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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 4, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> dana: it would work for me. >> bill: he responded to a call about a wild peacock in someone's yard. the same day on the job in the state of texas. >> dana: he was thinking what's going on with my training? >> bill: send someone else for the next one. >> dana: new york police department is saying could we get that detail for a day? something lighter. >> bill: lauren is great, huh? love to have her in your community. >> dana: somebody who chose law enforcement and chose to work with canine. in spring i always think about young people who are deciding to go to college, to not go to college, or maybe to change careers and women in law enforcement, somebody like that i think her willingness to the speak so eloquently, so graciously and be so brave and courageous as strong. as jessica tarlov would say, you go, girl. harris faulkner is next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert.
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wave after wave of biden border disaster. from the campaign he doesn't talk about shutting down the border. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." biden's campaign manager recently told the "washington post" the president doesn't talk about shutting down the border and is not advocating for shutting down the border, that's a quote. there is a problem with that, though, the president has already said this about the democrat-led senate border bill. his quote here. it would give me, meaning that bill, as president, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. and if given that authority, i would use it the day i sign the bill into law. then he said it again. >> president biden: if that bill were the law today i would shut down the border now and fix it quickly. this bill would save lives and bring order to the border.
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also give me and any new president new emergency authority to temporary shut down the border when the number of migrants at the border is overwhelming. >> harris: did you hear what he just said? shutting down the border would save lives meaning it is killing us now and he knows it. no wonder voters in polling say they trust president trump overwhelmingly over biden. look at your screen. biden is all over the place. not sure he knows what he is doing and if he did know, could he even fix it all at this point? the staggering numbers could be behind what you just saw expressed in those feelings. trump over biden by a mile. nearly 7 1/2 million illegals coming across the border under president biden. that's more than three times the number under former president trump. it makes history, period. jason chaffetz in "focus" coming up. first fox news correspondent matt finn live at the border in el paso with the texas military.
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you have for us now an exclusive look at what they are doing, matt. >> good morning, harris. just for reference we're only a few steps away from the border wall here in el paso. what is happening right now is we have access to this area with the texas military department as they are installing this additional barrier here in front of our wall. so if a migrant were to even try to approach the wall now they would first have to get through all this wire and all this anti-climb barrier fencing. over the past couple of days we've seen this barrier working. we have seen migrants who traditionally may have crossed the rio grande river and approach the wall have to walk along the wire, to direct migrants towards the legal points of entry. new aerial drone video shows just the scope of governor abbott's barrier wall here. texas military tells us it has installed more than 122 miles of
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wire all across the state under operation lone star. here in el paso this sector averages 1,000 migrants per day and the majority are coming from venezuela and mexico. texas governor greg abbott tells us there is also on any given day hundreds of known gotaways in this sector. those are the migrants who intentionally do not surrender. >> you talked about the gotaways. well, the terrorists will pay extra not to be caught. what that means is the number that we've caught, which is extraordinary, there are far more than that who have gotten across the border. >> harris: all right, matt, thank you very much. i think we lost his signal there trying to reconnect. we got a gist and heard from the governor and we know what's going on. a new column with the headline
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disorder on the border remains a problem for biden's democrats. and an editorial board piece. biden thinks he has the border crisis solved. he is all over the road. it argues media coverage of the crisis has waned. illegal crossings fell in january as always. biden has reportedly abandoned all plans to restore order. he is no longer feeling political pressure to improve border security. democratic officials across the nation burdened with the border crisis he created don't have that luxury. jason chaffetz. former republican congressman of utah and former chair of the house oversight committee. it is not breaking news the liberal media are backing off this a bit. they leaned in and went down to the border and did all the things. texas did something smart and adding additional razor wire now. they leaned in against the
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cartels and made things better. the federal government didn't do that and so now i guess the liberal media figure we can sit down and be quiet. the president has other problems like the polling, jason. >> well, the border problem is all of our problem, not just texas's problem. thank good texas. in arizona you have a democratic governor and gavin newsom in california. people are pouring across by the millions. and how many days in a row do we have to wake up and hear these horror stories about crime and all these other problems that are happening across the country? this is done on purpose. biden told us for three years that the border was safe and secure. it obviously wasn't. next week the articles of impeachment will show up on mayorkas and they will try to dismiss this as quickly as possible. but biden is not doing his fundamental job to protect the united states of america. >> harris: the biden campaign appears to be offended, jason, by former president trump
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calling the illegal immigrant accused of killing laken riley an animal. well, okay. critics ripping them for selective editing. you know why? because it didn't happen the way the dems say it did. a clip that team biden posted from trump's speech in michigan this week. now watch. >> democrats say please don't call them animals. they are humans. i said no, they're not humans, they're animals. >> harris: you got that, right? here is what he actually said. trump's words actually said this. watch. >> the 22-year-old nursing student in georgia who was barbaricly murdered by an illegal alien animal, democrats say please don't call them animals they're humans. i said no, they're not humans, they're animals. >> harris: first of all, how did they edit those words together to have what they did. i started in editing as a journalist.
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i'm good at it. what are they using, a.i.? congressman byron donalds calling it fake news alert. note, they have nothing to run on so they lie. this wreaks of desperation. podcaster tim young crazy how the biden campaign account can push lies like this all day and never be fact checked. yeah, they can, we're doing it. jason. >> i think america is hopefully waking up to this. in 2022cbs news put out a headline saying there were 385 people that died crossing the border. now how come that story doesn't continue to run? it is not as if those numbers have plumetteed to 0. that is a bloodbath. when will they take responsibility? the number one killer of youth in america by a tune of 100,000 people are dying from fentanyl. where do you think that comes? you have border patrol telling us that nearly 100% of the women trafficked across the border are
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raped. now they can go out and try to put a word spin and say it's not a bloodbath and tone it down and say it's not really bad. but talk to the victims. they shouldn't be that hard to find. they are out there by the hundreds of thousands. when people die from fentanyl and the border and get murdered by people here illegally they say everything is fine. it is so offensive. >> harris: they have a liberal media that shore that up. you don't see the facts and it looks like everything is fine. pompeo called out his biden's phone call with xi yesterday. the bring up the enormous amount of chinese nationals at our southern border. >> you talked about the illegal im granulitis. didn't make a single statement about them coming across our southern border. no chance that this is accidental that these folks are seeking asylum.
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chinese communist party has enormous control who gets to leave their country. there is something afoot we have more coming across the border in the last two years than the previous decade combined. >> harris: people from china are increasingly getting caught trying to sneak into guam. illegal border crossers trying to sneak in. a u.s. territory that is home to military bases where 20,000 u.s. troops are stationed, guam. they have reportedly been 118 unlawful or attempted entries by chinese citizens since 2022. here is senator joni ernst to the daily mail. >> we're so concerned about what china is doing and how they continue to exploit the united states of america. they have found a loophole where they do not need visas. we feel by having that access, they can really take a hard look
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at what we are doing militarily in guam and then use that against us. so we are really pressing the department of state to look into this and try to close those loopholes. >> harris: it is mind-boggling how the biden border crisis is mush rooming. >> chinese nationals are coming to the united states and we have had more than 100 incidents where those military-age males are trying to get on u.s. military basis. one happened last night trying to go to a marine base. yeah, tell me that's just an accident. thanks, biden, we appreciate it. >> harris: jason, wow. i got to tell you, the fox news cameras now have captured the rearrest of a new york city squatter crew. i can't wait to get your reaction to this. we have now confirmed as i was asking all day long yesterday, how do we not know how they came
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into the country? we know. they came in illegally. seven of the eight are now in custody. three in ice custody for removal operations. all eight were arrested suspected of taking over the private residence where they were squatting. here are pictures of the drugs and guns police found inside and all the damage as well. a judge let six of them go without bail. said well, we don't know how they got into the country if they're legal or illegal. that includes heckor on the right of your screen. he was arrested last summer for attempted murder and they let him go. abreu on the left is still on the run. we have this. >> it's upsetting. it puts our cops in a dangerous situation. they are dealing with people they shouldn't be dealing with in the first place.
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>> harris: judge bowen released the six without bail. the same judge who released two thugs beating up nypd cops last year. the white house deflected when asked about liberal cities soft on crime policies. >> if a person poses a danger to a community they should be detained pre-trial. >> more generally then do you guys think some big cities in this country have liberal d.a.'s that are too soft on crime? >> we have been very clear about this. anyone who commits a crime and is found guilty needs to be held accountable. >> harris: that's not exactly what he asked, jason. >> that is not clear. you have sanctuary cities, sanctuary states like new york. if they are caught they are releasing them back on their own recognizance. no ties to the community and the people that put on the badge and
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have to try to pick them off one at a time, crime increases. this is so offensive. they do it on purpose. they could change it. biden put out 94 executive orders. the border was safe and secure under trump. now it's not. they continue to endorse sanctuary cities where they won't cooperate with ice, immigration and customs enforcement so we can get rid of these people. the guy was accused of attempted murder and they released him and now we have to go back and pick him up again? >> harris: he is more dangerous because he fears nothing. who knows what he will do at this point? jason chaffetz in "focus", thank you. special counsel jack smith tearing into the trump-appointed judge in the classified documents case. he has a beef with her and whether it's justified is what we're going to take a look at. a new warning about another trump trial. >> it is weaponization of the system. this could not be whorls for our
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country and i think these judges have got too far with some of these orders. >> harris: the judge the trump's hush money case refused to delay the proceeding and it is fanning the flames of controversy. leo terrell, you know he is to the rescue when stuff is on fire in "focus" next. hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct. want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards
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>> harris: special counsel jack smith just hit back at the judge in donald trump's documents case. he went after her proposed jury instructions as resting on a fundamentally flawed legal premise. the judge said she wants them based on two scenarios of presidential records act. one would highlight personal records, the other presidential records and this may have pushed the special counsel to a
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breaking point. >> jack smith clearly has had it with judge cannon. the other thing that jack smith might do is ask the appeals court to remove john cannon from the case. quite a drastic step and very rarely taken by prosecutors. there is no assurance they win. >> harris: leo terrell, attorney and fox news contributor. this is a little inside baseball inside the courtroom. but it feels like trump isn't the only one fighting. even the judge in this case just fighting to make things fair, i don't know, what's happening here? >> harris, what's amazing is jack smith is having a temper tantrum. these are proposed jury instructions. i'm not bragging. i have been in the courtroom for 30 years and had trials. a judge is asking both sides to propose jury instructions. there is no finality to these instructions.
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but jack smith is upset with going to trial before the election. he wants a federal conviction and why he was brought in on the case. the washington, d.c. case is going nowhere, it's up in the supreme court. what you have here, he is attacking the judge and cnn expert has to follow motion to disqualify, has to be appealed. that is going nowhere. this is nothing more than a temper tantrum and jack smith all his marbles in invested in this case. >> harris: look, having children they are all grown up now and teenagers, when they were little somebody usually had a temper tantrum when something didn't go their way or they lost something behind the couch. so what is he missing? what is jack smith really riled up about? >> harris, he is under tremendous pressure. let's be clear, i apologize. we talk about this all the time. it is politically motivated. brought in on these two cases
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for one purpose, get a conviction against president trump before november 2024. and that's why he is under pressure. and that's why he wants a trial. that's why he wants jury instructions that favors a conviction. that is why the temper tantrum raised by his attorneys in those papers. it is very disrespectful and those arguments are going nowhere. >> harris: disrespectful to the judge is not good. we'll hand him a snack and a nap. judge merchan said trump's attorneys waited too long to raise the issue. congresswoman stefanik said the judge should be taken off the case. he donated to biden's campaign.
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we can't allow an activist judge to strip the american people of our constitutional rights to select their own leaders. constitutional law attorney jonathan turley said this. >> the optics are horrendous. this is a very weak case. in my view it is weaponization of the system and you have the gag orders flying right before an election that could turn on the weaponization of the criminal justice system. this could not be worse for our country. i think these judges have got too far with some of these orders. >> harris: boil this one down for us. >> professor turley says is correct. you have an obsession, again, this time a state version, of getting a state felony conviction against trump and you have a judge who has donated money to the biden campaign. his daughter is a political operative. harris, i would submit to you the following facts. trump request for delay in the
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trial, what's the rush? november 2024. there is a supreme court case where evidence might be excluded in this hush money trial. the judge is saying no, i want to proceed on this case. and then the gag order, harris, you can't use normal criminal law proceedings. president trump is being prosecuted because he is running for office and first amendment political speech is the highest form of first amendment speech. yet he is being gagged by a public filing tour witnesses like stormy daniels and michael cohen. they can talk all day and no restriction. this case is a political trial designed to hurt trump's chances in november. >> harris: i haven't asked this in several days. a question that you just can't ignore. when do we get too close to the end of the primary season and the beginning of really full out going toward november for these cases to be put on hold? >> from the democratic perspective never. they will have a trial on election day if they could.
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from a legal standpoint, you can't look at this case purely legal. these cases should be halted no later than june 1st. june 1st, stop these cases and allow the election process to take place and let the voters decide. not a judge representing the democrat party. >> harris: when you started with the politics it made my heart skip. that's particularly sad. it has to be up to the voters. leo terrell, very well put. great to have you. tensions and political fallout on overdrive now. president biden is set to speak with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu within hours of now. the president is getting it from all political sides over his handling of the hamas/israel war and now a high-profile democrat says biden looks weak. hum. plus first lady jill biden trying to defend her husband's poor polling numbers. critics say it's not working. >> joe biden is -- she is the
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master puppeteer. gets mad when interviews go too long or reporters guest to ask questions. if that happens and the american people see him for who he is she doesn't get to live another year in the white house. >> harris: it is hard to deny the numbers. we do know polls don't always tell the entire story. so we'll fill in the blanks and gaps for you next. ♪ tired muscles and joints were keeping me from my family. now i can be myself again. blue-emu supports healthy muscles and joints. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. over the last three years, covid and rising inflation have caused many people to abandon their pets. most pets often land in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days, or they're left homeless wandering the streets. well, we're better than that, my friends.
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>> harris: today president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu set to talk for the first time since an idf strike killed seven aid workers in gaza. the conversation is expected to be tense as you might imagine. biden is reportedly outraged
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over the incident. feeling not cutting it for some democrats. a speech writer for obama posted this. the president doesn't get credit for privately enraged when he refuses to use leverage. these stories only make him look weak. other critics called out biden's hypocrisy after his response to a deadly u.s. drone strike in 2021. joey jones with us yesterday. watch. >> somebody in the idf made such a terrible mistake they need to be held accountable. if so israel should do that. president biden isn't someone to tell them they should do it. august 29, 2021, he killed seven children and three civilians because his ineptitude aloud for 13 americans to die at the kabul airport and to rush to retaliation to win the headlines he killed ten innocent
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civilians. that is what the biden's administration's track record is on this. >> harris: progressive outrage against the president's failure to call for a cease-fire is ramping up. bernie sanders and the president spoke together yesterday. >> harris, behind the scenes stories that are leaking out like the ones you just referenced aren't all about president biden being privately enraged. in fact, apparently when he had a private meeting with an aid worker who got back from volunteering and the aid worker walked out on the president there were no hard feelings. >> the president respects american -- any american's right to peacefully protest. he understands that this is a painful moment for many
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americans across the country. >> the president did publicly say he was outraged about world central kitchen workers being killed in gaza even though now we know the same day the president approved more bombs to israel to aid their fight against hamas. now there is new pressure on president biden to threaten netanyahu that the u.s. will turn off military aid if israel moves on rafah where more than a million displaced palestinians are hiding out. >> if benjamin netanyahu were to order the idf into rafah at scale, they were to drop thousand pound bombs and send in a battalion to go after hamas and make no provision for civilians or for humanitarian aid that i would vote to condition aid to israel. i've never said that before. >> we believe president biden and prime minister netanyahu will soon wrap up their phone call. soon we can compare read-out's
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how the american and israeli sid think things went. >> harris: power panel now. former speaker of the house of representatives in here in town in person. david carlucci, new york state senator is here as well. your top line thoughts about what is playing out. >> the president is playing politics with a very important issue. we know his heart is not in support of israel. he is much like his predecessor barack obama and frankly i think they could be considered enemies of israel at this point. they have abandoned the longstanding support and friendship we've had with israel. the most -- he is playing politics during a presidential year pretending there is support for israel. the reason netanyahu canceled the first meeting the support of democrats have abandoned him.
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it is bad for the american people. >> i would disagree. of course anyone would be outraged about what happened to those humanitarian workers trying to deliver aid. but what we see is biden trying to have peace, trying to move towards a resolution. there is no easy answers here, no silver bullet that will solve this. you look at donald trump. he is saying just end the war, end it soon. looks like donald trump is more of a publicity stunt than foreign policy. no one can tell you what he will do. >> what we would like to do is do what he did as president of the united states where we didn't have an issue of hamas raining terror on israel. the world was a safer place when itself rail is strong. the outrage should be because a
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terrorist group attacked israeli citizens in october and that needs to be addressed and need to bring american citizens home. that's the out rage. americans still being held hostage is an outrage and where the hearts of american people should be. >> harris: on this program we had the parents of one of those americans being held grew up in long island, new york, getting ready to go to college and went to take his part in the idf and got pulled out of a tank by hamas and held ever since. with regard to the hostages, though i will say this. why didn't the united states vote no on that u.n. resolution against that resolution? why didn't they say no rather than abstain? it didn't mention the hostages, it only called for a cease-fire. why not? we're not allowed to be neutral. maybe we're an enemy in that point. >> absolutely not. look, the united states is a strong ally of israel. no question about that. joe biden is trying to move forward with actually walking
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the walk. not just talking. and sending aid, sending supplies and missiles to israel to defend itself is crystal clear. then you see just the nitpicking and lobbying stones over from donald trump with no clear policy. >> harris: what he has said. maybe we heard it differently. he said he wants the war not to go on forever but also wants them to be able to do what they need to do with hamas. remember who he took out. soleimani, remember who obama took out. osama bin laden. he gets what you need to do against the enemy. that's what he is talking about. >> donald trump is peace through strength. that's what we need from american leadership and we don't have right now. >> harris: first lady jill biden defending the president after more troubling polling. it shows former president trump leading in six of seven key battleground states. biden and trump are tied in the seventh state of wisconsin.
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here is the the first lady's take. >> he is not losing in all the battleground states. he is coming up and he is even or doing better. so you know what? once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it is obvious that joe will win this election. >> not a party that's a little worried? >> no, i feel that joe will be reelected. >> harris: gale king was trying to throw a lifeline there. how are you missing the numbers? a new opinion piece with the headline joe biden can't get out of the hole he has already dug for himself. david, start with you. >> we've seen poll after poll that shows it is a razor-thin race. we saw a poll in pennsylvania showing biden actually winning by double digits that came out the other day. the bottom line here is we can't read too much into the polls. should we be concerned absolutely. is it jill biden's job to be concerned and worried?
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no. strategists and political team. this is a snapchat. the biggest take away is how engaged people are. 40% of the electorate right now is still not engaged. i think that's why we see a lot of people not excited and as we see the difference between donald trump and joe biden, as trump continues to make these gaffes and talk about nonsense we'll see people coming over to joe biden. >> bill: if you will defend joe biden you can't talk about gaffes. what the first lady is doing is telling a lie. joe biden is behind in every single key state except for one where they are tied. many of these donald trump is ahead outside of the margin of error. the reason is this election is about security, personal security, financial security, national security and most of all it's about border security. none of which biden can speak on. unfortunate the first lady is
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holding the president shuffling him around from event to event. a sad state of affairs where we are. 70% of americans say joe biden is not mentally capable of leading the country. it puts every american at risk, not just republicans. every american at risk with joe biden in the white house. >> the issue with florida, right? we just saw there will be a referendum on the ballot. >> harris: don't take up any of what he said about your candidate? i think you would get a call from the biden campaign soon saying throw him a lifeline. david, always good to see you, t.w., you as well. handshake at the end. that's how americans do it. >> absolutely. >> harris: we debate and we're together. wealthy americans are getting ready for the worst in high style. why the demand for big-dollar doomsday shelters is looming. plus a major jewish advocacy
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group sends a symbolic but dramatic message to the white house. >> these boxes are real. three not a stunt, they are not fake. they are filled with hundreds of thousands of members of the american jewish community have spoken on their own behalf. >> harris: you know we focus on the hostages on this program. 180,000 letters symbolizing 180 days of captivity for hostages, americans among them, held by hamas. the message bringing them home to the president now. a rabbi is heading up that effort and he is in "focus" next.
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>> harris: some of the wealthiest americans shelling out serious cabbage for doomsday bunkers. the price tag for the most expensive $1 hundred million. griff jenkins is on the story, one of the coolest guys i know. there he is. >> harris, we've thought about it. all of us. where will you go if doomsday hit? chances are you won't go to a
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1960s fallout shelters in the cold war we are worried about over yet nukes. now we're worried about world war iii, natural disasters, political and civil unrest and a power grid collapse. bottom line people are willing to spend big to bunker up. >> the wealthy people in the u.s. don't want to suffer if they go in a bomb shelter. they want an extension of your lifestyle in the their bunker. >> this ceo saw a spike in demand when ukraine and israel broke out in war and for $20,000 you can get the basic bomb shelter, a simple one. it does the job. dig deeper in your pocket get the $1 hundred thousand big boy bunker. take a look and if you spend $4 hundred thousand, the client for this one is anonymous but another one of his clients who was happy with the big boy had this to say.
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>> a lot of people waste money on things that don't matter. for a little bit of piece of mind, it's worth it 100% just to know that hey, just in case, we have it. >> he says it is worth it for him. we also heard about some really wealthy people having driving ranges in their bunkers and the like. mark zuckerberg reportedly believed to be building a bunker and bill gates has something, too. so you have to think what are you going to do? me personally i'm a surfer. if i win the powerball i will put a wave in my bunker. >> harris: i need a she shed underground. i need pretty things. good to see you. thank you for that. the entire time he was talking it sounded like an emergency with sirens in the background. if you didn't see this video it would move you. a major jewish advocacy group
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delivered 180,000 letters to the white house marking 180 days of the israel/hamas war and the hostages that those savages in hamas have. the progressive demand for a cease-fire is growing and the president is feeling the political heat from the far left. the orthodox union represents more than 1,000 synagogues in america, 180 for 180 campaign calls for the release of the hostages in gaza. rabbis are urging the administration to fully support israel until hamas is eliminated. watch this. >> we watch tens of thousands of members of our communities, hundreds of thousands, young and old, teenagers, university students on campuses all across this country, mature adults who have not become fatigued. 180 days has not made them slow
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down. >> we say enough is enough with 179 days ago. one day was too much. >> we need the president and his administration to do more and that's why more than 180,000 people wrote these letters. >> harris: our friend of the show is back with me now. the executive vice president of the orthodox union. we always keep the hostages in our prayers and thoughts this hour. things are getting complicated politically. what was the reception for you in washington, d.c.? >> the reception was what we hoped for. what does that mean? it means there have been a lot of very loud voices around this conflict and those loud voices have been the voices interrupting the president at every campaign stop and gatheringing. outside the home of the secretary of state. loud voices anti-israel. loud voices have been members and friends of the jewish
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community who have been busy being critical of israel and its response and questioning and well intentioned but undermining support for israel. so when the administration heard nobody speaking on behalf of the american jewish community spinning on its own behalf 180,000 letters in less than six days, one of which was the sabbath, in less than seven days. the message was to be clear, to be morally clear. we need the administration to be loud and proud about israel and the ethics with which it is approaching the conflict and the hostages. the absurd tee and the cruelty. if you would estimate how much
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of the discussion about humanitarian issues of today is dedicated to how many truck loads are at the border and have gotten through, this part, that part, that's filled with ambiguity. it is an issue. we're concerned. the hostages unambiguous and we're negotiating with terrorists. we're negotiating letting go of a 2-year-old, 14-month-old for a convicted murderer who will come out and heaven forbid kill another 100. >> harris: you know what has happened with those food aid workers and how that has -- and prime minister netanyahu and president biden haven't wrapped up their call. that's an issue for them. what do you say about that? you can't just ignore that. it is part of war and it has been part of wars when america has fought. >> there are two terms which the president used. heartbroken and outraged.
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we are heartbroken. we are heartbroken and israel is heartbroken and israel did what heartbroken people do when a tragedy like that happens. they apologized and initiated an investigation. what will happen, there will be consequences. what we're outraged about is not that a mistake happened on a battlefield. what we're outraged about is that israel, that considers this a failure, is being held up as if they are some kind of terrible party when hamas is clapping and giving out candy and saying fantastic, israel killed aid workers. >> harris: it is a horrible thing. we keep the hostages foremost and hope to bring them home. >> we appreciate you do that. >> harris: rabbi, thank you very much. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus" always. "outnumbered" after the commercial break.
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