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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 4, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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n this is a great way to meet multiple other single human interaction way, get off of the screen, get off of the dating app. we see so many studies however generation is craving interaction, especiallyst- post-pandemic. i think it is a great way to go a great direction. >> laura: i think you both areis optimistic, which is awesome for the worst thinawg is to hear lie negative, negative, negative. i see the pendulum swinging back. you are rejecting the bad advice from frankly my generation and finding back to basics may be a good thing. isabel m speed to come back soon. good to see both pair that is it for us in l.a.t don't forget to set your dvr to stay connected with us. make sure to follow me myad adventures in california onedia social media. thank you for watching >> todd: today vice president harris hitting the battleground,
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stopping in north carolina, one of the six critical states where former president trump is leading. look at the numbers on the skroon. here is kamala in a new local radio interview. >> i want to thank your listeners for being so supportive of me to be the first woman vice president of the united states, the first black woman to be vice president of the united states. we need everybody to turn out and vote in november. >> todd: we'll see if that is the tone they need to turn pols around. >> carley: listen to this. brace yourself, new england getting socked with 20 inches of snow today, that could happen as that nor'easter batters the country with another day of tornados, damaging wind and heavy rains. when the bad weather is expected to end. >> todd: carley, took less than a second, this happened following the -- five on five brawl. >> it is five on five.
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mcdermott and rimey exchanging blows. >> todd: more on that fight coming up. i have a vested interest in this. we are going to get you into hockey. >> carley: i'm going to be a hockey person. >> todd: it better happen sooner rather than later. we'll make you news people. you are watching "fox and friends first" on thursday morning. i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. starting with this, dhs rearresting three of the eight nyc migrant squatters arrested last week on gun charges after they returned to their squatter home in the bronx after getting let go without any bail. >> good morning, the neighborhood there is outraged that those migrant squatters rearrested were just released without bail despite facing multiple gun charges and many
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past run-ins with law enforcement. including a 24-year-old illegal immigrant from venezuela who prompted the initial raid at the squatser home last week, where eight were arrested after he was seen with a gun outside the home. he was pointing the loaded gun at someone when police arrived and being taeled him. last august, he was charged with attempted murder. he shot another migrant in the leg after an argument but the victim refused to cooperate in that case. all three rearrested migrants are being held pending deportation hearings. peter doocy grilled the white house on why offenders keep being released. >> peter: border crossers found with drugs andun goes and they are out on bail, does president biden think that is making the
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country safer? >> anyone that commits a crime should be held accountable. >> peter: do you think liberal d.a.s are too soft on crime? >> we welcome local law enforcement support and removing individuals in this country who pose a risk to national security or public safety. >> ice confirmed half of the migrant squatters arrested had previously been caught by border patrol, then released into the u.s. only to skip out on their processing appointments. >> todd: it is unreal this is the system we have in place. >> carley: these eight migrants are real asylum seekers flee from. >> todd: great point. >> carley: they are here and been arrested for attempted murder, shoplifting over and over again and keep getting released in this country. >> todd: appreciate it. u.s. border patrol arresting 182 chinese citizens for illegal
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crossing the southern border. more have been arrested more than a 6000% increase since president biden took office. mike pompeo says it is no accident. >> when a chinese national travels here and they are from china, they are traveling here, are they not, at the express permission of the communist party of china. correct? >> absolutely certain. we know for sure we don't have any idea who they are. >> right. >> they are mostly gotaways, even the vetting we're doing is handful of simple questions and then we release them. >> todd: despite concerning facts, biden cammin pasays the president is not looking to shut down the southern border, saying the president does not talk about shutting down the border and not advocating for shutting
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down the border, people want order and humanity in the system. >> carley: president biden will speak with prime minister netanyahu today for first time since monday's idf attack that k killed people -- prioritizing israel over the preservation of innocent life and basic human desense and he risks unravelling american democracy because of it. republicans calling out the president for different reasons. wisconsin congressman van orden, how about being outraged over israeli people be ing attacked y hamas. biden has abandoned israel.
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50s,000 people are voting uninstructed against president biden in wisconsin democratic primary this week. >> todd: he's in a pickle there, the president, that is. powerful nor'easter blasting new england with heavy rain, sleet and snow. it is maine that will likely take the brunt of the storm. the state is bracing for 24 inches of snow today. officials expecting white out conditions that could make for dangerous driving conditions this morning. >> carley: that is two feet. flood watches and high wind warnings in place from pennsylvania to new york city as rain and powerful wind gusts whip through the tri-state area. janice dean is here with the fox weather forecast, it is a busy one. >> janice: it was crazy, in long island, winds over 60 miles per hour. it brought tornados to central
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u.s., southeast and northeast. over a foot in wisconsin and michigan and this nor'easter is going to take over and bring potential for two feet of snow. top wind gusts, 67 mile per hour in massachusetts, glen cove, new york, close to where i am, 62 miles per hour. you can see that spin, that counter clockwise motion across the great lakes and cold front swept off the east coasts, you have a developing nor'easter. rain will settle down and winds will die down. area of low pressure will linger for northern new england over next few days. we'll see lake effect snow and interior northeast snow and new england snow through saturday, even through sunday. 12 to 18, 18 to 24, the jackpot will be in maine. yes, sometimes in april, they get a lot of snow.
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here is the forecast today, this area of low pressure will linger for next few days. west coasts, new storm system moving in for you and it is happening on monday, america's total eclipse. i will be in little rock, arkansas. we have the path of totality. will we see cloud cover? little rock looks like a lot of cloud. look in northeast here, buffalo in the path of totality, high pressure takes over. i'll be iffy. we have threat of severe weather in some areas where people are gathering. that is the concern, i will make sure everybody knows the weather forecast and it could change. it is not easy, it is better to forecast for us and forecast cloud cover, almost impossible even two days in. very fickle clouds. like fair-weather friends. >> carley: exactly, we don't like that, don't like either.
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safe travels to a, arkansas. cool. we'll see you, we won't see you, going to be dark. >> todd: former high school wrestler jump nothing to take down a criminal attacking an empl employee at a subway sandwich shop. >> carley: wait until you hear what gave him the courage to step in, don't go anywhere.
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>> todd: violent crime in downtown albuquerque is putting business owners on edge. latest incident involved an 18-year-old opening fire before being arrested. watch. [video playing] [sirens] >> you shot me. you shot me. >> todd: business owners in the area say this is part of a growing trend. next guest is a business owner who has had his windows smashed several times. manuel, how bad has crime and hom homelessness gotten in your area? >> okay. i think after covid, it is like tough for new business. for the crime is pretty much
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night time and mostly on the weekends with all the nightclubs. you see videos of people go and hang out and in the middle of the night and on the weekend. just last year, i got three times my windows broken, i had to repair it. for my customers, more like hard to go in downtown because the situation, they are female and they don't feel safe and i mean, during the day, it is not that bad and home less don't -- >> todd: let me interrupt you for a second. have you had customers say we love your food and your
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restaurants, but we can't go, we don't feel safe? >> yeah. my restaurant is five star review on google and yelp, almost two years in business and i struggle to pay bills. the majority of feedback is for safety they don't feel safe. downtown albuquerque. >> todd: that has to impact your bottom line. we asked the police chief for a statement, they said they are working to stopping crime. we are committed to arresting drug dealers and making sure we can do everything to take firearms off central. until they stop it, folks like yourself suffer. you are trying to live the american dream and run a business and it is tough if people don't come to your place because they are scared. thank you for your time, best of
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luck, we appreciate your time this morning. exclusive video of how carley and i get ready in the morning. gloves coming off last night, rangels and devils. they did not make it two seconds into the game before all 10 starters descended into this bro brouhaha. watch. it is 5 on 5, mcdermott and rempey exchanges blows. >> todd: four players from each team ejected, all 10 received five-minute fighting penalty. rangers beat my devils 4-3, they are better this year. the rangers have this goon matt re rempey. he's a goon and injuries players on my team. we have number 23, we traded for
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him for this moment so he would fight and they did not wait two seconds before they started this fights, the rempe-mcdermott brought in hockey happens. >> carley: people got their money's worth, that is a brouhaha. news in college basketball, uconn is en route to phoenix after a plane malfunction left defending national champs delayed in connecticut for seven hours. the school had to break up into smaller groups and take different planes to arizona. they should touchdown an hour from now and will take on alabama in the final four this weekend. back to politics. >> todd: players can't beat uconn so the travel gods are trying to beat them. >> carley: blaming it on them.
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major ruling for president trump's hush money case, we'll tell you if it could impact his time on the campaign trail. >> todd: battleground nevada getting a major shakeup in the senate race, we're talking to the former trump ambassador turned candidate about his multi million dollar strategy.
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>> todd: in just a few hours vice president kamala harris will campaign in north carolina. >> carley: her stop comes as new "wall street journal" poll shows president biden trailing former president trump there and five other swing states. brooke singman is here with more. hi, brooke. >> brooke: today will mark the
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president's fourth visit to north carolina this year. she joined a local radio station to boost voter comeoutcome november. >> the voters will make the difference in congressional races, who is in the state house and who is in the white house. i want to thank your listeners for being so supportive of me to be the first woman vice president of the united states, the first black woman to be vice president of the united states. we need everybody to turn out and vote in november and remember what is at stake. >> brooke: they are facing an uphill climb in north carolina. former president trump is leading in that state by six points and trump is ahead in five other battleground states. jill biden is brushing off the numbers. >> those polls, he is losing in b battleground states. he is not losing in battleground
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states, he is coming up even or doing better. when people focus in and see the two choices, it is obvious joe will win this election. >> brooke: biden has negative job performance rating in all seven swing states. >> carley: thank you. bring in kayleie mcgee white frm the washington examiner to talk about where the presidential election stands now. you heard the first lady brush off poll numbers as brooke just said. "wall street journal" did analysis of the numbers, as to why the president is down and trump is up. at this moment, under this president, mix of black, latino and young voters who have been crucial to electing democratic voters are withholding support of by biden or shifting to trum.
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it is hard to find a group where biden is improving from the 2020 election. i am sure people in the biden campaign would love to know why this is happening and how seriously to take the numbers seven months out. what do you think about this? >> kaylee: there is not biden comeback, he is not bouncing back, he is further and further behind trump. i'm interested in uch waing what is happening with the young adult vote, people my age. it is remarkable to see a massive shift where you see young people fleeing the democratic party in droves. this is a demographic that showed up for biden in 2020 and now i think swing seven points toward trump, that is really significant. i don't know if it transalates for trump in november, a lot of
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young people will not vote at all. recent axios poll asked if young people would vote in november. -- said no. biden will have a difficult time making up lost ground. >> carley: the vice president is in north carolina today, she did an interview with a local radio station, take a listen to what she said. it is going to be a follow-through on everything else, with emphasis on increasing minimum wage, the work that we need to do to pass the john lewis voting rights act in states like north carolina and so many in the south and around the country trying to restrict people's access to polls. i helped write the george floyd justice in policing act, we need to get that passed.
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>> carley: democrats want to win north carolina because it was former president trump's weakest win in 2020, they fill it is within their reach. that is why she's there and been there four times now. then you hear about her, what she's promoteing and she talked about a few things. she spent time talking about voting rights, do you think that will sway any voters? >> kaylee: no, it is in line with claims about how this election is about saving democracy itself. that is a very difficult pill to swallow, when the act same party is using most undemocratic means to keep opponents off the ballot, efforts to keep trump off the ballot and dnc is filing lawsuit to keep r.f.k. jr. off ballots. it does not add up here and this election is unique in several ways and voters have the
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opportunity to judge both presidential records of the current front-running candidates, who does a better job as president? trump or biden and "wall street journal" poll found that voters approved of the job trump did and overwhelmingly disapproved of biden's performance. if you had to choose between who is the better president, who will come out on top? >> carley: money, trump and republican party announced fundraising total of 65 million b buck -- trump is closing in on that number, but they are admitting biden will have the edge when it comes to money. kaylee mcgee white, we have to leave it there, have a great day. todd, over to you. >> todd: another battleground state is nevada, senate race got
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a major shake up thanks to a former trump official throwing his hat into the gop primary and trying to sell voters on his record. >> i was honord and humbled to serve as president trump's ambassador to iceland, i fought the deep state, i fought china and i fought russia's influence in the arctic and high north. >> todd: dr. jeff gunter is running. why are you getting in this race? we have dentist, iceland, why? >> if not now, when? you see inflation out of control, we see invasion at the border, crime in our streets. given my background of taking care of skin care patients for
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28 years, been a diplomat in foreign policy and i'm 110% pro-donald trump, 110% interested in putting america first and right now we have 110% of momentum in the great silver state of nevada. >> todd: talk about trump for a moment, in 2018, nevada senator jackie rosen defeated dean hiller by five points, a pretty wide margin there. that was a mid-term election year, how important will donald trump be for republicans like you trying to flip seats? >> in the words of donald trump, absolutely huge. it will be huge. donald trump has so much momentum in nevada, it is absolutely breathtaking. i saw the poll from the "wall street journal" showing i'm up by 4%, i would say 8 or 10%. everywhere you go, everyone
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longs for days of donald trump and equally important, america first policies. 1% inflation, 3.5% unemployment. st strongest border we've had in crime at absolute minimum. he instituted largest tax cut in history, those were the good old days. donald trump will become the 47th president and i will take down jackie rosen and replace her in the u.s. senate. some things that happen in nevada, las vegas, don't stay there, this red wave will come across the country. >> todd: we have a primary, i asked why, now why now because i'm not saying it is late, it is later than other primary poen pons, including sam brown, who is backed by national republicans, including republican senatorial committee.
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why now, doctor? >> because i'm 110% america first, pro-donald trump, let's face it, sometimes to take down the deep state, you have to be blessed with deep pockets. things became so interesting. remember nevada was lean democrat and we announced and showed my commitment to america first policy, it is even in nevada temperature is toss-up and i can predict by the time our june 11th primary, it will be lean republican, why? because people are looking at our campaign right now and seeing what they like. they like the fact we're america first and putting nevada first and my competitor, he is a mcconnell guy, nikki haley guy. his money basically, we like to call it mitchy money, his money comes from mitch mcconnell.
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we have donors across the country, i'm putting my money where my mouth is. we're walking the walk and we have great mominuteum here. >> todd: we'll be watching the primary. one final note, you used to be a democrat and switched republican, i'm sure that is a huge talking point on the trail, how the democratic party left you. keep us posted. we showed this earlier, former high school wrestler taking down attacker in a subway sandwich shop. he is here. >> carley: that is the guy you want in front of you. and new york city marathon receives bill for $750s,000. cheryl casone is here to tell us why. ,000. cheryl casone is here to tell us why.
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>> carley: the new york judge overseeing former president trump's hush money trial rejected request to delay the trial. >> todd: the judge says the
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supreme court must rule on presidential immunity first. cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: this is the hush money case related to stormer danielings s. the judge not believe the new york trial needs to wait until the supreme court decides the issue of presidential immunity, which is directed to another case, which is the smith case, jack smith case. we won't know until june what the supreme court will decide about the immunity issue. judge in the new york case, the bragg case, hush money payment case, the president had myriad of opportunity to raise claim of presidential immunity before march 7, the court declines to consider whether this precludes introduction of -- in presidential kribl krinl prosecute seeding.
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you could have brought this up, you had plenty time to bring up the immunity issues, even though lawyers in d.c. case brought immunity, you missed your opportunity is what the judge is saying. >> carley: another story involves mta, and new york city marathon. >> cheryl: the m.t.a. wants a big cash grab, i can't say it better than "new york post" and i will not say that, you can see the cover. want to be in that meeting one time. basically the "new york times" exposed this. the mta is saying they want $750,000 payment, that is where the marathon starts. new york has been paying them and they agreed to up it to 200 grand to shut down both levels to start the marathon on.
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the mta saying, we want $750,000, the president, taxpayers can't cover this. the ceo says we agreed to increase payments, direct payments they agreed to and we're going to buy advertising on your subways. joe borelli said it best, this is a cash grab, based on faulty math from the mta. look at economics of the marathon, okay. 2.3 million metrobbe cards are used. that is not, that is 365,000 more riders than an average sunday, 290 per pop.
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going to governor kathy hochul and said, step in, now that it is made public, step in. think of the economic revenue, you have a million spectators, this is an international marathon, 50,000 runners, plus money bringing into new york. 36 years, this is history in new york and mtissa will have to -- >> the bleep is hitting the fan. $750,000 toll there. stick around for this, you will want to see this video. one man's trip to a 157bd witch shop turned into him saving someone's life, a customer was assaulting one of the workers and gabriel stepped in to take down the suspect and hold him
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until police arrived to make the arrest. gabriel joins us now. good job on your part, i'm sure this employee was happy to see you walk into the shop. why did you do what you did? >> yeah. i was just another normal day at work. i was going to my local subway where i go all the time. as i walk in, it was pretty hectic, people yelling, it was loud. see in the video, like i don't know if it was a register or whatever he had in his hand and spit on her. it wasn't cool. you see what i did. kind of how it went. >> carley: kind of how it went, spit on the employee, threw
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something at her. how long did it take for police to get there? did that guy say anything to you as you were holding him down using wrestling moves? >> yeah, words back and forth for sure. i would say about 30 minutes. i looked back and told the people to call the cops and lock the door, held him for three minutes. >> what did police say, what did they say to you? >> the cops got there, i put cuffs on and they thanked me and told me what i did was very brave and that is about it. >> carley: you said you were going to work, what do you do for a living? >> i'm a welder for a stainless steel company. >> carley: that's a good job, have you considered a job in law enforcement? you have the skills. >> i can't say that i have, i have been getting talked to
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about opportunities that could arise from the act that i did and who knows. >> carley: this story is getting attention for the right reasons, you stepped in and helped somebody out that needed it when other people might have walked out the door. you said you were raised this way, your parents brought you up the right way. what did your mom and dad say when they saw this video? >> my mom was terrified, if i'm being honest. my dad was a professional cage fighter at one point, he was pretty proud. my family loves it, they are real proud and i'm glad i can make them proud. >> carley: not everybody's dad was a professional cage fighter. that nugget is very interesting and certainly makes sense to see why you behaved the way you did in the best possible way. i understand where your mom is
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c coming from. i would be so mad and so proud at the same time. i'm sure your mom loves you very much. the guy is daniel sanders charged with battery, disorderly conduct. his next court date is today. do you have any other reaction to this and viral attention it is getting? >> not too much, honestly, i'm glad that i'm here. i have not been turning down interviews, i want to get this out there for young men. there is a lot of talk nowadays about toxic masculinity and i'm pushing this narrative you should stand up for the people, innocent people in your local neighborhood and i just that is what i take from it. >> carley: you're a great guy, thank you, have a great day. don't go anywhere, florida ag
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ashley moody will tell us about her fight against biden's migrant fight. >> todd: steve doocy will tell us what is coming up. >> steve: an update on the crazy story of the migrant squatting in the new york city basement. one person on the run after dhs rearrested three of the eight. we'll bring you the latest. plus, approval issues? no problem. politico reporting biden campaign hired new pollsters as,a midlousy poll numbers as r.f.k. jr. and uncommitted votes rise. this crazy brawl, puck drop and devils and rangers players all fights, every person on the ice was in the fight. what caused it? and a mom slapped with arrest warrant after a late library book. she's going to join us live.
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she has about a $600 fine over late library books she says she returned. her story and more, kickoff in eight minutes and 40 seconds on the channel with todd and carley, back in a couple, you are watching "fox and friends first." i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, count me in. along with clearer skin, skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling,
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>> the border is as safe as it ever has been.
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this is not by accident it's by design. three things, i think, contribute to us being where we are, one is a great coming out of tallahassee. science and technology and three good old fashioned boots on the ground police work. >> florida is the most pro-law enforcement state in the nation. we are proud of that. we cannot say it enough. >> florida proving why it's one of the safest in the country. big sweeping indictment of. >> criminal migrant squatters taking over new york city, florida is taking the opposite approach. attorney general ashley moody is here to tell us what her state is doing differently. >> carley: good morning to you it. does feel where other states zig florida zags, crime, covid lockdowns, thought squatter situation. so tell us about the results you are seeing. >> yeah. and this is -- we were so excited to release the report yesterday that coupled our florida sheriffs with our business group, our florida
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chamber. and as people are scratching their heads arranged the nation and some of these cities, you have been highlighting them on your show this morning and saying what is happening? how did we get here? florida has identified where we have gone the other way from some of these other states and cities and boils down topics that you will go oh yeah, that happened here. that happened here. it's defunding the police and decriminalizing crime to theft to deregular glizzing drugs. rogue prosecutors. letting everybody out. no cash bail. holding juveniles accountability. supporting strenuously our law enforcement men and women. that's why folks are moving here. that's why officers are relocating here. i said yesterday we have a waiting list on some of our training programs to certify out of state officers as florida heroes. and so what we wanted to show is
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florida has figured out the equation here. if you stay clear on these six things, we cannot only show you are a safer and more secure community, but we can show you the real economic impact and stability and you want to adam your economic success in your city or state, you got wrong way on those things and you will see it happen. >> todd: you created a blueprint, it's amazing other cities and states are not following it in lock step. florida fighting against joe biden's migrant flights. allows the administration to release 30,000 migrants into the country every month. between january 2023 and february 2024, florida received over 326,000 migrants in miami alone. that seems disproportionate. many people think it's retribution for the old martha's vineyard flights. 30 seconds to you. how are you fighting back. what type of concrete steps are you taking to fight biden back
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on? >> this. >> i challenged their parole program which is what they want to refer this to. we won both dimes. what does biden do when he can't release at the border in mass numbers the way he wants to increase this new program where he flies people directly here. we are challenging it in court. we are taking it up on appeal. this is unlawful program. and you are finding out these numbers, we are finding out these numbers, too. you better believe we are going to fight like heck to stop it. >> carley: that's why the governor's office is saying florida is making the state an undesirable destination for anyone in the country here illegally. thank you so much for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> carley: good to be with you as well and you todd. >> todd: how to flight crime why do the opposite and allow the insanity we see here in new york and other cities. >> carley: maybe the other 49 will pick up the program. have great day everybody, "fox & friends" starts right now. >> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley.


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