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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 4, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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the snow. for anyone traveling along that route monday it might be best to stay home seeking accommodations. hotels are packed along that route. these are some of the airports that will be in the path. little rock, chicago, indy, boston, kansas city, buffalo, cleveland. planes need navigation lights on and runways lit up. nasa is scrambling wb57s to study the sun's outer atmosphere. if you miss the eclipse monday you have to wait a while. it won't happen until 2044. you might want to book the hotels in montana and north dakota now. you guys will need sunglasses and strong to watch the eclipse. stronger than this. >> brian: i'll make it myself. his retina is safe. >> we have an arrest happening now. this is ice removal officers
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removing one of the migrant squatters who was inside of that apartment. this is now one of the third arrests we've seen in the last 15 minutes. >> bill: was that the moment that new york policy changed? fox news was live as armed federal agents bust three illegals squatting in new york city. a question this morning. is the big apple sanctuary city status a thing of the past? maybe today existing in name only where we start. it's thursday and i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: how are you? i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." it's interesting it could be until somebody files a lawsuit, right? then you can maybe get to the heart of the matter. on this in particular issue those migrants were part of the larger group found squatting last week with guns and drugs in a house across the street from an elementary school. authorities confirm all of them are in the country illegally. >> bill: four of them are in local custody with ice detainers. issue is whether or not the
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courts hand them over to the feds. new york sanctuary laws bars the courts from honoring those ice detainers. >> dana: they face gun and drug charges but six of the eight migrants arrested were let go and back on the street. nate foye has an update for us. hi, nate. >> dana and bill good morning. federal ice agents arrested three of the eight venezuelan migrant squatters arrested previously by the nypd last week at this bronx home for drug, gun and child endangerment charges. of the eight, seven are back in custody after being rearrested by ice and local authorities. take a look at this moment. one of those eight was seen interacting with our fox news crew yesterday. cameras show this man arriving at this bronx home with a woman and child in his car. ice agents arrested him after this. get this. police in yonkers arrested him seven months ago for assault and attempted murder. ice agents also arrested three
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other migrants at this home yesterday. one of them is unrelated to the initial drug and gun case. the other two are 42-year-old man who entered the country illegally in 2022 and a 20-year-old woman who crossed illegally last may. police arrested her for shoplifting in joan and two of the other migrants involved in the original nypd bust last week released without bail were rearrested for shoplifting on monday, four days after the nypd raided the home they were squatting in finding four guns, including a ghost gun, drugs and ammunition. >> the eight people, the judge allowed six to walk out the door. one of those six is a person that had the gun, open attempted murder in yonkers. that's a problem. that's a problem. >> dana, ice agents are still looking for this venezuelan migrant jefferson abreu, he was
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released without bond despite the bronx d.a. requesting a $45,000 bond. in total three of the eight migrants illegal venezuelan migrants are in ice custody. four of them are in local custody and the location of abreu, the last man you saw, is unknown. send it back to you. >> dana: sure to be updates today. >> bill: when you are wanted for murder it puts city and state officials in -- i wouldn't say an impossible bind. they defied this in the past. we've seen them be released. with the eyes of the country and the cameras there maybe it forces them to change. >> dana: back to the illegal migrants harassing the police officers in times square and they were let go. they were tracked down. and brought back. they can do it when they want to. >> bill: they went on a bus to the border. four minutes past. texas, national guardsmen in hands cuffs.
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police arresting them for smuggling and illegal immigrant. want to get to matt finn in el paso. you've seen quite a few things. soldiers bolstering the texas border. how is that working, matt? >> it's quite remarkable. this morning we have exclusive up close access to show you and images speak for themselves. texas military department is strengthening the border here with row after row of wire and anti-claim barrier. we've been up close with the soldiers and impressive how quickly they're moving. we also see in realtime this barrier is deterring migrants here. it forces migrants to head towards the legal points of entry instead of crossing the rio grande river like they have for years now. new aerial drone video shows the scope of the barrier wall here. texas military tells us it has
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installed more than 122 miles of wire across the state under operation lone star. here in el paso, the sector averages 1,000 migrant apprehensions per day. majority are single adults from mexico and venezuela. a former border patrol agent now teaching at the university of texas tells us it is concerning that so many of these migrants are coming from venezuela. >> we don't have very good diplomatic relations with venezuela. the problem is how do you vet these individuals and how do you do that with cuba? you don't. >> here in el paso, many of the single adults coming from venezuela and mexico over in san diego as we have been reporting, many are chinese nationals in that region. >> bill: matt. thank you. the man in the middle of all of this is texas governor greg abbott live in studio with dana and me for an exclusive interview here in new york city and we'll put a lot of these
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questions to him coming up here. don't miss that. >> dana: looking forward to having him in studio. >> i won't trust this woman if she stood on a stack of bibles and had her tongue note -- >> dana: a democrat mayor facing blowback. tiffany henyard has been dubbed the dalton dictator. the anger is boiling over. [chanting] >> dana: the mayor locked them out of a town hall meeting this week as the investigations into her tenure get underway. we'll speak with a former city employee now suing her for wrongful firing. let's go to mike tobin. >> she is charged with embezzling public fund and
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retaliating against an employee who claimed sexual harassment. the act that brought chaos to dalton, illinois is when the mayor locked the public out of a town hall meeting. [chanting] >> at that meeting henyard was expected to face criticism for vetoing a resolution to investigate into her use of public money. 100 people showed up. most locked up and stood outside and protested. the village trustees who supported the investigation walked out. henyard dismissed it as a stunt. >> they came here to do a theater political stunt that you just saw. >> on top of everything henyard is violating the illinois open meetings act. >> sthe is absolutely scary.
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>> why can't we have transparency what's going on with our tax dollars? for her to lock us out is depl deplorable. i've never seen anything like this in my life in 40 years in politics. >> spokesperson for the mayor wrote access to the village hall was restricted to protect our staff due to the overwhelming threats. they are using dalton as a means to generate revenue click bait. village hall at the moment is closed off. if someone wants to get a parking sticker or permit they need to stand in the vestibule of village hall and wait for a security guard to let them in to go up to the window and do their business. >> dana: fascinating story. we'll get more of it now. >> bill: the former city employee sandra tracy is suing the mayor and fired from her job. she and her attorney join us now. good morning to both of you.
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so your town is about 25 miles due south of chicago. sandra, you are one of at least three people suing this mayor. i understand you showed up to work, locked out. worked out of your car in the parking lot for months and then you were fired. let's get your story first and we'll get the mayor's defense. what is your allegation? >> well, that's correct. i was on a medical leave and i attempted to return back to work. i asked for a meeting to go over the details of my return and unfortunately i was not given any place to work in the building. so i couldn't work in the building. i had no place to work so i worked in my car. >> dana: here is -- matt, let me get your take on this. how quickly could this lawsuit get resolved? henyard, the mayor, is dug in.
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>> first of all, thank you for having us on the show this morning. she is dug in. i think she is used to being a bully, intimidating people. she is not backing down but neither are we. we have people like our clients sandra, she is not backing down. she is stepping up. and she is going to keep fighting this. >> bill: here is one woman undergoing cancer treatment. her presentation at the town meeting. >> i apologize if i seem eye rate. i had my radiation today. i have cancer, of course i do. tiffany stole money from a cancer foundation. how dare you. how dare you steal to help you with that campaign. how dare you steal from us. i have to buy my wiggs. are you going to -- >> bill: a lot of these complaints deal with money as you are well aware, sandra. the mayor said, i want to quote her.
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she said i will state facts and show receipts. has that happened? >> yes. i think i would like to clarify that i was not an employee of the village of dalton. i was an employee of the township. i was a human resources manager for the township. >> bill: noted there. sir, does she have receipts to show where the money went? >> look, there has been no transparency. it has gotten so bad the village board has asked the f.b.i. to investigate because the mayor accuses to be transparent how she spent taxpayer dollars. no transparency at all. >> dana: this is the mayor saying she wishes people would come for the good news. >> i wish you guys would come for the positive things and not the chaos. that's all you are seeing. i get it. we're click bait and hot right now and i get it. this is sells paper. it is sad that people tell you
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false information. you have to destroy people's lives by writing things that aren't true. >> dana: do you feel, sandra, that people's lives in dalton are the ones who have been suffering? >> people have really been damaged by this administration. my personal situation is that i was trying very hard to get paid and i couldn't get anybody to respond to me, not to call, text or email. the pressure of not getting paid for so long actually had a very bad effect on me. i experienced drop dead major heart attack and so people are having issues from the leadership of this administration. >> bill: how are you feeling now, sandra? >> i'm feeling great. i've never been a sick person, thank god, but that was
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something that was so horrific to not be paid, to not be allowed in the building. my manager actually told me don't come in, stay on the porch. >> bill: stay healthy and you look good. >> dana: beautiful woman. thank you sandra and matt. >> bill: we'll see where it goes. thank you. in a moment here we'll have exclusive interview with texas governor greg abbott. when his take on the border. across the country it is in the headlines. now it dominates the presidential campaign. we'll get to that, plus this. ] chanting. >> dana: those protests taking a toll on applications in harvard. a professor calls for the university to ditch a key platform of the woke agenda. harvard grad pete hegseth joins us next. >> bill: she says her husband's victory in november is a sure thing.
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is her confidence well founded? >> you know what? once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it's obvious that joe will win this election. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪ veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves.
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so what is scientology? maybe it's time to look and decide for yourself. >> i don't need anything from a man. a man is not a plan. a man is a companion and so there was tension always in our relationship, which is why i would give him his money back. >> bill: that's the ex-prosecutor hired by fani willis. nathan wade's ex-wife said he failed to pay child support and medical bills. she is demanding he pay her thousands so she can get urgent medical treatment and the reason why it came out in the first place. all this coming weeks after wade
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resigned as special prosecutor and follows accusation that i misused state funds during his affair with fani willis. >> dana: a member of the left is coming out against of a key part of the woke agenda. a professor calling for the university and the rest of higher education to get rid of mandatory dei statements. his column sent shock waves through academia. pete hegseth is with us. a little bit from the column. by overreaching and resorting and forcing people to tow a political line and imposing ideological litmus tests and by creating a circular mode of discourse that is impervious to self-questioning it is discrediting itself. i know you have -- you understand when a professor at harvard writes it in the campus newspaper which is very well
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read, it indeed would be shocking to the system. >> for sure. and he notes that criticism like this is impervious to questioning, let's check in tomorrow, dana, and see if he is former harvard professor kennedy for violating the conformity and group think he calls out. when you read the entire column he admits to being a liberal. i'm committed to social justice but what this creates is leftist conformity. and these dei statements are like a pledge of allegiance. in your application you have to say i will abide by these certain values which are not about ethics. they are about a worldview, which we know completely which means you either have to hide it or you conform. he said what if we asked -- he joked about it in the column. what if we asked people to pledge their allegiance to capitalism or patriotism. we would never do that. diversity, equity, inclusion is
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absolutely. it is not dei at harvard. equity, belonging and inclusion and diversity. it is always changing. don't forget the belonging. the b is making its way in there now. this is everywhere at harvard. every department there is an entire bureaucracies. for him to challenge it takes courage. >> dana: maybe because applications are down. you can see that the class of 2028 there are only 54,000 that applied. that is a decrease from before and do you think this has partly to do with that? and also could be with the feelings of anti-semitism up there as well. >> the feelings of anti-semitism, it's the recognition of the double standards. i do think it is just the overarching view of higher education. you cover it all the time. these places have become left wing indoctrination factories and mailed my harvard degree back and why i sent it back to
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them on "fox & friends." i don't want to be associated with your institution. you are poisoning the minds of kids. so why does some family in the midwest want to send their kids to be influenced by this rather than go to a better institution that at least teaches them how to think not what to think? credibility and value is diminished. >> dana: want to point out it is not just harvard. university of texas as austin funding used to support dei across campus will support teaching and research instead. i wanted to end we wouldn't see this kind of action from these universities and from even from some corporations if some very brave people hadn't been willing to speak out. >> absolutely right. that's why our fox nation documentary poison ivy talked to board members, other donors who stepped up and said enough is enough. it's too little to late in some places.
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it is texas. i'm in tennessee. it's there, too. if the legislature doesn't ban it, which is what texas and florida did. we're not doing dei anymore the universities will not get rid of it. parents be clear with their kids where they are going and legislation. >> dana: money talks indeed. pete hegseth. >> bill: great title in poison ivy, would you agree? you nailed it. well done, pete. >> dana: thanks, pete. >> bill: back to the border we go. watch. [shouting] >> bill: now experts raising concern that terrorists could take advantage at the chaos at the border and texas governor greg abbott has been in the middle of all of this. he joins us live on the daily battle that he wages with the biden administration on issue number one in america today, and that issue is immigration.
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>> dana: police arresting a texas national guardsman for smuggling an illegal im grant. one of several headlines we're following on the border. texas governor greg abbott is in studio. what can you tell us about this? perhaps an isolated not good. >> it is isolated but it makes me angry. i consider this person to be a traitor, criminal. fighting against what we're trying to do in the state of texas. we're using our national guard to repel and stop illegal immigration. to have a member of the national guard be involved in assisting illegal immigration is reprehensible. know this. i just recently signed a law that increased the penalties for smuggling illegal immigrants to a mandatory minimum of ten years behind bars.
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this person is a traitor to the cause and mission of the national guard will be hopefully put behind bars for more than ten years. a public information message. if there is anybody who comes in and smuggles illegal immigrants and you will be caught you will be spending a long time behind bars in texas. >> bill: another topic. the biden administration seems to fight you on everything you are trying to do down there. sb4, the state bill when you can arrest illegals and deport them to mexico is one. and also razor wire. we have observed how the biden administration is not telling you to stop doing that. we've seen eagle pass, texas, and matt finn 30 minutes ago in el paso said they've constructed 122 miles of razor wire. question, why is the administration not stopping you from doing this? >> first, i have to applaud our national guard for stepping up and laying down that more than 100 miles of razor wire.
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it is an effective barrier that denies illegal entry. but look, as you all know, the number one issue in the united states and in the presidential race is illegal immigration and you know that texas is the only one stepping up doing anything about it. if biden, who is so underwater in the polling on illegal immigration, were to interfere with what texas is doing, it would really destroy his campaign. i will add this. the public doesn't know. the border patrol on the ground in all these areas that we're working, they support texas doing what we're doing. they are against the president. >> bill: they have bucked you on everything and backed off this. we're curious to know why. what explains that? >> it would completely dismantle the biden campaign. going after the only person in the united states that's stopping illegal immigration. it would decimate his campaign. he might as well leave office tomorrow. >> dana: they said they could come and cut the razor wire.
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they don't want the visual of that. >> exactly. >> dana: i want to ask you about terror threat possibilities. on easter sunday 919 known gotaways were recorded at the border. seven day average is 761. terror watch list migrants for year-to-date right now 69. this is scary. peter doocy asked john kirby about it yesterday at the white house. watch him here. >> the chief of the border patrol is saying 140,000 gotaways, if we don't know who is coming into our country and we don't know what their intent is, that's a threat. does president biden agree? >> the president absolutely believes that along that border we do have significant national security concerns that have to be met. >> dana: also said they're doing everything they possibly can. are you worried we're in a september 10th mentality on this issue? >> let's be clear. the biden administration is doing nothing to stop terrorists
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from coming across the border. they are knowingly allowing them in. there are two categories here, the terrorists who are actually apprehended, the terrorists apprehended are at an all-time record. many multiples of those who came across the border under the trump administration. the second you talked about the gotaways. the terrorists will pay extra not to be caught. what that means is the number that we've caught, which is extraordinary, there are far more than that who have gotten across the border. remember this also. last month the f.b.i. director talked about a potential 9/11-type terrorist attack because of the terrorists coming across our border. the chief job of the president of the united states is national security. president biden is failing at national security. we are extraordinarily concerned about a terrorist attack occurring in texas or elsewhere in the united states because of the terrorists crossing our border at will.
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unstopped by the bind administration. >> bill: do you think isis is here today? >> i have no information they are. however, again, the f.b.i. director was talking last month about the possibility that isis could be coming here. think about this concept. it's ridiculous that anybody has their shoes inspected at an airport these days when terrorists can come right across the border and sneak in and come here. let me foreshadow also another concern we'll have really soon. beginning right now. that's going to be drone wars. the capability of the cartels about getting things across the border through drones already is extraordinary. there will be more aggressive and sophisticated in drone attacks. we could sustain a drone attack any time. >> bill: you mention the campaigned a moment ago. it seems like president biden has turned his focus to abortion and especially over the last ten days he is all about healthcare right now and getting away from the border. do you think it can win this
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year? >> because what we have suffered in the united states by joe biden's illegal immigration policies, by the lack of safety, by the number of americans who are being killed by the migrants allowed in across the border illegally by biden administration, this is what you call murder by government policy. americans are sick and tired of it. americans will vote for safety in this election. if you are not safe in your home and your business and your community, you can't do anything else. americans will come out in droves and vote for safety and common sense in this election. >> dana: yesterday we read a poll in bloomberg said eight in ten voters consider the issue of fentanyl they'll make a decision who to vote for based oh than that. if there were a change in administration, how quickly could some of the fentanyl be stopped or prevented from coming into the country? >> with a person like donald trump with the fortitude to get it done it could be done
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overnight. you close down the border. knows this. contrary to what biden said, the president does have the full legal authority to close down the border immediately. and that's exactly what president trump would do. know this also, texas department of public safety alone has seized more fentanyl that is needed to kill 100% of every american man, woman and child in the united states of america. this is extraordinarily dangerous. >> bill: you bused tens of thousands of migrants to places like new york city. how do you think this state is dealing with that today? the mayor, the governor, and all of them? >> in new york? they're dealing with the consequences of their sanctuary city status. they were openly -- >> bill: did you expect the reaction you've gotten when you made that decision? >> what type? >> bill: the headlines that have been on the front page of cities
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all across america? >> some of the headlines were them criticizing me for doing it. and in a way, yes, i expected the hypocrisy, which is exactly what it is. but also expected the reality and that is these democrat mayors and democrat governors in these cities and states to which we have bused illegal immigrants, we knew that they would not be able to deal with it just like texas small communities that we're trying to protect would not be able to deal with it. you are seeing this infighting among the democrat party because they haven't understood how to grapple with this issue. it is causing a rift in their own party but more importantly it is causing a divide in the united states of america. a divide that will be fixed and repaired the day that donald trump is reelected to be president of the united states. >> dana: are you surprised president biden won't help the democratic mayors of the united states on this issue? >> for one, let's be honest, does he really know what's going
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on? i don't know if he does or not. >> dana: as bill said he stopped talking about immigration because obama told him to focus on healthcare. >> bill: it was deliberate. >> biden is incapable of dealing with his own democrats to actually do something on the border to get something done there. an easy example. if he wanted to fix the border he could have embraced hr2 that was passed by the house of representatives and that would have begun to fix the damage caused on the border. that's the last thing he wanted to do. >> bill: we appreciate your time. thanks for coming by today. >> dana: let us know how your reception in new york is. we're glad you are here. >> bill: we have many of our own. thank you so much. 21 before the hour now. not your average bomb shelter. the ultra rich how they are spending big money on doomsday bunkers and demand is skyrocketing and show you how. from southern texas to northern maine, americans are getting ready for a big monday. the best spots in the country to
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>> dana: bomb shelters are getting the billionaire treatment. some of the most wealthy americans are investing in doomsday bunkers designed to defend against civil unrest, national disasters or worse. griff jenkins has more from washington. what did you find? >> we've all thought about it. where will you go in doomsday hits? you won't go to an old 1960s fallout shelter like this. we were worried about soviet nukes. now everything, world war iii, iran, russia, china, north
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korea, civil unrest, natural disasters. people are bunkering up, bottom line. >> a worldwide phenomenon right now. people are buying and having bunkers built. it is not just an american thing but a global theme. the average person wants a place to protect their family against what they think could be the world's biggest disaster on the planet. and they want a place to go. >> ron hubbard, the ceo, saw a spike in demand when ukraine broke out and israel war broke out. political unrest playing a part. for $20,000. for 100,000 you can get the big boy bunker, billionaires are taking no chances. the president of a group called safe says they aren't holding back. >> we have some clients professional golfers and they want a driving range and a putting setup in their shelter. others are professional race car
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drivers and they want simulators in their shelters. >> dana, anybody that knows me, if i got the money to build one of these, well, we'll have to put a wave pool in my bunker so i can surf every day. >> dana: i need something for the dogs is what i'm looking for. thank you. >> bill: we'll get video of it, griff. here we go, dana, are you ready? you have all weekend to get ready for monday's total solar eclipse. 15 states are in the path of totality. a rare phenomenon and won't return for decades. jonathan hunt is live in l.a. getting ready. sun is coming up in california. good morning, sir. >> good morning, bill. it is going to be a truly spectacular day across much of the united states on monday when we get this total solar eclipse. the excitement of it best summed up by the nasa administrator bill nelson. >> eclipses have a special
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power. they move people to feel a kind of reverence for the beauty of our universe. >> it is going to be beautiful. what's going to happen on monday is the moon as we look at the sun will begin creeping across the sun's surface until in a certain 100 mile corridor it blocks it out totally. it will look completely amazing. where and when can you see it? if you want to be in the path of totality it will begin at 2:30 p.m. eastern down in texas on the border around eagle pass and curve up across the united states going through arkansas, for instance. it will end up just exiting the united states right around niagara falls. 30 million people live in the path of totality. millions more expected to travel there. that could cause a few issues. listen here. >> it could quite possibly be
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the biggest visitor day in niagara's history, congestion of traffic, some network disruptions and of course emergency medical services. we want everybody to be on high al alert. >> nasa will do a bunch of science stuff flying three wb57 planes during the eclipse. those can fly at 57,000 feet. far higher than any commercial aircraft and they'll launch three rockets before, during and after the eclipse. so all in all, bill, it will be an incredible day. we'll have extensive coverage. i will be anchoring part of that coverage with 80,000 of my closest friends at indianapolis motor speedway. we'll all be wearing the all-important eclipse glasses. if you want to watch it at all whether you get 40% or total eclipse you have to wear these or you can really damage your eyes. pick them up free at a bunch of
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places and buy them. make sure you get real ones, not the fake ones. so much of the united states it will be an incredible day. >> bill: good advice there and see you on monday. so get ready. thank you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: did you catch this, bill? new york rangers and new jersey devils. we went to that game they were throwing down the gauntlet at madison square garden. watch here. >> lazar. dropped it with ball as well. now it's five on five. mcdermott -- they exchanged gloves. everybody has gloves off at the garden. >> dana: two seconds into the starting game. they started throwing punches and the coaches were screaming at each other. the game ended in a 4-three win for the rangers and the crowd went wild.
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>> bill: this guy for the rangers, first year player, so he is 6'7 in bare feet. when he puts on ice skates he is seven feet tall. his arm reach is here to across the room. he gets in a lot of fights. he takes care of business. >> dana: more red bull. >> bill: driving rescue efforts underway to save americans stranded in haiti. are these men having success? they'll join us live coming up in a moment right here. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve.
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welcome back. jack, a week and a half since we've spoken. how are you doing and how many a day can you save, jack? >> we're getting out between 12 and 18 right now. we're expecting to have a big weekend of over 40. having someone like mark come on board has really given us the spark. our issue has been once we get them evacuated to port-au-prince and getting them out has been difficult. one of the main helicopters had to be grounded because of sand in the engine. we've been navigating a lot of various issues. people are safe. we have gotten out 126 so far. so those numbers continue to grow but as we become more and more into this, we get a lot of people are reaching out. a lot of families are reaching out. these numbers are growing. >> bill: let's go from 126 and double and triple it. mark, how has your involvement
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helped jack? >> biggest thing is helping coordinate fixed wing aircraft and just using some of the influence that i have to help raise money to bring more awareness to it and biggest thing is getting aircraft down there. as jack said, getting them out of port-au-prince has been very efficient and getting from there to fixed wing aircraft. really it takes a larger aircraft to make bigger pushes is what we really need. >> bill: are you using the main airport, mark, in port-au-prince? >> we're staying out of port-au-prince and getting up to where jack is at. >> bill: the only way in and out. i hope you are in touch with cory mills doing it also. his cause is amazing but he has criticism, too, for why there is not more help. roll this.
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cory mills. >> clear the biden administration is going after red states and ignoring the fact he is violating his constitutional oath. imagine, if you will for a moments, david, that he planned and coordinated air lifts like this into israel and haiti to rescue americans, what his actual job is to do as opposed to people like this going over there and shaming him into it. >> bill: is he right? >> it's sad, he is right on point. i think he mentioned earlier the biden administration has flown hundreds of thousands of illegals to cities all around america but we can't go in and get 1,000 americans out of haiti? guys like myself and mark have to pour all of our personal money into this, all of our organization's money into this. this stuff is really expensive and complicated and insurance costs. the government is nowhere to be found. joe biden do something. americans in haiti are americans. americans are americans no
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