >> laura: i remember mother teresa was asked about this and i don't know if raymond told me about this and asked about children, which one shouldn't be there which one should not be there? because children are love, sacrifice and they drive us crazy, right, i have three teenagers, believe me. no poster try to make child and frustrated mom. about i want to play this --
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that's right, you do have gray hair. i might have great here but you can't see it right now. isn't that great? one person consistently wanting about this declining birth rate is elon musk. watch this. >> they are not in the people. i can't emphasize this enough, they are not in the people. and i think one of the biggest risks to civilization is low birth rate and roughly declining birthrate. and yet, so many people including smart people think that there were too many people in the world. >> laura: have, sean, again, the false promise of materialism or focused on yourself or work-life balance. i know that is a big obsession of years, work-life balance, sean. but he gets to the point. these unconventional and has kids from different women, but his point is on it here and he's on it. >> he understands this is not the happiness component of having a family and having kids. this is about what happens to
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the economy. it was the next generation of workers you will have in your society and community? who will take care of old people and from social security and medicare when you get to the age of retirement and you get to the age of think second 80 years old? you will not have a next generation. i think it is a crisis. again, if you look at what is good for country and society is to reproduce, have kids beer that shows you are healthy, strong, and you are patriotic, i believe. >> laura: i would say it is the opposite. you are not patriotic if you have too many kids. you know, again, we are done. i never heard like we are done after one kid. you are not a robust, you are a person. >> i had three, five, six and you know what, if you are open to life, it is a beautiful thing. i have a little gal that is four years old with down syndrome and those babies are being aborted all over the country. she is the greatest joy and our family. she is the favor of everybody. all kids are a blessing.
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you know what, when people say they can't afford it, that is bogus. you will be able to figure it out. i have no money. i just got married and was poor as i will get out, and it was open to life. you make more money and you will get more money and you will be rewarded, i think, for having kids financially and spiritually. >> laura: sean, you single-handedly keep the econoline family business, great to see you, take care. texas is demanding answers about biden's secret plan to flood its state with the legal spirit lieutenant governor dan patrick joins me next. sleepy? headaches? dry skin? you're probably dehydrated. try liquid labs rapid hydration. it's packed with all five essential electrolytes. taste amazing and way less sugar than sports drinks? rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: just when youse s thought the stories couldn't get more insane, they do here at taxpayer money is now being used to help a serial squad or yourbl fox news national scoreudio opponent, bill melugin is here. we are together for the first>> time in the studio with thesq details. great to see you. >> greatay i to see you as well spirit squatting has made its wan wey in the headlines in rect weeks, but this one in particulr in washington state is just a really egregious case that will have you shaking your head. take a look from a serial squad or name sigh him with
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$200 million bellevue homeeate d targeted of repeated protests dodged it eviction for the third time.r this is after controversial nonprofit stepped in $50,000or with taxpayer dollars to cover his rent. the squatter has been in the house two years with a five bedroom property who confronted kim at the house before. >> now, we talked to the s ayhomeowner a short time ago and he says this started back in july 2022 when he began renting the home out to kim.kl kim quickly stopped paying rent. >> think he is a psycho. he is exploiting and a liar. and he is telling the same story that he is a cfo of some company.evic cfo invested in bitcoin. >> now, there was an evictionra pphearing scheduled for friday,e but that has since been scrapped after a nonprofit called
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"housing justice project" covered a year of kim's unpaid rent to keep them in the property. they hav thee spotted him $90,00 taxpayer funds. thayere property owner tells us every time for nonprofit pays his rent, it resets the clock oo the legal action he can take. s it has happened three times, and he has spent $30,000 on attorney fees to get the squatter out of his house. >> it is crazy to see how theg system is protecting a criminal or somebody who has paid his taxes. following all of the rules and living the american dream. >> laura, the cherry on top of all of this, the nonprofit, that is propping up the squatter comt up the daily mail reports the state of washington gives that nonprofit $4.6 million every yes in support staff. you can only imagine the
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frustration the homeowners feeling >> laura: bill, this cost an enormous amount of money and legal fees, the judicial process. i don't think people, i think these stories people think it is funny but it is not funny on the property. >> it is running his finances. he is paying more on the mortgage then rent. l even with taxpayer's coming in from the nonprofit, he is taking a big loss on this. >> laura: bill, great to see you. want tonow why they keep the secret so long, g.o.p. pressing unsuccessfully fors de migrant flights to manage to know where the thousands across the border everyday. something bill knows a lot about, where they are being sent. it turns out to cog.o.p., texas and florida, receiving the overwhelming majority of the illegal spirit almost 350,000, otherwise known as 90% of all of k the florida governor responded today.f al >> first of all, it is in the legal program. theyn areth bringing people ino
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don't have a right to be in thie country from foreign countries. it a secret in the sense, yes, we know the program is going on we are suing over it pure we think it is illegal if theya throw six people on commercial flight from a foreign country. there is no acknowledgment at all to state to your local authorities.of >> laura: 20 may lieutenant governor of texas, dan patrick.n governor, good to see you tonight. this is done is not so much as a heads up to you, governor abbott, governor desantis. so my question to you is, isgrap this a purposeful effort to change the demographic and political makeup of your states? >> i think you can make that case, laura, that this is exactly what they are doing. and to change the political balance because they know texas and florida stand in the way of taking the white house each election cycle. what is insidious about this,th
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laura,ey think about this, remember the secret lights they flew overnight to communities all over america, you know chartered flight no one knew about. this is worse because here theya are handing out vouchers to illegal immigrants to get on the plains and we don't know what flights they are coming in on th fe pier thousands of flightso they can order time, and thinka about this an american citizen, yoowu can't go on a plane withot a photo i.d. however illegal immigrants getting on a plane with a cou government voucher with no identification that anyone can prove. theye can be anyone. o but it is okay to stop american citizen from getting on a plane, but it is fine if they letth illegals get here with a voucher fromo fl the government to go to florida, texas and other states. that is exactly what they want.s remember, laura we talk about these people coming here illegally and becoming citizens. think aboue elont this, 20 yeare election cycles,20 george bush
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wasn't thaall t long ago, all of these illegal immigrants will have children of voting age. >> laura: yeah, it is our insane policy if neither parentl is a legal citizen, you stillt o become an american citizen. all of that has got to change,es too. , it texas argued against the biden justice department over the law you passed in theifth fifth circuit. now, the judge made a good point. >>on't if the answer is, we jush don't have the resources, why hasn't the federal government taken texas up on its generous offer and say, hey, you're the resources and we will do it for yo au here they are not saying y pure they are saying no. >> they ar.e not just saying no, they are destroying our texasfu property pure they are sayingth and suggesting awful things about texas and thensue united states supreme court which are demonstrably untrue and they are suing us. >> laura: dan, what do you think after you heard those oral
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arguments? is you this going to go your wa? >> f well, i still feel this wil go t go the supreme court.e no matter who wins or loses, a great day in the course and we made the case the legislation shared with you i wrote to senator charles perry.s onwe believe it is purely constitutional. tremember, when i was on your show a few weeks ago that very night the supreme court's 6-3hru votes of the bill can become walk while going to court. that is rea good sign for the eysupreme court. we are being invaded and whether vouchers to get on ahere flightr coming here all over the world.l here is an incredible number, laura to tell how we are being invaded. 2021, we apprehended 342 people, single men from china.0from last year, we apprehended 22,000 men from china, and this year,mt 24,000 already through three months. that is from china.t ththat is an invasion pure they may not be wearing uniforms, but amount of friends coming here. >> laura: we will talk to
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pompeo about that and what is up with the chinese entering the country coming up here lieutenant governor patrick, great to see you.ying all right, dr. jill, she doesn'. have a stethoscope but trying to resuscitate her husband's campaign. we will tell you about it next.
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1:37 am >> oh, my god, he knocked it out of the park. >> he just completely blew away the biden is too old issue.rc >> this was a force. he had fraser's left hook. >> it was his best speech of his presidency by far.'s f [laughter] is funny.oh, that it was funny that night, but it was really funny tonight. as we said, one of the worst state of the union speeches of all time. sure enough, it did not move the
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needle for biden at all pure s almost a month after the state l th" e shouts, donald trump is still dominating. " wow "wall street journal shows him leaving almost every swing state, arizona, georgia, michigan, north carolina, nevada, pennsylvania. but dr. jill, she has a different diagnosis.- no >> he is losing all the battleground states. >> no, he is not losing all the battleground states. s coming up and even doing better. so you know what, once people te start to focus in and they see they are two choices, it is obvious that joe will win. >> laura: the plutocrats have told her. joining me now kellyanne conway former white house counselor of donald trump you would kellyanne conway it should democrats take the doctor's order and rest easy? >> like her, most are in denial here they look at these polls and they pretend what they don'r see and we look at the southern
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border and they pretend they don't see it. all the issues, joe biden isoved underwater, disapproving and alo the major issues in the same polling, fox news poll, and the horse races month income impressive for trump at the early stage. but it is the handle on the issues and more negative than positive towards joe biden personally and presidentially that it's really the problem he hadrs cured i'm not even sure dr. jill is an asset more people look like a nurse and not a doctor to her husband at this point. she has more of an enabler, i think, when she denies what cbs news is telling her. he is not doing well, and shei h denies the polls. and there something else going oniden here.n in i think his wife and vice president, two women and joe biden's life front and center are not really assets for him going into the fall. if joe biden were a sick, she would keep her campaign.that it is only going to remind everybody that her husbandit elects the agility and ability
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and acuity to campaign for himself. still in theare easterll octave, kelly on. we think the media has tru a rod and on trump in his nationalist followers of theer christian be, watch this. >> i am god, is what trump listening to his followers peered away are they believing it?onal >> the christians are coup to a nationalist by white nationalisi cured >> weeks of january 6 is not insignificant number of christians whipped into a violent frenzy. >> jesus christ suffered identity theft on january six. >> it is a cult!now, wake up! >> laura: wake up, speed to. >> they don't know what to do.nd they were supposed to get trumpy they insulted him who impeached him come indicted and always on trial leaving joe biden in the potholes. the democrats will regret note
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getting rid of biden and harris a year ago and put someone else in there and donald trump 2024, maybe they can face the opposition. but this whole religion afterco all isn't that house of congress. you have so many democrats hostile to religion i think partly why they are losing voters. if you go into any catholic church in any suburb in the country, multi-hispanics filling up pews. and offering their thoughts and never their prayers. bi g social science surveys, people are losing their faith and they fee feel lonely, isolad and should be talking about faith, not less. >> laura: encouraging peoplekell look to the almighty. kelly and, great to see you as always. biden is talked up on china but president xi wants him to wine and not trump.nd why are chinese nationalsorme flooding into the united states? we will find out pure former
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trump secretary mike pompeo reacts next. ♪ ♪ a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue.
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it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. ♪ ♪ >> we are going to make it clear that in order to deal with these
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things, we are going to hold china accountable to follow the rules. >> laura: well, if china wanted to infiltrate america, send tens of thousands of ccp agents in america. biden is making it easy for them. a new report since he took office, more than 140,000 chinese national have illegally entered the united states not including caught aways and single adult men. don't worry, because president biden checked in with president xi on the phone yesterday. >> president ayden spoke with the phone with president xi. she shaping of the republic of china and the purpose of the call is to build on the two leaders meeting in woodside california in november last year. the two leaders with a constructive on a range of bilateral, regional issues including continuing efforts on climate change and people to people exchanges. >> laura: really, climate change.
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joining me mike pompeo, fox news contributor, mr. secretary, they sound like two best friends catching up. >> you know, it is very interesting. if you read the chinese read out what took place, very different than what kirby described. this was president she shaping not sitting idle with the united states took idle but don't worry, let's have another conversation and talk some more, you talk about illegal immigrants and it doesn't sound like you made a single statement about them, it will cross the southern border. there was no chance this is accidental that these folks are seeking asylum here of the chinese communist party has enormous control and there is something at the foot we don't have come across the border in the last two years in the previous decade combined here at a real to american security in the conversation about climate change. flora, the chinese, don't let
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reduce to put a man on the moon. this is silly and frankly, destroying the american economy and the chinese economy continues to flourish. >> laura: now, mr. secretary when a chinese national travels here and if they are from china, they are traveling here, are they not at the express permission of the communist party of china, correct? >> absolutely certain. >> laura: so that is 140,000 chinese approved illegals coming here. a lot of them have nice roller bags, we saw that video. what is going on? are they preparing for what they think is a biden second term? potential bailout of the united states if we decide not to pay our debt? what is it? >> we know a couple of things for sure, were about the folks traveling. we know for sure we don't have
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any idea who they are. not only are they mostly gotaways but a handful of simple questions and we release him. we don't know who they are in second we know the chinese communist party know they are here. even a fraction, 1% of those tens of thousands of folks on the ferris mission on behalf of the chinese communist party directly working the fentanyl issues and assistance to laundering money through the chinese system. this is dangerous, enormous national security risk to have that many chinese nationals coming here with permission of our adversaries, she shaping. it will be a bad day and we don't even have our hands around who's coming in and where they are in president biden doesn't give a rip about it. we went after 9/11, we lost all of those lessons and never learned them in the first place.
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mr. secretary, thank you, good to see you. has bidenomics ruined dating forever? stay with us. ♪ ♪
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you know, the 230 feeling. let's do away with all that and let's say yes to five hour energy. that's right. so i want you to erase anything. you think about an energy drink, because five hour energy is so much more than energy. it's focus. it's productivity. it's putting that pep back in your step so you can live your absolute best life. my name's erin newberg. so excited to be shopping with all of you and aaron kessler. it's a double air show today. and aaron, i know. listen, we've been able to experience the five hour energy difference. we've been able to learn about five hour energy. first and foremost, everybody needs to know this is an exclusive offer. you're going to buy two, you get one free. that's only going to happen here. but i really want to give everybody an education on what five our energy is and is not because it's helping millions of people live a better life. it's not the caffeine jitters. so if you've thought of it like an energy drink before, it is not that it's something completely different. wh
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>> laura: this is great. biden's economy, not only homeownership increasingly out of rates for american, even dating too expensive. gen zers getting treated. >> inexpensive data ideas, go o a walk. you can hold hands andtalk looka the party's guide.hese it is great. >> here is a cheap.rk the park i is great because youy can do so many things there. >> laura: now, some are skipping in person part of dating altogether. thatone gen zer, it is not as expensive because of for theover drink. and also convenient.u ca you can go on multiple dates in a day without leaving yourg ri house. zoom dating right up there withc
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zoom cocktail hour during covid up here didn't hate that. isabel brown, gen z conservative an d morgonn mcmichael, single gen zer. all right, guys, what is explaining this?e let's go to -- well, let's go to morgan first. is this bidenomics or gen z laziness?gen >> i honestly think it is gen zk laziness. i understandness the cost for bt decreasing going on dating. but our generation 73% of us feel loneliness and financialnd security, anxiety and our generation needs to get out there and get human interaction. i think sure, the economy may be the case for some people, but i k itdo think it is laziness ifto people want to go online and talk to as many people as they want. >> laura: isabel might have to say, i have a lot of young people working for me and i love young people on staff. repeatedly, the young gals and
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their 20s, they complain about the young gen z men.h they are too much into their looks and themselves. i have to say, work-life balance, they are too much into that. is that accurate, or am i getting a warped view becausets di'm listening to theseout? complaints day in and day out? >> so much of this boils down t individual experiences here and what is phenomenally interesting is taking this ting o theat generational level and the insider article we showed on tht screen talks about how our generation at large is beinged w very disillusioned with dating apps and with hookup cultureat t that the left is trying to serve to us on a silver platter every day.e, o meanwhile, other surveys out there show 93% of gen zers across the spectrum still wanto to get married for the first time ever in the last several te marriage rate is actually back up to pre-pandemic levels just as of the few days ago. we are deleting those dating upo spirit and we are realizing we
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want so much more than what culture has to as for z zoom calls and facetims a new version and they knew what people have always been doingdon talking to each other on then phone before they go on a date in person. i find it really encouraging our generation is encouraging for human connection in the era -- >> laura: get off at the screens. i don't know,, another blast from the past isur growing in popularity with gen zers. speed dating shows experts say speed dating is a great option for those looking to get off off their phones and meet people who may shine or in person than they do online. everyone remembers thepeed speed dating scene.k it i think it was "sex and the city," hystericallc funny and maybe all hope is not lost for gen z. speed dating is back. >> definitely not know all hope is lost for our generation.n
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this is a great way to meet multiple other single human interaction way, get off of the screen, get off of the dating app. we see so many studies however generation is craving interaction, especiallyst- post-pandemic. i think it is a great way to go a great direction. >> laura: i think you both areis optimistic, which is awesome for the worst thinawg is to hear lie negative, negative, negative. i see the pendulum swinging back. you are rejecting the bad advice from frankly my generation and finding back to basics may be a good thing. isabel m speed to come back soon. good to see both pair that is it for us in l.a.t don't forget to set your dvr to stay connected with us. make sure to follow me myad adventures in california onedia social media. thank you for watching >> todd: today vice president harris hitting the


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