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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 4, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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administration is going after red states and ignoring the fact he is violating his constitutional oath. imagine, if you will for a moments, david, that he planned and coordinated air lifts like this into israel and haiti to rescue americans, what his actual job is to do as opposed to people like this going over there and shaming him into it. >> bill: is he right? >> it's sad, he is right on point. i think he mentioned earlier the biden administration has flown hundreds of thousands of illegals to cities all around america but we can't go in and get 1,000 americans out of haiti? guys like myself and mark have to pour all of our personal money into this, all of our organization's money into this. this stuff is really expensive and complicated and insurance costs. the government is nowhere to be found. joe biden do something. americans in haiti are americans. americans are americans no matter what color they are or
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where they're from or what you think about the place that they live. let's get our brothers and sisters out of there. >> bill: amen to that. keep it up, fellows. you make a great team. good luck. >> thank you. >> bill: thank you. >> dana: fox news alert on a potential trojan horse. migrants from one of the top rivals flooding into the u.s. from the southern border to american territories in the pacific ocean. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: quick first hour. good morning . i'm bill hemmer thursday morning. not just the southern states. president biden's border crisis extending far and wide with chinese migrants entering the sovereign u.s. from thousands of miles away. warnings now about the influx shows the hidden hand of beijing. >> there is no chance that this is accidental that these folks are seeking asylum. if even a fraction. just 1% of those tens of thousands of folks are here on
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nefarious mission on behalf of the chinese communist party working all the fentanyl issues and working on the assistance to the mexicans. funneling money through china. this is an enormous national security risk to the united states. >> bill: gillian turner has more from the state department now on the risk and challenge. >> chinese migrants have been caught trying to cross into the u.s. illegally through guam, a u.s. territory in the pacific home to a strategic military base. also home to about want to make sure i get this right just over 20,000 u.s. troops. there is this new reporting, take a look at this that shows the numbers over the last couple of years. there are 118 unlawful or attempted unlawful entry from chinese citizens at guam since 2022. senator is so concerned she flagged it in a letter to dhs. currently certain chinese
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nationals are not required to obtain a b-one or b2 visit to enter guam even though the islands are a united states territory. this policy has made the islands vulnerable to problems including drug trafficking, illegal immigration and organized crime. >> they've been doing it for years, use their spies to drive into the military bases to test our red' niese and security and planning for a future actions against those bases in a war. >> they are working on plans for a guam defense system that will deter aggression, reassure allies and partners and have the flexibility to defend against adversaries in the theater. a chinese national attempted to run the gate at 29 palms marine corp base on the screen, out in california. >> i can't speak to case-by-case
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but this is something we take very seriously and work with folks on the ground when we see those types of cases pop up. >> for proof that at least some of these chinese migrants are making it through guam into the united states illegally, earlier this year the department of labor sanctioned four companies operating in guam for using illegal chinese labor. >> bill: we'll see where it goes from here. right now, dana, it is only going up. >> dana: we have the numbers from border patrol. chinese nationals who controlsed the border illegally, 322 in 2021. this year so far 22,230. that's a 6300% increase. >> that started in october, by the way. how many months is that? >> dana: six. >> bill: very good. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: now in our seventh month. an app for that, too.
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they can follow tiktok for instructions out of ecuador how to cross our border every day. >> dana: it doesn't stop there. there is terror in a michigan community we want to talk about next. oakland county are the target of a chilean crime rings. they are stealing jewelry and cash while residents are out of town. let's bring in the sheriff to talk about this. i've known about this for a little bit. friends of mine in virginia have been dealing with this. i didn't know it spread to michigan. i am not surprised. it is happening in los angeles. what is it like? what are they taking? >> it's very scary to a lot of our homeowners in a short period of time we realized we were under attack by these what some people are calling tourist burglars. trans national gangs well trained and coming in. we estimate they hit dozens of homes before the end of the year and as that was ramping up, i asked all the chiefs in the
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southeast part of michigan, the tri county area, to join a task force which they willingly did. the state and federal partners joined, too. so once we began targeting very specifically with new information and things like that, we were able to charge seven for different crimes right here in oakland county that went quiet. they came back with a vengeance in the last week. another six homes. at one point they were pulling a million a week out of oakland county. >> dana: wow. >> bill: why did they choose your county? a crime gang from chile. you have some very direct advice to the people who live in your county. don't post self-ies online if you go on vacation because they watch that. is that true? >> they are doing -- they are doing a lot of pre-op surveillance. they come in through a back. they've done a pre-op surveillance and masked up and
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gloves, has a backpack with tailings for their assignment. one is an electronic jammer person. another person is the breacher. they move very methodically. they do a pattern of life typically before they hit a home. sometimes they use trail cameras and sometimes they put even trackers on cars. it is all across the country. i recently saw a story from my sheriff friend in orange county, california. they are getting hammered by the same groups. what i told our folks is that they need to up their vigilance. need to use their alarm if they have one. their cameras. they need to be hard wire cameras and alarm systems because they are jamming systems with a sophisticated jammer they get out of china. and so it is very concerning at so many levels that we have become a hit spot. >> dana: are you getting any help from the federal government? have the sheriffs association said hello f.b.i. or biden administration, can you help us out here?
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earlier this week karine jean-pierre said squatting issues are a local matter. what you are saying it is all coordinated across the country and being done possibly with support from people that are in chile. >> yeah, 100%. we have asked the major county sheriffs of america has a strong position. we need to fix our immigration system so people who want to come here for a better life have that process but first and foremost we have to secure our borders and secure our process to come into this country. all seven of the individuals arrested in oakland county have violated a program called bpp. a process with less scrutiny and get in here. as soon as they get in they throw away that i.d. get about four or fake i.d.s and go around the country committing these crimes. so chile is the only country
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that has a bwp in south america and we encourage the federal government to pull it. they have to get a visa, traditional visa with higher levels of scrutiny and understanding where they are and what they're doing. >> bill: they aren't walking across the border in this case. >> well, the seven we have arrested have not. other jurisdictions have found individuals that have, in fact, come across the southern border. they are coming both ways. >> bill: good luck to you. we'll stay on it. intriguing story. thank you, sir. >> thanks very much. >> bill: president biden said to speak with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu today for the first time since monday's deadly idf strike in gaza that killed seven aid workers including an american citizen. trey yengst in tel aviv today on that story and more. hello, trey. >> good morning. right now israel is bracing for the possibility of an iranian response following the strike this week that killed two top iranian generals in syria.
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overnight israeli military calling up additional reserve soldiers to man air defense systems. this morning israelis canceled leave for all combat forces. the funerals for the seven irgc members that died in damascus are expected to be held tomorrow in iran. retaliatory strikes could happen after that. local media in israel is preparing for the possibility of increased fire from lebanon and potential missile fire from iran. iran's supreme leader addressed the situation on thursday. >> this failure of the regime in gaza will definitely continue as well as these desperate efforts like what they did in syria. of course, they will be slapped for this action. >> the rising tension comes as the israeli cabinet meets to discuss the threats from iran. ongoing war in gaza and cease-fire talks. conversations are ongoing for a cease-fire but both israel and hamas are holding firm on their demands. israel is under new pressure to define and end to the conflict
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after striking a convoy of aid workers on monday killing seven people. the founder of the world central kitchen, says his organization had clear coordination with the israeli military when the incident took place. now later today president biden is expected to speak over the phone with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu likely to discuss the strike against the aid convoy and new threats from iran. >> bill: we'll wait for the fallout and the conversation and get a read-out on it. trey yengst in tel aviv back there today. >> dana: emergency crews in taiwan racing to rescue survivors one day after the strongest earthquake to hit the island in 25 years. after shocks rattling the city at the epicenter of the quake making it difficult for teams looking for the rubble looking for 130 people still missing. injuries topping 1,000. nine people have died.
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>> coming up and he is doing better. >> a push back from the first lady on polling that shows her husband losing to former president trump in soft battleground states. karl rove on the trends he has seen in these states and goes inside the numbers coming up with us. >> dana: cdc investigating dozens of cancer cases for nc state. plus this. [chanting] >> bill: there are allegations of corruption prompting a wave of anger against a democratic mayor. will the outrage force her to resign? >> she is scary. >> they say that you are the worst mayor in america. i agree. >> how dare you steal from us. leave. we don't want you here.
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>> bill: the new york judge overseeing former president trump's hush money case has rejected his request to delay that trial. it's on the calendar for april 15th. trump east legal team sought to push back on the proceedings until the supreme court rules on claims of immunity. tax day april 15th. gets underway in new york city as of today. dana. >> dana: major setback for president biden. administration canceling plans to replenish the nation's emergency oil reserve. that had been run down by the president in an effort to lower gas prices. that didn't work comes one month after the department of energy announced plans to buy 3 million -- >> you started draining the strategic petroleum reserve for
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the putin price hike a few years ago said you were going to refill it but it isn't happen, why? >> i believe the department of energy is responsible for that particular component refilling that. i would refer you to the department of energy. >> dana: administration reversing the plan now prioritizes the taxpayer as oil prices rise sharply. prices jumped by $15 just this year and could go up. >> when these polls like the "wall street journal" land in the white house and losing all the battleground states. >> he is not losing in all the battleground states. he is coming up and he is even or doing better. so you know what? once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it's obvious that joe will win this election. >> bill: the first lady is out on cbs pushing back on polls showing her husband trailing former president trump. karl rove has been doing a deep
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dive. let's put them up. "wall street journal." all the news this week in the magnificent seven as i call them. whoop, whoop, whoop. this is -- there we go. whoop. so as you see, trump is ahead screen right in just about every state except for wisconsin, we're on that poll they tie. what did you see in it, karl? >> well, not good news for joe biden and you can't solve a problem in politics until you at least acknowledge the problem. the first lady did not acknowledge the problem. she dismissed the "wall street journal" poll, a pretty good poll, as no, we're ahead. no, you're not. in six of the seven states you're behind. two of them biden is trailing by outside the margin of error. better for her to have said you know what? polls are tough but we're going to win and the reason we're going to win is as follows instead of dismissing. who will you believe, your lying eyes or me? this to me speaks to a bigger
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problem inside biden world. the president has a temper. apparently his wife has a temper, too. here is this reporter lays this out, moderator lays this out and she immediately goes straight at him and says no instead of being a little more delicate and at least acknowledging they have a problem. but putting the emphasis on the solution. instead of talking about the solution we are talking about her denial. it isn't good. >> dana: when you put the first lady out it is usually to raise money, get out the vote. with her saying no, it's a sure thing he will win says we don't need your money or need you to organize and we have it in the bag, don't worry about it. you point out in your piece today the shifting trump/biden battleground. trump's events aren't drawing big protests but biden's are. how does that affect the campaign? >> it's not a good thing for the president of the united states to be having rallies or fundraising events or public addresses and be interrapted by
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protestors. we don't know if it will continue between now and november but not a good sign. you don't see that at trump rallies. you can understand why. but it is a problem for the president of the united states to have this. now, nothing he can do about it except hope that it wears itself out but it is an interesting commentary. >> bill: go back to the poll "wall street journal." is it a good poll or not? i wasn't sure from the tone. good poll? >> look, no, i think it is an excellent poll. let's be clear about this. this says that joe biden is losing in six of seven states. donald trump is winning outside the margin of error in two. is ahead in four more. but inside the margin of error. doesn't get to 50%. there is bad news in here for both people. the bad must for biden he is trailing. he is trailing in north carolina, which he lost last time around and which trump won.
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and he is tied in wisconsin. so the other five are consequential. it is not good to be behind in the other five. but on the other hand. >> bill: it comes directly from your column. who is best to handle the economy, trump. immigration and borer, trump. abortion, biden and then more physically mentally fit 48% trump. this is the key line in your piece today in the "wall street journal," all right? i'm saving everybody a lot of time and hassle. are you ready, karl? more than any race in memory, every candidate's conduct on each day of the campaign could influence the outcome profoundly. every word there matters. tell us why you wrote it. >> well, because we are in a different election. people have doubts about both of these men. biden is behind, trump is ahead. trump, you touched on the most important measure. who is better able to handle the
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job of being president, by 48 to 28 i think it is they say trump. a real problem for biden. nobody has made the sale. how they conduct themselves is going to have a huge impact on the people who are still up for grabs. nobody is above 50%. so who does trump pick as his vice presidential running mate and how does biden handle himself on the trail and how does trump handle himself on the trail? will we have debates? how do those play out? this could be the most consequenceal set of debates. one debate in 1980, that celled the election of ronald reagan. it is in flux. little changes in the critical battleground states, the other point i made in my column can have huge consequences for the outcome of the election. less than a 1% change in the
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turnout among hispanics and young people in arizona and biden's victory margin is gone. 3/ten of a% drop in black turn out in georgia and poof, biden's victory there is gone. knife's edge for the next months until november. >> dana: all right, karl, thank you so much for being with us. >> bill: you bet. thanks for having me. is jason kelce -- the fans are speculating the former center could run for office. he is retired now. the california former governor schwarzenegger had some advice and thinks he has the chops to run. >> the most important thing number one is name recognition. so of course he has that. so then but the second most important thing is you have to be passionate. i saw myself as governor and
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convinced i could do a better job than the politicians did. >> bill: how about that? maybe he should have put that question to jason kelce. >> dana: take all comers, see who it is. president biden asking a terrorist organization to have good faith? the latest policy whiplash as conflict in the middle east escalates. the worst mayor in america is accused of sexual harassment and embezzlement and that's just the tip of the iceberg. ♪
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with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah >> bill: a community looking for answers after reports of 150 cancer cases potentially tied to a university building at the nc state campus. early testing found signs of contamination but experts are saying that proving a direct link to cancer could be difficult. jonathan serrie is in atlanta with more on this.
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what are you hearing there? >> the building is called poe hailed built in 1971. pcbs were found. they were used if construction materials and electrical systems in buildings of that era. local tv station has it received 152 reports of cancer cases in people who worked or studied in poe hall. in an online forum university officials said they are investigating. >> at this time, the university is not offering health testing or reimbursement for health testing related to poe hall. we're in the evaluation stage of the building's environment. >> cdc the national institute is conducting a healthcare evaluation at poe hall.
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it does not provide details about ongoing evaluations. public health officials have yet to declare any cancer clusters associated with this building and while studies have shown the toxic effects of pcbs on animals, less is known about the risk to humans exposed to these chemicals at the levels you would find in older buildings like this. >> frankly, i think it's still pretty fuzzy after all these years in terms of how much it takes -- would take to cause cancer in people if this ever really happens. >> experts say cancer clusters are also difficult to prove because the disease is so common. 40% of americans will develop some type of cancer over the course of their lifetimes. >> bill: let's hope not, right? jonathan serry, thank you, a follow-up on that soon in atlanta. >> dana: florida governor ron desantis is holding a press conference talking about environmental protection with his secretary.
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the seminole tribe leaders have super interest in that and he has been -- you notice the greens don't go after him too much. he has been good on the environment in their opinion doing common sense things there in florida. governor desantis with a live press conference there and bring you news as it happens. >> why can't we get in our public building to have meetings? why are meetings being canceled? why can't we have transparency? >> >> dana: residents of a chicago suburb are revolting against the mayor. there are calls for her resignation. a former employee spoke to us last hour. >> i was trying very hard to get paid and i couldn't get anybody to respond to me, not to call, text or email. the pressure of not getting paid for so long actually had a very
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bad effect on me. >> dana: co-anchor of "fox & friends" first carley shimkus and tyrus are here. tiffany henyard -- dolton bar say license not renewsed and mayor accused of putting makeup artist on town payroll. not happy in illinois. >> if i were mayor henyard's friend i would say don't veto the resolution looking into the investigation into your spending. it makes you look guilty. some advice, take it or leave it. looking into her finances a little bit. she is not only the mayor of dal dolton, he she is also a county supervisors, two jobs. makes more money than the governor of illinois. the average income in dolton is $24,000 a year.
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you read one of the head lienls. one of the things she is accused of is using taxpayer money to pay for hair and makeup appearances for public appearances. she has a lot of money and a lot of her residents in the town she serves do not, that's a terrible thing. she seems like she likes a lot of attention. she is getting it now. she has gotten the attention of the f.b.i. and may be some unwanted attention. >> bill: she is saying the facts are on her side and has receipts to prove it. >> show them. when i have everything to clear my name i don't have to explain myself to you, bill. look, this is what bothers me since she likes the group and the squad, they are like the group and say black people this and that. this bothers me as a black man. i'm the first this and equity. person of color gets in there and supposed to do great and they end up being super corrupt. we saw it in chicago, new
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orleans, over and over again. if you question them and you call them out the first card they play is you are racist. you are coming after me. no, you are corrupt. the color of your skin is irrelevant. they hide behind these walls and starting to go back every time i hear about a corrupt political or government official, please don't let it be. because we all get judged for that. you look the representation right now it's sad. the fact that she vetoes the investigation should tell you all you need to know. >> dana: i want to know anything about this. a restaurant called perch in l.a. it's famous and a good place to go adding a 4.5% security service charge to all guest checks for the cost of security personnel. it says as purchase located on several levels it requires more security personnel than a restaurant on the ground floor. some customers are saying wait, why should we have to pay for this? maybe there has been enough problems that the restaurant is like we can't raise the prices of the food.
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>> bill: initially i was like this is a crime story. maybe they do need security because of the crime crisis in california. then i thought about it and i was like why 4.5%? why are you charging people security based on how much they spend? could it be a flat fee maybe? if you buy a huge dinner and a lot of wine, then you end up spending more for security than the person buying one glass of wine? it doesn't make sense to me. >> i will make this make sense for you as a former bodyguard. executive protection is expensive. you are on a rooftop? california right now where criminals have no fear to do whatever they want? you want a couple dudes like me there. maybe just to catch you before they throw you off or rob you. crime has gotten to the point so bad the police have been defunded. you call it is two hours before they can get there if they can get there or you get a couple monsters like me and we're very
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good but expensive and you will happily pay that 4%. you need security. they want real security, not $8 security. executive protection, i charge $4 hundred an hour. it is expensive. to have someone carrying a concealed weapon to protect, this is what you have to do now. if you want to go out, you do it. >> bill: passing it off to the customers in every single case. >> you have to because of this administration. >> bill: they want the charge the runners for the new york marathon $750,000 because they run across the bridge. >> this is ridiculous. >> if you have been in a new york taxi cab lately. look at all the charges that are on there? >> their sizes. i'm upset. they don't make them for me.
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>> i feel safer with you at the table. >> bill: the divide deepens between president biden and netanyahu against the war against hamas. brad schneider is not writing off the prime minister just yet. he recently met with netanyahu in israel after the prime minister canceled his washington delegation and he will join us in a moment. severe weather outbreak brings destruction to the nation's heartland. new video from some of the hardest hit areas coming up right here. here you go. is there anyway to get a better price on this? have you checked singlecare? before i pick up my prescription at the pharmacy, i always check the singlecare price. it's quick, easy, and totally free to use. singlecare can literally beat my insurance copay.
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>> bill: president biden sharpening criticism of israel facing pushback from both sides of the aisle over his response to the war in gaza. democratic congressman out of
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northern illinois brad schneider returned home from a trip to israel. you had a meeting with netanyahu. there is a lot to go over. you came home before the world central kitchen workers were hit. is that correct? >> right. that's correct. thank you. >> bill: did netanyahu give you a clear idea as to when these hostages in gaza would come home? >> we sat with the prime minister for 90 minutes. we made three points very clear to him. one was we need to focus on bringing the hostages home. he did not have a specific time frame but understood it has to be a priority. second is we need to get aid to the people living in gaza. the humanitarian catastrophe is a threat not just to the people living in gaza but to israel as well and israel's prosecution of this war. the third point is that there has to be a plan for a future.
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a future where both israelis and palestinians can have hope for their children and find a way to live together in peace. that future cannot include hamas threatening israel. >> bill: did you try to talk him out of a raid on rafah. >> hamas has to be defeated, no question about that. done in a way to protect the civilians in the best way possible and secures a future is critical. >> bill: how would you address this significant split within the democratic party right now with how the president has positioned himself on this war? >> i think the president has shown moral clarity from the very beginning. embraced israel's right to defend itself to defeat hamas but very clear the civilians in gaza, the civilians caught in the middle of a war, israel didn't ask for this war and the civilians in gaza didn't ask for
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the war. hamas started the war. civilians needs to be taken care of as well. israel getting to a place where they can rebuild gaza so israel doesn't face the threat of another october 7th is just as critical as defending itself at the current moment. >> bill: the hit on those workers from the world central kitchen really is stealing a lot of headlines these days. israel has apologized for it but not a bottom line answer on the investigation and where it leads. >> a horrible tragedy. my heart goes out to the families and world central kitchen and risking their lives and they don't know these people. they know there is a tragedy unfolding and want to try to ease the suffering in gaza. i commend them for that. a horrible tragedy these folks doing the best they can in a difficult situation were killed and i immediately called for
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israel to do is come prehenceive and transparent investigation but aid needs to continue to flow into gaza north and south. >> bill: thank you for your time. brad schneider, thank you for being on today. >> dana: heroic florida deputy jumps into action likely saving the life of her four-legged partner. they are joining us next. you won't believe this video. here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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razor wire to protect its citizens. fox is getting an exclusive look at the operation in el paso, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: see you in a couple of minutes. the only ukraine born lawmaker in congress says she will vote no on the senate foreign aid bill that includes billions for ukraine. she is a republican victoria spiritus out of indiana needs to be a better strategy for that spending. she says this. i understand the importance of this battle and the implications if russia will prevail but i'm not very naive. if we don't have proper oversight we won't achieve our goals, end quote. if you can account for it you get her vote. right now she is a no. >> dana: announced her retirement and now she is not retiring. want to get you to this story. a terrifying scene when a police canine jumped off a bridge in
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florida. the water 75 feet below when quick thinking partner swung into action pulling hard on the leash and reeling him to safety. we're so glad to have him lauren donaldson and her partner zeppelin who likes to give her a kiss as a thank you. what was it like in the moment? describe what was going through your mind? >> i didn't have time to really react other than put my work in and go back to our training and, you know, circumstances and just save my dog or not save my dog. >> bill: lauren, 75 pounds, right, on one leash? if he goes over, can you save him? >> well, i did, yeah. he weighs 73 pounds, about 75 with gear on and the moment a 75 pound dog getting yanked on a
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15-foot lead. i had a good hold an him and was able to pull him in. >> bill: you are like 115 pounds? >> dana: what was he going after? i know these dogs like to work and he had a lot of momentum behind him. in his mind, what do you think he was doing? >> so we train routinely in the field for obstacles we encounter, a fence, wall, going through things, so it is not abnormal for them to jump up and over and climb through things. it is all things we train on regularly. we also compete in canine competitions where we jump hurdles and things like that. just prior in the week on another call we were tracking a suspect, after we apprehended the suspect we were leaving and we actually had to climb over a concrete wall to get back to our vehicle similar to this wall minus the rail on top.
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in his mind he just thought -- he was in the moment and just, you know, just jumped. >> bill: zeppelin, the name is so appropriate because you lifted zeppelin out of the air. you guys compete in the hardest hitting canine category. what's that? >> yeah. so the competition that the police department puts on and he has taken first place two years in a row for the hardest hitting dog and then the first place this year as well or last year for fastest dog. so we have three trophies like that one sitting at home taking up space. >> dana: they are so important for law enforcement and for our safety and for those of you who are canine officers who take care of them and live with them we're grateful. how old is zeppelin and how many more years will he be working? >> he is super gray in the face but six in may. we try to get seven to eight
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years out of them. depends on the dog and the drive and this breed is spunky and sometimes they injure themselves. any day with them is a blessing. >> dana: does he have any idea you saved him? >> no idea. >> dana: he is still a good die. >> bill: a bell -- mel wa-- thk you for what you do. beautiful pictures. check out zeppelin on the beach in florida. >> dana: he is ready to work right now. >> bill: before we go, however. a cop in texas, first he responded to a call about a runaway goat. officer used french fries to lure the goat out of hiding.
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>> dana: it would work for me. >> bill: he responded to a call about a wild peacock in someone's yard. the same day on the job in the state of texas. >> dana: he was thinking what's going on with my training? >> bill: send someone else for the next one. >> dana: new york police department is saying could we get that detail for a day? something lighter. >> bill: lauren is great, huh? love to have her in your community. >> dana: somebody who chose law enforcement and chose to work with canine. in spring i always think about young people who are deciding to go to college, to not go to college, or maybe to change careers and women in law enforcement, somebody like that i think her willingness to the speak so eloquently, so graciously and be so brave and courageous as strong. as jessica tarlov would say, you go, girl. harris faulkner is next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert.


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